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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Step Content » avec la valeur « Check out our candlestick in the "Blog of the Month" of Nest magazine! You will also discover many inspirations and seasonal stories around deco themes, house, flavors, nature and ideas! ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 102 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

  • How to Track the ISS Location with Node-RED  + (Node-RED is a visual programming tool that allows you to create flows of data and logic using nodes. In this article, we will use Node-RED to track the location of the International Space Station (ISS) and display it on a world map.)
  • Projet jeu circuit  + (Faites parler votre imagination ainsi que votre créativité pour une décoration à vos goûts.)
  • Un mur de plantes aromatiques  + (On commence par dessiner au crayon sur la On commence par dessiner au crayon sur la planche en bois l’emplacement des pots en verre. Puis on dessine les triangles en les répartissant autour des pots, comme sur le modèle réalisé sur photoshop. Avec un tournevis, on fait une marque à l’endroit où les pots seront fixés. Ensuite, on fait le tour des triangles avec du scotch de masquage et on recouvre également l’intérieur avec du papier. Bien appuyé pour coller le scotch et éviter les coulures.r coller le scotch et éviter les coulures.)
  • Un mur de plantes aromatiques  + (On commence par dessiner au crayon sur la On commence par dessiner au crayon sur la planche en bois l’emplacement des pots en verre. Puis on dessine les triangles en les répartissant autour des pots, comme sur le modèle réalisé sur photoshop. Avec un tournevis, on fait une marque à l’endroit où les pots seront fixés. Ensuite, on fait le tour des triangles avec du scotch de masquage et on recouvre également l’intérieur avec du papier. Bien appuyé pour coller le scotch et éviter les coulures.r coller le scotch et éviter les coulures.)
  • One Shot Keto reviews for Canada  + (One Shot Keto, like any other exogenous keOne Shot Keto, like any other exogenous ketones, has the same function: to boost ketone level in your blood and help the users to reach the stage called ketosis. Ketones are the derivatives of fat that are used by your body as a fuel. This is the most important aspect where most of the people seem to be confused. Let me clarify for you as simply as possible. First, I want to clarify the myths regarding the use of exogenous ketones. '''Does One Shot Keto Perfect Work?''' This is the most important aspect where most of the people seem to be confused. Let me clarify for you as simply as possible. First, I want to clarify the myths regarding the use of exogenous ketones. '''If keto diet is necessary, what is the use of One Shot Keto?''' If you can remain strongly committed to Keto diet no matter how hard it may be, restrain yourself from over-eating no matter how hungry you may feel and wait as long as it may take to lose your weight then you don’t need One Shot Keto or any other supplements. So, the bottom line is, One Shot Keto helps you a lot in your transition from your normal diet to Keto diet and to remain in the Keto diet. '''One Shot Keto Real-Life Usage Experience''' After seeing most of the people claim to have a positive experience with One Shot Keto, I decided to give it a try. Instead of trying at a single time, I took One Shot Keto at different times of the day. '''i. Morning''' I took One Shot Keto in the morning to check whether it curbs my appetite and it did, to some extent. It allowed me to go some extra hours without eating. '''ii. Afternoon''' It is very common to feel dull, lazy, and exhausted during the day, especially at the beginning of keto diet or when we are fasting along with keto diet. Although it wasn’t as quick as I expected, taking One Shot Keto in this situation actually energized me and definitely made me feel a lot better. It took around 10-15 minutes to actually see the results and only lasted a few hours but it felt like taking a painkiller. '''iii. Before Workout''' I could do some light to moderate workout after taking One Shot Keto. I got tired and needed more rest than the time I was on a normal diet but being able to workout on Keto diet is a huge plus point. Doing heavy exercise is a bad idea during keto diet as it may lead one shot keto, so, we avoided it. '''One Shot Keto Pricing''' If you are worry about the one shot Keto price, so just I will reveal here, it is available at afffordable price in canada. I will recommend about purcharse Keto One Shot from Official website.harse Keto One Shot from Official website.)
  • 3D copa menstrual  + (Patente de la copa menstrual 1867 No necesito copiar lo que encuentro en Wikipedia.
  • People pedal powered computer charger  + (People pedal power is a form of renewable People pedal power is a form of renewable energy. One human can produce around 75W electric power sustained for about 15min, or 50W during a longer period. This is enough power to be able to charge an average laptop. This energy can be harvested on a PPP device. To find out more about People Pedal Power, visit our site
  • Showerloop - Guide 5: UV Assembly  + (Place the lock nut inside the UV cap. Use teflon tape or hemp fibre with some mineral oil and place it inside the UV cap.)
  • Showerloop - Guide 5: UV Assembly  + (Place the lock nut inside the UV cap. Use teflon tape or hemp fibre with some mineral oil and place it inside the UV cap.)
  • Installer un lavabo  + (Placez les pièces de la bonde pour les assembler sur le lavabo.)
  • Installer un lavabo  + (Placez les pièces de la bonde pour les assembler sur le lavabo.)
  • How to Merge Audio and Video into One  + (Please download, install, and open the [htPlease download, install, and open the [ video joiner] on your computer. Find "Open File" button at bottom left of its main interface to browse and upload the video to be merged with an audio. Also, you can directly drag and drop.dio. Also, you can directly drag and drop.)
  • FluidSIM-H - 01  + (Por defecto tiene dos entradas al tanque aPor defecto tiene dos entradas al tanque así que habrá que cerrar una vía. Pulsar doble click en la vía del lateral y marcar la check box dónde pone "shut up", así se taponará, Además es recomendable filtrar el aceite de retorno al tanque. Si no lo lleva incorporado se añadirá. Para cambiar la posición del filtro lo rotaremos 90° pulsando el botón derecho y activando el menú de rotate.tón derecho y activando el menú de rotate.)
  • Installer des meubles de cuisine  + (Posez au sol, sur le carton, les panneaux Posez au sol, sur le carton, les panneaux de côté du meuble, trous prépercés vers le haut. Les deux panneaux doivent être posés côte à côte en vis-à-vis afin d'effectuer un travail symétrique. Commencez par introduire les vis de fixation dans les trous prévus à cet effet. Vissez-les au tournevis cruciforme sans forcer.z-les au tournevis cruciforme sans forcer.)
  • Cadre en gravure plexi façon pochoir  + (Pour cet exemple nous allons utilise ce bon vieux Chuck.)
  • Cadre en gravure plexi façon pochoir  + (Pour cet exemple nous allons utilise ce bon vieux Chuck.)
  • Puzzle en bois  + (Pour assembler vos images, vous allez commPour assembler vos images, vous allez commencer par installer [ Inkscape] : il s’agit d’un logiciel libre avec lequel nous allons créer le dessin et créer le puzzle. Je n’expliquerai pas son fonctionnement en détails ici. De nombreux tutoriels existent [ à cette adresse par exemple] pour maîtriser la bête. Voici les étapes succinctes qui m’ont permises de créer ces chefs d’oeuvre ;-) : # Dans Inkscape, créez une zone de travail de la taille de votre puzzle. # Importez chacune de vos images (Fichier > Importer) # Vectorisez chaque image en noir et banc (Les paramètres que j’ai choisi : Passe simple en cochant les cases “adoucir”, “Empiler les passes”, “Retirer l’arrière-plan”). # Redimensionnez les images vectorisées si nécessaire et ordonnez les images dans les différents plans (premier plan, plans intermédiaires, dernier plan)
    Si vous voulez limiter la difficulté de résolution du puzzle, notamment s’il se destine à un enfant, évitez les zone vides dans votre motif. Ajouter un arrière-plan légèrement gravé  permet de pallier ce soucis.
    À noter aussi que beaucoup de dessins sur Internet sont positifs, c’est à dire que leurs contours sont noirs et leurs fonds blanc. Tels quels, vous pourriez être décu(e) de n’avoir que peu de zones gravées sur vos puzzles. Pour contrer ce pépin, vous pouvez inverser les couleurs lors de la vectorisation.
    , vous pourriez être décu(e) de n’avoir que peu de zones gravées sur vos puzzles. Pour contrer ce pépin, vous pouvez inverser les couleurs lors de la vectorisation.</div> </div>)
  • Puzzle en bois  + (Pour assembler vos images, vous allez commPour assembler vos images, vous allez commencer par installer [ Inkscape] : il s’agit d’un logiciel libre avec lequel nous allons créer le dessin et créer le puzzle. Je n’expliquerai pas son fonctionnement en détails ici. De nombreux tutoriels existent [ à cette adresse par exemple] pour maîtriser la bête. Voici les étapes succinctes qui m’ont permises de créer ces chefs d’oeuvre ;-) : # Dans Inkscape, créez une zone de travail de la taille de votre puzzle. # Importez chacune de vos images (Fichier > Importer) # Vectorisez chaque image en noir et banc (Les paramètres que j’ai choisi : Passe simple en cochant les cases “adoucir”, “Empiler les passes”, “Retirer l’arrière-plan”). # Redimensionnez les images vectorisées si nécessaire et ordonnez les images dans les différents plans (premier plan, plans intermédiaires, dernier plan)
    Si vous voulez limiter la difficulté de résolution du puzzle, notamment s’il se destine à un enfant, évitez les zone vides dans votre motif. Ajouter un arrière-plan légèrement gravé  permet de pallier ce soucis.
    À noter aussi que beaucoup de dessins sur Internet sont positifs, c’est à dire que leurs contours sont noirs et leurs fonds blanc. Tels quels, vous pourriez être décu(e) de n’avoir que peu de zones gravées sur vos puzzles. Pour contrer ce pépin, vous pouvez inverser les couleurs lors de la vectorisation.
    , vous pourriez être décu(e) de n’avoir que peu de zones gravées sur vos puzzles. Pour contrer ce pépin, vous pouvez inverser les couleurs lors de la vectorisation.</div> </div>)
  • Basic Multi-Modular Frames for Cargo Bikes - Stackable watertight laser cut boxes by Velo M2  + (Prepare and set the parameters of the Laser Cutter to cut through 10mm plywood. Check you parameters and make a few test to find the good settings. This is dependent on the type of machine.)
  • Dessine et fabrique une mosaïque en Pixel Art  + (Présentation succinte de l’atelier. Nous allons créer un dessin sur l’ordinateur et le réaliser ensuite en mosaïque. Chercher sur Internet le logiciel de Pixel Art, par exemple PixilArt.)
  • Bihaku  + (Quá trình chuyển đổi giữa nước và đất là mQuá trình chuyển đổi giữa nước và đất là một trong những quá trình chuyển đổi chính quan trọng nhất và đầy cảm hứng trong quá trình tiến hóa của động vật có xương sống. Và câu hỏi làm thế nào và khi nào các loài động vật 4 chân chuyển từ nước lên đất từ lâu đã trở thành một nguồn gây thắc mắc và tranh luận khoa học. Những ý tưởng ban đầu cho rằng những vũng nước khô cạn đã mắc cạn cá trên cạn và không có nước tạo ra áp lực chọn lọc để tiến hóa các phần phụ giống như chân tay hơn để đi trở lại mặt nước. Vào những năm 1990, các mẫu vật mới được phát hiện cho thấy rằng các loài động vật bốn chân đầu tiên vẫn giữ được nhiều đặc điểm dưới nước, như mang và vây đuôi, và các chi có thể đã tiến hóa trong nước trước khi các loài động vật bốn chân thích nghi với cuộc sống trên cạn. Tuy nhiên, vẫn còn chưa chắc chắn về thời điểm diễn ra quá trình chuyển đổi từ nước sang đất liền và các loài động vật bốn chân trên cạn thực sự như thế nào. Một bài báo được xuất bản vào ngày hôm nay (25 tháng 11 năm 2020) trên tạp chí Nature đã giải quyết những câu hỏi này bằng cách sử dụng dữ liệu hóa thạch có độ phân giải cao và cho thấy rằng mặc dù những loài động vật bốn chân ban đầu này vẫn gắn liền với nước và có các đặc điểm dưới nước, chúng cũng có những sự thích nghi cho thấy một số khả năng di chuyển trên cạn . Mặc dù, chúng có thể hoạt động không tốt lắm, ít nhất là theo tiêu chuẩn ngày nay. Tác giả chính Blake Dickson, Tiến sĩ năm 20 tại Khoa Sinh học Tiến hóa và Sinh vật tại Đại học Harvard, và tác giả cấp cao Stephanie Pierce, Thomas D. Cabot Phó Giáo sư tại Khoa Sinh học Tiến hóa và Sinh vật học và là người phụ trách cổ sinh vật có xương sống tại Bảo tàng So sánh Động vật học tại Đại học Harvard, đã kiểm tra 40 mô hình ba chiều của hóa thạch humeri (xương cánh tay trên) từ các loài động vật đã tuyệt chủng làm cầu nối cho quá trình chuyển đổi giữa nước và đất. Dickson cho biết: “Bởi vì hồ sơ hóa thạch về quá trình chuyển tiếp lên đất liền của các loài bốn chân, chúng tôi đã tìm đến một nguồn hóa thạch có thể thể hiện tốt hơn toàn bộ quá trình chuyển đổi từ một loài cá sống hoàn toàn sang một loài cá bốn chân hoàn toàn trên cạn”. Hai phần ba số hóa thạch đến từ các bộ sưu tập lịch sử được đặt tại Bảo tàng Động vật học So sánh của Harvard, có nguồn gốc từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. Để lấp đầy những khoảng trống còn thiếu, Pierce đã tìm đến các đồng nghiệp với các mẫu vật quan trọng từ Canada, Scotland và Úc. Điều quan trọng đối với nghiên cứu là các hóa thạch mới được đồng tác giả, Tiến sĩ Tim Smithson và Giáo sư Jennifer Clack, Đại học Cambridge, Vương quốc Anh, phát hiện gần đây như một phần của dự án TW: eed, một sáng kiến được thiết kế để tìm hiểu sự tiến hóa ban đầu của việc di chuyển trên đất liền bốn chân. Các nhà nghiên cứu đã chọn xương humerus vì nó không chỉ có nhiều và được bảo quản tốt trong hồ sơ hóa thạch mà nó còn có mặt ở tất cả các loài động vật có xương sống - một nhóm động vật bao gồm cá coelacanth, cá phổi và tất cả các loài tứ chi, bao gồm tất cả các đại diện hóa thạch của chúng . Pierce cho biết: “Chúng tôi kỳ vọng loài cá này sẽ mang một tín hiệu chức năng mạnh mẽ khi các loài động vật chuyển từ một loài cá đầy đủ chức năng sang một loài cá bốn chân trên cạn và chúng tôi có thể sử dụng điều đó để dự đoán thời điểm các loài động vật bốn chân bắt đầu di chuyển trên cạn. “Chúng tôi phát hiện ra rằng khả năng sống trên cạn trùng khớp với nguồn gốc của các chi, điều này thực sự thú vị”. Xương đùi gắn chân trước vào cơ thể, chứa nhiều cơ bắp và phải chống lại nhiều căng thẳng khi vận động dựa vào chân tay. Do đó, nó chứa rất nhiều thông tin chức năng quan trọng liên quan đến chuyển động và sinh thái của động vật. Các nhà nghiên cứu đã gợi ý rằng những thay đổi về mặt tiến hóa trong hình dạng của xương humerus, từ ngắn và ngồi xổm ở cá thành dài hơn và đặc trưng ở các loài động vật bốn chân, có ý nghĩa chức năng quan trọng liên quan đến việc chuyển đổi sang vận động trên cạn. Ý tưởng này hiếm khi được nghiên cứu dưới góc độ định lượng - nghĩa là cho đến nay. Khi còn là sinh viên năm thứ hai, Dickson bắt đầu say mê áp dụng lý thuyết về mô hình tính trạng số lượng để tìm hiểu sự tiến hóa chức năng, một kỹ thuật đi tiên phong trong một nghiên cứu năm 2016 do một nhóm các nhà cổ sinh vật học và đồng tác giả Pierce dẫn đầu. Trung tâm của mô hình hóa đặc điểm số lượng là khái niệm năm 1944 của nhà cổ sinh vật học George Gaylord Simpson về cảnh quan thích nghi, một bề mặt ba chiều gồ ghề với các đỉnh và thung lũng, giống như một dãy núi. Trong bối cảnh này, việc tăng chiều cao thể hiện hiệu suất chức năng tốt hơn và khả năng thích nghi tốt hơn, và theo thời gian, sự chọn lọc tự nhiên sẽ thúc đẩy quần thể tăng dần lên đến đỉnh cao thích nghi. Dickson và Pierce nghĩ rằng họ có thể sử dụng cách tiếp cận này để mô hình hóa sự chuyển đổi của cá chân sắt từ nước sang đất. Họ đưa ra giả thuyết rằng khi loài humerus thay đổi hình dạng, cảnh quan thích nghi cũng sẽ thay đổi. Ví dụ, cá sẽ có đỉnh thích nghi ở đó hiệu suất chức năng được tối đa hóa để bơi và động vật bốn chân trên cạn sẽ có đỉnh thích nghi nơi hiệu suất chức năng được tối đa hóa để đi bộ trên cạn. Pierce cho biết: “Sau đó, chúng tôi có thể sử dụng những cảnh quan này để xem liệu hình dạng hình hài của các loài động vật bốn chân trước đó có thích nghi tốt hơn để biểu diễn trong nước hay trên cạn hay không”. Dickson cho biết: “Chúng tôi bắt đầu nghĩ về những đặc điểm chức năng nào sẽ quan trọng để thu thập được từ humerus. "Đó không phải là một nhiệm vụ dễ dàng vì vây cá rất khác với các chi của cá bốn chân." Cuối cùng, họ thu hẹp trọng tâm vào sáu đặc điểm có thể được đo lường một cách đáng tin cậy trên tất cả các hóa thạch, bao gồm các phép đo đơn giản như chiều dài tương đối của xương làm đại diện cho chiều dài sải chân và các phân tích phức tạp hơn mô phỏng ứng suất cơ học trong các tình huống chịu trọng lượng khác nhau để ước tính sức mạnh của humerus. Dickson giải thích: “Nếu bạn có sự thể hiện bằng nhau của tất cả các đặc điểm chức năng, bạn có thể vạch ra hiệu suất thay đổi như thế nào khi bạn đi từ đỉnh thích nghi này sang đỉnh cao khác. Bằng cách sử dụng tính toán tối ưu hóa, nhóm đã có thể tiết lộ sự kết hợp chính xác của các đặc điểm chức năng giúp tối đa hóa hiệu suất cho cá thủy sinh, cá bốn chân trên cạn và cá bốn chân sớm nhất. Kết quả của họ cho thấy các loài tứ bội sớm nhất có sự kết hợp độc đáo của các đặc điểm chức năng, nhưng không phù hợp với đỉnh thích nghi của riêng chúng. Pierce cho biết: “Những gì chúng tôi tìm thấy là humeri của các loài tứ bội sớm nhất tập trung lại ở chân của cảnh quan trên cạn. “Cho thấy hiệu suất ngày càng tăng khi di chuyển trên cạn. Nhưng những con vật này chỉ tiến hóa một số đặc điểm chức năng hạn chế để đi bộ trên cạn hiệu quả. " Các nhà nghiên cứu cho rằng khả năng di chuyển trên cạn có thể đã bị hạn chế do sự chọn lọc trên các đặc điểm khác, như kiếm ăn trong nước, gắn chặt các loài tứ bội sớm với môi trường sống dưới nước của tổ tiên chúng. Một khi các loài tứ chi thoát khỏi sự ràng buộc này, loài humerus có thể tự do phát triển các hình thái và chức năng để tăng cường sự vận động dựa trên chi và cuối cùng là sự xâm chiếm các hệ sinh thái trên cạn Dickson cho biết: “Nghiên cứu của chúng tôi cung cấp cái nhìn sâu sắc về định lượng, có độ phân giải cao về sự tiến hóa của sự di chuyển trên cạn trong quá trình chuyển đổi giữa nước và đất”. “Nó cũng cung cấp một dự đoán về thời gian và cách thức [quá trình chuyển đổi] xảy ra và những chức năng nào là quan trọng trong quá trình chuyển đổi, ít nhất là trong humerus.” Pierce cho biết: “Về phía trước, chúng tôi quan tâm đến việc mở rộng nghiên cứu của mình sang các bộ phận khác của bộ xương động vật 4 chân. “Ví dụ, người ta cho rằng chi trước có khả năng hoạt động trên mặt đất trước khi có chi sau và phương pháp luận mới của chúng tôi có thể được sử dụng để giúp kiểm tra giả thuyết đó.” Dickson gần đây đã bắt đầu với tư cách là Nhà nghiên cứu sau Tiến sĩ trong phòng thí nghiệm Động vật vận động tại Đại học Duke, nhưng vẫn tiếp tục cộng tác với Pierce và các thành viên phòng thí nghiệm của cô trong các nghiên cứu sâu hơn liên quan đến việc sử dụng các phương pháp này trên các bộ phận khác của bộ xương và mẫu hóa thạch. Tham khảo:ạch. Tham khảo: <u></u>)
  • Candlestick in copper and wood  + (Sawing the wood pieces in: * 1 x 10 cm long * 1 x 15 cm long * 1 x 20 cm long * 5 x 5 cm long)
  • Candlestick in copper and wood  + (Sawing the wood pieces in: * 1 x 10 cm long * 1 x 15 cm long * 1 x 20 cm long * 5 x 5 cm long)
  • Candlestick in copper and wood  + (Sawing the wood pieces in: * 1 x 10 cm long * 1 x 15 cm long * 1 x 20 cm long * 5 x 5 cm long)
  • Mighty maker level belt  + (Set up a temporary circuit using a bread bSet up a temporary circuit using a bread board and solderless jumper cables. Set up your circuit as shown in the diagram Things to note: - There is a transistor for each of the Red, Blue and Green inputs of the RGB strip - Each transistor has 3 pins, one for GROUND, one for SIGNAL INPUT and one for SIGNAL OUTPUT - The signal input pin of each transistor is connected to a pin on the Arduino which will be controlled by the Arduino code - this will tell it whether this colour should illuminate or not. - The signal output pin of each transistor is connected to the corresponding connection on the RGB strip. - The Vin pin from the Arduino is connected to the 12V+ connection point on the RGB strip. This means that the power source is coming the computer when it is connected rather than a battery.hen it is connected rather than a battery.)
  • Porte-Manteau en planche de skate/fr  + (- Poncez les champs de la planche pour rendre le champs bien droit (atténuez les zigzags dus à la découpe), - Poncez à 45° pour arrondir les arêtes jusqu’à obtenir un champ bien arrondi.)
  • Portemanteau planche de skate  + (Si vous partez d'une planche non découpé. Si vous partez d'une planche non découpé.
    Personnellement je trouve les planches brut non découpé sur des sites d'annonce entre particulier en tapant les mots clé ''' Planche de Skate Brute''' ou encore sur des sites de ventes d'article de sport.
    -Imprimez le gabarit de découpe de la forme de la planche que vous souhaitez -Ensuite reportez la forme sur le dessous de la planche avec un crayon à papier
    Il est important que le tracé soit sur le dessous de la planche pour une facilité de découpe par la suite.
    Trouvez dans ce lien les gabarits nécessaire pour cette étape.
    </i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">Trouvez dans ce lien les gabarits nécessaire pour cette étape.</div> </div>
  • Portemanteau planche de skate  + (- Poncez les champs de la planche pour rendre le champs bien droit (atténuez les zigzags dus à la découpe), - Poncez à 45° pour arrondir les arêtes jusqu’à obtenir un champ bien arrondi.)
  • Conductive paint + Makey Makey  + (Simply mix the glue with the graphite powdSimply mix the glue with the graphite powder in equal parts. You can add more glue than graphite powder if you believe you don’t have enough powder. When done, add water as needed to reach the desired consistency. Your mixture needs to have roughly the same consistency as real paint. Watch [ this] video for extra help.?v=phEke_LZJlk this] video for extra help.)
  • Conductive paint + Makey Makey  + (To check whether your conductive paint is To check whether your conductive paint is indeed conductive, we can run a test with the aid of a voltmeter. Paint a straight line on a sheet of paper. Then place the two ends of the voltmeter (the red one and the black one) each at one end of the line. Place the cursor of the voltmeter in a position to read the value of resistance and a number should display on your voltmeter.a number should display on your voltmeter.)
  • Word Clock  + (Start assembly by making the stencil. You Start assembly by making the stencil. You can either get a stencil cut by a local sign writer to your own design, or use a pre-cut vinyl stencil from my web site. I have always felt that the clock looks more majestic if there is a border around the letters (I normally use about a 30mm border), but you can use whatever size you would like. Vinyl by itself is floppy, so it needs to be attached to a clear acrylic (Perspex) backing sheet to provide rigidity. Make sure that the acrylic sheet is the size you want the final clock to be.
    Before you start, mix up a couple of drops of dish washing liquid with a cup of water, and load that into a spray bottle. We will use this to make applying the vinyl lots easier.
    The vinyl stencil as supplied will typically be larger than required. This is so as to provide extra material for variations in face sizes. We need to cut the vinyl stencil to the final size of your acrylic sheet, allowing an extra 10mm allowance around the edges.
    o the final size of your acrylic sheet, allowing an extra 10mm allowance around the edges.)
  • Word Clock  + (Lay the acrylic backing on top of the stenLay the acrylic backing on top of the stencil, and mark out a cut line, then using a straight edge and a sharp hobby knife (or scalpel), cut the sheet to size. Next, ensure that your working environment is clean – vacuum your table if necessary – or work inside the house, instead of the garage. Lock up your Golden Retriever dog and your cats. If you get small particles between the vinyl and the Perspex, you will have enormous trouble making the surface look flat. Spend some time 'weeding' the stencil, by removing the letters that you don't want there on the final stencil. The removed letters will provide space for the light to shine through. Once you have removed all of the letters (being careful to leave the centres of letters such as 'A' and 'P' behind), apply some masking tape along each row so that when we remove the backing sheet, the centres of the letters stay in the correct spot on the stencil.s stay in the correct spot on the stencil.)
  • Refreshing Oxalis Kvas  + (Step 3: Boil then some water and pour it into the pot with herbs.)
  • Seeed MR60BHA1 Presence, Breathing, and Heartbeat Sensing  + (The [ [ MR60BHA1] 60GHz mmWave Module is a versatile sensor that utilizes Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave (FMCW) detection to accurately measure breathing rate and heart rate, ensuring a completely private and secure environment, free from external interference. Equipped with a built-in standard algorithm and onboard antenna, the unit delivers simultaneous signal output with exceptional precision. It serves as an ideal solution for developing high-accuracy, self-regulating, privacy-protected, and secure biotic radar systems in consumer electronics, healthcare, and industrial applications. Block Diagram Beyond heart rate and respiration detection, the radar sensor can detect human presence in the operating area, enabling the creation of an automated device and appliance control system that conserves energy during unoccupied periods. Additionally, the system incorporates an IR temperature sensor to measure body temperature, allowing for illness and stress detection. Upon detecting significant vital variations, the buzzer activates as an alert. Simultaneously, all details are displayed on an LCD display and a mobile phone app via the ESP32 Wi-Fi module. The project involved various components, which can be identified in the Below provided image.ich can be identified in the Below provided image.)
  • Fruit piano  + (The activity consists in turning fruits inThe activity consists in turning fruits into a keyboard to play music with. To get started, plug the makey makey (or DIY makey makey with Arduino Leonardo) to your computer and connect all bananas (or other conductive items) to the board via alligator clips.e items) to the board via alligator clips.)
  • Fruit piano  + (The activity consists in turning fruits inThe activity consists in turning fruits into a keyboard to play music with. To get started, plug the makey makey (or DIY makey makey with Arduino Leonardo) to your computer and connect all bananas (or other conductive items) to the board via alligator clips.e items) to the board via alligator clips.)
  • Hands up Ready Go Scratch tutorial  + (First of all, click on the small cat pictuFirst of all, click on the small cat picture called “Sprite”. Pick a ‘starting block’ in the Event section (in brown). The green flag block is the most common. Next, pick one “if then” block for each team (you can find this in the Control -yellow- section). Choose a key for each “if then” block and connect it via the alligator clip to the Makey makey. It’s now time to discover a new type of blocks under the section “Looks”. We will start by using ‘switch backdrop to …’, we need one for the beginning of the code to set the background to the initial position (multicolor one), and one per each “IF THEN” block.or one), and one per each “IF THEN” block.)
  • Hands up Ready Go Scratch tutorial  + (First of all, click on the small cat pictuFirst of all, click on the small cat picture called “Sprite”. Pick a ‘starting block’ in the Event section (in brown). The green flag block is the most common. Next, pick one “if then” block for each team (you can find this in the Control -yellow- section). Choose a key for each “if then” block and connect it via the alligator clip to the Makey makey. It’s now time to discover a new type of blocks under the section “Looks”. We will start by using ‘switch backdrop to …’, we need one for the beginning of the code to set the background to the initial position (multicolor one), and one per each “IF THEN” block.or one), and one per each “IF THEN” block.)
  • DIY Custom NeoPixel Rings From Scratch!  + (The next step in making your printed circuThe next step in making your printed circuit board is making your connections between your LEDs. NeoPixels each have one data-input pad and one data-output pad. First create a long chain starting with the pixel closest to where you plan on placing your interface pins, going from one pixel's data-out pin to the next pixel's data-in pin. After that you'll need to route power and ground. The easiest method I have come up with to do this is to use a combination of circles and semi-circles, four in total, alternating between power and ground as you move outward from the origin. This makes it easy to create a small "jumper" connection as apposed to manually wiring every since LED together, twice. The two pairs of circles/semi-circles can then be tied together whichever way is most convenient. Finally, a copper pour is added. This essentially just causes all extra space to be filled by "ground", which has multiple advantages including being easier to manufacture at home. You will also want to install one roughly .1uf capacitor between power and ground between each set of two LEDs. The manufacture recommends one per LED however its likely one per two will do and they are time consuming to solder. These are not necessary for the functionality of the device, they simply improve the lifespan of the LEDs, so they can be ignored if needed.he LEDs, so they can be ignored if needed.)
  • DIY Custom NeoPixel Rings From Scratch!  + (The next step in making your printed circuThe next step in making your printed circuit board is making your connections between your LEDs. NeoPixels each have one data-input pad and one data-output pad. First create a long chain starting with the pixel closest to where you plan on placing your interface pins, going from one pixel's data-out pin to the next pixel's data-in pin. After that you'll need to route power and ground. The easiest method I have come up with to do this is to use a combination of circles and semi-circles, four in total, alternating between power and ground as you move outward from the origin. This makes it easy to create a small "jumper" connection as apposed to manually wiring every since LED together, twice. The two pairs of circles/semi-circles can then be tied together whichever way is most convenient. Finally, a copper pour is added. This essentially just causes all extra space to be filled by "ground", which has multiple advantages including being easier to manufacture at home. You will also want to install one roughly .1uf capacitor between power and ground between each set of two LEDs. The manufacture recommends one per LED however its likely one per two will do and they are time consuming to solder. These are not necessary for the functionality of the device, they simply improve the lifespan of the LEDs, so they can be ignored if needed.he LEDs, so they can be ignored if needed.)
  • Arduino to ThingSpeak via SIM800 No Wi-Fi  + (The legacy project documents that were oriThe legacy project documents that were originally designed with the SIM800 module may necessitate slight adjustments. This project will prove invaluable to those who continue to rely on 2G and GPRS technology. It offers essential support and guidance for individuals who intend to persist with these communication methods. Sending data from an Arduino microcontroller to the ThingSpeak platform using a GPRS module, specifically the SIM800, is a fundamental concept. The crucial aspect is that this communication method operates independently of Wi-Fi, constituting an IoT connectivity solution that relies on GPRS for data transmission. 1 / 2 In this project, LM35 temperature sensor data is being transmitted to the ThingSpeak platform through an Arduino Nano and a SIM800 module. The SIM800 module is leveraged to establish a GPRS connection, facilitating the transmission of data to ThingSpeak at specified intervals. To ensure a reliable connection between ThingSpeak and the hardware, users must configure the SIM800 module to establish a connection with their mobile network. This configuration encompasses setting the Access Point Name (APN) specific to their mobile carrier. It's important to note that the specific AT commands for this configuration may vary based on the user's chosen mobile network provider. For this project, I utilized the services of the network provider '''Airtel''' to establish the connection. Communication between the hardware components, specifically the SIM800 module, Arduino Nano, and ThingSpeak platform, relies entirely on AT commands. To ensure successful project implementation and effectively troubleshoot any issues that may arise, users must possess a basic understanding of SIM800 AT commands. This knowledge is crucial for configuring, managing, and diagnosing the communication process and resolving potential challenges during the project.g potential challenges during the project.)
  • OpenKnit: digital fabrication tool to create your own clothes  + (You'll need to thread: two 20x20x800 mm bars: 6 mm tool on both sides. two 30x30x800 mm bars: 8 mm tool on both sides. two 30x30x162 mm bars: 8 mm tool on ONE side, plus one 8 mm hole on the top (see image).)
  • Replace LED Lights for Free Via Victoria Government Program  + (The process starts as soon as you make a request for a replacement under VEU program. You can contact replacement provider like Ecofin Solutions to address your enquiry.)
  • Ultimate Guide to Fix Tidal Not Playing Songs  + (The tidal app for music streaming is now aThe tidal app for music streaming is now available on Windows, iOS, and Android devices. You can get its app from its official website or from app stores. Well, some people have complained that they keep meeting issue of Tidal songs not playing and it is said the versions downloaded from '''Microsoft Store''' performs much better. You can take the below instructions as references. 1# Search for '''Microsoft Store''' from your '''Quick Start menu''' to launch the Microsoft Store on your computer. 2# Type in '''Tidal''' in the search bar and find the Tidal app in the appearing results. 3# In the detail page, tap '''Get''' to install the Tidal desktop on your computer.nstall the Tidal desktop on your computer.)
  • FabCat House  + (Follow the steps to assembly the object, it shouldn't take you long. If the thickness of the planks is right, you shouldn't need to use any glue.)
  • FabCat House  + (Follow the steps to assembly the object, it shouldn't take you long. If the thickness of the planks is right, you shouldn't need to use any glue.)
  • E-Textile Monster  + (This is where you need to decide what shapThis is where you need to decide what shape you want your monster to be and what components it will include. You need to make sure there is room for each of your components and the battery pack as well as decide where you want to squeeze the monster for the components to turn on. TIP: do not make your monster too big making your circuit components too spread out! Otherwise you will spend a long time sewing to connect the components together sewing to connect the components together)
  • Node Red with MQTT on Raspberry Pi  + (This project works without much additional hardware. The one and only requirement is you just need a Raspberry Pi.)
  • 8bits & Chocolate - decorative candy dispenser  + (For the modules assembly I suggest that you refer to the PDF files. You'll find the pieces numbering and how to assemle them (with a few additional hints))
  • Design a 3D object in Tinkercad  + (This video takes the educator through the This video takes the educator through the basics of Tinkercad. You will learn about designing simple solids (ex. cubes, tetrahedrons), and combining them together to produce a complex object</u>)
  • Snap circuits activities for 12+  + (To begin with, kids will need to build or To begin with, kids will need to build or assemble a miniature house. They can build one using cardboard, or you can laser cut them in advance, using for example a 3mm thick MDF board. [ Here]’s the design of a miniature house, ready for laser cut. the design of a miniature house, ready for laser cut.)
  • Timelapes with Raspberry Pi Camera  + (To install the camera use the ribbon cable and press the side of the connector and pull up.)
  • CHAMBOUL'TOUT  + ( * Utilisation par Kelle fabrik pour des a * Utilisation par Kelle fabrik pour des animations supplémentaires * Mission locale octobre (promotion du parrainage) * et pourquoi pas Fête de quartier, fête des écoles, caf&co * Récolter des fonds '''Idées de création évoquées :''' * Chamboule-tout empilable spontanément au moyen de cordes par exemple * Utiliser des aimants pour que les boites se retrouvent en lévitation * Logiciel permettant de calculer le score * Filet permettant de récupérer les boites ore * Filet permettant de récupérer les boites )
  • Chaise à bascule réversible en bois  + (En veillant à avoir des paires de pieds identiques.)
  • Chaise à bascule réversible en bois  + (En veillant à avoir des paires de pieds identiques.)
  • Glowing LED Butterfly  + (Use TinkerCad to design the component thatUse TinkerCad to design the component that will be 3D printed. This is a great opportunity to develop your computer aided design (CAD) skills! What to think about.. - Needs to have holes for the light to go through - Needs to be big enough to hide the Arduino and PCB - Needs to be able to sit on the top of the 9V battery Pre-made butterfly design can be found through this linkrfly design can be found through this link)
  • Verres marbrés  + (Quoi de plus chic que des verres en marbreQuoi de plus chic que des verres en marbre ? Des gobelets en carton marbrés ! Parce qu’en plus d’être adaptable à tous les thèmes couleur de mes soirées, ils sont jetables, ne se cassent pas et font leur effet dans les mains de mes invités. C’est décidés je fais toute ma vaisselle (ou presque) comme ça ! C’est la marque Habitat qui a d’ailleurs fait un superbe service dans le même esprit cet hiver…rbe service dans le même esprit cet hiver…)
  • Verres marbrés  + (Quoi de plus chic que des verres en marbreQuoi de plus chic que des verres en marbre ? Des gobelets en carton marbrés ! Parce qu’en plus d’être adaptable à tous les thèmes couleur de mes soirées, ils sont jetables, ne se cassent pas et font leur effet dans les mains de mes invités. C’est décidés je fais toute ma vaisselle (ou presque) comme ça ! C’est la marque Habitat qui a d’ailleurs fait un superbe service dans le même esprit cet hiver…rbe service dans le même esprit cet hiver…)
  • ESP32 with WebSerial: A Comprehensive Guide  + (WebSerial is a web standard that allows weWebSerial is a web standard that allows websites to communicate with serial devices. It bridges the web and the physical world, enabling web applications to interact with hardware devices. This opens up a world of possibilities for IoT projects, allowing real-time interaction between web applications and physical devices.een web applications and physical devices.)
  • Empty room activity v12  + (What you need[ you need[ ?] 1 - A remote control device #Deedu; 2 - Environments Nodered and Blynq; 3 - A box whose purpose is to abstract the concept of the home environment. How to create the environment Here we have to describe how the miniature house is created, the environment to be simulated and the things you need to do it: How to build the box[ ?] * We take a box of shoes that we no longer use; * With the help of a pair of scissors with a rounded tip, let's cut one of the shorter sides of the box. From here we could observe inside the box itself what will be simulated; * Let's cut the other minor side in the same way. From this we will insert the small fan; * By inserting the device inside the box, we created our miniature room and we are ready for the experiment. How to build the device? For the construction of the device, consult the guide at the following link: [LINK PINTEREST]. To close everything in a wrapper, it may be useful to 3D print the suitable box whose source can be downloaded at the following link. === How to put precisely the[ Blynk app]? === To set up the software system via Blynk, follow the guide: How to put precisely the server Nodered on Raspberry? To set up the Nodere software system, follow the guide: [LINK PINTEREST]. on Raspberry? To set up the Nodere software system, follow the guide: [LINK PINTEREST].)
  • Brightness control activity v12  + (What you need[ you need[ ?] 1 - A remote control device #Deedu; 2 - Environments Nodered and Blynq; 3 - A box whose purpose is to abstract the concept of the home environment. How to create the environment Here we have to describe how the miniature house is created, the environment to be simulated and the things you need to do it: How to build the box[ ?] * We take a box of shoes that we no longer use; * With the help of a pair of scissors with a rounded tip, let's cut one of the shorter sides of the box. From here we could observe inside the box itself what will be simulated; * Let's cut the other minor side in the same way. From this we will insert the small fan; * By inserting the device inside the box, we created our miniature room and we are ready for the experiment. room and we are ready for the experiment.)
  • SolarOSE - Guide 5: CPC Reflector  + (With a cutter, cut a 340x680 mm rectangle With a cutter, cut a 340x680 mm rectangle of mirror sheet. Mind to protect the reflective surface of the mirror during the operation and to work on the back side. One needs to run the cutter several times to bite the metal and to fold back and forth in order to detach it.fold back and forth in order to detach it.)
  • SolarOSE - Guide 5: CPC Reflector  + (With a cutter, cut a 340x680 mm rectangle With a cutter, cut a 340x680 mm rectangle of mirror sheet. Mind to protect the reflective surface of the mirror during the operation and to work on the back side. One needs to run the cutter several times to bite the metal and to fold back and forth in order to detach it.fold back and forth in order to detach it.)
  • Cardboard Cable Car Model With Recycled Materials, Working Model 250rpm Electric Motor and Basic Slide Switch ON-OFF-ON (School Science Project)  + (You can check all steps on video briefly or follow below steps. • Mount plastic pulley wheel onto DC motor shaft and glue on it.)
  • M5Stick C Captive Portal  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Getting Started with TivaWare Launchpad - Basics  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] to order PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Node-Red Telegram Bot with Temperature Logger Part-2  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop. Also, check out this useful blog on PCBWay Plugin for KiCad from [ here.] Using this plugin, you can directly order PCBs in just one click after completing your design in KiCad.ick after completing your design in KiCad.)
  • AWS IoT Core IoT Platform Series - 6  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY f]or ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY t]o get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Node Red Controlled Web LED on ESP32 with Raspberry Pi 4  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shopou can get free stuff from their gift shop)
  • Ethernet-Enhanced LoRa Gateway Minimizing Delay  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop. Also, check out this useful blog on PCBWay Plugin for KiCad from [ here.] Using this plugin, you can directly order PCBs in just one click after completing your design in KiCad.ick after completing your design in KiCad.)
  • Line Follower Robot - King of Maze  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Node Red Controlled Neo Pixel on Raspberry Pi 4  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Appliances Control with ESPNOW  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Node Red with Raspberry Pi  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Temperature Control Neo Pixels with Arduino Nano  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop. Also, check out this useful blog on PCBWay Plugin for KiCad from [ here]. Using this plugin, you can directly order PCBs in just one click after completing your design in KiCad.ick after completing your design in KiCad.)
  • DHT11 with ESPNOW  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] toget them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Neo Pixels Ring with Arduino Nano  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY t]o get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop. Also, check out this useful blog on PCBWay Plugin for KiCad from [ here. U]sing this plugin, you can directly order PCBs in just one click after completing your design in KiCad.ick after completing your design in KiCad.)
  • Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Getting Started with ESP-NOW  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • How To Make A Perfect Study Table/en-gb  + (The material of your kid's study table plaThe material of your kid's study table plays a vital role. A strong wood desk lasts for ages, metal ones offer a contemporary feeling while the ones produced using steel offer a feeling of modernity. For a wooden study table, '''[ Rust-Oleum Truworth Wood Stain]''' gives life span and influences your furniture to look young for years. If you have a necessity of moving your work desk frequently, think about picking something lightweight, durable and which fixed with casters. Desks with easy dismantling feature are also easier to move. mantling feature are also easier to move. )
  • Marble Machine No 1 Motor Assembly Instructions  + (The parts can be glued together in one go The parts can be glued together in one go and the parts held in place with rubber bands  The bottom '''should not '''be glued but can be used to hold parts aligned while the glue dries. The bottom is left loose for access to switch and batteries. If you don't want the text to be visible, simply turn the part so it face inwards. When viewed from the front the holes for the motor mount (circled in red) should face left as shown in the picture below.d face left as shown in the picture below.)
  • Energy saving house with ESP32  + (You will need to use Arduino IDE to code aYou will need to use Arduino IDE to code and upload the firmware onto your ESP32 board. Download the software by visiting [ Arduino IDE] > Scroll down until you see the “Download the Arduino IDE” section and choose the version based upon your operating system (e.g. If you have Windows 7, choose “Windows Installer” / if you have Windows 10, choose “Windows app”) > On the next page choose “Just download” and run the installation files. “Just download” and run the installation files.)
  • Energy saving house with ESP32  + (You will need to use Arduino IDE to code aYou will need to use Arduino IDE to code and upload the firmware onto your ESP32 board. Download the software by visiting [ Arduino IDE] > Scroll down until you see the “Download the Arduino IDE” section and choose the version based upon your operating system (e.g. If you have Windows 7, choose “Windows Installer” / if you have Windows 10, choose “Windows app”) > On the next page choose “Just download” and run the installation files. “Just download” and run the installation files.)
  • Simple Train Blocking System  + (You'll need to cut the rails or isolate thYou'll need to cut the rails or isolate them to make sure each block is independent. The last track is the security track and is isolated from the rest. The sticker on the plaque is right on the security track. What you see before is the main track (stop zone) and what you see after is the stop zone of the next block. after is the stop zone of the next block.)
  • Boîte de sérigraphie mobile  + (À l'aide d'une scie circulaire et idéalemeÀ l'aide d'une scie circulaire et idéalement d'un rail pour vous guider, découpez tous les morceaux des deux boîtes. Il est important d'être bien d'équerre sinon vos boîtes seront particulièrement difficiles à assembler. Poncez (grain 120) les côtés et les faces de chaque planche. les côtés et les faces de chaque planche.)
  • Candlestick in copper and wood  + (Check out our candlestick in the "Blog of the Month" of Nest magazine! You will also discover many inspirations and seasonal stories around deco themes, house, flavors, nature and ideas!)
  • Candlestick in copper and wood  + (Check out our candlestick in the "Blog of the Month" of Nest magazine! You will also discover many inspirations and seasonal stories around deco themes, house, flavors, nature and ideas!)
  • Candlestick in copper and wood  + (Check out our candlestick in the "Blog of the Month" of Nest magazine! You will also discover many inspirations and seasonal stories around deco themes, house, flavors, nature and ideas!)
  • ASKotec Tutorials - DIY Simple analog synth  + ( # Take your time and look at the schematic. Start with + and run through the different ways till you end back to - pole # The second image shows you the pins you are going to use # Go and mark all pins on your board )
  • ASKotec Tutorials - DIY Simple analog synth  + ( # Take your time and look at the schematic. Start with + and run through the different ways till you end back to - pole # The second image shows you the pins you are going to use # Go and mark all pins on your board )
  • Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)  + ( #Install the tube on the planting zone, # #Install the tube on the planting zone, #Dig dirt from uphill part of the planting zone, #Add the dirt around the tube to form a mound (looks like a volcano), #Add humanure, urine-activated charcoal and soil (e.g. topsoil from other grown trees) in the tube; opsoil from other grown trees) in the tube; )
  • Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)  + ( #Install the tube on the planting zone, # #Install the tube on the planting zone, #Dig dirt from uphill part of the planting zone, #Add the dirt around the tube to form a mound (looks like a volcano), #Add humanure, urine-activated charcoal and soil (e.g. topsoil from other grown trees) in the tube; opsoil from other grown trees) in the tube; )
  • Bentolux - Module qualité de l'air ambiant  + ( *Decoupe au laser des parois de la boite (DOC1) *Assemblage de la boite (DOC2) *Branchement des composants (DOC3) *Programmation du code pour faire interagir les élements (ecran LCD, capteur Temp/Hum, anneau OLED) (DOC4) <br/> )
  • PP Sheetpress  + (====Tools==== same as above ====Parts========Tools==== same as above ====Parts==== 36 corner brackets ====Steps==== # Prepare your parts. Each "cell" will require 4 brackets, 16 M8Bolts, and 16 washers # Starting with the 4 corners of the ''entire assembly'', attach the corner brackets and tighten the bolts only to finger-tight. # Next attach the 920 beam ends to the outer perimeter. # Next, attach the inner beams in place. Ensure that all beams are equally spaced. (remember that the 2 interior beams are shorter though)
    interior beams are shorter though) <br/>)
  • Virtual Fence - Anti Theft Device  + (<nowiki>A Fence is a physical boundaA Fence is a physical boundary, which is used to restrict kids and dogs from exiting the border Boundaries provide a layer of security, which also restricts entry from outside. But these boundaries need to be maintained heavily. And once an object has moved out or stolen, then the theft cannot be further located.

    This brings us to a solution, which is geofencing a physical device attached to our belonging. This belonging would be a mere part of the IoT - Internet of ''''Things'.'''

    The above pictorial is a sample of Geofence in a public area. Best part? Since it is on a virtual map, having a virtual fence would have no effect on whether you own the area. This area could be your Home, Office, favorite Coffee Shop, or even parlor.

    But before we get started -
    e Coffee Shop, or even parlor.<br /><br />But before we get started -</nowiki>)
  • Qubitro Device Data - IoT Platform Series  + (<nowiki>To get started with Qubitro,To get started with Qubitro, we will first need to create an account. Go to the Qubitro website ( and click on the "Sign Up" button. You will be prompted to enter ''Full Name'', ''Email Address,Country'', and ''password'' to create your account.

    Once, we have created the account, we can log in from '''''' However, we shall automatically be logged in to our account.
    shall automatically be logged in to our account.</nowiki>)
  • Automated Gardening Plant with arduino Uno under the DEEDU project  + (<nowiki>You will need<br /><You will need

    electronic control and command part (listed below)

    water tank

    a plant in a pot

    a box for electronic (

    3d printed light sensor support (

    3d printed sprinkler (

    For the Command & Control part the material used are the following:

    - 1 Arduino UNO link

    - 1 moisture sensor link

    - 1 CO2 Gas sensor Mq7 link

    - 1 Lcd screen 2x16 (+i2c)) link

    - 1 LDR light sensor (photoresistor) link

    - 2 push buttons link

    - 1 Temp + humidity sensor DHT11 link

    - 1 5V water pump link

    - 1 5v relay link

    - 3 1k resistor link

    - 1 Breadbord or prototyping PCB link

    -2 5v power supply link
    link<br /><br />- 1 5V water pump link<br /><br />- 1 5v relay link<br /><br />- 3 1k resistor link<br /><br />- 1 Breadbord or prototyping PCB link<br /><br />-2 5v power supply link</nowiki>)
  • Dispositif de sécurité à enregistrement de zone de tir  + (Afin de valider le principe, j'ai réalisé Afin de valider le principe, j'ai réalisé une maquette constituée par un "fusil photographique" auquel j'ai adjoint le système de repérage de la ligne de visée (circuit BNO055 + carte Arduino + buzzer). '''Les photos 1 et 2''' montrent les différents éléments de cette maquette: 1) Un smart phone fixé sur le fusil en bois permet d'enregistrer ce que voit et entend le chasseur lors de l'enregistrement et lors de la phase de chasse. L'objectif du smartphone est situé à l'endroit où se trouve l’œil du chasseur. Cet objectif voit le guidon du fusil en même temps que l'endroit précis visé dans le paysage. 2) Le système de repérage inertiel de la ligne de visée se compose - d'un petit circuit imprimé portant l'unité de mesure inertielle BNO055 - d'une carte de contrôle (Arduino UNO) reliée au BNO055 par un petit câble (alimentation + interface I2C). 3) J'ai également ajouté un buzzer à cette carte. Ce buzzer produit tous les signaux sonores nécessaires pour le suivi de l'enregistrement et de la phase de chasse. '''Nota:''' A l'origine j'aurais souhaité allonger la liaison I2C de façon que seul le petit circuit imprimé du BNO055 se trouve fixé au fusil, la carte de contrôle étant logée dans une poche de veste. Malheureusement la liaison I2C supporte mal l'allongement de la liaison. Pour un développement futur il faudrait donc plutôt utiliser la liaison UART du circuit.lutôt utiliser la liaison UART du circuit.)
  • Turn signal biking jacket  + ('''Plan the aesthetic and electrical layou'''Plan the aesthetic and electrical layout of your piece''' Decide where each component is going to go and figure out how you will sew them together with as few thread crossings as possible. Make a sketch of your design that you can refer to as you work. The photos below show the sketches for my jacket. Stitching for power (+) is shown in red, ground (-) in black, LEDs in green, and switch inputs in purple.EDs in green, and switch inputs in purple.)
  • Turn signal biking jacket  + ('''Plan the aesthetic and electrical layou'''Plan the aesthetic and electrical layout of your piece''' Decide where each component is going to go and figure out how you will sew them together with as few thread crossings as possible. Make a sketch of your design that you can refer to as you work. The photos below show the sketches for my jacket. Stitching for power (+) is shown in red, ground (-) in black, LEDs in green, and switch inputs in purple.EDs in green, and switch inputs in purple.)
  • OpenReflex: 3D Printed Camera  + (1- Start by putting the two M3 hexagonal n1- Start by putting the two M3 hexagonal nuts in the holes provided for on the Body. It's a tight fit, so you'll need to push a bit. You can screw a screw from the other side for pull the nut. 2- Install the BackCover on its axis and insert the nut & bolt. The BackCover should fit nicely and rotate freely on its axis. Also set the BackShutter on his groove on the Body. 3- Put the UnwinderP2 and the UnwinderButton in place in the Cover. They should rotate, but not too much. 4- Set the Unwinder and the two FilmGuides in place in the Body. Put the Cover over all of this. You'll have to turn the UnwinderButton to align it with the Unwinder. Note : If the FilmGuide don't rotate on their axis it's not a problem. 5- Once everything is in place, put squared nuts in the columns and screw them in place through the Cover. 6- Algih the BackCover with the Cover and screw them together. Everything should fit in place, the UnwinderButton should make the Unwinder turn with some friction and the BackShutter should slide on its groove. All done ! For the Rewinder and the final light proofing we'll see this later. ;) final light proofing we'll see this later. ;))
  • OpenReflex: 3D Printed Camera  + (1- Start by putting the two M3 hexagonal n1- Start by putting the two M3 hexagonal nuts in the holes provided for on the Body. It's a tight fit, so you'll need to push a bit. You can screw a screw from the other side for pull the nut. 2- Install the BackCover on its axis and insert the nut & bolt. The BackCover should fit nicely and rotate freely on its axis. Also set the BackShutter on his groove on the Body. 3- Put the UnwinderP2 and the UnwinderButton in place in the Cover. They should rotate, but not too much. 4- Set the Unwinder and the two FilmGuides in place in the Body. Put the Cover over all of this. You'll have to turn the UnwinderButton to align it with the Unwinder. Note : If the FilmGuide don't rotate on their axis it's not a problem. 5- Once everything is in place, put squared nuts in the columns and screw them in place through the Cover. 6- Algih the BackCover with the Cover and screw them together. Everything should fit in place, the UnwinderButton should make the Unwinder turn with some friction and the BackShutter should slide on its groove. All done ! For the Rewinder and the final light proofing we'll see this later. ;) final light proofing we'll see this later. ;))
  • SolarOSE : concentrateur solaire thermique linéaire de fresnel  + ('''Sorties:''' Le concentrateur de démonst'''Sorties:''' Le concentrateur de démonstration : * champ de miroirs * récepteur * système électronique * usage de démonstration + déchets et ressources restantes : restes de miroir, restes de métal (chutes d’acier, visserie, plomberie), restes de bois, restes d’isolant, restes de colle, restes de mastic.solant, restes de colle, restes de mastic.)
  • SolarOSE : concentrateur solaire thermique linéaire de fresnel  + ('''Sorties:''' Le concentrateur de démonst'''Sorties:''' Le concentrateur de démonstration : * champ de miroirs * récepteur * système électronique * usage de démonstration + déchets et ressources restantes : restes de miroir, restes de métal (chutes d’acier, visserie, plomberie), restes de bois, restes d’isolant, restes de colle, restes de mastic.solant, restes de colle, restes de mastic.)
  • Wio WM1110: Quick Start Guide for Seamless Integration  + ('''This guide explains the steps to seamle'''This guide explains the steps to seamlessly integrate the WM1110 sensor module with The Things Network (TTN) and ThingSpeak for data transmission and visualization.''' The [ seeed studio Wio-WM1110 Dev Kit] is based on the [ Wio-WM1110] Wireless Module, which integrates both a Semtech LoRa® transceiver and a multi-purpose radio front-end for geolocation functionalities. The LoRa® transceiver enables low-power, high-sensitivity network coverage, while GNSS (GPS/BeiDou) and Wi-Fi scanning work together to offer comprehensive location coverage. Additionally, the Dev Kit provides connectivity options for a variety of peripherals, making it a versatile platform for developing diverse IoT applications. The [ Wio-WM1110] is a powerful fusion positioning module designed for developing low-power, long-range IoT applications. It combines the capabilities of the [ Semtech LR1110] LoRa transceiver and the [ Nordic nRF52840] microcontroller, offering a comprehensive solution for building connected devices with the following features: * '''Long-range wireless communication:''' Utilizing Semtech's LoRa technology, the Wio-WM1110 enables low-power communication over vast distances, making it ideal for connecting devices in remote locations. * '''Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS):''' Integrated GNSS support, including GPS and BeiDou, provides accurate location tracking capabilities for your IoT devices. * '''Wi-Fi connectivity:''' In addition to LoRaWAN and GNSS, the Wio-WM1110 also offers Wi-Fi connectivity, providing another option for device communication and internet access. * '''Bluetooth:''' The module further extends its connectivity options by supporting Bluetooth protocols, enabling communication with other Bluetooth-enabled devices. * '''Fusion positioning:''' By combining the data from LoRaWAN, GNSS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, the Wio-WM1110 can achieve highly accurate and reliable positioning, even in challenging environments. * '''Low-power operation:''' The Wio-WM1110 is designed for low-power consumption, allowing your devices to operate for extended periods on battery power. * '''Open-source platform:''' The Wio-WM1110 is based on an open-source platform, providing developers with access to the underlying hardware and software, allowing for greater customization and flexibility. and software, allowing for greater customization and flexibility.)
  • NEXT ENGINE 3D SCANNER :How to use it  + ( * '''WEIGHT''' 7.68 KG * '''INPUT POWER'' * '''WEIGHT''' 7.68 KG * '''INPUT POWER''' 100-240 VAC/60W * '''Measurement system''' MultiStripe Laser Triangulation (MLT) *'''Sensor''' Twin 5.0 Mega-pixel CMOS RGB image sensors *'''SIZE''' 276 x 223 x 91mm *'''Field AREA'''  5.1" x 3.8" (Macro) and 13.5" x 10.1" (Wide) *'''Capteur density''' 268K points/in (Macro) and 29K points/in (Wide) *'''Texture Density''' 500DPI ( Macro) and 200DPI (Wide) *'''Dimensional Accuracy''' 100 micorn ( Marco) and 300 micron ( Wide) *'''Acquisition Speed''' 50,000 points/sec *'''CONNECTIVITY''' USB 2.0 *'''OPERATING SYSTEM''' Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (64-bits) *'''MINIMUM REQUIREMENT''': 2 GHz Dual-core, 3GB RAM, 256MB graphics *''' FILE FORMAT''' STL, OBJ, VRML, XYZ, PLY *'''FILE SIZE''' 200MB fot typical model * '''SOFTWARE''' ScanStudio™ (FREEWARE) del * '''SOFTWARE''' ScanStudio™ (FREEWARE) )
  • Repair Cafe'  + ( * information/mobilization team * reapir/experts team * documentation team * reception team * tools and security * social media team )
  • Repair Cafe'  + ( * information/mobilization team * reapir/experts team * documentation team * reception team * tools and security * social media team )
  • Fix Spotify Songs Disappeared  + (1. The original songs and playlists may be1. The original songs and playlists may be deleted by their artist or creator. This mostly happens to the songs or playlists that are grayed out after you've downloaded them to your device. It's probably because that the artist or the creator of these songs or playlists does not want these tracks on Spotify for some reason. See also: Fix [ Spotify songs greyed out] 2. Something got wrong with your Internet connection when you check or download these downloaded songs in Spotify. While you are saving any track or playlist offline on Spotify, an Internet connection is required. So you should confirm the network runs well when you are downloading the songs or playlists from Spotify. If it is this reason that causes your problem, you should download the songs again with a good internet connection. 3. Your downloads of songs from Spotify exceed the 10,000 number limit. As Spotify only allows Premium users to download up to 10,000 tracks in total, you should check whether you have hit that limit or not. If so, Spotify will delete the previously downloaded songs automatically if it finds you adding some new tracks. Normally, you'll be noticed by Spotify with a warning message once you reached this limit. 4. You may be out of Spotify Premium. So you need to verify your premium membership.  You are required to log into your account online every 30 days even if you use Spotify Offline mode. Otherwise, the downloaded songs would disappear from your Spotify account. In other cases, the previously downloaded songs could become unavailable on Spotify if you changed the region of your VPN network. That's because some Spotify songs are not allowed in certain countries and regions. To get the music back again, you should change your VPN network again, you should change your VPN network settings.)
  • Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs  + (Boutiques faboulousarcade faboulousarcade Cette étape est la plus longue et fastidieuse du tuto. Armez-vous donc de patience, car c'est tout ce dont vous aurez besoin à cette étape. Rien n'est compliqué dans ces branchements mais je vous conseille toutefois de repérer chaque boutons y compris ceux des joysticks (haut, bas, gauche et droite) à l'arrière du panel. Cela vous facilitera grandement la tâche lorsque vous raccorderez le tout. La première étape consiste à relier tous les boutons entre eux à l'aide d'un câble commun. Partez donc du connecteur (commun) d'un des boutons et reliez le au suivant et ainsi de suite. Pour finir, branchez la dernière cosse sur un des ports GROUND de l'interface USB ou du Raspberry Pi. Il y plusieurs solutions pour connecter les boutons et les joysticks sur un Raspberry pi : utiliser une interface USB (souvent vendu avec le kit) ou les ports GPIOs du Raspberry Pi. Dans mon cas, j'ai utilisé l'interface USB et ai raccordé le tout au Raspberry pi. Une fois que tous les boutons et joysticks sont reliés au port GROUND par un câble commun, il suffit de relier chacun des boutons au port correspondant sur le Raspberry ou l'interface USB. Le plus compliqué dans cette étape, c'est de réussir à faire quelque chose de propre. En effet, essayez de ne pas faire passer les câbles trop près des joysticks pour éviter d'en couper un !!! Vidéo pour mieux comprendre : Pour ceux qui utilisent les ports GPIO du Raspberry, il faut penser à activer les ports GPIO dans le fichier de configuration. Recalbox possède un outil de configuration avancée nommé recalbox.conf qui vous permet de modifier des options qui ne sont pas disponibles dans emulationstation. Pour le modifier, allez dans le dossier de recalbox partagé sur le réseau local. Le fichier recalbox.conf est disponible dans le répertoire nommé system. Dans recalbox.conf, activez le pilote GPIO en réglant controllers.gpio.enabled sur 1 : controllers.gpio.enabled=1 et vous êtes prêt à jouer !gpio.enabled=1 et vous êtes prêt à jouer !)
  • Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs  + (Boutiques faboulousarcade faboulousarcade Cette étape est la plus longue et fastidieuse du tuto. Armez-vous donc de patience, car c'est tout ce dont vous aurez besoin à cette étape. Rien n'est compliqué dans ces branchements mais je vous conseille toutefois de repérer chaque boutons y compris ceux des joysticks (haut, bas, gauche et droite) à l'arrière du panel. Cela vous facilitera grandement la tâche lorsque vous raccorderez le tout. La première étape consiste à relier tous les boutons entre eux à l'aide d'un câble commun. Partez donc du connecteur (commun) d'un des boutons et reliez le au suivant et ainsi de suite. Pour finir, branchez la dernière cosse sur un des ports GROUND de l'interface USB ou du Raspberry Pi. Il y plusieurs solutions pour connecter les boutons et les joysticks sur un Raspberry pi : utiliser une interface USB (souvent vendu avec le kit) ou les ports GPIOs du Raspberry Pi. Dans mon cas, j'ai utilisé l'interface USB et ai raccordé le tout au Raspberry pi. Une fois que tous les boutons et joysticks sont reliés au port GROUND par un câble commun, il suffit de relier chacun des boutons au port correspondant sur le Raspberry ou l'interface USB. Le plus compliqué dans cette étape, c'est de réussir à faire quelque chose de propre. En effet, essayez de ne pas faire passer les câbles trop près des joysticks pour éviter d'en couper un !!! Vidéo pour mieux comprendre : Pour ceux qui utilisent les ports GPIO du Raspberry, il faut penser à activer les ports GPIO dans le fichier de configuration. Recalbox possède un outil de configuration avancée nommé recalbox.conf qui vous permet de modifier des options qui ne sont pas disponibles dans emulationstation. Pour le modifier, allez dans le dossier de recalbox partagé sur le réseau local. Le fichier recalbox.conf est disponible dans le répertoire nommé system. Dans recalbox.conf, activez le pilote GPIO en réglant controllers.gpio.enabled sur 1 : controllers.gpio.enabled=1 et vous êtes prêt à jouer !gpio.enabled=1 et vous êtes prêt à jouer !)
  • Geiger counter 12+  + (<u> Radiation is energy travelling through space. Sunshine is one of the most familiar forms of radiation. It delivers light, heat and suntans. While enjoying and depending on it, we control our exposure to it. Beyond ultraviolet radiation from the sun are higher-energy kinds of radiation which are used in medicine and which we all get in low doses from space, from the air, and from the earth and rocks.rom space, from the air, and from the earth and rocks.)
  • Geiger counter 9-11  + (<u> Radiation is energy travelling through space. Sunshine is one of the most familiar forms of radiation. It delivers light, heat and suntans. While enjoying and depending on it, we control our exposure to it. Beyond ultraviolet radiation from the sun are higher-energy kinds of radiation which are used in medicine and which we all get in low doses from space, from the air, and from the earth and rocks.rom space, from the air, and from the earth and rocks.)
  • Thermostat control activity v12  + (== What you need[ What you need[ ?] == * A pair of scissors * An old shoe box * Pastels / glue / colored sheets * A small fan How to create the environment As in the previous activity, the children have a box that will simulate the home environment. The moderator can leave room for children to decorate their boxes and express their creativity. Even in this case, children will have to cut the smaller sides: on one side they will be able to look into the box, on the other they can insert a small fan. The device, inserted in the box, will detect if there is the right temperature. By accessing the fan, the environment will become colder, although there is no need. Thanks to the signaling of the device, children will understand that the fan can be turned off. == How to build the box[ ?] == * We take a box of shoes that we no longer use; * With the help of a pair of scissors with a rounded tip, let's cut one of the shorter sides of the box. From here we could observe inside the box itself what will be simulated; * Let's cut the other minor side in the same way. From this we will insert the small fan; * By inserting the device inside the box, we created our miniature room and we are ready for the experiment. room and we are ready for the experiment.)
  • Implementing Web Server on ESP32  + (=== What is a Web Server? === A web server=== What is a Web Server? === A web server is a software application that serves web pages to users. When a user requests a web page, the web server processes the request and sends the requested page back to the user’s browser. This forms the backbone of data communication on the World Wide Web. === What is ESP32? === The ESP32 is a series of low-cost, low-power systems on a chip microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth. The ESP32 series employs a Tensilica Xtensa LX6 microprocessor and includes built-in antenna switches, an RF balun, a power amplifier, a low-noise receiver amplifier, filters, and power management modules. It is suitable for a wide variety of applications, from low-power sensor networks to more demanding tasks such as music streaming.e demanding tasks such as music streaming.)
  • PP Extruder Pro  + (==== Tools ==== 1/2" Socket ==== Parts ====== Tools ==== 1/2" Socket ==== Parts ==== 2x 1000mm 4080 extrusion 4x 300mm 4040 extrusion 40x t-nuts 22x M8x20 bolts 22x M8 Washers 12x Corner Brackets
    ==== Steps ==== # Slide 6 t nuts into the top side of the 1000mm extrusion. (repeat for other beam) # For the 300mm beams, 2 pairs of 2 will be identical, one "I" shaped, and one "C" shaped. # For the C-shaped beam, Slide two t-nuts into one rail. Attach the corner brackets at the ends, ensuring the bracket is flush with the beams end. *Always use the side of the bracket with a flat face (non-lipped) first. This ensures you can get a tool onto the 2nd bolt without being blocked. # For the I-Beams, repeat the same steps for the C-beam, but on both sides. # Repeat so you have 2 I-beams and 2-C beams. # *Optional* Add bolts to all remaining bracket holes and loosely attach t-nuts. (as seen in the right two beams in image 3)
    uts. (as seen in the right two beams in image 3))
  • Module détecteur d'humidité du sol pour plantes  + (Soudez le fil rouge de la led sur la pin indiquée Soudez le fil noir de la led sur la pin indiquée)
  • Remplacer un chauffe eau  + (Assemblez le socle de votre nouveau chauffe-eau en emboîtant les montants dans les emplacements prévus à cet effet puis posez-le au plus près des tuyaux.)
  • Manipulate the CubePro Trio  + (After downloading the program and installing it using it's serial number and activating it, we must launch the program.)
  • Play Tidal Songs on Roku TV  + (After the download and installation of theAfter the download and installation of the TuneCable program. Run it and choose a download mode from the main interface. The app mode needs the TIDAL app to run and can save up to Tidal Max (up to 24-bit/192kHz) music at 5x or 1x (for Mac) the speed, while the web player mode works via the built-in Tidal web player and can retain Tidal High (16-bit/44.1kHz) quality music at 10x fast speed. Pick the one you prefer, and sign in to your Tidal Free, HiFi, or HiFi Plus account.ur Tidal Free, HiFi, or HiFi Plus account.)
  • Amazon Music Autoplay - A Seamless Listening Experience  + (Amazon Music Autoplay is a feature designeAmazon Music Autoplay is a feature designed to keep the music playing continuously, providing an uninterrupted listening experience. With autoplay enabled, Amazon Music will automatically queue up and play similar songs, albums, or playlists once your current track or playlist ends. This feature aims to keep the music going without requiring you to manually select the next song, making it perfect for parties, road trips, or background music during work or chores.or background music during work or chores.)
  • Fablab + Lakehub  + (At the group forming stage we decided to bAt the group forming stage we decided to brainstorm on the possible project ideas before splitting. Out of all the ideas around health, the self-testing gadget was decided on. During brainstorming, the challenges in health which we were struggling to get solutions were; teenage pregnancy, More affordable and easily available PPEs for the health providers in the frontline, People Living With Disability, time management in the hospital to enable more patients to be served within the shortest time, real-time billing challengeshortest time, real-time billing challenges)
  • MUTED - boitier biodata vers module de synthétiseur analogique  + (Attention, il faut d'abord être capable deAttention, il faut d'abord être capable de brancher une plante sur une carte électronique pour capter et transformer de minuscules variations électriques. Ceci vous prendra entre deux heures et une demi-journée [ en suivant le tuto de Stéphane Godin.]P32 en suivant le tuto de Stéphane Godin.])
  • Installer une plomberie sans soudure  + (Avant de commencer votre installation, il est important de couper l'arrivée d'eau. Dévissez le tuyau de raccord d'arrivée d'eau à l'aide d'une clé à molette et de la pince multi prises. Posez le tuyau de raccord sur le sol.)
  • Poser du carrelage mural  + (Alignez vos tasseaux sur cette ligne, percez directement au travers puis fixez-les à l’aide de chevilles adaptées à la nature de vos murs.)
  • Ragréer un sol extérieur  + (Avant de commencer, assurez-vous que votre sol soit propre et net, puis humidifiez-le.)
  • Borne d'arcade  + (Avant de commencer, il faut trouver ou traAvant de commencer, il faut trouver ou tracer des plans pour son bartop (la partie haute de la borne donc). Pour ma part je me suis inspiré des plans fournis par [ Ronildo Brandao]. Après les avoir imprimé et scotchés, puis reproduits sur des grandes feuilles A2, j'ai construit une magnifique maquette en carton, taille réelle, pour avoir une idée de la place que cela prendrait, de la taille d'écran que je pourrai mettre, et de la largeur disponible pour que deux grandes personnes puissent se lancer des Hadoken confortablement. Donc on imprime, on trace, on coupe, et on, on trace, on coupe, et on construit...)
  • ESP32 MQTT  + (<nowiki>Copy the full code into yourCopy the full code into your IDE. Feel free to change things like the text it prints, etc

     1 #include 
    2 #include
    4 // WiFi
    5 const char *ssid = "xxxxx"; // Enter your Wi-Fi name
    6 const char *password = "xxxxx"; // Enter Wi-Fi password
    8 // MQTT Broker
    9 const char *mqtt_broker = "";
    10 const char *topic = "emqx/esp32";
    11 const char *mqtt_username = "emqx";
    12 const char *mqtt_password = "public";
    13 const int mqtt_port = 1883;
    15 WiFiClient espClient;
    16 PubSubClient client(espClient);
    18 void setup() {
    19 // Set software serial baud to 115200;
    20 Serial.begin(115200);
    21 // Connecting to a WiFi network
    22 WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
    23 while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    24 delay(500);
    25 Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi..");
    26 }
    27 Serial.println("Connected to the Wi-Fi network");
    28 //connecting to a mqtt broker
    29 client.setServer(mqtt_broker, mqtt_port);
    30 client.setCallback(callback);
    31 while (!client.connected()) {
    32 String client_id = "esp32-client-";
    33 client_id += String(WiFi.macAddress());
    34 Serial.printf("The client %s connects to the public MQTT broker\n", client_id.c_str());
    35 if (client.connect(client_id.c_str(), mqtt_username, mqtt_password)) {
    36 Serial.println("Public EMQX MQTT broker connected");
    37 } else {
    38 Serial.print("failed with state ");
    39 Serial.print(client.state());
    40 delay(2000);
    41 }
    42 }
    43 // Publish and subscribe
    44 client.publish(topic, "Hi, I'm ESP32 ^^");
    45 client.subscribe(topic);
    46 }
    48 void callback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length) {
    49 Serial.print("Message arrived in topic: ");
    50 Serial.println(topic);
    51 Serial.print("Message:");
    52 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    53 Serial.print((char) payload[i]);
    54 }
    55 Serial.println();
    56 Serial.println("-----------------------");
    57 }
    59 void loop() {
    60 client.loop();
    61 }
    i">0</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="n">i</span> <span class="o"><</span> <span class="n">length</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="n">i</span><span class="o">++</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">{</span><br /><span class="lineno">53 </span> <span class="n">Serial</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">print</span><span class="p">((</span><span class="kt">char</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="n">payload</span><span class="p">[</span><span class="n">i</span><span class="p">]);</span><br /><span class="lineno">54 </span> <span class="p">}</span><br /><span class="lineno">55 </span> <span class="n">Serial</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">println</span><span class="p">();</span><br /><span class="lineno">56 </span> <span class="n">Serial</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">println</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">"-----------------------"</span><span class="p">);</span><br /><span class="lineno">57 </span><span class="p">}</span><br /><span class="lineno">58 </span><br /><span class="lineno">59 </span><span class="kt">void</span> <span class="nf">loop</span><span class="p">()</span> <span class="p">{</span><br /><span class="lineno">60 </span> <span class="n">client</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">loop</span><span class="p">();</span><br /><span class="lineno">61 </span><span class="p">}</span><br /></pre></div></nowiki>)
  • Water probe 12+ activities  + (Begin by soldering the male pin header strBegin by soldering the male pin header strip onto the PCB board. You need to cover at least 10 points of the PCB (see figure below). Next, solder the 1kohm resistor to the PCB. We soldered one end to n°6, the other end to n°9. This way, when the PCB will be mounted on the arduino uno board, one end of the resistor will connect to A0, the other one to GND. Next, cut two pieces of electric wire, each about 20 cm long. The length doesn’t really matter, however, longer wires will enable you to distance the arduino board further away from liquids. Solder one end of one wire to one end of the resistor. This will connect to A0 on the board. Solder the other end to n° on the PCB. The latter will then connect with A5 on the arduino uno board. Strip off the other ends of the electric wire you just soldered onto the PCB, and connect them to the top of the binding post. Now cut two short pieces of electric wire (about 10 cm long each), and strip off both ends of each wire. Connect one end of each to the bottom part of the binding post. Curl the other end of each wire. The curly ends are the one which will dive into the liquid.e the one which will dive into the liquid.)
  • Documenter son projet  + (Ces images sont une ébauche de la documentCes images sont une ébauche de la documentation d'un projet créée à partir du modèle. Inspiré des pages Wiki, ce modèle reprend tous les éléments dont vous avez besoin pour créer votre propre page de projet.
    Retrouvez le modèle en version française et anglaise dans les Fichiers.
    vez le modèle en version française et anglaise dans les Fichiers.</div> </div>)
  • Installer des toilettes  + (Posez le WC sur le socle et placez le joinPosez le WC sur le socle et placez le joint sur le trou de vidange du réservoir qui se trouve à l'arrière de la cuvette. Posez le réservoir à l'arrière en prenant soin d'insérer ses tiges dans les trous de fixation de la cuvette. Fixez le réservoir à la cuvette en vissant les papillons sur les tiges filetées.sant les papillons sur les tiges filetées.)
  • Monter un receveur et des parois de douche  + (Commencez par l’installation du mitigeur.)
  • Snowboard… objet déco  + (Commencez par retirer les fixations et les éventuels stickers et déco diverses. Utiliser ensuite de la lessive St Marc pour nettoyer la planche afin de ne plus avoir la démarcation de couleur au niveau où étaient installées les fixes.)
  • Snowboard… objet déco  + (Commencez par retirer les fixations et les éventuels stickers et déco diverses. Utiliser ensuite de la lessive St Marc pour nettoyer la planche afin de ne plus avoir la démarcation de couleur au niveau où étaient installées les fixes.)
  • SolarOSE - Guide 3: Support structure of the receiver  + (Cut at a length of 2300 mm 4 square tubes:Cut at a length of 2300 mm 4 square tubes: a right cut and a 45° cut. Drill the holes according to the 3D model in order to assemble the legs of the “tepee” (1 hole/square tube), the receiver’s fixation (1 hole/square tube), the fixation of the inferior square tube across the length (2 holes/square tube), the fixation of the transversal flat (1 hole/ square tube, 800mm from the bottom, measured at the furthest point of the 45° cut). Check the total length of the square tube: the length necessary to drill the holes is measured from the bottom of the leg. Cut 4 flats with 30 mm large, 40 mm long and 5 mm thick and check the dimensions. Drill and tap the flats at 10 mm from the edges to fix an adjustable leg made of a screw with a diameter of 8 mm. Weld the flats on the edges cut at 45°. By doing this, an adjustable horizontal leg is obtained. an adjustable horizontal leg is obtained.)
  • SolarOSE - Guide 3: Support structure of the receiver  + (Cut at a length of 2300 mm 4 square tubes:Cut at a length of 2300 mm 4 square tubes: a right cut and a 45° cut. Drill the holes according to the 3D model in order to assemble the legs of the “tepee” (1 hole/square tube), the receiver’s fixation (1 hole/square tube), the fixation of the inferior square tube across the length (2 holes/square tube), the fixation of the transversal flat (1 hole/ square tube, 800mm from the bottom, measured at the furthest point of the 45° cut). Check the total length of the square tube: the length necessary to drill the holes is measured from the bottom of the leg. Cut 4 flats with 30 mm large, 40 mm long and 5 mm thick and check the dimensions. Drill and tap the flats at 10 mm from the edges to fix an adjustable leg made of a screw with a diameter of 8 mm. Weld the flats on the edges cut at 45°. By doing this, an adjustable horizontal leg is obtained. an adjustable horizontal leg is obtained.)
  • Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)  + (Cut the bars, the flats and the L profile angle at the lenghts marked in the following table (see image of table).)
  • Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)  + (Cut the bars, the flats and the L profile angle at the lenghts marked in the following table (see image of table).)
  • Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB  + (Cut the first svg file on 2 sheets of 300cCut the first svg file on 2 sheets of 300cmx300xm [[:Fichier:DecoupePart1.svg|DecoupePart1.svg]]. Do the same for the second file [[:Fichier:DecoupePart2.svg|DecoupePart2.svg]]. The cutting file is about 300cm by 300cm so if you have a 600x300 you can cut them two by two by merging the files. Bring together similar pieces so it's easier to work.her similar pieces so it's easier to work.)
  • SolarOSE - Guide 7: Assembling of the receiver  + (Cut the squared tube at a length of 2.2 m. Put the 10 hangers on the squared tube, with a spacing of 22 cm.)
  • How to Play Spotify on iPod Touch  + (Download AMusicSoft Spotify Music ConverteDownload AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter to your Mac/Windows. You can download it via the [ AMusicSoft website]. Then dragging and dropping the songs, playlists, or albums you wish to download towards the interface of the AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter.of the AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter.)
  • MicroHouse  + (Download on our [ on our [ Github repo] the set of milling drawings which can be used by CNC cutter to fabricate the house parts. Cut the part by a CNC mill using locally bought material. This is 18mm plywood, in the standard sheet size of 2440mm x 1220mm (8' x 4') Each component can be combined or adapted to form a structure which responds to an individual site or set of needs.nds to an individual site or set of needs.)
  • La 448  + (Le plus simple est de monter tous les hexaLe plus simple est de monter tous les hexagones et les pentagones afin de pouvoir choisir les orientations des lamelles. Ainsi lors du montage vous pourrez choisir plus facilement les orientations de lumière afin d’avoir une lampe vraiment personnalisé. Pour monter les hexagones, il vous suffit de plier légèrement les endroits gravés à la machine et de placer un agrafe dans chacun des trous prévu à cet effet.e dans chacun des trous prévu à cet effet.)
  • La 448  + (Le plus simple est de monter tous les hexaLe plus simple est de monter tous les hexagones et les pentagones afin de pouvoir choisir les orientations des lamelles. Ainsi lors du montage vous pourrez choisir plus facilement les orientations de lumière afin d’avoir une lampe vraiment personnalisé. Pour monter les hexagones, il vous suffit de plier légèrement les endroits gravés à la machine et de placer un agrafe dans chacun des trous prévu à cet effet.e dans chacun des trous prévu à cet effet.)
  • Posters et Cheat Sheet Arduino en Français  + (Feuille de triche pour Arduino, comprenant l'essentiel du code à savoir maitriser pour devenir autonome avec ce célèbre microcontroleur.)
  • Posters et Cheat Sheet Arduino en Français  + (Feuille de triche pour Arduino, comprenant l'essentiel du code à savoir maitriser pour devenir autonome avec ce célèbre microcontroleur.)
  • Use Apple Music as TikTok Video BGM  + (First of all, you need to download and insFirst of all, you need to download and install the TuneCable program on your computer. Then run it. You will be directed to the main interface, where you can pick a download mode as needed. The app mode requires an Apple Music or iTunes app on your computer and can save the original quality of Apple's music at 10x the speed for the Windows version and the Apple lossless quality at 1x the speed for the Mac version, while the web player mode can also retain the original quality at up to 10x the speed. Next, log in to your Apple ID to access the to your Apple ID to access the library.)
  • Self-learning connected thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of buildings  + (First, you need hardware. In our case, thaFirst, you need hardware. In our case, that means sensors for temperature and humidity, plus a motion sensor to figure out whether you're home, and relays to control the furnace and the fan. We also need a display so you can see the current temperature, and an enclosure to protect the messy bits. Breadboard the hardware (breadboarding is a non-permanent way to create an early hardware prototype). We chose a number of components for this product (see the list of components above). All in all, it took about an hour to throw together this breadboarded prototype, although we had to order the components a couple of days beforehand. It took another couple of hours to pull together working firmware (see the software section below).firmware (see the software section below).)
  • Self-learning connected thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of buildings  + (First, you need hardware. In our case, thaFirst, you need hardware. In our case, that means sensors for temperature and humidity, plus a motion sensor to figure out whether you're home, and relays to control the furnace and the fan. We also need a display so you can see the current temperature, and an enclosure to protect the messy bits. Breadboard the hardware (breadboarding is a non-permanent way to create an early hardware prototype). We chose a number of components for this product (see the list of components above). All in all, it took about an hour to throw together this breadboarded prototype, although we had to order the components a couple of days beforehand. It took another couple of hours to pull together working firmware (see the software section below).firmware (see the software section below).)
  • Snap circuits tutorial  + (First, you will need to 3D print the snap First, you will need to 3D print the snap part. The stl file ready for 3D printing is available [ here]. You can also tweak this design on [ tinkercad] and make it suitable to hold 3-legged components (ex. temperature sensor, light sensor). A timelapse of the 3D printing process is available [ here] <u>here</u>].)
  • Cut MTS Videos without Quality Reduction  + (Get Joyoshare [ Joyoshare [ Video cutter] downloaded and installed on your Windows (Windows XP and later) or Mac (Mac OS X 10.8 and later). Once the program opens on your desktop, you can browse the local folder with "Open" option to add your MTS or M2TS file to the main interface. Or it's handy to efficiently drag and drop the video to the required area.g and drop the video to the required area.)
  • Quiz éléctronique I2D  + (Grâce à la mise en commun de nos différentGrâce à la mise en commun de nos différentes idées nous sommes partie sur la conception d'un Quiz en rapport avec des notions étudiés en cours . Nous nous sommes par la suite inspiré de tutos vue sur internéte pour comprendre comment nous pouvions réaliser un jeux é pouvions réaliser un jeux électronique.)
  • PP Shredder Pro  + (<nowiki>====Tools====<br />non====Tools====
    1110.08 - Bearing Side Plate 4

    1110.09 - Bearing Side Plate 5

    1110.10 - Bearing Side Plate 6

    1110.11 - Gear Plate

    1110.01 - Top Plate


    #Layout the remaining pies as seen in image 1.
    #Slide plate 1110.08 directly on top of piece 1110.07
    #Drop in plate 1110.09 directly next to 1110.07/.08 in the open tabs.
    #Place the bottom tabs of plate 1110.10 into the bottom plate, and then fold the plate upwards into place.
    #Place plate 1110.11 on top as seen in image 5.
    #Place plate 1110.01 on top, securing the entire box in place.

    *Note - in the next steps, you will dismantle these last few steps, but it is important to understand how the box comes together.

    t;br /><br/></nowiki>)
  • Visual Gesture Controlled IoT Car  + (Have you watched the movie 'Project AlmanaHave you watched the movie 'Project Almanac'? Which was released in the year 2015. If not, then let me brief you a scene about it. In the movie, the main character wishes to get into MIT and therefore, builds a project for his portfolio. The project was about a drone, that could be controlled using a 2.4GHz remote controller, but when the software application on the laptop was run, the main character was seen controlling the drone with his hands in the air! The software application used a webcam to track the the movement of the character's hand movements.ovement of the character's hand movements.)
  • Mosquitto MQTT - IoT Platform Series  + (Here, there are 2 sections - '''Publish anHere, there are 2 sections - '''Publish and Subscribe'''. And then there is a middleman - '''Broker'''. Let us see in depth * IoT Devices play the role to collect sensor data and send to the cloud (broker). While '''PC''' '''/''' '''Server''' '''/''' '''Mobile devices''' play the role to monitor and receive the sensor data to be viewed - Here, '''IoT Device''' is a '''Publisher''', and '''PC Devices''' are '''Subscriber'''.
    [EXAMPLE] When a '''user1''' publishes an image on social media, then only the '''user2''' subscribed to '''user1''' can view/receive the image. Here, the '''user1''' is the '''PUBLISHER''', '''user2''' is the '''SUBSCRIBER''', and the '''user1's account''' is the '''BROKER'''.
    * According to the above analogy, the image that is published is the data, that was '''transferred from user1 to user2''' 📤. And that is the exact scenario in an MQTT Pub/Sub model. * We have a more secure layer 🔒 to make sure the data is shared t'''hrough a specific path, we call th'''at 'topic', When use'''r1''' publishes data on topic, the subscriber automatically receives if already connected to the broker. Hence, t'''he''' LOW latency.
    connected to the broker. Hence, t'''he''' LOW latency.)
  • Home Assistance on Raspberry Pi  + (Home Assistant is a free, open-source, andHome Assistant is a free, open-source, and lightweight home automation software that runs on top of [ Home Assistant Operating System.] Home Assistant OS can be installed and configured on Raspberry Pi 4, which is a low-power and compact device for running Home Assistant.compact device for running Home Assistant.)
  • Standing desk made from 2x12’ wood board and plumbers pipe  + (I cut the boards to the finish length of 5’6” using a speed square to make sure I was getting a perfect right angle cut.)
  • Standing desk made from 2x12’ wood board and plumbers pipe  + (I cut the boards to the finish length of 5’6” using a speed square to make sure I was getting a perfect right angle cut.)
  • Is it possible to replace the WR3 module with an ESP-12 module  + (This shows the top and bottom side)
  • Tableau végétal en papier  + (Ici j'ai vectorisée des silhouettes de feuIci j'ai vectorisée des silhouettes de feuilles que j'ai placées sur ma feuille format raisin virtuelle. Il m'a fallu 2h de découpe laser pour découper toutes les feuilles (soit un coup de reviens à 60€ de découpe laser à La FABrique du Loch à Auray ) , forcément cela reviendra moins cher à la main mais ce sera beaucoup plus long et moins précis.e sera beaucoup plus long et moins précis.)
  • Tableau végétal en papier  + (Ici j'ai vectorisée des silhouettes de feuIci j'ai vectorisée des silhouettes de feuilles que j'ai placées sur ma feuille format raisin virtuelle. Il m'a fallu 2h de découpe laser pour découper toutes les feuilles (soit un coup de reviens à 60€ de découpe laser à La FABrique du Loch à Auray ) , forcément cela reviendra moins cher à la main mais ce sera beaucoup plus long et moins précis.e sera beaucoup plus long et moins précis.)
  • Getting Started with 3.5 Inch PC State Display  + (If you are a PC enthusiast, you might wantIf you are a PC enthusiast, you might want to monitor the performance and status of your PC components, such as CPU, GPU, RAM, SSD, HDD, temperature, fan speed, etc. However, opening the task manager or third-party software every time you want to check this information can be inconvenient and distracting. Moreover, you might not be able to see this information when you are gaming or doing other full-screen activities. That’s why a 3.5-inch PC state display can be a great addition to your PC setup. A 3.5-inch PC state display is a small screen that can be mounted on your PC case and display various information about your PC state. It can show you the CPU model, usage, frequency, temperature, fan speed, GPU model, usage, frequency, temperature, fan speed, RAM usage, SSD/HDD usage, network speed, IP address, weather forecast, and custom information. You can also choose from different themes and orientations to suit your preferences. A 3.5-inch PC state display can help you monitor your PC state at a glance, without interrupting your workflow or gaming experience. It can also enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your PC case, making it more personalized and attractive. Whether you are a gamer, a streamer, a content creator, or a professional, a 3.5-inch PC state display can be a useful and fun tool for your PC. In this article, I will show you how to get started with a 3.5-inch PC state display, how to install it, how to customize it, and how to use it. Let’s begin!tomize it, and how to use it. Let’s begin!)
  • Node-Red Telegram Bot with Temperature Logger Part-1  + (In this article, I will show you how to usIn this article, I will show you how to use Node-RED and Telegram bot to send temperature data from a DHT11 sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi. You will be able to ask your Telegram bot for the current temperature and receive a reply with the sensor reading. You will also be able to set up a notification system that will alert you when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold. To follow this tutorial, you will need the following components: * A Raspberry Pi with Node-RED installed (you can follow [ this guide] to install Node-RED on your Raspberry Pi) * A DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor * A Telegram account and a Telegram bot token (you can follow [ this guide] to create a Telegram bot and get its token)o create a Telegram bot and get its token))
  • Casa OS with Raspberry Pi  + (In this tutorial I will show you how to buIn this tutorial I will show you how to build a beautiful home server with Raspberry Pi and Casa OS. '''Things Needed:''' All you need is a Raspberry Pi 4B board, That's all. Casa OS is a simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source home cloud system that allows you to run self-hosted apps on your Raspberry Pi or other Linux devices. You can manage your files, share them across the network, protect your privacy data, and freely add disks and expansion spaces. Casa OS also has an app store with over 20 pre-installed docker based apps and 50+ community-verified apps. If you want to try out the casa os before the installation, use the [ demo site].
    Username is casaos, and the password is also same.
    CasaOS fully supports Raspberry Pi. Also, more computers and development boards and fully compatible with Ubuntu, Debian, Raspberry Pi OS, and CentOS with one-liner installation.
    spberry Pi OS, and CentOS with one-liner installation.)
  • Energy module for People Pedal Power  + (You can chose between different buffering You can chose between different buffering systems, an battery, a supercapacitor or a flywheel. We chose a supercapacitor. A supercapacitor is an electronic component able to hold a charge. It can be used in the same function as batteries with the following differences : + a capacitor is easier to recycle than most batteries (references will follow). + a capacitor can provide and absorb a higher peak power. – the voltage varies with the charging state of the capacitor (it needs an additional converter to provide the voltage of the system) – the energy by weight capacity is less interesting than with batteries. – the cost by energy is higher. – the lifetime is quasi infinite (1M cycles). The energy storage of a supercapacitor : energy = 1/2 * C * voltage difference^2 ex = 1/2 * 500F * (16-12)^2 = 4000J = 1.11Wh = 1 cyclist for 1min20sec
  • Chaise pliante plate  + (Peparation du gcode avec fabmodules J'ai Peparation du gcode avec fabmodules J'ai été confronté à un bug d'export PNG depuis inkscape : des artefacts apparaissaient dans fabmodules En échangeant sur la mailing liste de la fabacademy , nous avons trouvé la solution (merci John et Fiore !) en fait il s'est avéré que certains pixels n'étaient pas totalement opaques finalement, l'export PNG retouché et aplati dans GIMP fonctionnai correctement. J'ai réglé une vitesse d'avance de 10mm/s avec une fraise de 3 et deux passes de 6.5mm (pour une planche de 12mm de contreplaqué de bouleau)lanche de 12mm de contreplaqué de bouleau))
  • Chaise pliante plate  + (Peparation du gcode avec fabmodules J'ai Peparation du gcode avec fabmodules J'ai été confronté à un bug d'export PNG depuis inkscape : des artefacts apparaissaient dans fabmodules En échangeant sur la mailing liste de la fabacademy , nous avons trouvé la solution (merci John et Fiore !) en fait il s'est avéré que certains pixels n'étaient pas totalement opaques finalement, l'export PNG retouché et aplati dans GIMP fonctionnai correctement. J'ai réglé une vitesse d'avance de 10mm/s avec une fraise de 3 et deux passes de 6.5mm (pour une planche de 12mm de contreplaqué de bouleau)lanche de 12mm de contreplaqué de bouleau))
  • Snap circuits activities for 9 - 11  + (Kids will be using arduino uno boards and Kids will be using arduino uno boards and snap components to work on the energy efficiency of their miniature house. First of all, have the kids set up their miniature houses. They can build one using cardboard, or you can laser cut them in advance, using for example a 3mm thick MDF board. [ Here]’s the design of a miniature house, ready for laser cut. Next, ask the participants to place at least one snap LED component inside the house. At this stage, they will need to program the LED(s) they have installed in the house via arduino, specifically program them to go '''on during the day''' (that is if a certain light threshold is attained) and '''off at night''' (that is to say if the amount of light in the environment falls below a given threshold). They’ll need to use an LDR in connection with the LEDs. The LDR can be mounted on a snap support, or simply used as it mounted on a snap support, or simply used as it is.)
  • Purificateur d'air anti-Covid  + (Les calculs des concentrations et des quanLes calculs des concentrations et des quantité de virus respirées sont détaillés ici: [ Purificateur_d_air_anti-Covid_CalculsConcentrations.pdf] Ces calculs sont nécessaires pour appréhender clairement l'action des purificateurs. La comparaison du débit de traitement avec le volume de la pièce est une indication intéressante mais pas suffisante pour appréhender la dynamique des phénomènes. '''Photo 1:''' On y voit l'évolution des concentrations pour deux volumes de salles (75 et 150 m3) et trois débits différents (0, 300 et 600 m3/H). Si on ne fait rien, la concentration de virus croît linéairement avec le temps. Le traitement par les purificateurs limite très rapidement cette croissance en une asymptote dont le niveau est inversement proportionnel au débit du traitement. '''Photo 2:''' On y voit l'évolution des virus respirés pour deux volumes de salles (75 et 150 m3) et trois débits différents (0, 300 et 600 m3/H). Si on ne fait rien, la quantité de virus respirés croit comme le carré du temps passé. Le traitement par les purificateurs limite très vite cette croissance qui se réduit à une croissance linéaire. On note que la vitesse d'ingestion du virus ne dépend plus de la taille de la salle mais seulement du débit de traitement. '''Photo 3:''' On y voit l'évolution de la réduction de la quantité de virus respirés (réduction du risque) en fonction du temps pour deux volumes de salles (75 m3 et 150 m3) et pour deux débits différents (300 et 600 m3/H). On peut noter que l'intérêt est le plus grand lorsque l'on doit passer du temps dans une petite salle.oit passer du temps dans une petite salle.)
  • Sauna-ravane  + (Pour faire la structure du sauna qui recevra le lambris puis sur lequel nos curistes s'adosseront il faut mailler assez finement la structure en liteaux?)
  • Poser une suspension  + (Accrochez la monture et glissez les fils dAccrochez la monture et glissez les fils dans la gaine. Raccordez les fils, le rouge c'est la phase et le bleu c'est le neutre. Insérez la gaine dans son logement et fermez le boîtier de raccordement. Accrochez le boîtier et réglez la longueur du câble à la position voulue. Remontez à présent le cache-fils en prenant soin de masquer la fixation et les câbles soin de masquer la fixation et les câbles)
  • Fabriquer un badge 38mm avec une eBadges  + (eBadges fournit une petite roulotte pour détourer vos designs. ''N'oubliez pas que votre badge possède des zones qui sont repliées une fois qu'il a été serti ! Ne prévoyez donc pas un design trop grand, quitte à faire quelques essais.'')
  • Fabriquer un badge 38mm avec une eBadges  + (eBadges fournit une petite roulotte pour détourer vos designs. ''N'oubliez pas que votre badge possède des zones qui sont repliées une fois qu'il a été serti ! Ne prévoyez donc pas un design trop grand, quitte à faire quelques essais.'')
  • Sénégal ville propre  + (Après la phase de sensibilisation de la poAprès la phase de sensibilisation de la population, il faudra installer des points de collecte de déchéts triés par quartiers mais aussi équiper la population en poubelles de tri. Une distribution gratuite de poubelles en carton recyclé sera organisé auprès des habitants pour les inciter à trier eux-mêmes. Les couleurs utilisées seront : *JAUNE pour le papier et carton (non souillés par des aliments) *ROUGE pour les plastiques *VERT pour les déchets alimentaires L'accompagnement de la population continuera jusqu'à ce que celle-ci soient en mesure de trier conformément aux instructions données par des volontaires. Pour augmenter l'adhésion de la population, la démarche de tri pour le recyclage pourra être ''rétribuée''. Plusieurs types de rétributions sont envisageables: *redistribution à la population de produits transformés à partir des déchets triés et collectés (par exemple, les déchets alimentaires seront compostés et le compost produit est donné aux habitants pour enrichir la terre dans des plantations) *rémunération des déchets triés en fonction du type et de la quantité (verre, métal, plastiques, ...) Une fois colléctés, une partie des déchets pourra bénéficier d'une réutilisation ou d'un recyclage local ou pris en charge par des entreprises spécialisées.
    ar des entreprises spécialisées. <br/>)
  • Showerloop - Guide 2: Filters  + (There are 2 lids per filter, the top lid aThere are 2 lids per filter, the top lid and bottom lid - duh. A hex nut is used to fasten the hose nipple (facing away from the filter) to the filter lid. The dimensions of hex nuts and/or hose nipples may vary regionally so it's best to get them first,check the measurements and modify the file if needed. In the picture of the lid only a circle was etched/milled into the acrylic lid to fit the hex nut but the design was later revised to have the shape of the hex nut itself, thereby fastening it to the lid so that it could no longer rotate (and prevent fastening) when adding the hose nipple on the outer side of the lid. hose nipple on the outer side of the lid.)
  • Showerloop - Guide 2: Filters  + (Laser cut or CNC the files in [http://googLaser cut or CNC the files in [ this pdf]. Since laser cutters handle cutting a bit differently there may be come problems with the file. Generally red / hairlines (0.001mm) is for cutting and black is for engraving.
    If you don’t have access to a laser cutter or CNC machine, a manual router can be used to cut out the groove in the filter and the whole shape if need be. To cut a perfect circle with a router a special tool may need to be made (look for circle jig on youtube).
    The lids and mounting plates can also be a single piece if you are using thick material. Four 10cm diameter x 50cm filters are required to have an appropriate flow rate of 10l/min. With 6.6l/min two filters are sufficient and 1 filter for 3.3l/min. The surface area is more important than the length of the filter because that determines the flow rate through the filter and thus reaction times. I use 10mm thick acrylic sheets for the lid and compression disks but I have used 4-5mm acrylic sheets in previous prototypes and glued them together with decent results.
    d 4-5mm acrylic sheets in previous prototypes and glued them together with decent results.)
  • 2D Drawing to 3D Print  + (Make sure you have downloaded all the softMake sure you have downloaded all the software you will need for the activity. These include: CamScanner: Free app that can be found on the Google Play Store. (Make sure you press 'skip' when asked to trial Premium for free.) Inkscape: Free Open Source software for drawing on your computer. It can be downloaded from their website which is easily found through Google. Suitable software for your 3D printer: Such as FlashPrint or Ultimaker Cura. This will depend on the model of 3D printer you have but should be free to download online.ave but should be free to download online.)
  • Building Yourself a Chicken Coop  + (Mark out the area in your yard and using eMark out the area in your yard and using either timber or pavers set out a firm foundation for the frame to stand on. Make sure its level and all the corners are square. If using timber make sure it's treated, that will prevent it from rotting. Keeping the chicken coop off the ground is not essential, but it is a good idea,  We've used a 200mm x 70mm treated pine timber section from Bunnings, and please note these timber sections are not included with the Somerzby [ Chicken Coops] Chicken Coops].)
  • Building Yourself a Chicken Coop  + (Mark out the area in your yard and using eMark out the area in your yard and using either timber or pavers set out a firm foundation for the frame to stand on. Make sure its level and all the corners are square. If using timber make sure it's treated, that will prevent it from rotting. Keeping the chicken coop off the ground is not essential, but it is a good idea,  We've used a 200mm x 70mm treated pine timber section from Bunnings, and please note these timber sections are not included with the Somerzby [ Chicken Coops] Chicken Coops].)
  • ZipStich Chair with plywood pieces and zip ties  + (Measure and mark the plywood with a pencil.)
  • ZipStich Chair with plywood pieces and zip ties  + (Measure and mark the plywood with a pencil.)
  • Communication Dish  + (Measure and sketch the correct measurements required to make the dish on the plywood.(The measurement should be precisely done as this affects how the dish will turn out))
  • Menstrual Cup - 3D Cup  + ( * * )
  • Coupe menstruelle - Cup en 3D  + ( * * )
  • Coupe menstruelle - Cup en 3D  + ( * * )
  • Crypto Mining with ESP32  + (Money is one of the most important inventiMoney is one of the most important inventions in human history. It is a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account. Money enables trade, commerce, and economic growth. However, money also has its limitations and challenges. For example, money can be counterfeited, stolen, or inflated. To overcome these problems, some people have invented a new form of money: cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency that uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, meaning that it is not controlled by any central authority or government. Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger called a blockchain, which ensures transparency and immutability. Some examples of cryptocurrencies are: * '''Bitcoin''': The first and most popular cryptocurrency, created in 2009 by an anonymous person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin has a limited supply of 21 million coins and uses a proof-of-work algorithm to validate transactions and create new blocks. * '''Ethereum''': A platform that allows developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts using its native cryptocurrency, ether. Ethereum uses a proof-of-stake algorithm to secure its network and enable faster transactions. Cryptocurrencies have many advantages over traditional money. They are: * '''Secure''': Cryptocurrencies use cryptography to protect transactions from fraud and hacking. Cryptocurrencies also have no single point of failure, as they are distributed across many nodes on the network. * '''Transparent''': Cryptocurrencies allow anyone to view the history and details of every transaction on the blockchain. Cryptocurrencies also have no hidden fees or charges, as they are based on peer-to-peer transactions. * '''Inclusive''': Cryptocurrencies enable anyone with an internet connection and a digital wallet to access the global financial system. Cryptocurrencies also have no barriers to entry or discrimination, as they are open to anyone regardless of their identity or location. * '''Innovative''': Cryptocurrencies foster innovation and creativity, as they allow developers to create new applications and services using blockchain technology. Cryptocurrencies also have the potential to disrupt various industries and sectors, such as banking, e-commerce, healthcare, education, and more. Cryptocurrencies are not without challenges and risks, however. They are: * '''Volatile''': Cryptocurrencies are subject to high price fluctuations due to supply and demand dynamics, market sentiment, regulatory uncertainty, and technical issues. Cryptocurrencies can also be affected by external factors, such as geopolitical events, cyberattacks, media coverage, and public opinion. * '''Complex''': Cryptocurrencies require a steep learning curve for users to understand how they work and how to use them safely and effectively. Cryptocurrencies also involve technical jargon and concepts that may be confusing or intimidating for beginners. * '''Unregulated''': Cryptocurrencies operate in a legal gray area, as they are not recognized or regulated by most governments and authorities. Cryptocurrencies may face legal restrictions or bans in some areas, which may limit their adoption and usage. Cryptocurrencies may also pose ethical and social issues, such as tax evasion, money laundering, terrorism financing, and environmental impact. Cryptocurrency is a new era of money that offers many opportunities and challenges for the future. Cryptocurrency is not just a technology or a currency; it is a social phenomenon that reflects the values and aspirations of its users. Cryptocurrency is not perfect or flawless; it is an experiment that evolves and improves over time. Cryptocurrency is not for everyone or everything; it is a choice that depends on one’s preferences and depends on one’s preferences and needs.)
  • What are the top 10 Indian stocks for a retirement portfolio for a person in mid-50  + (Most investors want to make investments thMost investors want to make investments that will provide them with significant returns as rapidly as possible while minimizing the danger of losing their principal. This is why so many people are on the search for great investment programs that will allow them to double their money in a matter of months or years while posing little or no risk. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a high-return, low-risk investment product. In fact, risk and return are inextricably linked; they go hand in hand, i.e., the higher the risk, the higher the reward. When it comes to saving for their financial goals, Indians consider the following investment alternatives. '''1 Direct Investment''' Because stocks are a volatile asset with no guarantee of profits, they may not be suitable for everyone. Furthermore, it is difficult not only to select the suitable stock, but also to timing your entry and exit.The only silver lining is that stock has beaten all other asset classes in terms of inflation-adjusted returns over long periods of time. '''2 Mutual funds are a type of investment that allows you''' Equity mutual funds are mutual funds that invest largely in stocks. According to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Mutual Fund Regulations, an equity mutual fund scheme must invest at least 65 percent of its assets in stocks and equity-related securities. An equity fund might be actively or passively managed. '''3 Dept Mutual funds''' Debt mutual fund schemes are perfect for investors who want a steady income source. They are less volatile than equity funds and so considered less risky. Debt mutual funds invest primarily in fixed-income assets such as corporate bonds, government securities, treasury bills, commercial paper, and other money market instruments. These mutual funds, on the other hand, are not risk-free. They are fraught with dangers such as high interest rates and credit risk. '''4 National Pensions Systems.''' The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) manages the National Pension System (NPS), which is a long-term retirement-focused investment product. The annual fee for maintaining an NPS Tier-1 account has been reduced from Rs 6,000 to Rs 1,000. Stocks, term deposits, corporate bonds, liquid funds, and government funds are all included. Based on your risk appetite, you can decide how much you wish to risk. '''5 Public Provident Funds (PPFs).''' Compounding of tax-free interest has a substantial impact, especially in the later years, because PPFs have a 15-year tenure. It's also a safe bet because the interest earned and the principle invested are both backed by the government. Remember that the PPF interest rate is reviewed by the government every quarter. '''6 Bank Fixed deposit (FD)''' In India, a bank fixed deposit is seen as a safer investment than stocks or mutual funds. The deposit insurance and credit guarantee corporation (DICGC) guidelines cover each depositor in a bank up to a limit of Rs 5 lakh for both principle and interest as of February 4, 2020. Previously, the maximum principle and interest coverage was Rs 1 lakh. Depending on your preferences, you can choose between monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly or cumulative interest possibilities. The interest rate is applied to one's earnings and taxed in accordance with one's tax bracket. '''7 Senior Citizens' Saving Scheme (SCSS)''' Most retirees' first option is the Senior Citizens' Saving Scheme, which is a must-have in their financial portfolios. As the name implies, this service is only for older citizens or early retirees. SCSS can be applied for at a post office or a bank by anyone over the age of 60. SCSS has a five-year duration, which can be extended by three years if the scheme matures. You have a maximum investment limit of Rs 15 lakhs. It's also feasible to create more than one account. SCSS interest is paid four times a year and is fully taxed. Keep in mind that the scheme's interest rate is reviewed and adjusted on a quarterly basis. The interest rate on an investment in the scheme, on the other hand, will not vary until the scheme matures. Senior people can deduct up to Rs 50,000 in interest from SCSS in a financial year under Section 80TTB. '''8 Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY)''' PMVVY is a savings plan for people over the age of 60 that guarantees a 7.4% yearly return. Depending on your preferences, your pension income may be paid monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually. The minimum and maximum monthly pensions are Rs 1,000 and Rs 9,250, respectively. A maximum investment of Rs 15 lakh is allowed under the scheme. The project will last for ten years. The plan will remain in effect until March 31, 2023The senior individual receives a repayment of the amount invested at the conclusion of the term. The money will be paid to the nominee in the event of a senior citizen's death. '''9 Investing in Real Estate''' Your home is for your personal use only and should never be viewed as an investment. If you don't plan to live in the second house you buy, it can be used as an investment. The location of your home is the single most important factor that will determine its value and potential rental income. Capital appreciation and rental income are the two ways that real estate investments pay returns. '''10 Gold''' Having gold in the form of jewellery has its own set of problems, such as security and expense. Then there are the ‘making charges,' which typically vary between 6% and 14% of the gold price (and may go as high as 25 percent in case of special designs). For those who are interested, there is still time to purchase gold coins. A number of banks now sell gold coins. Paper gold is a unique way to get gold. Investing in paper gold is more cost-effective and can be done through gold ETFs. Such investment (buying and selling) takes place on a stock exchange when gold is the underlying asset (NSE or BSE). Investing in Sovereign Gold Bonds is another option to possess paper gold. Just [ open demat account online] with [ best indian stock broker] and start investment for your retirement. Choose your [ india's best stock broker] and search lowest [ securities brokerage] services. Find [ India's Best Stock Broker] because its one of the major part for successful [ algo trading]. '''Open demat account Online''' and use [ '''best share trading app in india'''] for start your trading journey with the best full-service providing brokerage firm in Central India.providing brokerage firm in Central India.)