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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « E-textile monsters are soft plush toys with embedded electronics. They can be designed and created by young participants who can create circuits with simple electronic components such as LEDs. This activity also adds a switch to make components work when part of the monster is squeezed. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 101 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

  • Poser en rénovation une fenêtre PVC  + (La pose en rénovation d'une fenêtre PVC s'La pose en rénovation d'une fenêtre PVC s'effectue élément par élément. Simple à poser, elle se fait directement sur le bâti de votre ancienne fenêtre ce qui vous évite de le démonter. De plus, le choix du PVC vous garantit de solides menuiseries exemptes de tout pont thermique et autres déperditions de chaleur.ermique et autres déperditions de chaleur.)
  • La 448  + (Lampe a construire simplement, sans colle ni scotch. Assemblage simple offrant une lumiere tamisé et agréable. La Lampe est créé a 100% avec les outils numériques à un très faible coup.)
  • La 448  + (Lampe a construire simplement, sans colle ni scotch. Assemblage simple offrant une lumiere tamisé et agréable. La Lampe est créé a 100% avec les outils numériques à un très faible coup.)
  • Hands up Ready Go Scratch tutorial  + (Learn coding by making a buzzer to create an augmented quiz (for example an MCQ).)
  • Hands up Ready Go Scratch tutorial  + (Learn coding by making a buzzer to create an augmented quiz (for example an MCQ).)
  • Fruit piano  + (Learn the basics of coding by making a simple music synthesizer where each ‘fruit’ represents a key.)
  • Fruit piano  + (Learn the basics of coding by making a simple music synthesizer where each ‘fruit’ represents a key.)
  • Little Umbrella by Hyades  + (Little umbrella, l'objet connecté au service d'une communication simple et harmonieuse.)
  • Little Umbrella by Hyades  + (Little umbrella, l'objet connecté au service d'une communication simple et harmonieuse.)
  • Storeopinioncancom  + (Loblaws is currently offering a survey forLoblaws is currently offering a survey for customer feedback, with a chance to win a $1000 Optimum PC gift card for survey participants. To participate, visit the official survey page at Your feedback is important to Loblaws, and they value your input.ant to Loblaws, and they value your input.)
  • What is machine vision  + (Machine vision is a technology in the fielMachine vision is a technology in the field of artificial intelligence aimed at obtaining and analyzing images through the use of specialized cameras and equipment in an industrial environment. The data obtained can be used to solve a wide range of work tasks, machine vision technologies allow us to abandon less efficient human labor. us to abandon less efficient human labor.)
  • Maillet Plastique Recycle  + (Marre de jeter du plastique ? Fabriquez des outils avec. /!\ WORK IN PROGRESS /!\)
  • McDvoicecom  + (McDonald’s conducts Customer Satisfaction McDonald’s conducts Customer Satisfaction Survey through an official website On Mcdvoice homepage, customers who have a valid receipt are eligible to take the survey. In Online sweepstakes, these could win the jackpot in the contest. This Mcdvoice Survey will be organised by McDonalds. Why should you take the Mcdvoice Com survey ? As the purpose of this online sweepstakes is McDonlad’s wants to know that customers are satisfied or not with the products, services, so that they strive to work on quality-improvement processes through sweepstakes.improvement processes through sweepstakes.)
  • MicroHouse  + (MicroHouse is a high-performance, one-bed MicroHouse is a high-performance, one-bed house type, designed using the WikiHouse building system. It uses WikiHouse products WREN and SPARROW. It has been designed primarily for use in the UK, but could also be adapted for other countries and regions. The home can be largely self-assembled, and costs around £37,000 GBP to produce. Our files are also intended as starter files for architects, designers, engineers and others interested in getting to know the WikiHouse WREN system.getting to know the WikiHouse WREN system.)
  • Module aquaponique de recuperation  + (Module permettant de faire pousser des plantes par simple aspersion d'une solution nutritive sur les racines.)
  • What are the top 10 Indian stocks for a retirement portfolio for a person in mid-50  + (Most investors want to make investments thMost investors want to make investments that will provide them with significant returns as rapidly as possible while minimizing the danger of losing their principal. This is why so many people are on the search for great investment programs that will allow them to double their money in a matter of months or years while posing little or no risk. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a high-return, low-risk investment product. In fact, risk and return are inextricably linked; they go hand in hand, i.e., the higher the risk, the higher the reward. When it comes to saving for their financial goals, Indians consider the following investment alternatives. 1 Direct Investment Because stocks are a volatile asset with no guarantee of profits, they may not be suitable for everyone. Furthermore, it is difficult not only to select the suitable stock, but also to timing your entry and exit.The only silver lining is that stock has beaten all other asset classes in terms of inflation-adjusted returns over long periods of time. 2 Mutual funds are a type of investment that allows you Equity mutual funds are mutual funds that invest largely in stocks. According to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Mutual Fund Regulations, an equity mutual fund scheme must invest at least 65 percent of its assets in stocks and equity-related securities. An equity fund might be actively or passively managed. 3 Dept Mutual funds Debt mutual fund schemes are perfect for investors who want a steady income source. They are less volatile than equity funds and so considered less risky. Debt mutual funds invest primarily in fixed-income assets such as corporate bonds, government securities, treasury bills, commercial paper, and other money market instruments. These mutual funds, on the other hand, are not risk-free. They are fraught with dangers such as high interest rates and credit risk. 4 National Pensions Systems. The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) manages the National Pension System (NPS), which is a long-term retirement-focused investment product. The annual fee for maintaining an NPS Tier-1 account has been reduced from Rs 6,000 to Rs 1,000. Stocks, term deposits, corporate bonds, liquid funds, and government funds are all included. Based on your risk appetite, you can decide how much you wish to risk. 5 Public Provident Funds (PPFs). Compounding of tax-free interest has a substantial impact, especially in the later years, because PPFs have a 15-year tenure. It's also a safe bet because the interest earned and the principle invested are both backed by the government. Remember that the PPF interest rate is reviewed by the government every quarter. 6 Bank Fixed deposit (FD) In India, a bank fixed deposit is seen as a safer investment than stocks or mutual funds. The deposit insurance and credit guarantee corporation (DICGC) guidelines cover each depositor in a bank up to a limit of Rs 5 lakh for both principle and interest as of February 4, 2020. Previously, the maximum principle and interest coverage was Rs 1 lakh. Depending on your preferences, you can choose between monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly or cumulative interest possibilities. The interest rate is applied to one's earnings and taxed in accordance with one's tax bracket. 7 Senior Citizens' Saving Scheme (SCSS) Most retirees' first option is the Senior Citizens' Saving Scheme, which is a must-have in their financial portfolios. As the name implies, this service is only for older citizens or early retirees. SCSS can be applied for at a post office or a bank by anyone over the age of 60. SCSS has a five-year duration, which can be extended by three years if the scheme matures. You have a maximum investment limit of Rs 15 lakhs. It's also feasible to create more than one account. SCSS interest is paid four times a year and is fully taxed. Keep in mind that the scheme's interest rate is reviewed and adjusted on a quarterly basis. The interest rate on an invarterly basis. The interest rate on an inv)
  • Node Red with Raspberry Pi  + (Node-RED is a powerful open-source visual programming tool for building Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In this tutorial, we’ll cover what Node-RED is, how to install it, and how to use the visual interface to create a simple flow.)
  • Nutridome I SDG 11 I South Africa  + (Nutridome is a collaboration between SiphiNutridome is a collaboration between Siphiwe Ngwenya and Jessica Michelle Le Roux, the project set out to create a prototype of an affordable, hybrid hydroponic system which works off of an automated system which is connected to a smartphone application. The structure enables compact urban farming.e structure enables compact urban farming.)
  • Poser un plan de travail  + (Offrez-vous un nouveau plan de travail accOffrez-vous un nouveau plan de travail accompagné de sa crédence et aménagez-vous un espace de qualité pour cuisiner dans les meilleures conditions. Simple et rapide à monter, découvrez comment poser un plan de travail et sa crédence en quelques mouvements.ail et sa crédence en quelques mouvements.)
  • Peindre un sol en béton  + (Peindre un sol en béton vous permet d'appoPeindre un sol en béton vous permet d'apporter une touche déco très personnelle à votre intérieur sans entamer de fastidieux travaux. Le rénover est souvent la solution idéale pour redonner du style à votre sol ou lui offrir une seconde jeunesse. Simple et rapide à effectuer, la peinture pour sol en béton a l'avantage d'être accessible à tous les niveaux de bricoleurs !essible à tous les niveaux de bricoleurs !)
  • Peindre un sol en béton  + (Peindre un sol en béton vous permet d'appoPeindre un sol en béton vous permet d'apporter une touche déco très personnelle à votre intérieur sans entamer de fastidieux travaux. Le rénover est souvent la solution idéale pour redonner du style à votre sol ou lui offrir une seconde jeunesse. Simple et rapide à effectuer, la peinture pour sol en béton a l'avantage d'être accessible à tous les niveaux de bricoleurs !essible à tous les niveaux de bricoleurs !)
  • Plastic Shredder Machine  + (Plastic waste is shredded into flakes which will be used in the other machines to create new things. You can select the output size of these flakes by changing the sieve inside the machine to create different patterns and processes.)
  • Plastic Shredder Machine  + (Plastic waste is shredded into flakes which will be used in the other machines to create new things. You can select the output size of these flakes by changing the sieve inside the machine to create different patterns and processes.)
  • Getting Started with TivaWare Launchpad - Basics  + (Program a 32-bit Tivaware Board (TM4C123x series) from Texas Instruments using Embedded C from scratch. Contains TM4C123G ARM-cortex MCU.)
  • Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)  + (Recycle material and use low-tech techniquRecycle material and use low-tech techniques to plant trees to: • Improve irrigation efficiency, • Improve young tree survival rate in harsh environment, • Rehabilitate the Dry Evergreen Tropical Forest (in this case near Auroville, India). Rehabilitation of the forest offers many other benefits such as soil rejuvenation, life-friendly microclimate development, biodiversity enhancement, water retention and so much more. "If we could only understand what a tree does for us, how beneficial it is to life on earth, we would (as many tribes have done) revere all trees as brothers and sisters." (B. Mollison)es as brothers and sisters." (B. Mollison))
  • Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)  + (Recycle material and use low-tech techniquRecycle material and use low-tech techniques to plant trees to: • Improve irrigation efficiency, • Improve young tree survival rate in harsh environment, • Rehabilitate the Dry Evergreen Tropical Forest (in this case near Auroville, India). Rehabilitation of the forest offers many other benefits such as soil rejuvenation, life-friendly microclimate development, biodiversity enhancement, water retention and so much more. "If we could only understand what a tree does for us, how beneficial it is to life on earth, we would (as many tribes have done) revere all trees as brothers and sisters." (B. Mollison)es as brothers and sisters." (B. Mollison))
  • Plastic-Waste Pavement  + (Recycle the plastic waste into pavement blRecycle the plastic waste into pavement blocks to: *Move and work in the garden during the rainy season, *Remove trash from the nature, *Reduce the burning of plastics and, *Raise awareness about the waste issue and hope to influence the local communities toward a wasteless communities toward a wasteless future.)
  • Plastic-Waste Pavement  + (Recycle the plastic waste into pavement blRecycle the plastic waste into pavement blocks to: *Move and work in the garden during the rainy season, *Remove trash from the nature, *Reduce the burning of plastics and, *Raise awareness about the waste issue and hope to influence the local communities toward a wasteless communities toward a wasteless future.)
  • Visual Gesture Controlled IoT Car  + (Remember the opening scene of movie 'Project Almanac'? Controlling a drone with hand? Make it yourself, and to simplify, let's control a CAR)
  • Repair Cafe'  + (Repair cafe intends to repair broken electronic appliances of the public, these appliances may range from phones, radios, television and solar pannels)
  • Repair Cafe'  + (Repair cafe intends to repair broken electronic appliances of the public, these appliances may range from phones, radios, television and solar pannels)
  • Tidal Discord - How to Link Tidal to Discord  + (Sadly, Tidal Discord Integration is not avSadly, Tidal Discord Integration is not available currently. As a Tidal user, how can I get Tidal Discord work so as to play Tidal through Discord? Here is the best solution - AudFree Tidable Music Converter to download music from Tidal to local and then add downloaded Tidal songs to Spotify so as to play Tidal through Discord by connecting Spotify on Discord. Discord by connecting Spotify on Discord.)
  • Candlestick in copper and wood  + (Simple candlestick made of copper and wood)
  • Candlestick in copper and wood  + (Simple candlestick made of copper and wood)
  • Candlestick in copper and wood  + (Simple candlestick made of copper and wood)
  • FluidSIM-H - 01  + (Simulación hidráulica de un mando directo para un cilindro de simple efecto.)
  • Snap circuits tutorial  + (Snap circuits are a fun support to introduce kids to circuitry and electronic prototyping. They can also be used to tackle topics related to energy saving.)
  • No-Sew Sock Snowman with Rice in Minutes  + (Socks are a common item in every household. Yes, we just need a sock to make this adorable little Snowman. If you somehow lost a sock from a fair you can use the lonely socks as a snowman craft project to reuse them!)
  • Laser cut Spirograph  + (Spirograph is a simple drawing game that uses working gears. The goal of this activity is to design a simple spirograph with Tinkercad and export the files ready for laser cutting.)
  • Blindspot Alert  + (Team MILE is tackling SDG11, making cities inclusive,safe,resilient and sustainable, we are providing a simple innovative solution to help reduce accidents and the number of pedestrians that get hit by cars from blindspots.)
  • Peindre un mur  + (Tendance et permettant de personnaliser voTendance et permettant de personnaliser votre intérieur, la peinture est un revêtement facile à appliquer. En apprenant à maîtriser les techniques d'application, vous pourrez imposer votre style sur tous les murs de la maison ! Teinte claire, foncée ou colorée, avec la peinture, c'est si simple de changer l'apparence de vos murs.simple de changer l'apparence de vos murs.)
  • Open Documentation training  + (The #opendocumentation workshop seeks to eThe #opendocumentation workshop seeks to empower its audience or participants with skills of how to document their activities, which could be hardware making or document compilation, or any relevant activity which can be documented for future references and improvements hence using different open licences.ments hence using different open licences.)
  • Open Documentation training  + (The #opendocumentation workshop seeks to eThe #opendocumentation workshop seeks to empower its audience or participants with skills of how to document their activities, which could be hardware making or document compilation, or any relevant activity which can be documented for future references and improvements hence using different open licences.ments hence using different open licences.)
  • Bucket stool made of wood and concrete  + (The $5 bucket stool is a project created bThe $5 bucket stool is a project created by Ben Uyeda, the designer behind the very inspiring blog [ Homemade Modern]. The stool is durable, simple to make and aesthetically pleasing. What’s great about this project is that there is very little waste. The bucket serves a vessel for mixing the concrete and as the form for the stool. When the stool has cured it can be removed without damaging the bucket. A 48" dowel cut into three 16-inch pieces provides legs without waste.6-inch pieces provides legs without waste.)
  • Bucket stool made of wood and concrete  + (The $5 bucket stool is a project created bThe $5 bucket stool is a project created by Ben Uyeda, the designer behind the very inspiring blog [ Homemade Modern]. The stool is durable, simple to make and aesthetically pleasing. What’s great about this project is that there is very little waste. The bucket serves a vessel for mixing the concrete and as the form for the stool. When the stool has cured it can be removed without damaging the bucket. A 48" dowel cut into three 16-inch pieces provides legs without waste.6-inch pieces provides legs without waste.)
  • Analogic Drawing Pad  + (The Analogic drawing pad is a DIY machine that works in a similar was as an etch as sketch device. It allows you to draw lines, text, and simple shapes.)
  • Analogic Drawing Pad  + (The Analogic drawing pad is a DIY machine that works in a similar was as an etch as sketch device. It allows you to draw lines, text, and simple shapes.)
  • Colorado Top Bar Assembly  + (The Colorado Top Bar is a beautiful beehivThe Colorado Top Bar is a beautiful beehive for your backyard, community garden or rooftop. Designed by our team in Colorado and inspired by the classic Kenyan Top Bar design, the CTB contains minimal parts and requires lost no equipment to harvest honey and wax. The CTB embraces natural beekeeping methods, allowing bees to build “natural” or “free” comb. Other styles of hive such as the Langstroth typically use pre-made plastic foundations or commercially produced wax comb.dations or commercially produced wax comb.)
  • THE EVOLUTION AND BENEFITS OF GYMNASTICS AIR TRACK MATS  + (The Safety Revolution in Gymnastics PicturThe Safety Revolution in Gymnastics Picture a gymnastics studio bustling with energy as young athletes eagerly engage in flips, tumbles, and daring routines. In the pursuit of excellence, safety becomes paramount. It was in this quest for a safer, more dynamic training environment that the gymnastics world witnessed a revolutionary tool—the air track mat. In the not-so-distant past, traditional training methods often came with inherent risks. Hard landings, unforgiving surfaces, and the potential for injuries loomed over every routine. This is where the air track mat steps onto the scene, transforming the landscape of gymnastics training. Like the evolution of any sport, gymnastics, too, has embraced innovation to enhance both performance and safety. The air track mat has emerged as a game-changer, offering a unique blend of support, flexibility, and safety that traditional training surfaces couldn't provide. Let's delve into the fascinating journey of the air track mat and unravel how it has become an indispensable tool in the gymnast's arsenal. The Evolution of Gymnastics Training and the Rise of Air Track Mats Gymnastics, with its roots dating back to ancient Greece, has undergone a remarkable transformation in both its techniques and equipment. The early gymnasts performed routines on hard surfaces, relying solely on their strength and skill. However, as the sport progressed, so did the need for safer and more efficient training methods. The shift towards modern gymnastics brought about advancements in training equipment. From wooden apparatuses to foam pits, each innovation aimed to enhance the gymnast's experience. Yet, it was the introduction of air track mats that marked a significant turning point. Air track mats, initially designed as a supplementary tool for professional gymnasts, gained swift recognition for their unparalleled benefits. These mats consist of inflatable PVC material, providing a cushioned yet firm surface that absorbs shocks and minimizes the impact on joints. This innovation not only reduced the risk of injuries during training but also allowed gymnasts to push their limits with added confidence. Today, air track mats have become a staple in gymnastics training facilities worldwide. Their significance lies not only in their safety features but also in their versatility, catering to gymnasts of all levels. As we explore the latest trends in gymnastics, the prominence of air track mats is undeniable, shaping the sport's landscape for the better. gymnastics airtrack mat Innovations in Gymnastics Air Track Mats In the dynamic realm of gymnastics, innovation is a constant force driving the sport forward. Recent trends in gymnastics air track mats reflect a commitment to excellence, safety, and performance enhancement. Advancements in technology have played a pivotal role in shaping the latest trends. Modern air track mats incorporate cutting-edge materials that not only ensure durability but also optimize the gymnast's experience. High-quality PVC compounds and reinforced stitching contribute to the mats' longevity, with manufacturers constantly exploring ways to enhance these materials. Design evolution is another notable aspect of recent trends. The incorporation of air chambers with varying pressure zones allows for customized firmness levels, catering to individual preferences and training requirements. Some mats even feature non-slip surfaces, ensuring stability during intricate routines. Government regulations and safety standards are crucial in the world of gymnastics, and air track mats are no exception. The adherence to guidelines set by gymnastics federations and safety authorities ensures that these mats provide an environment conducive to skill development while minimizing the risk of injuries. As the demand for stringent safety measures rises, manufacturers continue to align their products with these standards, ensuring that gymnastics air track mats not only meet but exceed regulatoryk mats not only meet but exceed regulatory)
  • Basic Multi-Modular Frames for Cargo Bikes - Stackable watertight laser cut boxes by Velo M2  + (The basic multi-modular frames for cargo bThe basic multi-modular frames for cargo bikes is the first building block in our open source platform Vélo M², an ecosystem where we provide the electricity by solar & pedal power and the plans to build modules to your imagination that make use of this renewable energy. We want to make use of cargo bike by adding mobile fablabs, open air cinema, foodbikes, … . If you want a nice-looking stackable watertight laser cut box just to transport all kind of things or to give a place for your module idea or to immediately start building our self sustainable energy module, you first have to go through this building part.u first have to go through this building part.)
  • PP Sheetpress  + (The following guide documents the build of the Precious Plastic Sheet Press as supplied and designed by Citizen Scientific Workshop.)
  • Empty room activity v12  + (The function of the game has often been unThe function of the game has often been underestimated. In the past it has been defined more as a pastime, an activity to be dedicated to only once the most important, most serious activities have been carried out. Today, however, it has taken on significant educational importance, and has been recognized as a real "right" for every child with Resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989 by the United Nations General Assembly.89 by the United Nations General Assembly.)
  • Thermostat control activity v12  + (The purpose of this activity is to increase the patient's sensitivity to energy consumption for temperature control.)
  • Brightness control activity v12  + (The purpose of this activity is to increase the user's sensitivity to energy consumption for brightness control.)
  • 2D Drawing to 3D Print  + (This activity involves participants creating a 2D drawing which they can bring to life through 3D printing.)
  • Glowing LED Butterfly  + (This activity is a great example of how ArThis activity is a great example of how Arduino can be integrated with a circuit to create something appealing to all ages and genders. It will introduce the participants to a new component (RGB strips) and is a great next step from simple circuitry as it involves more advanced techniques, such as soldering, and many different components such as a battery, switch, resistors and transistors.attery, switch, resistors and transistors.)
  • Comgrow ROBO 3180 Desktop ROBO CNC Guide  + (This guide page is designed for customers This guide page is designed for customers to know about COMGROW ROBO CNC ROUTER PRE ASSEMBLED MACHINE. If you need more information or want to share something with us. You can join our Facebook group. Our customer service and other experienced group members can help you solve your problems. members can help you solve your problems.)
  • Buzzing Bee Circuit  + (This is a simple activity that can be used with younger participants, introducing them to Computer Aided Design, 3 D printing and electronic prototyping and giving an example of how these can work together to make something moveable.)
  • Make Collaborative Playlists on Spotify  + (This is a tutorial on how to make Spotify collaborative playlist.)
  • Kossel Max All Metal 3D Printer  + (This is how i built my own delta printer, it's still a work in progress and things may change.)
  • How To Make A Perfect Study Table/en-gb  + (This is how you can design study table for your kids. These tutorial will cover all the points which are necessary to make study table.)
  • How to Make Amazon Music Louder  + (This post introduces 7 fixes to make Amazon Music louder while playing songs.)
  • Losslessly Combine WebM Files in 2020  + (This proven tutorial presents how to combine multiple WebM video files into one in lossless quality with easy steps using Joyoshare Video Joiner. The whole procedures are quite simple, which could be completed within minutes.)
  • Top Way to Rotate YouTube Video with Ease  + (This simple tutorial presents a proven solution to rotate YouTube video with easy steps. For more solutions, please go the page:
  • TS Joiners to Combine TS Files without Re-encoding  + (This simple tutorial shares a lossless way - Joyoshare Video Joiner to combine an unlimited number of TS video files into one without re-encoding.)
  • Turn signal biking jacket  + (This tutorial will show you how to build aThis tutorial will show you how to build a jacket with turn signals that will let people know where you're headed when you're on your bike. We'll use conductive thread and sewable electronics so your jacket will be soft and wearable and washable when you're done. Enjoy!able and washable when you're done. Enjoy!)
  • Turn signal biking jacket  + (This tutorial will show you how to build aThis tutorial will show you how to build a jacket with turn signals that will let people know where you're headed when you're on your bike. We'll use conductive thread and sewable electronics so your jacket will be soft and wearable and washable when you're done. Enjoy!able and washable when you're done. Enjoy!)
  • Salesforce OmniStudio-Developer Dumps  + (To make your Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer Exam preparation all the more accessible and approachable, Grades4Sure offers OmniStudio-Developer Questions and Answers Practice Test.)
  • Lampe Kueng Caputo - Le Poulpe + Les Saprophytes  + (Tutoriel simple pour réaliser une lampe structure bois.)
  • Caisson pour tirage de cyanotypes  + (Un caisson conçu par Anne Monneau et réaliUn caisson conçu par Anne Monneau et réalisé au Fablab d'Argentan, permettant d'exposer des feuilles de cyanotype à la lumière UV. Ce caisson est entièrement démontable afin de faciliter le transport pour des ateliers. Son assemblage se fait par un simple système d’encastrements.ait par un simple système d’encastrements.)
  • Bento LNVY  + (Une BENTOLUX avec l'allumage de leds initié par le passage d'un badge.)
  • Bento LNVY  + (Une BENTOLUX avec l'allumage de leds initié par le passage d'un badge.)
  • Lampe Triangulaire, Bois et Calque  + (Une lampe en bois et papier au style naturel et minimaliste illuminé par des LEDs RGB.)
  • Lample personnalisez  + (Une lampe simple et super cool affaire)
  • Prison break: une liaison Arduino - Raspberry  + (Une sculpture animée grâce à la détection d'un faisceau lumineux déclenchant l'ouverture de la porte d'un four micro-ondes recyclé, le clignotement d'un ruban leds et le grincement sonore d'une porte de bagne ...)
  • Table de chevet simple en bois  + (Une table de chevet en bois de construction très simple)
  • Table de chevet simple en bois  + (Une table de chevet en bois de construction très simple)
  • Recycler le plastique  + (Une technique simple qui nécessite peu de matériel pour arrêter enfin de jeter vos chutes d'impression 3D, et les transformer en matière première pour votre découpe laser)
  • Veste de cycliste avec clignotants  + (Une veste avec des clignotants intégrés pour indiquer que vous allez tourner. Pour que la veste reste souple et lavable, elle contient du fil conducteur et des circuits électroniques à coudre.)
  • Clay-pot-irrigation system (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (Use a clay pot berried in the ground and lUse a clay pot berried in the ground and low-tech to irrigate young trees to: • Improve irrigation efficiency, • Improve young tree survival rate, • Rehabilitate degraded areas. Rehabilitation of the forest offers many other benefits such as soil rejuvenation, life-friendly microclimate development, biodiversity enhancement, water retention and so much more.ncement, water retention and so much more.)
  • Clay-pot-irrigation system (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (Use a clay pot berried in the ground and lUse a clay pot berried in the ground and low-tech to irrigate young trees to: • Improve irrigation efficiency, • Improve young tree survival rate, • Rehabilitate degraded areas. Rehabilitation of the forest offers many other benefits such as soil rejuvenation, life-friendly microclimate development, biodiversity enhancement, water retention and so much more.ncement, water retention and so much more.)
  • Humanure Dry Toilets, low-tech tricks  + (Use locally-available material, simple tecUse locally-available material, simple technics and tools to build Humanure Dry Toilets to collect human refuses (urine and feces) without insect nor bad smell, mitigate sanitation issues related to black water and human excreta, reduce soil pollution, reduce water pollution, reduce waterborne diseases, generate potent fertilizers for the garden, reduce (if not eradicate) use of chemicals (fertilizer, biocides, chemical soaps…), raise awareness about the human nutrient cycle and the ecosystemic logic of Nature. In this Technical Sheet we only focus on how to build the Humanure Dry Toilets. One should also consider User Manuals and Compost Procedures as essential complements!mpost Procedures as essential complements!)
  • Potato Tower  + (Use locally-available material, simple tecUse locally-available material, simple technics and tools to build Potato Towers to: *Harvest a high yield of potatoes on a very limited surface, *Lower potato watering effort (if needed), *Lower potato harvesting effort, *Bring foods closer to the kitchen, *Inspire people through attractive green people through attractive green design.)
  • Potato Tower  + (Use locally-available material, simple tecUse locally-available material, simple technics and tools to build Potato Towers to: *Harvest a high yield of potatoes on a very limited surface, *Lower potato watering effort (if needed), *Lower potato harvesting effort, *Bring foods closer to the kitchen, *Inspire people through attractive green people through attractive green design.)
  • Humanure Dry Toilets, low-tech tricks  + (Use locally-available material, simple tecUse locally-available material, simple technics and tools to build Humanure Dry Toilets to collect human refuses (urine and feces) without insect nor bad smell, mitigate sanitation issues related to black water and human excreta, reduce soil pollution, reduce water pollution, reduce waterborne diseases, generate potent fertilizers for the garden, reduce (if not eradicate) use of chemicals (fertilizer, biocides, chemical soaps…), raise awareness about the human nutrient cycle and the ecosystemic logic of Nature. In this Technical Sheet we only focus on how to build the Humanure Dry Toilets. One should also consider User Manuals and Compost Procedures as essential complements!mpost Procedures as essential complements!)
  • Capteur de CO2 connecté  + (Voici la marche à suivre pour construire et installer un capteur de CO2 communiquant. Pour rester le plus simple possible, il n'est pas prévu d'afficher les mesures sur le capteur. Les mesures sont envoyées vers un broker MQTT)
  • Sérigraphie avec un pochoir de vinyle  + (Voici une technique de sérigraphie qui permet d'imprimer une image simple.)
  • Hack Ikea Kallax Gutviken  + (Vous avez une petite salle de bain et/ou un petit budget? Voici une solution qui devrait vous convenir moyennant un bricolage assez simple.)
  • Peindre sur carrelage  + (Vous désirez changer l’ambiance de votre pVous désirez changer l’ambiance de votre pièce tout en conservant votre ancien carrelage ? Rien de plus simple. Les peintures spéciales carrelages sont désormais disponibles dans une large palette de coloris. Découvrez étape par étape comment peindre du carrelage facilement.e comment peindre du carrelage facilement.)
  • Best Amazon Music Converter in 2021 Is Here  + (With the help of this excellent Amazon MusWith the help of this excellent Amazon Music Converter created and developed by AudFree Software:, Amazon Music users can download Amazon Music for free or convert Amazon Music, Prime Music to MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC, etc. at faster conversion speed.WAV, AAC, etc. at faster conversion speed.)
  • Build an Easy ISS Notifier  + (You can easily create a hardware notifier that lifts UP a paper astronaut to alert you each time the International Space Station passes over your location. Way more fun than a text!)
  • Build an Easy ISS Notifier  + (You can easily create a hardware notifier that lifts UP a paper astronaut to alert you each time the International Space Station passes over your location. Way more fun than a text!)
  • Utiliser la Handibot  + ([EN COURS] Une intro simple pour utiliser la Handibot : Fraiseuse à commande numérique de zBis)
  • Utiliser la Handibot  + ([EN COURS] Une intro simple pour utiliser la Handibot : Fraiseuse à commande numérique de zBis)
  • Self-learning connected thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of buildings  + ([WORK IN PROGRESS] This smart thermostat i[WORK IN PROGRESS] This smart thermostat is an electronic, programmable, and self-learning Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of homes and businesses to conserve energy. It is based on a machine learning algorithm: for the first weeks users have to regulate the thermostat in order to provide the reference data set. The thermostat can then learn people's schedule, at which temperature they are used to and when. Using built-in sensors and phones' locations it can shift into energy saving mode when it realizes nobody is at home.g mode when it realizes nobody is at home.)
  • Self-learning connected thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of buildings  + ([WORK IN PROGRESS] This smart thermostat i[WORK IN PROGRESS] This smart thermostat is an electronic, programmable, and self-learning Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of homes and businesses to conserve energy. It is based on a machine learning algorithm: for the first weeks users have to regulate the thermostat in order to provide the reference data set. The thermostat can then learn people's schedule, at which temperature they are used to and when. Using built-in sensors and phones' locations it can shift into energy saving mode when it realizes nobody is at home.g mode when it realizes nobody is at home.)
  • Cui-cui  + (cui~cui est prévu pour être un réveil dontcui~cui est prévu pour être un réveil dont la sonnerie change en fonction de la météo. Pour le moment, c'est un afficheur de données météo, un anneau de leds multicolores, et un générateur de musique diffusée sur 4 hauts-parleurs, le tout commandé par une télécommande infra-rouge.commandé par une télécommande infra-rouge.)
  • Lead generation course in hyderabad  + (lead generation course in hyderabad at Emblead generation course in hyderabad at Emblix Academy is without a doubt one of the best institutes to consider With its top-notch curriculum, experienced instructors, and commitment to excellence, Emblix Academy is sure to help you achieve your goals and succeed in your career. Hyderabad, a well-known city in India, is a hub for various businesses, including startups and small companies. However, these businesses often struggle to generate leads, which is a crucial aspect of any successful venture. This is where lead generation coaching comes into play The lead generation course in hyderabad at Emblix Academy is taught by experienced professionals who have extensive knowledge in the field of digital marketing. The instructors are committed to providing students with the best possible education and are always available to answer any questions or concerns that students may have. The course is designed to be practical and hands-on, with students learning through real-life case studies and practical exercises. This approach ensures that students are able to apply what they have learned in a real-world setting.they have learned in a real-world setting.)
  • Hot water  + (make hot water)
  • Pochette simple  + (pochette simple ,jolie, chique, valoriser. pochette de soir qui va avec presque tout.)
  • E-Textile Monster  + (E-textile monsters are soft plush toys witE-textile monsters are soft plush toys with embedded electronics. They can be designed and created by young participants who can create circuits with simple electronic components such as LEDs. This activity also adds a switch to make components work when part of the monster is when part of the monster is squeezed.)
  • Carte Arduino Micro  + (Arduino Micro is the smallest board of the family, easy to integrate it in everyday objects to make them interactive. The Micro is based on the ATmega32U4 microcontroller featuring a built-in USB which makes the Micro recognisable as a mouse or keyboard.)
  • Item:Ruban LEDs et télécommande  + (Ruban à Leds et sa télécommande 0,5m ou 1m)
  • How to create a 3D sculpture  + (- Stimulate imagination and creativity in - Stimulate imagination and creativity in design for digital fabrication - Learn the basic concepts of 3d and 3d models, solids and slices - Learn the basic concepts of laser cutting and 3d printing - Optional: Introduce a simple software tool for slicing 3d models (Slicer for Fusion 360 with active Autodesk account)r Fusion 360 with active Autodesk account))
  • How to create a 3D sculpture  + (- Stimulate imagination and creativity in - Stimulate imagination and creativity in design for digital fabrication - Learn the basic concepts of 3d and 3d models, solids and slices - Learn the basic concepts of laser cutting and 3d printing - Optional: Introduce a simple software tool for slicing 3d models (Slicer for Fusion 360 with active Autodesk account)r Fusion 360 with active Autodesk account))
  • 3D printed geometry connectors  + (A geometry connector is a small device that, used along with other similar ones, allows to connect straws and to create geometrical forms.)
  • 3D printed geometry connectors  + (A geometry connector is a small device that, used along with other similar ones, allows to connect straws and to create geometrical forms.)
  • Water Bottle fan  + (A group of young innovators from six hubs A group of young innovators from six hubs across (Media Organizations) East African Countries of South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya came together for ASKnet Training in Adjumani district of Uganda for 14 days in October, 2019. The training was conducted by r0g Agency for open culture and critical transformation through the financial support from German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. During the practical part of the training, this group came up with an idea of building a bottle water fan from scratch. Before we started, the team list the materials and tools needed to complete the project, and where collected in one place. Take your time to pass through all the processes as documented belowough all the processes as documented below)
  • Water Bottle fan  + (A group of young innovators from six hubs A group of young innovators from six hubs across (Media Organizations) East African Countries of South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya came together for ASKnet Training in Adjumani district of Uganda for 14 days in October, 2019. The training was conducted by r0g Agency for open culture and critical transformation through the financial support from German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. During the practical part of the training, this group came up with an idea of building a bottle water fan from scratch. Before we started, the team list the materials and tools needed to complete the project, and where collected in one place. Take your time to pass through all the processes as documented belowough all the processes as documented below)
  • CCD-or CMOS-lab-on-a-chip based on discrete converters of different physical and chemical parameters of samples into the optical signals with positional sensitivity for morphometry of non-optical patterns  + (A novel ultra-compact analytical system foA novel ultra-compact analytical system for simultaneous analysis of a variety of physical and chemical parameters of different biological samples (medical or veterinary analytes, food, soil microbiota, hydrobiological water probes etc.) both in the field and laboratory conditions has been developed on the basis of a single multiparametric microchip with a set of replaceable cartridges / converters, which allows to perform a complex diagnostic procedure of the analyte. The prototypes of automatic microfluidic devices for multiparametric mapping of biochemical and synthetic analytes using planar converters-visualizers have been designed. We propose to use a lab-on-a-chip with a number of replaceable cartridges-converters of various physical parameters / variables to optical signals, which can be detected using CMOS or CCD, as a single analytic and microelectronic platform for mapping and visualization of different physical and chemical parameters. The above system allows to perform a simultaneous mapping, detection and visualization of a number of the sample characteristics, such as: magnetic field (using magnetic film indicators and flux-detectors); electrochemical parameters (potentiometric indicators); laser beam transmission outside the visible spectral range (using the doped solid matrices); distribution of the emitting regions in autoradiography (using the scintillation detectors with different quenching factors or "position-sensitive spinthariscopes"); polarization characteristics and the angular fluorescence polarization (using polaroid films with the rotation angles changed by the stepper motors); the local biothermogenesis temperature of the sample at different points on a chip (according to the NIR-HDRI thermography principles), etc.he NIR-HDRI thermography principles), etc.)
  • Collar with a small copper tube  + (A simple collar made of a small copper tube)
  • Collar with a small copper tube  + (A simple collar made of a small copper tube)
  • Simple Train Blocking System  + (A simple train blocking (and universal) system in Arduino for Märklin trains and DCC++ trains. More informations and code available here
  • How to Convert Amazon Music to MP3  + (A simple yet professional Amazon tool known as AudFree Amazon Music Converter is introduced to explain how to convert Amazon Music to MP3 for offline listening on any device without trouble.)
  • Straw connectors  + (A straw connector is a small device that, A straw connector is a small device that, used along with other similar ones, allows to connect straws and to create virtually any form, to build constructions of any shape and dimension. Available straws which exist on the market come in a great variety of diameters – from 3.5mm to 12mm or even 14mm. 3D printed connectors present the benefit of being customizable; they can be printed so that they fit any straw diameter.inted so that they fit any straw diameter.)
  • Straw connectors  + (A straw connector is a small device that, A straw connector is a small device that, used along with other similar ones, allows to connect straws and to create virtually any form, to build constructions of any shape and dimension. Available straws which exist on the market come in a great variety of diameters – from 3.5mm to 12mm or even 14mm. 3D printed connectors present the benefit of being customizable; they can be printed so that they fit any straw diameter.inted so that they fit any straw diameter.)
  • Telescoping wall lamp with a rake  + (A very easy to make telescoping wall lamp with a rake)
  • Telescoping wall lamp with a rake  + (A very easy to make telescoping wall lamp with a rake)
  • Logo d'entreprise  + (ADG TRANSPORT PART TOUT EN GUYANE)
  • Enseigne lumineuse  + (Apprendre à créer une enseigne lumineuse en quelques jours. Celle-ci est une boîte en bois éclairée par des LEDs. Elle peut être employée comme objet décoratif et/ou comme enseigne publicitaire.)
  • Enseigne lumineuse  + (Apprendre à créer une enseigne lumineuse en quelques jours. Celle-ci est une boîte en bois éclairée par des LEDs. Elle peut être employée comme objet décoratif et/ou comme enseigne publicitaire.)
  • Tips for Safely Practicing Gua Sha at Home  + (Asian Beauty Secrets has been keeping AsiaAsian Beauty Secrets has been keeping Asian skin youthful for centuries, but now the secrets are coming to the West! Gua Sha tools are made of jade or roso quart to massage gently against your skin. The innovation here is that the Jade or Rose Quartz is super smooth, making it easy for anyone to glide over face effortlessly. Gua sha can be used safely over your entire face, including lips, even on sensitive skin, making it one of the most effective ways to improve skin quality at home. Aimed specifically at home users who want a simple and effective way to improve their skin at homeffective way to improve their skin at home)
  • Open Tech Training  + (Best practice on how to create an #OpenTech training on simple tools, projects, documentation methodes and understanding of Open Source Hardware and innovation.)
  • LEDamier  + (C'est un projet académique fait par des étudiants de 5eme année de Polytech Sorbonne, qui consiste à faire un jeu dames avec des LEDs qui remplacent les pions, manipulés avec la voix.)
  • Guirlande commandée par Bluetooth  + (C'est une bande de leds commandée par BlueC'est une bande de leds commandée par Bluetooth avec une application Android, pour créer une guirlande pilotable. ATTENTION !!! Le prix affiché correspond à l'achat de tout le matériel électronique, bien sûr l'alimentation est de la récupération, donc est gratuite.est de la récupération, donc est gratuite.)
  • Microscope fonctionnant avec un smartphone  + (Ce tutoriel décrit la fabrication d'une loCe tutoriel décrit la fabrication d'une loupe grossissante (x60) utilisant un smartphone comme dispositif d'observation et de prise de vue. Cet outil a été développé dans le cadre du programme d'étude de la biodiversité du plancton Planktidex porté par l'association Astrolabe-Expéditions ( Une version plus simple est aussi proposée par nos amis d'Ocean Is Open
  • Microscope fonctionnant avec un smartphone  + (Ce tutoriel décrit la fabrication d'une loCe tutoriel décrit la fabrication d'une loupe grossissante (x60) utilisant un smartphone comme dispositif d'observation et de prise de vue. Cet outil a été développé dans le cadre du programme d'étude de la biodiversité du plancton Planktidex porté par l'association Astrolabe-Expéditions ( Une version plus simple est aussi proposée par nos amis d'Ocean Is Open
  • Lampe de bureau en bois personnalisable  + (Cette lampe de bureau simple à monter est Cette lampe de bureau simple à monter est personnalisable à l'envie : créez vos propres abat-jours selon votre goût ! A travers la fabrication de cet objet, jouez avec des techniques de construction en découpe laser, en nouage, en électricité ou encore en impression 2D et en patronage.u encore en impression 2D et en patronage.)
  • Choosing the Right Spray Tips for Your Spray Gun  + (Choosing the right tip can make an enormous difference to the finish quality, completion time, and cost effectiveness of any spraying project.)
  • Choosing the Right Spray Tips for Your Spray Gun  + (Choosing the right tip can make an enormous difference to the finish quality, completion time, and cost effectiveness of any spraying project.)
  • Squishy circuit  + (Circuits électriques simples à partir de pâte à modeler.)
  • Squishy circuit  + (Circuits électriques simples à partir de pâte à modeler.)
  • 5 Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Vaping Journey  + (Create Tutorial: 5 Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Vaping Journey)
  • Open Workshop Setup  + (Create a simple workspace setup to manage and organise your tools and materials.)
  • Open Workshop Setup  + (Create a simple workspace setup to manage and organise your tools and materials.)
  • OpenKnit: digital fabrication tool to create your own clothes  + (Create your own clothing from digital files. This wikifab shows you how to build the OpenKnit machine step-by-step. The machine is work-in-progress: anyone is allowed and encouraged to reproduce it and help to improve it.)
  • Librem 5 Case  + (Create your own customized Librem 5 case!)
  • Librem 5 Case  + (Create your own customized Librem 5 case!)
  • Build a Longboard from Scratch in Your Own Home  + (DIY Longboard from Scratch Craft your ownDIY Longboard from Scratch Craft your own unique longboard, adding your personal touch to every little detail! If you're looking to try a DIY project, why not build your very own longboard? This simple and enjoyable “just for fun” project comes with a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you through the building process using parts you can find at any hardware store near you.u can find at any hardware store near you.)
  • Automated Gardening Plant with arduino Uno under the DEEDU project  + (Digital Environmental Education (DEEDU) aiDigital Environmental Education (DEEDU) aims to produce educational resources for the youth work sector, on the topic of environmental science and tech. The strategic objectives of the project are: promote youth work, combine the benefits and relevance of environmental education with the strength of digital tech, boost young people's maker mindest, provide young people and educators concrete tools to engage in citizen science The consortium aims at prototyping an educational kit that allows young users to act upon their own environment in view of tackling environmental issues such as excessive energy consumption, air and water pollution.ergy consumption, air and water pollution.)
  • How to Add Music to iMovie from Spotify  + (Due to protection, iMovie is not compatiblDue to protection, iMovie is not compatible with Spotify music. If you want to add music to iMovie from Spotify for editing, it is necessary to download Spotify music to local system and then do the thing. Here, this tutorial is prepared to show you how to make it happen by the use of a Spotify music converter from AudFree.of a Spotify music converter from AudFree.)
  • Best SEO Institute in Hyderabad  + (Emblix Academy is one of the Best SEO InstEmblix Academy is one of the Best SEO Institute in Hyderabad specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with practical and personalized strategies, the focus of Emblix Academy is offering experienced trainers with industry expertise to teach digital marketing to students of all levels in an efficient manner. In today's digital era, websites use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a primary marketing tool to boost their online presence. If you're wondering what SEO is and how it can help you achieve your marketing goals, then worry no more, Emblix Academy, the Best SEO Institute in Hyderabad, can provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to become job-ready. In simple words, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is one of the most crucial digital marketing strategies. By enrolling in our Best SEO Institute in Hyderabad, you will learn how to implement these tools and techniques to make your website appear on the first page of search results. This course will provide you with a solid foundation for understanding and utilizing search engine optimization in digital marketing. The SEO Course Syllabus Covered at Emblix Academy, Use of search engine optimization Generate traffic to your page. Need of search engine optimization Site design & development Internet and protocols Major search engines and directories Seo factors Search engine algorithms At Emblix Academy, we understand that the ultimate goal of our digital marketing course is to equip you with the skills and knowledge and provide our students with dedicated job placement assistance. Our placement team works closely with you to create an impressive resume and prepare you for job interviews. We have established partnerships with multiple leading companies and agencies in the digital marketing field and our goal is to connect you with the right job opportunities based on your skill set and career aspirations.ased on your skill set and career aspirations.)
  • Snap circuits activities for 9 - 11  + (Energy efficiency and smart homes This acEnergy efficiency and smart homes This activity is about setting up a miniature house and maximise energy efficiency. Kids will be integrating miniature appliances connected to snap circuits, and program the snaps via arduino. The activity is suitable for groups of children aged 9 to 14 yo.le for groups of children aged 9 to 14 yo.)
  • Eolienne à axe vertical (type Darrieus)  + (Eolienne robuste et auto-régulante, relativement simple à réaliser... (à ne construire que pour des expositions optimales !))
  • Eolienne à axe vertical (type Darrieus)  + (Eolienne robuste et auto-régulante, relativement simple à réaliser... (à ne construire que pour des expositions optimales !))
  • Plastic Extrusion Machine  + (Extrusion is a continuous process where plExtrusion is a continuous process where plastic flakes are inserted in the hopper and extruded into a line of plastic. These lines can be used to make new raw material (3d printing filament), granulate, spinned around a mold or up to you to find new creative ways.ld or up to you to find new creative ways.)
  • Plastic Extrusion Machine  + (Extrusion is a continuous process where plExtrusion is a continuous process where plastic flakes are inserted in the hopper and extruded into a line of plastic. These lines can be used to make new raw material (3d printing filament), granulate, spinned around a mold or up to you to find new creative ways.ld or up to you to find new creative ways.)
  • Tutoriel : Impression 3D  + (Faire une impression 3D simple en quelques minutes et gratuitement)
  • Fabriquer un badge 38mm avec une eBadges  + (Faites vos propres badges 38mm à l'aide d'Faites vos propres badges 38mm à l'aide d'une machine eBadges : une activité rapide, créative, simple mais qui fait tout son effet ! Réaliser des badges avec votre classe pour faire la pub de l'école ? Votre équipe dans le cadre d'une compétition ? Pour accrocher à votre t-shirt afin d'affirmer votre identité geek ? D'ici 3 minutes, ce sera un jeu d'enfant !D'ici 3 minutes, ce sera un jeu d'enfant !)
  • Fabriquer un badge 38mm avec une eBadges  + (Faites vos propres badges 38mm à l'aide d'Faites vos propres badges 38mm à l'aide d'une machine eBadges : une activité rapide, créative, simple mais qui fait tout son effet ! Réaliser des badges avec votre classe pour faire la pub de l'école ? Votre équipe dans le cadre d'une compétition ? Pour accrocher à votre t-shirt afin d'affirmer votre identité geek ? D'ici 3 minutes, ce sera un jeu d'enfant !D'ici 3 minutes, ce sera un jeu d'enfant !)
  • How to Make Your Own Easter Egg  + (Find out how to make your own chocolate egg this Easter!)
  • COREMO TRAILER - Community Repair Mobile  +
  • How to Make Beautiful but Easy Handmade Valentine's Day Card  + (For every person who wants to make this Valentine's Day more sweet and lovely try to make a card with your own Hand using your valuable time.)
  • 3D printed furniture connectors  + (Furniture connectors are 3D printed items Furniture connectors are 3D printed items that allow the assemblage of wooden rods, to create pieces of furniture, most notably tables and shelves. By choosing rods of different lengths ones can altogether create tables or shelves of various sizes. Use 27x27cm wooden rods with the current 3D item. You can also use other types of rods but you will need to modify the 3D design to suit your needs.o modify the 3D design to suit your needs.)
  • 3D printed furniture connectors  + (Furniture connectors are 3D printed items Furniture connectors are 3D printed items that allow the assemblage of wooden rods, to create pieces of furniture, most notably tables and shelves. By choosing rods of different lengths ones can altogether create tables or shelves of various sizes. Use 27x27cm wooden rods with the current 3D item. You can also use other types of rods but you will need to modify the 3D design to suit your needs.o modify the 3D design to suit your needs.)
  • Installer des meubles de cuisine  + (Gagnez de la place et trouvez de quoi rangGagnez de la place et trouvez de quoi ranger tous vos ustensiles de cuisine avec les caissons de cuisine. Pratiques, robustes, spacieux et extrêmement utiles, les caissons de cuisine sont indispensables pour aménager et mettre en ordre votre cuisine. Installer des caissons de cuisine est très simple, rapide et surtout à la portée de tous les bricoleurs.urtout à la portée de tous les bricoleurs.)
  • HP HPE0-J68 Dumps - Confirmed Success In Actual HPE0-J68 Exam  + (HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions -HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions - HPE0-J68 exam is a very noticeable boost in your career. But perhaps have you ever wondered why HPE Storage Solutions - HPE0-J68 exam aspirants keep failing? The answer is quite simple the exam is a hard nut. And to crack this hard nut, you will need efficient HPE0-J68 Braindumps. HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions HPE0-J68 Exam Braindumps will not only help you pass, but they are also pretty much a whole package. You can understand the complex HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions HPE0-J68 exam terms and practice HPE0-J68 Exam Questions Answers Dumps. This will give a hint of what it would be like in the real exam. What remains is to decide on an actual and valid resource! 100% Valid HPE0-J68 Exam Braindumps for Your Exam Preparation: Getting the latest and valid HPE0-J68 Exam Dumps is the first step to your success. With that being said where can you find an actual set of HPE0-J68 Dumps? Realbraindumps is a visible name in this regard. With so more than thousands of customers supporting HPE0-J68 Dumps Questions there can’t be bad. What’s more, is that they are valid all over the world. Plus, the HPE0-J68 Study Material is taken from the real HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions exam content. These HPE0-J68 Dumps Questions and Answers are also the latest as the follow the current patterns and technologies mentioned in your exam. Swift Victory in One Attempt with HPE0-J68 Braindumps: Taking the time and money you will spend on HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions exam training; you wouldn’t want to waste it. The quicker is the success will be better. How about we say just in one attempt with 24 hours HPE0-J68 Braindumps Questions Answers? This might seem unlikely but it is possible. Realbraindumps in collaboration with HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions came up with a perfect solution to your miseries. Most students fail due to the lack of utter absence of feasible HPE0-J68 Exam Braindumps. But don’t worry you don’t have to be one of them. Because now you have got Realbraindumps on your side. HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions HPE0-J68 Exam Dumps to Shatter All Hurdles in Your Way of Success: No matter how many times you try you will fail if your resources are not right. Realbraindumps has done years of research and then started making these HPE0-J68 Braindumps. With the approval of HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions experts, as well as HPE0-J68 Exam Questions Answers, Dumps set are the only ones with promising results. HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions HPE0-J68 Exam Braindumps compatible pdf format is easy to download so you can take them anywhere with you. This is especially convenient for the student with unstable internet access. Also, you can now download them on your smartphones too. HPE ASE HPE0-J68 - HPE Storage Solutions HPE0-J68 dumps questions online test engine helps you in building confidence. With this, you will be able to interpret questions and choose the right answer confidently. Be the HPE Storage Solutions Certified with Realbraindumps HPE0-J68 exam dumps. For more information, you can visit the link given below:
  • Desk lamp in wood and concrete  + (Hi! I am [[User:Clément|Clément]], Hi! I am [[User:Clément|Clément]], co-founder of [[Wikifab]] ! I have created this tutorial to let you learn by yourself how to use Wikifab. This tutorial is your sand box! Everybody can modify it! Don't be shy, clic on the "Edit" link in the top tabs and make your first contribution today!bs and make your first contribution today!)
  • Desk lamp in wood and concrete  + (Hi! I am [[User:Clément|Clément]], Hi! I am [[User:Clément|Clément]], co-founder of [[Wikifab]] ! I have created this tutorial to let you learn by yourself how to use Wikifab. This tutorial is your sand box! Everybody can modify it! Don't be shy, clic on the "Edit" link in the top tabs and make your first contribution today!bs and make your first contribution today!)
  • DIY Custom NeoPixel Rings From Scratch!  + (Homemade NeoPixel Rings! Make Neopixel Rings of any size or shape for less than 15% of the cost ($3 for a 24 pixel ring).)
  • DIY Custom NeoPixel Rings From Scratch!  + (Homemade NeoPixel Rings! Make Neopixel Rings of any size or shape for less than 15% of the cost ($3 for a 24 pixel ring).)
  • DIY Water Filter  + (How to build a simple 3 bucket water filter)
  • DIY Water Filter  + (How to build a simple 3 bucket water filter)
  • Edukit  + (How to create product in edukit)
  • Puluc  + (How to create your own Puluc !)
  • How to make a cup of tea  + (How to make a cup of tea)
  • How to make a cup of tea  + (How to make a cup of tea)
  • Adjustable Temperature Control Cheap T12 Soldering Iron  + (I love my T12 Hakko Clone Soldering iron. It's cost effective and usefull. This weekend I decided to make a cheaper clone version.First of all, I did a preliminary research on the internet and listed the most economical components that I could use.)
  • How to Create Spotify Codes for Sharing with Others  + (If you’re looking for a tutorial on how to create a Spotify code on mobile and desktop devices? Then you shouldn’t miss this post!)
  • Cadre photo Neopixel pour pixel art  + (Il s'agit d'un petit cadre photo, tout à fIl s'agit d'un petit cadre photo, tout à fait ordinaire vu de l'extérieur, mais abritant en son sein une matrice de LED capable d'afficher de petits dessins en Pixel art. Le cadre est recouvert d'une feuille de papier, ce qui lui donne un rendu organique et "naturel" à la manière du e-paper. Très simple à utiliser et esthétique, cet objet est également adapté à un usage en atelier, ou les participants pourront dans un premier temps apprendre à faire de petite oeuvre en pixel art sur GIMP puis les afficher chez eux ou sur leur bureau. les afficher chez eux ou sur leur bureau.)
  • Boîte à ombres personnalisée  + (Il s'agit d'une boîte à ombres personnalisIl s'agit d'une boîte à ombres personnalisée 🏮 La recette est simple : * Quelques feuilles de papier découpées à la découpe laser (ou à la découpe vinyle) * Du contreplaqué découpé à la laser * Des LEDs blanches, un peu de fils et un fer à souder * Du carton et de la colle * Pas mal de patience et du thé vert :)e * Pas mal de patience et du thé vert :))
  • Boîte à ombres personnalisée  + (Il s'agit d'une boîte à ombres personnalisIl s'agit d'une boîte à ombres personnalisée 🏮 La recette est simple : * Quelques feuilles de papier découpées à la découpe laser (ou à la découpe vinyle) * Du contreplaqué découpé à la laser * Des LEDs blanches, un peu de fils et un fer à souder * Du carton et de la colle * Pas mal de patience et du thé vert :)e * Pas mal de patience et du thé vert :))
  • A LINE - Horloge réalisée à la découpeuse Laser  + (Il s'agit d'une horloge réalisée à partir d'un mouvement de pendule à quartz simple et de contreplaqué coupé à la découpeuse laser.)
  • Capteur biodata, écoute des plantes avec un Smartphone  + (Il s’agit ici de proposer une suite au proIl s’agit ici de proposer une suite au projet présenté par StephaneG dans le groupe Climate Change Lab, sur l’usage du capteur Biodata avec un ESP 32 pour traduire en sons les variations électriques sur une plante. Il y a plusieurs façons de réceptionner et de traiter le signal reçu de la plante via le ESP 32, ici il s’agit de poursuivre avec un simple Smartphoneit de poursuivre avec un simple Smartphone)
  • Imprimante 3D  + (Vous avez envie de vous lancer dans l'impression 3D mais n'osez pas vous lancer? Venez voir comme c'est simple, et peu cher.)
  • Egypt - Shandaweel Village Water Filter - Sanivation Team  + (In Shandawel village the local community iIn Shandawel village the local community is struggling with the lack of clean drinking water, as SaniVation team, helping to reduce inequality in communities (SDG 10) with the focus on providing clean water & sanitation (SDG 6) we have designed this easy solution to overcome this challenge.this easy solution to overcome this challenge.)
  • Design an object on 3D Slash and view it in VR  + (In This tutorial you will learn how to use the on-line software 3D Slash to create 3D objects, and later view them in VR on your smartphone.)
  • Minetest and 3D printing  + (In This tutorial, you will learn how to create 3D designs on Minetest, and subsequently export them for 3D printing or simply view them in VR.)
  • Minetest and 3D printing  + (In This tutorial, you will learn how to create 3D designs on Minetest, and subsequently export them for 3D printing or simply view them in VR.)
  • Snap circuits activities for 12+  + (In this activity kids will learn how IoT cIn this activity kids will learn how IoT can contribute to energy efficiency of a house. They will be setting up a miniature house using snap circuits, and will program the different appliances via ESP32, notably to: monitor environmental parameters (temperature humidity) in real time control appliances remotely via Blynktime control appliances remotely via Blynk)
  • Key crack activity with 3D printing  + (In this activity, kids will have to design and subsequently produce a key that is capable of accomplishing a 360° rotation inside a 3D printed keyhole.)
  • Key crack activity with 3D printing  + (In this activity, kids will have to design and subsequently produce a key that is capable of accomplishing a 360° rotation inside a 3D printed keyhole.)
  • Connected weather station 12+ activities  + (In this activity, participants will set upIn this activity, participants will set up their weather station, sent it up in the air, and monitor the recordings (light, temperature, humidity) in real time via the Blynk app. On top of all this, you will learn how to publish the values recorded by your weather station on a shared online map.ur weather station on a shared online map.)
  • Connected weather station 9-11 activities  + (In this activity, participants will set up their weather station, sent it up in the air, and monitor the recordings (light, temperature, humidity) in real time via the Blynk app.)
  • Connected house publishes sensor data on-line  + (In this tutorial we will create a connected house using the ESP32 board, that publishes the values recorded by a photoresistor and an internal temperature sensor online, specifically on
  • Connected house publishes sensor data on-line  + (In this tutorial we will create a connected house using the ESP32 board, that publishes the values recorded by a photoresistor and an internal temperature sensor online, specifically on
  • Wooden pet connects to Facebook  + (In this tutorial we will create a wooden pet that connects to Facebook. It will post a message of your choice on your own timeline whenever its tail is touched.)
  • Wooden pet connects to Facebook  + (In this tutorial we will create a wooden pet that connects to Facebook. It will post a message of your choice on your own timeline whenever its tail is touched.)
  • DIY Makey Makey with Arduino Leonardo  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to create a makey makey-like device with an Arduino Leonardo.)
  • Conductive paint + Makey Makey  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to produce conductive paint from scratch, that you will then be able to use in combination with the DIY makey makey to draw circuits and more.)
  • Financial literacy with Makey Makey  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to set up an activity on coding based on Scratch and simple financial literacy for kids.)
  • Conductive paint + Makey Makey  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to produce conductive paint from scratch, that you will then be able to use in combination with the DIY makey makey to draw circuits and more.)
  • Water probe 9-11 activities  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to useIn this tutorial you will learn how to use the DIY water probe. You will find information about what the water probe is for, how it works, what experiments you can run with the water probe in order to understand what water pollution is. Finally, you ll learn how to plot the data recorded by the water probe on a shared online map, so that your work will be visible to anyone. that your work will be visible to anyone.)
  • Pet that lights up upon interaction  + (In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a wooden pet that lights up when you touch its tail. This will form the basis for a next tutorial in which you will learn how to connect your pet to social networks.)
  • Pet that lights up upon interaction  + (In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a wooden pet that lights up when you touch its tail. This will form the basis for a next tutorial in which you will learn how to connect your pet to social networks.)
  • Horloge Binaire  + (Indiquer l'heure en binaire grâce à des LEDs.)
  • Horloge Binaire  + (Indiquer l'heure en binaire grâce à des LEDs.)
  • Indira Securities Pvt Ltd  + (Indira Securities Pvt Ltd is one of the best stock brokers with a strong focus on make technological solutions to offer fast, reliable and easy handling trading platform for all clients. check Some major shares as below)
  • Square Stick  + (Inspiré d’un jeu qui se joue avec un simplInspiré d’un jeu qui se joue avec un simple stylo et du papier, Square Stick vise à former des carrés avec des baguettes en bois sur un plateau. Si vous êtes un stratège, alors ce jeu de plateau est fait pour VOUS ! Ce jeu compact se joue à deux, dans n'importe quel lieu ! joue à deux, dans n'importe quel lieu !)
  • How to Play Spotify on iPod Touch  + (Is Spotify music Available on iPod now? The answer is still yes, there is another method for that which I will further explain in the latter part of this post including the steps on how to do so.)
  • Word Clock  + (It is a medium sized clock that acts as a It is a medium sized clock that acts as a focal point in any room. People will immediately see it, and say “Wow!”. We can make the face using a range of colors and face treatments to match your style. There are a range of available mounting options, ranging from sitting the clock on a shelf, through mounting the clock on a wall. Using a recessed power point will ensure that the clock can be wall mounted without the power cord showing.ll mounted without the power cord showing.)