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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Introduction » avec la valeur « Yoto Player is a screen-free audio player designed for children. It uses physical cards that contain stories, music, and activities that children can listen to by inserting them into the player. It's a safe and interactive way for kids to enjoy audio content without the need for a screen. Spotify is a top-rated music service that provides many genres of tracks, podcasts, and audiobooks. Therefore, many parents collect multiple educational audio files on Spotify and want to upload them to the Yoto Player for their kids. Here, we'd like to introduce two ways to '''add Spotify to Yoto''' and '''play Spotify on Yoto''' Player without premium. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 101 résultats à partir du n°1.

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  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 9 - Calibrar desfase de las boquillas para Dual  + (En este tutorial vamos a calibrar el desfaEn este tutorial vamos a calibrar el desfase entre las boquillas en los ejes X e Y de nuestra impresora P3Steel Dual. Pieza para calibrar desfases entre boquillas (descargada de thingiverse, editada por nosotros) : Thingiverse (original): [] Archivos stl editados/Edited stl files: Gcode (ABS, nozzle 0.4mm): Gcode (PLA, nozzle 0.4mm): (códigos recomendados sólo para nuestra impresora dual/gcodes only recommended for our Dual 3D printer) []]
  • What are the top 10 Indian stocks for a retirement portfolio for a person in mid-50  + (Find [ India'sFind [ India's Best Stock Broker] because its one of the major part for successful [ algo trading]. '''Open demat account Online''' and use [ '''best share trading app in india'''] for start your trading journey with the best full-service providing brokerage firm in Central India.
    ng brokerage firm in Central India. <br/>)
  • The Ultimate Checklist for Choosing Your Next Residence  + (Finding the ideal residence is a pivotal cFinding the ideal residence is a pivotal choice, influencing your lifestyle, finances, and well-being. Whether you're relocating locally or to a new city, a detailed checklist is invaluable for making an informed decision. Delve into factors like location, budget, amenities, and future prospects. This comprehensive guide offers a roadmap to your next home, ensuring every aspect aligns with your needs and desires. From weighing neighborhood vibes to financial feasibility, each criterion plays a crucial role. Embark on your quest for the perfect abode armed with insights and foresight, and pave the way to a fulfilling and harmonious living space.
    == Define Your Priorities: == Start by listing your must-haves and deal-breakers. Consider factors such as location, amenities, size, budget, and commute time. This will help you narrow down your options and focus on what matters most to you.
    == Location, Location, Location: == Location plays a crucial role in your quality of life. Evaluate factors like proximity to work, schools, public transportation, grocery stores, healthcare facilities, and recreational activities. Determine whether you prefer urban, suburban, or rural living and research neighborhoods accordingly.
    == Safety and Security: == Safety should be a top priority when choosing a residence. Look into crime rates, neighborhood watch programs, and the presence of security features such as gated communities or surveillance cameras.
    == Housing Type: == Decide whether you prefer renting or buying, and explore different housing options such as apartments, condominiums, townhouses, or single-family homes. Each type of housing comes with its own set of advantages and considerations, so weigh your options carefully.
    == Budget Planning: == Determine how much you can afford to spend on housing, taking into account your income, savings, debt, and other financial obligations. Consider additional costs such as utilities, maintenance fees, property taxes, and homeowner's insurance.
    == Financial Stability: == Assess the stability of your finances and consider factors that may affect your ability to pay for housing in the long term, such as job security, career advancement opportunities, and economic trends in the housing market. [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] == Future Growth: == Anticipate your future needs and consider how your housing choice will accommodate changes such as career advancements, family size, or lifestyle preferences. Look for properties with flexible layouts or potential for expansion if needed.
    == Property Condition and Maintenance: == Inspect the condition of the property, including its structural integrity, plumbing, electrical systems, and appliances. Factor in the cost and effort required for maintenance and repairs, and consider whether you're willing and able to take on those responsibilities.
    == Community and Lifestyle: == Explore the community and assess whether it aligns with your lifestyle preferences. Consider factors such as demographics, cultural diversity, recreational opportunities, social amenities, and local events and activities.
    == Transportation Options: == Evaluate transportation options in the area, including public transit, highways, bike lanes, and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure. Consider your commuting needs and accessibility to essential services and attractions.
    == School District Quality: == If you have children or plan to start a family, research the quality of local schools and educational resources. Consider factors such as academic performance, extracurricular activities, and special education programs.
    == Environmental Factors: == Consider the environmental impact of your housing choice, including factors such as air and water quality, noise pollution, green spaces, and sustainability initiatives. Choose a residence that promotes a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle.
    == Legal and Regulatory Considerations: == Familiarize yourself with local zoning laws, building codes, rental regulations, and homeowners association (HOA) rules that may affect your housing decision. Ensure that you understand your rights and obligations as a resident.
    == Personal Preferences and Intuition: == Trust your instincts and consider how you feel when visiting potential residences. Pay attention to details such as layout, natural light, views, and overall ambiance, and choose a place that feels like home.
    == Seek Professional Advice: == Consider consulting with real estate agents, financial advisors, lawyers, or other professionals who can provide guidance and expertise throughout the home-buying or renting process. Their insights can help you make informed decisions and navigate any complexities.
    == Swimming Pool Comfort: == If you're considering a property with a swimming pool, think about how you'll maintain comfortable water temperatures throughout the year. Traditional pool heaters can be costly to operate and may contribute to high energy bills. Instead, consider investing in a [ swimming pool heat pump], which utilizes ambient air to efficiently heat your pool water. These heat pumps can significantly reduce energy consumption compared to conventional heaters, making them a more sustainable and cost-effective option for maintaining your pool at the perfect temperature. With a swimming pool heat pump, you can enjoy extended swim seasons and maximize the enjoyment of your outdoor oasis without breaking the bank.
    == Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: == Consider the energy efficiency and sustainability features of the residence, including heating and cooling systems. Look for properties equipped with energy-efficient appliances, insulation, and windows, as well as renewable energy sources such as solar panels or geothermal systems. Additionally, explore the possibility of installing an [ Air Source Heat Pump], which can provide efficient heating and cooling by extracting heat from the outdoor air in winter and transferring it indoors, and vice versa in summer. Opting for eco-friendly heating and cooling solutions not only reduces your environmental footprint but also lowers utility bills in the long run, contributing to both your financial and environmental well-being. In conclusion, choosing your next residence is a multifaceted decision that requires careful consideration of various factors, from location and budget to sustainability and lifestyle preferences. By following the comprehensive checklist outlined above, you can navigate the process with confidence and clarity, ensuring that your new home meets your needs and enhances your quality of life. Whether you prioritize energy efficiency, community amenities, or future growth potential, each aspect plays a crucial role in finding the perfect place to call home. Remember to trust your instincts, seek professional advice when needed, and envision the life you want to lead in your new residence. With thorough research and thoughtful deliberation, you'll find a residence that not only meets your practical requirements but also feels like a true sanctuary where you can thrive and create lasting memories. Consider exploring heat pump options from [ leading heat pump manufacturers] like Carrier, Trane, Mitsubishi Electric, Daikin and ZEALUX to ensure optimal comfort and efficiency in your new home. tag: [ pool pump manufacturers] , [ ashp heating] , [ air source heat pump companies] , pompe a chaleur paris , fabricant pompe à chaleur français , installateur pompe a chaleur paris , pompe a chaleur air eau paris , pompe a chaleur fabrication francaise , chauffe piscine france , branchement thermopompe piscine
    r paris , pompe a chaleur air eau paris , pompe a chaleur fabrication francaise , chauffe piscine france , branchement thermopompe piscine)
  • How to Play Apple Music Soundtrack in GTA5  + (Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) is renowned forGrand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) is renowned for its immersive gameplay and stunning soundtrack. However, for avid gamers who prefer their favorite Apple Music tracks while cruising through Los Santos, it can be a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, there's a tool that can make this possible! In this article, we'll explore the best tool for converting Apple Music and walk you through the process of using it to convert your favorite tracks for GTA 5. Besides, we will guide you on seamlessly adding your Apple Music collection to the game.g your Apple Music collection to the game.)
  • How to Get Spotify Mini Player on Windows and Mac  + (Have you ever wanted to play Spotify songsHave you ever wanted to play Spotify songs in a mini player while doing other things on the computer? Many Spotify users may long for this feature for quite a while. But Spotify doesn’t have a built-in mini player per se on its desktop app. Don’t worry, I’ll help you to get one. Today, I will show you how to get Spotify mini player on your computer and get the best Spotify listening experience.get the best Spotify listening experience.)
  • The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Heat Pump Manufacturer  + (Heat pumps have become essential componentHeat pumps have become essential components in modern heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, offering efficient heating and cooling solutions for both residential and commercial spaces. However, choosing the right heat pump manufacturer is crucial to ensure optimal performance, energy efficiency, and long-term reliability. With numerous [ heat pump manufacturers] in the market, finding the perfect one can be challenging. This ultimate guide provides comprehensive insights and strategies to help you navigate the selection process effectively.
    == Define Your Requirements: == Before embarking on your search for the perfect heat pump manufacturer, it's essential to define your specific requirements. Consider factors such as the size of the space you need to heat or cool, your budget constraints, energy efficiency goals, and any specific features or functionalities you prioritize.
    == Industry Reputation and Awards: == Delve deeper into the manufacturer's industry reputation and accolades to gain insights into their standing within the HVAC community. Look for manufacturers that have received awards, recognitions, or certifications from reputable industry organizations or publications. These accolades often reflect excellence in product innovation, performance, and customer satisfaction. Additionally, consider the manufacturer's involvement in industry associations and participation in research, education, and advocacy initiatives. A manufacturer with a strong industry reputation and active engagement demonstrates a commitment to advancing the field of HVAC technology and ensuring customer satisfaction through continuous improvement and best practices.
    == Certifications and Standards Compliance: == Verify that the manufacturer complies with relevant certifications and industry standards. Certifications such as ENERGY STAR and AHRI (Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute) ensure that the heat pumps meet stringent performance and efficiency criteria. Additionally, check if the manufacturer follows environmental regulations and sustainable practices in their manufacturing processes.
    == Product Range and Innovation: == Assess the range of heat pump models offered by the manufacturer and evaluate their suitability for your needs. Look for innovation in design, technology, and features that enhance performance and efficiency. Manufacturers that invest in research and development are more likely to offer advanced solutions that meet evolving customer demands and regulatory requirements.
    == Warranty and Support: == Examine the warranty terms and conditions provided by the manufacturer. A comprehensive warranty coverage indicates confidence in the product's quality and durability. Additionally, inquire about the availability of technical support, maintenance services, and spare parts. Prompt and reliable support ensures timely resolution of any issues that may arise during the lifespan of the heat pump. One notable example is Zealux [ Air Source Heat Pump], renowned for its exemplary after-sales service and warranty offerings. Zealux offers a remarkable 7-year warranty on their heat pumps, demonstrating their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Moreover, Zealux provides comprehensive technical support, maintenance services, and readily available spare parts throughout the warranty period, ensuring peace of mind for consumers.
    == Cost and Value Proposition: == While cost is an important consideration, prioritize value over price alone. Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including installation, maintenance, and operating expenses, rather than just the upfront purchase price. Consider factors such as energy efficiency, durability, and potential long-term savings when comparing quotes from different manufacturers.
    == Customer Feedback and References: == Reach out to existing customers or seek references from the manufacturer to gain insights into their firsthand experiences. Ask about overall satisfaction, performance, reliability, and any challenges encountered. Direct feedback from customers can provide valuable insights that may not be apparent from marketing materials or sales pitches.
    == Local Regulations and Incentives: == Familiarize yourself with local regulations, building codes, and incentives related to heat pump installations. Some regions offer incentives, rebates, or tax credits for choosing energy-efficient heating and cooling systems. Ensure that the manufacturer's products comply with local requirements and eligibility criteria for incentives. [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] == Long-Term Relationship: == Consider the potential for establishing a long-term relationship with the manufacturer beyond the initial purchase. A reliable manufacturer that prioritizes customer satisfaction and continuous improvement can be a valuable partner for future upgrades, expansions, or maintenance needs.
    == Stay Informed and Updated: == Keep abreast of industry trends, technological advancements, and regulatory changes that may impact the selection of a heat pump manufacturer. Subscribe to industry publications, attend trade shows or conferences, and engage with HVAC professionals to stay informed and make informed decisions.
    == Local Warehouse and Service Center: == When evaluating heat pump manufacturers, consider the availability of a local warehouse or service center. Having a nearby facility can significantly streamline the procurement process, reduce lead times for replacement parts, and facilitate timely repairs or maintenance services. Additionally, a local presence demonstrates the manufacturer's commitment to customer support and ensures quick response times in case of emergencies or service requests. Prioritize manufacturers with established networks of authorized dealers or service centers in your area to enhance convenience and minimize downtime in the event of unforeseen issues.
    == Environmental Impact and Sustainability Initiatives: == In today's increasingly eco-conscious world, environmental sustainability is a crucial consideration for many consumers. Evaluate the environmental impact of the heat pump manufacturer's products and operations. Look for manufacturers that prioritize energy efficiency, use eco-friendly refrigerants, and implement sustainable manufacturing practices to minimize their carbon footprint. Additionally, inquire about any sustainability initiatives or certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accreditation, which demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility. Choosing a manufacturer with strong sustainability credentials aligns with your values and contributes to reducing your overall environmental footprint.
    == Technology Integration and Smart Features: == With the rapid advancement of technology, heat pump manufacturers are integrating smart features and connectivity options into their products. Consider manufacturers that offer heat pumps equipped with advanced control systems, remote monitoring capabilities, and compatibility with home automation platforms. These smart features enable greater control, energy savings, and convenience for users, allowing them to adjust settings, monitor performance, and receive alerts remotely via smartphones or other devices. By embracing technology integration, you can enhance the efficiency, comfort, and usability of your HVAC system while staying connected and informed. In conclusion, finding the perfect [ heat pump supplier] requires careful consideration of various factors, including reputation, product quality, warranty, support, and overall value proposition. By following this ultimate guide and conducting thorough research, you can confidently select a manufacturer that meets your specific requirements and ensures optimal performance and satisfaction for years to come. tag: [ pool heat pump] , [ swimming pool heat pump] , [ swimming pool heat pump supplier]
    ool heat pump] , [ swimming pool heat pump supplier])
  • How to Allow or Block Apple Music Explicit Content  + (Here in this part, we’ll show you how to set Apple Music explicit filter. To set the explicit filter as you expect on Apple Music, you can follow the below steps to enable or disable this feature on iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Apple TV.)
  • Virtual Fence - Anti Theft Device  + (In 2022, over 1 million theft cases, whichIn 2022, over 1 million theft cases, which is a 7% rise compared to 2021, have become a great concern in India. With a population of more than 1.4 billion, you never know whom to trust apart from your own self. Hence, we are left with only one solution - '''Track Your Belongings''' With the increased availability of devices to access the internet, we all need an automated system, that keeps us updated on our physical product and informs us if it has been moved from its designated location. But, how do we track them? And how should one get an alert of a theft? We shall see and build a project on that. We shall see and build a project on that.)
  • Self-learning connected thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of buildings  + (In January 2014, Google bought Nest, a conIn January 2014, Google bought Nest, a connected devices company, for $3.2 billion. This might seem like an ungodly sum for a company that makes thermostats and smoke detectors, but it makes absolute sense. Nest's products are beautifully designed, their team is overflowing with talent, and they were the first company to figure out what the "Internet of Things" means to consumers and deliver products that people actually want. But in order to do this, Nest had to spend millions of dollars on R&D to build the basic infrastructure behind the product. The high cost made it impossible for anyone but the extremely well-capitalized to enter the market and create connected things. Well, we want to change that. At Particle, we're making it easier to bring connected devices to market with the Particle Photon, our Wi-Fi development kit, and the Particle Cloud, our cloud service for connected devices. And to prove it, we built our own approximation of the Nest Learning Thermostat in one day — and we've open sourced everything. In this process, we've come to respect the incredible technical challenges that Nest has solved while also coming to understand how much the game has changed since they first started.the game has changed since they first started.)
  • Self-learning connected thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of buildings  + (In January 2014, Google bought Nest, a conIn January 2014, Google bought Nest, a connected devices company, for $3.2 billion. This might seem like an ungodly sum for a company that makes thermostats and smoke detectors, but it makes absolute sense. Nest's products are beautifully designed, their team is overflowing with talent, and they were the first company to figure out what the "Internet of Things" means to consumers and deliver products that people actually want. But in order to do this, Nest had to spend millions of dollars on R&D to build the basic infrastructure behind the product. The high cost made it impossible for anyone but the extremely well-capitalized to enter the market and create connected things. Well, we want to change that. At Particle, we're making it easier to bring connected devices to market with the Particle Photon, our Wi-Fi development kit, and the Particle Cloud, our cloud service for connected devices. And to prove it, we built our own approximation of the Nest Learning Thermostat in one day — and we've open sourced everything. In this process, we've come to respect the incredible technical challenges that Nest has solved while also coming to understand how much the game has changed since they first started.the game has changed since they first started.)
  • Humanure Dry Toilets, low-tech tricks  + (In Uganda and Kenya, and for sure many othIn Uganda and Kenya, and for sure many other places worldwide, we acknowledge that the people use pit latrines to deal with human excreta. Sometimes the same room is used for showering and toilets. If you are not yet familiar with pit latrines, it is rather simple: dig a pit (6 to 30 ft deep), install a floor on top of the pit with a hole in the middle: you have pit latrines. On the one hand, pit latrines are a rather forward way of dealing with human refuses (urine and feces) and easy to install with low technology in remote areas with little or no access to sanitation infrastructure and where water is too precious to urinate or defecate in (is it not the case everywhere???). But on the other hand, pit latrines also: *Attract insects such as flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches; those insects are well-known vectors for diseases (going back and forth from latrine to kitchen…), *Pollute the soil due to the high density of pathogenic agents from human refuses, *Eventually pollute the water: underground water if water table less than 10 feet \ three meters under the pit OR during rainy seasons as water table raises. According to “The Humanure Handbook” and a doctor we met in Mayuge, East Uganda, 80% of diseases are waterborne, *Smell bad (personal statement). Moreover, some of the farms we visited wish to become organic but do not manage to get rid of chemicals to fertilize crops and kill “pests”. We could write a lot about this topic but, in a nutshell, it is a vicious circle: the chemicals harm the soil, the soil cannot support the plants as efficiently as desired, the farmers use chemicals to secure a yield, repeat. = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Use locally-available material, simple technics and tools to build Humanure Dry Toilets to: *Collect human refuses (urine and feces) without insect nor bad smell, *Mitigate sanitation issues related to black water and human excreta, *Reduce soil pollution, *Reduce water pollution, *Reduce waterborne diseases, *Generate potent fertilizers for the garden, *Reduce (if not eradicate) use of chemicals (fertilizer, biocides, chemical soaps…), *Raise awareness about the human nutrient cycle and the ecosystemic logic of Nature. In this Technical Sheet we only focus on how to build the Humanure Dry Toilets. One should also consider User Manuals and Compost Procedures as essential complements!mpost Procedures as essential complements!)
  • Humanure Dry Toilets, low-tech tricks  + (In Uganda and Kenya, and for sure many othIn Uganda and Kenya, and for sure many other places worldwide, we acknowledge that the people use pit latrines to deal with human excreta. Sometimes the same room is used for showering and toilets. If you are not yet familiar with pit latrines, it is rather simple: dig a pit (6 to 30 ft deep), install a floor on top of the pit with a hole in the middle: you have pit latrines. On the one hand, pit latrines are a rather forward way of dealing with human refuses (urine and feces) and easy to install with low technology in remote areas with little or no access to sanitation infrastructure and where water is too precious to urinate or defecate in (is it not the case everywhere???). But on the other hand, pit latrines also: *Attract insects such as flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches; those insects are well-known vectors for diseases (going back and forth from latrine to kitchen…), *Pollute the soil due to the high density of pathogenic agents from human refuses, *Eventually pollute the water: underground water if water table less than 10 feet \ three meters under the pit OR during rainy seasons as water table raises. According to “The Humanure Handbook” and a doctor we met in Mayuge, East Uganda, 80% of diseases are waterborne, *Smell bad (personal statement). Moreover, some of the farms we visited wish to become organic but do not manage to get rid of chemicals to fertilize crops and kill “pests”. We could write a lot about this topic but, in a nutshell, it is a vicious circle: the chemicals harm the soil, the soil cannot support the plants as efficiently as desired, the farmers use chemicals to secure a yield, repeat. = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Use locally-available material, simple technics and tools to build Humanure Dry Toilets to: *Collect human refuses (urine and feces) without insect nor bad smell, *Mitigate sanitation issues related to black water and human excreta, *Reduce soil pollution, *Reduce water pollution, *Reduce waterborne diseases, *Generate potent fertilizers for the garden, *Reduce (if not eradicate) use of chemicals (fertilizer, biocides, chemical soaps…), *Raise awareness about the human nutrient cycle and the ecosystemic logic of Nature. In this Technical Sheet we only focus on how to build the Humanure Dry Toilets. One should also consider User Manuals and Compost Procedures as essential complements!mpost Procedures as essential complements!)
  • Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT  + (In the 21st century, there were lots of inIn the 21st century, there were lots of inventions, but at the same time when pollution, global warming, and so on are being formed, because of this, there is no safe drinking water for the world’s pollution. Nowadays, water quality monitoring in real-time faces challenges because of global warming limited water resources, growing population, etc. Hence, there is a need of developing better methodologies to monitor the water quality parameters in real-time. Water pollution is one of the biggest fears of green globalization. To ensure a safe supply of drinking water, the quality needs to be monitored in real-time. In this project, we present a design and development of a low-cost system for real-time monitoring of the water quality in IOT (internet of things). The system consists of several sensors used to measure the physical and chemical parameters of the water. The parameters such as temperature, PH, turbidity, and flow sensor of the water can be measured. The measured values from the sensors can be processed by the core controller. The ESP32 model can be used as a core controller. Finally, the sensor data can be viewed on the internet using a WI-FI system.ewed on the internet using a WI-FI system.)
  • Appliances Control with ESPNOW  + (In the previous two tutorials, we have seeIn the previous two tutorials, we have seen how to get started with ESPNOW and how to transmit DHT11 sensor data via ESPNOW. This tutorial will show how to control physical devices like LED, Relay, or other electrical & electronic applications. '''Things that we need:''' You need two ESP32 Dev boards, that's all. ESP32 Dev boards have already been equipped with an onboard LED. So, we can just try to control them via ESPNOW. Also, you can add an external LED to the digital pins, and we can control them. to the digital pins, and we can control them.)
  • Analogic Drawing Pad  + (In this activity, kids experiment with an In this activity, kids experiment with an analogic drawing pad, to grasp the concept of a cnc machine moving along its x, y, and z axis. The analogic pad has a pen mounted onto it that can move along the x and y axis of the pad. Kids can attempt to draw simple geometrical shapes such as squares, rectangles, triangles, etc. on the analogic pad, and later observe a cnc machine (such as a 3D printer) that moves along its x, y, and z axis to create a 3D object. They will notice that the basic working principles of the two systems are very similar. What follows is a step by step tutorial on how to build your own analogic drawing pad. Une version française de ce tutoriel est disponible [ ici].JJhfxp3u89zOOxUavh8/view?usp=sharing ici].)
  • Analogic Drawing Pad  + (In this activity, kids experiment with an In this activity, kids experiment with an analogic drawing pad, to grasp the concept of a cnc machine moving along its x, y, and z axis. The analogic pad has a pen mounted onto it that can move along the x and y axis of the pad. Kids can attempt to draw simple geometrical shapes such as squares, rectangles, triangles, etc. on the analogic pad, and later observe a cnc machine (such as a 3D printer) that moves along its x, y, and z axis to create a 3D object. They will notice that the basic working principles of the two systems are very similar. What follows is a step by step tutorial on how to build your own analogic drawing pad. Une version française de ce tutoriel est disponible [ ici].JJhfxp3u89zOOxUavh8/view?usp=sharing ici].)
  • Key crack activity with 3D printing  + (In this activity, kids will have to designIn this activity, kids will have to design and subsequently produce a key that is capable of accomplishing a 360° rotation inside a 3D printed keyhole. Watch [ this] video to find out how it works..mp4 this] video to find out how it works.)
  • Key crack activity with 3D printing  + (In this activity, kids will have to designIn this activity, kids will have to design and subsequently produce a key that is capable of accomplishing a 360° rotation inside a 3D printed keyhole. Watch [ this] video to find out how it works..mp4 this] video to find out how it works.)
  • Financial literacy with Makey Makey  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to setIn this tutorial you will learn how to set up an activity on coding based on Scratch and simple financial literacy for kids. Une version de ce tutoriel en français est disponible [ en ligne] / A French version of this tutorial is available [ here]. A Bulgarian version of this tutorial is available [ here].enr8zbum6oJivUQtIg/edit?usp=sharing here].)
  • FlyPi  + (In this tutorial, I share the journey of hIn this tutorial, I share the journey of how I built the FlyPi, without any previous electronics experience, so I could feed my insatiable urge to see how things work. Microscopy offers a lens to explore each visual frontier with its wonderful new perspectives and illuminates minuscule life usually unobserved. This is an amazing experience for anyone curious of what lies beneath our immediate visual capabilities. One main constraint scientists at all levels (Students, researchers and/or educators) is access to effective scientific tools. The cost of tools as well as repait and maintenance, not to mention calibration. This is likely due to high prices set by development under a patent/scarcity methodology. Building your own FlyPi is a relatively easy and cost effective way to to get around this limiting factor. FlyPi is an all-in-one biology lab with powerful “off-the-shelf” electronic elements (Raspberry Pi & Arduino nano). It's modularity offers a fast, effective and low cost way to have better experimental control by customizing for specific needs and most importantly enables accessibility to research and explore the microscopic world around us. Just putting it together is a great learning experience for everyone not immediately comfortable with electronics. Some People have even begun to join scientific efforts in pursuing solutions to their local problems!  Steps 1- Understanding Modularity: Deciding what to include or exclude in the build 2- Gathering materials & Creating parts: Options to buy parts from kitspace, link to original github repository Due to modularity, not all parts are necessary for basic functionality. (Repository has more detailed bill of material files) 3- Building PCB hardware: Quick overview of the PCB build 4- Software Installation: How to install interface and useful imagej FIJI software on SD card 5- Launching the FlyPi: Putting it all together to start collecting image data!ng it all together to start collecting image data!)
  • FlyPi  + (In this tutorial, I share the journey of hIn this tutorial, I share the journey of how I built the FlyPi, without any previous electronics experience, so I could feed my insatiable urge to see how things work. Microscopy offers a lens to explore each visual frontier with its wonderful new perspectives and illuminates minuscule life usually unobserved. This is an amazing experience for anyone curious of what lies beneath our immediate visual capabilities. One main constraint scientists at all levels (Students, researchers and/or educators) is access to effective scientific tools. The cost of tools as well as repait and maintenance, not to mention calibration. This is likely due to high prices set by development under a patent/scarcity methodology. Building your own FlyPi is a relatively easy and cost effective way to to get around this limiting factor. FlyPi is an all-in-one biology lab with powerful “off-the-shelf” electronic elements (Raspberry Pi & Arduino nano). It's modularity offers a fast, effective and low cost way to have better experimental control by customizing for specific needs and most importantly enables accessibility to research and explore the microscopic world around us. Just putting it together is a great learning experience for everyone not immediately comfortable with electronics. Some People have even begun to join scientific efforts in pursuing solutions to their local problems!  Steps 1- Understanding Modularity: Deciding what to include or exclude in the build 2- Gathering materials & Creating parts: Options to buy parts from kitspace, link to original github repository Due to modularity, not all parts are necessary for basic functionality. (Repository has more detailed bill of material files) 3- Building PCB hardware: Quick overview of the PCB build 4- Software Installation: How to install interface and useful imagej FIJI software on SD card 5- Launching the FlyPi: Putting it all together to start collecting image data!ng it all together to start collecting image data!)
  • Snap circuits tutorial  + (In this tutorial, you will learn how to crIn this tutorial, you will learn how to create your own snap circuits embedding electronic components of different kinds, and how to implement educational activities revolving around this support: activities on circuitry, electronic prototyping and programming, energy saving and home automation.amming, energy saving and home automation.)
  • Electronic textile bag  + (In this tutorial, you will learn how to crIn this tutorial, you will learn how to create an electronic textile bag, to be used in the context of educational activities on electronics and coding. A French version of this tutorial is available [ online] / Une version en français de ce tutoriel est également disponible [ en ligne].-BYKdsV85QhQDO/view?usp=sharing en ligne].)
  • Electronic textile bag  + (In this tutorial, you will learn how to crIn this tutorial, you will learn how to create an electronic textile bag, to be used in the context of educational activities on electronics and coding. A French version of this tutorial is available [ online] / Une version en français de ce tutoriel est également disponible [ en ligne].-BYKdsV85QhQDO/view?usp=sharing en ligne].)
  • Use Apple Music as TikTok Video BGM  + (In today's digital era, social media platfIn today's digital era, social media platforms have become the go-to avenues for creative expression. One such platform, TikTok, has gained immense popularity for its ability to combine music, videos, and creativity in a seamless manner. For music enthusiasts, being able to incorporate their favorite tracks from Apple Music into TikTok videos can enhance the overall impact and make their content more engaging. In this passage, we will discuss '''the step-by-step processes of using Apple Music as a TikTok video BGM'''. Step into this guide and make your TikTok video outstanding! Before begin, you need to install a program. TuneCable iMusic Converter, or [ TuneCable Apple Music Downloader], is specially tailored for all Apple Music/iTunes users to enjoy Apple's music and use Apple Music songs in their TikTok videos in a better and cheaper way. TuneCable Apple Music Downloader can download Apple Music/iTunes songs to the local Windows and Mac computer while removing the encryption of the songs, making it possible to get the music files and add Apple Music songs to TikTok videos after unsubscribing to Apple Music. With Apple Music songs becoming common audio files, you can freely trim and edit the audio files in your TikTok videos, and make the best sound as the BGM. Additionally, this TuneCable program is capable of converting Apple Music/iTunes songs to popular MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, ALAC, and FLAC formats, so that you don't have to worry about compatibility with video editing software programs. Besides, TuneCable has a strong ability to identify and keep the ID3 tags of Apple Music/iTunes songs, you can easily recognize which songs the output files are. Let's look at how to use TuneCable to download Apple Music songs and use them as TikTok BGM.le Music songs and use them as TikTok BGM.)
  • 12 Creative Ways to Revitalize Your Aging Home Without a Major Renovation  + (Introduction: As homeowners, it's naturalIntroduction: As homeowners, it's natural to desire a fresh look for our living spaces from time to time. However, the idea of a major renovation can be daunting both financially and logistically. The good news is, there are numerous ways to breathe new life into your home without breaking the bank or enduring lengthy construction projects. In this article, we'll explore 12 creative strategies to transform your aging home into a vibrant and rejuvenated space.
    == Declutter and Organize: == One of the simplest yet most effective ways to revitalize your home is by decluttering and organizing your living spaces. Start by going through each room and identifying items that are no longer needed or used. Donate, sell, or discard these items to create more space and clarity in your home. Invest in storage solutions such as baskets, shelves, and organizers to keep belongings neatly tucked away, giving your home a clean and refreshed appearance.
    == Refresh Walls with Paint: == A fresh coat of paint can work wonders in rejuvenating a tired-looking home. Choose light, neutral colors to brighten up rooms and make them feel more spacious. Consider accent walls or bold color choices to add personality and interest to specific areas. Don't forget to prep walls properly by filling in any cracks or holes and sanding surfaces for a smooth finish.
    == Update Fixtures and Hardware: == Swap out outdated fixtures and hardware throughout your home to instantly modernize its appearance. Replace old light fixtures, cabinet handles, drawer pulls, and door knobs with sleek, contemporary designs. This simple upgrade can significantly enhance the overall look and feel of your home without the need for extensive renovations.
    == Revamp Flooring: == If your flooring is showing signs of wear and tear, consider revamping it to breathe new life into your home. Depending on your budget and preferences, options range from refinishing hardwood floors to installing laminate or vinyl plank flooring. Area rugs can also be used to cover up imperfections and add warmth and texture to your floors.
    == Upgrade Window Treatments: == Updating window treatments can dramatically improve the aesthetic appeal of your home while also enhancing privacy and light control. Replace old curtains or blinds with stylish and functional options such as sheer curtains, Roman shades, or plantation shutters. Choose fabrics and patterns that complement your existing decor to tie the room together seamlessly. [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] == Enhance Curb Appeal: == Boosting curb appeal is essential for making a lasting impression on visitors and passersby. Simple enhancements such as painting the front door, installing outdoor lighting, or adding potted plants can instantly elevate the exterior of your home. Consider landscaping improvements, such as trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, and adding colorful flowers, to create a welcoming entrance that reflects pride of ownership.
    == Create a Cozy Outdoor Living Space: == Transform your outdoor area into a cozy retreat where you can relax and unwind. Invest in comfortable outdoor furniture, add decorative accents like throw pillows and rugs, and incorporate ambient lighting to set the mood. Whether it's a spacious patio, a quaint balcony, or a lush garden, maximizing your outdoor living space can expand your home's functional square footage and enhance its overall appeal.
    == Introduce Greenery: == Bringing nature indoors can breathe fresh energy into your home and improve air quality. Incorporate houseplants and indoor trees throughout your living spaces to add a touch of greenery and natural beauty. Not only do plants serve as stylish decor elements, but they also have numerous health benefits, including stress reduction and air purification.
    == Rearrange Furniture: == Sometimes, all it takes to rejuvenate a space is a simple rearrangement of furniture. Experiment with different layouts to optimize traffic flow, maximize natural light, and create cozy conversation areas. Consider focal points such as fireplaces or scenic views when positioning furniture to highlight the best features of each room.
    == Personalize with Art and Accessories: == Inject your personality into your home by displaying meaningful artwork, photographs, and accessories that reflect your interests and style. Create gallery walls, showcase collections, or incorporate statement pieces that serve as conversation starters. Mixing textures, colors, and patterns can add visual interest and warmth to your living spaces, making them feel more inviting and personalized.
    == Install Mirrors: == Strategically placing mirrors throughout your home can enhance natural light, create the illusion of space, and add depth to rooms. Choose oversized mirrors to make a bold statement or cluster smaller mirrors together to create a decorative focal point. Consider placing mirrors opposite windows or near light sources to maximize their reflective properties and brighten up dark corners.
    == Embrace DIY Projects: == Get creative and tackle DIY projects to add custom touches and character to your home. From painting accent walls to crafting handmade decor items, there are countless ways to personalize your space on a budget. Explore online tutorials, attend workshops, or simply let your imagination run wild to unleash your inner artist and transform your home into a reflection of your unique style and creativity. In addition to cosmetic enhancements, incorporating energy-efficient solutions can also contribute to the rejuvenation of your home. Consider installing an air source heat pump, a sustainable heating and cooling system that can significantly reduce energy consumption and utility costs. Unlike traditional HVAC systems, [ air source heat pumps] extract heat from the air outside and transfer it indoors during colder months, while reversing the process to provide cooling during warmer seasons. One notable option is the Zealux heat pump, known for its cutting-edge technology and reliable performance. With its advanced features and eco-friendly design, the Zealux [ heat pump supplier] offers a seamless integration into your home's existing infrastructure, providing efficient heating and cooling without the need for extensive renovations or major disruptions to your daily life. By embracing innovative solutions like the Zealux heat pump, you can not only enhance comfort and convenience in your home but also contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come. Conclusion: Revitalizing your aging home doesn't have to involve extensive renovations or major investments. By implementing these 12 creative strategies, you can breathe new life into your living spaces and create a home that feels fresh, stylish, and welcoming. From simple updates like decluttering and painting to more involved projects like upgrading fixtures and rearranging furniture, there are plenty of ways to make your old home feel new again. Additionally, embracing energy-efficient solutions such as heat pumps can enhance comfort while reducing environmental impact and utility costs. Consider exploring options from reputable [ heat pump manufacturers] like Zealux, known for their innovative technology and reliable performance. So roll up your sleeves, unleash your creativity, and embark on the journey of transforming your home into a haven of comfort, beauty, and sustainability. tag: [ commercial pool heat pump] , [ swimming pool heat pump] , [ swimming pool heat pump manufacturers]
    mp] , [ swimming pool heat pump manufacturers])
  • Brancher des périphériques USB sur un ESP8266  + (Je jouais avec '''Mozzi''', une '''bibliotJe jouais avec '''Mozzi''', une '''bibliothèque de synthèse audio''' (, quand je me suis rendu compte que si je voulais vraiment pouvoir exploiter tout le potentiel de cette bibliothèque, j'allais devoir faire un contrôleur. Si seulement, je pouvais brancher un '''clavier''' ou un '''contrôleur midi''', ça serait carrément plus simple !midi''', ça serait carrément plus simple !)
  • Brancher des périphériques USB sur un ESP8266  + (Je jouais avec '''Mozzi''', une '''bibliotJe jouais avec '''Mozzi''', une '''bibliothèque de synthèse audio''' (, quand je me suis rendu compte que si je voulais vraiment pouvoir exploiter tout le potentiel de cette bibliothèque, j'allais devoir faire un contrôleur. Si seulement, je pouvais brancher un '''clavier''' ou un '''contrôleur midi''', ça serait carrément plus simple !midi''', ça serait carrément plus simple !)
  • TETRIS puzzle  + (Le but de ce projet était de créer une adaLe but de ce projet était de créer une adaptation analogique du jeu tetris. Créer un jeu qui ne nécessite pas d'électronique avec des machines numériques permet d'utiliser les avantages de ce principe sans pour autant avoir comme résultat de créer une plateforme supplémentaire dotée d'un écran pour les enfants. Les parents pourront eux se remémorer leurs premiers pas dans le monde virtuel.
    premiers pas dans le monde virtuel. <br/>)
  • Bento-box Coeur d'Artichaut  + (Le dernier étage de la bento box Cœur d'ArLe dernier étage de la bento box Cœur d'Artichaut est composé d'une fleur interactive. Poser un objet dans son cœur, elle nommera la couleur et composera une ambiance colorée pour vous. La bento box Cœur d'Artichaut s'inscrit dans un programme de MOOC hybride "Fabrication Numérique" promotion - 2019 Rennes. Il y a d'autres étages avec d'autres fonctionnalités qui vont être décrite plus succinctement ici. L'objet de la formation est de créer un dernier étage interactif en appliquant les connaissances acquises lors de la formation.
    ====Scénario d'utilisation==== Après avoir branché la bento box, il faut l'allumer via l'interrupteur. Le mode "météo" se met automatiquement en route. L'anneau de led de la façade change de couleur en fonction des données captées par le capteur BME280, l'écran LCD indique la pression, la température et l'humidité. Lorsqu'un objet est posé au cœur de la fleur, le mode "couleur" se déclenche. L'écran LCD nomme la couleur captée et l'anneau de led de la façade s'éteint. L'anneau de led fixé dans l'étage en plexy s'allume en reprenant la même couleur captée sur l'objet. Le potentiomètre permet de moduler l'intensité de la lumière pour passer d'un éclairage d'ambiance à celui d'une veilleuse de chevet.
    ambiance à celui d'une veilleuse de chevet.<br/>)
  • TonUINO  + (Le principe de TonUINO est simple : il sufLe principe de TonUINO est simple : il suffit de poser une puce RFID préalablement configurée sur le dessus de la boîte pour que le contenu audio (histoires, musique) stocké sur une carte MicroSD soit diffusé. Les contenus sont enregistrés par l’utilisateur avec la possibilité d’enregistrer ses propres histoires. Une fois le montage fait, il n’y a plus qu’à l’embarquer dans un contenant de votre choix, que vous pouvez fabriquer, détourner à partir d’un autre objet, ou acheter. En suivant tout à la lettre il n’y a pas de raison que vous n’arriviez pas à fabriquer votre TonUINO, cependant quelques connaissances en Arduino seront nécessaires. Si besoin, n’hésitez pas à faire des recherches internet supplémentaires pour savoir comment effectuer telle ou telle opération (par exemple : installer une librairie Arduino ou dévoiler les fichiers cachés sous Windows…). Les infos données ci-dessous sont valables pour une installation à partir de Windows, il peut y avoir quelques différences sur IOs. Il existe différentes configuration matérielles de TonUINO que vous pouvez explorer sur GitHub, ici je vous donne les infos pour la version de base, celle qui utilise trois boutons. de base, celle qui utilise trois boutons.)
  • Malinette  + (Le principe est de séparer une chaîne inteLe principe est de séparer une chaîne interactive en trois parties : les '''entrées''', les '''traitements''' et les '''sorties'''. Nous utilisons l'analogie de la perception humaine pour comprendre comment fonctionnent les systèmes interactifs et pour en créer de nouveaux. Dans ce tutoriel, il s'agit de fabriquer son propre kit en commandant les composants électroniques, en fabriquant la boîte dans un Fablab, et ensuite en installant le logiciel. La Malinette est toujours en évolution, nous développons d'autres [ extensions] pour faciliter encore davantage la prise en main électronique et logiciel, notamment une version [ Malinette USB Midi].2_-_usbmidi_-_arduino Malinette USB Midi].)
  • Malinette  + (Le principe est de séparer une chaîne inteLe principe est de séparer une chaîne interactive en trois parties : les '''entrées''', les '''traitements''' et les '''sorties'''. Nous utilisons l'analogie de la perception humaine pour comprendre comment fonctionnent les systèmes interactifs et pour en créer de nouveaux. Dans ce tutoriel, il s'agit de fabriquer son propre kit en commandant les composants électroniques, en fabriquant la boîte dans un Fablab, et ensuite en installant le logiciel. La Malinette est toujours en évolution, nous développons d'autres [ extensions] pour faciliter encore davantage la prise en main électronique et logiciel, notamment une version [ Malinette USB Midi].2_-_usbmidi_-_arduino Malinette USB Midi].)
  • Poser une étagère à crémaillère  + (Le rangement ergonomique ! Parfait pour mLe rangement ergonomique ! Parfait pour multiplier les rangements en tous genres, facile à monter et modulable c'est LA solution bricolage pour mettre en place vos espaces de rangements ! Au niveau de la création et de l'optimisation de votre espace, les possibilités sont infinies. En effet, vous pouvez varier les couleurs et les matériaux.uvez varier les couleurs et les matériaux.)
  • Système Hydroponique  + (Le système hydroponique présenté ici a étéLe système hydroponique présenté ici a été conçu et fabriqué au Fablab de la Coopérative Pointacarré, à St Denis (93) par un des jeunes en service civique, Nicolas K. Le système, une fois installé, nécessite très peu d'entretien : il suffit de changer la solution eau / nutriments du bac toutes les deux semaines environ. Les fichiers .stl sont disponibles en téléchargement, sous licence libre et open source (CC BY-SA). Les différentes pièces et l'assemblage sont réalisables avec l’équipement d'un Fablab. Des adaptations peuvent êtres nécessaires en fonction des machines disponibles. Le concept a été inspiré par une vidéo youtube, tutoriel d'hydroponie DWC (Deep Water Culture) appelée "Learn Growing Lettuce Indoor HYDROPONIC SYSTEM Cheap Setup". Lien dans les références. Si vous souhaitez réaliser ce projet, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour tout renseignement complémentaire. Notamment si vous souhaitez les fichiers 3D en format natif de modélisation (.catpart) ou en format universels tels que le .stp ou .igs (wikifab ne supporte pas l'upload de ces formats de fichiers). AVERTISSEMENT : Soyez très prudents en manipulant des systèmes électriques artisanaux. Nous ne saurions être tenus responsables d'éventuels dommages causés par de telles manipulations.mmages causés par de telles manipulations.)
  • Système Hydroponique  + (Le système hydroponique présenté ici a étéLe système hydroponique présenté ici a été conçu et fabriqué au Fablab de la Coopérative Pointacarré, à St Denis (93) par un des jeunes en service civique, Nicolas K. Le système, une fois installé, nécessite très peu d'entretien : il suffit de changer la solution eau / nutriments du bac toutes les deux semaines environ. Les fichiers .stl sont disponibles en téléchargement, sous licence libre et open source (CC BY-SA). Les différentes pièces et l'assemblage sont réalisables avec l’équipement d'un Fablab. Des adaptations peuvent êtres nécessaires en fonction des machines disponibles. Le concept a été inspiré par une vidéo youtube, tutoriel d'hydroponie DWC (Deep Water Culture) appelée "Learn Growing Lettuce Indoor HYDROPONIC SYSTEM Cheap Setup". Lien dans les références. Si vous souhaitez réaliser ce projet, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour tout renseignement complémentaire. Notamment si vous souhaitez les fichiers 3D en format natif de modélisation (.catpart) ou en format universels tels que le .stp ou .igs (wikifab ne supporte pas l'upload de ces formats de fichiers). AVERTISSEMENT : Soyez très prudents en manipulant des systèmes électriques artisanaux. Nous ne saurions être tenus responsables d'éventuels dommages causés par de telles manipulations.mmages causés par de telles manipulations.)
  • How to Make Amazon Music Louder  + (Music is a universal language that has theMusic is a universal language that has the power to evoke emotions and set the mood for any occasion. With Amazon Music, you have access to a vast library of songs, playlists, and albums at your fingertips. However, sometimes you may find that the volume of your favorite tracks isn't quite loud enough to fully immerse yourself in the music. In this article, we'll explore some simple yet effective ways to make Amazon Music louder and enhance your listening experience.der and enhance your listening experience.)
  • DIY Custom NeoPixel Rings From Scratch!  + (NeoPixel rings, and NeoPixels in general, NeoPixel rings, and NeoPixels in general, are among the most popular electronic components for makers of all types. For good reason too, with a single pin from any popular microcontroller Adafruit makes adding gorgeous LEDs and animations to any project extremely easy. Unfortunately they are rather expensive, and Adafruit only sells four sizes. What many makers don't realize is NeoPixel is simply Adafruit's branding of a few identical LED chips named WS2812, WS2811 and SK6812 respectively. All Adafruit does it take the chip and put it on a circuit board, charging a hefty premium alongside. There is nothing wrong with Adafruit doing this as it makes NeoPixels accessible to everyone, but if one were to simply make the boards themselves one could make custom shapes of any size or design for around '''15% '''of the cost of Adafruit's models (for a 24 LED ring)('''$3'''). Despite that, it doesn't seem like anyone has created a guide exactly for doing this. So, when I needed a custom compound ring for my working Samus Arm Cannon project (coming soon) I figured why not document the process. In this tutorial I'll show you exactly how I made this custom ring, and how you can make your own.ustom ring, and how you can make your own.)
  • DIY Custom NeoPixel Rings From Scratch!  + (NeoPixel rings, and NeoPixels in general, NeoPixel rings, and NeoPixels in general, are among the most popular electronic components for makers of all types. For good reason too, with a single pin from any popular microcontroller Adafruit makes adding gorgeous LEDs and animations to any project extremely easy. Unfortunately they are rather expensive, and Adafruit only sells four sizes. What many makers don't realize is NeoPixel is simply Adafruit's branding of a few identical LED chips named WS2812, WS2811 and SK6812 respectively. All Adafruit does it take the chip and put it on a circuit board, charging a hefty premium alongside. There is nothing wrong with Adafruit doing this as it makes NeoPixels accessible to everyone, but if one were to simply make the boards themselves one could make custom shapes of any size or design for around '''15% '''of the cost of Adafruit's models (for a 24 LED ring)('''$3'''). Despite that, it doesn't seem like anyone has created a guide exactly for doing this. So, when I needed a custom compound ring for my working Samus Arm Cannon project (coming soon) I figured why not document the process. In this tutorial I'll show you exactly how I made this custom ring, and how you can make your own.ustom ring, and how you can make your own.)
  • How to enhance Multiple Intelligences  + (People who achieve good academic results aPeople who achieve good academic results are commonly called intelligent and work at [ EssayMap]. But if they don't stand out, aren't they smart? Do you think you are? The approach of multiple intelligences of psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner postulates the existence of  8 different types of intelligence , which are intertwined working in a complex way in our mind. Were you good at language in school but not math? You didn't like studying but you were good at sports? With this theory of multiple intelligences we find the answer because ...  There are many ways to be intelligent! Gardner says that all people possess all types of intelligence and can develop them to acquire new levels of competencies. Some of us have more developed intelligence than others, but what is clear is that not all of them are reflected in the school's grades. We all have skills and talents, but sometimes they are not taken into account. Do you have children and do you want them to develop their potential? Are you a teacher and you want your students to perform better in their learning? == How to empower and strengthen the different types of intelligences == '''1. Linguistic-verbal intelligence''' . It is the ability to think in words and to use language to understand, express, and appreciate complex meanings. A good example for this case is the poet and writer William Shakespeare. How to strengthen and develop it : with reading books, different [ writing materials], newspapers and magazines, crosswords and voice recorders. '''2. Logical-mathematical intelligence.''' This ability includes calculations, number thinking, problem solving, application of logic, understanding of abstract concepts, and reasoning and understanding of relationships. A very good example of this intelligence is the well-known scientist Albert Einstein. How to strengthen and develop it : with the use of logic games, money management games, calculators, clocks, abacuses, games with mathematical signs, rules and compass. '''3. Visual-spatial intelligence.''' It includes skills such as the recognition and elaboration of visual images, creation and management of mental images and reasoning about space. A good architect is a clear example of this intelligence. How to strengthen and develop it : with puzzles, compasses, maps, Lego sets, templates to make letters or designs, photo and video cameras, microscope, telescope and mazes. '''4. Body-kinetic or kinesthetic intelligence.''' It stands out for the performance of motor actions and it is the ability to use our own body. The sportsman Michael Jordan or a circus acrobat are good examples. How to strengthen and develop it : with handicraft tools, modeling pastes, throwing objects, puppets or using gymnastic or dance equipment. '''5. Musical intelligence .''' Understand the ability to communicate through music in terms of compositions and performance. Clear examples are musicians like the great composers Mozart or Beethoven. How to strengthen and develop it : with musical instruments, recordings, radio, singing or whistling. '''6. Naturalistic intelligence.''' Competence to perceive the relationships that exist between various species or groups of objects and people. Biologists or astronomers are examples for this case. How to strengthen and develop it : with the use of terrariums, aquariums, magnifying glass, microscope, taking care of pets or using garden equipment. '''7. Interpersonal intelligence.''' It allows us to understand others, based on empathy and the ability to manage relationships. Clear examples of this intelligence are Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Mahatma Gandhi. How to strengthen and develop it : actively interacting with others, sharing toys and games, as a participant in community activities or working in a group. '''8. Intrapersonal intelligence.''' Ability to understand ourselves and other people. Physicist and scientist Stephen Hawking is often an example of this kind of intelligence. How to strengthen and develop it : analyzing your own strengths and weaknesses, working and studying alone, allowing yourself to advance at your own pace or expressing our ideas decisively. '''9. Emotional intelligence.''' Ability to correctly perceive and express emotions, adapting and facilitating thinking and regulating emotions in oneself and in others. But weren't there 8 intelligences? The [ psychologist Daniel Goleman] proposed the existence of this ninth intelligence that serves us so much in daily life, since  these emotional and social skills are responsible for our emotional and mental stability . This theory of multiple intelligences is nothing new, since it was proposed for the first time in 1983. Today the lines of research on the subject strengthen it, and even new types of intelligence are postulated in addition to the initial ones, which are the ones we have already seen above. But, although more than 30 years have passed since these beginnings, we still have a lot to learn! Traditionally, schools have emphasized the development of logical-mathematical and verbal-linguistic intelligence, with reading and writing as the central axis, without taking into account other areas in which the child can excel. Also, tests to determine IQ have focused mostly on these two intelligences. The level of intelligence should not be evaluated solely on the basis of that, since we know that a person's development encompasses much more. Multiple intelligences are related to each other  and, as we have seen, their development is found in the activities of daily life, so by  promoting the appropriate environments and situations,  several of them can be enhanced , even all at the same time. . Realizing what our children's abilities are and empowering them can be the key to their success.ring them can be the key to their success.)
  • Pochette en cuir pour scie à main japonaise  + (Petit tuto sur comment créer une pochette Petit tuto sur comment créer une pochette pour un outils (couteaux / scies etc) avec un smartphone, Inkscape, du cuir et une découpe laser. C'est un besoin que j'ai eu avec cet outils car il avait une pochette en carton qui ne tenait plus qu'avec du scotch (pas très safe) Point bonus pour la personne qui me trouvera le nom de cet outils trouvé en brocante ! Ce n'est ni une scie japonaise, ni une serpette et il n'est pas plat (légèrement arrondi vers la droite)s plat (légèrement arrondi vers la droite))
  • Pochette en cuir pour scie à main japonaise  + (Petit tuto sur comment créer une pochette Petit tuto sur comment créer une pochette pour un outils (couteaux / scies etc) avec un smartphone, Inkscape, du cuir et une découpe laser. C'est un besoin que j'ai eu avec cet outils car il avait une pochette en carton qui ne tenait plus qu'avec du scotch (pas très safe) Point bonus pour la personne qui me trouvera le nom de cet outils trouvé en brocante ! Ce n'est ni une scie japonaise, ni une serpette et il n'est pas plat (légèrement arrondi vers la droite)s plat (légèrement arrondi vers la droite))
  • Comprehensive1Z0-1032-24 Exam Dumps to Ensure Certification Success  + (Precise your preparation by the [https://wPrecise your preparation by the [ '''Authentic 1Z0-1032-24 Exam Dumps'''] it really is easy to use since it supplies you in PDF format. Immediately after preparing initially you will be able to attempt the Oracle Responsys Marketing Platform 2024 Implementation Professional exam. Without having wasting your time, start out to proceed together with your preparation for the Oracle Responsys Marketing Platform exam by choosing the high-ranked Oracle 1Z0 1032 pdf dumps. It is possible to also use our on the web testing engine. The 1Z0 1032 braindumps are also specialised for the 1Z0-1032-24 dumps pdf questions. Using the help on the Oracle 1Z0 1032 pdf questions, you are able to quickly make a fillable form by using PDF. By way of the most recent material, you might effortlessly upgrade your preparation and expertise. == '''Professionals’ Assistance with Actual 1Z0-1032-24 Exam Dumps''' == It's a great and more rapidly way of preparation. From OracleDumpsFree, you will get the most recent specifics and original 1Z0-1032-24 exam dumps the most effective assistant to assist you with what ever form it can be that you are going to produce. You are able to prepare as well as the Oracle 1Z0 1032 dumps pdf questions, which might be extremely suitable for the 1Z0-1032-24 certification. Right after getting this certification you will be an professional in your field. You will get the fulfilment. Their 1Z0-1032-24 pdf dumps have too a lot of questions and answers for the 1Z0-1032-24 exam preparation, it'll assist you to to attain success. In any concern, you are able to contact the team for real 1Z0-1032-24 exam dumps help by means of e-mail or the on-line chat solution. == '''Achieve Your 100% Discount Gives with 1Z0-1032-24 Dumps PDF''' == This can be the undoubted preparation supply so you'll find a brand new Oracle 1Z0 1032 dumps pdf questions and do nicely. You can purchase our Oracle 1Z0-1032-24 exam questions at an inexpensive value and get a lot of assistance by using the ideal top quality Oracle 1Z0 1032 pdf dumps, furthermore get numerous solutions and bundle pack discount on it. Real 1Z0-1032-24 exam dumps questions are manufactured very cautiously so the customers can get the ideal presents from OracleDumpsFree and realize 100% achievement on their initially attempt. '''Get Now In One Click:''' == '''Guaranteed Get-Back Offer you with 1Z0-1032-24 PDF Dumps''' == Our solutions are working quickly, you will get achievement by using the essential points through the preparation together with the Oracle 1Z0-1032-24 pdf dumps. This really is the factual supply of preparation it is best to practice a great deal by the 1Z0 1032 on the web engine. Additional, the authorities recommend fantastic pdf files and you can get the latest information regarding the 1Z0-1032-24 exam by way of the Oracle 1Z0-1032-24 dumps pdf questions. The Oracle 1Z0 1032 braindumps are enough for you personally. before you dive in and start off working with it. Go on OracleDumpsFree and prepare your Oracle Responsys Marketing Platform 2024 Implementation Professional exam with real 1Z0-1032-24 exam dumps and get pleasure from the 90 days constant updates devoid of paying any added charges.pdates devoid of paying any added charges.)
  • Reliable 1D0-1050-24-D Exam Dumps for Unmatched Oracle Exam Preparation  + (Precise your preparation by the [https://wPrecise your preparation by the [ '''Original 1D0-1050-24-D Exam Dumps'''] it is straightforward to work with since it gives you in PDF format. Soon after preparing at first you'll be able to try the Oracle Payroll Cloud 2024 Implementation Professional - Delta exam. With no wasting your time, start off to proceed along with your preparation for the Oracle Payroll Cloud exam by selecting the high-ranked Oracle 1D0 1050 Delta pdf dumps. You can also use our on the internet testing engine. The 1D0 1050 Delta braindumps are also specialised for the 1D0-1050-24-D dumps pdf questions. With the support with the Oracle 1D0 1050 Delta pdf questions, it is possible to simply make a fillable form by using PDF. By way of the newest material, you may easily upgrade your preparation and understanding. == '''Professionals’ Help with Authentic 1D0-1050-24-D Exam Dumps''' == It is an excellent and more rapidly way of preparation. From OracleDumpsFree, you will get the newest particulars and original 1D0-1050-24-D exam dumps the most effective assistant to help you with whatever type it can be that you are going to create. It is possible to prepare in conjunction with the Oracle 1D0 1050 Delta dumps pdf questions, which can be incredibly suitable for the 1D0-1050-24-D certification. After getting this certification you will be an professional in your field. You'll get the fulfilment. Their 1D0-1050-24-D pdf dumps have also a lot of questions and answers for the 1D0-1050-24-D exam preparation, it'll make it easier to to attain achievement. In any issue, you can speak to the group for real 1D0-1050-24-D exam dumps assistance by means of e-mail or the online chat option. == '''Obtain Your 100% Discount Offers with 1D0-1050-24-D Dumps PDF''' == This is the undoubted preparation source so you will discover a brand new Oracle 1D0 1050 Delta dumps pdf questions and do nicely. It is possible to purchase our Oracle 1D0-1050-24-D exam questions at an reasonably priced price tag and get a great deal of assistance by using the very best high quality Oracle 1D0 1050 Delta pdf dumps, moreover get a great deal of services and bundle pack discount on it. Authentic 1D0-1050-24-D exam dumps questions are manufactured incredibly carefully so the consumers can get the best offers from OracleDumpsFree and realize 100% success on their very first attempt. '''Get Now In One Click:''' == '''Assured Get-Back Offer you with 1D0-1050-24-D PDF Dumps''' == Our services are functioning promptly, you will get success by using the important points throughout the preparation with all the Oracle 1D0-1050-24-D pdf dumps. This really is the factual source of preparation you must practice a whole lot by the 1D0 1050 Delta on the web engine. Further, the authorities recommend excellent pdf files and also you can get the latest details in regards to the 1D0-1050-24-D exam by means of the Oracle 1D0-1050-24-D dumps pdf questions. The Oracle 1D0 1050 Delta braindumps are enough for you personally. just before you dive in and start off using it. Go on OracleDumpsFree and prepare your Oracle Payroll Cloud 2024 Implementation Professional - Delta exam with real 1D0-1050-24-D exam dumps and appreciate the 90 days continuous updates with no paying any extra charges. updates with no paying any extra charges.)
  • Comprehensive 1Z0-1123-24 Exam Dumps to Ensure Certification Success  + (Precise your preparation by the [https://wPrecise your preparation by the [ '''Authentic 1Z0-1032-24 Exam Dumps'''] it really is easy to use since it supplies you in PDF format. Immediately after preparing initially you will be able to attempt the Oracle Responsys Marketing Platform 2024 Implementation Professional exam. Without having wasting your time, start out to proceed together with your preparation for the Oracle Responsys Marketing Platform exam by choosing the high-ranked Oracle 1Z0 1032 pdf dumps. It is possible to also use our on the web testing engine. The 1Z0 1032 braindumps are also specialised for the 1Z0-1032-24 dumps pdf questions. Using the help on the Oracle 1Z0 1032 pdf questions, you are able to quickly make a fillable form by using PDF. By way of the most recent material, you might effortlessly upgrade your preparation and expertise. == '''Professionals’ Assistance with Actual 1Z0-1032-24 Exam Dumps''' == It's a great and more rapidly way of preparation. From OracleDumpsFree, you will get the most recent specifics and original 1Z0-1032-24 exam dumps the most effective assistant to assist you with what ever form it can be that you are going to produce. You are able to prepare as well as the Oracle 1Z0 1032 dumps pdf questions, which might be extremely suitable for the 1Z0-1032-24 certification. Right after getting this certification you will be an professional in your field. You will get the fulfilment. Their 1Z0-1032-24 pdf dumps have too a lot of questions and answers for the 1Z0-1032-24 exam preparation, it'll assist you to to attain success. In any concern, you are able to contact the team for real 1Z0-1032-24 exam dumps help by means of e-mail or the on-line chat solution. == '''Achieve Your 100% Discount Gives with 1Z0-1032-24 Dumps PDF''' == This can be the undoubted preparation supply so you'll find a brand new Oracle 1Z0 1032 dumps pdf questions and do nicely. You can purchase our Oracle 1Z0-1032-24 exam questions at an inexpensive value and get a lot of assistance by using the ideal top quality Oracle 1Z0 1032 pdf dumps, furthermore get numerous solutions and bundle pack discount on it. Real 1Z0-1032-24 exam dumps questions are manufactured very cautiously so the customers can get the ideal presents from OracleDumpsFree and realize 100% achievement on their initially attempt. '''Get Now In One Click:''' == '''Guaranteed Get-Back Offer you with 1Z0-1032-24 PDF Dumps''' == Our solutions are working quickly, you will get achievement by using the essential points through the preparation together with the Oracle 1Z0-1032-24 pdf dumps. This really is the factual supply of preparation it is best to practice a great deal by the 1Z0 1032 on the web engine. Additional, the authorities recommend fantastic pdf files and you can get the latest information regarding the 1Z0-1032-24 exam by way of the Oracle 1Z0-1032-24 dumps pdf questions. The Oracle 1Z0 1032 braindumps are enough for you personally. before you dive in and start off working with it. Go on OracleDumpsFree and prepare your Oracle Responsys Marketing Platform 2024 Implementation Professional exam with real 1Z0-1032-24 exam dumps and get pleasure from the 90 days constant updates devoid of paying any added charges.pdates devoid of paying any added charges.)
  • Qubitro Device Data - IoT Platform Series  + (Qubitro is an IoT (Internet of Things) plaQubitro is an IoT (Internet of Things) platform that provides tools and services for connecting, managing, and analyzing IoT devices and data. It provides a cloud-based platform where users can securely connect their IoT devices and collect data from sensors and actuators. It supports a wide range of communication protocols and provides device management capabilities, monitoring device data, linking with third-party webhooks, and creating rules to trigger based on conditions, etc. All of it with a Great UI ❤nditions, etc. All of it with a Great UI ❤)
  • How to Combine MOV Files with Zero Loss  + (Quick guide on how this MOV joiner [https:Quick guide on how this MOV joiner [ combines MOV files] losslessly. Step 1: Download, install, run the program Step 2: Choose a mode and output format Step 3: Cut MOV files Step 4: Edit MOV files (optional) Step 5: Export MOV videofiles (optional) Step 5: Export MOV video)
  • Academic Integrity and Nursing Paper Writing Services  + (Research dissemination is facilitated throResearch dissemination is facilitated through     [ nurs fpx 6210 assessment 1]     . Advocacy is facilitated through nursing writing services. Providers assist clients with preparing policy briefs, advocacy statements, and public health campaigns, enabling nurses to advocate for positive change within their communities and healthcare systems. Nursing writing services promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Writers and consultants may collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, including nursing, medicine, public health, and social sciences, to produce comprehensive and impactful documents. Providers assist clients with preparing manuscripts for publication in academic journals, presentations at conferences, and submissions to grant funding agencies. This support enhances the visibility and impact of your research. For research projects, nursing writing services provide valuable assistance. Experienced writers are able to offer assistance with data analysis, literature synthesis, and manuscript preparation whether you are carrying out original research or reviewing previously published works. The research process is streamlined and the quality of your findings is improved by this support. Nursing writing services are characterized by their accessibility and ease of use. Online platforms or virtual consultations are offered by a lot of providers, making it simple to get support from anywhere and at any time. Students' and healthcare professionals' busy schedules are accommodated by this flexibility. Nursing writing services place a high priority on quality assurance. In order to guarantee that all work is of the highest quality and meets client expectations, providers adhere to stringent standards of excellence. Every detail is carefully considered, including content and structure as well as grammar and formatting. Nursing writing services facilitate ongoing professional development. You can advance your career, contribute to scholarly discourse, and make significant contributions to the healthcare industry by improving your writing skills. Nurses can now communicate confidently and effectively in a variety of settings thanks to these services. A culture of continuous improvement is fostered by nursing writing services. In order to help clients improve their writing abilities over time, providers provide clients with constructive feedback and direction. Lifelong learning and professional development are aided by this ongoing support. In nursing practice, effective communication is essential. Services for nursing writing provide nurses with the resources and tools they need to communicate effectively, succinctly, and professionally. These services improve your ability to effectively communicate information, whether you're writing patient care plans, policy briefs, or research proposals. In          [ nursing paper writing services]      , ethical considerations are of the utmost importance. Consultants and writers uphold academic integrity and ethical standards by ensuring that all work is original and properly cited. Clients gain confidence and confidence in you as a result of this commitment to ethics and professionalism. Nursing writing services facilitate professional networking opportunities. In order to foster meaningful relationships and collaborations, providers frequently connect clients with experts, collaborators, and resources within the healthcare community. Writing services for nurses encourage collaboration across disciplines. To create documents that are comprehensive and have an impact, consultants and writers can work with professionals from a variety of fields, such as nursing, medicine, public health, and the social sciences. Nursing writing services facilitate the dissemination of research. Clients receive assistance from providers with the preparation of manuscripts for submission to grant funding agencies, presentations at conferences, and publication in academic journals. Your research's visibility and impact are enhanced by this support. Nursing writing services are known for providing individual assistance. Services are tailored to meet the needs, preferences, and learning styles of each client. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a novice writer, you will receive the support you need to succeed with individualized guidance. A fundamental value of nursing writing services is empowerment. These services give you the ability to share your knowledge, insights, and experiences with a wider audience by improving your writing skills. This empowerment encourages professional development and advances nursing practice. Services for nursing writing facilitate advocacy. Clients receive assistance from providers with the preparation of public health campaigns, advocacy statements, and policy briefs, allowing nurses to advocate for positive change in their communities and healthcare systems. Writing services for nurses encourage collaboration across disciplines. To create documents that are comprehensive and have an impact, consultants and writers can work with professionals from a variety of fields, such as nursing, medicine, public health, and the social sciences. Nursing writing services facilitate the dissemination of research. Clients receive assistance from providers with the preparation of manuscripts for submission to grant funding agencies, presentations at conferences, and publication in academic journals. Your research's visibility and impact are enhanced by this support. Nursing writing services foster a culture of continuous improvement. Providers offer constructive feedback and guidance to help clients strengthen their writing skills over time. This ongoing support promotes lifelong learning and professional growth. Effective communication is essential in nursing practice. Nursing writing services equip nurses with the tools and resources needed to communicate clearly, concisely, and professionally. Whether you're writing patient care plans, policy briefs, or research proposals, these services enhance your ability to convey information effectively. Ethical considerations are paramount in nursing writing services. Writers and consultants uphold ethical standards and academic integrity, ensuring that all work is original and properly cited. This commitment to ethics and professionalism builds trust and credibility with clients. Professional networking opportunities are facilitated through nursing writing services. Providers often connect clients with experts, collaborators, and resources within the healthcare community, fostering meaningful relationships and collaborations. Nursing writing services promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Writers and consultants may collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, including nursing, medicine, public health, and social sciences, to produce comprehensive and impactful documents. Research dissemination is facilitated through nursing writing services. Providers assist clients with preparing manuscripts for publication in academic journals, presentations at conferences, and submissions to grant funding agencies. This support enhances the visibility and impact of your research. Personalized support is a hallmark of nursing writing services. Providers tailor their services to meet individual needs, preferences, and learning styles. Whether you're a novice writer or an experienced researcher, personalized guidance ensures that you receive the support you need to succeed. Empowerment is a core value of nursing writing services. By enhancing your writing skills, these services empower you to share your knowledge, insights, and experiences with a wider audience. This empowerment fosters professional growth and contributes to the advancement of nursing practice. In nursing writing, attention to detail is absolutely necessary. These services put accuracy and clarity first in every part of your writing, making sure that your papers are up to academic and professional standards. Efficient editing and proofreading ensure that your writing is polished and professional, regardless of whether it is for publication or presentation. [ nurs fpx 6212 assessment 4]       rely heavily on teamwork. Consultants and writers collaborate closely with clients to learn about their objectives, needs, and expectations. By working together, you can be sure that the finished product will be in line with academic or professional requirements while still reflecting your individual voice and point of view.g your individual voice and point of view.)
  • How to Play Spotify While Playing Roblox  + (Roblox has become a popular platform for gRoblox has become a popular platform for gamers to connect and explore virtual worlds. However, one feature that has been missing is the ability to play music seamlessly while gaming. With the Spotify Insand available on Roblox, could you [ listen to Spotify while playing Roblox]? Yes! This article will introduce some ways to achieve this goal. Let's move on. ways to achieve this goal. Let's move on.)
  • How to Download Spotify to MP3 in 320kbps High Quality  + (Spotify Premium subscribers have the opporSpotify Premium subscribers have the opportunity to download their favorite Spotify songs in 320kbps very high quality for offline playback. However, the downloads are stored in scattered caches in the special OGG Vorbis format. That means users can only listen to those downloaded tracks offline on limited Spotify-enabled devices. Also, when the Spotify subscription expires, users cannot play those downloaded content offline unless they renew the Spotify Premium plan. Therefore, many Spotify users are seeking an all-in-one solution that can download Spotify to commonly used MP3 in 320kbps. And this is what this post will introduce. Without further ado, let's read on.oduce. Without further ado, let's read on.)
  • How to Play Spotify on iPod Touch  + (Spotify is one of the most popular music sSpotify is one of the most popular music streaming services in the world that are popular among people who are musically inclined. Spotify has over 100 million tracks that you can listen to, in addition to over 5 million podcasts and audiobooks. Also, as the years go by, Spotify is getting readily available to install on any device like Android devices, and even iOS for this matter, plus it also works in a web browser. So, what about if you have an iPod Touch, would you be able to '''''[ play Spotify on iPod Touch]'''''? Nowadays, iPod is favored by users for playing music because it's more convenient than carrying around a giant smartphone. Can you use Spotify on an iPod touch? The method of how to do it will depend on the generation of your iPod Touch. Don’t worry because you will find out more about it as we go along in this post. And here, you will learn about installing Spotify on iPod Touch, troubleshooting if you encountered a Spotify compatibility issue, and listening to your favorite music even if you are offline. So, without further ado, let’s get started. Spotify is available across a range of devices, including computers, phones, tablets, speakers, TVs, and cars, and you can easily transition from one to another with Spotify Connect. But can you play Spotify on iPod Touch/Classic/Shuffle/Nano? According to the latest system requirements which Spotify posted on their official website in 2023, users can only download and run Spotify App on the Apple device with iOS 14 or above version. Specific versions of the iPod, include the iPod Touch, iPod Classic, iPod Mini, iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle. We believe that many music lovers still use the iPod products. The good news for iPod users is that the seventh-generation iPod touch supports iOS 13 through iOS 15. iPod users whose devices are the 7th generation with iOS 15 running, where the Spotify Music app can be directly installed. However, Apple officially discontinued the iPod line on May 10, 2022, which means the iPod Touch lineup can not get software support and update from Apple. Since the differences in compatibility between Spotify and iPod Touch, how to play Spotify on iPod Touch is getting harder and harder. Is Spotify music Available on iPod now? The answer is still yes, there is another method for that which I will further explain in the latter part of this post including the steps on how to do so. post including the steps on how to do so.)
  • How to Play Spotify on Squeezebox  + (Squeezebox is a family of network music plSqueezebox is a family of network music players, which launched by Slim Devices. Many people still use it. Some users are wondering how to use Spotify on Squeezebox. That’s what we will talk about today. Let me introduce the best way to enjoy Spotify on Squeezebox. TunesKit [ Spotify Music Converter] is a professional and wonderful Spotify converter, with which all Spotify users can download and convert all songs, playlists, albums, and artists from Spotify to Squeezebox supported audio formats like MP3, AAC, WAV, and more lossless at the 5X speed. The following is the detailed step-by-step guide that shows you how to download and convert Spotify music to MP3 or other common audio formats. Before launching TunesKit Spotify Music Converter, you should make sure that you have installed this software on your personal computer which can be Windows or Mac.on your personal computer which can be Windows or Mac.)
  • Advantages of stretch jeans  + (Stretch jeans such as [https://www.gingttoStretch jeans such as [ men's stretch jeans] have revolutionized the denim industry by offering a perfect blend of comfort, style, and versatility. Unlike traditional denim jeans, stretch jeans incorporate a small percentage of elastane or spandex into their fabric composition, providing enhanced flexibility and a snug fit. This article explores the advantages of stretch jeans, highlighting why they have become a wardrobe staple for fashion-forward individuals of all ages. '''Comfortable Fit:''' One of the primary advantages of stretch jeans is their exceptional comfort. The addition of elastane or spandex fibers allows the fabric to stretch and move with the body, offering a comfortable and unrestricted feel throughout the day. Whether sitting, standing, or engaging in physical activities, stretch jeans provide a flexible fit that molds to the body's contours without feeling constricting or restrictive. '''Enhanced Mobility:''' Stretch jeans offer improved mobility and freedom of movement compared to traditional denim jeans. The elasticity of the fabric allows for greater flexibility, making it easier to bend, squat, or reach without feeling restricted. This advantage is particularly beneficial for individuals with active lifestyles who require clothing that can keep up with their movements, whether running errands, attending social events, or engaging in outdoor activities. '''Flattering Silhouette:''' Another notable advantage of stretch jeans is their ability to create a flattering silhouette for various body types. The stretchy fabric gently hugs the curves and contours of the body, providing a sleek and streamlined appearance. Stretch jeans can help smooth out any lumps or bumps, creating a more polished and flattering look. Additionally, the flexibility of the fabric ensures that the jeans maintain their shape and fit snugly without sagging or bagging over time. '''Versatile Style Options:''' Stretch jeans come in a wide range of styles, washes, and finishes, offering versatile options to suit different preferences and occasions. From skinny jeans and bootcut jeans to high-rise and boyfriend jeans, there is a style of stretch jeans to complement every wardrobe. Whether dressing up for a night out or keeping it casual for a weekend brunch, stretch jeans provide endless styling possibilities that can effortlessly transition from day to night. '''Easy Care and Maintenance:''' Stretch jeans are known for their durability and easy care requirements, making them a practical choice for everyday wear. Most stretch jeans can be machine washed and dried without losing their shape or elasticity. Additionally, the stretchy fabric is resistant to wrinkles and creases, ensuring that the jeans maintain a crisp and polished appearance with minimal effort. This convenience makes stretch jeans a go-to option for individuals with busy lifestyles who value low-maintenance clothing options. '''Long-lasting Performance:''' Despite their stretchy nature, stretch jeans are designed to withstand regular wear and maintain their shape and integrity over time. The combination of high-quality denim and elastane or spandex fibers ensures long-lasting durability and performance. Stretch jeans are less prone to stretching out or becoming misshapen, even after multiple washes and wears, providing excellent value for money in the long run. '''Conclusion:''' In conclusion, the advantages of stretch jeans are undeniable, offering a winning combination of comfort, style, and versatility. Whether you're seeking a pair of jeans for everyday wear or special occasions, stretch jeans provide the perfect balance of form and function. With their comfortable fit, enhanced mobility, flattering silhouette, versatile style options, easy care and maintenance, and long-lasting performance, stretch jeans have rightfully earned their place as a wardrobe essential for fashion-conscious individuals seeking both style and comfort.ndividuals seeking both style and comfort.)
  • 5 Tips to Get the Fastest Cooling from Your Car's Air Conditioner This Summer  + (Summer is about to hit Perth, it’s high tiSummer is about to hit Perth, it’s high time that you prepare yourself and your car to deal with our scorching West Australian summer heat. The air conditioner (AC) in your car is the only saviour that protects us from the blazing sun while we commute to work or run errands.  Our expert mechanics in Canning Vale have put down their favourite tips that will help you get the most of your car’s AC to achieve its maximum cooling. Remember before you head out with your car this summer make sure you get its seasonal service done for a smooth run throughout the season. AME Automotive offers an extensive range of [ '''car air conditioning services'''] including a car aircon regas service. With their trained experts and industry experience, AME Automotive is the best mechanics in Canning Vale for car AC repair and maintenance. == 5 Ways to Get the Maximum Cooling from Your Car AC == It's perfectly fine if your car’s AC is working well but in Perth when it’s not we soon knows and complains about it fast! Air Conditioning has become the Perth way of life, so how can we maximise getting the most out of the Air Conditioner in our car? Read on we have the top 5 tips to get better and faster cooling from your car’s AC. === 1. Partially Open the Windows === In summer when you start the car and your journey it's better to leave a hot car’s windows partially open.  This is so the hot air can escape out of the vehicle. The Perth summer season is notoriously known for heating the insides of your car and filling it up with warm air. When you sit in the car to go on your journey and switch on the Aircon it will have to work on releasing a huge amount of heat before it even begins to cool down. However if you open the windows while the AC is switched on, hot air will escape through the gap. This makes the cooling much faster and reduces the work AC has to do. === 2. Use the Recirculating Mode === When you switch on the car’s AC and after the car begins to cool down, always remember to use the recirculation mode too. Initially the recirculation mode will help the warm air escape faster. Warm air tends to rise with increasing temperature and escape through the vents. The recirculation mode will accelerate the process. Once you have gotten rid of the warm air the same re circulating mode will circulate the cool air throughout the car.  The science is cool air being heavy settles on the floor. An external force that recirculates it will facilitate a uniform distribution and enable effective cooling. === 3. Keep a Track on the Refrigerant Level === Sometimes you could be doing everything right and still your car Air Conditioner will fail to cool the temperature inside. This might be a sign of reduced refrigerant. These refrigerants cool the air coming out from the car aircon. If you are testing the air conditioner on full heat (or cold) and the air coming out is still untreated (e.g. Lukewarm this could be a sign that your car AC needs repair or a [ '''Car aircon regas service''']. Bring your car into AME Automotive and we can check for you. Get the refrigerant refilled on time and grab your car aircon regas service before the summer hits.  In a Car Aircon regas service we will also inspect all your car’s Air Conditioner equipment and refrigerant pipes. Damaged or leaky pipes can cause the refrigerant to drip out and disrupt the AC’s cooling even after getting the refrigerant refilled. === 4. Clean the AC &Air Filters === When your car’s AC sits idle throughout the winter, spring or even when driving the car air filters and the AC collects a lot of dust. Make sure during any service these are pulled out and replaced (or at a minimum cleaned). A clogged filter will be disrupt the flow of cool air and substantially reduce its speed. With the reduced airflow rate it will take a lot longer for the air conditioner to cool the car. Also, since old and dirty filters force your aircon to work harder and push out the cool air, it will lead to a sharp increase in fuel consumption. To avoid this always get your trusted mechanic to inspect and replace the filters. === 5. Park Smart! === So simple but the easiest way to make the most of your car’s Aircon is to park under shade.  It always sounds easier than it is as Parking around Perth and in the suburbs can be at a premium sometimes.  Most our mechanics would pick a steaming hot car if they can get a fast and easy parking spot without waiting. Aiming for shade (where possible) and avoiding unnecessary heat will keep the temperature of your car low and the air conditioner working less to cool the air faster. '''Pro Tip''' - How to take you’re parking to the next level.  If you have to park your car in the sun, can you park near shade and consider if it will cover your car if the sun moves in the right direction??  Remember if you don't get a shaded parking spot, keep the windows of your parked car just cracked (but not accessible) to enable air circulation (again providing you feel parking is secure and low threat) – Now is a good time to remind you NEVER to leave valuables in the car and ESPECIALLY in plain sight if you don’t want it broken into. == Wrapping Up == Driving around in the Perth Summer in a stinking hot car is ridiculously uncomfortable. Aa unserviced and slow Air Conditioner will only make matters worse. If you focus on even a couple of these top tips you will improve the performance of your car’s AC and ensure comfortable car rides even though this Perth summer.table car rides even though this Perth summer.)
  • 5 Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Vaping Journey  + (Switching from traditional cigarettes to vSwitching from traditional cigarettes to vaping is indeed a healthy move. However for the best experience you need to be a little cautious when choosing the perfect vaping device and liquid. As a beginner you may need a little help in starting your vaping journey so here is a guide on 5 things you need to know before buying your first vaping device. At [ Ecchoice], you will find an extensive range of '''electronic cigarettes '''and e-liquids designed to deliver the ultimate vaping experience. Their quality products, seamless customer service and competitive pricing, are what makes them Australia’s best vape brand to [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide''']'''.'''
    == 5 Things to Consider Before You Start Vaping == The vaping experience that you will have depends largely on the devices and vape juice that you choose. Along with the right equipment, here is a list of the top 5 most important since every smoker should know before buying e-cigs and [ '''e-juice in Adelaide''']'''.''' === 1. Selecting the Right E-liquid === The experience you have with your vaping device is majorly influenced by the type of liquid that you choose. You can go for a regular e-liquid or ditch a liquid and go for a wax. The type of filling you use will influence the texture, flavour and strength of the smoke generated by the coil. It is always recommended that beginners go for low strength that does not deliver harsh hits. Once you get the hang of it, you can slowly level up. === 2. Choosing the Correct Tank Type === When choosing the perfect device for your vaping journey, there are many choices.  Disposable or reusable vaping devices are not the only choice you can make. Vaping devices are available with two different sizes of vape tanks. The smaller tanks are found in vape pens which are known for their slim and discrete style. These e-cigarettes only start vaporising the liquid when you press and hold the button. They are perfect for occasional smokers who want to keep their vaping interests under wraps. On the other hand, larger vape tanks are found in bigger vaping devices like a box mod. Since these tanks have a much higher capacity, they produce thicker clouds of smoke. Some of the devices also come with adjustable settings and long battery life for continuous service. === 3. Portability & Discretion === Most vaping devices are portable. However you might be looking for something more discreet, especially when you’re using it in public. In this case vape pens are the best choice for a few puffs on the go.  If you are looking for something stronger that you can use at home, go for a vape kit. Some smokers simply cannot get over the aesthetics and slim build of a regular cigarette. If you are one of them, then go for cig-a-likes. These devices look exactly like a traditional cigarette and come with a slim, tiny battery to keep them running for hours. === 4. Budget === Before you [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide'''], you should chalk out your budget. After all, a tight budget will narrow down your options. The cost of disposable vaping devices can range from anywhere between $10 to $40, depending on the brand. And the cost of reusable vaping devices can range from $25 to $100. However based on your usage, disposable waves can last a few days or a week at max, while a reusable e-cig can be used for at least 6 to 7 months which makes it a much more cost-effective investment in the long term. 5. Warranty & Support It's always nice to know that the brand has your back in case anything goes wrong with your product. Along with choosing the right product type, you also need to choose a reliable brand for the ultimate experience. Make sure you look for a brand with substantial industry experience, a dedicated customer support wing and warranty coverage to tackle unexpected product-related issues. == Final Thoughts == The switch from traditional cigarettes to vaping may seem daunting but choosing the right device and e-liquids will ease your journey and make it more enjoyable. The one thing that remains constant at every stage of your vaping journey is quality. Whether it's the device, the e-liquid or the customer service provided by the brand, quality should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.
    lity should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.)
  • How to Play Spotify Music on TeamSpeak  + (TeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-InteTeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) application for audio communication between users on a chat channel, much like a conference call. It is commonly used for communication in online gaming, allowing players to communicate with each other in real-time. Gamers can engage in various activities such as playing Spotify music on TeamSpeak while gaming to get an exciting vibe. If you have no idea of '''how to play Spotify music on TeamSpeak''', please look no further than this article to make it.k no further than this article to make it.)
  • OpenKnit: digital fabrication tool to create your own clothes  + (The OpenKnit machine is an open-source, loThe OpenKnit machine is an open-source, low cost, digital fabrication tool. The machine affords the user the opportunity to create his own clothing from digital files. Designing, producing and wearing clothes can now happen in the very same place, allowing the user to make decisions regarding creativity and responsibility. This wikifab has been developed for the OpenKnit machine workshop organized by Gerard Rubio, Waag Society and TU/E within the CRISP Smart Textile Services project. We would like to thank the people at WeMake maker space for reviewing and adjusting this instructable. All additional comments and suggestions on both the design of the machine and the Instructable are very welcome!ine and the Instructable are very welcome!)
  • Automated Gardening Plant with arduino Uno under the DEEDU project  + (The automated gardening kit is a system thThe automated gardening kit is a system that allows controlling and automatic watering of a small plant. This system is developed for an educational purpose, the plant shall stay at different pupil's house to be controlled. The user will take notes every weeks from the control panel to create a database to folllow the growth of the connected plant What does it control ? -The moisture of the soil, this value will be directly used to decide whether to water or not -The CO2 concentration -The intensity of the light -The temperature and the humidity of ambient air '''What action can be performed ? ''' -A water pump will get water from a small reservoir to put it on the plant -A screen will display the information needed and 2 buttons to control what info to be displayed
    o control what info to be displayed <br/>)
  • Basic Multi-Modular Frames for Cargo Bikes - Stackable watertight laser cut boxes by Velo M2  + (The basic multi-modular frames for cargo bThe basic multi-modular frames for cargo bikes is the first building block in our open source platform Vélo M², an ecosystem where we provide the electricity by solar & pedal power and the plans to build modules to your imagination that make use of this renewable energy. We want to make use of cargo bike by adding mobile fablabs, open air cinema, foodbikes, … . If you want a nice-looking stackable watertight laser cut box just to transport all kind of things or to give a place for your module idea or to immediately start building our self sustainable energy module, you first have to go through this building part. In this documentation you will find everything to make a 450 by 650 mm base with different heights (150, 300 or 450 mm). The realisation of the content of the module itself will follow. If you want to find more about how the inside frame works and how you can arrange all kind of modules, you will find our two examples in the near future: A raspberry-pi based open air cinéma & a mobile open-source fablab open air cinéma & a mobile open-source fablab)
  • Mobile renewable energy platform on a cargo bike  + (The cargo bike is a great alternative for The cargo bike is a great alternative for the car in congested cities; with our stackable modules we give sustainable initiatives endless possibilities. Vélo M² (pronounced Vélo em carree) is a multi modular capsule system fitting on cargo bikes. With our energy module supplied by solar and pedal power you can have the electricity on location to power an open-air cinema, a mobile fablab and much more on top. We bring all these plans to an open source platform and community where anybody can contribute. Cargo Bikes can be used for more then only transport, with Vélo M² we give the tools to rethink how we interact, move and use energy. We will guide you through the conception of the "energy module". The energy module is an electrical module build into the wooden [ basic module]. It has : - input : DC power for 5 generation bikes (check [ this video] to get an idea of pedal power) - output AC : power for an open-air cinéma, projector and active speakers - output DC : power for a 3D printer - buffer : DC supercapacitor ([ which is more eco-friendly than a battery]) There are different ways for putting the module together. We will describe how we made the first prototype. We are working on an next version which will be ready for version which will be ready for 2018.)
  • Glowing LED Butterfly  + (The glowing LED butterfly uses RGB strips The glowing LED butterfly uses RGB strips programmed by Arduino to illuminate the 3D printed body. Here the example presents a butterfly design, but any shape could be used. The glowing of the strip and the colour pattern can be programmed using Arduino. With the integration of a battery and a switch, the creation can be taken home and displayed anywhere. It is a fun and flexible activity which provides a slightly higher level of complexity and can be spread out over multiple sessions by integrating many different skills and techniques including 3D printing, soldering and electronic prototyping. AGES: 11 to 18 years TIME: 5+ hours Activity's Aims and Learning Objectives - Creating something more complex from the beginning, which also involves all stages such as designing and testing before making it more permanent and transportable. - Working with small components that require patience and high levels of concentration - Able to work flexibly and adapt the design or steps taken if something breaks or gets damaged throughout the process. - Creating a functional object using different techniques from different disciplines. - A project with a longer time frame which can help support time management. There are different sections of the activity that can be spread out across different sessions. - Designing 3D printable object using TinkerCAD - Using a 3D printer to create a component - Programming an Arduino and involving it in a circuit - Using Arduino to create a programme which works with RGB strips and can change the lights as they wish - Gain experience with electronic prototyping and testing circuits - Gain experience with soldering and creating permanent circuits - Learn about the different circuit components - Creating something that is appealing to them === Supplies: === For the butterfly (or other design to glow) - Computer with access to TinkerCAD - 3D printer - Felt (or other appropriate material for backing) - Glue gun For programming element - Computer with Arduino software downloaded - Arduino Uno board For Circuits (temporary and permanent) - RGB LED strips - 3 x [100 to 220 ohm resistors] - 3 x [NPN transistors such as TIP120] - Multiple male to male solderless breadboard jumper cables - Breadboard - Wire - Wire strippers - Soldering iron - Solder - 9V battery - 9V battery strap - Small prototyping printed circuit board (PCB) - Header pins (breakaway male) - Switch (in this example we use a slide switch) - heat shrink wrapping tubes (not necessary but are advised!)a slide switch) - heat shrink wrapping tubes (not necessary but are advised!))
  • How to use the Multimeter  + (The household appliances in your home sometimes have a short circuit. Under the circumstances , you need to use a multimeter to detect it. So in the following, I’ll introduce to you  about the usage of the multimeter. I hope it can help you.)
  • CCD-or CMOS-lab-on-a-chip based on discrete converters of different physical and chemical parameters of samples into the optical signals with positional sensitivity for morphometry of non-optical patterns  + (The literature analysis suggestes that a cThe literature analysis suggestes that a complex characterization of physiological activity of a living organism requires dozens or hundreds of chips depending on the task. For example, there are both active and passive chips used in biophysical, molecular metabolomic and genomic studies in fundamental and applied molecular medicine: a.       allergology (Taira, 2009; Lupinek, 2014; Seyfarth, 2014; Zienkiewicz, 2014; Williams, 2016); b.      haematology and transfusiology (Hassan, 2015; Nguyen, 2015; Chen, 2015; Kuan, 2015; Rafeie, 2016; Mielczarek, 2016), including blood-brain barrier research / modeling (Shao, 2016; Bonakdar, 2016; Brown, 2015; Deosarkar, 2015); c.       lymphology (Hanna, 2003; Shimizu, 2007; Moura, 2016) and phlebology (Franco, 2012; Brivo, 2012; Zhou, 2012; Ryu, 2015); d.      cardiology (Tanaka, 2007; Chean, 2010; Grosberg, 2011; Agarwal, 203; Wang, 2014; Rismani, 2015; Jastrzebska, 2016; Marsano, 2016; Zhang, 2016); e.       gastroenterology-on-a-chip (Yang, 2009; Esh, 2012, 2014), including gut-on-a-chip techniques (Bjerketorp, 2008; Kim, 2008, 2016; Tottey, 2013; Lee, 2016); f.       cellular neurophysiology-on-a-chip and neuromorphogenesis-on-a-chip (Millet, 2010; Ling, 2010; Kim, 2014; Huang, 2014; Wei, 2014; Kunze, 2015; Yamada, 2016); g.      endocrinology (Marchesini, 2007; Bovet, 2007; Srivastava, 2014); h.      immunology (Yakovleva, 2002; Yang, 2005; Corgier, 2007; Liu, 2011; Zhang, 2011; Kayo, 2013; Wang, 2015; Ali, 2016); i.        general “splanchnology-on-a-chip” based on N principally equivalent approaches: “organ-on-a-chip” (Wikswo, 2013; Ahmad, 2014; van der Helm, 2016; Mousavi, 2016) / “organ-on-a-chip” (Lee, 2013; Bhise, 2014; Odjik, 2015; Kim, 2015; Caplin, 2015; Sticker, 2015; An, 2015; Zheng, 2016; Cho, 2016), “organoid-on-a-chip” (Skardal, 2016) and “physiome-on-a-chip” (Stokes, 2015), which can be integrated in the frame of concept “body-on-a-chip” (Esh, 2011, 2016; Williamson, 2013; Reif, 2014; Sung, 2014; Kelm, 2014; Ryu, 2015; Perestrelo, 2015); {etc.} The above problem made the study so complicated, that it became quite unfeasible, since the “multi-chip” analysis (see Terminological remark No. 1) turned to be very expensive and the large sample volume required for such a complex analysis could not satisfy the principles of non-destructive diagnostics on a chip (for example, see (Takahashi, 2004; Feng, 2015)) due to many biomaterial sampling points (for example, see (Ando, 1987; Nikolaidis, 2012)) standardized in the protocols for biomedical and veterinary diagnostics. On the other hand, the difference and variety of the sampling and the sample preparation techniques for different microchips and standard diagnostic methods made the problem of analyzing the complex biochemical physiological state of the organism unimplementable and poorly informative. It is quite obvious that for the purpose of compatibility and comparability of the measurement using different analytical devices (see Terminological note No. 2) it is necessary to provide the compatibility and comparability of the sampling and the sample preparation methods. In the ideal case, all the analytical procedures should be performed with a single uniformly calibrated device using the same sample for all the tests without moving the sample from one device to another. To date there are independent calibration methods for chips (Gillot, 2007; Binder, 2008; Karsunke, 2009; Nakamoto, 2010; März, 2010; Song, 2012; Buchegger, 2014), as well as the calibration protocols for other analytical methods (including the imaging ones) using chips (Su, 2016; Garnica-Garza, 2009). Hence, we need an equivalent of cross-calibration in the interpretation close to that given by NIST for cytometry (Hoffman, 2012), although the term was used much earlier in radiology (including tomography) and nuclear medicine (Paans, 1989; Genant, 1994; Tothil, 1995;  Grampp, 2000; Geworski, 2002; Hetland, 2009; Garnica-Garza, 2009), as well as in the number of spectroscopic methods applied for the biomaterial analysis (Kwiatkowska, 2008; Wang, 2012; Poto, 2015; Liu, 2016). In addition, when we deal with the structured samples such as biological tissues, it is also important to obtain information on the spatial distribution of the substance or property analyzed in the image form, for example: o   magnetic field imaging; o   electrochemical parameters and field gradient; o   laser beam transmission outside the visible spectral range; o   distribution of the emitting regions in autoradiography; o   polarization characteristics and the angular fluorescence polarization; o   the local temperature of the sample at different points on a chip{etc.} Moving the sample from one microscope to another makes it difficult to establish the correspondence (colocalization) between the regions of interest (ROI) for different wavelength ranges (or different physical characteristics) allowing to perform the mapping and identification of the components under investigation due to the difference of visualization in different spectral ranges (or different physical “descriptors”). This prevents one from combination of the signal distribution maps from different spectral regions, and hence, makes it impossible to establish the correlations between the presence and distribution of the certain components or physical and chemical properties in the sample / tissue. Since different components of the analyte possess a number of colocalized characteristics in different spectral ranges (Zimmermann, 2005; Gavrilovic, 2009), it is possible to perform either a simultaneous or a sequential mapping and identification of several tissue components based on the physically different properties. For example, some target components can be visualized using non-spectral properties, such as magnetic fields (Gruschke, 2012; Kim, 2015; Hejazian, 2015), labeled atom diffusion (for example, see: Parker, 1981; Galbraith, 1981; Blakely, 1986; Hein, 1986; Nemecz, 1988; Pouteau, 2003), temperature maps (Choudhury, 2012; Rosenthal, 2014;  Karadimitriou, 2014; Meng, 2015; Lo, 2016) or redox maps (including ratiometric those (Herman, 2005;  Hilderbrand, 2008; Zhang, 2015; Chen, 2015; Pan, 2016)) on a chip (Jezierski, 2013; Gashti, 2016). We propose to implement a full range of methods for mapping the biological tissue parameters with or without specific labels using planar transducers / converters of the non-optical signal to the optical one, as will be described below. This will also result in the substitution of a number of independent expensive diagnostic devices with a simple unified complex diagnostic and analytical device. The operator of such a complex lab-on-a-chip will predominantly perform data analysis and processing (a so-called data mining, which is now mainly used not in the active mapping or imaging chips, but in the passive chips for genomic and peptidomic investigations (Lee, 2001; Smith, 2005; Abascal, 2008; Ghanekar, 2008; Usui, 2009;  Nussbeck, 2013)) rather than routine analytical procedures (such as sampling and dropping (Fang, 2002; Du, 2005; Cellar, 2005; Huynh, 2006; Zhang, 2007; Do, 2008; Jang, 2009; Kertesz, 2010; Sun, 2010; Coskun, 2010; Wu, 2012)) due to an automatic machinery. This is in consistence with the modern trends in the development of the information society and the extension of the applicability of the chemoinformatic (“chemobioinformatic” (Basak, 2012)) software for biomedical and pharmaceutical (Weinstein, 2001; Shedden, 2003; Shedden, 2004; Parker, 2004; Ghose, 2006; Kong, 2008;  Speck-Planche, 2014; Capasso, 2015; Gromova, 2016), agrobiological and biotechnological problems (Speck-Planche, 2012; Grädow, 2014). In this regard, the design of the above proposed complex devices for multi-parametric analysis and mapping of the samples is of great importance for analytical practice both for improving the quality and information content of the analysis and for the rational use of the working time of the analyst. The possibility of connecting such devices to the PC and mobile network resources (Lillehoi, 2013; Wu, 2014; Pan, 2014; Koydemir, 2015; Bhavnani, 2016) allows to improve the quality of telemedicine (Fleck, 1999; Bishara, 2011; Balsam, 2015), GIS – coupled analysis / sample analysis in the field conditions with the geodetic reference (Senbanjo, 2012 Gerald, 2014; Ferguson, 2016), quality control on a chip (Shearstone, 2002; Hartman, 2005; Zhang, 2005; Stokes, 2007; Pierzchalski, 2012) in chemical and biotechnological industry using SCADA and similar systems (Gieling, 1996; Ozdemir, 2006; Smith, 2006; Moya, 2009). The implementation of the technology proposed will increase the labor productivity of the analysts and researchers, since the performance of N analyses with a single device equals to the N-times reduction of the amount of the auxiliary routine work compared to the performance of each analysis with an independent device requiring different sampling procedures and sample treatment protocols. Since the first labs-on-a-chip were developed by the author for his own research problems and were tested in the routine research practice, he could easily appreciate the ergonomics and usability of such devices with the maintenance of the quality and increase in the rapidity of the analysis. '''Novel approach''' The contemporary analysis of the literary and the preliminary calculations, suggested using an optical channel for analytical data acquisition with the CMOS and CCD detectors. However, the serial CMOS and CCD allow detection only the optical parameters providing the analyte concentration measurements by absorbance or transmittance or fluorescence of a selectively bound dye. Modern CMOS- and CCD-based labs-on-a-chip fail to perform visualization of a number of characteristic descriptors for many biological and medical samples, such as magnetic fields, temperature profiles, localization of radioisotope sources and selective emission from cells and tissues in autoradiography, etc. Meanwhile, nothing prevents us from using the primary signal converters of the required parameters / variables into the optical signal. There are known: ·         magnetooptical converters and indicator films (Anderson, 1968;  Harms, 1980; Aulich, 1980; Papp, 1980; Arkhangel’skii  , 1986, 1989; Challener, 1987; Mao, 1989; Challener, 1990; Krafft, 2004; Fratello, 2004); ·         radiation-optical (spectro-)colorimetric converters (Apanasenko, 1981; Kulagin, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987; Bazylev, 1992; Mikhailov, 1996; Kulagin, 2003, 2006; Kulagin, 2007; Sadulenko, 2009) and thin film scintillators (Albul, 1968; Avdeyev, 2001; Garcia-Murillo, 2003; Berdnikov, 2013; Tolstikhin et, 2014; Inami, 2015; Rincón-López, 2016; Park, 2016); ·         thermo-optical effect transducers-converters (Malashko, 1974; Dolgov, 1979; Pálfalvi, 2004; Liberts, 2005; Gunyakov, 2006; Nedosekin, 2007; Loiko, 2012), including thermochromic ones (Soloway, 1955; Chivian, 1972;  Yang, 1979; Mazumder, 1995; Qazi, 2003; Siegel, 2009; Sia, 2009; Shelton, 2010; Qian, 2012; Heo, 2012; Zhou, 2013; Funasako, 2013; Li, 2013; Bond, 2013; Seeboth, 2014; Kim, 2014; Wan, 2015; Liu, 2016;  Zhang, 2016), including infrared-sensitive metamaterials; ·         chemo-optical active interfaces (van Gent, 1990; Wroblewski, 1997), colorimetric or flouorimetric indicator films (Chen, 1997; Nakamura, 2003; Kowada, 2004; Lü, 2006;  Thomas, 2009; Gao, 2011; Kassal, 2014; Mills, 2016; Choi, 2017) and papers (Yeoh, 1996; Ostrovsakaya, 2004; Gaiduk, 2009; Ganesh, 2014); ·         electroluminescent (Vlasenko, 1966; Shaposhnikov, 1970;  Ramazonov, 1972;  Samokhvalov, 1993; Brigadnov, 1993; Gurin, 1997;  Savikhib, 1997; Zabudskii, 2000; Maltsev, 2011; Rodionov, 2013; Meshkov, 2014; Evsevichev, 2016) and cathode-luminescent indicators / phosphors (Tebrock, 1968; De Mets, 1971; Suzuki, 2009; Obraztsov, 2013; Kaz, 2013; Shi, 2014; Li, 2016) and other position-sensitive target signal converters into the optical signal[1], which allow a direct realization of the “two-level conversion” including a first conversion of the analytical signal into the optical one by the planar converter located above the photosensitive CMOS / CCD detector with the subsequent conversion of the optical signal into the electrical one by the optoelectronic converter (CMOS or CCD). The above converters being placed into the cartridge or cassette system, or the rotating disc (this is a reversible idea from lab-on-a-disc design (Park, 2012; Glass, 2012; Hwang, 2013; Bosco, 2013; Delgado, 2016)) can be replaced by one another in real time allowing to vary the measuring parameters, and hence, providing the sequential mapping and measuring of the above parameters. At the first step the single devices (chips and the corresponding readers) have been developed for the single parameter registration (e.g. a special compact device for magnetic field visualization has been designed using the magnetic film converter (flux detector) and a similar radiographic visualizer has been developed based on the scintillation plates). Later these devices were combined into a single hybrid device with the incomplete set of the primary converters for the purposes of the complex analysis (see Figures 1-3). At the final step we are going to overcome those limitations and to develop a hybrid multi-functional lab-on-a-chip allowing to perform in a single run of the cassette with the cartridges-converters the full position-sensitive mapping of the spatial distribution of the following parameters: I.      spectral / colorimetric, densitometric and fluorescent parameters of the analyte for histochemistry and immunofluorescent analysis; II.      luminosity distribution beyond the optical spectral range for laser diagnostics or the on-chip LDV, LDA, LDF, laser-accisted PIV; III.      magnetic field for selective staining of biological tissues with the magnetic nanoparticles or for the on-chip testing of the pharmaceuticals' targeting in the external field; IV.      distribution of the emitting regions in autoradiography and for the sample analysis with the radioactive contamination; V.      polarization parameters and the fluorescence polarization for those cases when the rotation of the polarization plane is a diagnostic criterion, from simple saccharimetry to the chirality-based analytical methods introduced from molecular biology; VI.      the slide temperature (for the living slices and tissue cultures) for determination of the biothermogenesis intensity or the redox transformation intensity, which is one of the most important diagnostic criteria of the neoplastic processes in biopsy; VII.      pH, Eh, pX, etc. using discrete indicator films by the colorimetric, spectrocolorimetric or fluorescence response signal (see Figure 4). The cartridges-converters can be either built into the chip reader (the most suitable configuration for the ultracompact disposable chips without the recording and processing units) or implemented directly into the autonomic chips in the case of the autonomous reusable devices. In the early prototypes developed by the author the chip was combined with the reader forming a so-called self-reading chip capable of the telemetric data translation through a radiofrequency channel (Notchenko, 2012, 2013).frequency channel (Notchenko, 2012, 2013).)
  • No-Sew Sock Snowman with Rice in Minutes  + (The most important part of this Sock SnowmThe most important part of this Sock Snowman with Rice is that it’s so easy to make and no sewing or special skills required. That also means that these are great DIY projects to work on with kids. We Need: * white-colored sock * Rice * Ribbon or fabric * Wool thread * Buttons * Round Beads * pom pom * Scissors * Glue
    d Beads * pom pom * Scissors * Glue <br/>)
  • How to Save Spotify Music Tracks without a Premium  + (The music on Spotify is secured to make unThe music on Spotify is secured to make unlawful use impossible. For example, once a user has subscribed to Spotify, they can download music for offline listening, but the songs can only be heard within the Spotify app; MP3 files cannot be removed for burning on CDs or playing on MP3 players. But what can we do if we want to save Spotify Music tracks legally and savely without a premium account? Utilize TunePat Spotify Music Converter's remarkable power to maximize your musical experience. It is a magical utility that enables 10X faster and 100% lossless Spotify Music conversion to MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, and ALAC formats. Here is a comprehensive instruction on how to download Spotify music for offline listening without a membership.or offline listening without a membership.)
  • Plastic Shredder Machine  + (The output of the shredder isn’t super sexThe output of the shredder isn’t super sexy just some chopped plastic flakes. You can change the size of these flakes by changing the sieve. Different sizes of flakes will give a different pattern, smaller flakes melt easier but take longer to shred. Play around and see what works the best for you!round and see what works the best for you!)
  • Plastic Shredder Machine  + (The output of the shredder isn’t super sexThe output of the shredder isn’t super sexy just some chopped plastic flakes. You can change the size of these flakes by changing the sieve. Different sizes of flakes will give a different pattern, smaller flakes melt easier but take longer to shred. Play around and see what works the best for you!round and see what works the best for you!)
  • People pedal powered computer charger  + (The project Vélo M2 plays with PPP (peopleThe project Vélo M2 plays with PPP (people pedal power) applications. In Brussels we're having PPP open-air cinéma projections, PPP mobile fablab workshops and PPP music scenes and DJ sets. [[]] This projects takes people pedal power to a smaller scale. We will be charging a computer or phone. In order to demonstrate the accessibility, we're construction the device in a remote town in Sweden, Torsby.device in a remote town in Sweden, Torsby.)
  • VERBIS - Desktop 8x8 RGB LED Matrix Word Clock  + (There are many other Word Clock projects oThere are many other Word Clock projects on the Internet so it is rather difficult to choose a project as a source of inspiration because each of them offered me useful ideas. But if I must choose one, it's going to be the one that started all, the beautiful project created by Doug Jackson, presented on [[Word Clock|Wikifab]]. It's hard to bring something new with any future design, but hopefully my project will grab your attention with the fresh and cool ideas inside. What are the pros of my project? * very affordable, cheap electronics and other parts; * opensource web server for easy management; * accurate time from ntp server; * it is possible to have multiple languages; * minute by minute time indication (not by 5 minutes like standard word clocks), dynamic time display and amazing flexibility for future ideas... The idea behind this Word Clock is to have all the words necessary for telling the time and to place these words in an 8x8 letters layout as in a word search puzzle. In this way, with a small number of leds we can tell the time minute by minute. Because the words are placed randomly you can tell the time by reading the flashing words each after another (the words are already displayed on the clock face). I started with using only one color, red, also green 8x8 matrix led arrays. Sadly, the electronics were a little bit complicated when using the MAX7219 led driver and the ESP12 module of ESP8266 microcontroller, the wiring was tedious and prone to errors. But with the WS2812 RGB Led Matrix things became much easier (and cheaper ...). The schematics are simple, there is no need for the esp12 board, an ESP-01 module can be used. Also the flashing words are gone, I used color change to accentuate the words for telling the time (using many colors was a big deal).e time (using many colors was a big deal).)
  • VERBIS - Desktop 8x8 RGB LED Matrix Word Clock  + (There are many other Word Clock projects oThere are many other Word Clock projects on the Internet so it is rather difficult to choose a project as a source of inspiration because each of them offered me useful ideas. But if I must choose one, it's going to be the one that started all, the beautiful project created by Doug Jackson, presented on [[Word Clock|Wikifab]]. It's hard to bring something new with any future design, but hopefully my project will grab your attention with the fresh and cool ideas inside. What are the pros of my project? * very affordable, cheap electronics and other parts; * opensource web server for easy management; * accurate time from ntp server; * it is possible to have multiple languages; * minute by minute time indication (not by 5 minutes like standard word clocks), dynamic time display and amazing flexibility for future ideas... The idea behind this Word Clock is to have all the words necessary for telling the time and to place these words in an 8x8 letters layout as in a word search puzzle. In this way, with a small number of leds we can tell the time minute by minute. Because the words are placed randomly you can tell the time by reading the flashing words each after another (the words are already displayed on the clock face). I started with using only one color, red, also green 8x8 matrix led arrays. Sadly, the electronics were a little bit complicated when using the MAX7219 led driver and the ESP12 module of ESP8266 microcontroller, the wiring was tedious and prone to errors. But with the WS2812 RGB Led Matrix things became much easier (and cheaper ...). The schematics are simple, there is no need for the esp12 board, an ESP-01 module can be used. Also the flashing words are gone, I used color change to accentuate the words for telling the time (using many colors was a big deal).e time (using many colors was a big deal).)
  • Mighty maker level belt  + (There are two options to this activity wheThere are two options to this activity where the belt can either the mountable by creating a 3D printed component to support it or creating a holder and physical belt out of fabric. This activity allows participants to create something to help them record what they have achieved whilst at the Makerspace. The idea behind the level belt is that the participants are able to code the belt to be a particular colour depending on what level they have reached. Each colour corresponds to improvements in skills that can be developed in the Makerspace environment. This is a project with a slightly higher level of difficulty, where the participant will have to face some problem solving situations and learn how to integrate different components so that they create a finished working product. AGES: 11 to 18 years TIME: 4 to 5 hours (including 3D printing time) Activity's Aims and Learning Objectives: - To create something that they value - To help aid self-evaluation - To encourage a reward system and enable facilitators to provide positive feedback and encouragement - To enable conversations about how makers can improve and encourage self-motivation - To create something that combines different skills, materials and techniques from multiple disciplines. - To allow flexibility in design and encourage personalisation - Build confidence with electronic prototyping - Learn and practise soldering - Experiment with 3D printing and designing for 3D printing - Opportunity to develop Computer Aided Design skills using TinkerCAD - Develop sewing and fabrication skills using more traditional materials - Combining different materials, disciplines and techniques - To learn about different circuit components - Gain confidence with Arduino programming and having the opportunity to experiment - Making something that is meant to be longer lasting - Learn about electronic prototyping - Experiment with electronic soldering - Experiment with 3D printing - Experiment with 3D modeling - Experiment with programming with Arduino === Supplies: === For the programmed RGB strip - Computer with Arduino installed - Arduino Uno board or equivalent - RGB LED strips - 3 x [100 to 220 ohm resistors] - 3 x [NPN transistors such as TIP120] - Multiple male to male solderless breadboard jumper cables - Breadboard - Wire - Wire strippers - Soldering iron - Solder - 9V battery - 9V battery strap - Small prototyping printed circuit board (PCB) - Header pins (breakaway male) - Switch (in this example we use a slide switch) - Heat shrink wrapping tubes (not necessary but are advised!) - Glue gun - Small stickers/tape you can write on to use as labels Creating fabric belt - Thread - Felt - Velcro and/or buttons - Stanley knife For 3D printed mount - 3D printer - Computer with access to TinkerCADknife For 3D printed mount - 3D printer - Computer with access to TinkerCAD)
  • How to Delete Tidal Account Permanently without Subscription  + (There could be a few reasons why people maThere could be a few reasons why people may want to delete their Tidal account, for example, they are disappointed with Tidal music services or they move to another music service from Tidal. However, many people respond that they fail to find a Delete Account option on their Tidal app. If you have the same problem, please don't fret but read this article to find 3 ways to close your Tidal account alongside a way to keep your Tidal music collections after account deletion. See Also: [ How to Cancel Tidal Subscription]ion.html How to Cancel Tidal Subscription])
  • Top 10 Cisco Interview Questions With Short Answers  + (These top 10 interview questions aim to inThese top 10 interview questions aim to increase your preparation and confidence. You may approach your interview with confidence and composure if you rehearse a lot. Learn these questions so you can demonstrate your knowledge and make a lasting impression on the prospects. '''Top 10 Interview Questions:'''
    # Could you describe the layers of the OSI model? '''Answer: '''OSI model: It has 7 layers for network communication.
    # What distinguishes the TCP protocol from the UDP protocol? '''Answer: '''TCP vs UDP: TCP ensures reliable data transfer; UDP prioritizes speed.
    # How much are you aware of nodes? '''Answer: '''Nodes: Aware; they're devices in a network.
    # What are the differences between a router and a switch? '''Answer: '''Router vs Switch: Router connects different networks; switch connects devices in a network.
    # Explain VLAN and its benefits. '''Answer: '''VLAN: Virtual LAN segregates network traffic, enhancing security and management.
    # What is NAT, and how does it work? '''Answer: '''NAT: Network Address Translation masks internal IPs to a single external IP for internet communication.
    # Describe the use of bridges in networking. '''Answer: '''Bridges: Connect LAN segments; filter and forward traffic at the data link layer.
    # How does OSPF differ from EIGRP? '''Answer: '''OSPF vs EIGRP: OSPF is an open standard; EIGRP is Cisco proprietary.
    # What is subnetting and why is it used? '''Answer: '''Divide a network into smaller, manageable segments for efficient IP address allocation.
    # In Python, how can multiple processors allow this? '''Answer: '''Python multiprocessing: Utilizes multiple processors for concurrent execution of tasks. Discussions on Cisco interview questions are common on websites like MindMagics, YouTube, BeShak, and Shiksha. These resources offer insightful analysis of frequently asked questions and their answers, which help candidates prepare properly. To further improve preparation, sites like Pass4Future provide complete [ '''interview questions'''] and practice tests. Regardless of experience level, using these resources can greatly improve your preparation for Cisco interviews.
    of experience level, using these resources can greatly improve your preparation for Cisco interviews.)
  • E-Textile Monster  + (This activity can be used to introduce theThis activity can be used to introduce the theory of simple circuits to young participants and with the inclusion of a home made switch it can demonstrate the importance of a closed circuit. It can be used to talk about specific components such as LEDs and their requirements when being built into a circuit. More sophisticated iterations of the activity could include a programmable board (Arduino or ESP32). There could be further stages for participants to also make the e-textile monster controllable remotely via a smartphone. Objectives and Learning Outcomes of this activity: - To create something which integrates electronic components with textiles - Allows for creativity and design - To think about how the design can effect the function (including a switch) - To learn about simple circuitry - To learn about basic circuit components - To use basic sewing skills - To give an introduction to combining two different disciplines for the creation of something new === Supplies: === For simple circuit E-textile monster: - Felt - Thread and needle - Conductive thread - Stuffing - LEDs (or other simple electrical components) - Battery pack and batteries - Material for switch (tin foil or other metallic material such as copper strips)foil or other metallic material such as copper strips))
  • Thermostat control activity v12  + (This activity is designed for children oveThis activity is designed for children over the age of 9, who are able to read and understand the indicative temperature numbers and the information that appears on the displays. The use of electricity in the home is called "domestic consumption". Energy efficiency is the ability to make intelligent use of resources, minimizing waste as much as possible. For example, a room that is not frequented by anyone may not need air conditioning or artificial light. Adapting the ignition or adjusting the intensity of the users of this environment allows for a more intelligent use of resources, therefore a more efficient use in which waste is reduced to a minimum. The lower the energy loss to achieve a specific purpose, the higher the degree of energy efficiency. Energy demand is on the rise worldwide. The situation on the energy market is heating up and energy prices are rising. There is a strong correlation between energy demand and social tensions in the world. Furthermore, there is also a strong correlation between the massive use of mineral resources, pollution, the increase in particular of diseases, desertification and global warming. Many of the world's most important problems are related to the use of energy. A reduction in energy demand would lead to a confusion of many global problems. So how can we achieve energy efficiency in our living environment? Many small steps can be taken to get better use of consumption. The purpose of this activity is to make the user learn the main problems related to the domestic world and learn to adopt all the solutions to prevent the inefficient use of energy. to prevent the inefficient use of energy.)
  • Brightness control activity v12  + (This activity is designed for children oveThis activity is designed for children over the age of 9, who are able to read and understand the indicative brightness measurements and the information that appears on the displays. The use of electricity in the home is called "domestic consumption". Energy efficiency is the ability to make intelligent use of resources, minimizing waste as much as possible. For example, a room that is not frequented by anyone may not need air conditioning or artificial light. Adapting the ignition or adjusting the intensity of the users of this environment allows for a more intelligent use of resources, therefore a more efficient use in which waste is reduced to a minimum. The lower the energy loss to achieve a specific purpose, the higher the degree of energy efficiency. Energy demand is on the rise worldwide. The situation on the energy market is heating up and energy prices are rising. There is a strong correlation between energy demand and social tensions in the world. Furthermore, there is also a strong correlation between the massive use of mineral resources, pollution, the increase in particular of diseases, desertification and global warming. Many of the world's most important problems are related to the use of energy. A reduction in energy demand would lead to a confusion of many global problems. So how can we achieve energy efficiency in our living environment? Many small steps can be taken to get better use of consumption. The purpose of this activity is to make the user learn the main problems related to the domestic world and learn to adopt all the solutions to prevent the inefficient use of energy. to prevent the inefficient use of energy.)
  • Buzzing Bee Circuit  + (This is a good activity for participants tThis is a good activity for participants to experiment with CAD and 3D printing for the first time, as well as being adaptable and giving more experienced participants the opportunity to develop their CAD skills. AGES: 7 to 13 years old TIME: 1 to 2 hours+ 3D printing time Activity's Aims and Learning Objectives - Using multiple skills, techniques and materials, to create something physical - To be able to link previous knowledge of circuits to the simple circuit used in the activity - Building confidence around creating and experimenting, on and off the computer - To create a simple, working circuit that includes multiple components. - To gain experience with 3D printing and transferring a CAD design to the printer - To experiment with 3D printing - To experiment Computer Aided Design software such as TinkerCAD === Supplies: === - Computer with access to TinkerCAD - 3D printer - Circular battery (lithium coin cell) - Mountable slide switch - Vibrating motoroin cell) - Mountable slide switch - Vibrating motor)
  • Best Method to Upload Apple Music to Dropbox  + (This tutorial introduce the method to upload Apple Music to Dropbox for backup or listening. This method needs TunesKit Audio Converter.)
  • How to Edit TikTok Video After Posting  + (TikTok is one of the best platforms to uplTikTok is one of the best platforms to upload your short videos and share them to the world. It’s also a good place to edit your video in TikTok with many groovy features. But once you successfully shared the video on TikTok, you won’t be able to edit it anymore. So it’d be better to double-check your video before uploading it. There are times that you want to add a caption or correct a typo after the upload, can you edit a TikTok video after posting it? Yes, there’re workarounds even though TikTok won’t allow you to edit your post after posting. In the following parts, you’re going to learn '''how to edit a TikTok video after posting it'''.o edit a TikTok video after posting it'''.)
  •  + (Tim Hortons, a well-known Canadian restaurTim Hortons, a well-known Canadian restaurant, has transitioned its customer feedback survey site from to This change allows customers to provide their valuable feedback on their dining experiences. By participating in the survey at [ Telltims.Ca], customers have the opportunity to win an Iced Coffee with French Vanilla for just $1. This incentive rewards customers for taking the time to share their thoughts and helps Tim Hortons gather important insights to improve their services. We encourage all customers to take advantage of this chance to provide feedback and potentially enjoy a delicious treat at a great price. Hashtags: #Telltims #Telltims.Ca #Telltims.CaSurvey #TelltimsOfficialWebsite #TelltimsCa #Telltimssurvey Address: 200 Laurier Ave W, 4th Floor, Ottawa, ON K1P 6M7, Canada. Ph No: +1 (813) 813-65781P 6M7, Canada. Ph No: +1 (813) 813-6578)
  • Microsoft SC-200 Exam Dumps - Assess Your Exam Preparation  + (To pass this exam, you must have a good unTo pass this exam, you must have a good understanding of Microsoft security products and services, as well as experience in security operations. This exam is designed for security operations analysts who work with Microsoft security products and services. It is also a good choice for IT professionals who want to demonstrate their expertise in security operations. Here we reveal the latest [ '''Microsoft SC-200 Exam Dumps'''] for exam preparation. These dumps help you assess your preparation material and give you a chance to be the most confident candidate on the final exam day. If you want to get legitimate and reliable study material for Microsoft Security Operations Analyst exam questions. To pass the Security Operations Analyst Associate certification exam, I recommend using the Pass4Future platform, which includes Microsoft's most recent exams. On the initial attempt. When it comes time for your final SC-200 exam, having [ '''Pass4Future Exam Dumps'''] will give you the confidence you need. It offers three different SC-200 practice test formats: PDF, web-based, and desktop. Multiple options for taking recent practice tests, practice questions, and mock tests are provided through these formats for all Microsoft exam questions. The secrets of the SC-200 exam are revealed through these practice tests. Finally, Microsoft SC-200 Exam Dumps are an invaluable tool to assess your preparation for the SC-200 exam and boost your confidence. You can discover the secrets of the SC-200 exam by using these exam dumps, which offer recent practice tests, questions, and mock exams. They provide a full understanding of Microsoft's security products and services in a variety of formats, including PDF, web-based, and desktop, making you a more confident candidate on exam day.ou a more confident candidate on exam day.)
  • Fablab + Lakehub  + (Today, one of the increasing popular publiToday, one of the increasing popular public concerns is human health. Anything else becomes meaningless if one gets sick or dead. This realization became more clearer when covid- became a pandemic and a lot of people know to them loose lives just within a short time. For this reason, people spend a lot of money to keep sound health. Unfortunately, people always find that it is too late to receive serious medical care when things are non-invertible. If early actions can be taken in time then lots of patients can be cured. Body temperature is one of the most vital one among the most notable indexes of the human health especially during this period of pandemic, and it has the advantage of easy access. Moreover, unlike the X-ray, the measurement of body temperature and even heart rate has no effect on human health itself. And that gives us the reason for this; The project is a self-testing hand wearable gadget for measuring temperature and automatically sending it to specified contacts of e-health care providers using gsm or wifi if such reading has gone beyond the normal threshold while the wearer can always check it using the lcd screen it has.  The project which is housed in a wrist-watch-like wearable is suppose to help in getting potential patients for CORONA and other terminal illnesses have a self-tested and the alert can be sent in real time for a quick action to be taken. The projects hopes to achieve much in the next version of the prototype by including additional sensors to collect more vital data necessary for the diagnosisore vital data necessary for the diagnosis)
  • How to Play Spotify through VLC Media Player  + (Tool required: AudFree [https://www.audfreTool required: AudFree [ Spotify Music Converter] Step 1: Add Spotify music to AudFree Step 2: Customize Spotify output parameters for VLC Step 3: Convert Spotify music for VLC Step 4: [ Play Spotify music on VLC]sic-on-vlc.html Play Spotify music on VLC])
  • Tips for Safely Practicing Gua Sha at Home  + (Under the supervision of a licensed practiUnder the supervision of a licensed practitioner, Gua Sha may be used as a complementary therapy to ease symptoms of allergies, inflammation, cancer and pain-related disorders. Generally performed on the back of the body, Gua Sha involves dragging a smooth, rounded object across the skin over a targeted area in an effort to stimulate lymphatic drainage and boost blood flow beneath the skin. Several people practice Gua Sha at home for therapeutic purposes without proper training or supervision by using items such as coins, credit cards or other flat objects to create superficial cuts and scrapes.ts to create superficial cuts and scrapes.)
  • Mood Box, Sons et Lumières/fr  + (Vous trouverez dans ce paragraphe le projeVous trouverez dans ce paragraphe le projet décrit un peu plus en détail. === Préambule === Ce projet est un projet de groupe (FaB team) réalisé dans le cadre de la formation hybride "Fabrication Numérique", promotion juillet 2018. Ce projet de fin de parcours met en œuvre une partie des savoir-faire acquis au cours de celle-ci et scelle la formation. Il vient donc en complément du projet "bentolux" qui sera bientôt documenté et référencé sur . Les instructions de base étaient les suivantes : * concevoir un nouvel étage sur une boîte existante conçue au fil de la formation (3 étages possibles à disposition : 1 socle, 1 en plexiglas, 1 pour l'écran LCD) ; * utiliser pour ce nouvel étage les connaissances acquises : impression 3D, découpe laser, etc ; * programmer via Arduino au moins une interaction avec l'utilisateur (à nous de choisir cette dernière). === Spécifications générales === Après réflexion, notre groupe a décidé de créer l'étage musical "Mood Box" qui viendrait compléter la station météo déjà prévue avec l'étage socle et l'étage écran LCD. Le comportement prévu est décrit dans les paragraphes ci-dessous. ==== Démarrage de la boîte ==== Une fois le bloc d'alimentation correctement branché, le démarrage de la boîte est réalisé par le biais de l'interrupteur en façade. Ce démarrage déclenche les événements suivants : * la figurine au sommet de la boîte tourne sur son support ; * cette "danse" est agrémentée d'une animation lumineuse via l'anneau de LEDs situé sous le support de la figurine ; * l'écran LCD affiche un message de bienvenue. S'il n'y a aucune autre action dans la foulée, la boîte passe en mode "veille". Dans ce mode, l'écran LCD affiche la température et le taux d'humidité accompagnés d'un message. Ces messages comme la couleur appliquée à l'anneau de Leds et au fond de l'écran LCD dépendent de la température détectée, à savoir : * la couleur (LCD/Led-ring) varie du bleu au rouge proportionnellement à la température ; * le led-ring scintille à une fréquence aléatoire pour donner de l'animation ; * un message variable par tranche est affiché sur l'écran LCD. ==== Activation de la Mood Box et comportement ==== La Mood Box est activée lorsque l'utilisateur appuie sur la barre de laiton située au sommet de la boîte (cette barre est une extension de la touche capacitive installée à l'intérieur de la boîte). Cette activation est accompagnée d'une animation conjointe de la figurine, de l'anneau de LEDs et de l'écran LCD.
    Si aucun autre appui n'est effectué sur la barre dans les 5 secondes suivant l'activation, la Mood Box est désactivée et le mode veille reprend.
    Un nouvel appui déclenche le mode lecture.
    Pour faciliter l'utilisation de la barre, un affichage itératif de leds permet un comptage visuel direct des "clics" effectués.
    La première fois, la lecture de la musique démarre au tout début de la liste de lecture. Le bouton du potentiomètre est alors actif et permet de régler le volume de la musique jouée. La barre reste quant à elle disponible pour agir sur la musique jouée. Pendant la lecture, si la barre est touchée : *  1 fois : "pause/play", i.e. la musique est mise en pause ou en lecture suivant l'état précédent, avec un affichage spécifique sur l'écran LCD ; *  2 fois : "next", i.e. la lecture passe au titre suivant de la liste de lecture ; *  3 fois : "previous", i.e. la lecture repasse au titre précédent de la liste de lecture ; *  4 fois ou plus : retour au mode "veille", avec une animation conjointe de l'anneau de LEDs, de la figurine et de l'écran LCD. Remarque : chacune des actions pause/play/next/previous génère un changement de rotation de la figurine. Pendant la lecture, l'anneau de LEDs est en mode "arc-en-ciel" et la figurine tourne sur elle-même. ==== Désactivation de la Mood Box ==== Après activation de la Mood Box ou après l'arrêt volontaire de la musique, si aucun appui n'est effectué dans les 5 secondes, le mode veille reprend et la Mood Box est désactivée. Il est à noter que si l'on relance la lecture depuis le mode "veille", celle-ci va reprendre exactement là où on l'avait interrompue.
    ée. Il est à noter que si l'on relance la lecture depuis le mode "veille", celle-ci va reprendre exactement là où on l'avait interrompue.)
  • How to Use Spotify as an Alarm on iPhone, Android, and Smart Speakers  + (Waking up to your favorite songs from SpotWaking up to your favorite songs from Spotify can be a great way to start your day. Whether you're using an iPhone, Android device, or smart speaker, there are multiple methods available to set Spotify as an alarm. In this article, we will explore the steps to use Spotify as an alarm on different platforms and devices. alarm on different platforms and devices.)
  • Slot88 Slot Gacor Situs Judi Online Resmi Mudah Maxwin Setiap Hari  + (Waktu ini kemodernan teknologi sudah membeWaktu ini kemodernan teknologi sudah memberikannya dampak bagus untuk semuanya sisi yang mana memudahkan si penggunanya. Salah satunya sebagai berpengaruh ke dunia judi slot online yang lebih canggih dan memberikannya keuntungan bukti besar. Anda bisa masuk pada[ situs Slot88] slot gacor online yang sudah bersertikat resmi dan asli ini. Agar bisa merasakan sensasi dan keuntungan bukti.
    == '''Situs Slot Gacor Maxwin Hari Ini''' == Permainan judi online[ slot gacor hari ini] pastilah nyaris sama dengan permainan bandar darat. Karena semuanya sama memberikannya keuntungan, sampai sama permainan kartu. Ketidaksamaanya jika di bandar darat permainan judinya berbentuk kartu asli dalam pada itu online hanya berbentuk gambarnya saja. Akan tetapi, hal itu tidak hal khusus karena kedua nya sama memberikannya keuntungan banyak. Dan bukti buat peserta yang menjadi juara taruhan. Permainan slot online tidak perlu pemainnya keluar rumah yang mana bandar darat perlu mempermainkan bandar dan saat malam hari. Dalam pada itu di permainan judi ini Anda cuma sediakan handphone android. Dan juga paket data untuk mengaksesnya dan bisa main di[ situs slot gacor]. Karena itu ada waktu di mana dan kapan pun Anda bisa memainkan permainan slot online yang bisa memberikan keuntungan yang besar dan bukti nyata.
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    gacor</u>] hari ini Slot88. Dimana situs Slot88 ini terbaik dan asli untuk bisa merasakan keuntungan banyak dan bukti nyata untuk keuangan anda.)
  • How to Use Tidal Sleep Timer to Have a Good Sleep  + (We usually regard the sleep timer feature We usually regard the sleep timer feature as a basic standard function on music streaming apps, but you may surprisingly find that you can’t set so on Tidal. There is no such option within the app. But we can still set a sleep timer for stopping Tidal music from playing in a selected time period on different devices. Here’s the how-to guide for you. devices. Here’s the how-to guide for you.)
  • Word Clock  + (Well, It had to happen. I first published Well, It had to happen. I first published my WordClock project in September 2009. It was a Microchip PIC based clock, using a PIC16F877A microprocessor. In the last year and a half, I have been constantly improving it, and have adapted it to the Arduino, and even designed an updated controller board for it. Well, It got better. I have discovered how to cut Vinyl stencils, and have been experimenting with Perspex, so I thought it was time to share what I have been playing with. The beauty of using cut vinyl as a stencil, is that you can create a clock that is up to 45cm x 45cm (or larger if you have the vinyl). My previous PCB based stencils were limited to 150mm x 150mm. As with all of my clock designs, this is completely open. I encourage everybody to make one either using the details from this site. It is much simpler than it looks. If you want, I can provide parts, complete kits, or even complete clocks from my web site at :-) This clock uses an updated Arduino controller PCB. It has a DS1302 RTC onboard, to ensure that the timing is accurate, and an automatic dimming function kicks in between 7pm, and 7am, so you can still sleep if the clock is installed in your bedroom. It is powered from a 12V DC, 400mA power supply. I have considered battery power, but LED clocks don't run for very long on batteries, so that is not an ecologically sensible idea. My old clocks used to run from an AC source, but i moved to DC when I implemented the RTC chip. I hope you enjoy building one of these clocks, and that it inspires your own projects.s, and that it inspires your own projects.)
  • Word Clock  + (Well, It had to happen. I first published Well, It had to happen. I first published my WordClock project in September 2009. It was a Microchip PIC based clock, using a PIC16F877A microprocessor. In the last year and a half, I have been constantly improving it, and have adapted it to the Arduino, and even designed an updated controller board for it. Well, It got better. I have discovered how to cut Vinyl stencils, and have been experimenting with Perspex, so I thought it was time to share what I have been playing with. The beauty of using cut vinyl as a stencil, is that you can create a clock that is up to 45cm x 45cm (or larger if you have the vinyl). My previous PCB based stencils were limited to 150mm x 150mm. As with all of my clock designs, this is completely open. I encourage everybody to make one either using the details from this site. It is much simpler than it looks. If you want, I can provide parts, complete kits, or even complete clocks from my web site at :-) This clock uses an updated Arduino controller PCB. It has a DS1302 RTC onboard, to ensure that the timing is accurate, and an automatic dimming function kicks in between 7pm, and 7am, so you can still sleep if the clock is installed in your bedroom. It is powered from a 12V DC, 400mA power supply. I have considered battery power, but LED clocks don't run for very long on batteries, so that is not an ecologically sensible idea. My old clocks used to run from an AC source, but i moved to DC when I implemented the RTC chip. I hope you enjoy building one of these clocks, and that it inspires your own projects.s, and that it inspires your own projects.)
  • AWS IoT Core IoT Platform Series - 6  + (What is AWS IoT Cloud? The '''AWS IoT''' What is AWS IoT Cloud? The '''AWS IoT''' is a cloud platform ☁ that provides services and solutions to connect and manage billions of devices. Since it is a part of '''Amazon Web Services''', we can pipeline it with other products and services which will open more possibilities - Collect, Store, and Analyze IoT data for industrial, consumer, commercial, and automotive devices 🚡. To manage and support these IoT devices in the real-world, AWS I'''oT Core suppo'''rts below protocols - * [ MQTT (Message Queuing and Telemetry Transport)] * [ MQTT over WSS (WebSockets Secure)] * [ HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Secure)] * [ LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network)]
    WAN (Long Range Wide Area Network)] <br/>)
  • Pool Heat Pumps: The Pros and Cons of This Heater System  + (When considering pools, many envision themWhen considering pools, many envision them as refreshing retreats for hot summer days. Yet, it's equally important to contemplate how to maintain an inviting swimming atmosphere when temperatures begin to plummet, chilling the pool water alongside the weather. This is where [ pool heat pumps] step in – crucial mechanisms meticulously designed for this very purpose. They stand as indispensable components, ensuring readiness for a serene swim, irrespective of external conditions. The best heat pump for pool have revolutionized the way we heat swimming pools, offering an efficient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional heating methods. However, like any technology, they come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the pros and cons of pool heat pumps, shedding light on their functionality, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact, and more. Related Article: [ The Evolution of Pool Heating: A Look Back and a Glimpse into the Future] == Why Use a Swimming Pool Heat Pump for Water Heating? == Reason #1: Extend Your Swimming Season Year-Round For individuals living in warmer regions, heat pumps present an ideal solution to extend pool enjoyment year-round. These systems function optimally when heating outdoor air above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. While their efficiency may decrease as temperatures dip below this threshold, it increases as the air temperature rises, making heat pumps well-suited for maintaining pleasant swimming conditions in moderate climates. Reason #2: Achieve Significant Energy Savings Heat pumps present an excellent opportunity to reduce energy consumption and save on utility bills. Unlike gas heaters, which provide rapid heating but at a higher energy cost, heat pumps operate with greater efficiency once they reach the desired temperature. To illustrate, think of a gas heater as a muscle car, providing quick but fuel-intensive heating, while a heat pump functions more like a bike, delivering consistent heating with minimal energy expenditure. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, running an average heat pump year-round at 85 degrees Fahrenheit can result in savings of up to $400 annually on energy expenses. Reason #3: Dual Functionality: Heating and Cooling Investing in a premium heat pump model or mini pool heater not only heats your pool but also offers the added benefit of cooling it during hot weather. This dual functionality ensures that your pool remains at the optimal temperature for swimming, regardless of external conditions. By choosing a heat pump with cooling capabilities, you enhance your pool experience, providing comfort and enjoyment for you and your family throughout the seasons. Reason #4: Environmental Friendliness Heat pumps are renowned for their environmentally friendly operation. Unlike gas heaters, which rely on burning fossil fuels and produce emissions, heat pumps employ electricity to transfer heat from the surrounding air to the pool water. This process is significantly more energy-efficient and produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions, reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner environment. Reason #5: Longevity and Durability Heat pumps are built to last, offering exceptional durability and longevity. With proper maintenance, these systems can outlast traditional gas heaters, providing reliable heating for many years without the need for frequent repairs or replacements. Investing in a heat pump not only ensures consistent and efficient heating but also offers peace of mind knowing that your pool heating solution is built to withstand the test of time. Reason #6: Quiet Operation One of the advantages of mini heat pumps is their quiet operation, rendering them an exceptional option for pool proprietors who value a peaceful swimming environment. Unlike gas heaters, which can produce noise during operation due to combustion, heat pumps operate quietly, creating a more serene atmosphere around the pool area. This allows you to enjoy the tranquil ambiance of your backyard oasis without disruptive noise from the heating system.
    == Things to Consider about Pool Heater == Initial Investment: While the long-term energy savings are undeniable, it's essential to acknowledge the initial cost associated with purchasing and installing a heat pump, which may be higher compared to certain traditional heating methods. However, it's crucial to weigh this against the potential for substantial energy savings over the lifespan of the heat pump. Pool owners looking to save on energy bills over the lifespan of their pool heating system from trusted pool heat pump supplier will appreciate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of heat pumps. Climate Sensitivity: Best Heat pump for pool rely on on the ambient air to extract heat, making their efficiency susceptible to extreme weather conditions. In regions with very cold or dry climates, the heat pump's effectiveness may diminish, particularly if operating in temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Installation Complexity: Installing a heat pump with [ swimming pool heat pump supplier] can entail some degree of complexity, especially when retrofitting an existing pool. It's highly recommended to enlist the expertise of a professional installer to ensure proper setup and optimal performance. Their knowledge and experience can streamline the installation process and mitigate any potential complications. With proper installation and maintenance, swimming pool heat pump can last 10 or more years.
    == Who Are Heat Pumps For? == Heat pumps are an excellent choice for pool owners residing in regions with consistent warm climates, such as Florida. In these areas, where temperatures remain relatively high throughout the year, heat pumps offer an efficient solution for maintaining the perfect pool water temperature. Even during cooler periods, a well-suited heat pump can swiftly restore the water to your desired warmth, ensuring uninterrupted enjoyment of your pool. While gas heaters are prevalent in regions experiencing distinct seasonal changes or frequent cold spells, they may not be the most practical option for warmer climates like Florida. Pool owners in such areas often find heat pumps to be the preferred heating method, providing both comfort and long-term cost savings. However, heat pump factors such as budget constraints or challenges in accessing suitable electrical infrastructure may limit the feasibility of heat pumps for some individuals. In these cases, alternative heating options may need to be considered. Ultimately, the choice between heat pumps and other heating methods hinges on individual preferences, usage patterns, and unique circumstances. Some prioritize rapid heating and immediate warmth, making gas heaters an appealing choice, while others prioritize energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, favoring heat pumps despite potentially longer heating times. By carefully assessing your priorities and evaluating your pool usage habits, you can determine the most suitable heating solution for your home. At ZEALUX Heat Pump, we're committed to assisting you throughout this decision-making process, ensuring that you're equipped with all the necessary information to make a well-informed choice that aligns seamlessly with your needs and preferences.
    == We are the Pool Heating Experts == Selecting the appropriate heating solution for your pool is a decision that should be made based on careful consideration of your unique needs and circumstances. A inverboost heat pump from ZEALUX pool [ heat pump manufacturer] offers a plethora of benefits, from energy efficiency and consistent comfort to environmental friendliness and longevity.  Imagine stepping into your backyard oasis, the water invitingly warm regardless of the season, the worries of the day melting away with each tranquil stroke. With a heat pump, you can turn this dream into reality. At ZEALUX heat pump wholesalers, we are dedicated to sharing the delight of a refreshing and sparkling dip in the pool whenever desired. Whether you're seeking expert pool heating installation services, quality heating products, or comprehensive assistance with other pool equipment needs, our enthusiastic and knowledgeable team is committed to providing assistance. With our guidance and expertise, you can ensure that your pool remains a source of comfort and enjoyment for you and your family. Explore our French warehouse and office located at 8, Allée du Piot ZAC DU POLE ACTIF, 30660 GALLARGUES LE MONTUEUX for personalized service and support. Related Article: [ Exploring Zealux’s Sustainable Heating Solutions : 365 Days Green Home]
    s Sustainable Heating Solutions : 365 Days Green Home] <br/>)
  • Heat Pump vs. Air Conditioner  + (When it comes to heating and cooling your When it comes to heating and cooling your home, the choice between a heat pump from [ heat pump manufacturer] and an air conditioner (AC) depends on various factors, including climate, energy efficiency, installation costs, and personal preferences. Both systems offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, making it essential to understand their differences to determine which option is better suited to your needs. === Heat Pump vs. Air Conditioner: Understanding the Differences === '''1. Heating and Cooling Capability:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' Unlike air conditioners, heat pumps can provide both heating and cooling functions. During the warmer months, heat pumps operate like traditional AC units, extracting heat from indoor spaces and transferring it outside to cool the air. In colder months, however, heat pumps reverse this process, extracting heat from outdoor air (even in cold temperatures) and transferring it indoors to warm the home. * '''Air Conditioner:''' Air conditioners are designed solely for cooling purposes. They remove heat from indoor air and transfer it outside, resulting in a cooler indoor environment. Unlike heat pumps, air conditioners cannot provide heating during colder months. '''2. Energy Efficiency:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' Heat pumps are known for their energy efficiency, as they utilize electricity to transfer heat rather than generate it. By moving heat rather than creating it through combustion, heat pumps can provide efficient heating and cooling, resulting in potential energy savings on utility bills. * '''Air Conditioner:''' While modern air conditioners have become more energy-efficient over the years, they typically consume more electricity than heat pumps, especially during the cooling season. Air conditioners rely on electricity to power compressors and fans to cool indoor spaces. '''3. Climate Considerations:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' Heat pumps are most effective in moderate climates where temperatures rarely drop below freezing. In regions with mild winters, heat pumps can efficiently provide both heating and cooling, offering year-round comfort. However, in areas with extremely cold temperatures, the efficiency of heat pumps may decrease, requiring supplemental heating sources or backup systems. * '''Air Conditioner:''' Air conditioners are well-suited for cooling in all climates, regardless of temperature variations. They perform efficiently in hot and humid climates, where cooling demands are high during the summer months. '''4. Installation and Initial Costs:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' The installation costs of heat pumps are typically higher than those of air conditioners, primarily due to their dual heating and cooling capabilities. Heat pump systems require additional components, such as reversing valves and supplementary heating elements, which can increase upfront expenses. * '''Air Conditioner:''' Air conditioners are generally more affordable to purchase and install compared to heat pumps. Since they only provide cooling, air conditioning systems are simpler in design and require fewer components, resulting in lower installation costs. '''5. Long-Term Maintenance:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' Heat pumps require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Routine tasks include filter replacement, coil cleaning, refrigerant checks, and system inspections. Neglecting maintenance can lead to reduced efficiency and increased energy consumption. * '''Air Conditioner:''' Like heat pumps, air conditioners also require regular maintenance to ensure proper operation. Routine tasks include filter replacement, coil cleaning, refrigerant checks, and system inspections. Proper maintenance can prolong the lifespan of the air conditioning system and prevent costly repairs. === Conclusion: === Choosing between a heat pump and an air conditioner depends on various factors, including climate, energy efficiency, installation costs, and personal preferences. Heat pumps offer the advantage of providing both heating and cooling functions, making them suitable for moderate climates. They are energy-efficient and can result in potential energy savings on utility bills. However, in regions with extremely cold temperatures, the efficiency of heat pumps may decrease, requiring supplemental heating sources. On the other hand, air conditioners are specifically designed for cooling and are well-suited for all climates. They are generally more affordable to purchase and install compared to heat pumps. While air conditioners consume more electricity than heat pumps, modern models have become increasingly energy-efficient. Ultimately, the decision between a heat pump like [ pool heat pump] and an air conditioner depends on your specific heating and cooling needs, budget considerations, and regional climate conditions. Consulting with HVAC professionals can help you evaluate your options and determine the best solution for your home.determine the best solution for your home.)
  • How to Play Tidal on Galaxy Watch  + (With the advancements in technology, musicWith the advancements in technology, music streaming services have become an integral part of our lives. Tidal, a premium music streaming platform, offers a vast collection of songs, albums, and playlists. If you own a Galaxy Watch, you can enjoy Tidal's extensive music library right from your wrist. In the following sections, we'll explain how to set up Tidal on your Galaxy Watch and make the most of its features.y Watch and make the most of its features.)
  • Hot Water Systems and Maintenance  + (With the summer just around the corner, itWith the summer just around the corner, it's time to prepare your Hot Water System for the hot season ahead. Although summers aren't as stressful as winters on your [ Hot Water System,] the hot and humid season comes with its own unique problems. Today Budget Plumbing will discuss the top 4 most common problems (and maintenance you can do) for Hot Water Systems! == Common Hot Water System Problems You Can Face In Summer == Sometimes our Hot Water Systems are can be overly problematic and just too far gone, if you are looking for a quality electric or gas hot water system, check out our collection of [ storage and instant hot water systems] from the best bathroom suppliers Perth. [ Gas] and [ Electric] hot water systems require equal care in summer as they do in winter to continue to provide warm water despite the increasing temperatures, as we come into the Perth summer, here are a few Hot Water System maintenance tips. === 1. Adjusting Temperature Settings === The Perth cold winters sometimes require us to turn the temperature settings of the Hot Water System higher by a few degrees. After all, your Hot Water System has to fight off the West Australian cold snaps and work harder to produce hot water in the winter; this is especially true if you have a [ storage system]. Conversely in the hot Perth summer heating water doesn’t require extra effort to overcome scorching temperature differences. This can lead your heater to produce scalding hot water. Adjusting the temperature of your water heater lower will reduce the risk of burns and also decrease your utility bills.  Budget Plumbing Centre has many options for hot water systems in your home. === 2. Excess Mineral Build-up === Summers often lead to a massive rise in overall water usage. If you are like my family who needs scalding hot water even during summers, then potentially your Hot Water System will be under a lot of pressure. Frequent and increased usage will naturally increase the mineral build-up in the Hot Water System pipes (especially if you’re in a “hard water” area). This can reduce the flow of hot water, contaminate the water flowing out and negatively affect its functioning if left unattended for long periods of time. A very easy solution is to frequently run maintenance on your Hot Water System and clear out the sediments/Mineral build up.   This all can be done by simply opening the pressure relief valve on your hot water system (usually you will have two of them to open). === 3. Shortage of Warm Water === Did you know that summer increases the need for water in your household?  It sometimes seems counter intuitive, but summer brings with it more sweaty laundry and more frequent showers.  I have a storage system, two daughters and if your family is like mine we get 2-3 continuous showers and there is no more hot water left. We are coming to the realisation that the only solution to this is to buy a bigger [ hot water storage system] or switch to [ instantaneous hot water] to keep up with demand. If your in the same position or your hot water system needs replacement, [ shop online] or [ come in and have a chat] about which system will be the best for your situation. While you’re browsing the shop have a look at the new [ Bosch water heat pump].   Heat pumps are a new technology; they have a larger upfront cost but are highly energy efficient.  This hot water heat pumps reduces energy use by up to 65%!!   Did you know it is also eligible for generous government rebates? This hot water system has Smart Controls to: –     Allow user to set operating time systems so I can turn on with your solar panels to optimise energy efficiency further. –     Designed for easy and low-cost install and servicing. === 4. Pilot Light Malfunctioning === The [ pilot light] has a very crucial role to play in the functioning of your Hot Water System. When the hot water system is aging or when the outside temperature rises above the overall water temperature the pilot light can begin to malfunction and in turn this affects its ability to heat the water. I was pressure cleaning beside my [ gas storage hot water system] and this blew out the pilot light. This meant the next day the family was not too impressed they had to have cold showers! When choosing the location of your hot water system, a well-ventilated area is perfect and if you can protect it from wind gusts this will assist in keeping the pilot light working in tip top conditioning maximising your hot water systems life. Budget Plumbing is happy to help - [ send us your plans] and we can use our years of experience to help you at no obligation.  == Final Thoughts == It’s true, Hot Water Systems of every kind work well and last longer with regular maintenance. [ Budget Plumbing Centre] is your local one stop shop for all your plumbing requirements with [ high-quality hot water systems] that we stand by with top-notch customer service. By looking out for these common problems and calling in a licensed plumber for the larger jobs will keep your Hot Water System up and running for many years to come. If you have any questions about this article of you want to stop by for a coffee and chat about hot water systems, [ contact your local Budget Plumbing Centre]. Budget Plumbing - the best bathroom suppliers Perth.
    - the best bathroom suppliers Perth. <br/>)
  • Video games  + (You can get this game from [ Instant-gaming store] at exclusive deals. Get this game and enjoy the soccer games with the career and journey mode that helps you get trained in the game.)
  • How to Listen to Tidal on Multiple Devices Simultaneously  + (You might think that one account for musicYou might think that one account for music streaming is the main way to go, but don’t discount Tidal Connect, which would allow you to stream music from Tidal on multiple devices simultaneously. Common opinions say that it is not that simple to '''play Tidal on multiple devices''' at the same time, well, is this true? Of course not! When it comes to the best way to enjoy music, that is one sentence can conclude, listen to Tidal on multiple devices everywhere without limits. If you’re currently looking for a solution to '''play Tidal music on multiple devices simultaneously''', congratulations! You have come to the right place. In the next article, we will walk you through three popular and workable methods to play Tidal on more than one device with ease.y Tidal on more than one device with ease.)
  • 1Z0-1059-24 Exam Dumps To Elevate Your Exam Functionality  + (You've got the [https://www.oracledumpsfreYou've got the [ '''Original 1Z0-1059-24 Exam Dumps'''] so you will take your Oracle Revenue Management Cloud Service certification exam and be possessive about the readiness by way of the 1Z0-1059-24 pdf dumps. You'll be able to simply upgrade your capabilities and get an efficient score inside the 1Z0 1059 exam. Above and beyond by organizing for the 1Z0-1059-24 dumps pdf questions presented by '''''OracleDumpsFree''''' within your professional field. Uncover the ideal techniques from our site and prepare using the genuine 1Z0-1059-24 braindumps which is a magnificent source and also a strategy of alleviation study. The positive issue concerning the reputable Oracle 1Z0-1059-24 certification dumps is you will be prepared a minimum of time. == '''Mindfulness Actual 1Z0-1059-24 Exam Dumps for Preparation''' == Actual 1Z0-1059-24 exam dumps will be the mindfulness for the people who ought to inspire their skills by receiving ready for the Oracle Revenue Management Cloud Service 2024 Implementation Professional certification. This guide will provide you with an adaptable Oracle 1Z0-1059-24 pdf dumps towards the end of the needed assignments. Concentrate on the preparing and decide yourself to take the 1Z0-1059-24 dumps pdf questions. By picking 1Z0-1059-24 braindumps for preparation you are able to overcome your strain and easily resolve all the problems that you simply previously looked at inside your preparation for the new Oracle Revenue Management Cloud Service exam and get the highest outcomes. Additional, you will get updates on the original 1Z0-1059-24 exam dumps and use it for 90 days regularly. == '''Get the Satisfactory Outcomes with 1Z0-1059-24 Dumps PDF Questions''' == Oracle 1Z0-1059-24 dumps pdf questions are particularly considerable assuming you strive to obtain prepared for the Oracle Revenue Management Cloud Service 2024 Implementation Professional exam questions, this can make it easier to to attain the best results in the 1Z0 1059 exam. Essentially you might have the choice to pass the original 1Z0-1059-24 exam dumps and you can lessen your deficiencies also. In the professional operate atmosphere, you'll be able to demonstrate your self capacities for the Oracle Revenue Management Cloud Service confirmation. Consider and take the palatable readiness with 1Z0-1059-24 pdf dumps for the 1Z0-1059-24 certification. By the Oracle 1Z0 1059 online testing engine it is possible to practice effectively and get the top outcomes on the very first attempt. '''Click: ''''''''' == '''Oracle 1Z0-1059-24 PDF Dumps - Consistency Is Crucial to Success''' == Your progress will probably be enhanced by your consistency updated Oracle 1Z0-1059-24 pdf dumps, together with the finest techniques to prepare your 1Z0-1059-24 exam questions. With the 1Z0-1059-24 dumps pdf questions sources by means of which you will get ready for your Oracle Revenue Management Cloud Service 2024 Implementation Professional exam. This can be the precise direction to improve your progress, so pick the bona fide Oracle 1Z0-1059-24 certification dumps. Oracle 1Z0 1059 braindumps with all the total subtleties and that are the robust 1Z0-1059-24 questions and answers offered for the top readiness. You can get the ongoing updates with our Oracle 1Z0 1059 exam questions. And furthermore, they offered a discount tactic with great client care with all the real 1Z0-1059-24 exam dumps given by '''''OracleDumpsFree.''''' dumps given by '''''OracleDumpsFree.''''')
  • How to Use a Polishing Machine: A Step-by-Step Guide  + ([[ '''Polishing machines'''] are essential tools for any metalworking, woodworking, or automotive hobbyist or professional. They are designed to smooth and buff rough surfaces, making them shiny and smooth. However, using a polishing machine can be intimidating for beginners, especially if you have no experience in the metalworking or woodworking industry. In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use a polishing machine, including safety tips, tools needed, and polishing techniques.s, tools needed, and polishing techniques.)
  • Easy Way to Add Tidal Music to iTunes Library  + (iTunes allows users to not only access striTunes allows users to not only access streaming music, buy favorite tunes but also upload local files from other sources. It gives users one place to collect and listen to all music – including playlists, podcasts, streaming radio stations, local files, and more. These days, I'm attracted by Tidal songs with HiFi quality. And I have subscribed to its HiFi subscription at 19.99 per month. But to my surprise, I failed to '''download music from Tidal to iTunes'''. Based on this situation, I have done some researches and found the reasons and the solution to achieve this goal. To avoid you encountering the same confusion, I will share with you my successful experience of transferring Tidal music to iTunes library.
    = Why You Can’t Download Music from Tidal to iTunes = Tidal provides over 70 million tracks with standard sound quality and HiFi sound quality for subscribers to enjoy music. Tidal is famous for its lossless audio quality. With a Tidal HiFi account, it's able to get lossless CD-quality and High-Res quality audio files. It could be a charming option for audiophiles. But like other streaming music services, Tidal has its own limitations. Users with any subscription can only play Tidal music on authorized players and its own player, the Tidal app, or Web Player. Because Tidal playlists can be downloaded as local files on mobile devices. (There is no Download option for Mac and Windows computers.) And there is no way to transfer Tidal songs to other players without authorization. Thus, if you'd like to download Tidal music to iTunes, a professional Tidal Music Downloader is necessary. It can not only download Tidal music to a computer but also convert Tidal songs to iTunes supported files. = Tool Required: AudFree Tidal Music Downloader = The tool I found is [ AudFree Tidal Music Downloader], which hits on No.1 place in this field. It can download and export Tidal songs to common audio files, like MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC. And it supports a Lossless output setting to encode Tidal songs losslessly. It can preserve the 100% lossless sound quality with ID3 tags. Now, let's see how to use it to download music from Tidal to iTunes library.
    nload music from Tidal to iTunes library. <br/>)
  • How to Play Spotify on Yoto Player  + (Yoto Player is a screen-free audio player Yoto Player is a screen-free audio player designed for children. It uses physical cards that contain stories, music, and activities that children can listen to by inserting them into the player. It's a safe and interactive way for kids to enjoy audio content without the need for a screen. Spotify is a top-rated music service that provides many genres of tracks, podcasts, and audiobooks. Therefore, many parents collect multiple educational audio files on Spotify and want to upload them to the Yoto Player for their kids. Here, we'd like to introduce two ways to '''add Spotify to Yoto''' and '''play Spotify on Yoto''' Player without premium.Spotify on Yoto''' Player without premium.)
  • Drone aile à double empennage  + ("Ocean is Open" développe des solutions op"Ocean is Open" développe des solutions opensource et DIY pour les océans. Ce tutoriel décrit la fabrication d'un drone "lourd" pour pouvoir réaliser de la cartographie aérienne et d'un poids visé de 1500g. Cette version d'aile drone est qualifiée de "lourde" en raison de sa grande envergure et de son grand fuselage pour une grande capacité d'emport. Dans le cadre de l'exploration "[ Ocean is Open]", le projet Wilbur a pour objectif de développer des drones à faibles coûts et modulables pour le suivi temporel ortho-photographiques de milieux environnementaux littoraux (trait de côte, estuaires) et terrestres (bocages, zones humides, forêts, …). Les caractéristiques techniques des drones permettront de les construire localement (au sein de FabLabs, de lycées techniques, d’universités) et d’utiliser les données collectées (images et ortho-photographie) par les acteurs locaux impliqués dans le suivi de l’environnement (service de l’état, associations, collectivités...). Une version "légère" de ce drone (inférieure à 800g) est décrite dans ce wiki : [[Drone aile à empennage double - version léger -]]rsion léger -]])
  • Drone aile à double empennage  + ("Ocean is Open" développe des solutions op"Ocean is Open" développe des solutions opensource et DIY pour les océans. Ce tutoriel décrit la fabrication d'un drone "lourd" pour pouvoir réaliser de la cartographie aérienne et d'un poids visé de 1500g. Cette version d'aile drone est qualifiée de "lourde" en raison de sa grande envergure et de son grand fuselage pour une grande capacité d'emport. Dans le cadre de l'exploration "[ Ocean is Open]", le projet Wilbur a pour objectif de développer des drones à faibles coûts et modulables pour le suivi temporel ortho-photographiques de milieux environnementaux littoraux (trait de côte, estuaires) et terrestres (bocages, zones humides, forêts, …). Les caractéristiques techniques des drones permettront de les construire localement (au sein de FabLabs, de lycées techniques, d’universités) et d’utiliser les données collectées (images et ortho-photographie) par les acteurs locaux impliqués dans le suivi de l’environnement (service de l’état, associations, collectivités...). Une version "légère" de ce drone (inférieure à 800g) est décrite dans ce wiki : [[Drone aile à empennage double - version léger -]]rsion léger -]])
  • 3D CAM sous Fusion 360  + (<nowiki>Ce tutoriel concerne tous ceCe tutoriel concerne tous ceux qui veulent apprendre :

    - l'interface ''CAM'' (Computer Aided Manufacturing) dans Fusion 360

    - les ''toolpaths'' (chemins d'outil) 3D, en utilisant un ''flip'' (retournement) pour usiner deux côtés d'une pièce

    - l'usinage CNC du bois

    Les toolpaths 3D sont des opérations d'usinage dans lesquelles l'outil se meut dynamiquement dans trois directions (X, Y et Z), mais reste perpendiculaire au lit de la machine. Les toolpaths 3D sont idéaux pour usiner des formes complexes ou organiques, car ils peuvent suivre les surfaces changeantes de ces formes. Les toolpaths 2D ou 2,5D (par couches 2D), qui ne peuvent pas se mouvoir dynamiquement selon Z, sont utilisés pour des formes prismatiques qui contiennent un fond plat et des côtés verticaux.

    Dans ce tutoriel, vous allez apprendre comment usiner une cuillère de service en bois en utilisant l'interface CAM dans Fusion 360. Vous travaillerez avec plusieurs setup, choisirez les fixations, construirez des systèmes d'enregistrement, créerez et contraindrez des toolpaths 3D, et post-traiterez votre fichier en G-code. Après cela, vous apprendrez comment usiner la cuillère par vous-même en utilisant une fraiseuse numérique. Vous apprendrez comment préparer et installer le matériau, insérer et mesurer les outils, établir un ''WCS'' (Work Coordinate System, ou système de coordonnées de travail), et charger et lancer des programmes d'usinage.
    e System, ou système de coordonnées de travail), et charger et lancer des programmes d'usinage.</nowiki>)
  • Commande et instrumentation de trottinette électrique 500W avec Arduino méga  + (<nowiki>Commande de moteur DC 500W aCommande de moteur DC 500W avec un Arduino mega pour limiter le courant de démarrage et faire varier la vitesse de la trottinette. La batterie est en 24V, 10A.h. le tableau suivant résume leur caractéristiques

    '''3. Programme en boucle ouverte'''

    Pour tester la programmation, nous simulons le programme dans ISIS, comme on peut le voir sur la figure suivante. De plus, nous avons un afficheur LCD pour afficher des données (rapport cyclique correspondant à la PWM à 32Khz, le courant moteur, la tension moteur, l'action sur les boutons poussoirs. En effet, 4 boutons poussoirs sont utilisés.

    BP1 pour incrémenter manuellement le rapport cyclique, BP2 le  décrémenter. BP3 mettre le rapport cyclique à 0, correspondant au contact frein.

    La vitesse du moteur est pratiquement proportionnelle au rapport cyclique

    Nous avons réalisé notre propre amplificateur de courant qui s'appelle un hacheur abaisseur mais il est possible d'acheter un shield

    Il existe de nombreuses cartes pour Arduino pour commander des moteurs DC surtout de faibles puissances et aussi de grandes puissances comme on peut l'observer sur les liens suivants.

    mais, tous ces hacheurs shields mesurent le courant en interne mais il n'y a pas de limitation de courant.

    Pour avoir une limitation de courant il faut une boucle de courant analogique en utilisant des AOP ou CI spécialisée ou une boucle de courant numérique rapide.

    Mais quel doit être la valeur du courant de limitation ?

    Le choix de la valeur du courant est normalement pour le Service de fonctionnement 1 heure pour pouvoir effectuée des montées relativement longue sans atteindre la température critique du moteur.

    Dans notre cas, le courant de limitation devra etre de

    Imoteur limitation=Puissance/Ubatterie=500W/24 V=20A

    De plus, le transistor de puissance du hacheur ne peut supporter que 50A dans notre cas.

    Mais en boucle ouverte, il n'a pas de régulation de courant, pour ne pas avoir de dépassement du courant maximum, une rampe du rapport cyclique sera utilisé.

    Une routine d'interruption de 0.1 seconde sera utilisé pour faire la mesure de la tension est du courant (échantillon de mesure, sample ). Ce temps de sampler est arbitraire, mais ne permet pas d'être plus rapide que le temps de montée du courant car la constante de temps électrique du moteur étant de  L/R= 1.5ms.

    Le fonctionnement en boucle ouverte avec une rampe de 25.5s (8bit et routine d'interruption de 0.1s) permet de bien comprendre la problématique du fonctionnement d'une commande à moteur DC.

    l'affichage se fera seulement tous les 0.2s pour avoir une stabilité des chiffres à l’écran. De plus, un filtrage numérique, se fera sur le courant et la tension sur 4 valeurs donc sur 0.4s.

    '''Algo boucle ouverte'''

    Routine d'interruption toutes les 0.1S

    Lire tension et courant

    Boucle loop (scrutation des boutons poussoirs)

    Si BP1=1 alors incrementer PWM

    Si BP2=1 alors décrementer PWM

    Si BP3=1 alors PWM=0

    Affichage des variables tous les 0.2s



    // include the library code:





    #define Led     13       // 13 pour la led jaune sur la carte

    #define BP1     30       // 30 BP1

    #define BP2     31       // 31 BP2

    #define BP3     32       // 32 BP3

    #define LEDV    33       // 33 led

    #define LEDJ    34       // 34 led

    #define LEDR    35       // 35 led

    #define relay   36       // 36 relay

    #define PWM10    10      //11   timer2

    LiquidCrystal lcd(27, 28, 25, 24, 23, 22); // RS=12, Enable=11, D4=5, D5=4, D6= 3, D7=2, BPpoussoir=26

    // Configuration des variables

    unsigned   int UmoteurF = 0;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

    unsigned   int Umoteur = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur2 = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur3 = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur4 = 0;

    unsigned   int ImoteurF = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur2 = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur3 = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur4 = 0;

    byte Rcy=0 ;    //rapport cyclique  8bit

    unsigned    int temps;

    // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board

    void setup() {

    pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);   //led carte arduino

    pinMode(LEDV, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(LEDJ, OUTPUT);

    pinMode (PWM10,OUTPUT);     // broche (10) en sortie  timer2

    //  digitalWrite(LEDV,LOW);

    Timer1.initialize(100000);         // initialize timer1, and set a 0,1 second period =>  100 000

    Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback);  // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt

    lcd.begin(20, 4);


    TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0b11111000)
    />pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);   //led carte arduino<br /><br />pinMode(LEDV, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode(LEDJ, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode (PWM10,OUTPUT);     // broche (10) en sortie  timer2<br /><br />//  digitalWrite(LEDV,LOW);<br /><br />Timer1.initialize(100000);         // initialize timer1, and set a 0,1 second period =>  100 000<br /><br />Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback);  // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt<br /><br />lcd.begin(20, 4);<br /><br />Serial1.begin(9600);<br /><br />TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0b11111000)</nowiki>)
  • Commande et instrumentation de trottinette électrique 500W avec Arduino méga  + (<nowiki>Commande de moteur DC 500W aCommande de moteur DC 500W avec un Arduino mega pour limiter le courant de démarrage et faire varier la vitesse de la trottinette. La batterie est en 24V, 10A.h. le tableau suivant résume leur caractéristiques

    '''3. Programme en boucle ouverte'''

    Pour tester la programmation, nous simulons le programme dans ISIS, comme on peut le voir sur la figure suivante. De plus, nous avons un afficheur LCD pour afficher des données (rapport cyclique correspondant à la PWM à 32Khz, le courant moteur, la tension moteur, l'action sur les boutons poussoirs. En effet, 4 boutons poussoirs sont utilisés.

    BP1 pour incrémenter manuellement le rapport cyclique, BP2 le  décrémenter. BP3 mettre le rapport cyclique à 0, correspondant au contact frein.

    La vitesse du moteur est pratiquement proportionnelle au rapport cyclique

    Nous avons réalisé notre propre amplificateur de courant qui s'appelle un hacheur abaisseur mais il est possible d'acheter un shield

    Il existe de nombreuses cartes pour Arduino pour commander des moteurs DC surtout de faibles puissances et aussi de grandes puissances comme on peut l'observer sur les liens suivants.

    mais, tous ces hacheurs shields mesurent le courant en interne mais il n'y a pas de limitation de courant.

    Pour avoir une limitation de courant il faut une boucle de courant analogique en utilisant des AOP ou CI spécialisée ou une boucle de courant numérique rapide.

    Mais quel doit être la valeur du courant de limitation ?

    Le choix de la valeur du courant est normalement pour le Service de fonctionnement 1 heure pour pouvoir effectuée des montées relativement longue sans atteindre la température critique du moteur.

    Dans notre cas, le courant de limitation devra etre de

    Imoteur limitation=Puissance/Ubatterie=500W/24 V=20A

    De plus, le transistor de puissance du hacheur ne peut supporter que 50A dans notre cas.

    Mais en boucle ouverte, il n'a pas de régulation de courant, pour ne pas avoir de dépassement du courant maximum, une rampe du rapport cyclique sera utilisé.

    Une routine d'interruption de 0.1 seconde sera utilisé pour faire la mesure de la tension est du courant (échantillon de mesure, sample ). Ce temps de sampler est arbitraire, mais ne permet pas d'être plus rapide que le temps de montée du courant car la constante de temps électrique du moteur étant de  L/R= 1.5ms.

    Le fonctionnement en boucle ouverte avec une rampe de 25.5s (8bit et routine d'interruption de 0.1s) permet de bien comprendre la problématique du fonctionnement d'une commande à moteur DC.

    l'affichage se fera seulement tous les 0.2s pour avoir une stabilité des chiffres à l’écran. De plus, un filtrage numérique, se fera sur le courant et la tension sur 4 valeurs donc sur 0.4s.

    '''Algo boucle ouverte'''

    Routine d'interruption toutes les 0.1S

    Lire tension et courant

    Boucle loop (scrutation des boutons poussoirs)

    Si BP1=1 alors incrementer PWM

    Si BP2=1 alors décrementer PWM

    Si BP3=1 alors PWM=0

    Affichage des variables tous les 0.2s



    // include the library code:





    #define Led     13       // 13 pour la led jaune sur la carte

    #define BP1     30       // 30 BP1

    #define BP2     31       // 31 BP2

    #define BP3     32       // 32 BP3

    #define LEDV    33       // 33 led

    #define LEDJ    34       // 34 led

    #define LEDR    35       // 35 led

    #define relay   36       // 36 relay

    #define PWM10    10      //11   timer2

    LiquidCrystal lcd(27, 28, 25, 24, 23, 22); // RS=12, Enable=11, D4=5, D5=4, D6= 3, D7=2, BPpoussoir=26

    // Configuration des variables

    unsigned   int UmoteurF = 0;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

    unsigned   int Umoteur = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur2 = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur3 = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur4 = 0;

    unsigned   int ImoteurF = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur2 = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur3 = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur4 = 0;

    byte Rcy=0 ;    //rapport cyclique  8bit

    unsigned    int temps;

    // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board

    void setup() {

    pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);   //led carte arduino

    pinMode(LEDV, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(LEDJ, OUTPUT);

    pinMode (PWM10,OUTPUT);     // broche (10) en sortie  timer2

    //  digitalWrite(LEDV,LOW);

    Timer1.initialize(100000);         // initialize timer1, and set a 0,1 second period =>  100 000

    Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback);  // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt

    lcd.begin(20, 4);


    TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0b11111000)
    />pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);   //led carte arduino<br /><br />pinMode(LEDV, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode(LEDJ, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode (PWM10,OUTPUT);     // broche (10) en sortie  timer2<br /><br />//  digitalWrite(LEDV,LOW);<br /><br />Timer1.initialize(100000);         // initialize timer1, and set a 0,1 second period =>  100 000<br /><br />Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback);  // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt<br /><br />lcd.begin(20, 4);<br /><br />Serial1.begin(9600);<br /><br />TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0b11111000)</nowiki>)
  • Luminaires  + (<nowiki>Voici des photos de plusieurVoici des photos de plusieurs luminaires que j'ai créés. Je les présente ici comme source d'inspiration!

    Plusieurs étapes font appel à du matériel très spécifique difficilement accessible au plus grand nombre, et certaines étapes sont très délicates / difficiles (je m'en suis mordu les doigts moi-même et je changerai de méthodes si j'en crée d'autres !)

    Par exemple :

    * Cintrage de métaux dans une cintreuse à galets (difficile à trouver et à maitriser!)

    * Perçage du plexi dans le sens de l'épaisseur (mauvaise idée...!)

    * Assemblages complexes nécessitant une maîtrise de la 3d

    * Assemblages longs et fastidieux (collages de centaines de pièces...)

    * Fabrication de socle en bois à la défonçeuse (aidé d'un ami menuisier)

    * etc.

    Pour ces raisons je ne fourni pas de guide pas-à-pas, et je ne souhaites pas encourager d'autres à répéter exactement les procédés que j'ai employé, même si au final je suis très content du résultat. Par contre, je vous encourage vivement à vous en inspirer pour imaginer vos propres créations !! Réfléchissez à vos propres méthodes selon ce dont vous disposez et ce que vous maîtrisez :)

    Par contre la découpeuse laser du fablab La Forge m'a été indispensable et fut l'outil principal, pour les découpes de pmma!
    :)<br /><br /><br />Par contre la découpeuse laser du fablab La Forge m'a été indispensable et fut l'outil principal, pour les découpes de pmma!</nowiki>)
  • Jeu de main - Apprentissage du Braille  + ('''''Jeu de main''''' est un jeu en bois p'''''Jeu de main''''' est un jeu en bois permettant d'apprendre le Braille en l’expérimentant facilement. Le projet à été conçu dans le cadre de la résidence de l'artiste [ The Blind] à l’[ Université Rennes 2] ([ Service culturel] - saison 2021-2022). Les trois premières copies de l'objet ont été réalisés en collaboration avec l'[!/ Edulab Rennes 2], fablab de l'université. Son design sous licence [ CC-BY-NC-SA] et reproductible à été co-réalisé par l'artiste The Blind, Joris Fort et Tony Vanpoucke. Cette documentation à été réalisé par Tony Vanpoucke avec l'aide précieuse d'Antoine Glédel, Benoit Gaudin, Maxime Chort et Pierre Sésia-Plaigué.din, Maxime Chort et Pierre Sésia-Plaigué.)
  • Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)  + ('''Context''' This solar roaster was devel'''Context''' This solar roaster was developed with GRUPO PUCP : "Grupo de apoyo al sector rural, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru". This research group, supporting the rural sector, has developed technologies for rural sector for almost 20 years. After transfiguring the technology of the Scheffler concentrator in 2010, a first solar roaster was developed in 2012. The start-up Compadre improved the technology in order to reach a more ergonomic in 2014. This model is used today by the Peruvian coffee growers : it allows them to roast by themselves the coffee with solar energy. By selling their coffee with the entire added value, the coffee growers have a more valuable job. Their economical situation is getting better, because thei income is tripled. To know more about the positive social and environmental impacts of the start-up Compadre, [ you can visit]. End of 2015, a roaster adapted to France (version having a different height of the focal point, due to the latitude difference) was designed (photo 6328). The building tutorial was written for this version, that was build from February 15 to 22, 2016. '''Let's go!''' [ The 3D modeling of the roaster, including the solar concentrator, is available online on OnShape.] The current version --so far (contribution welcomed ;) )-- corresponds to the geometry suited for Peru (13° latitude). In comparison to the version proposed in this tutorial, there are some slight differences: inclination and height of the focal point, especially. But the drum size and many other elements remain unchanged. If you do not have a Scheffler concentrator, you will find the building tutorial online. (1000€ of materials and 15 days work). [ The Scheffler concentrator manual is available here online.] '''Perspectives''' We hope this roaster will help you in a positive way and we are looking forward to sharing feedbacks and contributions to make the most of this opensource technology everywhere it is useful!source technology everywhere it is useful!)
  • Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)  + ('''Context''' This solar roaster was devel'''Context''' This solar roaster was developed with GRUPO PUCP : "Grupo de apoyo al sector rural, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru". This research group, supporting the rural sector, has developed technologies for rural sector for almost 20 years. After transfiguring the technology of the Scheffler concentrator in 2010, a first solar roaster was developed in 2012. The start-up Compadre improved the technology in order to reach a more ergonomic in 2014. This model is used today by the Peruvian coffee growers : it allows them to roast by themselves the coffee with solar energy. By selling their coffee with the entire added value, the coffee growers have a more valuable job. Their economical situation is getting better, because thei income is tripled. To know more about the positive social and environmental impacts of the start-up Compadre, [ you can visit]. End of 2015, a roaster adapted to France (version having a different height of the focal point, due to the latitude difference) was designed (photo 6328). The building tutorial was written for this version, that was build from February 15 to 22, 2016. '''Let's go!''' [ The 3D modeling of the roaster, including the solar concentrator, is available online on OnShape.] The current version --so far (contribution welcomed ;) )-- corresponds to the geometry suited for Peru (13° latitude). In comparison to the version proposed in this tutorial, there are some slight differences: inclination and height of the focal point, especially. But the drum size and many other elements remain unchanged. If you do not have a Scheffler concentrator, you will find the building tutorial online. (1000€ of materials and 15 days work). [ The Scheffler concentrator manual is available here online.] '''Perspectives''' We hope this roaster will help you in a positive way and we are looking forward to sharing feedbacks and contributions to make the most of this opensource technology everywhere it is useful!source technology everywhere it is useful!)
  • Education  + ('''Cross-reading''' The solid yards of c'''Cross-reading''' The solid yards of collected, copied, and borrowed material can quickly become daunting as you begin your material review. The following tips can help you stay on top of things and get through the work without getting lost in the details: Get a first impression of the relevance of the work by looking at the table [ paper writer] of contents, the bibliography, and possibly the biographical information about the author: does it really deal with your topic? What is the author's scientific background and orientation? Is he/she a specialist in the field or new to the field? When cross-reading, always keep your question for the text in mind and critically examine whether and for what you can and would like to use the text. Have the "courage to leave gaps": When you first read the text, leave out chapters or passages that lead you too far away from your question! Note down ideas, associations and cross-references already during the first reading: Even if you are sure that this or that thought is obvious - it often does not come a second time ... Various institutions offer courses in speed reading, which train you to quickly grasp the content of texts without reading word for word. If you are interested in this: Acquire this technique in advance so that you are prepared for the emergency! '''Structuring the material''' Reading and editing your sources in a structuring way is a necessary endeavor, and it also has many benefits: It makes the content of the text clearer; books don't have to be read repeatedly; you create "material" for yourself that you can work with further without problems. With the systematic reading, editing and excerpting of readings, you create material for yourself with which you can continue to work in a well-founded manner. The excerpted material is a first text form that you have created in keywords. The next step is the first formulation of your keywords in complete sentences. The resulting text represents the skeleton of a rough draft, which will be edited again in later work phases, supplemented by further excerpts and quotations, evaluated, etc. '''Excerpting''' Excerpting means to grasp the content of a text, to filter out the core elements and to summarize them in one's own words in as short and concise a form as possible. If such an excerpt contains directly (1:1) adopted passages (quotations), these must be recorded with the correct source citation and indicated in quotation marks in case of a later adoption. Excerpting is a very important skill that you need from the beginning. In order to [ write my lab report] be able to take any useful notes at all on the particular articles you read, it is essential to read and summarize texts correctly in your own words. This activity will accompany you during your whole working process around the creation of the scientific paper. Very important: The page count of the excerpted text should always be significantly shorter than the original! '''More information:''' [ Each chapter begins on a new page] [ Methodological guidelines for developing and completing a thesis.] [ Write essay]/ Write essay])
  • How to celebrate the birthday of children in isolation  + ('''Does your child's birthday fall at this'''Does your child's birthday fall at this very time when all the children are at home in isolation? And you child asking [ how old am I today]. Here are some ideas to make the day full of joy and celebrate at home.''' Having a child who celebrates their '''birthday''' during this quarantine period due to the '''pandemic''' can be incredibly challenging. This year it will not be possible to '''organise a''' full-fledged '''birthday party''' , full of friends and family of your little one, but it needs to be celebrated as your child has been counting [ days until birthday] but as the new arrangements put in place obviously make it impossible to invite friends over. After all, let us remember that your family's safety is the most important thing. Besides, that doesn't mean you can't '''celebrate a birthday at home''' that is still fun for the kids. We have therefore collected some [ creative ideas] to organise a '''memorable birthday party''' , even in isolation. == '''1. Organise a virtual birthday party with friends and family''' == Although our desire would be to be able to physically celebrate with the people we care about, you can '''call your child's friends and family through FaceTime, Whatsapp or Skype''' ! You can get in touch with grandparents and friends to sing "Happy Birthday" and cut the cake! == '''2. Have a family garden party''' == For example, you can '''set up a tent in your backyard''' - weather permitting, of course! Or set up an indoor curtain in the living room to play together, see a movie or a cartoon, complete with popcorn, stories and gifts! == '''3. Organise a virtual sleepover''' == With your smartphone or tablet, organize a video call between your child and a few friends for a virtual '''sleepover''' . Watch a movie all together and make the evening unique and fun. == '''4. Decorate the courtyard or garden''' == Decorate the garden with lots of creative ideas with '''colourful balloons, chalks or DIY crafts''' , to make your child's birthday special. Take photos and videos of these moments. == '''5. Set up a flash mob from the balcony''' == To surprise your child, send messages to the neighborhood and '''organize a choreography''' with songs and dances from the balconies with which to amaze the birthday boy . == '''6. Spend an afternoon with Disney attractions''' == Thanks to YouTube, families can visit some of Disney's most famous attractions right from the sofa! == '''7. Organize a treasure hunt''' == Children will have fun '''looking for little treasures around the house''' ! Hide some small birthday presents and prepare clues for the children to find them. == '''8. Plan a wellness day''' == Take all your face and body creams and do '''mini massages''' to make your baby's birthday even more special. A few cucumber slices can make all the difference! == '''9. Make a special cake''' == If your child wants a classic '''birthday cake''' or a special dessert, surprise him or bake a cake together! == '''10. Open and read the greeting cards together''' == Ask relatives and friends to send the '''birthday card''' a series of '''birthday cards''' , which you will then open one by one.ies of '''birthday cards''' , which you will then open one by one.)
  • Making outlines for Nursing Bearing  + ('''Making outlines for Nursing Bearing''' '''Making outlines for Nursing Bearing''' For students who may be doing battling with the material or [ BSN Writing Services] feeling overwhelmed by the coursework, having someone take their web nursing class can offer a lifeline of unendingly help. Whether it's sorting out staggering contemplations, giving additional explanations, or offering changed preparing and heading, a confirmed skillful can help students with investigating the hardships of their web nursing class with sureness and clearness. Regardless, students truly should advance toward the decision to have someone take their web nursing class with ready and careful idea. While searching for assist with coursework can be useful, it's crucial for ensure that the provider is perfect, solid, and reliable. This joins checking the licenses and cutoff points of the individual or affiliation proposing to take the online nursing class, as well as affirming their commitment to enlightening faithful quality and moral lead. Also, students should be aware of the reasonable results of insightful repulsiveness and copyright encroachment related with having someone take their electronic nursing class for their advantage. Schools and universities treat educational enduring quality in a serious manner and have ridiculous frameworks and designs put in a position to see and repulse cheating and hopeless way to deal with acting. Students who are found taking part in academic wickedness could go confronting disciplinary turn of events, including attacking grades, enlightening probation, or even farewell from their program. Hence, going prior to deciding to have someone take their web nursing class, students should check the risks and benefits warily and mull over elective decisions for searching for on and on help. This could harden showing up at their instructors or educational supporters for help, molding concentrate on loads with peers, utilizing web training resources, or searching for shrewd availability and sponsorship affiliations introduced by their foundation. With everything considered, while having someone take your electronic nursing class could emanate an impression of being drawing in, it's major for students to advance toward this decision with arranged and vigilant idea. While searching for assist with coursework can offer titanic endlessly assist students with succeeding [ nurs fpx 4040 assessment 1] educationally, it's vital for ensure that the provider is strong, reliable, and zeroed in on remaining mindful of academic steadfast quality. By checking the risks and benefits and assessing elective streets for help, students can seek after informed decisions that line up with their educational targets and values.
    eir educational targets and values. <br/>)
  • Marble Machine No 1 Motor Assembly Instructions  + ('''Please note:''' It is recommended that'''Please note:''' It is recommended that you apply varnish or sealer to the finished marble machine, especially if you live in areas with high humidity. Polyurethane varnish is a good choice. If you manage to drop some of the balls on the floor (inevitable!) then '''DO NOT''' be tempted to pick them up with a magnet. This can cause the balls to become magnetised and they will then stick together which will impair the operation of the marble machine. Before you start assembly it is a good idea to study the pictures in these instruction so you know how it goes together. You can dry assemble the lifter initially. This kit contains small parts and is not suitable for small childrenrts and is not suitable for small children)
  • Ultimate Guide to Fix Tidal Not Playing Songs  + ('''Q:''' '''''Tidal not playing songs.''' '''Q:''' '''''Tidal not playing songs.''' It either acts like it’s loading songs but doesn’t play them or it looks like it’s playing the song but it won’t. Spotify and other apps and websites sound are working perfectly and I’ve tried restarting and clearing the'' Tidal cache, but ''none of them worked. Any device?'' Tidal is a popular digital music streaming platform that allows us to stream over 90 million soundtracks. And it is also the first company to provide high-fidelity sound with lower tiers. We have to admit that it is indeed a great app to stream music, but it’s also possible to come across some problems like the case I shared in the article start. Are you in the same boat? If you keep encountering '''Tidal not playing songs''' problem, don’t worry, we have your back! In the next parts, I’m going to discuss the potential reasons why Tidal music not playing on your device and walk you through some feasible methods to fix it.u through some feasible methods to fix it.)
  • Maximize Your Website Ranking with Leading SEO Services in Dubai  + ('''Top SEO Agency In Dubai Providing Best '''Top SEO Agency In Dubai Providing Best SEO Services''' Our Top [ SEO Services in Dubai] provides the best solution in online business for today's digital world and because  a strong online presence is essential for businesses to thrive. With millions of websites viewing for attention, standing out from the crowd can be a daunting task. That's where JEEM Marketing Management comes in. As a leading provider of SEO Agency in Dubai, we specialize in helping businesses elevate their visibility, attract more customers, and achieve their online goals. '''Why Choose Our SEO Agency in Dubai?''' # '''Expertise''': In SEO Service with years of experience in the industry, we have honed our skills and expertise to deliver top-notch SEO solutions custom-made to your business needs. Our team of SEO Experts in Dubai stays updated with the latest trends and techniques to ensure your website stays ahead of the competition. # '''Customized Strategies''': We understand that every business is unique. That's why we take a personalized approach to SEO, creating customized strategies that align with your specific objectives and target audience. Whether you're a small local business or a multinational corporation, we have the tools and expertise to help you succeed. # '''Transparent Communication''': At JEEM Marketing Management, we believe in transparent communication every step of the way. From initial consultation to ongoing progress reports, we keep you informed and involved throughout the entire process. You'll always know exactly what we're doing to improve your website's performance. # '''Proven Results''': Our track record speaks for itself. Over the years, we have helped countless businesses in Dubai and beyond achieve significant improvements in their search engine rankings, organic traffic, and overall online visibility with our highly efficient SEO Works in Dubai. We measure our success by your success. # '''Reliability''': When you partner with JEEM Marketing Management, you can trust that you're working with a reliable and reputable agency. We take pride in delivering high-quality services and exceptional results, backed by unparalleled customer support and satisfaction. '''We Covers SEO Start to End''' At JEEM Marketing Management, we take a comprehensive approach to SEO Services that covers all aspects of your online presence. From keyword research and on-page optimization to link building and content creation, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to boost your website's visibility and drive more traffic. '''Get Started Today''' Ready to take your online presence to the next level? f course, when it comes to SEO, price matters. Luckily, there are options to fit every budget in Dubai. Whether you're a small business just starting out or a big company looking to make a splash, there's an SEO package for you. From basic plans to more comprehensive ones, you can find something that works for your needs and your wallet. For SEO Services Contact [ JEEM Marketing Management] today to learn more about our SEO services in Dubai and how we can help you achieve your business goals. Whether you're looking to increase sales, generate leads, or simply improve your brand visibility, we're here to turn your digital dreams into reality. Let's work together to unlock the full potential of your website and drive success for your business.bsite and drive success for your business.)
  • The latest developments in the Mountain View Hyde Park Compound, New Cairo  + ('''كمبوند ['''كمبوند [ ماونتن فيو هايد بارك القاهرة الجديدة] ، تم تسليم أجزاء منه كثيرة، ولكن يظل هناك جزء كبيرًا منه تحت الإنشاء، والشركة المالكة تعمل على إنهاؤه في أقرب وقت.''' '''مميزات الاستثمار في كمبوند ماونتن فيو هايد بارك التجمع الخامس''' '''يجمع كمبوند ماونتن فيو هايد بارك التجمع الخامس مجموعة كبيرة من المميزات، التي من شأنها توفير بيئة استثمار مميزة، ومن أبرز تلك المميزات الآتي:''' '''موقع مميز، حيث يتواجد المشروع في أكثر المناطق نجاحًا وحيوية بحي التجمع الخامس بالكامل.''' '''سعر للمتر في المتناول، نظرًا للخدمات والمرافق المتاحة بالمشروع.''' '''أنظمة للسداد في مرنة وميسرة للغاية، كما إن فترة سداد طويلة الأمد.''' '''تستطيع الإستفادة من الوحدة، وذلك عن طريق تأجيرها، وبجانب ذلك فإن قيمة نقودك محفوظة للأبد.''' '''خدمات كمبوند ماونتن فيو هايد بارك التجمع الخامس''' '''''' '''''' ''''''%87%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%AF-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%83-Mountain-View-Hyde-Par-14.webp</u>''')
  • Places near Tilal East Compound, Fifth Settlement  + ('''يقع ['''يقع [ كمبوند تلال] التجمع الخامس في أكثر الأماكن تميُزًا بحي التجمع الخامس، وذلك الموقع الجغرافي المميز جعله يكون بالقرب من أهم المنشآت الحيوية والطرق الرئيسية بالمنطقة، وهو ما كان وفق الآتي:''' '''شارع التسعين الشمالي: يقع تلال ايست القاهرة الجديدة على مقربة من شارع التسعين الشمالي الحيوي بعدة 3 دقائق فقط.''' '''مميزات تلال ايست القاهرة الجديدة Telal East New Cairo''' '''استطاع كمبوند تلال ايست القاهرة الجديدة أن يوفر للعملاء المقبلين على الشراء به، عدد كبير من المزايا المختلفة، ومن أبرزها ما يلي:''' '''يمتاز تلال ايست القاهرة الجديدة بالموقع الجغرافي الحيوي القريب من عدة مناطق ومنشآت حيوية مختلفة.''' '''يمتاز تلال التجمع الخامس بالتصميمات المعمارية العصرية، وذلك كان على يد أفضل شركات التصميم المعماري بالسوق العقاري.''' '''يمتاز [ تلال ايست التجمع الخامس] بالرُقعة الخضراء والمناظر الطبيعية والبحيرات الصناعية، واللذان استحواذه على المساحة الأكبر من المشروع.''' '''مميزات كمبوند يلو ريزيدنس القاهرة الجديدة ''' '''استطاع كمبوند يلو ريزيدنس القاهرة الجديدة أن يوفر للعملاء المقبلين على الشراء به، عدد كبير من المزايا المختلفة، ومن أبرزها ما يلي:''' '''يمتاز [ كمبوند يلو ريزيدنس القاهرة الجديدة] بالموقع الجغرافي الحيوي القريب من عدة مناطق ومنشآت حيوية مختلفة.''' '''يمتاز كمبوند يلو ريزيدنس القاهرة الجديدة بالتصميمات المعمارية العصرية، وذلك كان على يد أفضل شركات التصميم المعماري بالسوق العقاري.''' '''''' ''''''D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%A8%D9%84-%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%AA%D9%8A-Monark-Mostakbal-City-4.webp</u>''')
  • Elbrog  + ('''يقع كمبوند البروج في مدينة الشروق على م'''يقع كمبوند البروج في مدينة الشروق على مساحة كبيرة جدا قد تصل إلى 1200 فدان، حيث تم توزيع المناطق المختلفة بين العملاء بطريقة متنوعة لتلائم احتياجات وتفضيلات جميع العملاء. بالنسبة للمساحة المتبقية والتي تشكل حوالي 17% من إجمالي مساحة الكمبوند، فهي مخصصة للمباني وحدها، مما يسمح للشركة المالكة للمشروع بتوفير المزيد من الخصوصية.''' '''''' '''أما باقي المساحة فتم توزيعها على المساحات الخضراء بحوالي 83% من المساحة الإجمالية للمشروع والتي تتميز بالمناظر الطبيعية الخلابة.''' '''وتوفر مؤسسة [ جي بي اَر العقارية] العديد من الامتيازات المختلفة التي تجعلها الافضل.''' == '''خدمات كمبوند البروج الشروق التجمع''' == '''قامت [ شركة كابيتال جروب الإماراتية] بتوفير العديد من الخدمات والمرافق المتنوعة داخل كمبوند البروج مدينة الشروق ومن أهم الخدمات داخل المشروع هي:''' * '''يوجد العديد من المراكز التجارية داخل المشروع وعلي أعلي مستوي من الخدمة.''' * '''يوجد نظام امن وحراسة متطور حيث كاميرات المراقبة الحديثة وأفراد الأمن المدربين علي أعلي مستوي من الكفاءة.''' * '''يوجد داخل المشروع ساقية الصاوي والتي تعتبر نادي مركز ثقافي.''' * '''يوجد قرية ذكية متطورة داخل كمبوند البروج الشروق.''' * '''يوجد قاعات خاصة بالاحتفالات.''' * '''يتوفر العديد من المساحات الخضراء داخل المشروع التي تتميز بالمناظر الطبيعية الخلابة.''' * '''يتوافر داخل الكمبوند مساحات خاصة للأطفال.''' * '''يتوفر داخل المشروع المصاعد الكهربية الحديثة.''' * '''تم إنشاء جيم متكامل على أعلى مستوى.''' * '''يتوفر داخل كمبوند البروج العديد من المطاعم والكافيهات التي تقدم أشهى المأكولات والمشروبات الشهيرة.''' * '''يتوفر العديد من المدارس العالمية داخل الكمبوند مثل مدارس قدموس Cadmus.''' * '''يوجد نادي إجتماعي يخدم جميع سكان الكمبوند.''' * '''يوجد نادي رياضي داخل الكمبوند.''' * '''يتوفر مركز طبي متكامل في المشروع الذي يخدم سكان كمبوند البروج.''' * '''يتوفر أماكن للمشي وأماكن لركوب الدراجات.''' * '''يوجد داخل المشروع زراعة الخضروات وذلك عن طريق السماد العضوي وتم تخصيص 70 فدان لهذه الزراعات.''' ''''''9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%82-Al-Burouj-Compound-Shorouk-City-6.webp</u>''')
  • Adjustable Temperature Control Cheap T12 Soldering Iron  + (1. Plastic Enclosure This project box onl1. Plastic Enclosure This project box only 3.- USD and its very useful structure for lab bench application. [ link] 2. Power Supply I've used old notebook power suppy 20V 3.25A. [ link] I recommended tou you swap-meet(FleaMarket) or your personal scrap-box ;) 3.Power Plug Standart IEC14 Chasis Mount. 4. Rocker Power Switch w/light. 5. Standart 16x2(16Charx2Row) [ datasheet] 6. Double Sided PCB GERBER + BOM LIST + Arduino Software [ link] 7. Plastic Knob or print its up to U. 8. 3D Printed Front and Back Panel on Thingiverse [ link] 9. Encoder EC-11 10. GX12-5 MIC Avionics] 9. Encoder EC-11 10. GX12-5 MIC Avionics Connector.)
  • Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB  + (<big>Greeting to you Maker !</bigGreeting to you Maker ! Are you curious? Do you like interior decorations that animate and create a beautiful visual show and yet you don't know how to make a Kinetic Sculpture? Then this tutorial is for you :) If you want to watch what the final result looks like: I made a [ Youtube Playlist].' This Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB is a sculpture you can fix on a wall or on a support. It is made of 2 main identical wheels that spin in opposite direction, which is creating constructive and destructive visual interferences, it is called the phenomenon of [ Moiré]. The concept is purely kinetic (spring), it allows the wheels to spin at different and irregular speeds but most importantly to run for a long time (+30minutes). After you rewind the mechanism the wheels start to spin in opposite direction. As soon as the gravity makes the front wheel reverse its spinning direction and pushes some pawls in the system, the 2 wheels are pushed and start to spin again. This is happening until the spring is fully unwinded. If properly optimised and by reducing the friction, it is possible to get a runtime of more than an hour! I got my inspiration from pre-existing kinetic sculptures, but I decided to make my own design and my own version of the mechanism which is the crucial point of the sculpture. Until the day, I tried, made, changed and improved my design and finally made a fresh new version by accumulating all my efforts and previous trials. The result is a fully working Kinetic Sculpture that costs almost nothing and more importantly: the size of the mechanism is twice smaller than other documented kinetic sculpture online! You can also fix it to a support like a mounting base of a screen which will allow you to move it around but a wall will give you a far better looking result. The center of gravity of the wheel is placed so it acts like a pendulum. The radius of the pendulum plays a major role in the total runtime of the sculpture. It can look complex on the first sight but if you look more closely at each step you will see that it is fairly easy. It is also very instructive because you start to understand that every piece plays a major role in the running of the sculpture. You end up with an almost magical piece of art that creates spectacular effects! You can complete the sculpture with an RGB LED Ring connected to an Arduino, an ON/OFF switch and a battery so it looks even more amazing. Please note that only the LEDs need an electrical source of energy. You can choose to not use the LEDs, it's up to you. You're only limited by your own imagination. Understanding the mechanism doesn't seem easy at first sight but that's exactly why I documented everything and wrote this tutorial with plenty of pictures and videos. What was a pain in the ass for me is going to be very easy for you. Isn't it why Internet exist? to be very easy for you. Isn't it why Internet exist?)
  • Exam questions  + (<br/> = '''Collection Of NABP Exam
    = '''Collection Of NABP Exam Questions (2k23) - Covering All Topics''' = == '''Introduction''' == Getting ready for the NABP exams can feel overwhelming for pharmacy graduates. It's a lot to study, and there's a lot of pressure to do well. In this article, we'll talk about why practicing [ '''NABP exam questions'''] is important and give you an overview of the FPGEE and NAPLEX. We'll also talk about exam dumps and how they can help you prepare. == '''The Importance of Exam Questions''' == Exam questions are really important when you're studying for a test. They help you see how much you know and understand about the subject. By practicing different types of questions, you can get used to the format of the exam, learn how to manage your time, and figure out what you need to study more before the real test. Using the Codes in NABP Exams: The FPGEE and NAPLEX are two distinct exams under the NABP. Let's briefly explain each exam and the importance of leveraging the provided codes: == '''1. FPGEE (Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination):''' == The FPGEE is designed for individuals who have obtained a pharmacy degree from a foreign country and wish to practice pharmacy in the United States or Canada. This exam evaluates one's knowledge of the scientific principles and practices of pharmacy. The exam consists of 250 multiple-choice questions that cover various topics, including pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacotherapy, and pharmacy practice management. By using the code "FPGEE" in your exam preparation, Buddy4Exam's exam dumps can specifically target the content relevant to this exam, helping you focus on the areas that will be tested. == '''2. NAPLEX (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination):''' == The NAPLEX is a prerequisite for licensure in all U.S. states and Canadian provinces. This comprehensive exam assesses the knowledge and skills necessary to practice pharmacy safely and effectively. With 250 multiple-choice questions, the NAPLEX covers a broad range of topics, including drug distribution, pharmaceutical calculations, and patient care. By employing the code "NAPLEX" while using Buddy4Exam's exam dumps, you can access a pool of questions specifically tailored to this exam. This targeted approach allows you to strengthen your weak areas and grasp a better understanding of the content covered in the NAPLEX. == '''Using Exam Dumps: Buddy4Exam''' == A lot of people use exam dumps to help them study for exams. Buddy4Exam is a platform that offers exam dumps for the NABP exams. These dumps have a bunch of questions that can help you practice and check your knowledge. [ '''Buddy4Exam exam dumps'''] cover all the topics you need to know for the FPGEE and NAPLEX. They have multiple-choice questions and questions that are like real-life scenarios. The questions are made by experts, so you know you're getting good-quality practice. == '''The Benefits of Using Exam Dumps''' == '''1. Get Used to the Exam Format:''' When you use exam dumps, you can see what the real exam will be like. This helps you feel more comfortable and prepared. '''2. Learn Time Management:''' Time management is really important during any exam. Exam dumps let you practice answering questions in a certain amount of time. This helps you figure out how to manage your time well before the real test. '''3. Find Out What You Need to Study:''' By doing lots of different questions, you can see what you don't know very well. This helps you know what topics you need to study more before the exam. '''4. Build Confidence:''' Feeling confident is a big part of doing well on a test. When you practice with exam dumps, you can feel more confident and less nervous about the exam. == '''Conclusion''' == Getting ready for the NABP exams takes a lot of hard work and studying. Using exam dumps, like the ones from Buddy4Exam, can be really helpful. They let you practice the exam format, manage your time better, figure out what you need to study more, and feel more confident. With a collection of NABP exam questions, you'll be ready to cover all the topics and have a better chance of doing well on these important exams.
    topics and have a better chance of doing well on these important exams.)
  • DIY Water Filter  + (<div class="icon-instructions idea-icon
    Simple, robust, low cost, local materials
    A three bucket filter for making almost any water safe to drink, using no to low cost materials and basic tools. Filmed and deployed at the Rhino refugee camp in northern Uganda, where we are training South Sudanese and Congolese refugees how to build their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.
    uild their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.)
  • DIY Water Filter  + (<div class="icon-instructions idea-icon
    Simple, robust, low cost, local materials
    A three bucket filter for making almost any water safe to drink, using no to low cost materials and basic tools. Filmed and deployed at the Rhino refugee camp in northern Uganda, where we are training South Sudanese and Congolese refugees how to build their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.
    uild their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.)
  • Tab2Lux  + (<u>'''Matériel :'''</u> <'''Matériel :''' Table (€) : - Pieds pour la table ([ 14€]) , quantité = 1 - Lot de tourillons ([ 1.81€]), quantité = 1 - Écrou à enfoncer ([ 1.70€]), quantité = 1 - Pin brut([ 10.70€]), quantité = 2 - huile de protection ([ 15,95€]), quantité = 1 - Roulette 50mm en option ([ 4,70€]), quantité = 4 - bouton rotatif([ 8.44€]), quantité = 1 - Verre 500x300([ 22,99€]) Partie Hydroponie (€) : - ESP32 TTGO (25€ sur Amazon) - Le bac ([ 6.99€]) - Capteur niveau eau ([ 11,45€]) , quantité = 2 - LEDs ([ 15,90€]) - Relais lumière + pompe ([ 5,99€]) - Pots (1.43€ sur Aliexpress) , quantité = 2 - Mousses (2,47€ sur Aliexpress), quantité = 1 Partie audio (162€) : - un Raspberry, une carte SD et une alimentation ([ 70€]) - un DAC ( [ 27€] en option, la sortie jack du Raspberry peut-être utilisée) - un ampli audio ([ 17€] ou [ 27€]) + une alim 12V ( à choisir en fonction de la puissance , 10-15€) - une paire de haut-parleur 170mm ([ 30€]) - une clé WIPI ([ 8€] si bug du Raspberry) - des câbles Machines - découpeuse laser - imprimante 3D - Scie plongeante - Défonceuse - Scie radiale - Scie sauteuse - Perceuse/visseuse Autres outils - fer à souder - Pistolet à colle - pince coupante - pince à dénuder - pied à coulisse - colle à bois - Serre joint Logiciels - Inkscape (conception 2D) - Cura (trancheur pour impression 3D) - Arduino (programmation de la carte Arduino) - Bloc note :) - pince à dénuder - pied à coulisse - colle à bois - Serre joint <u>Logiciels</u> - Inkscape (conception 2D) - Cura (trancheur pour impression 3D) - Arduino (programmation de la carte Arduino) - Bloc note :))
  • Are you prepared to start your path toward certification as a Google Cloud Digital Leader  + (= '''Are you prepared to start your path t= '''Are you prepared to start your path toward certification as a Google Cloud Digital Leader?''' = Organizations are always looking for methods to remain ahead of the curve, improve operational efficiency, and spur innovation in the ever changing digital world of today. In this process, Google Cloud has become a key actor by providing a range of robust goods and services that are designed to satisfy the various requirements of contemporary businesses. Those who want to take use of Google Cloud's revolutionary capabilities can set out on a certification path to become certified Cloud Digital Leaders. '''Understanding the Role of a Cloud Digital Leader''' A Cloud Digital Leader is a resource of information and experience who is skilled at explaining the features of Google Cloud's main goods and services. This entails having a thorough grasp of how these services convert into real advantages for businesses in a range of sectors. Cloud Digital Leaders are able to bring about significant change in their businesses via the use of data insights, process optimization, and improved security measures. '''The Path to Certification''' The Cloud Digital Leader certification is intended for those who are keen to demonstrate their mastery of the principles of cloud computing and their capacity to leverage Google Cloud products. The certification test assesses applicants in a number of important areas, such as: '''Digital Transformation:''' Acknowledging how Google Cloud can spur digital transformation efforts, enabling businesses to adjust and prosper in the fast-paced commercial world of today. '''Data Transformation:''' Analyzing how Google Cloud's advanced analytics, machine learning, and data management technologies enable companies to harness the full power of their data. '''Artificial Intelligence:''' Examining the field of artificial intelligence, candidates discover how Google Cloud's AI capabilities may spur creativity, mechanize workflows, and provide fresh chances for expansion. '''Infrastructure Modernization:''' Gaining knowledge about serverless computing, microservices architecture, containerization, and other modernizing concepts for applications and infrastructure using Google Cloud. '''Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam Preparation and Training Resources''' Preparing for the Cloud Digital Leader exam involves a structured approach that combines comprehensive training with hands-on experience. Google Cloud offers a dedicated learning path tailored to the exam's requirements, providing access to [ '''online training modules and resources''']'''.''' Additionally, think about making use of Study4Exams [ '''Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam Questions PDF'''], which covers every topic covered in the real exam. These resources are priceless for improving comprehension and test-taking preparedness. '''Renewing Certifications''' Those who get their Cloud Digital Leader certification join a forward-thinking professional community prepared to drive innovation and transformation inside their organizations. It's important to bear in mind that you have to renew your certification every three years to maintain your position as a Cloud Digital Leader. This means retaking the test and passing it in order to ensure that certified professionals keep up to date with Google Cloud technology. '''In summary''' The path to becoming a Cloud Digital Leader is fulfilling and transformational. People may become valuable assets in their businesses and promote innovation, success, and sustainable growth in the digital age by learning and mastering the skills necessary to use Google Cloud.y learning and mastering the skills necessary to use Google Cloud.)
  • Data-Engineer-Associate Exam Questions - Complete Your Data Engineer Associate Certification In Single Effort  + (= '''Data-Engineer-Associate Exam Question= '''Data-Engineer-Associate Exam Questions Easy Tools For It Professionals''' = Obtain a selection of finest Data-Engineer-Associate exam dumps sources that will assist you prepare for the AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) certification exam with out any needs. Terrific effort to pass your AWS Certified Associate exam utilizing the most effective and most safe Data-Engineer-Associate dumps pdf study guide. It really is significant to read the '''[ Data-Engineer-Associate pdf questions]''' and get more information. It's going to assist you prepare your exam differently; these true Amazon Data-Engineer-Associate braindumps will increase your exam preparation skills. Get a Data-Engineer-Associate pdf dumps with the CertsPreparation and prepare with all of the straightforward AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) exam preparation tactics that will enable you to get the top test benefits. With the assistance with the Data-Engineer-Associate pdf questions, you may have the ability to immediately sharpen your comprehension and strengthen your AWS Certified Associate exam preparation abilities. == '''Knowing The Data-Engineer-Associate Dumps Before Certification Exam''' == The Data-Engineer-Associate exam dumps of CertsPreparation, which involves the questions and process categories for each and every element, to familiarize oneself with all the AWS Certified Associate exam format. It truly is also crucial to be acquainted with the Data-Engineer-Associate dumps pdf study material for productive preparation of exam. CertsPreparation provides Data-Engineer-Associate pdf dumps to make sure that candidates for the exam must understand how the AWS Certified Associate exam is going to be processed. We do that so that you can make candidates know Data-Engineer-Associate pdf questions in order that they don't shed a single mark on AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) exam. == '''Very easily Full Your Exam Preparation By Amazon Data-Engineer-Associate Exam Dumps''' == Every person desires to know what kinds of questions might be asked within the AWS Certified Associate exam so CertsPreparation supplies a comprehensive package about Data-Engineer-Associate dump pdf and online test engine so you can simply practice for the certification exam. Undertaking so prepares the candidate for the AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) exam. CertsPreparation delivers Amazon Data-Engineer-Associate exam dumps for AWS Certified Associate exam prep so that those we want can get high marks inside the race with other folks. Preparing with Data-Engineer-Associate pdf dumps can assist you feel extra comfy using the AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) exam format. To help you in preparing for the Data Engineer Associate exam questions, we have supplied you with Amazon Data-Engineer-Associate sample questions. This can offer you some insight into what you can count on in the Data-Engineer-Associate certification exam questions. '''Visit Now:''' == '''Data Engineer Associate Questions PDF= '''Data Engineer Associate Questions PDF)
  • Tree planting (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (= Acknowledgements = Trees are so importan= Acknowledgements = Trees are so important for so many reasons. They play an active role in the water cycle, in protecting and building soils, in hosting and enhancing biodiversity, in sequestering carbon, in providing biomass and so much more. The impacts of deforestation are well-documented: erosion, soil salination, soil acidification, desertification… which lead to water scarcity, famine, conflicts, migrations… Even though most of the permanent cultures and tribes revered trees as brothers and sisters “modernity” and “progress” encouraged and keeps on supporting forest clearing (facts not debated here). = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Plant trees to: *Rejuvenate soils, *Harvest water, *Develop life-friendly microclimates, *Allow agroforestry and increase yields, *Enhance biodiversity, *Etc.rease yields, *Enhance biodiversity, *Etc.)
  • Tree planting (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (= Acknowledgements = Trees are so importan= Acknowledgements = Trees are so important for so many reasons. They play an active role in the water cycle, in protecting and building soils, in hosting and enhancing biodiversity, in sequestering carbon, in providing biomass and so much more. The impacts of deforestation are well-documented: erosion, soil salination, soil acidification, desertification… which lead to water scarcity, famine, conflicts, migrations… Even though most of the permanent cultures and tribes revered trees as brothers and sisters “modernity” and “progress” encouraged and keeps on supporting forest clearing (facts not debated here). = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Plant trees to: *Rejuvenate soils, *Harvest water, *Develop life-friendly microclimates, *Allow agroforestry and increase yields, *Enhance biodiversity, *Etc.rease yields, *Enhance biodiversity, *Etc.)
  • How to create a 3D sculpture  + (= Activity Plan = * The tutor shows a 3D m= Activity Plan = * The tutor shows a 3D model previously printed or shows it on a screen using a 3D visualizer. [The use of static screenshots images or paper prints is not recommended, as this way of visualizing give no perception of the physical model.] * Lasercut pieces are scattered on a table. The pieces are etched with a number, but the solution it’s not sequential! The tutor will be provided of the final solution sequence of random numbers.wi * Set the vertical dowel with the first layer from the bottom * Ask the participants to build the object === Hints to solve the puzzle: === As the tutor is provided with the solution of the sliced puzzle, he should place the first pieces in order to encourage and give a clue to kids. The numbers and symbols engraved on the pieces should always face up. Parts of similar dimensions will go together. As the slices are regular, there won’t be large differences from one slice to the next one. Kids have to look with attention to 3d model and understand when the model goes from large to narrow and the opposite. A suggestion is to start from easy, recognizable parts and then connect the parts together with the remaining slices. Just like is common to solve a jigsaw puzzle, when you start from the corners and/or from a clear area of the image.ers and/or from a clear area of the image.)
  • How to create a 3D sculpture  + (= Activity Plan = * The tutor shows a 3D m= Activity Plan = * The tutor shows a 3D model previously printed or shows it on a screen using a 3D visualizer. [The use of static screenshots images or paper prints is not recommended, as this way of visualizing give no perception of the physical model.] * Lasercut pieces are scattered on a table. The pieces are etched with a number, but the solution it’s not sequential! The tutor will be provided of the final solution sequence of random numbers.wi * Set the vertical dowel with the first layer from the bottom * Ask the participants to build the object === Hints to solve the puzzle: === As the tutor is provided with the solution of the sliced puzzle, he should place the first pieces in order to encourage and give a clue to kids. The numbers and symbols engraved on the pieces should always face up. Parts of similar dimensions will go together. As the slices are regular, there won’t be large differences from one slice to the next one. Kids have to look with attention to 3d model and understand when the model goes from large to narrow and the opposite. A suggestion is to start from easy, recognizable parts and then connect the parts together with the remaining slices. Just like is common to solve a jigsaw puzzle, when you start from the corners and/or from a clear area of the image.ers and/or from a clear area of the image.)
  • Rank your Website with Top SEO Service Company in Dubai  + (= Grow Your Online Presence = How SEO Serv= Grow Your Online Presence = How SEO Service Agency can Transformed your Business in Dubai? Jeem Marketing Management Dubai UAE presents top [ '''SEO Services in Dubai''']. Because whether you have online business or an e-commerce store you have to get specialized SEO Experts Service in Dubai due to high fluctuating Market of UAE. For this reason, we deliver a wide array of SEO packages that help bring your website to the peak of search engine rankings and increase organic traffic and revenue. == Discovering the Power of SEO Service in Dubai == Today you have hundreds and thousands of competitive businesses in Jeem Marketing Management Dubai, UAE, for delivering your SEO needs. If you are in the process of looking for an SEO Service Company in Dubai, an SEO Service Agency in Dubai, or professional SEO Experts in Dubai, we’ve got you covered because our team will ensure that your website ranks high. We boast of highly skilled Dubai based SEO specialists with an extensive understanding of the SEO market, providing tailored services for your enterprise. '''Customized SEO Strategies''' At Jeem Marketing Management, we understand that every business is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO. That's why we take the time to understand our clients' goals, target audience, and industry dynamics before crafting a customized SEO strategy. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, our team of SEO experts in Dubai is committed to delivering results that drive organic traffic, improve search engine rankings, and ultimately boost your bottom line.We are a professional SEO agency in Dubai and the following are our contact details. It is important about searching for contact details and SEO Agency. What we know is that we cannot risk miscommunication, hence the implementation of effective channels of communication. Please do not hesitate to contact Jeem Marketing Management, Dubai – UAE. If you have a particular need or just general questions that you would like to ask, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    == Transparent Pricing == For many website owners in Dubai, knowledge on SEO pricing remains covered or not very clear. In other words, it is important that anyone who wants to grip SEO Price in Dubai must know all of these elements. As Jeem Marketing Management Dubai, UAE, operating in the international market, the company recognizes the importance of stating clearly its corporate goals and principles. Whether you have a small business or large unlimited budget, we provide cheap and effective SEO services. === '''Contact Us Today''' === Growth is a beautiful concept to embrace in business, and with Jeem Marketing Management in Dubai, UAE, you can now begin this process. Do not underestimate SEO, it can work wonders for your website. Call to Jeem Marketing Management Dubai, UAE right now and start unlocking the power of our [ SEO specialists in Dubai] to help you reach the success that is within your grasp.
    you reach the success that is within your grasp.)
  • The Green Revolution: How Sustainable HVAC Practices Are Shaping the Future  + (= The Green Revolution: How Sustainable HV= The Green Revolution: How Sustainable HVAC Practices Are Shaping the Future = In today's world, the call for sustainability echoes louder than ever before. As industries seek to reduce their environmental footprint, the field of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) emerges as a crucial player in this global quest for sustainability. With buildings accounting for a significant portion of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable HVAC practices have become instrumental in shaping a greener future. This article explores the innovative approaches and technologies driving this green revolution in HVAC, paving the way for a more sustainable built environment. == The Environmental Imperative == Before delving into the advancements in sustainable HVAC practices, it's essential to understand the environmental imperative driving this shift. Traditional HVAC systems, reliant on fossil fuels and refrigerants with high Global Warming Potential (GWP), contribute significantly to carbon emissions and exacerbate climate change. Moreover, inefficient HVAC systems strain energy resources and escalate operational costs for building owners and occupants alike.
    == The Rise of Sustainable HVAC Technologies == In response to these challenges, the HVAC industry has undergone a transformative evolution towards sustainability. One of the key drivers of this transformation is the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. High-efficiency [ air source heat pumps], for instance, leverage renewable energy sources such as air, water, or geothermal heat to provide heating and cooling, significantly reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Another notable advancement is the proliferation of smart HVAC systems equipped with sophisticated controls and sensors. These systems optimize energy usage by adjusting temperature and airflow based on occupancy patterns, outdoor conditions, and internal load requirements. By leveraging real-time data and predictive algorithms, smart HVAC systems enhance comfort while minimizing energy waste. In response to these challenges, the HVAC industry has undergone a transformative evolution towards sustainability. One of the key drivers of this transformation is the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. High-efficiency heat pumps, for instance, such as the Zealux heat pump, exemplify this trend by leveraging renewable energy sources such as air, water, or geothermal heat to provide heating and cooling. With its commitment to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, the Zealux [ heat pump supplier] embodies the ethos of Zealux - 365 Days Green Home, a slogan that encapsulates a holistic approach to sustainable living. By integrating innovative HVAC technologies like the Zealux heat pump, buildings can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and minimize their environmental footprint, paving the way for a greener future.
    == Harnessing Renewable Energy Sources == In addition to energy-efficient technologies, sustainable HVAC practices increasingly embrace renewable energy sources to power heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. Solar thermal systems, for example, utilize sunlight to heat water or air for space heating or domestic hot water, offering a renewable alternative to traditional heating methods. Furthermore, the integration of photovoltaic (PV) panels into HVAC systems enables buildings to generate electricity on-site, offsetting energy consumption and reducing reliance on the grid. Through innovative design and engineering, buildings can become net-zero or even net-positive energy contributors, demonstrating the potential for sustainable HVAC practices to drive significant environmental impact.
    == Rethinking Building Design and Operation == Beyond technological innovations, sustainable HVAC practices necessitate a holistic approach to building design and operation. Passive design strategies, such as natural ventilation, daylighting, and thermal mass, work in tandem with HVAC systems to minimize energy demand and enhance indoor comfort. Moreover, building automation and commissioning play a vital role in optimizing HVAC performance over the building's lifecycle. Continuous monitoring, proactive maintenance, and retro-commissioning ensure that HVAC systems operate at peak efficiency, mitigating energy waste and prolonging equipment lifespan.
    == The Role of Policy and Regulation == While technological advancements and industry initiatives drive the adoption of sustainable HVAC practices, policy and regulation also play a crucial role in accelerating this transition. Building codes and standards increasingly prioritize energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and environmental sustainability, setting the benchmark for HVAC system design and performance. Furthermore, incentives and rebates incentivize building owners to invest in energy-efficient HVAC upgrades and renewable energy systems, making sustainable solutions more accessible and cost-effective. By aligning economic incentives with environmental objectives, policymakers can catalyze the widespread adoption of sustainable HVAC practices across diverse sectors. [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] == The Path Forward == As the urgency of climate action intensifies, the momentum behind sustainable HVAC practices continues to build. From innovative technologies to holistic design approaches, the HVAC industry is at the forefront of shaping a greener, more sustainable future for the built environment. However, realizing this vision requires collective action and collaboration among stakeholders, including policymakers, industry professionals, building owners, and occupants. By embracing sustainable HVAC practices, we not only mitigate climate change and reduce environmental impact but also create healthier, more comfortable indoor environments for generations to come.
    == Embracing Circular Economy Principles == In the pursuit of sustainability, the HVAC industry is increasingly embracing circular economy principles to minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency. Through strategies such as refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling, end-of-life HVAC equipment can be repurposed or regenerated, reducing the demand for raw materials and mitigating environmental impact. Furthermore, the concept of product stewardship encourages manufacturers to take responsibility for the entire lifecycle of their products, from design and production to end-of-life management. By designing HVAC equipment for durability, modularity, and ease of disassembly, manufacturers can facilitate the reuse and recycling of components, closing the loop on resource consumption and waste generation.
    == Building Resilience through Climate-Responsive Design == As the impacts of climate change become increasingly pronounced, building resilience is emerging as a critical consideration in HVAC design and operation. Climate-responsive design strategies aim to future-proof buildings against extreme weather events, temperature fluctuations, and shifting environmental conditions. For example, passive survivability measures ensure that buildings remain habitable during power outages or natural disasters, leveraging passive heating and cooling techniques to maintain indoor comfort without relying on active HVAC systems. Additionally, resilient HVAC infrastructure, such as decentralized energy systems and microgrids, enhances the reliability and redundancy of critical building systems, safeguarding occupants and assets in the face of adversity.
    == Fostering a Culture of Sustainability == Ultimately, the adoption of sustainable HVAC practices requires a cultural shift within the industry and among building stakeholders. Education and awareness-building initiatives play a crucial role in fostering a culture of sustainability, empowering professionals to make informed decisions and implement best practices. Training programs, certifications, and professional development opportunities equip HVAC technicians, engineers, and designers with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate sustainability into their work. Moreover, collaboration platforms and industry networks facilitate knowledge sharing, innovation, and collective action, driving continuous improvement and evolution towards more sustainable practices. By nurturing a culture of sustainability within the HVAC industry and among building occupants, we can cultivate a shared commitment to environmental stewardship and create a ripple effect of positive change across the built environment. Conclusion In conclusion, sustainable HVAC practices are not only reshaping the future of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning but also contributing to broader efforts to mitigate climate change, enhance resilience, and foster a culture of sustainability. From technological innovations to circular economy principles, climate-responsive design, and education initiatives, the green revolution in HVAC encompasses a multifaceted approach to building a greener, more sustainable world. As we continue to confront the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, the imperative to embrace sustainable HVAC practices grows ever more pressing. By leveraging innovation, collaboration, and collective action, we can harness the power of HVAC systems, including heat pumps, and [ heat pump manufacturers] like Zealux, to create buildings that are not only energy-efficient and environmentally friendly but also resilient, healthy, and comfortable for all who inhabit them. Together, let us embark on this journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future. tag: [ above ground pool heat pump] , [ electric heat pool pump] , [ heat pump companies]
    at-pump/ electric heat pool pump] , [ heat pump companies] <br/>)
  • Why Sleep Matters in Every Season: Tips for Quality Rest Throughout the Year  + (= Why Sleep Matters in Every Season: Tips = Why Sleep Matters in Every Season: Tips for Quality Rest Throughout the Year = In our fast-paced, modern world, it's easy to underestimate the importance of sleep. Yet, sleep remains a cornerstone of our health and well-being, affecting everything from our physical health to our cognitive function and emotional resilience. And while the changing seasons may bring shifts in temperature, daylight, and daily routines, one thing remains constant: the need for quality rest. As we navigate the ebb and flow of the year, it's essential to prioritize our sleep health in every season. From the warmth of summer nights to the chill of winter evenings, here are some tips to help you achieve and maintain quality rest throughout the year. == Understand Your Circadian Rhythm == Our bodies operate on a natural sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm. This internal clock regulates our sleep patterns, aligning them with the rising and setting of the sun. Understanding your circadian rhythm can help you optimize your sleep schedule in every season. During the summer months, when daylight lingers well into the evening, it's tempting to stay up later and wake up earlier. However, disrupting your natural sleep-wake cycle can lead to sleep deprivation and fatigue. Instead, aim to maintain a consistent sleep schedule year-round, going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends.
    == Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment == The environment in which you sleep plays a crucial role in the quality of your rest. In the summer, when temperatures soar, keeping your bedroom cool can promote better sleep. Consider using a fan, air conditioner, or air source heat pumps to maintain a comfortable temperature, and opt for lightweight, breathable bedding to prevent overheating. In contrast, as the temperatures drop in the winter, it's essential to keep your bedroom warm and cozy. Invest in warm, insulating bedding, such as flannel sheets and a down comforter, and consider using a space heater or an air source heat pump from trusted [ heat pump manufacturers] to maintain a comfortable temperature.
    == Practice Relaxation Techniques == Stress and anxiety can disrupt sleep in any season, so it's essential to incorporate relaxation techniques into your bedtime routine. Whether it's deep breathing exercises, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation, finding ways to unwind before bed can help prepare your body and mind for sleep. In the summer, when the days are longer and more active, it can be particularly challenging to wind down at night. Try to limit exposure to screens and stimulating activities in the hours leading up to bedtime, opting instead for calming activities such as reading or listening to soothing music. Similarly, in the winter, when the days are shorter and darkness falls earlier, it's essential to prioritize self-care and relaxation. Take time each evening to engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief, such as taking a warm bath or practicing gentle yoga. [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] == Pay Attention to Light Exposure == Light plays a crucial role in regulating our circadian rhythm, signaling to our bodies when it's time to wake up and when it's time to sleep. In the summer, natural light exposure increases, which can make it more challenging to fall asleep at night. To mitigate the effects of increased light exposure in the summer, consider using blackout curtains or blinds to block out excess light in your bedroom. Additionally, limit exposure to screens, such as smartphones and tablets, in the hours leading up to bedtime, as the blue light emitted by these devices can interfere with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. In the winter, when daylight is scarce, it's essential to maximize exposure to natural light during the day to help regulate your circadian rhythm. Spend time outdoors during daylight hours, and consider using a light therapy lamp or dawn simulator to simulate natural sunlight in the morning, helping to wake you up gently and naturally.
    == Prioritize Consistency and Routine == Consistency is key when it comes to quality sleep, regardless of the season. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule and bedtime routine can help signal to your body when it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Incorporate relaxing activities into your bedtime routine, such as reading or taking a warm bath, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. By maintaining a consistent sleep schedule year-round, you can help regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep quality. == Nutrition and Hydration: Fueling Your Sleep == In every season, paying attention to nutrition and hydration can significantly impact sleep quality. During summer, staying hydrated is vital, especially in hot climates, to prevent dehydration which can disrupt sleep. Opt for lighter, well-balanced meals in the evening and avoid heavy, rich foods that may cause discomfort. Incorporate sleep-promoting foods like nuts, seeds, and dairy into your diet to support restful sleep. In winter, dehydration can still occur due to dry indoor air and heating systems, so it's important to stay hydrated. Warm beverages like herbal tea can be soothing before bed. Choose nourishing meals that won't disrupt sleep, and be mindful of caffeine and alcohol intake. Enjoy a light snack before bed, such as whole-grain crackers with peanut butter, to help stabilize blood sugar levels and promote restful sleep.
    == Mindful Sleep Practices: Cultivating Awareness and Gratitude == Incorporating mindful sleep practices into your bedtime routine can foster awareness, gratitude, and connection. Take time each evening to reflect on the day's events and express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Mindfulness meditation can calm the mind and reduce anxiety, promoting relaxation before sleep. Spend time outdoors in summer, connecting with nature, to reduce stress and enhance well-being. Embrace the quiet stillness of winter by enjoying simple pleasures like cozying up by the fireplace, fostering inner peace and contentment before bed. Conclusion Quality sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being, and it's important to prioritize our sleep health in every season. By understanding our circadian rhythm, creating a sleep-friendly environment, practicing relaxation techniques, paying attention to light exposure, and prioritizing consistency and routine, we can achieve and maintain quality rest throughout the year. As the seasons change and life continues to unfold, let us not forget the importance of sleep in nurturing our bodies, minds, and spirits. By embracing these tips and making sleep a priority, we can enjoy the benefits of restful nights and wake up each day feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead. When considering options to maintain a comfortable sleep environment, consulting a [ heat pump supplier] for solutions such as an energy-efficient heat pump can be particularly beneficial. These systems can efficiently regulate indoor temperatures year-round, ensuring optimal sleeping conditions regardless of external weather fluctuations. Introducing ZEALUX® [ air source heat pumps] with INVERBOOST® technology, these innovative systems have been at the forefront of the industry since 2013. Their advanced technology not only ensures optimal heating and cooling performance but also contributes significantly to environmental sustainability. By harnessing the power of ZEALUX® heat pumps, individuals can enjoy a comfortable sleep environment year-round while simultaneously reducing energy consumption and minimizing their carbon footprint. Moreover, ZEALUX® heat pumps come with the assurance of a 7-year warranty, providing peace of mind and guaranteeing reliability for years to come. As we delve into the importance of quality sleep in every season, integrating energy-efficient solutions like ZEALUX® heat pumps aligns perfectly with our commitment to prioritizing sleep health while also promoting environmental stewardship. tag: [ ashp heating] , [ swimming pool supplier europe] , [ heat pump company] ,pompe a chaleur paris, fabricant pompe à chaleur français, pompe à chaleur fabrication française, installateur pompe a chaleur paris, pompe a chaleur air eau paris, chauffe piscine france, branchement thermopompe piscine, installation chauffe eau piscine
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  • CCSK Certification  + (== '''About CCSK Certification:''' == '''C== '''About CCSK Certification:''' == '''Certified Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)''' is a generally recognized expertise standard that was launched in 2010 by the '''Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)'''. The CCSK is the industry-leading standard for measuring cloud security skills. Recently, the CCSK has been proposed as the most valuable IT certification. CSA provides the best possible guidance to its members and the information security community at large. It is intended to demonstrate the changing landscape of cloud computing security. This course includes the latest version of CCSK i.e. 4.0. This course will introduce participants to different modules compared to cloud security and knowledge security from a governmental, legal, and compliance perspective. Associates will learn the technical details of implementing security. This CCSK course will also make it easier for participants to prepare for the [ '''CCSK certification exam''']. == '''About the Cloud Security Alliance:''' == Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is the main worldwide association focused on recognizing and bringing issues to light of best practices to guarantee a protected distributed computing climate. CSA provides the subject matter expertise of industry professionals, associations, governments, and their corporate and individual members to enable research, education, certifications, events, and specific cloud security products. CSA's activities, knowledge, and exceptional network benefit the entire cloud affected community, from vendors and customers to governments, business, and the insurance industry, and provide a forum in which multiple people can work together to create and maintain a committed cloud environment. == '''How is the CCSK certification different from other IT certifications?''' == CCSK is one of the few certifications that focus specifically on cloud security. Many other IT degrees take a general approach to security topics or have a deep level of position in another area in the field of information security, digital forensics, reverse engineering, etc. Instead, the CCSK is designed to assess knowledge of applying cloud security tools, techniques, and methods to cloud computing. Due attention is given to drawing attention to the points where cloud computing needs a different form of security. CCSK isn't the only cloud-focused certification available. Cloud service providers and other certification organizations have developed many other certifications to assess candidates' knowledge of cloud computing concepts and technology. However, CCSK focus on cloud security helps set it apart from these other certifications. == '''Should I take a CCSK exam?''' == The CCSK is designed to allow cloud security professionals to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in this specific area. Roughly speaking, the test content focuses on cloud computing, theory, and the tools and techniques required to successfully secure it. The CCSK exam experience requirements mean that it is not an excellent option for those just out of college looking to major in cloud computing. The five-year IT terms show that the test is intended for intermediate-level security professionals, not beginners. On the other hand, if you need to get into the realm of cloud security, this test might be for you. If you have the experience except for a cloud security background, consider looking for [ Certified Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)]. This allows you to let go of the need to try CCSK cloud security and use certification to make it easier for you to get a job in the field. Hence, we see that everyone new to Cloud Security can choose CCSK, and for all IT professionals who are already working in the field, CCSK is a golden opportunity. You could do much worse than focus on cloud security as your primary direction of career development and enhancement. Willingness to leap mainly depends on meeting reasonable expectations that cloud computing should be safe and secure. Providing the expertise and knowledge to meet those expectations cannot fail to be a great hook on which to suspend the future of IT. === '''Conclusion''' === Having a CSA certification is not a guarantee of employment or job security, but companies prefer certified knowledge that resources possess when they join their company. Seller neutral testimonials tend to make sense because they open up a more inclusive market rather than specific seller markets. But this depends on your condition. People with less experience should start with the basic certification and obtain other, more advanced, and specific degrees. Eligible candidates can seek specialization as their expertise can help them add more value to cloud security.elp them add more value to cloud security.)
  • How To Get a Birth Certificate NADRA-Pakistan  + (== '''Birth Certificate NADRA: A Comprehen== '''Birth Certificate NADRA: A Comprehensive Guide''' == ==== '''Birth Certificate NADRA:''' ==== A birth certificate is a vital document that serves as an official record of a person's birth. In Pakistan, the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) is responsible for issuing birth certificates. This document is essential for various legal and administrative purposes, including school admissions, passport applications, and more. Obtaining a [ '''Birth Certificate in Nadra-Pakistan'''] is crucial for establishing legal identity and eligibility for various services and benefits. ==== '''Birth Certificate Form:''' ==== To obtain a birth certificate, you need to fill out a specific form provided by NADRA. The birth certificate form requires detailed information about the newborn, including the name, date of birth, place of birth, and parent’s details. It's important to ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete to avoid any delays in processing. === '''Birth Certificate in Pakistan:''' === The process of obtaining a birth certificate in Pakistan involves several steps. Initially, the birth must be registered with the local Union Council. This registration is crucial as it forms the basis for the issuance of the birth certificate by NADRA. Parents or guardians must submit the completed birth certificate form along with supporting documents, such as the parents' CNICs (Computerized National Identity Cards) and proof of birth. == '''Birth Certificate Online:''' == For added convenience, NADRA offers an online service for obtaining birth certificates. This service allows parents to apply for their child's birth certificate from the comfort of their home. The online process involves filling out the birth certificate form on NADRA's official website, uploading the required documents, and making the necessary payment. Once the application is submitted, NADRA processes the request, and the birth certificate is delivered to the applicant's address. === '''Apostille in Pakistan:''' === For individuals who require their birth certificate to be used internationally, obtaining an [ '''apostille in pakistan'''] may be necessary. An apostille is a certification that verifies the authenticity of a document for use in countries that are parties to the Hague Convention. In Pakistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for issuing apostilles for documents, including birth certificates, to be used abroad. === '''Birth Certificate Union Council:''' === The initial step in obtaining a birth certificate involves registering the birth at the local Union Council. The Union Council plays a critical role in verifying the birth details and issuing a preliminary registration document. This document is then used to apply for the official birth certificate from NADRA. It is important to visit the Union Council in the area where the birth took place to complete this registration. === '''Court Marriage in Pakistan:''' === In addition to birth certificates, legal documentation is also crucial for marriages in Pakistan. Court marriage in Pakistan is a legal option for couples who wish to marry without the traditional ceremonies. This process is straightforward and involves appearing before a magistrate with the necessary documents and witnesses. Like birth certificates, court marriage ensures that the union is legally recognized and recorded. === '''Conclusion:''' === Obtaining a birth certificate in Pakistan is a crucial process that involves multiple steps, from initial registration at the Union Council to the final issuance by NADRA. Whether applying online or in person, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the birth certificate form is essential. Legal experts and resources are available to assist in navigating this process smoothly. For couples looking to formalize their union, court marriage in Pakistan is a convenient and legally recognized option. Both processes culminate in the issuance of important legal documents, such as the [ '''Marriage Certificate in Pakistan'''], which are essential for various legal and administrative purposes.various legal and administrative purposes.)
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