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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Step Content » avec la valeur « Reinforce the cable ties to ensure that these are well done and to also ensure that you have a strong dish. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 101 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

  • ZipStich Chair with plywood pieces and zip ties  + (Measure and mark the plywood with a pencil.)
  • ZipStich Chair with plywood pieces and zip ties  + (Measure and mark the plywood with a pencil.)
  • Communication Dish  + (Measure and sketch the correct measurements required to make the dish on the plywood.(The measurement should be precisely done as this affects how the dish will turn out))
  • Crypto Mining with ESP32  + (Money is one of the most important inventiMoney is one of the most important inventions in human history. It is a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account. Money enables trade, commerce, and economic growth. However, money also has its limitations and challenges. For example, money can be counterfeited, stolen, or inflated. To overcome these problems, some people have invented a new form of money: cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency that uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, meaning that it is not controlled by any central authority or government. Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger called a blockchain, which ensures transparency and immutability. Some examples of cryptocurrencies are: * '''Bitcoin''': The first and most popular cryptocurrency, created in 2009 by an anonymous person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin has a limited supply of 21 million coins and uses a proof-of-work algorithm to validate transactions and create new blocks. * '''Ethereum''': A platform that allows developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts using its native cryptocurrency, ether. Ethereum uses a proof-of-stake algorithm to secure its network and enable faster transactions. Cryptocurrencies have many advantages over traditional money. They are: * '''Secure''': Cryptocurrencies use cryptography to protect transactions from fraud and hacking. Cryptocurrencies also have no single point of failure, as they are distributed across many nodes on the network. * '''Transparent''': Cryptocurrencies allow anyone to view the history and details of every transaction on the blockchain. Cryptocurrencies also have no hidden fees or charges, as they are based on peer-to-peer transactions. * '''Inclusive''': Cryptocurrencies enable anyone with an internet connection and a digital wallet to access the global financial system. Cryptocurrencies also have no barriers to entry or discrimination, as they are open to anyone regardless of their identity or location. * '''Innovative''': Cryptocurrencies foster innovation and creativity, as they allow developers to create new applications and services using blockchain technology. Cryptocurrencies also have the potential to disrupt various industries and sectors, such as banking, e-commerce, healthcare, education, and more. Cryptocurrencies are not without challenges and risks, however. They are: * '''Volatile''': Cryptocurrencies are subject to high price fluctuations due to supply and demand dynamics, market sentiment, regulatory uncertainty, and technical issues. Cryptocurrencies can also be affected by external factors, such as geopolitical events, cyberattacks, media coverage, and public opinion. * '''Complex''': Cryptocurrencies require a steep learning curve for users to understand how they work and how to use them safely and effectively. Cryptocurrencies also involve technical jargon and concepts that may be confusing or intimidating for beginners. * '''Unregulated''': Cryptocurrencies operate in a legal gray area, as they are not recognized or regulated by most governments and authorities. Cryptocurrencies may face legal restrictions or bans in some areas, which may limit their adoption and usage. Cryptocurrencies may also pose ethical and social issues, such as tax evasion, money laundering, terrorism financing, and environmental impact. Cryptocurrency is a new era of money that offers many opportunities and challenges for the future. Cryptocurrency is not just a technology or a currency; it is a social phenomenon that reflects the values and aspirations of its users. Cryptocurrency is not perfect or flawless; it is an experiment that evolves and improves over time. Cryptocurrency is not for everyone or everything; it is a choice that depends on one’s preferences and depends on one’s preferences and needs.)
  • Installer une porte de garage sectionnelle  + (Nous allons commencer par couper le joint d’étanchéité. Mesurez la hauteur de l’ouverture et ajoutez-y 25 mm. Reportez cette mesure sur le joint et coupez-le.)
  • Prothèse de main commandée par des capteurs musculaires  + (Assembler ensuite les composants comme indiqué sur les photos. Serrer l'ensemble avec les vis.)
  • Prothèse de main commandée par des capteurs musculaires  + (Assembler ensuite les composants comme indiqué sur les photos. Serrer l'ensemble avec les vis.)
  • Système de recharge pour véhicule électrique  + (Nous ouvrons donc le boitier étanche 12 poNous ouvrons donc le boitier étanche 12 positions et nous récupérons le rail din afin d'aligner les différents modules. En premier le bornier din pour les phases Ensuite l'interrupteur différentiel 40A 30ma puis le disjoncteur 32A ces 2 modules seront reliés par 2 chutes de peigne électrique Il est également possible d'acheter un seul module qui ferait disjoncteur différentiel mais cela revient beaucoup plus cher. Il est possible d'ajouter un module optionnel de comptage de puissance mais cela n'est pas obligatoire. Le module suivant sera donc le contacteur de puissance à bobine 40a Puis le module EVSE qui dialogue avec le véhicule pour déterminer l'activation du chargement. Et enfin le bornier din pour relier les le bornier din pour relier les neutres.)
  • Système de recharge pour véhicule électrique  + (Nous ouvrons donc le boitier étanche 12 poNous ouvrons donc le boitier étanche 12 positions et nous récupérons le rail din afin d'aligner les différents modules. En premier le bornier din pour les phases Ensuite l'interrupteur différentiel 40A 30ma puis le disjoncteur 32A ces 2 modules seront reliés par 2 chutes de peigne électrique Il est également possible d'acheter un seul module qui ferait disjoncteur différentiel mais cela revient beaucoup plus cher. Il est possible d'ajouter un module optionnel de comptage de puissance mais cela n'est pas obligatoire. Le module suivant sera donc le contacteur de puissance à bobine 40a Puis le module EVSE qui dialogue avec le véhicule pour déterminer l'activation du chargement. Et enfin le bornier din pour relier les le bornier din pour relier les neutres.)
  • Installing a Metal Roof to your Chicken Coop  + (One of the hardest parts of adding a roof One of the hardest parts of adding a roof to your chicken coops is to get the right list of materials you'll need. To work out the exact length each section, get the measurement from the top edge of the coop roof down to the bottom edge of the roofing timber. to the bottom edge of the roofing timber.)
  • Installing a Metal Roof to your Chicken Coop  + (One of the hardest parts of adding a roof One of the hardest parts of adding a roof to your chicken coops is to get the right list of materials you'll need. To work out the exact length each section, get the measurement from the top edge of the coop roof down to the bottom edge of the roofing timber. to the bottom edge of the roofing timber.)
  • How to Put Music on MP3 Player from Spotify  + (Open AudFree [ AudFree [ Spotify Music Converter] and the Spotify app will load automatically. Find Spotify songs that you want to put on MP3 player. Then, drag them to AudFree's main interface. Or, you can copy the track link and paste it in the search bar. Next, click "+" icon.t in the search bar. Next, click "+" icon.)
  • Ventilateur USB  + (Faire passer le moteur dans le creux laissFaire passer le moteur dans le creux laissé par l'assemblage précédent. Enfiler le moteur par l'arrière, connexions en métal placées vers le haut. Pousser en tenant les trois profilés empilés et en poussant sur la pièce en plastique noir.
    ATTENTION : La pièce en queue d'oiseau est fragile. En la tenant pour pousser elle risque de rompre.
    Le moteur est bien positionné lorsqu'il dépasse légèrement à l'avant. Comme photographié sur la seconde image.
    ositionné lorsqu'il dépasse légèrement à l'avant. Comme photographié sur la seconde image.)
  • Ventilateur USB  + (Faire passer le moteur dans le creux laissFaire passer le moteur dans le creux laissé par l'assemblage précédent. Enfiler le moteur par l'arrière, connexions en métal placées vers le haut. Pousser en tenant les trois profilés empilés et en poussant sur la pièce en plastique noir.
    ATTENTION : La pièce en queue d'oiseau est fragile. En la tenant pour pousser elle risque de rompre.
    Le moteur est bien positionné lorsqu'il dépasse légèrement à l'avant. Comme photographié sur la seconde image.
    ositionné lorsqu'il dépasse légèrement à l'avant. Comme photographié sur la seconde image.)
  • People pedal powered computer charger  + (People pedal power is a form of renewable People pedal power is a form of renewable energy. One human can produce around 75W electric power sustained for about 15min, or 50W during a longer period. This is enough power to be able to charge an average laptop. This energy can be harvested on a PPP device. To find out more about People Pedal Power, visit our site
  • Paracock(tail) Léonore  + (Placez les fils de telle façon : le noir sPlacez les fils de telle façon : le noir sur le marron, le rouge sur le rouge et le orange sur le orange. Puis placez les fils sur la carte Arduino : le fil noir sur GROUND et le rouge sur 5 VOLT. De l'autre côté placez le fil orange sur le numéro 9. Enfin branchez le cable sur la carte ainsi que sur le port USB de l'ordinateur.ainsi que sur le port USB de l'ordinateur.)
  • Little Umbrella - Grenouille Bleue - Hermine  + (Branchez la cable USB à la carte Arduino dans l'embranchement USB)
  • KALO' MATON Photomaton automatique à base de Raspberry Pi  + (Pour commencer ce tutoriel, vous allez avoPour commencer ce tutoriel, vous allez avoir besoin d’un ordinateur sur lequel vous allez installer Balena Etcher :, qui est un logiciel libre de gravure d’images pour différents supports (clé USB, carte SD) pour GNU/Linux, Windows et MacOS. (Voir photos) Insérez votre carte SD dans un adaptateur USB qui lui est branché dans l'ordinateur avec lequel vous avez installé Etcher, puis cliquez sur "Select Image" et choisissez le de Raspbian précédemment installé. Le disque dur sera normalement déjà sélectionné, mais si besoin, changez, et mettez votre adaptateur USB. Puis cliquez sur "Flash!" et attendez la fin du chargement. (J'ai du recommencer une autre fois, pour je ne sais quelle raison le premier essai fût un échec).lle raison le premier essai fût un échec).)
  • KALO' MATON Photomaton automatique à base de Raspberry Pi  + (Pour commencer ce tutoriel, vous allez avoPour commencer ce tutoriel, vous allez avoir besoin d’un ordinateur sur lequel vous allez installer Balena Etcher :, qui est un logiciel libre de gravure d’images pour différents supports (clé USB, carte SD) pour GNU/Linux, Windows et MacOS. (Voir photos) Insérez votre carte SD dans un adaptateur USB qui lui est branché dans l'ordinateur avec lequel vous avez installé Etcher, puis cliquez sur "Select Image" et choisissez le de Raspbian précédemment installé. Le disque dur sera normalement déjà sélectionné, mais si besoin, changez, et mettez votre adaptateur USB. Puis cliquez sur "Flash!" et attendez la fin du chargement. (J'ai du recommencer une autre fois, pour je ne sais quelle raison le premier essai fût un échec).lle raison le premier essai fût un échec).)
  • Node LoRa Arduino Mini Pro 3V/RFM95  + (Pour commencer, je vais placer les composaPour commencer, je vais placer les composants sur ma stripboard. Le module RFM95 ne peut pas être soudé sur la stripboard car l'écartement de ces broches est plus petite que celle de la stripboard. J'ai donc décidé de souder uniquement les 4 broches les plus éloignées pour le maintenir en place. J'ai fait de même avec l'arduino.
    Idéalement on aurait pu visser les composants à la stripboard mais il n'y a pas de vis sur l'arduino mini pro ni le RFM95.
    J'ai retourné le module radio pour pouvoir facilement lire le nom des broches
    Notre module radio et notre arduino sont maintenant solidement attachés à la stripboard, nous allons pouvoir les relier à l'aide de câbles.
    otre module radio et notre arduino sont maintenant solidement attachés à la stripboard, nous allons pouvoir les relier à l'aide de câbles.)
  • DetecteurCO2  + (Pour faire ce capteur nous avons opté pourPour faire ce capteur nous avons opté pour le capteur MZ-H19B, relativement peu cher, compact, fiable dans ses mesures et avec une durée de vie supérieure à 5ans il nous semblait que ce capteur était le plus indiqué pour notre usage de capteur portable. Pour monter le capteur il vous faudra acheter la liste de matériel suivante : - Capteur de CO2 MH-Z19B - Microcontrôleur Arduino Nano (avec câble USB) - Afficheur 7 segments TM1637 - 12 Câbles de prototypage « jumpers » femelle<>femelle. - 40g de PLA pour imprimante 3D - 1 LED verte - 1 LED Jaune - 1 LED Rouge - (En option) 50x50mm de bois contreplaqué 3mm. - (En option) 50x50mm de bois contreplaqué 3mm.)
  • Afficheur CO2  + (Maintenant que vous avez tout les éléments en main vous allez pouvoir assembler le boîtier avec ses capteurs. Pour se faire suivez les croquis et photos explicatifs.)
  • Un pluviomètre électronique MQTT  + (Pour réaliser ce pluviomètre électronique,Pour réaliser ce pluviomètre électronique, il est nécessaire de se procurer : *Un pluviomètre a godets *Un microcontroleur ESP8266 NodeMCU *Un convertisseur d'alimentation 220V -> 5V *Un condensateur de 100 nF *Une résistance de 330 Ohm *Une résistance de 1 kOhm *Un câble d'alimentation électrique de récupération *Eventuellement, avoir accès à une imprimante 3D pour fabriquer un petit boitier servant à abriter l'électronique.
    itier servant à abriter l'électronique. <br/>)
  • SunZilla - Setup manual  + (Press the cable inside when both white points match and turn the blue top unit of the cable to lock.)
  • SunZilla - Setup manual  + (Press the cable inside when both white points match and turn the blue top unit of the cable to lock.)
  • Distributeur de croquettes connecte EN COURS...  + (Suite du tutoriel à venir prochainement)
  • Étage distributeur de bonbons de la Bento Box  + (est là [[ETAGE LCD LEDS.ino|Fichier:ETAGE_LCD_LEDS.ino]])
  • Étage distributeur de bonbons de la Bento Box  + (est là [[ETAGE LCD LEDS.ino|Fichier:ETAGE_LCD_LEDS.ino]])
  • Desk lamp in wood and concrete  + (Put a mark on the batten, to cut it in 2 battens of 44cm length)
  • Desk lamp in wood and concrete  + (Put a mark on the batten, to cut it in 2 battens of 44cm length)
  • The Things Network Arduino MKR WAN 1300  + ( * Ajouter la carte MKR 1300 WAN dans l'IDE Arduino via "Outils/type de carte/Gestionnaire de carte" * Ajouter la bibliothèque MKRWAN via "Croquis/Inclure une bibliothèque/Gérer les bibliothèques" )
  • The Things Network Arduino MKR WAN 1300  + ( * Ajouter la carte MKR 1300 WAN dans l'IDE Arduino via "Outils/type de carte/Gestionnaire de carte" * Ajouter la bibliothèque MKRWAN via "Croquis/Inclure une bibliothèque/Gérer les bibliothèques" )
  • Humanure Dry Toilets, low-tech tricks  + (Refer to the pictures available in the galRefer to the pictures available in the gallery. Proceed as follows to build you own Humanure Dry Toilets. = Required Conditions = *Team: **Two *Required skills: **Basic carpentry skills to properly use the tools *Duration: **Two hours *Preliminary requirements: **NA (except acquire the necessary parts and consumables)quire the necessary parts and consumables))
  • Humanure Dry Toilets, low-tech tricks  + (Refer to the pictures available in the galRefer to the pictures available in the gallery. Proceed as follows to build you own Humanure Dry Toilets. = Required Conditions = *Team: **Two *Required skills: **Basic carpentry skills to properly use the tools *Duration: **Two hours *Preliminary requirements: **NA (except acquire the necessary parts and consumables)quire the necessary parts and consumables))
  • Paracock  + (Se rendre sur le site Paracocktail en bas de page : Vous y trouverez le lien pour télécharger le lien Arduino, appuyez sur "JUST DOWNLOAD".)
  • Paracock  + (Se rendre sur le site Paracocktail en bas de page : Vous y trouverez le lien pour télécharger le lien Arduino, appuyez sur "JUST DOWNLOAD".)
  • Paracocktail - Eleanor  + (Se rendre sur le site paracktail, en bas de page : vous y trouverez le lien pour télécharger le lien arduino, ainsi qu'un tutoriel vidéo.)
  • Paracocktail - Eleanor  + (Se rendre sur le site paracktail, en bas de page : vous y trouverez le lien pour télécharger le lien arduino, ainsi qu'un tutoriel vidéo.)
  • Mighty maker level belt  + (Set up a temporary circuit using a bread bSet up a temporary circuit using a bread board and solderless jumper cables. Set up your circuit as shown in the diagram Things to note: - There is a transistor for each of the Red, Blue and Green inputs of the RGB strip - Each transistor has 3 pins, one for GROUND, one for SIGNAL INPUT and one for SIGNAL OUTPUT - The signal input pin of each transistor is connected to a pin on the Arduino which will be controlled by the Arduino code - this will tell it whether this colour should illuminate or not. - The signal output pin of each transistor is connected to the corresponding connection on the RGB strip. - The Vin pin from the Arduino is connected to the 12V+ connection point on the RGB strip. This means that the power source is coming the computer when it is connected rather than a battery.hen it is connected rather than a battery.)
  • Contrôler des neopixels comme un DJ  + (Si vous ne l'avez pas fait, ajouter le supSi vous ne l'avez pas fait, ajouter le support de l'ESP8266 dans le logiciel Arduino : [] Il y a plusieurs façons d'uploader le firmware que nous allons utiliser, le plus simple est d'utiliser l'exemple '''ESP8266WebServer -> WebUpdate.''' N'oubliez pas de changer STASSID et STAPSK avec le nom de votre réseau Wi-Fi et votre mot de passe. #define STASSID "your-ssid" #define STAPSK "your-password" * Téléverser '''ESP8266WebServer -> WebUpdate.''' * Appuyer sur le bouton RESET de l'ESP8266. * Aller sur http://esp8266-webupdate.local.266. * Aller sur http://esp8266-webupdate.local.)
  • Contrôler des neopixels comme un DJ  + (Si vous ne l'avez pas fait, ajouter le supSi vous ne l'avez pas fait, ajouter le support de l'ESP8266 dans le logiciel Arduino : [] Il y a plusieurs façons d'uploader le firmware que nous allons utiliser, le plus simple est d'utiliser l'exemple '''ESP8266WebServer -> WebUpdate.''' N'oubliez pas de changer STASSID et STAPSK avec le nom de votre réseau Wi-Fi et votre mot de passe. #define STASSID "your-ssid" #define STAPSK "your-password" * Téléverser '''ESP8266WebServer -> WebUpdate.''' * Appuyer sur le bouton RESET de l'ESP8266. * Aller sur http://esp8266-webupdate.local.266. * Aller sur http://esp8266-webupdate.local.)
  • Water probe  + (Solder a strip of male headers (about 10 pSolder a strip of male headers (about 10 pins) onto the PCB. Beware that one pin needs to go into GND on the arduino board, another one into A5 and a third one into A0. Grab the 10kOhm resistor. Solder one end onto the header pin which goes into GND on the arduino board, the other end of the resistor onto the header pin which end on A0 in the arduino board. This way the resistor will basically create a bridge between GND and A0 on the arduino board. Grab two pieces of solid core wire (about 30cm long each)  and strip both ends of each piece. Solder one end of the first wire onto the header pin which ends in A5; solder one end of the second piece of wire onto the header pin which ends in A0 on the arduino board. Connect the other ends of the pieces of solid core wire to the binding post. One end goes into the red part of the post, the other end goes into the black part of the binding post. Now cut two pieces of solid core wire (about 10 cm long each), and strip both ends of each wire. Connect one end of each piece of wire to the metal ends of the binding post. Use the bolts to secure the solid core wire in place. Curl the other ends. Lastly, try placing the PCB on the arduino board, and make sure that one pin goes into GND, another into A0 and a third pin into A5., another into A0 and a third pin into A5.)
  • Lampe solaire  + (Soudez un '''câble rouge''' à la '''borne +''' et un '''câble noir''' à la '''borne -''' du ''support batterie.'')
  • Word Clock  + (Start assembly by making the stencil. You Start assembly by making the stencil. You can either get a stencil cut by a local sign writer to your own design, or use a pre-cut vinyl stencil from my web site. I have always felt that the clock looks more majestic if there is a border around the letters (I normally use about a 30mm border), but you can use whatever size you would like. Vinyl by itself is floppy, so it needs to be attached to a clear acrylic (Perspex) backing sheet to provide rigidity. Make sure that the acrylic sheet is the size you want the final clock to be.
    Before you start, mix up a couple of drops of dish washing liquid with a cup of water, and load that into a spray bottle. We will use this to make applying the vinyl lots easier.
    The vinyl stencil as supplied will typically be larger than required. This is so as to provide extra material for variations in face sizes. We need to cut the vinyl stencil to the final size of your acrylic sheet, allowing an extra 10mm allowance around the edges.
    o the final size of your acrylic sheet, allowing an extra 10mm allowance around the edges.)
  • Word Clock  + (Lay the acrylic backing on top of the stenLay the acrylic backing on top of the stencil, and mark out a cut line, then using a straight edge and a sharp hobby knife (or scalpel), cut the sheet to size. Next, ensure that your working environment is clean – vacuum your table if necessary – or work inside the house, instead of the garage. Lock up your Golden Retriever dog and your cats. If you get small particles between the vinyl and the Perspex, you will have enormous trouble making the surface look flat. Spend some time 'weeding' the stencil, by removing the letters that you don't want there on the final stencil. The removed letters will provide space for the light to shine through. Once you have removed all of the letters (being careful to leave the centres of letters such as 'A' and 'P' behind), apply some masking tape along each row so that when we remove the backing sheet, the centres of the letters stay in the correct spot on the stencil.s stay in the correct spot on the stencil.)
  • What is Gua Sha Therapy  + (The skin on our necks can be very delicateThe skin on our necks can be very delicate, but it’s also easily hung up on the way through life. These sensitive areas become even more noticeable as we age. Triggered by stress or prolonged sun exposure, they can lead to redness, lines, and discoloration. Gua sha is one of the most effective ways to treat these unwanted signs of aging. This basic gua sha technique focuses on the neck. Gently apply pressure to the areas indicated using your fingertips or a depilatory scraper or spoon—try a nice wooden one you find in the kitchen! Go back and forth over one area at a time until desired results are achieved. Add our [ Gua Sha Neck Massage] set to your skincare routine for smoother, younger looking skin.outine for smoother, younger looking skin.)
  • Hedgehog lamp  + (Suivre les instructions du fichier "Découpes_Hedgehog")
  • Hedgehog lamp  + (Suivre les instructions du fichier "Découpes_Hedgehog")
  • SunZilla - Guide 4: Solar box  + (To physically anchor the the boxes togetheTo physically anchor the the boxes together, the joins need to be added. The joins hold the boxes in place on a wooden foot structure. This structure can be CNC-milled with the provided .DMX source file, which you can download below. You can also old-school wood-craft them, following the .PDF technical drawing, also downloadable below. After milling the foot structure, put the boxes in their places and drill 4 holes through the outside bottom rim of each box and the underlying wooden structure. Using these holes, the different parts are connected by a bent bicycle spoke. The shape of the spoke can be seen in the following figure. The shape of the spoke can be seen in the following figure bellow. The height of the “mouth” of the bent spoke depends on the thickness of the wooden foot (see diagram). It should 2-4 mm less than the added thickness of the box and the wooden foot. To bend the spoke, start from one side of the spoke and do one bending after the other by holding the spoke with pliers and bending then the longer end of the spoke with your hand in the shape you like.poke with your hand in the shape you like.)
  • EMI probe 12+ activities  + (The EMI detector comes in two forms: the gThe EMI detector comes in two forms: the gadget is mounted on a shield suitable for an arduino uno board, or the detector is embedded on a shield on which an arduino nano is mounted. We will start by building the shield for arduino uno here s the wiring diagram for the EMI detector == Step by step instructions for the Arduino Uno shield == First, solder at least a couple of pins to the PCB. These will go into GND and Analog 5 in th arduino uno board. Next, solder an extra pin on the opposite side of the PCB. This will connect to Digital 9 on the arduino board. The speaker will also be soldered onto the PCB. Solder the positive end of the speaker to the pin which goes into analog 9 on the arduino. Solder the negative end of the speaker into the PCB. Then connect a short (5 cm max) piece of electric wire to the negative end of the speaker. The other end of the cable is soldered on the pin which goes into GND. Use a 1Mohm resistor to connect the pin which goes into GND and the one that goes into Analog 5 on the PCB (see photo above). It’s now time to add the antenna of your EMI detector. Take about 20 cm of solid core wire, and solder one end of it on to the PCB, precisely to the pin that goes into Analog 5 on the board. = Step by step instructions for the Arduino Nano shield = An timelapse is available here Solder two strips of female headers onto a PCB (3cm x 7cm) You will need to be able to arrange the arduino nano onto these strips of female headers. Solder the positive side of the speaker to the PCB, in correspondence with the D3 pin. Solder the other end of the speaker onto the PCB, in correspondence with GND pin of the arduino nano. Next, grab the 1Mohm resistor, and solder one end to the PCB pin which leads to A5 on the board, the other end to the PCB pin which goes into GND. To make the antenna of your device, take a piece of solid core wire (about 15 cm long), and solder one end of it to the PCB pin which leads to GND on the arduino nano. Finally, grap two short pieces of electric wire. You will use them to connect a 9V battery to the arduino nano and power the board. Solder one end of the first cable to VIN on the arduino nano, solder one end of the other cable to GND. solder one end of the other cable to GND.)
  • PiKon telescope  + (The PiKon telescope is a robust design butThe PiKon telescope is a robust design but there are two issues that need care if you are to get the most out of your project. '''Dust and the Camera Sensor''' PiKon benefits from a very simple design that has just one optical component. The lens of the Raspberry Pi Camera is removed to allow imaging by the Optical Mirror. This means that the Raspberry Pi Camera sensor is exposed to dust and dirt. Adding sensor protection would add two optical surfaces to the design, so the sensor is left exposed. This is not a problem provided care is taken to avoid dust and dirt getting on the sensor. '''Care of the Mirror''' As with all reflecting telescopes, care must be taken to avoid damaging the mirror. When assembling or modifying the telescope be careful not to let components drop down the Telescope Tube onto the Mirror.p down the Telescope Tube onto the Mirror.)
  • Seeed MR60BHA1 Presence, Breathing, and Heartbeat Sensing  + (The [ [ MR60BHA1] 60GHz mmWave Module is a versatile sensor that utilizes Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave (FMCW) detection to accurately measure breathing rate and heart rate, ensuring a completely private and secure environment, free from external interference. Equipped with a built-in standard algorithm and onboard antenna, the unit delivers simultaneous signal output with exceptional precision. It serves as an ideal solution for developing high-accuracy, self-regulating, privacy-protected, and secure biotic radar systems in consumer electronics, healthcare, and industrial applications. Block Diagram Beyond heart rate and respiration detection, the radar sensor can detect human presence in the operating area, enabling the creation of an automated device and appliance control system that conserves energy during unoccupied periods. Additionally, the system incorporates an IR temperature sensor to measure body temperature, allowing for illness and stress detection. Upon detecting significant vital variations, the buzzer activates as an alert. Simultaneously, all details are displayed on an LCD display and a mobile phone app via the ESP32 Wi-Fi module. The project involved various components, which can be identified in the Below provided image.ich can be identified in the Below provided image.)
  • Escooterfix - Relace mainboard any Xiaomi Mi electric scooter  + (The battery connects to the ESC via a '''yellow XT30 plug''', carefully pull this out)
  • How to Make Amazon Music Louder  + (The first and most straightforward way to The first and most straightforward way to make Amazon Music louder is by adjusting the volume settings on your device. Whether you're using a smartphone, tablet, or computer, there should be dedicated volume controls that allow you to increase the sound output. Simply locate the volume buttons or slider and turn them up to your desired level. Keep in mind that you can also adjust the volume within the Amazon Music app itself for finer control.Amazon Music app itself for finer control.)
  • Arduino to ThingSpeak via SIM800 No Wi-Fi  + (The legacy project documents that were oriThe legacy project documents that were originally designed with the SIM800 module may necessitate slight adjustments. This project will prove invaluable to those who continue to rely on 2G and GPRS technology. It offers essential support and guidance for individuals who intend to persist with these communication methods. Sending data from an Arduino microcontroller to the ThingSpeak platform using a GPRS module, specifically the SIM800, is a fundamental concept. The crucial aspect is that this communication method operates independently of Wi-Fi, constituting an IoT connectivity solution that relies on GPRS for data transmission. 1 / 2 In this project, LM35 temperature sensor data is being transmitted to the ThingSpeak platform through an Arduino Nano and a SIM800 module. The SIM800 module is leveraged to establish a GPRS connection, facilitating the transmission of data to ThingSpeak at specified intervals. To ensure a reliable connection between ThingSpeak and the hardware, users must configure the SIM800 module to establish a connection with their mobile network. This configuration encompasses setting the Access Point Name (APN) specific to their mobile carrier. It's important to note that the specific AT commands for this configuration may vary based on the user's chosen mobile network provider. For this project, I utilized the services of the network provider '''Airtel''' to establish the connection. Communication between the hardware components, specifically the SIM800 module, Arduino Nano, and ThingSpeak platform, relies entirely on AT commands. To ensure successful project implementation and effectively troubleshoot any issues that may arise, users must possess a basic understanding of SIM800 AT commands. This knowledge is crucial for configuring, managing, and diagnosing the communication process and resolving potential challenges during the project.g potential challenges during the project.)
  • OpenKnit: digital fabrication tool to create your own clothes  + (You'll need to thread: two 20x20x800 mm bars: 6 mm tool on both sides. two 30x30x800 mm bars: 8 mm tool on both sides. two 30x30x162 mm bars: 8 mm tool on ONE side, plus one 8 mm hole on the top (see image).)
  • Replace LED Lights for Free Via Victoria Government Program  + (The process starts as soon as you make a request for a replacement under VEU program. You can contact replacement provider like Ecofin Solutions to address your enquiry.)
  • How to Play Spotify on Yoto Player  + (There is a companion Yoto app available onThere is a companion Yoto app available on mobile phones that can help us to upload our audio files including compatible Spotify downloads to Yoto cards for offline listening for free. As we know, Spotify songs are protected in a special OGG Vorbis format. In this case, you'd better download Spotify to MP3, AAC, and M4A files that are supported by Yoto. And [ AudFun Spotify Music Converter] is a great shot. The '''AudFun Music Converter for Spotify''' is dedicated to downloading and converting Spotify songs, albums, playlists, audiobooks, and [ Spotify podcasts to MP3], AAC, WAV, FLAC, M4A, and M4B '''without Spotify Premium'''. Also, it retains 100% original audio quality and full ID3 tags, which enables you to play Spotify music on Yoto Mini Player or Yoto Original Player without any metadata info loss.nal Player without any metadata info loss.)
  • How to Make Your Own Easter Egg  + (This is one of the best bis of crafting yoThis is one of the best bis of crafting your Easter egg! Make sure that you have invested in some high quality and luxurious cooking chocolate before beginning! Pour some water into a pan and bring to the boil. Meanwhile, make sure that your chocolate is cut up into small chunks ready to melt. Once the water is boiling, balance a ceramic bowl on top of the pan and add your chocolate chunks to it. Keep stirring the chocolate as it melts. Yum!p stirring the chocolate as it melts. Yum!)
  • E-Textile Monster  + (This is where you need to decide what shapThis is where you need to decide what shape you want your monster to be and what components it will include. You need to make sure there is room for each of your components and the battery pack as well as decide where you want to squeeze the monster for the components to turn on. TIP: do not make your monster too big making your circuit components too spread out! Otherwise you will spend a long time sewing to connect the components together sewing to connect the components together)
  • Timelapes with Raspberry Pi Camera  + (To install the camera use the ribbon cable and press the side of the connector and pull up.)
  • Bouchon passe câble  + (Tout d'abord pour faire un bouchon passe câble il faut bien prendre la mesure du trou de la table avec un pied a coulisse. <br/>)
  • Applique abat-jour avec lampe murale à la découpe laser  + (Tout d'abord, j'ai choisi sur Wikifab, le tutoriel [[Applique Abat-Jour Mural Volcano]])
  • Fabrication d'une lampe  + (Toutes les découpes ont été effectuées aveToutes les découpes ont été effectuées avec une découpeuse laser Speedy 300 Trotec CO2 60 Watts. Paramètres: Puissance 40% Vitesse : 1 Vous remarquerez qu'une pièce à été coupée en 2 sur le fichier : Celle ci permet d’insérer le câble de la douille; Une fois le câble inséré , celles ci doivent être collées ensemble.
    s ci doivent être collées ensemble. <br/>)
  • Little umbrella by Hyades  + (Ouvrir le boitier en plastique. Visser le Ouvrir le boitier en plastique. Visser le moteur sur le socle en bois. Et le placer dans la boîte en plastique. Ne pas refermer totalement la boîte. Faire passer fil de fer dans le trou à côté du bouchon de liège. Enfoncer la tige du parapluie dans le bouchon. Placer le fil de fer au deuxième trou de l'hélice du moteur. Démarrer le logiciel et le parapluie devrait s'ouvrir. Placer l'Arduino dans la boîte et laisser sortir le câble par le trou. Refermer totalement la boî le trou. Refermer totalement la boîte.)
  • ShadeBox  + (Choisir la carte ESP32 (Outils -> Type Choisir la carte ESP32 (Outils -> Type de carte -> ESP32 Module). Télécharger le code à l'adresse suivante : []. Téléverser le code fourni sur la ESP3. Si ça ne marche pas, vérifier que le bon port série soit affecter (Outils -> Ports série).on port série soit affecter (Outils -> Ports série).)
  • RainMan 2  + (A l'aide d'un petit tournevis plat, visserA l'aide d'un petit tournevis plat, visser le moteur sur la plaque en bois comme sur la photo ci-contre. Une fois le moteur fixé, assembler les plaques en plastique du haut, du bas et de deux côtés, pour que l'intérieur reste accessible. La plaque contenant le socle en liège et le plaque de bois doit se trouver en haut (la face contenant socle en liège vers le haut). Fixer les plaques avec de la colle ou du scotch.les plaques avec de la colle ou du scotch.)
  • RainMan 2  + (A l'aide d'un petit tournevis plat, visserA l'aide d'un petit tournevis plat, visser le moteur sur la plaque en bois comme sur la photo ci-contre. Une fois le moteur fixé, assembler les plaques en plastique du haut, du bas et de deux côtés, pour que l'intérieur reste accessible. La plaque contenant le socle en liège et le plaque de bois doit se trouver en haut (la face contenant socle en liège vers le haut). Fixer les plaques avec de la colle ou du scotch.les plaques avec de la colle ou du scotch.)
  • ShadeBox  + (Choisir la carte ESP32 (Outils -> Type Choisir la carte ESP32 (Outils -> Type de carte -> ESP32 Module). Télécharger le code à l'adresse suivante : []. Téléverser le code fourni sur la ESP3. Si ça ne marche pas, vérifier que le bon port série soit affecter (Outils -> Ports série).on port série soit affecter (Outils -> Ports série).)
  • Lampe Triangulaire, Bois et Calque  + (Afin de diffuser la lumière, entourer les baguettes extérieur avec du papier calque. Vous pouvez, si vous le désirez, découper de petite fenêtre ou agrémenter de papier coloré.)
  • Little UMBRELLA  + (Faites passer le fil de fer dans le socle Faites passer le fil de fer dans le socle près du bouchon -> plantez la tige du parapluie dans le liège Accrochez le fil de fer à l'hélice du moteur (le parapluie doit pouvoir s'ouvrir et rester ouvert en restant bien figé sur le bouchon) Placez la carte Arduino à l'intérieur de la boite, en faisant passer le câble USB par le trou prévu à cet effet.r le câble USB par le trou prévu à cet effet.)
  • Petit compteur - compteur de passages à horaires programmables  + (Téléchargez le fichier Coque3D et imprimez le dans une résolution suffisamment fine (0,1mm environ) pour ne pas obstruer les divers trous de vis et de connectique.)
  • Petit compteur - compteur de passages à horaires programmables  + (Téléchargez le fichier Coque3D et imprimez le dans une résolution suffisamment fine (0,1mm environ) pour ne pas obstruer les divers trous de vis et de connectique.)
  • Dôme Géodésique Fréquence 2 paramétrable  + (Un dôme géodésique est une structure aux mUn dôme géodésique est une structure aux multiples propriétés très intéressantes : outre l’aspect esthétique original, ce type de structure offre une excellente résistance aux intempéries et une résistance mécanique élevée. Elle est composée de montants (en bois, métal, PVC...) reliés entre eux par des connecteurs. Lors de la conception d’un dôme : plusieurs facteurs sont à prendre en compte : *Le diamètre : Plus il est élevé, plus la construction du dôme sera complexe et plus la hauteur sous plafond du dôme sera importante (hauteur sous plafond = rayon du dôme). A noter que toute construction dépassant 20 m² doit faire l’objet d’une demande de permis de construire auprès de la commune. *La fréquence : Pour un diamètre donné, il est possible de construire le dôme avec une densité plus ou moins élevée de montants et de connecteurs : c’est ce qu’on appelle la fréquence. Ici nous allons réaliser un dôme de fréquence 2, le plus simple à réaliser (et donc le moins coûteux), cependant la méthodologie reste applicable pour tous types de dôme. *Le support : Selon l’utilisation du dôme il faut prévoir un système de support (ou base) : dans notre cas l’utilisation du dôme en tant que serre nous permet de poser directement le dôme sur des plots en béton sans construire de plancher. poser directement le dôme sur des plots en béton sans construire de plancher.)
  • Dôme Géodésique Fréquence 2 paramétrable  + (Quel que soit le diamètre d’un dôme de fréquence 2, les angles des montants sont toujours identiques : 16 et 18 degrés respectivement pour les types A et B.)
  • TonUINO  + (Vous allez devoir aller télécharger l’[httVous allez devoir aller télécharger l’[ archive TonUINO sur Github]. Pour ce faire, cliquez sur le bouton « code », puis « Download zip ». De base, tout est en allemand. Pour que l’utilisation de votre TonUINO soit plus simple à terme, je vous recommande de télécharger les fichiers audio en français à partir de [ ce lien. ] Vous pourrez utiliser le contenu du dossier «sdcard_fr» pour mettre sur votre MicroSD.r le contenu du dossier «sdcard_fr» pour mettre sur votre MicroSD.)
  • Glowing LED Butterfly  + (Use TinkerCad to design the component thatUse TinkerCad to design the component that will be 3D printed. This is a great opportunity to develop your computer aided design (CAD) skills! What to think about.. - Needs to have holes for the light to go through - Needs to be big enough to hide the Arduino and PCB - Needs to be able to sit on the top of the 9V battery Pre-made butterfly design can be found through this linkrfly design can be found through this link)
  • Concrete and wood coffee table  + (Use a circular saw to cut four balusters into 12” length pieces and another four balusters into 18” length pieces.)
  • Concrete and wood coffee table  + (Use a circular saw to cut four balusters into 12” length pieces and another four balusters into 18” length pieces.)
  • Escooterfix - Replace front LED lamp Xiaomi Mi electric scooter  + (Using your nails or a plastic spudger, carefully lift the two plastic covers from the top of the stem. They are held on with foam tape so a hairdryer on a cool setting can warm the adhesive and aide the release if you are having difficulty.)
  • Replace dashboard and bluetooth card Xiaomi electric scooter  + (Using your nails or a plastic spudger, carefully lift the two plastic covers from the top of the stem. They are held on with foam tape so a hairdryer on a cool setting can warm the adhesive and aide the release if you are having difficulty.)
  • Fabrication D'une Borne D'arcade  + (Ce dont vous avez avez besoin : * Une cartCe dont vous avez avez besoin : * Une carte micro SD ( Minimum 8go )  : Cette carte servira de disque dur pour le raspberry '''FORMATEZ VOTRE CARTE MICRO-SD EN FAT32''' Si ce n’est pas déjà fait, vous allez devoir formater votre carte micro-SD (ou carte-SD) au format FAT32. Pour cela, connectez là sur votre PC (via un slot micro-SD ou en USB via un adaptateur), ouvrez l’explorateur Windows et faites un clic droit sur votre carte et cliquez sur ''Formater''… Dans la fenêtre qui s’ouvre, sélectionnez FAT32 dans le menu ''Système de fichiers''. Vous pouvez donner un nom à votre carte si vous le voulez. Il est possible ici de faire un formatage rapide. Cliquez enfin sur démarrer. '''TÉLÉCHARGER LES SOURCES DE RECALBOXOS''' Rendez-vous sur et téléchargez la dernière version, en cliquant sur le nom du fichier Zip. Au moment où je fais ce tutoriel, il s’agit de la version 4.0.1 Décompressez le contenu du fichier zip téléchargé sur votre carte micro-SD. Pour ma part j’utilise, 7-Zip mais vous pouvez utiliser un autre gestionnaire d’archive. utiliser un autre gestionnaire d’archive.)
  • Fabrication D'une Borne D'arcade  + (Ce dont vous avez avez besoin : * Une cartCe dont vous avez avez besoin : * Une carte micro SD ( Minimum 8go )  : Cette carte servira de disque dur pour le raspberry '''FORMATEZ VOTRE CARTE MICRO-SD EN FAT32''' Si ce n’est pas déjà fait, vous allez devoir formater votre carte micro-SD (ou carte-SD) au format FAT32. Pour cela, connectez là sur votre PC (via un slot micro-SD ou en USB via un adaptateur), ouvrez l’explorateur Windows et faites un clic droit sur votre carte et cliquez sur ''Formater''… Dans la fenêtre qui s’ouvre, sélectionnez FAT32 dans le menu ''Système de fichiers''. Vous pouvez donner un nom à votre carte si vous le voulez. Il est possible ici de faire un formatage rapide. Cliquez enfin sur démarrer. '''TÉLÉCHARGER LES SOURCES DE RECALBOXOS''' Rendez-vous sur et téléchargez la dernière version, en cliquant sur le nom du fichier Zip. Au moment où je fais ce tutoriel, il s’agit de la version 4.0.1 Décompressez le contenu du fichier zip téléchargé sur votre carte micro-SD. Pour ma part j’utilise, 7-Zip mais vous pouvez utiliser un autre gestionnaire d’archive. utiliser un autre gestionnaire d’archive.)
  • Manette double d'arcade  + (Vous pouvez commander un kit d'arcades surVous pouvez commander un kit d'arcades sur ce site : ou sur des sites chinois, à vous de voir. Pensez aussi à commander les câbles GPIO et des switchs s'ils ne sont pas inclus dans le kit. Par défaut, vous pouvez relier directement votre manette à votre raspberry pi par les câbles GPIO (Cf cas 1 plus loin). Le raspberry pi doit être accroché à votre structure. Pour ma part, je voulais pouvoir relier ma manette à l'aide d'un câble USB pour pouvoir l'enlever facilement de mon raspberry pi qui me sert de mediacenter dans le salon. J'ai donc acheté en plus une carte USB Xin-Mo ( sur laquelle je viens connecter les câbles GPIO (cf cas 2 plus loin).cter les câbles GPIO (cf cas 2 plus loin).)
  • Manette double d'arcade  + (Vous pouvez commander un kit d'arcades surVous pouvez commander un kit d'arcades sur ce site : ou sur des sites chinois, à vous de voir. Pensez aussi à commander les câbles GPIO et des switchs s'ils ne sont pas inclus dans le kit. Par défaut, vous pouvez relier directement votre manette à votre raspberry pi par les câbles GPIO (Cf cas 1 plus loin). Le raspberry pi doit être accroché à votre structure. Pour ma part, je voulais pouvoir relier ma manette à l'aide d'un câble USB pour pouvoir l'enlever facilement de mon raspberry pi qui me sert de mediacenter dans le salon. J'ai donc acheté en plus une carte USB Xin-Mo ( sur laquelle je viens connecter les câbles GPIO (cf cas 2 plus loin).cter les câbles GPIO (cf cas 2 plus loin).)
  • Nutridome I SDG 11 I South Africa  + (This is a PVC pipe that has been drilled wThis is a PVC pipe that has been drilled with holes we were going to use disposable plastic cups but we found some plastic growing cups in the store room and we used those. for this demonstration we are using an ordinary aquarium pump and pipes for the water flow. The bucket is just a normal bucket. The dome was made from 25mm PVC electrical wiring pipes. The dome was inspiration for the idea as we saw it at the Centre and realised its potential. the PVC pipes are held together with cable ties, glue and connectors. The shading is normal garden shade and plastic sheeting can be placed over the structure to create more controlled environments. This will be when you have put the hydroponic system with lighting inside the dome we just wanted to illustrate the look for the final product of the dome.he look for the final product of the dome.)
  • Light sensitive e-textile bag  + (We will be using S4A to program the board.We will be using S4A to program the board. Therefore, we need to first set up our Arduino adequately. Download the S4A software by reaching [ S4A] and then clicking on “Downloads” > Choose the correct version based upon your operating system. Afterwards, download the S4A firmware by reaching this [ link] > Right-click > Save as > Remove the .txt part of the name > Save as type: Change from “Text Document” to “All Files” > Save. = Upload the S4A firmware = You will also need to use Arduino IDE to code and upload the firmware onto your Arduino Leonardo board. Download the software by visiting [ Arduino IDE] > Scroll down until you see the “Download the Arduino IDE” section and choose the version based upon your operating system (e.g. If you have Windows 7, choose “Windows Installer” / if you have Windows 10, choose “Windows app”) > On the next page choose “Just download” and run the installation files. Launch Arduino IDE and open the S4A firmware by going to File > Open or by pressing Ctrl+O and then browsing to the location you previously saved the firmware to. Connect the Arduino to your computer. Select Arduino Leonardo from Tools menu > Board. Select the correct port from the Tools menu > Port. Upload the S4A firmware into it by using the right arrow (→) button at the top right corner of the window, by choosing Sketch > Upload or by pressing Ctrl+U on the keyboard. = Launch S4A = If the S4A firmware was successfully uploaded into the Arduino board, the “searching board…” message should disappear in a few seconds.duino board, the “searching board…” message should disappear in a few seconds.)
  • Light sensitive e-textile bag  + (We will be using S4A to program the board.We will be using S4A to program the board. Therefore, we need to first set up our Arduino adequately. Download the S4A software by reaching [ S4A] and then clicking on “Downloads” > Choose the correct version based upon your operating system. Afterwards, download the S4A firmware by reaching this [ link] > Right-click > Save as > Remove the .txt part of the name > Save as type: Change from “Text Document” to “All Files” > Save. = Upload the S4A firmware = You will also need to use Arduino IDE to code and upload the firmware onto your Arduino Leonardo board. Download the software by visiting [ Arduino IDE] > Scroll down until you see the “Download the Arduino IDE” section and choose the version based upon your operating system (e.g. If you have Windows 7, choose “Windows Installer” / if you have Windows 10, choose “Windows app”) > On the next page choose “Just download” and run the installation files. Launch Arduino IDE and open the S4A firmware by going to File > Open or by pressing Ctrl+O and then browsing to the location you previously saved the firmware to. Connect the Arduino to your computer. Select Arduino Leonardo from Tools menu > Board. Select the correct port from the Tools menu > Port. Upload the S4A firmware into it by using the right arrow (→) button at the top right corner of the window, by choosing Sketch > Upload or by pressing Ctrl+U on the keyboard. = Launch S4A = If the S4A firmware was successfully uploaded into the Arduino board, the “searching board…” message should disappear in a few seconds.duino board, the “searching board…” message should disappear in a few seconds.)
  • How to Play Spotify While Playing Roblox  + (With a few simple steps, you can now enjoy your favorite tunes from Spotify while immersing yourself in the world of Roblox, whether on mobile or PC.)
  • Cardboard Cable Car Model With Recycled Materials, Working Model 250rpm Electric Motor and Basic Slide Switch ON-OFF-ON (School Science Project)  + (You can check all steps on video briefly or follow below steps. • Mount plastic pulley wheel onto DC motor shaft and glue on it.)
  • SunZilla - Guide 5: Assembling solar panels frames  + (You can find the positions and diameter ofYou can find the positions and diameter of the holes in the .PDF technical drawing which you can download below. For marking those of the PV-modules use a marker pen. For drilling use a metal or wood drill. Two of the 20mm-L-profiles need to have a slot cut along one side; the position of the slots is shown in the .PDF technical drawing downloadable below. These slots will allow the angle of incidence can be adjusted. To slot the profile you should use a milling cutter.e profile you should use a milling cutter.)
  • Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop.u can get free stuff from their gift shop.)
  • Ethernet-Enhanced LoRa Gateway Minimizing Delay  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY] to get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop. Also, check out this useful blog on PCBWay Plugin for KiCad from [ here.] Using this plugin, you can directly order PCBs in just one click after completing your design in KiCad.ick after completing your design in KiCad.)
  • Neo Pixels Ring with Arduino Nano  + (You must check out [https://www.pcbway.comYou must check out [ PCBWAY] for ordering PCBs online for cheap! You get 10 good-quality PCBs manufactured and shipped to your doorstep for cheap. You will also get a discount on shipping on your first order. Upload your Gerber files onto [ PCBWAY t]o get them manufactured with good quality and quick turnaround time. PCBWay now could provide a complete product solution, from design to enclosure production. Check out their online Gerber viewer function. With reward points, you can get free stuff from their gift shop. Also, check out this useful blog on PCBWay Plugin for KiCad from [ here. U]sing this plugin, you can directly order PCBs in just one click after completing your design in KiCad.ick after completing your design in KiCad.)
  • How To Make A Perfect Study Table/en-gb  + (The material of your kid's study table plaThe material of your kid's study table plays a vital role. A strong wood desk lasts for ages, metal ones offer a contemporary feeling while the ones produced using steel offer a feeling of modernity. For a wooden study table, '''[ Rust-Oleum Truworth Wood Stain]''' gives life span and influences your furniture to look young for years. If you have a necessity of moving your work desk frequently, think about picking something lightweight, durable and which fixed with casters. Desks with easy dismantling feature are also easier to move. mantling feature are also easier to move. )
  • Marble Machine No 1 Motor Assembly Instructions  + (The parts can be glued together in one go The parts can be glued together in one go and the parts held in place with rubber bands  The bottom '''should not '''be glued but can be used to hold parts aligned while the glue dries. The bottom is left loose for access to switch and batteries. If you don't want the text to be visible, simply turn the part so it face inwards. When viewed from the front the holes for the motor mount (circled in red) should face left as shown in the picture below.d face left as shown in the picture below.)
  • Lampe de bureau  + (fixation de l'abat-jour Sweet, 19 cm, toiline, brun taupe n°3 INSPIRE 6.5 €)
  • Lampe de bureau  + (fixation de l'abat-jour Sweet, 19 cm, toiline, brun taupe n°3 INSPIRE 6.5 €)
  • BENTORAMIDE  + (Test de la Bentolux en conditions réels et présentation de l' objet final.)
  • Sac à Main pour fauteuil roulant  + (a la date de sa réalisation, en tout cas)
  • Communication Dish  + (Reinforce the cable ties to ensure that these are well done and to also ensure that you have a strong dish.)
  • Petit bras robotique  + (Dans mBlock ouvrez un nouveau dossier. N'oDans mBlock ouvrez un nouveau dossier. N'oubliez pas les étapes : - connecter le câble usb après branchement - connecter > usb - téléverser le microporgramme - cliquer le drapeau vert Pour ceci on cré une variable, position. Changez la variable quand on presse la flèche droite. De combien de degrés est-ce qu'on peut changer la position du moteur ?ce qu'on peut changer la position du moteur ?)
  • Module aquaponique de recuperation  + ( # Suivre le plan d'assemblage ci-joint # # Suivre le plan d'assemblage ci-joint # Construire en premier le fond, avec une planche coupé en biais dans le sens de la longueur. ## Placer et visser les tasseau sur le tour complet de la pièce 1 ## l'assemblage permet de maintenir les planches entre elles # met de maintenir les planches entre elles # )
  • ASKotec Tutorials - DIY Simple analog synth  + ( # Take your time and look at the schematic. Start with + and run through the different ways till you end back to - pole # The second image shows you the pins you are going to use # Go and mark all pins on your board )
  • ASKotec Tutorials - DIY Simple analog synth  + ( # Take your time and look at the schematic. Start with + and run through the different ways till you end back to - pole # The second image shows you the pins you are going to use # Go and mark all pins on your board )
  • Laboîte  + ( #La première étape consiste à souder le c #La première étape consiste à souder le connecteur « 5 broches sécable » sur un des modules « 4 matrices de LEDs » #Vous pouvez ensuite insérer les deux modules « 4 matrices de LEDs » dans le boîtier imprimé en 3D en vérifiant que les connecteurs extérieurs passent par les trous sur le côté (le module où vous avez soudé le connecteur doit se trouver en haut) #Connectez ensuite le microcontrôleur avec les matrices de LEDs comme suit :
    Module « 4 matrices de LEDs » Microcontrôleur
    CS 4
    t;</tr><tr> <td><code>DIN</code> </td><td><code>MOSI</code> </td></tr><tr> <td><code>CLK</code> </td><td><code>SCK</code> </td></tr><tr> <td><code>CS</code> </td><td><code>4</code> </td></tr></table> )
  • Thermomètre infrarouge microbit  + (Rendez vous sur ce lien : https://makecodRendez vous sur ce lien : *assurez-vous que votre microbit est connecté à votre ordinateur par un câble micro-USB. *vous devriez constater que le microbit est utilisé par votre ordinateur comme une clé USB *cliquez sur le bouton "Download" de MakeCode, un fichier .hex sera téléchargé. Glissez et déposez le fichier .hex sur le lecteur (ou copiez et collez le). *Pendant la transmission, le voyant orange au dos de la carte micro:bit se met à clignoter. Une fois quele clignottement s'arrête, le transfert est terminé. Voilà, maintenant nous pouvons voir si le microbite fonctionne comme nous l'espérons.
    e fonctionne comme nous l'espérons. <br/>)
  • PP Sheetpress  + (====Tools==== same as above ====Parts========Tools==== same as above ====Parts==== 36 corner brackets ====Steps==== # Prepare your parts. Each "cell" will require 4 brackets, 16 M8Bolts, and 16 washers # Starting with the 4 corners of the ''entire assembly'', attach the corner brackets and tighten the bolts only to finger-tight. # Next attach the 920 beam ends to the outer perimeter. # Next, attach the inner beams in place. Ensure that all beams are equally spaced. (remember that the 2 interior beams are shorter though)
    interior beams are shorter though) <br/>)
  • Water probe 9-11 activities  + (<nowiki>To have a functioning water To have a functioning water probe, you ll need to upload a specific program onto the arduino uno board.

    Here is the sketch you need to upload:


    Water Conductivity Monitor

    Sketch for an Arduino gadget that measures the electrical

    conductivity of water.

    This example code is based on example code that is in the public domain.


    const float ArduinoVoltage = 5.00; // CHANGE THIS FOR 3.3v Arduinos

    const float ArduinoResolution = ArduinoVoltage / 1024;

    const float resistorValue = 10000.0;

    int threshold = 3;

    int inputPin = A0;

    int ouputPin = A5;

    void setup()



    pinMode(ouputPin, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(inputPin, INPUT);


    void loop()


    int analogValue=0;

    int oldAnalogValue=1000;

    float returnVoltage=0.0;

    float resistance=0.0;

    double Siemens;

    float TDS=0.0;

    ><br />int oldAnalogValue=1000;<br /><br />float returnVoltage=0.0;<br /><br />float resistance=0.0;<br /><br />double Siemens;<br /><br />float TDS=0.0;<br /><br />while(((oldAnalogValue-analogValue)>threshold)</nowiki>)
  • 3D CNC milling avec CAM Fusion 360  + (<section class="step"><br />Be

    Before beginning CAM programming, you need to consider the part and the best approach to machining. These decisions depend on the shape of the model, the material, and the constraints of the CNC machine you are using. In this lesson, you will learn how these factors impact your machining strategy with respect to workholding, registration (making sure the CNC knows where the part is), and CAM settings.

    3D Toolpathing

    If you completed the CAD and CAM Class, you worked with 2D toolpaths, in which the end mill stays at a fixed depth (Z-level) throughout a machining pass, moving only in X and Y while cutting. This type of machining is ideal for prismatic parts - parts in which all machined faces lie normal to the machine tool spindle.

    When programming non-prismatic parts, such as molds or organic shapes like the the parts below, 2D operations are insufficient. You need to use 3D CAM operations, in which the end mill moves dynamically in X, Y, and Z.


    Workholding is the strategy for holding your part rigidly during the machining process. When programming with 3D toolpaths, workholding is an important initial consideration. This is especially true of parts that require machining on both sides, when the part will be flipped between setups.

    When programming for prismatic parts, you may have noticed that 2D and 2.5D CAM only requires a CAD model of the part that you want to machine, without any extra features for workholding attachment or registration. This is because the part takes the shape of a rectangular prism, which can be held easily inside a vise or fixed to a spoiler board.

    But what do you do when your shape is more organic or irregular, and also must be flipped to machine on both sides? In this case, you need to model additional material that will hold your part inside a vise, against a spoiler board, or flat against the bottom of the machine. It's very hard to program the CAM without having these features incorporated into your model.

    In other words, 3D flip machining requires that you model the stock you want left behind, as well as tabs to prevent your part from coming loose inside the machine. These tabs will be cut off and sanded down after machining, usually with a bandsaw and disk sander.

    Note: Another, more advanced, technique for workholding for irregular shapes in metal is a soft jaw system. You would machine your own custom aluminum jaws to use with a Lang or Kurt vise, and these custom jaws would hold your part after the flip. No tabs needed.

    For your serving spoon, you will have two tabs--one on each end--and a rectangular prism of stock that will hold the spoon flat after the flip. When modeling, it's a good idea to make your stock and tabs another body, separate from your part.


    Because the spoon will be machined from both sides (flip machining), you need a way to ensure that the CNC machine can locate the part accurately after it has been moved. This is called registration.

    If you have used the Haas before, you're familiar with using a probe to locate your part . The DMS, however, like many table routers, does not have a probe. When using the DMS to locate the origin of your Work Coordinate System (Work Home), you will insert a tool into the spindle and jog it to the correct location. It's common to trap a piece of paper between the stock and the tool to ensure that Z is correct. In the DMS machine class you will learn how to enter the codes to set your WCS in this way. As you might imagine, this system is not accurate, because you're just "eyeballing" this location.

    This means that if you have a part that requires flip machining, you need to consider how to get the two sides to line up properly with one another. There are lots of options, and they all have advantages and disadvantages based on the specifics of your part. Some common methods include:

    --Attaching stops to your spoiler board (waste board under your part that can be machined) or machine bed

    --Machining a contour into your spoiler board, then placing your stock exactly inside that contour

    --Drilling holes for dowels that go into the spoiler board beneath your part (most accurate)

    This final technique is the the method you will use for the spoon. While machining the front side of the spoon, you will also drill three holes through the stock and partially into the spoiler board. After you flip your part, you will insert dowels through the holes and into the spoiler board that will align your part perfectly with your first side.

    CAM Settings

    The specifics of the project - machining wood on the DMS router - will also determine some of the choices you make when programming toolpaths.

-Tool numbering

    If you are a Pier 9 shop user, you will be using the DMS tool library. When you have simulated and finalized your CAM program, make sure that your tools are labeled in the chronological order that they are used. You will learn later in this class how to edit tool numbers.

    Remember that the chronological tool numbers in your program do not correspond to the numbers in the DMS tool library drawer. For instance, the fifth tool you use in your program might be the 1" Rough Short End Mill, which is labeled #34 in the DMS library. You will see the DMS library number in the comment for each tool, which will appear in your setup sheet (machining plan). You will learn later how to generate setup sheets.

    If you are not using Pier 9's DMS, you'll either be using custom tools, or tools from your own tool library. If using your own library, be sure to label your tools in the chronological order they will be used.

    -Rules for roughing

    Machining in wood or plastic on the DMS is not high speed machining (HSM). This means that you may use Adaptive toolpaths for roughing, but you cannot use the whole length of the cutter.

    When machining wood or plastic, follow the Stepover and Stepdown Rule: The stepover and stepdown should never exceed 50% of the tool diameter.
    lt;br />Machining in wood or plastic on the DMS is not high speed machining (HSM). This means that you may use Adaptive toolpaths for roughing, but you cannot use the whole length of the cutter.<br /><br />When machining wood or plastic, follow the Stepover and Stepdown Rule: The stepover and stepdown should never exceed 50% of the tool diameter.<br /></section>)
  • FoldaRap 2.5 : 2ème partie  + ('''Axe-X:''' * x1 chariot-x * x1 profilé 200mm * x6 vis sans tête)
  • Lampe de bureau, lampe à poser  + (Profitez du spectacle ! Filmez, photographiez, partagez !)
  • Lampe de bureau, lampe à poser  + (Encollez les deux parties et assemblez les, le tour est joué.)
  • Pet-feeder : distributeur de croquettes Arduino imprimé en 3D  + ('''Durée:''' 28h 49min '''Composants nécessaires: ''' *Les STLs de votre box *Cura by dagoma ou *Cura 15.04.3 + profil de discovery 200 ou *Votre slicer préféré '''Outils:''' *Votre ordinateur *Une imprimante 3D)
  • Pet-feeder : distributeur de croquettes Arduino imprimé en 3D  + (Vérifiez que la vis sans fin tourne librement)
  • Dispositif de sécurité à enregistrement de zone de tir  + (Afin de valider le principe, j'ai réalisé Afin de valider le principe, j'ai réalisé une maquette constituée par un "fusil photographique" auquel j'ai adjoint le système de repérage de la ligne de visée (circuit BNO055 + carte Arduino + buzzer). '''Les photos 1 et 2''' montrent les différents éléments de cette maquette: 1) Un smart phone fixé sur le fusil en bois permet d'enregistrer ce que voit et entend le chasseur lors de l'enregistrement et lors de la phase de chasse. L'objectif du smartphone est situé à l'endroit où se trouve l’œil du chasseur. Cet objectif voit le guidon du fusil en même temps que l'endroit précis visé dans le paysage. 2) Le système de repérage inertiel de la ligne de visée se compose - d'un petit circuit imprimé portant l'unité de mesure inertielle BNO055 - d'une carte de contrôle (Arduino UNO) reliée au BNO055 par un petit câble (alimentation + interface I2C). 3) J'ai également ajouté un buzzer à cette carte. Ce buzzer produit tous les signaux sonores nécessaires pour le suivi de l'enregistrement et de la phase de chasse. '''Nota:''' A l'origine j'aurais souhaité allonger la liaison I2C de façon que seul le petit circuit imprimé du BNO055 se trouve fixé au fusil, la carte de contrôle étant logée dans une poche de veste. Malheureusement la liaison I2C supporte mal l'allongement de la liaison. Pour un développement futur il faudrait donc plutôt utiliser la liaison UART du circuit.lutôt utiliser la liaison UART du circuit.)
  • Lampe à poser, Miroir à poser et Bougeoir en découpe laser  + (Emboitez les bakubons comme indiqué sur les photos)
  • Lampe à poser, Miroir à poser et Bougeoir en découpe laser  + (Emboitez les bakubons comme indiqué sur les photos)
  • Turn signal biking jacket  + ('''Plan the aesthetic and electrical layou'''Plan the aesthetic and electrical layout of your piece''' Decide where each component is going to go and figure out how you will sew them together with as few thread crossings as possible. Make a sketch of your design that you can refer to as you work. The photos below show the sketches for my jacket. Stitching for power (+) is shown in red, ground (-) in black, LEDs in green, and switch inputs in purple.EDs in green, and switch inputs in purple.)
  • Turn signal biking jacket  + ('''Plan the aesthetic and electrical layou'''Plan the aesthetic and electrical layout of your piece''' Decide where each component is going to go and figure out how you will sew them together with as few thread crossings as possible. Make a sketch of your design that you can refer to as you work. The photos below show the sketches for my jacket. Stitching for power (+) is shown in red, ground (-) in black, LEDs in green, and switch inputs in purple.EDs in green, and switch inputs in purple.)
  • FoldaRap 2.5 : 3ème partie  + (Un côté du plateau aluminium possède des trous fraisés...)
  • SolarOSE : concentrateur solaire thermique linéaire de fresnel  + ('''Sorties:''' Le concentrateur de démonst'''Sorties:''' Le concentrateur de démonstration : * champ de miroirs * récepteur * système électronique * usage de démonstration + déchets et ressources restantes : restes de miroir, restes de métal (chutes d’acier, visserie, plomberie), restes de bois, restes d’isolant, restes de colle, restes de mastic.solant, restes de colle, restes de mastic.)
  • SolarOSE : concentrateur solaire thermique linéaire de fresnel  + ('''Sorties:''' Le concentrateur de démonst'''Sorties:''' Le concentrateur de démonstration : * champ de miroirs * récepteur * système électronique * usage de démonstration + déchets et ressources restantes : restes de miroir, restes de métal (chutes d’acier, visserie, plomberie), restes de bois, restes d’isolant, restes de colle, restes de mastic.solant, restes de colle, restes de mastic.)
  • How to Allow or Block Apple Music Explicit Content  + ('''Step 1.''' Go to '''Settings''' on your'''Step 1.''' Go to '''Settings''' on your iPhone and tap '''Screen Time'''. '''Step 2.''' Scroll to the '''Content & Privacy Restrictions''' option under '''Screen Time'''. '''Step 3.''' Make sure your Content & Privacy Restrictions toggle is enabled and tap the '''Content Restrictions''' option beneath. '''Step 4.''' Tap the '''Music, Podcasts, Fitness''' to select what content to allow. '''Step 5.''' Here you can select allow content from '''Explicit''' to '''Clean'''. allow content from '''Explicit''' to '''Clean'''.)
  • Caisson d'ordinateur  + ('''Support en Bois''' * 300mm x 320mm x 1'''Support en Bois''' * 300mm x 320mm x 18mm * 300mm x 240mm x 18mm '''Coffrage Face A''' * 300mm x 260mm x 90mm '''Ventilateur carte mère''' * 80mm x 80mm '''Ventilateur sortie''' * 90 mm x 90mm '''Coffrage Face B''' * 305mm x 263mm x 90mm '''“Cratère”''' * 103.6mm x 90.9mm x 15mm'''“Cratère”''' * 103.6mm x 90.9mm x 15mm)
  • Caisson d'ordinateur  + ('''Support en Bois''' * 300mm x 320mm x 1'''Support en Bois''' * 300mm x 320mm x 18mm * 300mm x 240mm x 18mm '''Coffrage Face A''' * 300mm x 260mm x 90mm '''Ventilateur carte mère''' * 80mm x 80mm '''Ventilateur sortie''' * 90 mm x 90mm '''Coffrage Face B''' * 305mm x 263mm x 90mm '''“Cratère”''' * 103.6mm x 90.9mm x 15mm'''“Cratère”''' * 103.6mm x 90.9mm x 15mm)
  • Wio WM1110: Quick Start Guide for Seamless Integration  + ('''This guide explains the steps to seamle'''This guide explains the steps to seamlessly integrate the WM1110 sensor module with The Things Network (TTN) and ThingSpeak for data transmission and visualization.''' The [ seeed studio Wio-WM1110 Dev Kit] is based on the [ Wio-WM1110] Wireless Module, which integrates both a Semtech LoRa® transceiver and a multi-purpose radio front-end for geolocation functionalities. The LoRa® transceiver enables low-power, high-sensitivity network coverage, while GNSS (GPS/BeiDou) and Wi-Fi scanning work together to offer comprehensive location coverage. Additionally, the Dev Kit provides connectivity options for a variety of peripherals, making it a versatile platform for developing diverse IoT applications. The [ Wio-WM1110] is a powerful fusion positioning module designed for developing low-power, long-range IoT applications. It combines the capabilities of the [ Semtech LR1110] LoRa transceiver and the [ Nordic nRF52840] microcontroller, offering a comprehensive solution for building connected devices with the following features: * '''Long-range wireless communication:''' Utilizing Semtech's LoRa technology, the Wio-WM1110 enables low-power communication over vast distances, making it ideal for connecting devices in remote locations. * '''Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS):''' Integrated GNSS support, including GPS and BeiDou, provides accurate location tracking capabilities for your IoT devices. * '''Wi-Fi connectivity:''' In addition to LoRaWAN and GNSS, the Wio-WM1110 also offers Wi-Fi connectivity, providing another option for device communication and internet access. * '''Bluetooth:''' The module further extends its connectivity options by supporting Bluetooth protocols, enabling communication with other Bluetooth-enabled devices. * '''Fusion positioning:''' By combining the data from LoRaWAN, GNSS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, the Wio-WM1110 can achieve highly accurate and reliable positioning, even in challenging environments. * '''Low-power operation:''' The Wio-WM1110 is designed for low-power consumption, allowing your devices to operate for extended periods on battery power. * '''Open-source platform:''' The Wio-WM1110 is based on an open-source platform, providing developers with access to the underlying hardware and software, allowing for greater customization and flexibility. and software, allowing for greater customization and flexibility.)
  • AttendSyS : Système de pointage connecté  + ( * '''<u>Description :</u>''' * '''Description :''' Ce premier boîtier nous a permis de faire un ensemble de tests notamment de s'assurer que la carte RFID est bien détectée même à plusieurs centimètres du module avec un couvercle de séparation de 1 mm. Il a été produit en lien avec la première carte électronique été produit en lien avec la première carte électronique )
  • AttendSyS : Système de pointage connecté  + ( * '''<u>Description :</u>''' * '''Description :''' Ce premier boîtier nous a permis de faire un ensemble de tests notamment de s'assurer que la carte RFID est bien détectée même à plusieurs centimètres du module avec un couvercle de séparation de 1 mm. Il a été produit en lien avec la première carte électronique été produit en lien avec la première carte électronique )
  • URMATCH, le GPS qui suit votre équipe lors de tous ses matchs  + ( * '''Réalisation:''' Nous avons réalisé d * '''Réalisation:''' Nous avons réalisé dans un premier temps une boite en boit qui contient le circuit électronique. Par la suite, nous avons mis la boite dans une demi sphère en plastique mou réalisée grâce à une imprimante 3D. * '''Problèmes rencontrés:''' En imprimant la pièce nous nous sommes rendu-compte que notre dôme avait une hauteur trop grande et que le haut du dôme était trop dur ce qui risquait de gêner ou blesser les joueurs. * '''Modifications à envisager:''' La version 2 sera dôme plus aplati avec un couvercle et beaucoup plus vide à l’intérieur. De plus, nous avons abandonné l’idée de la boite en bois car elle n’a finalement aucune utilité. car elle n’a finalement aucune utilité. )
  • NEXT ENGINE 3D SCANNER :How to use it  + ( * '''WEIGHT''' 7.68 KG * '''INPUT POWER'' * '''WEIGHT''' 7.68 KG * '''INPUT POWER''' 100-240 VAC/60W * '''Measurement system''' MultiStripe Laser Triangulation (MLT) *'''Sensor''' Twin 5.0 Mega-pixel CMOS RGB image sensors *'''SIZE''' 276 x 223 x 91mm *'''Field AREA'''  5.1" x 3.8" (Macro) and 13.5" x 10.1" (Wide) *'''Capteur density''' 268K points/in (Macro) and 29K points/in (Wide) *'''Texture Density''' 500DPI ( Macro) and 200DPI (Wide) *'''Dimensional Accuracy''' 100 micorn ( Marco) and 300 micron ( Wide) *'''Acquisition Speed''' 50,000 points/sec *'''CONNECTIVITY''' USB 2.0 *'''OPERATING SYSTEM''' Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (64-bits) *'''MINIMUM REQUIREMENT''': 2 GHz Dual-core, 3GB RAM, 256MB graphics *''' FILE FORMAT''' STL, OBJ, VRML, XYZ, PLY *'''FILE SIZE''' 200MB fot typical model * '''SOFTWARE''' ScanStudio™ (FREEWARE) del * '''SOFTWARE''' ScanStudio™ (FREEWARE) )
  • Openbioréacteur  + ( * 1-Capteurs sans fils (hardware non impl * 1-Capteurs sans fils (hardware non implémenté) * 2-Contrôleur chauffage, contrôleur agitation magnétique * 3-Contrôle des pompes, réception des données capteurs, et émission sur serveur annexe. * 4-Intrants La version que je présente ne comprend ni les capteurs, ni le contrôleur de chauffage, ni le contrôleur d'agitation magnétique. Ceci dans un souci de simplification. ue. Ceci dans un souci de simplification. )
  • Robot artiste avec Arduino  + ( * Carte Arduino uno * Plateforme support * Carte Arduino uno * Plateforme support de la carte, (par exemple une petite planche de 5 x7 cm en contreplaqué de 3mm d’épaisseur) * Batterie externe avec USB * Deux roues de « lego » ou à fabriquer avec une imprimante 3d * Deux servomoteurs arduino * Fils * Logiciel de codage Arduino ( à télécharger * Un feutre avec pointe épaisse n/software) * Un feutre avec pointe épaisse )
  • Case pour synthétiseur modulaire 2*3U / 84hp  + (Le fichier contient un porte cables de patches, emboitable dans le case !)
  • Case pour synthétiseur modulaire 2*3U / 84hp  + (Le fichier contient un porte cables de patches, emboitable dans le case !)
  • TOLOU SENFABLAB  + ( * Fer à souder + étain * Pistolet à colle * Multimètre * Pince coupante * Imprimante 3D )
  • Porte cable  + ( * Je suis allée chercher des images de st * Je suis allée chercher des images de stencil de Bob Marley afin d'avoir un image simple à colorier. Apres avoir importer et vectoriser l'image dans Inkscape, j'ai retravaillée la coupe de cheveux afin d'avoir un porte cable joli même vide. * J'ai laissée l'intérieur en vert pour le graver et découper le contour rouge.(suivant votre laser ce sera l'épaisseur du trait, couleur, etc) ce sera l'épaisseur du trait, couleur, etc) )
  • Porte cable  + ( * Je suis allée chercher des images de st * Je suis allée chercher des images de stencil de Bob Marley afin d'avoir un image simple à colorier. Apres avoir importer et vectoriser l'image dans Inkscape, j'ai retravaillée la coupe de cheveux afin d'avoir un porte cable joli même vide. * J'ai laissée l'intérieur en vert pour le graver et découper le contour rouge.(suivant votre laser ce sera l'épaisseur du trait, couleur, etc) ce sera l'épaisseur du trait, couleur, etc) )
  • RainMan Clémence.F  + ( * Branchez les trois fils de couleur sur le moteur: - le fil orange dans le trou "9∼" - le fil rouge dans le trou "5V" - le fil marron dans le trou "GND" )
  • Open Workshop Setup  + ( * You need a space where you can work, so * You need a space where you can work, so at least 8x bigger than your original workshop spot * use a corner of the room (about 2.0x1.0m Space minimum) * keep lights and accessebillity in mind * kreate an overview of tools and materials you have * start looking for a good sized plywood for your tools (big) and your small materials (small) * use a solid table as base for the construction (at least 90cm high and 70cm deep) * have a powerplug close to it * cut the wood sheets powerplug close to it * cut the wood sheets )
  • Open Workshop Setup  + ( * You need a space where you can work, so * You need a space where you can work, so at least 8x bigger than your original workshop spot * use a corner of the room (about 2.0x1.0m Space minimum) * keep lights and accessebillity in mind * kreate an overview of tools and materials you have * start looking for a good sized plywood for your tools (big) and your small materials (small) * use a solid table as base for the construction (at least 90cm high and 70cm deep) * have a powerplug close to it * cut the wood sheets powerplug close to it * cut the wood sheets )
  • Open Workshop Setup/de  + ( * You need a space where you can work, so * You need a space where you can work, so at least 8x bigger than your original workshop spot * use a corner of the room (about 2.0x1.0m Space minimum) * keep lights and accessebillity in mind * kreate an overview of tools and materials you have * start looking for a good sized plywood for your tools (big) and your small materials (small) * use a solid table as base for the construction (at least 90cm high and 70cm deep) * have a powerplug close to it * cut the wood sheets powerplug close to it * cut the wood sheets )
  • OpenHandiDesk  + (la toute premiere esquisse du projet, la version 0 !)
  • OpenHandiDesk  + ((si on prend pas en compte les petites erreurs de dessin, oups))
  • FoldaRap 2.5 : imprimante 3D facilement transportable  + ( * pied-avant-gauche: * pied-avant-gauche: * pied-avant-droite: * pied-arrière-droite: * pied-arrière-gauche: * charnière-intérieur-gauche: * charnière-intérieur-droite: )
  • FoldaRap 2.5 : imprimante 3D facilement transportable  + ( * pied-avant-gauche: * pied-avant-gauche: * pied-avant-droite: * pied-arrière-droite: * pied-arrière-gauche: * charnière-intérieur-gauche: * charnière-intérieur-droite: )
  • Maker' pot  + (- '''3.1 les composants''' * 1 Feather Hu- '''3.1 les composants''' * 1 Feather Huzzah ESP8266 * 1 Trinket Pro 5V * 1 régulateur 12V - 5V * 1 pompe (brushless DC pump, 12V 9W) * 1 alimentation 12V 3000mA * 1 connecteur pour l'alimentation * 1 capteur de niveau d'eau (capacitif à créer en amont) * 2 transistors * 1 diode * 1 lampe (2 rubans de leds froides dans l'idéal) - '''3.2 le circuit''' Découper une plaque de prototypage de 75x90mm et suivre le schéma ci-joint pour réaliser les soudures. Il est conseillé: * de souder des pins males sur la feather huzzah et la trinket pro et des pins femelles à leur futur emplacement sur la PCB. * d'être en mesure de brancher et débrancher les câbles d'alimentation de la pompe, des leds et du capteur d'eau. Utiliser des pins males et femelles ou des connecteurs comme nous l'avons fait. - '''3.3 Création des comptes''' * Adafruit Créer un compte Adafruit IO et mettre de côté les informations : ''AIO Key'' et ''username''. Créer les feeds "alert0", "alert1", "alert2", "leds", "ledsetter", "pump" & "waterlevel". * IFTTT Créer un compte IFTTT. Chercher le service "Adafruit" et connecter le avec votre compte adafruit IO. Faire de même avec le service "Gmail" ou "mail". Créer les 4 applets suivants: # "IF '''any new data on alert1 feed''', THEN '''send an email to yourself'''" (Adafruit -> Gmail). Cet applet permet de recevoir un mail notifiant que le niveau d'eau du makers' pot est à 1. # "IF '''any new data on alert0 feed''', THEN '''send an email to yourself'''" (Adafruit -> Gmail). Cet applet permet de recevoir un mail notifiant que le niveau d'eau du makers' pot est à 0 et qu'il faut remplir le réservoir d'eau. # "IF '''every day at 06:00AM''', THEN '''send send data to ledsetter feed'''" (Date & Time -> Adafruit). Cet applet allume les leds à 6h tous les matins, ledsetter = 1. # "IF '''every day at 10:00PM''', THEN '''send send data to ledsetter feed'''" (Date & Time -> Adafruit). Cet applet éteint les leds à 22h tous les soirs, ledsetter = 0.tter feed'''" <small>(Date & Time -> Adafruit). Cet applet éteint les leds à 22h tous les soirs, ledsetter = 0.</small>)
  • Maker' pot  + (- '''3.1 les composants''' * 1 Feather Hu- '''3.1 les composants''' * 1 Feather Huzzah ESP8266 * 1 Trinket Pro 5V * 1 régulateur 12V - 5V * 1 pompe (brushless DC pump, 12V 9W) * 1 alimentation 12V 3000mA * 1 connecteur pour l'alimentation * 1 capteur de niveau d'eau (capacitif à créer en amont) * 2 transistors * 1 diode * 1 lampe (2 rubans de leds froides dans l'idéal) - '''3.2 le circuit''' Découper une plaque de prototypage de 75x90mm et suivre le schéma ci-joint pour réaliser les soudures. Il est conseillé: * de souder des pins males sur la feather huzzah et la trinket pro et des pins femelles à leur futur emplacement sur la PCB. * d'être en mesure de brancher et débrancher les câbles d'alimentation de la pompe, des leds et du capteur d'eau. Utiliser des pins males et femelles ou des connecteurs comme nous l'avons fait. - '''3.3 Création des comptes''' * Adafruit Créer un compte Adafruit IO et mettre de côté les informations : ''AIO Key'' et ''username''. Créer les feeds "alert0", "alert1", "alert2", "leds", "ledsetter", "pump" & "waterlevel". * IFTTT Créer un compte IFTTT. Chercher le service "Adafruit" et connecter le avec votre compte adafruit IO. Faire de même avec le service "Gmail" ou "mail". Créer les 4 applets suivants: # "IF '''any new data on alert1 feed''', THEN '''send an email to yourself'''" (Adafruit -> Gmail). Cet applet permet de recevoir un mail notifiant que le niveau d'eau du makers' pot est à 1. # "IF '''any new data on alert0 feed''', THEN '''send an email to yourself'''" (Adafruit -> Gmail). Cet applet permet de recevoir un mail notifiant que le niveau d'eau du makers' pot est à 0 et qu'il faut remplir le réservoir d'eau. # "IF '''every day at 06:00AM''', THEN '''send send data to ledsetter feed'''" (Date & Time -> Adafruit). Cet applet allume les leds à 6h tous les matins, ledsetter = 1. # "IF '''every day at 10:00PM''', THEN '''send send data to ledsetter feed'''" (Date & Time -> Adafruit). Cet applet éteint les leds à 22h tous les soirs, ledsetter = 0.tter feed'''" <small>(Date & Time -> Adafruit). Cet applet éteint les leds à 22h tous les soirs, ledsetter = 0.</small>)
  • Lampe en bois  + (- Assembler le tout à l'aide de vis a bois ou colle. - Percer les planchettes par le dessous.)
  • Tab2Lux  + (Source : : Temps estimé : 30 minutes en comptant le téléchargement d’une image de 600 MB #Téléchargez la [ dernière version de RuneAudio]. Notez que si vous avez un vieux Raspberry Pi, ça le fait !
    #Insérez votre carte Micro SD sur votre PC.
    #Téléchargement d'Etcher : En effet, Etcher est extrêmement simple à utiliser. On le télécharge, l’installe et on le lance. L'avantage de ce logiciel, c'est qu'il peut utiliser une ISO zippé sans devoir la décompresser
    > On choisit l'ISO (1) puis la carte SD de destination (2) et enfin, on lance l'installation (3).
    #Une fois l’installation terminée insérez la carte SD dans le RPi.
    br/> #Une fois l’installation terminée insérez la carte SD dans le RPi. <br/>)
  • Multi-console Raspberry pi 3/zeroW + Tuto PITFT 2.8/3.5/ect  + (- Pour formater la MicroSd rien de plus simple ouvrir SdFormatter -1- Choisir ça MicroSd normalement reconnu auto -2- Puis click sur '''Format''' et voila!! votre MicroSd et bien formater pour recevoir RetroPie.)
  • RainMan 4  + (Utiliser le tournevis plat pour visser le moteur sur la plaque en bois, puis assembler les plaques en plastique du haut, du bas et des côtés de manière à pouvoir garder un accès à l'intérieur et au moteur.)
  • RainMan 4  + (Utiliser le tournevis plat pour visser le moteur sur la plaque en bois, puis assembler les plaques en plastique du haut, du bas et des côtés de manière à pouvoir garder un accès à l'intérieur et au moteur.)
  • Comment créer une lampe carton  + (-Collez les anneaux de 480mm de dia. ext. -Collez les anneaux de 480mm de dia. ext. et 470mm de dia. int. les uns sur les autre jusqu’à obtenir une épaisseur d’une dizaine de cartons (en fonction de l’épaisseur désirée). -Ces anneaux constituent le profil de la lampe. En cas de difficultés, la photo ci-contre peut éventuellement vous peut éventuellement vous guider.)
  • Comment créer une lampe carton  + (-Collez les anneaux de 480mm de dia. ext. -Collez les anneaux de 480mm de dia. ext. et 470mm de dia. int. les uns sur les autre jusqu’à obtenir une épaisseur d’une dizaine de cartons (en fonction de l’épaisseur désirée). -Ces anneaux constituent le profil de la lampe. En cas de difficultés, la photo ci-contre peut éventuellement vous peut éventuellement vous guider.)
  • BlindTouch : Nina  + (-Prenez le tournes vis plat afin de visser le moteur sur le support en bois -Assemblez tout les parties du socle à l'aide de scotch et de colle , Placez la plaque du moteur en haut.)
  • Little Umbrella by Hyades  + (-Faites passer le fil de fer dans le socle-Faites passer le fil de fer dans le socle à coté du bouchon et plantez la tige du parapluie dans le liège. -Accrochez le fil de fer à l'hélice du moteur. Il y a des accroches sur l'hélice prévu à cet effet . - Tentez une simulation sur le logiciel, le parapluie doit s'ouvrir en restant en place sur le liège. Ressayer l'opération tant que le parapluie ne reste pas fixé au liège. -Placez la carte Arduino à l'intérieur de la boite, en faisant passer le câble USB par le trou prévu à cet effet. -Vous pouvez alors fermez la boit et la solidifier avec du scotch.z la boit et la solidifier avec du scotch.)
  • Little Umbrella by Hyades  + (-Faites passer le fil de fer dans le socle-Faites passer le fil de fer dans le socle à coté du bouchon et plantez la tige du parapluie dans le liège. -Accrochez le fil de fer à l'hélice du moteur. Il y a des accroches sur l'hélice prévu à cet effet . - Tentez une simulation sur le logiciel, le parapluie doit s'ouvrir en restant en place sur le liège. Ressayer l'opération tant que le parapluie ne reste pas fixé au liège. -Placez la carte Arduino à l'intérieur de la boite, en faisant passer le câble USB par le trou prévu à cet effet. -Vous pouvez alors fermez la boit et la solidifier avec du scotch.z la boit et la solidifier avec du scotch.)
  • Grenouille Bleue 2  + (-placer les 3 fils de couleur sur le cable du moteur prévu à cet effet, et les brancher dans les trous correspondant (voir photo ci contre))
  • Grenouille Bleue 2  + (-placer les 3 fils de couleur sur le cable du moteur prévu à cet effet, et les brancher dans les trous correspondant (voir photo ci contre))
  • TomBot  + (- Souder deux jumpers aux deux pattes arge- Souder deux jumpers aux deux pattes argentées (un par patte) de l'interrupteur. Attention, la dorée est pour la LED (figure 6). - Souder l'un des fils de l'interrupteur au fil noir du support de pile 9v (figure 6). - Souder un troisième jumper au fil rouge du support de pile 9v (figure 6). - Connecter le jumper de l'interrupteur libre à l'un des GND de l'Arduino et celui du support de pile à VIN (figure 7 et 8).  - Brancher la pile 9v et mettre l'interrupteur sur la position on. Vérifier que les LEDs de l'Arduino s'allument bien et éteindre l'interrupteur.'allument bien et éteindre l'interrupteur.)
  • TomBot  + (- Souder deux jumpers aux deux pattes arge- Souder deux jumpers aux deux pattes argentées (un par patte) de l'interrupteur. Attention, la dorée est pour la LED (figure 6). - Souder l'un des fils de l'interrupteur au fil noir du support de pile 9v (figure 6). - Souder un troisième jumper au fil rouge du support de pile 9v (figure 6). - Connecter le jumper de l'interrupteur libre à l'un des GND de l'Arduino et celui du support de pile à VIN (figure 7 et 8).  - Brancher la pile 9v et mettre l'interrupteur sur la position on. Vérifier que les LEDs de l'Arduino s'allument bien et éteindre l'interrupteur.'allument bien et éteindre l'interrupteur.)
  • Créer une application avec Lora32u4 pour The Things Network  + (1 - Télécharger les fichiers [http://bsfra1 - Télécharger les fichiers [ Driver windows] et [ Arduino Hardware folder] sur la page [ BSFrance] 2 - Pour les drivers, il suffit de dézipper et de cliquer sur adafruit_drivers.exe. Parmi la liste des drivers proposés, il faut choisir Feather32u4 3 - Bon, là, normalement, il est possible de brancher la carte sur le port USB de l'ordinateur.
    Il est possible que vous ayez le message que l'installation du pilote n'a pas été possible. Pas de panique, on y reviendra
    3 - Pour les fichiers Arduino, il faut le dézipper dans le répertoire Mes Documents/Arduino/hardware (ce qui est le répertoire par défaut de l'installation de l'environnement Arduino, mais peut-être différent suivant votre installation. si le sous-répertoire hardware n'existe pas, créez le. Cette bibliothèque sert à gérer le microcontrôleur AT Mega32u4 de la carte. 4 - Démarrez l'IDE Arduino. Vous devriez pouvoir trouver la carte dans le menu Outils > Type de carte > LoRa32u4II 868 5 - Dans l'environnement Arduino, à ce stade on sélectionne le port par le menu Outils > Port, mais s'il y a eu l'erreur d'installation de pilote précédemment mentionnée, le port n'apparait pas. Il faut appuyer sur le bouton reset de la carte et sélectionner à nouveau, dans le laps de temps du reset, le menu Outils > Port. Là normalement le port devrait apparaitre quelques instants et on peut le sélectionner. 6 - Il reste encore à installer un bibliothèque : la bibliothèque LMIC qui contient les fichiers pour le protocole LoraWan. Pour cela il y a 2 méthodes : Méthode 1 : * La première est d'aller dans le menu Croquis > Inclure une bibliothèque > Gérer les bibliothèques. * Dans la barre de recherche, du gestionnaire de bibliothèque, tapez "lmic"
    Si vous ne voyez rien apparaitre, vérifiez que les listes déroulantes Type et Sujet soient bien sur "Tout"
    * Choisissez d'installer le bibliothèque IBM LMIC Framework Méthode 2 : * Téléchargez l'archive du projet GitHub dans le répertoire Mes Documents/Arduino/Libraries. Vous devriez avoir un répertoire arduino-lmic-master 7 - Lorsque cette bibliothèque est bien installée, vous pouvez choisir dans le menu Fichier > Exemples > LMIC-Arduino le sketch ttn-otaa
    Pour faire court, la différence entre les sketches ttn-abp et ttn-otaa vient des deux différentes façon de s'enregistrer sur le réseau The Thing Network (par enregistrement, je parle de l'échange qui a lieu entre notre carte et la passerelle TTN lors de la mise sous tension de la carte) La première est l'Activation By Personalization (ou abp) pour laquelle il faut avoir une adresse réseau de la carte appelée DevAddr) La seconde est l'Over-The-Air-Activation (ou otaa). Dans ce mode DevAddr est transmis automatiquement pendant la phase d'enregistrement.
    (ou abp) pour laquelle il faut avoir une adresse réseau de la carte appelée DevAddr) La seconde est l'Over-The-Air-Activation (ou otaa). Dans ce mode DevAddr est transmis automatiquement pendant la phase d'enregistrement.</div> </div>)
  • RainMan 5  + (1) A l'aide du tournevis plat, vissez le m1) A l'aide du tournevis plat, vissez le moteur sur la plaque de bois. 2) Assemblez la plaque avec le moteur et le socle en liège avec les autres plaques. Placez la plaque du moteur en haut, veillez bien à ce que le socle en liège soit en haut. Assemblez-la avec deux autres plaques en plastique placées sur les côtés. Puis finissez avec la plaque du bas. 3) Afin de tout solidifier, fixez le tout avec de la colle et du scotch.xez le tout avec de la colle et du scotch.)
  • Plante connectée  + (Nous allons faire le montage en utilisant Nous allons faire le montage en utilisant la sortie digital (Broche 3 – D0) du capteur. Cette sortie serait connectée sur l’entrée Digital 4 du Arduino. Pour le branchement de la LED nous allons réutiliser le principe du montage « Allumer une LED » avec la sortie Digital 3 du Arduino.
    La programmation du montage est assez proche de celle utilisée avec un simple bouton. On paramètre les entrées (Capteur) et sorties (LED) du Arduino dans la fonction setup. Si l’entrée lue correspondant au capteur est à l’état haut (HIGH) on allume la LED. Si l’entrée lu est à l’état bas, on éteint la LED.
    const int L1 = 2; // broche 2 du micro-contrôleur se nomme maintenant : L1 const int plante = 3; // broche 3 du micro-contrôleur se nomme maintenant : plante void setup() // fonction d'initialisation de la carte { // contenu de l'initialisation pinMode(L1, OUTPUT); // L1 est une broche de sortie pinMode(plante, INPUT); // plante est une broche d entree } void loop() // fonction principale, elle se repete (s execute) a l'infini { // contenu du programme int humide = digitalRead(plante); // Lecture de l etat du capteur if(humide == HIGH) // Si le capteur est a l etat haut { digitalWrite(L1, HIGH); // Allumer L1 } else // Sinon { digitalWrite(L1, LOW); // Eteindre L1 } delay(1000); // Attendre 1 seconde }
    non { digitalWrite(L1, LOW); // Eteindre L1 } delay(1000); // Attendre 1 seconde })
  • Plante connectée  + (Nous allons faire le montage en utilisant Nous allons faire le montage en utilisant la sortie digital (Broche 3 – D0) du capteur. Cette sortie serait connectée sur l’entrée Digital 4 du Arduino. Pour le branchement de la LED nous allons réutiliser le principe du montage « Allumer une LED » avec la sortie Digital 3 du Arduino.
    La programmation du montage est assez proche de celle utilisée avec un simple bouton. On paramètre les entrées (Capteur) et sorties (LED) du Arduino dans la fonction setup. Si l’entrée lue correspondant au capteur est à l’état haut (HIGH) on allume la LED. Si l’entrée lu est à l’état bas, on éteint la LED.
    const int L1 = 2; // broche 2 du micro-contrôleur se nomme maintenant : L1 const int plante = 3; // broche 3 du micro-contrôleur se nomme maintenant : plante void setup() // fonction d'initialisation de la carte { // contenu de l'initialisation pinMode(L1, OUTPUT); // L1 est une broche de sortie pinMode(plante, INPUT); // plante est une broche d entree } void loop() // fonction principale, elle se repete (s execute) a l'infini { // contenu du programme int humide = digitalRead(plante); // Lecture de l etat du capteur if(humide == HIGH) // Si le capteur est a l etat haut { digitalWrite(L1, HIGH); // Allumer L1 } else // Sinon { digitalWrite(L1, LOW); // Eteindre L1 } delay(1000); // Attendre 1 seconde }
    non { digitalWrite(L1, LOW); // Eteindre L1 } delay(1000); // Attendre 1 seconde })
  • PP Shredder Basic  + (1/2" Socket wrench 11/16" Socket" 6mm Allen/Hex Wrench Locking Pliers Adjustable pliers Metal File Screwdriver <br/>)
  • Batvision : dans la peau d'une chauve-souris  + (Branchez la carte Arduino en USB au PC A l'aide du logiciel ArduinoIDE, uploadez le code "Batvision-v2.ino" dans l'Arduino.)
  • Biped dancing robot  + (3D .stl files here: Find a way to 3d print the parts, they are designed for no supports so is very easy to print with 20% infill and 0.2mm resolution.)
  • Biped dancing robot  + (3D .stl files here: Find a way to 3d print the parts, they are designed for no supports so is very easy to print with 20% infill and 0.2mm resolution.)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 6 - Electrónica Dual  + (<big>Componentes:</big> * 6x CComponentes: * 6x Cables para los motores Montaje: # Introducimos cada uno de los cables de los motores en su conector.
    Sólo tienen una posición para colocarlos.
    v> <div class="icon-instructions-text">Sólo tienen una posición para colocarlos.</div> </div>)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 6 - Electrónica Dual  + (<big>Componente:</big> * 3x CComponente: * 3x Cables para los finales de carrera Montaje: # Introducimos cada uno de los cables de los finales de carrera en su clavija (para los ejes X, Y y Z).
    Sólo tienen una posición para colocarlos.
    v> <div class="icon-instructions-text">Sólo tienen una posición para colocarlos.</div> </div>)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 3 - Cama Caliente  + (<big>Componentes:</big> *Cama Componentes: *Cama caliente *Cable bipolar Montaje: #Preparamos el cable bipolar para la soldadura. Esto esː el negativo (negro) irá soldado en los dos rectángulos de la derecha y el positivo (rojo) soldado a los dos de la izquierda. #Ponemos cinta kapton para fijar el cable en la cama y que nos permita soldar con mayor facilidad #Soldamos.en la cama y que nos permita soldar con mayor facilidad #Soldamos.)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 3 - Cama Caliente  + (<big>Componentes:</big> *Cama caliente del paso anterior *Cinta Kapton <big>Montaje:</big> #Colocamos cinta kapton sobre las soldaduras que hemos realizado en el paso anterior, de modo que no queden expuestas a posibles contactos.)
  • Montaje 3DSteel - Tutorial 2 - Eje X, eje Z y extrusor  + (<big>Componentes:</big> *CarrComponentes: *Carro con rodamientos *2 varillas 375 mm Montaje: #Introducimos con cuidado las varillas a través de los rodamientos del carro.
    Hay que tener especial cuidado al introducir las varillas para no dañar los rodamientos lineales LM8UU.

    ial cuidado al introducir las varillas para no dañar los rodamientos lineales LM8UU.</div> </div><br/>)
  • Montaje 3DSteel V2- Tutorial 2 - Eje X, eje Z y extrusor  + (<big>Componentes:</big> * Conjunto anterior * Conjunto del X motor * Conjunto del X idler <big>Montaje:</big> # Introducimos las varillas por uno de los extremos a presión. # Introducimos el otro extremo del eje.)
  • Montaje 3DSteel V2 - Tutorial 3 - Cama caliente, Fuente de alimentación y Electrónica  + (<big>Componentes:</big> * EstComponentes: * Estructura * Conjunto del LCD * 1x tornillo M3x12 Montaje: # Colocamos la pantalla haciendo coincidir el orificio con tuerca con el orificio de la pletina superior del eje Z. # Introducimos un tornillo M3x12 y lo fijamos.
    Debemos fijarlo de manera que permita girar la pantalla, pero que quede bien sujeto.

    Debemos fijarlo de manera que permita girar la pantalla, pero que quede bien sujeto.</div> </div><br/>)
  • Montaje 3DSteel - Tutorial 3 - Cama caliente, Fuente de alimentación y Electrónica  + (<big>Componentes:</big> *EstrComponentes: *Estructura tras Tutorial 2 *Cama caliente preparada *4 tornillos M3x25 avellanados *4 tuercas autoblocantes *4 arandelas DIN 9021 (aleta ancha) *4 muelles *4 tuercas de ajuste manual *1 brida Montaje: #Colocamos por cada esquina de la camaː un tornillo que pasamos por la cama, una tuerca autoblocante, una arandela y un muelle. #Lo pasamos por el orifico del carro y colocamos una tuerca de ajuste manual y fijamos. #Repetimos este proceso en las cuatro esquinas. #Con una brida fijamos el cable a la estructura, utilizando los dos orificios que encontramos en el lateral.
    Colocamos la cama caliente con los cables hacia atrás de la impresora y el aislante térmico hacia abajo.

    Al fijar el cable a la estructura, nos debemos asegurar de dejar el cable con holgura suficiente para que pueda hacer todo su recorrido en el eje Y. No es recomendable dejar demasido cable ya que podría engancharse.

    olgura suficiente para que pueda hacer todo su recorrido en el eje Y. No es recomendable dejar demasido cable ya que podría engancharse.</div> </div> <br/>)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 4 - Extrusor Dual  + (<big>Componentes:</big> * 2x pComponentes: * 2x piezas impresas * 2x rodamiento 608zz * 2x tornillos M8x20 Montaje: # Empezando por uno de los dos tensores, introducimos el rodamiento en su posición. # Introducimos el tornillo a través del rodamiento. # Repetimos estos pasos para el otro tensor.
    1. Correspondiente al extrusor izquierdo. 2. Correspondiente al extrusor derecho.
    t">1. Correspondiente al extrusor izquierdo. 2. Correspondiente al extrusor derecho.</div> </div>)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 4 - Extrusor Dual  + (<big>Componentes:</big> * 2x pComponentes: * 2x piezas impresas * 2x rodamiento 608zz * 2x tornillos M8x20 Montaje: # Empezando por uno de los dos tensores, introducimos el rodamiento en su posición. # Introducimos el tornillo a través del rodamiento. # Repetimos estos pasos para el otro tensor.
    1. Correspondiente al extrusor izquierdo. 2. Correspondiente al extrusor derecho.
    t">1. Correspondiente al extrusor izquierdo. 2. Correspondiente al extrusor derecho.</div> </div>)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 5 - Fuente de Alimentación  + (<big>Componentes:</big> * Fuente de alimentación <big>Montaje:</big> # Comprobamos que el voltaje de la fuente esté ajustado a 220V. Sólo tenemos que comprobar que el interruptor señalado marque 220V y no 110V.)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 5 - Fuente de Alimentación  + (<big>Componentes:</big> * Fuente de alimentación <big>Montaje:</big> # Comprobamos que el voltaje de la fuente esté ajustado a 220V. Sólo tenemos que comprobar que el interruptor señalado marque 220V y no 110V.)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 4 - Extrusor  + (<big>Componentes:</big> * VentComponentes: * Ventilador 4020 (de capa) * Ventilador 3010 (hotend) * 1.5 metros aprox. de cable bipolar 1mm''²''(0.75 m para cada uno) * 2 clavijas Montaje: # Empezando por uno de los ventiladores, introducimos un poco de termorretráctil en los extremos de los dos hilos del cable bipolar que vamos a soldar. # Pelamos los dos extremos del cable. # Soldamos uno de los hilos a la clavija (tenemos que tener la precaución de soldar correctamente el cable negativo con el pin de la clavija que conectará con el cable negativo del ventilador y el positivo con el que conectará con el positivo). # Protegemos la soldadura con el termorretráctil y lo calentamos para activarlo. # Repetimos los pasos con el otro ventilador.
    Utilizando estas clavijas, en caso de que tengamos que cambiar unos de los ventiladores, sólo tendremos que desconectarlo, evitando repetir soldaduras.
    Muy importante respetar la polaridad de los ventiladores. Cuando soldemos los cables a la clavija, hay que prestar especial cuidado a la orientación de la misma, para soldar el cable positivo al pin que coonectará con el cable positivo del ventilador y lo mismo con el negativo.
    ntación de la misma, para soldar el cable positivo al pin que coonectará con el cable positivo del ventilador y lo mismo con el negativo.</div> </div>)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 4 - Extrusor  + (<big>Componentes:</big> *CuerpComponentes: *Cuerpo del extrusor *Hotend *Tubo de teflón Montaje: #Introducimos el tubo de teflón dentro del hotend hasta el fondo. #Introducimos el hotend dentro del extrusor y marcamos con un rotulador permanente hasta donde deberá llegar el tubo de teflón. #Sacamos el hotend y cortamos con un cutter el tubo haciendo un ángulo de 45º, simulando la forma del extrusor.
    El filamento una vez le empuje la polea dentada entrará directamente en el tubo de teflón minimizando posibles rozamientos.
    polea dentada entrará directamente en el tubo de teflón minimizando posibles rozamientos.</div> </div>)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 6 - Electrónica y sus conexiones  + (<big>Componentes</big> * 3x CaComponentes * 3x Cables para los finales de carrera Montaje: # Introducimos cada uno de los cables de los finales de carrera en su clavija (para los ejes X, Y y Z).
    Nota: Sólo tienen una posición para colocarlos.
    <div class="icon-instructions-text">Nota: Sólo tienen una posición para colocarlos.</div> </div>)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 6 - Electrónica y sus conexiones  + (<big>Componentes</big> * 3x CaComponentes * 3x Cables para los finales de carrera Montaje: # Introducimos cada uno de los cables de los finales de carrera en su clavija (para los ejes X, Y y Z).
    Nota: Sólo tienen una posición para colocarlos.
    <div class="icon-instructions-text">Nota: Sólo tienen una posición para colocarlos.</div> </div>)
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    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the SAP C_HAMOD_2404 Exam''' == CertsAdvice C_HAMOD_2404 exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the SAP  Exam certification exam. Authentic SAP C_HAMOD_2404 Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the SAP  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the C_HAMOD_2404 exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the SAP  SAP C_HAMOD_2404 certification exam. '''2024 C_HAMOD_2404 Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind C_HAMOD_2404 dumps Is PDF learning material the future of C_HAMOD_2404 exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the SAP  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the C_HAMOD_2404 certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its SAP  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf C_HAMOD_2404 exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the C_HAMOD_2404 exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the C_HAMOD_2404 test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the SAP  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the C_HAMOD_2404 certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the C_HAMOD_2404 exam. Achieve confidence in your C_HAMOD_2404 exam by practicing the most recent SAP  C_HAMOD_2404 exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the C_HAMOD_2404 Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by C_HAMOD_2404 certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the C_HAMOD_2404 exam in order to offer you the most recent C_HAMOD_2404 exam dumps 2024. The C_HAMOD_2404 questions and answers featured in the SAP exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the SAP  Exam. By mastering these genuine SAP C_HAMOD_2404 exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the SAP  C_HAMOD_2404 test. === '''The C_HAMOD_2404 dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the C_HAMOD_2404 SAP  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the C_HAMOD_2404 exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the SAP  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the SAP C_HAMOD_2404 exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the C_HAMOD_2404 PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the C_HAMOD_2404 exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the C_HAMOD_2404 exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the SAP  C_HAMOD_2404 questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding SAP. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the C_HAMOD_2404 Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the SAP  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the C_HAMOD_2404 exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the SAP  Exam by utilizing the C_HAMOD_2404 dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on C_HAMOD_2404 PDF Dumps: Download Free C_HAMOD_2404 Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent C_HAMOD_2404 exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the SAP C_HAMOD_2404 questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
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    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the CIPS L3M1 Exam''' == CertsAdvice L3M1 exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the CIPS  Exam certification exam. Authentic CIPS L3M1 Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the CIPS  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the L3M1 exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the CIPS  CIPS L3M1 certification exam. '''2024 L3M1 Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind L3M1 dumps Is PDF learning material the future of L3M1 exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the CIPS  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the L3M1 certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its CIPS  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf L3M1 exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the L3M1 exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the L3M1 test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the CIPS  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the L3M1 certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the L3M1 exam. Achieve confidence in your L3M1 exam by practicing the most recent CIPS  L3M1 exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the L3M1 Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by L3M1 certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the L3M1 exam in order to offer you the most recent L3M1 exam dumps 2024. The L3M1 questions and answers featured in the CIPS exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the CIPS  Exam. By mastering these genuine CIPS L3M1 exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the CIPS  L3M1 test. === '''The L3M1 dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the L3M1 CIPS  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the L3M1 exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the CIPS  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the CIPS L3M1 exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the L3M1 PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the L3M1 exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the L3M1 exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the CIPS  L3M1 questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding CIPS. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the L3M1 Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the CIPS  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the L3M1 exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the CIPS  Exam by utilizing the L3M1 dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on L3M1 PDF Dumps: Download Free L3M1 Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent L3M1 exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the CIPS L3M1 questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
    ns and answers at CertsAdvice immediately. <br/>)
  • 300-440 Cisco Exam All You Need to Pass  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the Cisco 300-440 Exam''' == CertsAdvice 300-440 exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the Cisco  Exam certification exam. Authentic Cisco 300-440 Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the Cisco  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the 300-440 exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the Cisco  Cisco 300-440 certification exam. '''2024 300-440 Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind 300-440 dumps Is PDF learning material the future of 300-440 exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the Cisco  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the 300-440 certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its Cisco  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf 300-440 exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the 300-440 exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the 300-440 test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the Cisco  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the 300-440 certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the 300-440 exam. Achieve confidence in your 300-440 exam by practicing the most recent Cisco  300-440 exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the 300-440 Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by 300-440 certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the 300-440 exam in order to offer you the most recent 300-440 exam dumps 2024. The 300-440 questions and answers featured in the Cisco exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the Cisco  Exam. By mastering these genuine Cisco 300-440 exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the Cisco  300-440 test. === '''The 300-440 dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the 300-440 Cisco  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the 300-440 exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the Cisco  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the Cisco 300-440 exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the 300-440 PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the 300-440 exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the 300-440 exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the Cisco  300-440 questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding Cisco. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the 300-440 Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the Cisco  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the 300-440 exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the Cisco  Exam by utilizing the 300-440 dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on 300-440 PDF Dumps: Download Free 300-440 Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent 300-440 exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the Cisco 300-440 questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
    ns and answers at CertsAdvice immediately. <br/>)
  • AIGP IAPP Exam All You Need to Pass  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
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  • NetSuite-Administrator NetSuite Exam All You Need to Pass  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the NetSuite NetSuite-Administrator Exam''' == CertsAdvice NetSuite-Administrator exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the NetSuite  Exam certification exam. Authentic NetSuite NetSuite-Administrator Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the NetSuite  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the NetSuite-Administrator exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the NetSuite  NetSuite NetSuite-Administrator certification exam. '''2024 NetSuite-Administrator Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind NetSuite-Administrator dumps Is PDF learning material the future of NetSuite-Administrator exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the NetSuite  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the NetSuite-Administrator certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its NetSuite  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf NetSuite-Administrator exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the NetSuite-Administrator exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the NetSuite-Administrator test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the NetSuite  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the NetSuite-Administrator certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the NetSuite-Administrator exam. Achieve confidence in your NetSuite-Administrator exam by practicing the most recent NetSuite  NetSuite-Administrator exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the NetSuite-Administrator Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by NetSuite-Administrator certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the NetSuite-Administrator exam in order to offer you the most recent NetSuite-Administrator exam dumps 2024. The NetSuite-Administrator questions and answers featured in the NetSuite exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the NetSuite  Exam. By mastering these genuine NetSuite NetSuite-Administrator exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the NetSuite  NetSuite-Administrator test. === '''The NetSuite-Administrator dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the NetSuite-Administrator NetSuite  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the NetSuite-Administrator exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the NetSuite  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the NetSuite NetSuite-Administrator exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the NetSuite-Administrator PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the NetSuite-Administrator exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the NetSuite-Administrator exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the NetSuite  NetSuite-Administrator questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding NetSuite. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the NetSuite-Administrator Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the NetSuite  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the NetSuite-Administrator exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the NetSuite  Exam by utilizing the NetSuite-Administrator dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on NetSuite-Administrator PDF Dumps: Download Free NetSuite-Administrator Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent NetSuite-Administrator exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the NetSuite NetSuite-Administrator questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
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  • Fortinet NSE7 OTS-7.2 - Free Exam Questions PDF Files  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 Exam''' == CertsAdvice NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the Fortinet  Exam certification exam. Authentic Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the Fortinet  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the Fortinet  Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 certification exam. '''2024 NSE7_OTS-7.2 Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind NSE7_OTS-7.2 dumps Is PDF learning material the future of NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the Fortinet  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the NSE7_OTS-7.2 certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its Fortinet  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the NSE7_OTS-7.2 test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the Fortinet  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the NSE7_OTS-7.2 certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam. Achieve confidence in your NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam by practicing the most recent Fortinet  NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the NSE7_OTS-7.2 Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by NSE7_OTS-7.2 certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam in order to offer you the most recent NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam dumps 2024. The NSE7_OTS-7.2 questions and answers featured in the Fortinet exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the Fortinet  Exam. By mastering these genuine Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the Fortinet  NSE7_OTS-7.2 test. === '''The NSE7_OTS-7.2 dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the NSE7_OTS-7.2 Fortinet  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the Fortinet  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the NSE7_OTS-7.2 PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the Fortinet  NSE7_OTS-7.2 questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding Fortinet. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the NSE7_OTS-7.2 Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the Fortinet  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the Fortinet  Exam by utilizing the NSE7_OTS-7.2 dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on NSE7_OTS-7.2 PDF Dumps: Download Free NSE7_OTS-7.2 Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
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  • Dell EMC D-NWG-FN-23 - Free Exam Questions PDF Files  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the Dell EMC D-NWG-FN-23 Exam''' == CertsAdvice D-NWG-FN-23 exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the Dell EMC  Exam certification exam. Authentic Dell EMC D-NWG-FN-23 Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the Dell EMC  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the D-NWG-FN-23 exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the Dell EMC  Dell EMC D-NWG-FN-23 certification exam. '''2024 D-NWG-FN-23 Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind D-NWG-FN-23 dumps Is PDF learning material the future of D-NWG-FN-23 exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the Dell EMC  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the D-NWG-FN-23 certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its Dell EMC  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf D-NWG-FN-23 exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the D-NWG-FN-23 exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the D-NWG-FN-23 test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the Dell EMC  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the D-NWG-FN-23 certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the D-NWG-FN-23 exam. Achieve confidence in your D-NWG-FN-23 exam by practicing the most recent Dell EMC  D-NWG-FN-23 exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the D-NWG-FN-23 Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by D-NWG-FN-23 certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the D-NWG-FN-23 exam in order to offer you the most recent D-NWG-FN-23 exam dumps 2024. The D-NWG-FN-23 questions and answers featured in the Dell EMC exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the Dell EMC  Exam. By mastering these genuine Dell EMC D-NWG-FN-23 exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the Dell EMC  D-NWG-FN-23 test. === '''The D-NWG-FN-23 dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the D-NWG-FN-23 Dell EMC  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the D-NWG-FN-23 exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the Dell EMC  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the Dell EMC D-NWG-FN-23 exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the D-NWG-FN-23 PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the D-NWG-FN-23 exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the D-NWG-FN-23 exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the Dell EMC  D-NWG-FN-23 questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding Dell EMC. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the D-NWG-FN-23 Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the Dell EMC  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the D-NWG-FN-23 exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the Dell EMC  Exam by utilizing the D-NWG-FN-23 dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on D-NWG-FN-23 PDF Dumps: Download Free D-NWG-FN-23 Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent D-NWG-FN-23 exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the Dell EMC D-NWG-FN-23 questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
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  • Appian ACD101 Practice Test Questions  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the Appian ACD101 Exam''' == CertsAdvice ACD101 exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the Appian  Exam certification exam. Authentic Appian ACD101 Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the Appian  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the ACD101 exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the Appian  Appian ACD101 certification exam. '''2024 ACD101 Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind ACD101 dumps Is PDF learning material the future of ACD101 exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the Appian  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the ACD101 certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its Appian  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf ACD101 exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the ACD101 exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the ACD101 test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the Appian  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the ACD101 certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the ACD101 exam. Achieve confidence in your ACD101 exam by practicing the most recent Appian  ACD101 exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the ACD101 Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by ACD101 certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the ACD101 exam in order to offer you the most recent ACD101 exam dumps 2024. The ACD101 questions and answers featured in the Appian exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the Appian  Exam. By mastering these genuine Appian ACD101 exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the Appian  ACD101 test. === '''The ACD101 dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the ACD101 Appian  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the ACD101 exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the Appian  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the Appian ACD101 exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the ACD101 PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the ACD101 exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the ACD101 exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the Appian  ACD101 questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding Appian. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the ACD101 Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the Appian  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the ACD101 exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the Appian  Exam by utilizing the ACD101 dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on ACD101 PDF Dumps: Download Free ACD101 Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent ACD101 exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the Appian ACD101 questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
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  • Top Rated 3V0-31.22 Dumps PDF  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the VMware 3V0-31.22 Exam''' == CertsAdvice 3V0-31.22 exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the VMware  Exam certification exam. Authentic VMware 3V0-31.22 Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the VMware  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the 3V0-31.22 exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the VMware  VMware 3V0-31.22 certification exam. '''2024 3V0-31.22 Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind 3V0-31.22 dumps Is PDF learning material the future of 3V0-31.22 exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the VMware  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the 3V0-31.22 certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its VMware  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf 3V0-31.22 exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the 3V0-31.22 exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the 3V0-31.22 test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the VMware  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the 3V0-31.22 certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the 3V0-31.22 exam. Achieve confidence in your 3V0-31.22 exam by practicing the most recent VMware  3V0-31.22 exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the 3V0-31.22 Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by 3V0-31.22 certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the 3V0-31.22 exam in order to offer you the most recent 3V0-31.22 exam dumps 2024. The 3V0-31.22 questions and answers featured in the VMware exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the VMware  Exam. By mastering these genuine VMware 3V0-31.22 exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the VMware  3V0-31.22 test. === '''The 3V0-31.22 dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the 3V0-31.22 VMware  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the 3V0-31.22 exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the VMware  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the VMware 3V0-31.22 exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the 3V0-31.22 PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the 3V0-31.22 exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the 3V0-31.22 exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the VMware  3V0-31.22 questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding VMware. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the 3V0-31.22 Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the VMware  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the 3V0-31.22 exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the VMware  Exam by utilizing the 3V0-31.22 dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on 3V0-31.22 PDF Dumps: Download Free 3V0-31.22 Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent 3V0-31.22 exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the VMware 3V0-31.22 questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
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  • Scaled Agile SAFe-POPM - Free Exam Questions PDF Files  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the Scaled Agile SAFe-POPM Exam''' == CertsAdvice SAFe-POPM exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the Scaled Agile  Exam certification exam. Authentic Scaled Agile SAFe-POPM Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the Scaled Agile  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the SAFe-POPM exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the Scaled Agile  Scaled Agile SAFe-POPM certification exam. '''2024 SAFe-POPM Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind SAFe-POPM dumps Is PDF learning material the future of SAFe-POPM exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the Scaled Agile  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the SAFe-POPM certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its Scaled Agile  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf SAFe-POPM exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the SAFe-POPM exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the SAFe-POPM test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the Scaled Agile  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the SAFe-POPM certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the SAFe-POPM exam. Achieve confidence in your SAFe-POPM exam by practicing the most recent Scaled Agile  SAFe-POPM exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the SAFe-POPM Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by SAFe-POPM certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the SAFe-POPM exam in order to offer you the most recent SAFe-POPM exam dumps 2024. The SAFe-POPM questions and answers featured in the Scaled Agile exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the Scaled Agile  Exam. By mastering these genuine Scaled Agile SAFe-POPM exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the Scaled Agile  SAFe-POPM test. === '''The SAFe-POPM dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the SAFe-POPM Scaled Agile  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the SAFe-POPM exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the Scaled Agile  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the Scaled Agile SAFe-POPM exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the SAFe-POPM PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the SAFe-POPM exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the SAFe-POPM exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the Scaled Agile  SAFe-POPM questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding Scaled Agile. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the SAFe-POPM Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the Scaled Agile  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the SAFe-POPM exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the Scaled Agile  Exam by utilizing the SAFe-POPM dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on SAFe-POPM PDF Dumps: Download Free SAFe-POPM Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent SAFe-POPM exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the Scaled Agile SAFe-POPM questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
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  • SAP C SIGDA 2403 Practice Test Questions  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
    == '''The Unknown Advantages of Utilizing Exam Dumps for the SAP C_SIGDA_2403 Exam''' == CertsAdvice C_SIGDA_2403 exam documents 2024 can simplify the process of preparing for the SAP  Exam certification exam. Authentic SAP C_SIGDA_2403 Exam dumps are meticulously crafted study materials that can assist you in identifying areas to concentrate on, acquainting yourself with the SAP  Exam format, and ultimately passing your certification exam with flying colors. This article will investigate the C_SIGDA_2403 exam questions, their functionality, and the reasons they are an exceptional resource for achieving success in the SAP  SAP C_SIGDA_2403 certification exam. '''2024 C_SIGDA_2403 Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind C_SIGDA_2403 dumps Is PDF learning material the future of C_SIGDA_2403 exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the SAP  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the C_SIGDA_2403 certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its SAP  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf C_SIGDA_2403 exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the C_SIGDA_2403 exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the C_SIGDA_2403 test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the SAP  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the C_SIGDA_2403 certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the C_SIGDA_2403 exam. Achieve confidence in your C_SIGDA_2403 exam by practicing the most recent SAP  C_SIGDA_2403 exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the C_SIGDA_2403 Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by C_SIGDA_2403 certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the C_SIGDA_2403 exam in order to offer you the most recent C_SIGDA_2403 exam dumps 2024. The C_SIGDA_2403 questions and answers featured in the SAP exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the SAP  Exam. By mastering these genuine SAP C_SIGDA_2403 exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the SAP  C_SIGDA_2403 test. === '''The C_SIGDA_2403 dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the C_SIGDA_2403 SAP  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the C_SIGDA_2403 exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the SAP  Exam that the company may announce. CertsAdvice will provide you with free and consistent updates for the SAP C_SIGDA_2403 exam papers 2024, which are valid for three months from the date of purchase. === '''Obtain a preview of the C_SIGDA_2403 PDF dumps with complimentary demo access.''' === Before purchasing the C_SIGDA_2403 exam questions learning product, you may ensure that the C_SIGDA_2403 exam prep dumps are valid. CertsAdvice has developed a demo to enable you to evaluate the quality of the SAP  C_SIGDA_2403 questions learning material and make an informed decision regarding SAP. === '''Money-Back Guarantee: Your Success in the C_SIGDA_2403 Exam Or Your Money Back''' === CertsAdvice appreciates the time, effort, and financial investment you make in preparing for the SAP  Exam certification exam. This is the reason CertsAdvice is able to confidently guarantee your success in the C_SIGDA_2403 exam with a money-back guarantee. For a minimum of two weeks, you must prepare for the SAP  Exam by utilizing the C_SIGDA_2403 dumps 2024/24. CertsAdvice will gladly refund your entire payment in accordance with the refund policy if you are unsuccessful === '''Get a Special Discount Offer on C_SIGDA_2403 PDF Dumps: Download Free C_SIGDA_2403 Dumps 2024''' === CertsAdvice has announced a substantial 25% discount on the acquisition of the most recent C_SIGDA_2403 exam files 2024. Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and place your order for the SAP C_SIGDA_2403 questions and answers at CertsAdvice immediately.
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  • NetSuite NetSuite-Administrator Practice Test Questions  + (<br/> == '''The Unknown Advantages
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'''2024 NetSuite-Administrator Exam Questions: 100% Free to Try:''' === '''The rationale behind NetSuite-Administrator dumps Is PDF learning material the future of NetSuite-Administrator exam preparation?''' === You are eager to sit for the NetSuite  Exam, but your professional schedule is exceedingly hectic, and you are uncertain of how to prepare for the NetSuite-Administrator certification exam. CertsAdvice is available to assist you with its NetSuite  Exam practice guide, which is available in PDF format. The most advantageous aspect of pdf NetSuite-Administrator exam dumps is their compatibility with any device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. This enables you to prepare efficiently without the necessity of enrolling in any classes, even while you are on the go. === '''Become proficient in the NetSuite-Administrator exam topics by utilizing online practice test software.''' === In order to comprehend the NetSuite-Administrator test format, it is necessary to rehearse the questions from the NetSuite  Exam. CertsAdvice is providing a practice test engine that is compatible with all browsers and replicates the NetSuite-Administrator certification exam. This will assist you in the analysis of your preparation in order to address the deficiencies and prepare more effectively for the NetSuite-Administrator exam. Achieve confidence in your NetSuite-Administrator exam by practicing the most recent NetSuite  NetSuite-Administrator exam questions 2024/24. === '''Achieve Success on the NetSuite-Administrator Exam with Verified Questions and Accurate Answers''' === CertsAdvice is staffed by NetSuite-Administrator certified professionals who have conducted a comprehensive examination investigation on the NetSuite-Administrator exam in order to offer you the most recent NetSuite-Administrator exam dumps 2024. The NetSuite-Administrator questions and answers featured in the NetSuite exam papers material are derived from the most recent syllabus topics for the NetSuite  Exam. By mastering these genuine NetSuite NetSuite-Administrator exam questions and answers 2024, you will enhance your confidence in taking the NetSuite  NetSuite-Administrator test. === '''The NetSuite-Administrator dumps include three months of free updates, ensuring that you never miss a''' '''beat.''' === You need not be concerned about the NetSuite-Administrator NetSuite  Exam syllabus, which is subject to constant change. CertsAdvice will provide you with the most recent dumps guide for the NetSuite-Administrator exam. Additionally, CertsAdvice will promptly notify you of any modifications to the NetSuite  Exam that the company may announce. 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