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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Introduction » avec la valeur « While leafing through decoration magazines, I came up with the idea of that simple desk lamp made of wood and concrete. Is this a good introduction to you? ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 101 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

  • BlindTouch : Caroline  + (Notre parapluie miniature robotisé tend à Notre parapluie miniature robotisé tend à être un objet de notre everyday-life, utilisé de tous. Or, chez BlindTouch, nous faisons de la facilité et du confort nos priorités envers les plus nécessiteux : nous avons de fait pensé à réserver ce petit gadget aux aveugles. C'est un geste anodin et pourtant devenu si essentiel : entre deux cafés le matin, un journal à la main et dans l'autre, un smartphone qui, en un clic, nous éclairera sur la journée à venir. Les aveugles ne pouvant pas voir voir la météo, auraient donc en leur possession un moyen 2.0 astucieux pour savoir s'il pleuvra dans la journée, et ce seulement à l'aide de leurs doigts à leur chevet. En outre, nous avons pensé à rajouter une petite cloche accrochée à l'ombrelle du parapluie, ainsi, au simple son du grelot l'information météorologique sera transmise !nformation météorologique sera transmise !)
  • Quiz éléctronique I2D  + (Nous avons réalisé ce Quiz car nous voulioNous avons réalisé ce Quiz car nous voulions créer un jeux simple de construction et de pratique. Pour cela nous avons utilisé des matériaux disponible sur le pôle technique ( plastique, polystyrène ) pour incorporer une dimension de recyclage à notre projet. Suite aux calier des charges , qui nous imposé des questions sur des thèmes étudier en classes. Nous avons décidé de créer 4 jeux de cartes autour de 4 thèmes différents (logique combinatoire, énergie, actions mécanique, électricité). Pour la partie électronique de notre projet, nous avons fait le choix de d'incorporer une partie comptage des points qui est capable d'identifier une mauvaise raiponces lorsque le courant n'est pas établie entre deux connections. A l'inverse de comptabiliser une bonne raiponce lorsque le courant est établie. Par un système appart nous pouvons établir un classement.appart nous pouvons établir un classement.)
  • Faucheuse guidée par GPS RTK  + (For prior success you must get 1z0-1032-23For prior success you must get 1z0-1032-23 pdf dumps to prepare the Oracle Cloud exam and comprehend your understanding by following the schedule in the 1Z0 1080 certification dumps. Take an proper time and get the printout in the 1z0-1032-23 exam dumps and examine it routinely. Concentrate on the given strategy from the [ 1z0-1032-23 pdf questions] and prepare your Oracle Planning 2023 Implementation Professional exam effectively. This is exceptionally easy to prepare and also you can see facts concerning the 1Z0 1080 exam questions exhaustively. They provide you with the correct methodology for the precise points that you can cover successfully for the Oracle Planning 2023 Implementation Professional certification exam. '''Take Benefit From Oracle 1z0-1032-23 Dumps PDF - Prepare Any Cost-free Time''' The supplied guides are reviewed by the Oracle specialists of Oracleexampdf and you can get the valid Oracle 1z0-1032-23 exam dumps that could help you with covering the syllabus of the Oracle Cloud exam. Make your Oracle Planning 2023 Implementation Professional exam preparation genuine and also you can get the real 1Z0 1080 pdf dumps wiith finest solutions from the Oracle specialists and achieve the process simply. The specialists can help you so you'll be able to surely prepare together with the Oracle 1z0-1032-23 braindumps questions. Prepare with the knowledgeable and significant 1z0-1032-23 dumps pdf that can save your time. Full your tasks on time and get adequate information and facts together with the 1z0-1032-23 certification dumps. '''1z0-1032-23 Exam Dumps - Ideal Opportunity To Study Anywhere''' From Oracleexampdf it is possible to very easily obtain lots of opportunities and buy the typical price Oracle 1z0-1032-23 pdf dumps that are the very best to coordinate your Oracle Cloud exam using the most current and bona fide supply of 1Z0 1080 exam questions preparation. It is possible to concentrate on material that makes the 1z0-1032-23 dumps pdf commendable, and you can obtain excellent outcomes. Oracleexampdf provides you the most effective tactics to pass the actual Oracle Planning 2023 Implementation Professional exam. Effortlessly download the demo of 1z0-1032-23 dumps pdf which can be offered to you at an incredibly reasonable cost. Additional, take a print for the straightforwardness and save these 1z0-1032-23 exam dumps in one particular click in your laptop. Get it in the 1z0-1032-23 certification dumps which can be substantial and approved by our specialists. It provides the genuine facts regarding the 1Z0 1080 certification exam questions and also you considerably prepare using the 1z0-1032-23 questions pdf. Click Here: '''Click Here to Get 1z0-1032-23 Questions With Up To 20% Discount: ''' Prepare With 1z0-1032-23 Certification Dumps For Huge Accomplishment Quote for a long time around the 1z0-1032-23 dumps pdf presented free of charge updates. Around the first-come, you get the best remarks inside the 1z0-1032-23 pdf questions that are exceptionally helpful to accomplish organizing correctly and they are crucial. You'll be able to get the proposal of a cashback arrangement on 1z0-1032-23 pdf dumps by Oracleexampdf. Prepare appropriately with the Oracle pdf dumps and uncover the most recent opportunity for progress at the very first appearance.for progress at the very first appearance.)
  • One Shot Keto reviews for Canada  + (One Shot Keto is the most popular keto supOne Shot Keto is the most popular keto supplement in the market. No other keto supplements sell as m on the level of One Shot Keto, not even close. But is One Shot Keto really that good? Are the customers satisfied? What was my experience with them? I will answer all the questions one by one. But let’s start with the basics. One Shot Keto is actually a brand more than a product. They produce a variety of ketogenic supplements about which I will review one by one. Although they produce a variety of products, the most popular and the one I will be reviewing in this post is their flagship product – Exogenous ketone base. If you are unfamiliar with exogenous ketones, please read this first. (I will call One Shot Keto’s Exogenous ketone base as just One Shot Keto from now on for simplicity.) I tried One Shot Keto because they seem to be a genuine brand as they boast stats like: More than 50,000 satisfied customers An average of 4.9 stars rating from 3000+ customers The highest customer retention rate in the market. (People buying more than one product or the same product more than once.)oduct or the same product more than once.))
  • Replace kickstand  + (One of the most simple repairs you can perform on an electric scooter)
  • How to enhance Multiple Intelligences  + (People who achieve good academic results aPeople who achieve good academic results are commonly called intelligent and work at [ EssayMap]. But if they don't stand out, aren't they smart? Do you think you are? The approach of multiple intelligences of psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner postulates the existence of  8 different types of intelligence , which are intertwined working in a complex way in our mind. Were you good at language in school but not math? You didn't like studying but you were good at sports? With this theory of multiple intelligences we find the answer because ...  There are many ways to be intelligent! Gardner says that all people possess all types of intelligence and can develop them to acquire new levels of competencies. Some of us have more developed intelligence than others, but what is clear is that not all of them are reflected in the school's grades. We all have skills and talents, but sometimes they are not taken into account. Do you have children and do you want them to develop their potential? Are you a teacher and you want your students to perform better in their learning? == How to empower and strengthen the different types of intelligences == '''1. Linguistic-verbal intelligence''' . It is the ability to think in words and to use language to understand, express, and appreciate complex meanings. A good example for this case is the poet and writer William Shakespeare. How to strengthen and develop it : with reading books, different [ writing materials], newspapers and magazines, crosswords and voice recorders. '''2. Logical-mathematical intelligence.''' This ability includes calculations, number thinking, problem solving, application of logic, understanding of abstract concepts, and reasoning and understanding of relationships. A very good example of this intelligence is the well-known scientist Albert Einstein. How to strengthen and develop it : with the use of logic games, money management games, calculators, clocks, abacuses, games with mathematical signs, rules and compass. '''3. Visual-spatial intelligence.''' It includes skills such as the recognition and elaboration of visual images, creation and management of mental images and reasoning about space. A good architect is a clear example of this intelligence. How to strengthen and develop it : with puzzles, compasses, maps, Lego sets, templates to make letters or designs, photo and video cameras, microscope, telescope and mazes. '''4. Body-kinetic or kinesthetic intelligence.''' It stands out for the performance of motor actions and it is the ability to use our own body. The sportsman Michael Jordan or a circus acrobat are good examples. How to strengthen and develop it : with handicraft tools, modeling pastes, throwing objects, puppets or using gymnastic or dance equipment. '''5. Musical intelligence .''' Understand the ability to communicate through music in terms of compositions and performance. Clear examples are musicians like the great composers Mozart or Beethoven. How to strengthen and develop it : with musical instruments, recordings, radio, singing or whistling. '''6. Naturalistic intelligence.''' Competence to perceive the relationships that exist between various species or groups of objects and people. Biologists or astronomers are examples for this case. How to strengthen and develop it : with the use of terrariums, aquariums, magnifying glass, microscope, taking care of pets or using garden equipment. '''7. Interpersonal intelligence.''' It allows us to understand others, based on empathy and the ability to manage relationships. Clear examples of this intelligence are Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Mahatma Gandhi. How to strengthen and develop it : actively interacting with others, sharing toys and games, as a participant in community activities or working in a group. '''8. Intrapersonal intelligence.''' Ability to understand ourselves and other people. Physicist and scientist Stephen Hawking is often an example of this kind of intelligence. How to strengthen and develop it : analyzing your own strengths and weaknesses, working and studying alone, allowing yourself to advance at your own pace or expressing our ideas decisively. '''9. Emotional intelligence.''' Ability to correctly perceive and express emotions, adapting and facilitating thinking and regulating emotions in oneself and in others. But weren't there 8 intelligences? The [ psychologist Daniel Goleman] proposed the existence of this ninth intelligence that serves us so much in daily life, since  these emotional and social skills are responsible for our emotional and mental stability . This theory of multiple intelligences is nothing new, since it was proposed for the first time in 1983. Today the lines of research on the subject strengthen it, and even new types of intelligence are postulated in addition to the initial ones, which are the ones we have already seen above. But, although more than 30 years have passed since these beginnings, we still have a lot to learn! Traditionally, schools have emphasized the development of logical-mathematical and verbal-linguistic intelligence, with reading and writing as the central axis, without taking into account other areas in which the child can excel. Also, tests to determine IQ have focused mostly on these two intelligences. The level of intelligence should not be evaluated solely on the basis of that, since we know that a person's development encompasses much more. Multiple intelligences are related to each other  and, as we have seen, their development is found in the activities of daily life, so by  promoting the appropriate environments and situations,  several of them can be enhanced , even all at the same time. . Realizing what our children's abilities are and empowering them can be the key to their success.ring them can be the key to their success.)
  • Mon projet ODD  + (Petite introduction de mon projet)
  • Plug and Make  + (Plug and Make c’est « connecte et fabriquePlug and Make c’est « connecte et fabrique ». C’est un mobilier en perpétuel évolution, qui veut s’adapter à l’habitat. Son principe est simple car il est pensé comme un plateau de jeux : une plaque de “Lego“ ou on vient y connecter et y fabriquer son propre univers. La seule différence, c’est qu’ici la plaque est une planche de contreplaqué et les briques sont des pièces imprimées en 3D ou des ronds de pin, le tout s’insérant dans des percements de différentes formes. Différentes applications s’offrent déjà à lui, organiseur de bureau, organiseur d’entrée, bout de canapé, table basse.eur d’entrée, bout de canapé, table basse.)
  • Plug and Make  + (Plug and Make c’est « connecte et fabriquePlug and Make c’est « connecte et fabrique ». C’est un mobilier en perpétuel évolution, qui veut s’adapter à l’habitat. Son principe est simple car il est pensé comme un plateau de jeux : une plaque de “Lego“ ou on vient y connecter et y fabriquer son propre univers. La seule différence, c’est qu’ici la plaque est une planche de contreplaqué et les briques sont des pièces imprimées en 3D ou des ronds de pin, le tout s’insérant dans des percements de différentes formes. Différentes applications s’offrent déjà à lui, organiseur de bureau, organiseur d’entrée, bout de canapé, table basse.eur d’entrée, bout de canapé, table basse.)
  • Lampe à poser, Miroir à poser et Bougeoir en découpe laser  + (Plus que de présenter un objet de décoratiPlus que de présenter un objet de décoration je voulais créer un outil en libre accès qui permette à chacun de se créer l'objet qu'il souhaite de manière simple et ludique sans utiliser de colle ou de visses. C'est dans cette optique que j'ai conçu le « Bakubon ». Ce petit module de 9,5x1,5 cm qui ressemble à une arête de poisson, est découpé au laser dans une plaque de 5mm d'épaisseur. On tire ainsi parti de la très grande précision de la découpe laser pour obtenir des modules identiques qui s'emboitent les uns dans les autres en se maintenant bien en place. En les multipliant et en les assemblant de manière originale on peut ainsi fabriquer une multitude d'objets de décoration, du plus petit (lampe, bougeoir, miroir, soliflore, etc...) au plus grand (paravents, décors muraux). J'espère que ce projet vous enthousiasmera autant que moi et que vous proposerez à votre tour des objets réalisés à partir des Bakubons. Voici 3 petits objets de décoration : - Un bougeoir - Un miroir à poser - Une lampe à poser Temps de découpe pour réaliser les bakubons pour les 3 objets : 22 minutes sur MDF 5 mm Trotec 360 - vitesse 4,5 - puissance 100 Nombre du Bakubons : 51 (48 + 3 de rab)0 Nombre du Bakubons : 51 (48 + 3 de rab))
  • Lampe à poser, Miroir à poser et Bougeoir en découpe laser  + (Plus que de présenter un objet de décoratiPlus que de présenter un objet de décoration je voulais créer un outil en libre accès qui permette à chacun de se créer l'objet qu'il souhaite de manière simple et ludique sans utiliser de colle ou de visses. C'est dans cette optique que j'ai conçu le « Bakubon ». Ce petit module de 9,5x1,5 cm qui ressemble à une arête de poisson, est découpé au laser dans une plaque de 5mm d'épaisseur. On tire ainsi parti de la très grande précision de la découpe laser pour obtenir des modules identiques qui s'emboitent les uns dans les autres en se maintenant bien en place. En les multipliant et en les assemblant de manière originale on peut ainsi fabriquer une multitude d'objets de décoration, du plus petit (lampe, bougeoir, miroir, soliflore, etc...) au plus grand (paravents, décors muraux). J'espère que ce projet vous enthousiasmera autant que moi et que vous proposerez à votre tour des objets réalisés à partir des Bakubons. Voici 3 petits objets de décoration : - Un bougeoir - Un miroir à poser - Une lampe à poser Temps de découpe pour réaliser les bakubons pour les 3 objets : 22 minutes sur MDF 5 mm Trotec 360 - vitesse 4,5 - puissance 100 Nombre du Bakubons : 51 (48 + 3 de rab)0 Nombre du Bakubons : 51 (48 + 3 de rab))
  • KALO' MATON Photomaton automatique à base de Raspberry Pi  + (Pour ce tutoriel, il vous faut le même RasPour ce tutoriel, il vous faut le même Raspberry (Raspberry Pi 3 B+) ou un modèle au-dessus. J'ai eu beaucoup de problèmes de mon côté car je suivais d'anciens tutoriels. Il se trouvait que les commandes pour le terminal était sous Python 2, alors que Python 3 était sorti. Qu'est-ce que Python me direz-vous, si c'est votre première sur un Raspberry : "Python est un langage de programmation interprété, multi-paradigme et multiplateformes. Il favorise la programmation impérative structurée, fonctionnelle et orientée objet". Pour expliquer avec des mots plus simple, le python est le langage utilisé par le Raspberry (et d'autres appareils) pour recevoir, donner et classés les données. C'est à dire, que pour donner un "ordre" à l'appareil, comme par exemple installer un logiciel, il vous faudra lui parler en python. Par exemple : "sudo apt-get install Python 3". '''Apt-get''' est un outil logiciel à utiliser en ligne de commande. Il permet d'effectuer l'installation et la désinstallation de paquets en provenance d'un dépôt APT.n de paquets en provenance d'un dépôt APT.)
  • KALO' MATON Photomaton automatique à base de Raspberry Pi  + (Pour ce tutoriel, il vous faut le même RasPour ce tutoriel, il vous faut le même Raspberry (Raspberry Pi 3 B+) ou un modèle au-dessus. J'ai eu beaucoup de problèmes de mon côté car je suivais d'anciens tutoriels. Il se trouvait que les commandes pour le terminal était sous Python 2, alors que Python 3 était sorti. Qu'est-ce que Python me direz-vous, si c'est votre première sur un Raspberry : "Python est un langage de programmation interprété, multi-paradigme et multiplateformes. Il favorise la programmation impérative structurée, fonctionnelle et orientée objet". Pour expliquer avec des mots plus simple, le python est le langage utilisé par le Raspberry (et d'autres appareils) pour recevoir, donner et classés les données. C'est à dire, que pour donner un "ordre" à l'appareil, comme par exemple installer un logiciel, il vous faudra lui parler en python. Par exemple : "sudo apt-get install Python 3". '''Apt-get''' est un outil logiciel à utiliser en ligne de commande. Il permet d'effectuer l'installation et la désinstallation de paquets en provenance d'un dépôt APT.n de paquets en provenance d'un dépôt APT.)
  • Bougeoirs géométriques en béton  + (Pour la décoration de ma table de noël, je me suis lancé dans la confection de petits bougeoirs géométriques en béton. Ils sont très simples a réaliser et surtout très économiques.)
  • Bougeoirs géométriques en béton  + (Pour la décoration de ma table de noël, je me suis lancé dans la confection de petits bougeoirs géométriques en béton. Ils sont très simples a réaliser et surtout très économiques.)
  • Partez à l'exploration des ondes grâce à la SDR !  + (Pour la plupart d'entre nous la radio est Pour la plupart d'entre nous la radio est synonyme du "poste" qui se trouve dans la cuisine ou dans la voiture et qui nous permet d'écouter la musique, les infos... Ce dernier s'occupe de la réception puis la démodulation de signaux radios afin de les rendre audibles. Tous ce processus est mis en oeuvre de manière matérielle par les circuits qui le composent ce qui le rend dans bien des cas compliqués à reproduire. Mais ici on va intéresser à une autre manière moins commune de récupérer ces signaux radios: la SDR pour ''Software Defined Radio''. Cette dernière ce différencie par le fait que la majorité des circuits matériels sont remplacés par un logiciel installé sur un PC ce qui la rend bien plus simple à mettre en place. En effet il existe des périphériques USB destinés normalement à recevoir la télé TNT, qui permettent de numériser toutes les données radio qu'ils reçoivent puis de les transmettre à un ordinateur. Il s'avère que ces cartes sont majoritairement basées sur un RTL282U produit par le fabriquant Realtek (c'est pour cela que l'on parle bien souvent de RTLSDR) qui est capable de recevoir bien plus que la télévision, s'il est utilisé avec les bons logiciels. Nous verrons donc dans ce tutoriel comment détourner un de ces récepteurs pour partir à la conquête des ondes !!urs pour partir à la conquête des ondes !!)
  • Partez à l'exploration des ondes grâce à la SDR !  + (Pour la plupart d'entre nous la radio est Pour la plupart d'entre nous la radio est synonyme du "poste" qui se trouve dans la cuisine ou dans la voiture et qui nous permet d'écouter la musique, les infos... Ce dernier s'occupe de la réception puis la démodulation de signaux radios afin de les rendre audibles. Tous ce processus est mis en oeuvre de manière matérielle par les circuits qui le composent ce qui le rend dans bien des cas compliqués à reproduire. Mais ici on va intéresser à une autre manière moins commune de récupérer ces signaux radios: la SDR pour ''Software Defined Radio''. Cette dernière ce différencie par le fait que la majorité des circuits matériels sont remplacés par un logiciel installé sur un PC ce qui la rend bien plus simple à mettre en place. En effet il existe des périphériques USB destinés normalement à recevoir la télé TNT, qui permettent de numériser toutes les données radio qu'ils reçoivent puis de les transmettre à un ordinateur. Il s'avère que ces cartes sont majoritairement basées sur un RTL282U produit par le fabriquant Realtek (c'est pour cela que l'on parle bien souvent de RTLSDR) qui est capable de recevoir bien plus que la télévision, s'il est utilisé avec les bons logiciels. Nous verrons donc dans ce tutoriel comment détourner un de ces récepteurs pour partir à la conquête des ondes !!urs pour partir à la conquête des ondes !!)
  • Cadre avec marqueterie en suspension  + (Pour le concours organisé par Trotec et WiPour le concours organisé par Trotec et Wikifab, nous voulons nous démarquer en proposant un objet déco différent de la plupart de ceux proposés ici. Notre volonté est de partager un objet qui n'a pour seul but qu'être beau ! C'est pourquoi nous avons choisi un cadre. Nous souhaitons revisiter la marqueterie car elle est bien souvent réalisée de façon traditionnelle avec des bois précieux. Ici que des matériaux simple à trouver et peu onéreux. Nous avons voulut créer une décoration moderne et stylisée alliant plusieurs matériaux. Notre souhait est de jouer sur les contrastes de couleurs, le matières et de formes.tes de couleurs, le matières et de formes.)
  • Cadre avec marqueterie en suspension  + (Pour le concours organisé par Trotec et WiPour le concours organisé par Trotec et Wikifab, nous voulons nous démarquer en proposant un objet déco différent de la plupart de ceux proposés ici. Notre volonté est de partager un objet qui n'a pour seul but qu'être beau ! C'est pourquoi nous avons choisi un cadre. Nous souhaitons revisiter la marqueterie car elle est bien souvent réalisée de façon traditionnelle avec des bois précieux. Ici que des matériaux simple à trouver et peu onéreux. Nous avons voulut créer une décoration moderne et stylisée alliant plusieurs matériaux. Notre souhait est de jouer sur les contrastes de couleurs, le matières et de formes.tes de couleurs, le matières et de formes.)
  • Composing Basics for Hopeful Attendants  + (Pursuing nursing significance, had a go atPursuing nursing significance, had a go at nursing making affiliations going solid locale for likely for serious for as that push clinical controllers past the [ nursing writing services]  of standard learning. Meandering into the wide spaces of making, clinical watchmen set out on a sharp trip that further makes how they could relax most recent things as well as outfits them with guaranteeing based encounters beast for nuanced dynamic in the drive clinical environment. This illuminating examination fills in as the bedrock whereupon goes with produce their succeeding, allowing them to confine the frustrating scene of clinical benefits with sureness and sharpness. As clinical specialists lower themselves in the space of attempts, speculative plans emerge as sorting out compasses that shape their assessment and thought concerning amazing clinical idea conditions. Going from serious nursing hypotheses to additional major clinical benefits models, these sensible plans give an arranged perspective for figuring out loosening up the complexities of patient thought. Flawlessly joining speculative perspectives into their undertakings, clinical bosses transcend the speculative space, attracting a beast data that enlightens their experience as well as adds to strong regions for fundamental for serious for serious for key for the of nursing data. In the dynamic and dependably making field of nursing, endeavors expect a central part in drawing in unequivocal thinking and supporting key assessments. Whether getting into making frames, seeing hypothetical plans, or taking a gander at ensured beast evaluations, specialists partake in a staggering cycle that reestablishes their ability to give quality thought. In the evaluation of epic piece, clinical supervisors research a surge of appraisal, mixing openings to enlighten their status. This legendary step makes how they could relax most recent things as well as outfits them with really look at based bits of information that shape their dynamic in clinical settings. It is inside this wise scene that clinical supervisors draw strong locale for fundamental for in for a, spreading out the gatekeeper for their undertakings. Hypothetical plans give a picked spot of mixing through which clinical guards research and loosen up complex clinical benefits conditions. These plans, going from nursing speculations to extra key clinical benefits models, offer a coordinated improvement for figuring out figuring out the intricacies of patient thought. By get-together theoretical perspectives into their undertakings, [ nurs fpx 4010 assessment 4] beats any issues between enlightening data and objective application, helping a wide impression of their calling. The relationship of key assessments or models further plans with the chance for progress for clinical controllers. These solid conditions do plainly as standing labs where theoretical data is attempted and refined. Through the evaluation of results and depictions drawn from these cases, clinical specialists gain monster encounters into the nuances of patient thought. This mix of speculation and practice gets them worked to zero in on the striking surprises of clinical idea with a nuanced and informed approach. As nursing endeavors unwind, the part on demand based practice ends up being constantly given. Clinical guardians are drawn nearer to address, plan, and heading the latest assessment openings into their undertakings, talking with a culture solid region for of. This report on request not simply ensures the advancement of astounding thought right at this point other than positions clinical escorts as huge extra things of the strong improvement of clinical benefits practices.mprovement of clinical benefits practices.)
  • Infinity Gauntlet Salad Tongs  + (Recently, my wife asked for a nice set of Recently, my wife asked for a nice set of wooden salad tongs. That seemed easy enough, but as I tend to do, I went a little overboard. The movie, Avengers: Infinity War came out recently, so I’m sure you’ve seen images of the Infinity Gauntlet, the powerful glove that Thanos wears in hopes of controlling the universe. Josh and I decided that not only should we make a simple set of salad tongs with traditional tools ([[Salad tongs|see the tutorial]]), we should totally geek out and make a silly pair of Infinity Gauntlet Tongs on the laser cutter.finity Gauntlet Tongs on the laser cutter.)
  • Infinity Gauntlet Salad Tongs  + (Recently, my wife asked for a nice set of Recently, my wife asked for a nice set of wooden salad tongs. That seemed easy enough, but as I tend to do, I went a little overboard. The movie, Avengers: Infinity War came out recently, so I’m sure you’ve seen images of the Infinity Gauntlet, the powerful glove that Thanos wears in hopes of controlling the universe. Josh and I decided that not only should we make a simple set of salad tongs with traditional tools ([[Salad tongs|see the tutorial]]), we should totally geek out and make a silly pair of Infinity Gauntlet Tongs on the laser cutter.finity Gauntlet Tongs on the laser cutter.)
  • Academic Integrity and Nursing Paper Writing Services  + (Research dissemination is facilitated throResearch dissemination is facilitated through     [ nurs fpx 6210 assessment 1]     . Advocacy is facilitated through nursing writing services. Providers assist clients with preparing policy briefs, advocacy statements, and public health campaigns, enabling nurses to advocate for positive change within their communities and healthcare systems. Nursing writing services promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Writers and consultants may collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, including nursing, medicine, public health, and social sciences, to produce comprehensive and impactful documents. Providers assist clients with preparing manuscripts for publication in academic journals, presentations at conferences, and submissions to grant funding agencies. This support enhances the visibility and impact of your research. For research projects, nursing writing services provide valuable assistance. Experienced writers are able to offer assistance with data analysis, literature synthesis, and manuscript preparation whether you are carrying out original research or reviewing previously published works. The research process is streamlined and the quality of your findings is improved by this support. Nursing writing services are characterized by their accessibility and ease of use. Online platforms or virtual consultations are offered by a lot of providers, making it simple to get support from anywhere and at any time. Students' and healthcare professionals' busy schedules are accommodated by this flexibility. Nursing writing services place a high priority on quality assurance. In order to guarantee that all work is of the highest quality and meets client expectations, providers adhere to stringent standards of excellence. Every detail is carefully considered, including content and structure as well as grammar and formatting. Nursing writing services facilitate ongoing professional development. You can advance your career, contribute to scholarly discourse, and make significant contributions to the healthcare industry by improving your writing skills. Nurses can now communicate confidently and effectively in a variety of settings thanks to these services. A culture of continuous improvement is fostered by nursing writing services. In order to help clients improve their writing abilities over time, providers provide clients with constructive feedback and direction. Lifelong learning and professional development are aided by this ongoing support. In nursing practice, effective communication is essential. Services for nursing writing provide nurses with the resources and tools they need to communicate effectively, succinctly, and professionally. These services improve your ability to effectively communicate information, whether you're writing patient care plans, policy briefs, or research proposals. In          [ nursing paper writing services]      , ethical considerations are of the utmost importance. Consultants and writers uphold academic integrity and ethical standards by ensuring that all work is original and properly cited. Clients gain confidence and confidence in you as a result of this commitment to ethics and professionalism. Nursing writing services facilitate professional networking opportunities. In order to foster meaningful relationships and collaborations, providers frequently connect clients with experts, collaborators, and resources within the healthcare community. Writing services for nurses encourage collaboration across disciplines. To create documents that are comprehensive and have an impact, consultants and writers can work with professionals from a variety of fields, such as nursing, medicine, public health, and the social sciences. Nursing writing services facilitate the dissemination of research. Clients receive assistance from providers with the preparation of manuscripts for submission to grant funding agencies, presentations at conferences, and publication in academic journals. Your research's visibility and impact are enhanced by this support. Nursing writing services are known for providing individual assistance. Services are tailored to meet the needs, preferences, and learning styles of each client. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a novice writer, you will receive the support you need to succeed with individualized guidance. A fundamental value of nursing writing services is empowerment. These services give you the ability to share your knowledge, insights, and experiences with a wider audience by improving your writing skills. This empowerment encourages professional development and advances nursing practice. Services for nursing writing facilitate advocacy. Clients receive assistance from providers with the preparation of public health campaigns, advocacy statements, and policy briefs, allowing nurses to advocate for positive change in their communities and healthcare systems. Writing services for nurses encourage collaboration across disciplines. To create documents that are comprehensive and have an impact, consultants and writers can work with professionals from a variety of fields, such as nursing, medicine, public health, and the social sciences. Nursing writing services facilitate the dissemination of research. Clients receive assistance from providers with the preparation of manuscripts for submission to grant funding agencies, presentations at conferences, and publication in academic journals. Your research's visibility and impact are enhanced by this support. Nursing writing services foster a culture of continuous improvement. Providers offer constructive feedback and guidance to help clients strengthen their writing skills over time. This ongoing support promotes lifelong learning and professional growth. Effective communication is essential in nursing practice. Nursing writing services equip nurses with the tools and resources needed to communicate clearly, concisely, and professionally. Whether you're writing patient care plans, policy briefs, or research proposals, these services enhance your ability to convey information effectively. Ethical considerations are paramount in nursing writing services. Writers and consultants uphold ethical standards and academic integrity, ensuring that all work is original and properly cited. This commitment to ethics and professionalism builds trust and credibility with clients. Professional networking opportunities are facilitated through nursing writing services. Providers often connect clients with experts, collaborators, and resources within the healthcare community, fostering meaningful relationships and collaborations. Nursing writing services promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Writers and consultants may collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, including nursing, medicine, public health, and social sciences, to produce comprehensive and impactful documents. Research dissemination is facilitated through nursing writing services. Providers assist clients with preparing manuscripts for publication in academic journals, presentations at conferences, and submissions to grant funding agencies. This support enhances the visibility and impact of your research. Personalized support is a hallmark of nursing writing services. Providers tailor their services to meet individual needs, preferences, and learning styles. Whether you're a novice writer or an experienced researcher, personalized guidance ensures that you receive the support you need to succeed. Empowerment is a core value of nursing writing services. By enhancing your writing skills, these services empower you to share your knowledge, insights, and experiences with a wider audience. This empowerment fosters professional growth and contributes to the advancement of nursing practice. In nursing writing, attention to detail is absolutely necessary. These services put accuracy and clarity first in every part of your writing, making sure that your papers are up to academic and professional standards. Efficient editing and proofreading ensure that your writing is polished and professional, regardless of whether it is for publication or presentation. [ nurs fpx 6212 assessment 4]       rely heavily on teamwork. Consultants and writers collaborate closely with clients to learn about their objectives, needs, and expectations. By working together, you can be sure that the finished product will be in line with academic or professional requirements while still reflecting your individual voice and point of view.g your individual voice and point of view.)
  • Robots Ricochets  + (Robots Ricochets est inspiré du jeu de société du même nom. Le principe est de programmer des robots afin qu'ils se déplacent vers leur objectif en leur donnant une succession d'instructions. Une première introduction à la programmation. <br/>)
  • Blason Relief - Harry Potter  + (Réalisation d'un blason en mode relief (et non gravure simple) - Le mode relief permet d'avoir plus de détails mais c'est plus long ;))
  • Blason Relief - Harry Potter  + (Réalisation d'un blason en mode relief (et non gravure simple) - Le mode relief permet d'avoir plus de détails mais c'est plus long ;))
  • Pince à salade Avengers  + (Récemment, ma femme m'a demandé si je pouvRécemment, ma femme m'a demandé si je pouvais faire une pince à salade en bois. Plutôt simple a priori, mais comme à d'habitude j'ai vu les choses un peu en grand. Le dernier film des Avengers : "Infinity War" est sorti le mois dernier, et je suis sûr que vous avez vu les images du Gant de l'Infini, ce gant surpuissant que porte Thanos dans le but de contrôler l'Univers. On s'est dit qu'on ne pouvait décidément pas se contenter d'une bête paire de couverts à salade bricolée nos machines habituelles ([[Salad tongs/fr|voir ce tutoriel]]), et qu'on devait délirer un peu et faire la pince à salade du Gant de l'Infini avec la découpeuse laser.Gant de l'Infini avec la découpeuse laser.)
  • Tuto Atelier Inkscape  + (Salut! Si tu es là c'est que tu dois vouloir faire ton propre porte clé à la laser! Avec ce tutoriel, rien de plus simple!)
  • Étage distributeur de bonbons de la Bento Box  + (Selon la couleur lue par le capteur de couSelon la couleur lue par le capteur de couleurs, une trappe laisse tomber plus ou moins (ou pas du tout) de bonbon(s) dans le tiroir de réception. Le concept général suit le principe de la modularité totale, ainsi toutes les pièces ont été conçues pour être interchangeables et personnalisable en matériau ou en décoration. Le système mécanique d'ouverture et fermeture de trappe a été conçu comme un bloc indépendant et solidaire afin d'améliorer la solidité et la fiabilité des pièces en mouvement. Ce mécanisme peut ainsi s'insérer dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.r dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.)
  • Étage distributeur de bonbons de la Bento Box  + (Selon la couleur lue par le capteur de couSelon la couleur lue par le capteur de couleurs, une trappe laisse tomber plus ou moins (ou pas du tout) de bonbon(s) dans le tiroir de réception. Le concept général suit le principe de la modularité totale, ainsi toutes les pièces ont été conçues pour être interchangeables et personnalisable en matériau ou en décoration. Le système mécanique d'ouverture et fermeture de trappe a été conçu comme un bloc indépendant et solidaire afin d'améliorer la solidité et la fiabilité des pièces en mouvement. Ce mécanisme peut ainsi s'insérer dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.r dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.)
  • Egypt - Shandaweel Village Water Filter - Sanivation Team  + (Shandaweel Village has long suffered from Shandaweel Village has long suffered from the pollution of their only source of clean drinking water, causing high rates of kidney failure, diseases & viruses, and eventually mortality. In a poor & underprivileged village, people constantly suffer from that, with temporary and unsustainable solutions only scarring their wounds more deeper, this was the time to intervene. Focusing on solving the problem in a sustainable way, using ecofriendly materials that are organic, available, accessible and affordable to the locals, we came up with the idea of creating a simple filtration system that can save a lot of pain, and lives. Using a very basic & proven way to clean polluted water. See CDC report on slow sand filter: [ Slow Sand Filtrationand-filtration.html#effectiveness Slow Sand Filtration)
  • How to Play Spotify on iPod Touch  + (Spotify is one of the most popular music sSpotify is one of the most popular music streaming services in the world that are popular among people who are musically inclined. Spotify has over 100 million tracks that you can listen to, in addition to over 5 million podcasts and audiobooks. Also, as the years go by, Spotify is getting readily available to install on any device like Android devices, and even iOS for this matter, plus it also works in a web browser. So, what about if you have an iPod Touch, would you be able to '''''[ play Spotify on iPod Touch]'''''? Nowadays, iPod is favored by users for playing music because it's more convenient than carrying around a giant smartphone. Can you use Spotify on an iPod touch? The method of how to do it will depend on the generation of your iPod Touch. Don’t worry because you will find out more about it as we go along in this post. And here, you will learn about installing Spotify on iPod Touch, troubleshooting if you encountered a Spotify compatibility issue, and listening to your favorite music even if you are offline. So, without further ado, let’s get started. Spotify is available across a range of devices, including computers, phones, tablets, speakers, TVs, and cars, and you can easily transition from one to another with Spotify Connect. But can you play Spotify on iPod Touch/Classic/Shuffle/Nano? According to the latest system requirements which Spotify posted on their official website in 2023, users can only download and run Spotify App on the Apple device with iOS 14 or above version. Specific versions of the iPod, include the iPod Touch, iPod Classic, iPod Mini, iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle. We believe that many music lovers still use the iPod products. The good news for iPod users is that the seventh-generation iPod touch supports iOS 13 through iOS 15. iPod users whose devices are the 7th generation with iOS 15 running, where the Spotify Music app can be directly installed. However, Apple officially discontinued the iPod line on May 10, 2022, which means the iPod Touch lineup can not get software support and update from Apple. Since the differences in compatibility between Spotify and iPod Touch, how to play Spotify on iPod Touch is getting harder and harder. Is Spotify music Available on iPod now? The answer is still yes, there is another method for that which I will further explain in the latter part of this post including the steps on how to do so. post including the steps on how to do so.)
  • 7 Plants That Will Keep Pests Out of Your Garden, and 7 Plants That Will Attract Pollinators  + (Spring is the time to plant and seed. If ySpring is the time to plant and seed. If you usually pick plants and flowers for your garden intuitively or by color, shape and size, perhaps this year you can try to change your approach a bit. This time, pick your plants based on whether or not they can repel pests or attract pollinators. This way of gardening will help you solve 2 problems at once, keeping nasty bugs out of your garden and harvesting more crops thanks to pollinators. We’ve made a short guide on the types of plants that repel pests and the kinds that attract “good” insects and birds to your garden. ===Plants that repel pests=== ===1. Mint=== Mint prefers well-drained but moist ground, tolerates shade, and needs minimal care. Mint is the plant that we love thanks to its strong fragrance. But some animals and bugs just can’t stand the smell of mint, and we can use this feature to our advantage. '''It can repel''' ants, mosquitoes, slugs, snails, and mice. ===2. Petunia=== Petunias can grow in partial shade and need to be protected from the wind. Make sure these plants have a 1-foot distance between each other. Petunias are among the most popular garden flowers — they’re beautiful and bright, and also have a nice bonus feature: they can repel nasty bugs. ===='''It can repel''' leafhoppers, aphids, tomato hornworms, and asparagus beetles. '''[ CLICK TO CONTINUE READING]'''====2 <u>CLICK TO CONTINUE READING</u>]'''====)
  • MAINPAGE  + (Spring is the time to plant and seed. If ySpring is the time to plant and seed. If you usually pick plants and flowers for your garden intuitively or by color, shape and size, perhaps this year you can try to change your approach a bit. This time, pick your plants based on whether or not they can repel pests or attract pollinators. This way of gardening will help you solve 2 problems at once, keeping nasty bugs out of your garden and harvesting more crops thanks to pollinators. We’ve made a short guide on the types of plants that repel pests and the kinds that attract “good” insects and birds to your garden. === Plants that repel pests === === 1. Mint === Mint prefers well-drained but moist ground, tolerates shade, and needs minimal care. Mint is the plant that we love thanks to its strong fragrance. But some animals and bugs just can’t stand the smell of mint, and we can use this feature to our advantage. '''It can repel''' ants, mosquitoes, slugs, snails, and mice. === 2. Petunia === Petunias can grow in partial shade and need to be protected from the wind. Make sure these plants have a 1-foot distance between each other. Petunias are among the most popular garden flowers — they’re beautiful and bright, and also have a nice bonus feature: they can repel nasty bugs. ==== '''It can repel''' leafhoppers, aphids, tomato hornworms, and asparagus beetles. '''[ CLICK TO CONTINUE READING]''' ==== <u>CLICK TO CONTINUE READING</u>]''' ====)
  • 5 Tips to Get the Fastest Cooling from Your Car's Air Conditioner This Summer  + (Summer is about to hit Perth, it’s high tiSummer is about to hit Perth, it’s high time that you prepare yourself and your car to deal with our scorching West Australian summer heat. The air conditioner (AC) in your car is the only saviour that protects us from the blazing sun while we commute to work or run errands.  Our expert mechanics in Canning Vale have put down their favourite tips that will help you get the most of your car’s AC to achieve its maximum cooling. Remember before you head out with your car this summer make sure you get its seasonal service done for a smooth run throughout the season. AME Automotive offers an extensive range of [ '''car air conditioning services'''] including a car aircon regas service. With their trained experts and industry experience, AME Automotive is the best mechanics in Canning Vale for car AC repair and maintenance. == 5 Ways to Get the Maximum Cooling from Your Car AC == It's perfectly fine if your car’s AC is working well but in Perth when it’s not we soon knows and complains about it fast! Air Conditioning has become the Perth way of life, so how can we maximise getting the most out of the Air Conditioner in our car? Read on we have the top 5 tips to get better and faster cooling from your car’s AC. === 1. Partially Open the Windows === In summer when you start the car and your journey it's better to leave a hot car’s windows partially open.  This is so the hot air can escape out of the vehicle. The Perth summer season is notoriously known for heating the insides of your car and filling it up with warm air. When you sit in the car to go on your journey and switch on the Aircon it will have to work on releasing a huge amount of heat before it even begins to cool down. However if you open the windows while the AC is switched on, hot air will escape through the gap. This makes the cooling much faster and reduces the work AC has to do. === 2. Use the Recirculating Mode === When you switch on the car’s AC and after the car begins to cool down, always remember to use the recirculation mode too. Initially the recirculation mode will help the warm air escape faster. Warm air tends to rise with increasing temperature and escape through the vents. The recirculation mode will accelerate the process. Once you have gotten rid of the warm air the same re circulating mode will circulate the cool air throughout the car.  The science is cool air being heavy settles on the floor. An external force that recirculates it will facilitate a uniform distribution and enable effective cooling. === 3. Keep a Track on the Refrigerant Level === Sometimes you could be doing everything right and still your car Air Conditioner will fail to cool the temperature inside. This might be a sign of reduced refrigerant. These refrigerants cool the air coming out from the car aircon. If you are testing the air conditioner on full heat (or cold) and the air coming out is still untreated (e.g. Lukewarm this could be a sign that your car AC needs repair or a [ '''Car aircon regas service''']. Bring your car into AME Automotive and we can check for you. Get the refrigerant refilled on time and grab your car aircon regas service before the summer hits.  In a Car Aircon regas service we will also inspect all your car’s Air Conditioner equipment and refrigerant pipes. Damaged or leaky pipes can cause the refrigerant to drip out and disrupt the AC’s cooling even after getting the refrigerant refilled. === 4. Clean the AC &Air Filters === When your car’s AC sits idle throughout the winter, spring or even when driving the car air filters and the AC collects a lot of dust. Make sure during any service these are pulled out and replaced (or at a minimum cleaned). A clogged filter will be disrupt the flow of cool air and substantially reduce its speed. With the reduced airflow rate it will take a lot longer for the air conditioner to cool the car. Also, since old and dirty filters force your aircon to work harder and push out the cool air, it will lead to a sharp increase in fuel consumption. To avoid this always get your trusted mechanic to inspect and replace the filters. === 5. Park Smart! === So simple but the easiest way to make the most of your car’s Aircon is to park under shade.  It always sounds easier than it is as Parking around Perth and in the suburbs can be at a premium sometimes.  Most our mechanics would pick a steaming hot car if they can get a fast and easy parking spot without waiting. Aiming for shade (where possible) and avoiding unnecessary heat will keep the temperature of your car low and the air conditioner working less to cool the air faster. '''Pro Tip''' - How to take you’re parking to the next level.  If you have to park your car in the sun, can you park near shade and consider if it will cover your car if the sun moves in the right direction??  Remember if you don't get a shaded parking spot, keep the windows of your parked car just cracked (but not accessible) to enable air circulation (again providing you feel parking is secure and low threat) – Now is a good time to remind you NEVER to leave valuables in the car and ESPECIALLY in plain sight if you don’t want it broken into. == Wrapping Up == Driving around in the Perth Summer in a stinking hot car is ridiculously uncomfortable. Aa unserviced and slow Air Conditioner will only make matters worse. If you focus on even a couple of these top tips you will improve the performance of your car’s AC and ensure comfortable car rides even though this Perth summer.table car rides even though this Perth summer.)
  • Tactus, Horloge pour malvoyant, aveugle  + (Tactus est un objet tactile qui rend sensiTactus est un objet tactile qui rend sensible la perception du temps. Elle est une réponse à la lisibilité de l’heure pour malvoyants et aveugles de manière autonome. Cette horloge peut être fabriquée au sein de lieux d’entraide comme les fablab par exemple. Le design simple de Tactus permet rien qu’en la touchant de connaitre l’heure. Elle se compose de deux disques, un disque servant d’aiguille pour les heures ainsi qu’un disque servant de cadran écrit en Braille.disque servant de cadran écrit en Braille.)
  • How to Play Spotify Music on TeamSpeak  + (TeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-InteTeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) application for audio communication between users on a chat channel, much like a conference call. It is commonly used for communication in online gaming, allowing players to communicate with each other in real-time. Gamers can engage in various activities such as playing Spotify music on TeamSpeak while gaming to get an exciting vibe. If you have no idea of '''how to play Spotify music on TeamSpeak''', please look no further than this article to make it.k no further than this article to make it.)
  • Lissage ABS  + (Technique simple permettant de lisser quelque défauts sur une pièce en ABS et qui permet de la rendre brillante.)
  • Showerloop - Guide 5: UV Assembly  + (The UV lamp comes with it's own 'ice-creamThe UV lamp comes with it's own 'ice-cream' cone shaped hose connectors, but generally they are for 1" or larger hoses and it extends out too far to look cool so it's nicer to make a custom cap which reduces the form factor. You should have laser cut the cap from the previous step. It can be seen in the picture on the right, next to the lock nut and brass union.
    The cap should actually be made from something that's UVC resistant as Acrylic will allow for the transmission of harmful UV rays. PTFE is one option and the same material that the teflon tape is made from as is PVC (but you shouldn't vaporize it/laser cut it because it's harmful to your health to breathe and so don't let it into the environment either). A very simple solution would just be to coat it in several layers of white paint containing titanium dioxide which is basically where the pigment comes from. Do this for both the inner and out layer to ensure good protection. Machining this component into rustproof steel like alumnium or die casting may be the best solution in the long run. Remember the UVC is on a non visible spectrum so be practical whenever dealing with UV light.
    More information and links on the bottom of the page.
    UV light.</div> </div> More information and links on the bottom of the page.)
  • Showerloop - Guide 5: UV Assembly  + (The UV lamp comes with it's own 'ice-creamThe UV lamp comes with it's own 'ice-cream' cone shaped hose connectors, but generally they are for 1" or larger hoses and it extends out too far to look cool so it's nicer to make a custom cap which reduces the form factor. You should have laser cut the cap from the previous step. It can be seen in the picture on the right, next to the lock nut and brass union.
    The cap should actually be made from something that's UVC resistant as Acrylic will allow for the transmission of harmful UV rays. PTFE is one option and the same material that the teflon tape is made from as is PVC (but you shouldn't vaporize it/laser cut it because it's harmful to your health to breathe and so don't let it into the environment either). A very simple solution would just be to coat it in several layers of white paint containing titanium dioxide which is basically where the pigment comes from. Do this for both the inner and out layer to ensure good protection. Machining this component into rustproof steel like alumnium or die casting may be the best solution in the long run. Remember the UVC is on a non visible spectrum so be practical whenever dealing with UV light.
    More information and links on the bottom of the page.
    UV light.</div> </div> More information and links on the bottom of the page.)
  • Basic Multi-Modular Frames for Cargo Bikes - Stackable watertight laser cut boxes by Velo M2  + (The basic multi-modular frames for cargo bThe basic multi-modular frames for cargo bikes is the first building block in our open source platform Vélo M², an ecosystem where we provide the electricity by solar & pedal power and the plans to build modules to your imagination that make use of this renewable energy. We want to make use of cargo bike by adding mobile fablabs, open air cinema, foodbikes, … . If you want a nice-looking stackable watertight laser cut box just to transport all kind of things or to give a place for your module idea or to immediately start building our self sustainable energy module, you first have to go through this building part. In this documentation you will find everything to make a 450 by 650 mm base with different heights (150, 300 or 450 mm). The realisation of the content of the module itself will follow. If you want to find more about how the inside frame works and how you can arrange all kind of modules, you will find our two examples in the near future: A raspberry-pi based open air cinéma & a mobile open-source fablab open air cinéma & a mobile open-source fablab)
  • Mobile renewable energy platform on a cargo bike  + (The cargo bike is a great alternative for The cargo bike is a great alternative for the car in congested cities; with our stackable modules we give sustainable initiatives endless possibilities. Vélo M² (pronounced Vélo em carree) is a multi modular capsule system fitting on cargo bikes. With our energy module supplied by solar and pedal power you can have the electricity on location to power an open-air cinema, a mobile fablab and much more on top. We bring all these plans to an open source platform and community where anybody can contribute. Cargo Bikes can be used for more then only transport, with Vélo M² we give the tools to rethink how we interact, move and use energy. We will guide you through the conception of the "energy module". The energy module is an electrical module build into the wooden [ basic module]. It has : - input : DC power for 5 generation bikes (check [ this video] to get an idea of pedal power) - output AC : power for an open-air cinéma, projector and active speakers - output DC : power for a 3D printer - buffer : DC supercapacitor ([ which is more eco-friendly than a battery]) There are different ways for putting the module together. We will describe how we made the first prototype. We are working on an next version which will be ready for version which will be ready for 2018.)
  • Water probe 12+ activities  + (The conductivity meter is a relatively simThe conductivity meter is a relatively simple device. Its workings rely upon the fact that pure water does not actually carry an electric charge very well. So what we’re really doing with this device is assessing the concentration of conductive particles that are floating in the (mostly nonconductive) water. Water is very seldom just the sum of its basic chemical formula: two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Typically, water is a mixture that also includes other substances that have dissolved into it, including minerals, metals, and salts. In chemistry, water is the solvent, the other substances the solutes, and combined they make a solution. Solutes create ions: atoms that carry an electric charge. These ions are what actually move electricity through water. That’s why measuring conductivity is a good way to learn how pure (really, how impure) a water sample may be: the more stuff that’s dissolved in the watery solution, the faster electricity will move through it.e faster electricity will move through it.)
  • Water probe 9-11 activities  + (The conductivity meter is a relatively simThe conductivity meter is a relatively simple device. Its workings rely upon the fact that pure water does not actually carry an electric charge very well. So what we’re really doing with this device is assessing the concentration of conductive particles that are floating in the (mostly nonconductive) water. Water is very seldom just the sum of its basic chemical formula: two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Typically, water is a mixture that also includes other substances that have dissolved into it, including minerals, metals, and salts. In chemistry, water is the solvent, the other substances the solutes, and combined they make a solution. Solutes create ions: atoms that carry an electric charge. These ions are what actually move electricity through water. That’s why measuring conductivity is a good way to learn how pure (really, how impure) a water sample may be: the more stuff that’s dissolved in the watery solution, the faster electricity will move through it.e faster electricity will move through it.)
  • Energy module for People Pedal Power  + (The energy module is made specifically for the pedal power harvesting, we connect up to 6 bikes to the energy module. It has three functions : buffering the power, converting the DC power to AC power, monitoring the power production.)
  • Standing desk made from 2x12’ wood board and plumbers pipe  + (The height of the desk can be adjusted by switching out different sections of pipe.)
  • Standing desk made from 2x12’ wood board and plumbers pipe  + (The height of the desk can be adjusted by switching out different sections of pipe.)
  • Menstrual Cup - 3D Cup  + (The idea is to create a model or process tThe idea is to create a model or process to easily print a customizable menstrual cut for those who need it ,and to fight against menstrual precariousness. On the same principle it would be possible to print[ diaphragmes]. Not everyone has access to the Internet to buy it online, enough money to buy a ready-made one, a vacuum chamber to mold it and buy silicone. My idea is to send the model and the tpu filament for example in fablabs and it would be possible to print it quickly. Anyone can participate in the fablab for example by making a free donation in a box next to the 3D printer, for example. We will therefore be able to apply this principle in developing countries and in all places where there is a person in need. It all started on Thingiverse and with @Totdahl who was able to print the prototype0 and give me feedback on the file. She also posted it on the 3D printing group on Facebook ,which allowed me to get positive as well as negative, disgusted or amused feedback. Unintentionally they all participated in a discussion about the female body and the taboos it still represents today. In the meantime I was able to meet @JessicaCL from Mission Control Lab, one of the creators of [[|]] which had as its project to generate open source contraceptive and protection solutions. "cup & diaphragms. As the site is closed and its project abandoned, we are in discussion to find a solution.oned, we are in discussion to find a solution.)
  • CCD-or CMOS-lab-on-a-chip based on discrete converters of different physical and chemical parameters of samples into the optical signals with positional sensitivity for morphometry of non-optical patterns  + (The literature analysis suggestes that a cThe literature analysis suggestes that a complex characterization of physiological activity of a living organism requires dozens or hundreds of chips depending on the task. For example, there are both active and passive chips used in biophysical, molecular metabolomic and genomic studies in fundamental and applied molecular medicine: a.       allergology (Taira, 2009; Lupinek, 2014; Seyfarth, 2014; Zienkiewicz, 2014; Williams, 2016); b.      haematology and transfusiology (Hassan, 2015; Nguyen, 2015; Chen, 2015; Kuan, 2015; Rafeie, 2016; Mielczarek, 2016), including blood-brain barrier research / modeling (Shao, 2016; Bonakdar, 2016; Brown, 2015; Deosarkar, 2015); c.       lymphology (Hanna, 2003; Shimizu, 2007; Moura, 2016) and phlebology (Franco, 2012; Brivo, 2012; Zhou, 2012; Ryu, 2015); d.      cardiology (Tanaka, 2007; Chean, 2010; Grosberg, 2011; Agarwal, 203; Wang, 2014; Rismani, 2015; Jastrzebska, 2016; Marsano, 2016; Zhang, 2016); e.       gastroenterology-on-a-chip (Yang, 2009; Esh, 2012, 2014), including gut-on-a-chip techniques (Bjerketorp, 2008; Kim, 2008, 2016; Tottey, 2013; Lee, 2016); f.       cellular neurophysiology-on-a-chip and neuromorphogenesis-on-a-chip (Millet, 2010; Ling, 2010; Kim, 2014; Huang, 2014; Wei, 2014; Kunze, 2015; Yamada, 2016); g.      endocrinology (Marchesini, 2007; Bovet, 2007; Srivastava, 2014); h.      immunology (Yakovleva, 2002; Yang, 2005; Corgier, 2007; Liu, 2011; Zhang, 2011; Kayo, 2013; Wang, 2015; Ali, 2016); i.        general “splanchnology-on-a-chip” based on N principally equivalent approaches: “organ-on-a-chip” (Wikswo, 2013; Ahmad, 2014; van der Helm, 2016; Mousavi, 2016) / “organ-on-a-chip” (Lee, 2013; Bhise, 2014; Odjik, 2015; Kim, 2015; Caplin, 2015; Sticker, 2015; An, 2015; Zheng, 2016; Cho, 2016), “organoid-on-a-chip” (Skardal, 2016) and “physiome-on-a-chip” (Stokes, 2015), which can be integrated in the frame of concept “body-on-a-chip” (Esh, 2011, 2016; Williamson, 2013; Reif, 2014; Sung, 2014; Kelm, 2014; Ryu, 2015; Perestrelo, 2015); {etc.} The above problem made the study so complicated, that it became quite unfeasible, since the “multi-chip” analysis (see Terminological remark No. 1) turned to be very expensive and the large sample volume required for such a complex analysis could not satisfy the principles of non-destructive diagnostics on a chip (for example, see (Takahashi, 2004; Feng, 2015)) due to many biomaterial sampling points (for example, see (Ando, 1987; Nikolaidis, 2012)) standardized in the protocols for biomedical and veterinary diagnostics. On the other hand, the difference and variety of the sampling and the sample preparation techniques for different microchips and standard diagnostic methods made the problem of analyzing the complex biochemical physiological state of the organism unimplementable and poorly informative. It is quite obvious that for the purpose of compatibility and comparability of the measurement using different analytical devices (see Terminological note No. 2) it is necessary to provide the compatibility and comparability of the sampling and the sample preparation methods. In the ideal case, all the analytical procedures should be performed with a single uniformly calibrated device using the same sample for all the tests without moving the sample from one device to another. To date there are independent calibration methods for chips (Gillot, 2007; Binder, 2008; Karsunke, 2009; Nakamoto, 2010; März, 2010; Song, 2012; Buchegger, 2014), as well as the calibration protocols for other analytical methods (including the imaging ones) using chips (Su, 2016; Garnica-Garza, 2009). Hence, we need an equivalent of cross-calibration in the interpretation close to that given by NIST for cytometry (Hoffman, 2012), although the term was used much earlier in radiology (including tomography) and nuclear medicine (Paans, 1989; Genant, 1994; Tothil, 1995;  Grampp, 2000; Geworski, 2002; Hetland, 2009; Garnica-Garza, 2009), as well as in the number of spectroscopic methods applied for the biomaterial analysis (Kwiatkowska, 2008; Wang, 2012; Poto, 2015; Liu, 2016). In addition, when we deal with the structured samples such as biological tissues, it is also important to obtain information on the spatial distribution of the substance or property analyzed in the image form, for example: o   magnetic field imaging; o   electrochemical parameters and field gradient; o   laser beam transmission outside the visible spectral range; o   distribution of the emitting regions in autoradiography; o   polarization characteristics and the angular fluorescence polarization; o   the local temperature of the sample at different points on a chip{etc.} Moving the sample from one microscope to another makes it difficult to establish the correspondence (colocalization) between the regions of interest (ROI) for different wavelength ranges (or different physical characteristics) allowing to perform the mapping and identification of the components under investigation due to the difference of visualization in different spectral ranges (or different physical “descriptors”). This prevents one from combination of the signal distribution maps from different spectral regions, and hence, makes it impossible to establish the correlations between the presence and distribution of the certain components or physical and chemical properties in the sample / tissue. Since different components of the analyte possess a number of colocalized characteristics in different spectral ranges (Zimmermann, 2005; Gavrilovic, 2009), it is possible to perform either a simultaneous or a sequential mapping and identification of several tissue components based on the physically different properties. For example, some target components can be visualized using non-spectral properties, such as magnetic fields (Gruschke, 2012; Kim, 2015; Hejazian, 2015), labeled atom diffusion (for example, see: Parker, 1981; Galbraith, 1981; Blakely, 1986; Hein, 1986; Nemecz, 1988; Pouteau, 2003), temperature maps (Choudhury, 2012; Rosenthal, 2014;  Karadimitriou, 2014; Meng, 2015; Lo, 2016) or redox maps (including ratiometric those (Herman, 2005;  Hilderbrand, 2008; Zhang, 2015; Chen, 2015; Pan, 2016)) on a chip (Jezierski, 2013; Gashti, 2016). We propose to implement a full range of methods for mapping the biological tissue parameters with or without specific labels using planar transducers / converters of the non-optical signal to the optical one, as will be described below. This will also result in the substitution of a number of independent expensive diagnostic devices with a simple unified complex diagnostic and analytical device. The operator of such a complex lab-on-a-chip will predominantly perform data analysis and processing (a so-called data mining, which is now mainly used not in the active mapping or imaging chips, but in the passive chips for genomic and peptidomic investigations (Lee, 2001; Smith, 2005; Abascal, 2008; Ghanekar, 2008; Usui, 2009;  Nussbeck, 2013)) rather than routine analytical procedures (such as sampling and dropping (Fang, 2002; Du, 2005; Cellar, 2005; Huynh, 2006; Zhang, 2007; Do, 2008; Jang, 2009; Kertesz, 2010; Sun, 2010; Coskun, 2010; Wu, 2012)) due to an automatic machinery. This is in consistence with the modern trends in the development of the information society and the extension of the applicability of the chemoinformatic (“chemobioinformatic” (Basak, 2012)) software for biomedical and pharmaceutical (Weinstein, 2001; Shedden, 2003; Shedden, 2004; Parker, 2004; Ghose, 2006; Kong, 2008;  Speck-Planche, 2014; Capasso, 2015; Gromova, 2016), agrobiological and biotechnological problems (Speck-Planche, 2012; Grädow, 2014). In this regard, the design of the above proposed complex devices for multi-parametric analysis and mapping of the samples is of great importance for analytical practice both for improving the quality and information content of the analysis and for the rational use of the working time of the analyst. The possibility of connecting such devices to the PC and mobile network resources (Lillehoi, 2013; Wu, 2014; Pan, 2014; Koydemir, 2015; Bhavnani, 2016) allows to improve the quality of telemedicine (Fleck, 1999; Bishara, 2011; Balsam, 2015), GIS – coupled analysis / sample analysis in the field conditions with the geodetic reference (Senbanjo, 2012 Gerald, 2014; Ferguson, 2016), quality control on a chip (Shearstone, 2002; Hartman, 2005; Zhang, 2005; Stokes, 2007; Pierzchalski, 2012) in chemical and biotechnological industry using SCADA and similar systems (Gieling, 1996; Ozdemir, 2006; Smith, 2006; Moya, 2009). The implementation of the technology proposed will increase the labor productivity of the analysts and researchers, since the performance of N analyses with a single device equals to the N-times reduction of the amount of the auxiliary routine work compared to the performance of each analysis with an independent device requiring different sampling procedures and sample treatment protocols. Since the first labs-on-a-chip were developed by the author for his own research problems and were tested in the routine research practice, he could easily appreciate the ergonomics and usability of such devices with the maintenance of the quality and increase in the rapidity of the analysis. '''Novel approach''' The contemporary analysis of the literary and the preliminary calculations, suggested using an optical channel for analytical data acquisition with the CMOS and CCD detectors. However, the serial CMOS and CCD allow detection only the optical parameters providing the analyte concentration measurements by absorbance or transmittance or fluorescence of a selectively bound dye. Modern CMOS- and CCD-based labs-on-a-chip fail to perform visualization of a number of characteristic descriptors for many biological and medical samples, such as magnetic fields, temperature profiles, localization of radioisotope sources and selective emission from cells and tissues in autoradiography, etc. Meanwhile, nothing prevents us from using the primary signal converters of the required parameters / variables into the optical signal. There are known: ·         magnetooptical converters and indicator films (Anderson, 1968;  Harms, 1980; Aulich, 1980; Papp, 1980; Arkhangel’skii  , 1986, 1989; Challener, 1987; Mao, 1989; Challener, 1990; Krafft, 2004; Fratello, 2004); ·         radiation-optical (spectro-)colorimetric converters (Apanasenko, 1981; Kulagin, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987; Bazylev, 1992; Mikhailov, 1996; Kulagin, 2003, 2006; Kulagin, 2007; Sadulenko, 2009) and thin film scintillators (Albul, 1968; Avdeyev, 2001; Garcia-Murillo, 2003; Berdnikov, 2013; Tolstikhin et, 2014; Inami, 2015; Rincón-López, 2016; Park, 2016); ·         thermo-optical effect transducers-converters (Malashko, 1974; Dolgov, 1979; Pálfalvi, 2004; Liberts, 2005; Gunyakov, 2006; Nedosekin, 2007; Loiko, 2012), including thermochromic ones (Soloway, 1955; Chivian, 1972;  Yang, 1979; Mazumder, 1995; Qazi, 2003; Siegel, 2009; Sia, 2009; Shelton, 2010; Qian, 2012; Heo, 2012; Zhou, 2013; Funasako, 2013; Li, 2013; Bond, 2013; Seeboth, 2014; Kim, 2014; Wan, 2015; Liu, 2016;  Zhang, 2016), including infrared-sensitive metamaterials; ·         chemo-optical active interfaces (van Gent, 1990; Wroblewski, 1997), colorimetric or flouorimetric indicator films (Chen, 1997; Nakamura, 2003; Kowada, 2004; Lü, 2006;  Thomas, 2009; Gao, 2011; Kassal, 2014; Mills, 2016; Choi, 2017) and papers (Yeoh, 1996; Ostrovsakaya, 2004; Gaiduk, 2009; Ganesh, 2014); ·         electroluminescent (Vlasenko, 1966; Shaposhnikov, 1970;  Ramazonov, 1972;  Samokhvalov, 1993; Brigadnov, 1993; Gurin, 1997;  Savikhib, 1997; Zabudskii, 2000; Maltsev, 2011; Rodionov, 2013; Meshkov, 2014; Evsevichev, 2016) and cathode-luminescent indicators / phosphors (Tebrock, 1968; De Mets, 1971; Suzuki, 2009; Obraztsov, 2013; Kaz, 2013; Shi, 2014; Li, 2016) and other position-sensitive target signal converters into the optical signal[1], which allow a direct realization of the “two-level conversion” including a first conversion of the analytical signal into the optical one by the planar converter located above the photosensitive CMOS / CCD detector with the subsequent conversion of the optical signal into the electrical one by the optoelectronic converter (CMOS or CCD). The above converters being placed into the cartridge or cassette system, or the rotating disc (this is a reversible idea from lab-on-a-disc design (Park, 2012; Glass, 2012; Hwang, 2013; Bosco, 2013; Delgado, 2016)) can be replaced by one another in real time allowing to vary the measuring parameters, and hence, providing the sequential mapping and measuring of the above parameters. At the first step the single devices (chips and the corresponding readers) have been developed for the single parameter registration (e.g. a special compact device for magnetic field visualization has been designed using the magnetic film converter (flux detector) and a similar radiographic visualizer has been developed based on the scintillation plates). Later these devices were combined into a single hybrid device with the incomplete set of the primary converters for the purposes of the complex analysis (see Figures 1-3). At the final step we are going to overcome those limitations and to develop a hybrid multi-functional lab-on-a-chip allowing to perform in a single run of the cassette with the cartridges-converters the full position-sensitive mapping of the spatial distribution of the following parameters: I.      spectral / colorimetric, densitometric and fluorescent parameters of the analyte for histochemistry and immunofluorescent analysis; II.      luminosity distribution beyond the optical spectral range for laser diagnostics or the on-chip LDV, LDA, LDF, laser-accisted PIV; III.      magnetic field for selective staining of biological tissues with the magnetic nanoparticles or for the on-chip testing of the pharmaceuticals' targeting in the external field; IV.      distribution of the emitting regions in autoradiography and for the sample analysis with the radioactive contamination; V.      polarization parameters and the fluorescence polarization for those cases when the rotation of the polarization plane is a diagnostic criterion, from simple saccharimetry to the chirality-based analytical methods introduced from molecular biology; VI.      the slide temperature (for the living slices and tissue cultures) for determination of the biothermogenesis intensity or the redox transformation intensity, which is one of the most important diagnostic criteria of the neoplastic processes in biopsy; VII.      pH, Eh, pX, etc. using discrete indicator films by the colorimetric, spectrocolorimetric or fluorescence response signal (see Figure 4). The cartridges-converters can be either built into the chip reader (the most suitable configuration for the ultracompact disposable chips without the recording and processing units) or implemented directly into the autonomic chips in the case of the autonomous reusable devices. In the early prototypes developed by the author the chip was combined with the reader forming a so-called self-reading chip capable of the telemetric data translation through a radiofrequency channel (Notchenko, 2012, 2013).frequency channel (Notchenko, 2012, 2013).)
  • Simple Train Blocking System  + (The simple train blocking system. An easy The simple train blocking system. An easy to install train blocking system using Arduino. Compatible for MFX and DCC++ decoders. This project comes from another project called ATBS (Arduino Train Blocking System) the problem with this was that it was barely reproductible. I mean that we made 3 zones (3 blocks) and each time we needed to add one zone or one block we needed to change the code and all the hardware and stuff. Also, there was so much wires that it was impossible to troubleshoot. This project has the same goal as ATBS: prevent accidents using a train blocking system (as in IRL) for Märklin trains as well as DCC++ decoders. But STBS is also very easy and fast to build. The principle is that there is one STBS unit by block, and each unit is connected with the next one and the precedent one. You can find all the information about the project here: WARNING: This project is still in beta phaseRNING: This project is still in beta phase)
  • SolarOSE - Guide 1: Support structure of the mirror field  + (The support is made of two frames: repeat or double the steps 1 to 6, afterwards finish the assembling with the step 7.)
  • SolarOSE - Guide 1: Support structure of the mirror field  + (The support is made of two frames: repeat or double the steps 1 to 6, afterwards finish the assembling with the step 7.)
  • Water probe  + (The water probe is a relatively simple devThe water probe is a relatively simple device. Its workings rely upon the fact that pure water does not actually carry an electric charge very well. So what we’re really doing with this device is assessing the concentration of conductive particles that are floating in the (mostly nonconductive) water. Water is very seldom just the sum of its basic chemical formula: two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Typically, water is a mixture that also includes other substances that have dissolved into it, including minerals, metals, and salts. In chemistry, water is the solvent, the other substances the solutes, and combined they make a solution. Solutes create ions: atoms that carry an electric charge. These ions are what actually move electricity through water. That’s why measuring conductivity is a good way to learn how pure (really, how impure) a water sample may be: the more stuff that’s dissolved in the watery solution, the faster electricity will move through it.e faster electricity will move through it.)
  • VERBIS - Desktop 8x8 RGB LED Matrix Word Clock  + (There are many other Word Clock projects oThere are many other Word Clock projects on the Internet so it is rather difficult to choose a project as a source of inspiration because each of them offered me useful ideas. But if I must choose one, it's going to be the one that started all, the beautiful project created by Doug Jackson, presented on [[Word Clock|Wikifab]]. It's hard to bring something new with any future design, but hopefully my project will grab your attention with the fresh and cool ideas inside. What are the pros of my project? * very affordable, cheap electronics and other parts; * opensource web server for easy management; * accurate time from ntp server; * it is possible to have multiple languages; * minute by minute time indication (not by 5 minutes like standard word clocks), dynamic time display and amazing flexibility for future ideas... The idea behind this Word Clock is to have all the words necessary for telling the time and to place these words in an 8x8 letters layout as in a word search puzzle. In this way, with a small number of leds we can tell the time minute by minute. Because the words are placed randomly you can tell the time by reading the flashing words each after another (the words are already displayed on the clock face). I started with using only one color, red, also green 8x8 matrix led arrays. Sadly, the electronics were a little bit complicated when using the MAX7219 led driver and the ESP12 module of ESP8266 microcontroller, the wiring was tedious and prone to errors. But with the WS2812 RGB Led Matrix things became much easier (and cheaper ...). The schematics are simple, there is no need for the esp12 board, an ESP-01 module can be used. Also the flashing words are gone, I used color change to accentuate the words for telling the time (using many colors was a big deal).e time (using many colors was a big deal).)
  • VERBIS - Desktop 8x8 RGB LED Matrix Word Clock  + (There are many other Word Clock projects oThere are many other Word Clock projects on the Internet so it is rather difficult to choose a project as a source of inspiration because each of them offered me useful ideas. But if I must choose one, it's going to be the one that started all, the beautiful project created by Doug Jackson, presented on [[Word Clock|Wikifab]]. It's hard to bring something new with any future design, but hopefully my project will grab your attention with the fresh and cool ideas inside. What are the pros of my project? * very affordable, cheap electronics and other parts; * opensource web server for easy management; * accurate time from ntp server; * it is possible to have multiple languages; * minute by minute time indication (not by 5 minutes like standard word clocks), dynamic time display and amazing flexibility for future ideas... The idea behind this Word Clock is to have all the words necessary for telling the time and to place these words in an 8x8 letters layout as in a word search puzzle. In this way, with a small number of leds we can tell the time minute by minute. Because the words are placed randomly you can tell the time by reading the flashing words each after another (the words are already displayed on the clock face). I started with using only one color, red, also green 8x8 matrix led arrays. Sadly, the electronics were a little bit complicated when using the MAX7219 led driver and the ESP12 module of ESP8266 microcontroller, the wiring was tedious and prone to errors. But with the WS2812 RGB Led Matrix things became much easier (and cheaper ...). The schematics are simple, there is no need for the esp12 board, an ESP-01 module can be used. Also the flashing words are gone, I used color change to accentuate the words for telling the time (using many colors was a big deal).e time (using many colors was a big deal).)
  • Mighty maker level belt  + (There are two options to this activity wheThere are two options to this activity where the belt can either the mountable by creating a 3D printed component to support it or creating a holder and physical belt out of fabric. This activity allows participants to create something to help them record what they have achieved whilst at the Makerspace. The idea behind the level belt is that the participants are able to code the belt to be a particular colour depending on what level they have reached. Each colour corresponds to improvements in skills that can be developed in the Makerspace environment. This is a project with a slightly higher level of difficulty, where the participant will have to face some problem solving situations and learn how to integrate different components so that they create a finished working product. AGES: 11 to 18 years TIME: 4 to 5 hours (including 3D printing time) Activity's Aims and Learning Objectives: - To create something that they value - To help aid self-evaluation - To encourage a reward system and enable facilitators to provide positive feedback and encouragement - To enable conversations about how makers can improve and encourage self-motivation - To create something that combines different skills, materials and techniques from multiple disciplines. - To allow flexibility in design and encourage personalisation - Build confidence with electronic prototyping - Learn and practise soldering - Experiment with 3D printing and designing for 3D printing - Opportunity to develop Computer Aided Design skills using TinkerCAD - Develop sewing and fabrication skills using more traditional materials - Combining different materials, disciplines and techniques - To learn about different circuit components - Gain confidence with Arduino programming and having the opportunity to experiment - Making something that is meant to be longer lasting - Learn about electronic prototyping - Experiment with electronic soldering - Experiment with 3D printing - Experiment with 3D modeling - Experiment with programming with Arduino === Supplies: === For the programmed RGB strip - Computer with Arduino installed - Arduino Uno board or equivalent - RGB LED strips - 3 x [100 to 220 ohm resistors] - 3 x [NPN transistors such as TIP120] - Multiple male to male solderless breadboard jumper cables - Breadboard - Wire - Wire strippers - Soldering iron - Solder - 9V battery - 9V battery strap - Small prototyping printed circuit board (PCB) - Header pins (breakaway male) - Switch (in this example we use a slide switch) - Heat shrink wrapping tubes (not necessary but are advised!) - Glue gun - Small stickers/tape you can write on to use as labels Creating fabric belt - Thread - Felt - Velcro and/or buttons - Stanley knife For 3D printed mount - 3D printer - Computer with access to TinkerCADknife For 3D printed mount - 3D printer - Computer with access to TinkerCAD)
  • Thinger io - IoT Platform Series - 9  + ( is a cloud IoT Platform that is a cloud IoT Platform that provides every needed tool to prototype, scale, and manage connected products in a very simple way. They target to democratize the use of IoT making it accessible to the whole world, and streamlining the development of big IoT projects.
    Thinger io - IoT Platform Home Page.png

    * '''Free IoT platform''': provides a lifetime freemium account with only a few limitations to start learning and prototyping when your product becomes ready to scale, you can deploy a Premium Server with full capacities within minutes.
    * '''Simple but Powerful''': Just a couple of code lines to connect a device and start retrieving data or controlling its functionalities with our web-based Console, able to connect and manage thousands of devices in a simple way.
    * '''Hardware agnostic:''' Any device from any manufacturer can be easily integrated with's infrastructure.
    * '''Extremely scalable & efficient infrastructure:''' A single instance is able to manage thousands of IoT devices with low computational load, bandwidth, and latencies.
    * '''Open-Source''': Most platform modules, libraries, and APP source code are available in our Github repository to be downloaded and modified with an MIT license.
    ied with an MIT license.)
  • E-Textile Monster  + (This activity can be used to introduce theThis activity can be used to introduce the theory of simple circuits to young participants and with the inclusion of a home made switch it can demonstrate the importance of a closed circuit. It can be used to talk about specific components such as LEDs and their requirements when being built into a circuit. More sophisticated iterations of the activity could include a programmable board (Arduino or ESP32). There could be further stages for participants to also make the e-textile monster controllable remotely via a smartphone. Objectives and Learning Outcomes of this activity: - To create something which integrates electronic components with textiles - Allows for creativity and design - To think about how the design can effect the function (including a switch) - To learn about simple circuitry - To learn about basic circuit components - To use basic sewing skills - To give an introduction to combining two different disciplines for the creation of something new === Supplies: === For simple circuit E-textile monster: - Felt - Thread and needle - Conductive thread - Stuffing - LEDs (or other simple electrical components) - Battery pack and batteries - Material for switch (tin foil or other metallic material such as copper strips)foil or other metallic material such as copper strips))
  • Buzzing Bee Circuit  + (This is a good activity for participants tThis is a good activity for participants to experiment with CAD and 3D printing for the first time, as well as being adaptable and giving more experienced participants the opportunity to develop their CAD skills. AGES: 7 to 13 years old TIME: 1 to 2 hours+ 3D printing time Activity's Aims and Learning Objectives - Using multiple skills, techniques and materials, to create something physical - To be able to link previous knowledge of circuits to the simple circuit used in the activity - Building confidence around creating and experimenting, on and off the computer - To create a simple, working circuit that includes multiple components. - To gain experience with 3D printing and transferring a CAD design to the printer - To experiment with 3D printing - To experiment Computer Aided Design software such as TinkerCAD === Supplies: === - Computer with access to TinkerCAD - 3D printer - Circular battery (lithium coin cell) - Mountable slide switch - Vibrating motoroin cell) - Mountable slide switch - Vibrating motor)
  • MoodBoxByFaBteam  + (This modular box is a 3-tier set. Once on,This modular box is a 3-tier set. Once on, it provides basic weather station information (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure) but becomes a "Mood box", here a jukebox actually, when properly activated. === Preamble === This project is a group project (FaB team) carried out during a French hybrid training program called "Fabrication numérique" (CNC machining and fabrication) - class of 2018, July. This final group project involves some of the know-how acquired during the training program and seals the deal. It is complementary with the "Bentolux" project which should be documented and referenced soon on Instructions for the project were: * create a new tier to the box designed and developed during the course of the training program (3 available tiers: 1 base, 1 in Plexiglas, 1 for LCD screen); * use newly acquired knowledge for this new tier: 3D printing, laser cutting, etc.; * program with Arduino at least one user interaction (free choice). === Overall specifications === After some thought our group decided to create a musical tier - we called it "Mood box" - to complement the weather station using the base-tier and the LCD-tier. Expected behavior is described here below. ==== Starting the box ==== When properly plugged in, the box can be started by using the switch on the front. Starting the box triggers the following events: * figurine set on top spins on its stand; * LED-ring light effect shows through the figurine's translucent stand; * LCD screen displays a welcome message. If no other action is made right away, the box goes in "sleep mode". In "sleep mode", temperature and humidity are displayed with a custom message on LCD screen. These custom messages as well as the color set for both the LED-ring and LCD screen depend on current temperature: * LCD and LED-ring color varies from blue to red when temperature rises; * LED-ring sparkles at a random frequency to add some animation; * custom message is displayed on LCD screen according to the temperature range currently reading.o the temperature range currently reading.)
  • MoodBoxByFaBteam  + (This modular box is a 3-tier set. Once on,This modular box is a 3-tier set. Once on, it provides basic weather station information (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure) but becomes a "Mood box", here a jukebox actually, when properly activated. === Preamble === This project is a group project (FaB team) carried out during a French hybrid training program called "Fabrication numérique" (CNC machining and fabrication) - class of 2018, July. This final group project involves some of the know-how acquired during the training program and seals the deal. It is complementary with the "Bentolux" project which should be documented and referenced soon on Instructions for the project were: * create a new tier to the box designed and developed during the course of the training program (3 available tiers: 1 base, 1 in Plexiglas, 1 for LCD screen); * use newly acquired knowledge for this new tier: 3D printing, laser cutting, etc.; * program with Arduino at least one user interaction (free choice). === Overall specifications === After some thought our group decided to create a musical tier - we called it "Mood box" - to complement the weather station using the base-tier and the LCD-tier. Expected behavior is described here below. ==== Starting the box ==== When properly plugged in, the box can be started by using the switch on the front. Starting the box triggers the following events: * figurine set on top spins on its stand; * LED-ring light effect shows through the figurine's translucent stand; * LCD screen displays a welcome message. If no other action is made right away, the box goes in "sleep mode". In "sleep mode", temperature and humidity are displayed with a custom message on LCD screen. These custom messages as well as the color set for both the LED-ring and LCD screen depend on current temperature: * LCD and LED-ring color varies from blue to red when temperature rises; * LED-ring sparkles at a random frequency to add some animation; * custom message is displayed on LCD screen according to the temperature range currently reading.o the temperature range currently reading.)
  • ASKotec Tutorials - DIY Simple analog synth  + (This simple diy analog synth is part of anThis simple diy analog synth is part of an upcoming series of little projects, that can be used to learn about basic electronics, while having fun with the result. As the synth has a chip socket, you will be able to change the pitch range of the sound through different capacitors. Just change it on the fly, or keep it and build several of these synths. You can use sound effect software like Check out the video! There will be build-up tutorials in the future. Have fun!
  • ASKotec Tutorials - DIY Simple analog synth  + (This simple diy analog synth is part of anThis simple diy analog synth is part of an upcoming series of little projects, that can be used to learn about basic electronics, while having fun with the result. As the synth has a chip socket, you will be able to change the pitch range of the sound through different capacitors. Just change it on the fly, or keep it and build several of these synths. You can use sound effect software like Check out the video! There will be build-up tutorials in the future. Have fun!
  • 2D Drawing to 3D Print  + (This will involve drawing on paper and traThis will involve drawing on paper and transferring the image onto the computer. The activity will involve editing and transferring the image to a file that can successfully read by a printer. The 3D printed drawings can then be used for further activities such as stencils, stamps or creating keyrings. This activity is a great way of introducing 3D printing and Design for Manufacturing. It is accessible to all ages and abilities by not requiring participants to design something on the computer. It allows participants to be less restricted with their creativity as well as showing them how to transfer an image into a file that can be understood by a printer. AGES: 6 to 17 years TIME: 1 to 2 hours Activities Aims and Learning Objectives - Exciting way of bringing creative designs to life - Integration of different disciplines (free hand drawing and 3D printing) - Using a computer to transfer the 2D design into a 3D printable design - To be given an introduction to 3D printers and what files they can understand - To learn about vectorisation of an image - To gain experience using drawing software such as Inkscape - To learn about Design for Manufacture and creating a design that is printable - To gain experience using a 3D printer === Supplies: === - 3D printer - Computer with InkScape software downloaded - Phone with CamScanner downloaded - Paper - Black felt tip marker pens - USB stick or SD card (depending on your 3D printer) - USB stick or SD card (depending on your 3D printer))
  • How to Edit TikTok Video After Posting  + (TikTok is one of the best platforms to uplTikTok is one of the best platforms to upload your short videos and share them to the world. It’s also a good place to edit your video in TikTok with many groovy features. But once you successfully shared the video on TikTok, you won’t be able to edit it anymore. So it’d be better to double-check your video before uploading it. There are times that you want to add a caption or correct a typo after the upload, can you edit a TikTok video after posting it? Yes, there’re workarounds even though TikTok won’t allow you to edit your post after posting. In the following parts, you’re going to learn '''how to edit a TikTok video after posting it'''.o edit a TikTok video after posting it'''.)
  • Tinkercad - Visite guidée  + (Tinkercad est un outil de modélisation 3D Tinkercad est un outil de modélisation 3D en ligne utilisable directement à partir d’un simple navigateur Internet. Il est conçu pour être facile à apprendre et à utiliser. Tinkercad fait partie d'Autodesk. La création d'un compte est gratuite. Vous générez ensuite un fichier STL exportable vers les imprimantes 3D. '''Ressources :''' ● Ordinateur connecté à Internet ● Navigateur Internet
    é à Internet ● Navigateur Internet <br/>)
  • Microsoft SC-200 Exam Dumps - Assess Your Exam Preparation  + (To pass this exam, you must have a good unTo pass this exam, you must have a good understanding of Microsoft security products and services, as well as experience in security operations. This exam is designed for security operations analysts who work with Microsoft security products and services. It is also a good choice for IT professionals who want to demonstrate their expertise in security operations. Here we reveal the latest [ '''Microsoft SC-200 Exam Dumps'''] for exam preparation. These dumps help you assess your preparation material and give you a chance to be the most confident candidate on the final exam day. If you want to get legitimate and reliable study material for Microsoft Security Operations Analyst exam questions. To pass the Security Operations Analyst Associate certification exam, I recommend using the Pass4Future platform, which includes Microsoft's most recent exams. On the initial attempt. When it comes time for your final SC-200 exam, having [ '''Pass4Future Exam Dumps'''] will give you the confidence you need. It offers three different SC-200 practice test formats: PDF, web-based, and desktop. Multiple options for taking recent practice tests, practice questions, and mock tests are provided through these formats for all Microsoft exam questions. The secrets of the SC-200 exam are revealed through these practice tests. Finally, Microsoft SC-200 Exam Dumps are an invaluable tool to assess your preparation for the SC-200 exam and boost your confidence. You can discover the secrets of the SC-200 exam by using these exam dumps, which offer recent practice tests, questions, and mock exams. They provide a full understanding of Microsoft's security products and services in a variety of formats, including PDF, web-based, and desktop, making you a more confident candidate on exam day.ou a more confident candidate on exam day.)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 2 para M5 - Eje X y eje Z  + (Tutorial de montaje del eje X y Z de nuestTutorial de montaje del eje X y Z de nuestra P3steel, válido para versión de varillas M5 para el eje Z. Si tu impresora es con la versión de eje Z con husillo trapezoidal, ve a este enlace: [[Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 2 para Husillo - Eje X y eje Z]] Este tutorial es válido para las versiones de un extrusor y dos extrusores. El montaje es el mismo, salvo unas pequeñas diferencias en el soporte del final de carrera de X, el carro de X, y colocación del final de carrera de Z. Encontrarás en estos pasos la indicación "Dual" que indica el montaje para este caso: * Preparación del final de carrera de X * Colocación rodamientos al carro del eje X * Colocación del final de carrera del eje Z Las imágenes que utilizaremos fuera de estos pasos, serán las imágenes para la versión simple. []
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 2 para Husillo - Eje X y eje Z  + (Tutorial de montaje del eje X y Z de nuestTutorial de montaje del eje X y Z de nuestra P3steel, válido para versión de husillo en el eje Z, tanto para husillo con acoplador para el motor como husillo integrado en el motor. * En el caso de la versión de '''husillo con acoplador''', los pasos a seguir seránː '''del 1 al 16 y del 21 al 23.''' * En el caso de la versión de '''husillo integrado en el motor''', los pasos a seguir seránː '''del 1 al 10 y del 17 al 23.''' O lo que es lo mismoː * Los pasos del 1 al 10 son comunes. * Los pasos del 11 al 16 para la versión con acoplador. * Los pasos del 17 al 20 para la versión integrada al motor. * Los pasos del 21 al 23 son comunes. Si tu impresora es con la versión de eje Z con M5, ve a este enlace: [[Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 2 para M5 - Eje X y eje Z]] Este tutorial es válido para las versiones de un extrusor y dos extrusores. El montaje es el mismo, salvo unas pequeñas diferencias en el soporte del final de carrera de X, el carro de X, y colocación del final de carrera de Z. Encontrarás en estos pasos la indicación "Dual" que indica el montaje para este caso: *Preparación del final de carrera de X *Colocación rodamientos al carro del eje X *Colocación del final de carrera del eje Z Las imágenes que utilizaremos fuera de estos pasos, serán las imágenes para la versión simple. []
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 2 para M5 - Eje X y eje Z  + (Tutorial de montaje del eje X y Z de nuestTutorial de montaje del eje X y Z de nuestra P3steel, válido para versión de varillas M5 para el eje Z. Si tu impresora es con la versión de eje Z con husillo trapezoidal, ve a este enlace: [[Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 2 para Husillo - Eje X y eje Z]] Este tutorial es válido para las versiones de un extrusor y dos extrusores. El montaje es el mismo, salvo unas pequeñas diferencias en el soporte del final de carrera de X, el carro de X, y colocación del final de carrera de Z. Encontrarás en estos pasos la indicación "Dual" que indica el montaje para este caso: * Preparación del final de carrera de X * Colocación rodamientos al carro del eje X * Colocación del final de carrera del eje Z Las imágenes que utilizaremos fuera de estos pasos, serán las imágenes para la versión simple. []
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 2 para Husillo - Eje X y eje Z  + (Tutorial de montaje del eje X y Z de nuestTutorial de montaje del eje X y Z de nuestra P3steel, válido para versión de husillo en el eje Z, tanto para husillo con acoplador para el motor como husillo integrado en el motor. * En el caso de la versión de '''husillo con acoplador''', los pasos a seguir seránː '''del 1 al 16 y del 21 al 23.''' * En el caso de la versión de '''husillo integrado en el motor''', los pasos a seguir seránː '''del 1 al 10 y del 17 al 23.''' O lo que es lo mismoː * Los pasos del 1 al 10 son comunes. * Los pasos del 11 al 16 para la versión con acoplador. * Los pasos del 17 al 20 para la versión integrada al motor. * Los pasos del 21 al 23 son comunes. Si tu impresora es con la versión de eje Z con M5, ve a este enlace: [[Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 2 para M5 - Eje X y eje Z]] Este tutorial es válido para las versiones de un extrusor y dos extrusores. El montaje es el mismo, salvo unas pequeñas diferencias en el soporte del final de carrera de X, el carro de X, y colocación del final de carrera de Z. Encontrarás en estos pasos la indicación "Dual" que indica el montaje para este caso: *Preparación del final de carrera de X *Colocación rodamientos al carro del eje X *Colocación del final de carrera del eje Z Las imágenes que utilizaremos fuera de estos pasos, serán las imágenes para la versión simple. []
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 4 - Extrusor  + (Tutorial de montaje del extrusor de nuestrTutorial de montaje del extrusor de nuestra P3steel de un solo estrusor, para versión de varillas del eje Z de M5 y de husillo trapezoidal T8. Se muestrán además ambas opciones de tensor de filamento (simple y con sensor de presencia de filamento). * En el caso de la versión de '''M5''', debemos ignorar los pasos 9 y 19. * En el caso de la versión de '''husillo trapezoidal''', debemos ignorar los pasos 8, 17 y 18. Además, * En el caso de versión '''simple de tensor de filamento''', debemos ignorar pasos 4 y 21. * En el caso de versión de '''sensor de presencia de filamento''', debemos ignorar el paso 3. []]
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 4 - Extrusor  + (Tutorial de montaje del extrusor de nuestrTutorial de montaje del extrusor de nuestra P3steel de un solo estrusor, para versión de varillas del eje Z de M5 y de husillo trapezoidal T8. Se muestrán además ambas opciones de tensor de filamento (simple y con sensor de presencia de filamento). * En el caso de la versión de '''M5''', debemos ignorar los pasos 9 y 19. * En el caso de la versión de '''husillo trapezoidal''', debemos ignorar los pasos 8, 17 y 18. Además, * En el caso de versión '''simple de tensor de filamento''', debemos ignorar pasos 4 y 21. * En el caso de versión de '''sensor de presencia de filamento''', debemos ignorar el paso 3. []]
  • FluidSIM-H - 01  + (Tutorial para creación de un circuito hidráulico con FluidSIM-H. El cilindro ese de simple efecto con mando directo accionado con pedal.)
  • Biodigesteur domestique  + (Un biodigesteur est une solution techniqueUn biodigesteur est une solution technique de valorisation des déchets organiques utilisée pour produire un gaz combustible (le biogaz) et un fertilisant (le digestat). La particularité du biodigesteur est que la dégradation est réalisé par des bactéries dans un milieu privé d’oxygène, on parle de fermentation anaérobique. Le biogaz est un mélange de gaz contenant principalement du méthane, il peut être utilisé pour alimenter un bruleur de gazinière ou de chaudière ou bien comme combustible pour des moteurs. La fermentation méthanogène qui se produit dans le biodigesteur existe dans la nature. C’est par exemple ce qui se produit dans les marais lorsque de la matière organique se décompose sous l’eau. Les feu-follets sont de petites torchères de biogaz. La domestication du biogaz remonte au début du XIXe siècle et le nombre et la variété de biodigesteurs n’ont cessé de croitre depuis. Ils sont particulièrement présents dans les pays en développement de la ceinture tropicale où la petite paysannerie s’autonomise en énergie grâce à leur production de gaz avec leurs déchets organiques. La chaleur étant un catalyseur important de la fermentation, sous ces latitudes, de petites unités sont économiquement intéressantes. En France et dans les pays développés, le coût de l’énergie étant très faible par rapport à celui de la main d’œuvre, peu de petits digesteurs existent. Cependant de nombreuses installations industrielles équipent les stations d’épurations et les grands élevages agricoles. Il existe plusieurs types de biodigesteurs, continus ou discontinus, et avec des plages de production selon la température (psychrophile : 15-25°C, mésophile : 25-45°C ou thermophile : 45 – 65°C). Nous allons étudier les biodigesteurs continus mésophiles à 38°C, solutions les plus utilisées en zone tempérée. La caractéristique principale de ce système est sa ressemblance avec un système digestif. Tout comme lui, il cultive des bactéries, a besoin d’une certaine température pour être efficace et reçoit une alimentation régulièrement. Dans un compost, en milieu aérobie, la décomposition des matières organiques conduit à la formation de gaz (H2S, H2, NH3) et à une production de chaleur importante. Seule la décomposition à l’abri de l’air conduit à la formation du méthane. C’est une des raisons pour laquelle la fermentation a lieu dans une cuve étanche. Dans ce tutoriel nous allons étudier les différents éléments constituants un biodigesteur (circuit matière et circuit gaz) et comment l’utiliser. Cette documentation réalisée avec l’association Picojoule retrace la fabrication d’un de leurs prototypes de micro-méthanisation, il ne permet pas l'autonomie en gaz de cuisson mais est une bonne introduction à la biodigestion. Le digesteur semi-enterré d'Hélie Marchand à Madagascar est de plus grande capacité : [ Biodigesteur] Les explications sont largement inspirées du travail de Bernard LAGRANGE dans ses ouvrages Biométhane 1 et 2, que nous vous recommandons vivement ! Ce travail est libre et ouvert, n’hésitez pas à le clarifier et le compléter de vos connaissances et expériences.léter de vos connaissances et expériences.)
  • Biodigesteur domestique  + (Un biodigesteur est une solution techniqueUn biodigesteur est une solution technique de valorisation des déchets organiques utilisée pour produire un gaz combustible (le biogaz) et un fertilisant (le digestat). La particularité du biodigesteur est que la dégradation est réalisé par des bactéries dans un milieu privé d’oxygène, on parle de fermentation anaérobique. Le biogaz est un mélange de gaz contenant principalement du méthane, il peut être utilisé pour alimenter un bruleur de gazinière ou de chaudière ou bien comme combustible pour des moteurs. La fermentation méthanogène qui se produit dans le biodigesteur existe dans la nature. C’est par exemple ce qui se produit dans les marais lorsque de la matière organique se décompose sous l’eau. Les feu-follets sont de petites torchères de biogaz. La domestication du biogaz remonte au début du XIXe siècle et le nombre et la variété de biodigesteurs n’ont cessé de croitre depuis. Ils sont particulièrement présents dans les pays en développement de la ceinture tropicale où la petite paysannerie s’autonomise en énergie grâce à leur production de gaz avec leurs déchets organiques. La chaleur étant un catalyseur important de la fermentation, sous ces latitudes, de petites unités sont économiquement intéressantes. En France et dans les pays développés, le coût de l’énergie étant très faible par rapport à celui de la main d’œuvre, peu de petits digesteurs existent. Cependant de nombreuses installations industrielles équipent les stations d’épurations et les grands élevages agricoles. Il existe plusieurs types de biodigesteurs, continus ou discontinus, et avec des plages de production selon la température (psychrophile : 15-25°C, mésophile : 25-45°C ou thermophile : 45 – 65°C). Nous allons étudier les biodigesteurs continus mésophiles à 38°C, solutions les plus utilisées en zone tempérée. La caractéristique principale de ce système est sa ressemblance avec un système digestif. Tout comme lui, il cultive des bactéries, a besoin d’une certaine température pour être efficace et reçoit une alimentation régulièrement. Dans un compost, en milieu aérobie, la décomposition des matières organiques conduit à la formation de gaz (H2S, H2, NH3) et à une production de chaleur importante. Seule la décomposition à l’abri de l’air conduit à la formation du méthane. C’est une des raisons pour laquelle la fermentation a lieu dans une cuve étanche. Dans ce tutoriel nous allons étudier les différents éléments constituants un biodigesteur (circuit matière et circuit gaz) et comment l’utiliser. Cette documentation réalisée avec l’association Picojoule retrace la fabrication d’un de leurs prototypes de micro-méthanisation, il ne permet pas l'autonomie en gaz de cuisson mais est une bonne introduction à la biodigestion. Le digesteur semi-enterré d'Hélie Marchand à Madagascar est de plus grande capacité : [ Biodigesteur] Les explications sont largement inspirées du travail de Bernard LAGRANGE dans ses ouvrages Biométhane 1 et 2, que nous vous recommandons vivement ! Ce travail est libre et ouvert, n’hésitez pas à le clarifier et le compléter de vos connaissances et expériences.léter de vos connaissances et expériences.)
  • Lampe Triangulaire, Bois et Calque  + (Une lampe style naturel et minimaliste. Très simple à réaliser, elle ne nécessite qu'une planche de contreplaqué 5mm, un ruban à LEDs RGB et du papier calque.)
  • Casse brique game Maker  + (Voici un tuto pour coder un casse brique simple à l'aide de Game Maker)
  • Casse brique game Maker  + (Voici un tuto pour coder un casse brique simple à l'aide de Game Maker)
  • Maison domotique  + (Voici une maquette en bois simple à modéliser puis à découper avec une découpeuse laser car le matériaux principale est le bois)
  • Mood Box, Sons et Lumières/fr  + (Vous trouverez dans ce paragraphe le projeVous trouverez dans ce paragraphe le projet décrit un peu plus en détail. === Préambule === Ce projet est un projet de groupe (FaB team) réalisé dans le cadre de la formation hybride "Fabrication Numérique", promotion juillet 2018. Ce projet de fin de parcours met en œuvre une partie des savoir-faire acquis au cours de celle-ci et scelle la formation. Il vient donc en complément du projet "bentolux" qui sera bientôt documenté et référencé sur . Les instructions de base étaient les suivantes : * concevoir un nouvel étage sur une boîte existante conçue au fil de la formation (3 étages possibles à disposition : 1 socle, 1 en plexiglas, 1 pour l'écran LCD) ; * utiliser pour ce nouvel étage les connaissances acquises : impression 3D, découpe laser, etc ; * programmer via Arduino au moins une interaction avec l'utilisateur (à nous de choisir cette dernière). === Spécifications générales === Après réflexion, notre groupe a décidé de créer l'étage musical "Mood Box" qui viendrait compléter la station météo déjà prévue avec l'étage socle et l'étage écran LCD. Le comportement prévu est décrit dans les paragraphes ci-dessous. ==== Démarrage de la boîte ==== Une fois le bloc d'alimentation correctement branché, le démarrage de la boîte est réalisé par le biais de l'interrupteur en façade. Ce démarrage déclenche les événements suivants : * la figurine au sommet de la boîte tourne sur son support ; * cette "danse" est agrémentée d'une animation lumineuse via l'anneau de LEDs situé sous le support de la figurine ; * l'écran LCD affiche un message de bienvenue. S'il n'y a aucune autre action dans la foulée, la boîte passe en mode "veille". Dans ce mode, l'écran LCD affiche la température et le taux d'humidité accompagnés d'un message. Ces messages comme la couleur appliquée à l'anneau de Leds et au fond de l'écran LCD dépendent de la température détectée, à savoir : * la couleur (LCD/Led-ring) varie du bleu au rouge proportionnellement à la température ; * le led-ring scintille à une fréquence aléatoire pour donner de l'animation ; * un message variable par tranche est affiché sur l'écran LCD. ==== Activation de la Mood Box et comportement ==== La Mood Box est activée lorsque l'utilisateur appuie sur la barre de laiton située au sommet de la boîte (cette barre est une extension de la touche capacitive installée à l'intérieur de la boîte). Cette activation est accompagnée d'une animation conjointe de la figurine, de l'anneau de LEDs et de l'écran LCD.
    Si aucun autre appui n'est effectué sur la barre dans les 5 secondes suivant l'activation, la Mood Box est désactivée et le mode veille reprend.
    Un nouvel appui déclenche le mode lecture.
    Pour faciliter l'utilisation de la barre, un affichage itératif de leds permet un comptage visuel direct des "clics" effectués.
    La première fois, la lecture de la musique démarre au tout début de la liste de lecture. Le bouton du potentiomètre est alors actif et permet de régler le volume de la musique jouée. La barre reste quant à elle disponible pour agir sur la musique jouée. Pendant la lecture, si la barre est touchée : *  1 fois : "pause/play", i.e. la musique est mise en pause ou en lecture suivant l'état précédent, avec un affichage spécifique sur l'écran LCD ; *  2 fois : "next", i.e. la lecture passe au titre suivant de la liste de lecture ; *  3 fois : "previous", i.e. la lecture repasse au titre précédent de la liste de lecture ; *  4 fois ou plus : retour au mode "veille", avec une animation conjointe de l'anneau de LEDs, de la figurine et de l'écran LCD. Remarque : chacune des actions pause/play/next/previous génère un changement de rotation de la figurine. Pendant la lecture, l'anneau de LEDs est en mode "arc-en-ciel" et la figurine tourne sur elle-même. ==== Désactivation de la Mood Box ==== Après activation de la Mood Box ou après l'arrêt volontaire de la musique, si aucun appui n'est effectué dans les 5 secondes, le mode veille reprend et la Mood Box est désactivée. Il est à noter que si l'on relance la lecture depuis le mode "veille", celle-ci va reprendre exactement là où on l'avait interrompue.
    ée. Il est à noter que si l'on relance la lecture depuis le mode "veille", celle-ci va reprendre exactement là où on l'avait interrompue.)
  • Création de tréteaux  + (Vous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble dVous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble des plans nécessaires afin de réaliser des tréteaux, parfaits pour un espace de coworking. Leur dimension esthétique simple et moderne est associée à une grande robustesse. Ils peuvent par exemple être utilisés pour maintenir une table de travail. Ils nécessiteront l'utilisation d'une fraiseuse CNC et d'une découpeuse laser pour un rendu optimal. Mobilier réalisé à la Fabrique Artistique et Numérique, conçu par le collectif InDialog.umérique, conçu par le collectif InDialog.)
  • Badge Tour  + (Vous êtes débutant et vous souhaitez vous initiez aux machines comme la laser, le plotter de découpe et l'imprimante 3D ? Voici un atelier simple dans lequel vous ferez le tour des machines pour fabriquer un petit badge avec le dessin de votre choix.)
  • Water Lily une horloge a la découpe laser  + (Water Lily, A l'image d'un nénuphar vivanWater Lily, A l'image d'un nénuphar vivant tranquillement sur sa rivière d'eau douce, Water Lily vous accompagnera dans votre vie paisible et vous gardera à l'abri du stress. Sa contemplation vous paraîtra apaisante et sans vous hâter, vous pourrez apprécier le temps qui passe. Et ainsi, la lecture vous paraîtra simple. Water Lily est une horloge de table déplaçable par sa poignée renforcée et par sa légèreté.r sa poignée renforcée et par sa légèreté.)
  • Word Clock  + (Well, It had to happen. I first published Well, It had to happen. I first published my WordClock project in September 2009. It was a Microchip PIC based clock, using a PIC16F877A microprocessor. In the last year and a half, I have been constantly improving it, and have adapted it to the Arduino, and even designed an updated controller board for it. Well, It got better. I have discovered how to cut Vinyl stencils, and have been experimenting with Perspex, so I thought it was time to share what I have been playing with. The beauty of using cut vinyl as a stencil, is that you can create a clock that is up to 45cm x 45cm (or larger if you have the vinyl). My previous PCB based stencils were limited to 150mm x 150mm. As with all of my clock designs, this is completely open. I encourage everybody to make one either using the details from this site. It is much simpler than it looks. If you want, I can provide parts, complete kits, or even complete clocks from my web site at :-) This clock uses an updated Arduino controller PCB. It has a DS1302 RTC onboard, to ensure that the timing is accurate, and an automatic dimming function kicks in between 7pm, and 7am, so you can still sleep if the clock is installed in your bedroom. It is powered from a 12V DC, 400mA power supply. I have considered battery power, but LED clocks don't run for very long on batteries, so that is not an ecologically sensible idea. My old clocks used to run from an AC source, but i moved to DC when I implemented the RTC chip. I hope you enjoy building one of these clocks, and that it inspires your own projects.s, and that it inspires your own projects.)
  • Word Clock  + (Well, It had to happen. I first published Well, It had to happen. I first published my WordClock project in September 2009. It was a Microchip PIC based clock, using a PIC16F877A microprocessor. In the last year and a half, I have been constantly improving it, and have adapted it to the Arduino, and even designed an updated controller board for it. Well, It got better. I have discovered how to cut Vinyl stencils, and have been experimenting with Perspex, so I thought it was time to share what I have been playing with. The beauty of using cut vinyl as a stencil, is that you can create a clock that is up to 45cm x 45cm (or larger if you have the vinyl). My previous PCB based stencils were limited to 150mm x 150mm. As with all of my clock designs, this is completely open. I encourage everybody to make one either using the details from this site. It is much simpler than it looks. If you want, I can provide parts, complete kits, or even complete clocks from my web site at :-) This clock uses an updated Arduino controller PCB. It has a DS1302 RTC onboard, to ensure that the timing is accurate, and an automatic dimming function kicks in between 7pm, and 7am, so you can still sleep if the clock is installed in your bedroom. It is powered from a 12V DC, 400mA power supply. I have considered battery power, but LED clocks don't run for very long on batteries, so that is not an ecologically sensible idea. My old clocks used to run from an AC source, but i moved to DC when I implemented the RTC chip. I hope you enjoy building one of these clocks, and that it inspires your own projects.s, and that it inspires your own projects.)
  • Pool Heat Pumps: The Pros and Cons of This Heater System  + (When considering pools, many envision themWhen considering pools, many envision them as refreshing retreats for hot summer days. Yet, it's equally important to contemplate how to maintain an inviting swimming atmosphere when temperatures begin to plummet, chilling the pool water alongside the weather. This is where [ pool heat pumps] step in – crucial mechanisms meticulously designed for this very purpose. They stand as indispensable components, ensuring readiness for a serene swim, irrespective of external conditions. The best heat pump for pool have revolutionized the way we heat swimming pools, offering an efficient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional heating methods. However, like any technology, they come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the pros and cons of pool heat pumps, shedding light on their functionality, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact, and more. Related Article: [ The Evolution of Pool Heating: A Look Back and a Glimpse into the Future] == Why Use a Swimming Pool Heat Pump for Water Heating? == Reason #1: Extend Your Swimming Season Year-Round For individuals living in warmer regions, heat pumps present an ideal solution to extend pool enjoyment year-round. These systems function optimally when heating outdoor air above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. While their efficiency may decrease as temperatures dip below this threshold, it increases as the air temperature rises, making heat pumps well-suited for maintaining pleasant swimming conditions in moderate climates. Reason #2: Achieve Significant Energy Savings Heat pumps present an excellent opportunity to reduce energy consumption and save on utility bills. Unlike gas heaters, which provide rapid heating but at a higher energy cost, heat pumps operate with greater efficiency once they reach the desired temperature. To illustrate, think of a gas heater as a muscle car, providing quick but fuel-intensive heating, while a heat pump functions more like a bike, delivering consistent heating with minimal energy expenditure. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, running an average heat pump year-round at 85 degrees Fahrenheit can result in savings of up to $400 annually on energy expenses. Reason #3: Dual Functionality: Heating and Cooling Investing in a premium heat pump model or mini pool heater not only heats your pool but also offers the added benefit of cooling it during hot weather. This dual functionality ensures that your pool remains at the optimal temperature for swimming, regardless of external conditions. By choosing a heat pump with cooling capabilities, you enhance your pool experience, providing comfort and enjoyment for you and your family throughout the seasons. Reason #4: Environmental Friendliness Heat pumps are renowned for their environmentally friendly operation. Unlike gas heaters, which rely on burning fossil fuels and produce emissions, heat pumps employ electricity to transfer heat from the surrounding air to the pool water. This process is significantly more energy-efficient and produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions, reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner environment. Reason #5: Longevity and Durability Heat pumps are built to last, offering exceptional durability and longevity. With proper maintenance, these systems can outlast traditional gas heaters, providing reliable heating for many years without the need for frequent repairs or replacements. Investing in a heat pump not only ensures consistent and efficient heating but also offers peace of mind knowing that your pool heating solution is built to withstand the test of time. Reason #6: Quiet Operation One of the advantages of mini heat pumps is their quiet operation, rendering them an exceptional option for pool proprietors who value a peaceful swimming environment. Unlike gas heaters, which can produce noise during operation due to combustion, heat pumps operate quietly, creating a more serene atmosphere around the pool area. This allows you to enjoy the tranquil ambiance of your backyard oasis without disruptive noise from the heating system.
    == Things to Consider about Pool Heater == Initial Investment: While the long-term energy savings are undeniable, it's essential to acknowledge the initial cost associated with purchasing and installing a heat pump, which may be higher compared to certain traditional heating methods. However, it's crucial to weigh this against the potential for substantial energy savings over the lifespan of the heat pump. Pool owners looking to save on energy bills over the lifespan of their pool heating system from trusted pool heat pump supplier will appreciate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of heat pumps. Climate Sensitivity: Best Heat pump for pool rely on on the ambient air to extract heat, making their efficiency susceptible to extreme weather conditions. In regions with very cold or dry climates, the heat pump's effectiveness may diminish, particularly if operating in temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Installation Complexity: Installing a heat pump with [ swimming pool heat pump supplier] can entail some degree of complexity, especially when retrofitting an existing pool. It's highly recommended to enlist the expertise of a professional installer to ensure proper setup and optimal performance. Their knowledge and experience can streamline the installation process and mitigate any potential complications. With proper installation and maintenance, swimming pool heat pump can last 10 or more years.
    == Who Are Heat Pumps For? == Heat pumps are an excellent choice for pool owners residing in regions with consistent warm climates, such as Florida. In these areas, where temperatures remain relatively high throughout the year, heat pumps offer an efficient solution for maintaining the perfect pool water temperature. Even during cooler periods, a well-suited heat pump can swiftly restore the water to your desired warmth, ensuring uninterrupted enjoyment of your pool. While gas heaters are prevalent in regions experiencing distinct seasonal changes or frequent cold spells, they may not be the most practical option for warmer climates like Florida. Pool owners in such areas often find heat pumps to be the preferred heating method, providing both comfort and long-term cost savings. However, heat pump factors such as budget constraints or challenges in accessing suitable electrical infrastructure may limit the feasibility of heat pumps for some individuals. In these cases, alternative heating options may need to be considered. Ultimately, the choice between heat pumps and other heating methods hinges on individual preferences, usage patterns, and unique circumstances. Some prioritize rapid heating and immediate warmth, making gas heaters an appealing choice, while others prioritize energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, favoring heat pumps despite potentially longer heating times. By carefully assessing your priorities and evaluating your pool usage habits, you can determine the most suitable heating solution for your home. At ZEALUX Heat Pump, we're committed to assisting you throughout this decision-making process, ensuring that you're equipped with all the necessary information to make a well-informed choice that aligns seamlessly with your needs and preferences.
    == We are the Pool Heating Experts == Selecting the appropriate heating solution for your pool is a decision that should be made based on careful consideration of your unique needs and circumstances. A inverboost heat pump from ZEALUX pool [ heat pump manufacturer] offers a plethora of benefits, from energy efficiency and consistent comfort to environmental friendliness and longevity.  Imagine stepping into your backyard oasis, the water invitingly warm regardless of the season, the worries of the day melting away with each tranquil stroke. With a heat pump, you can turn this dream into reality. At ZEALUX heat pump wholesalers, we are dedicated to sharing the delight of a refreshing and sparkling dip in the pool whenever desired. Whether you're seeking expert pool heating installation services, quality heating products, or comprehensive assistance with other pool equipment needs, our enthusiastic and knowledgeable team is committed to providing assistance. With our guidance and expertise, you can ensure that your pool remains a source of comfort and enjoyment for you and your family. Explore our French warehouse and office located at 8, Allée du Piot ZAC DU POLE ACTIF, 30660 GALLARGUES LE MONTUEUX for personalized service and support. Related Article: [ Exploring Zealux’s Sustainable Heating Solutions : 365 Days Green Home]
    s Sustainable Heating Solutions : 365 Days Green Home] <br/>)
  • Desk lamp in wood and concrete  +
  • Desk lamp in wood and concrete  +
  • 8bits & Chocolate - decorative candy dispenser  + (You like peanuts covered with chocolate anYou like peanuts covered with chocolate and retro video games? You've got a desperatly empty wall and would like to pay tribute to the most famous plumber ? Then here is a tutorial which will help you building a candy dispenser (for candies starting with M and ending with M) inspired by Mario's first appearance in a video game when he faced a certain Donkey Kong. It's a completely customizable project, you'll be able to build the level of your dreams for your candies. Indeed the course you will create is made of modules that you can assemble as you want in almost any order as in a building game. This project is made using only laser cutting (well, there's a few bolts and some glue and paint involved in the process...) I hope you'll get the feeling of my project and create new modules, or imagine other themes for the decorations. It's up to you !emes for the decorations. It's up to you !)
  • How to Listen to Tidal on Multiple Devices Simultaneously  + (You might think that one account for musicYou might think that one account for music streaming is the main way to go, but don’t discount Tidal Connect, which would allow you to stream music from Tidal on multiple devices simultaneously. Common opinions say that it is not that simple to '''play Tidal on multiple devices''' at the same time, well, is this true? Of course not! When it comes to the best way to enjoy music, that is one sentence can conclude, listen to Tidal on multiple devices everywhere without limits. If you’re currently looking for a solution to '''play Tidal music on multiple devices simultaneously''', congratulations! You have come to the right place. In the next article, we will walk you through three popular and workable methods to play Tidal on more than one device with ease.y Tidal on more than one device with ease.)
  • Caisson pour tirage de cyanotypes  + (Dans le cadre de ses activités personnelleDans le cadre de ses activités personnelles et lors d'animations, [ Anne Monneau], artiste photographe et écrivaine, avait besoin d'un système pour insoler ses feuilles cyanotypes quelle que soit la météo, facilement transportable et stockable. En effet, l'insolation par temps fortement ensoleillé prends dans les 5 minutes, par temps couvert le temps d'exposition peut se compter en heure : d'où l'intérêt d'utiliser une source de lumière artificielle et d'avoir un caisson pour favoriser une exposition rapide et efficace. D'autre part,  le système devait être facilement pliable car une fois assemblé, l'ensemble peut être volumineux et difficilement stockable pour l'artiste. Les contraintes étaient donc, un système adapté à une source de lumière UV pré-existante, facilement transportable et permettant de limiter la perdition de la lumière tout en protégeant le public des rayons UV grâce à un système de trappe. Nous sommes donc partis sur la réalisation d'un caisson en bois conçu sur le logiciel [ Onshape]. L'idée était aussi de concevoir un '''fichier modulable''' permettant à tout à chacun d''''adapter le projet à ses contraintes''' (via notamment la simple modification de variables).otamment la simple modification de variables).)
  • Reaymade doors  + ([ Why choose woode[ Why choose wooden doors for Interiors] [ Inside your home, quality is everything. A wide range of options exist in wooden doors for interiors. These products add aesthetic value to your room and allow you greater customizability of design. However, every door has different levels of quality—and potential consequences if it isn’t well made. Because interior doors are so high in traffic (usually in rooms with shoes) and use doors require an aesthetically appealing product that matches interior wood used throughout a house.]es interior wood used throughout a house.])
  • Tuto it  + (ce jeu est un jeu pour tout âge, c'est un jeux simple à créer et écologique. ce jeu est un jeu sur le thème de qcm , dans notre cas c'est des questions sur la filière sti2d.)
  • Pochette simple  + (cette pochette est très simple belle ,elle s'harmonise avec beaucoup d'autre couleurs ,c'est fait spécialement pour des soirées.)
  • Open Documentation training  + (documentation is a very vital step in any documentation is a very vital step in any making, when you want to build or create any hard ware or idea you need to follow steps and of which these steps have to be documented to give hence give you a bigger picture of all your working. prepare all your self. all your working. prepare all your self.)
  • Open Documentation training  + (documentation is a very vital step in any documentation is a very vital step in any making, when you want to build or create any hard ware or idea you need to follow steps and of which these steps have to be documented to give hence give you a bigger picture of all your working. prepare all your self. all your working. prepare all your self.)
  • Réalisation d'un photophore en bois  + (il s'agit de réaliser un photophore qui poil s'agit de réaliser un photophore qui pourra servir de décoration de table, que ce soit en intérieur ou en extérieur et pour créer une ambiance lumineuse Pour cette réalisation nous aurons besoin : plaque de bois 3mm, d'une découpeuse laser, de vernis ou de peinture (optionel), d'un pinceau (optionnel), d'un cutter, de colle à bois.tionnel), d'un cutter, de colle à bois.)
  • Jeu plateau Mathis, J.S, Ethan et Roman  + (nous allons vous présenter un jeu plateau nous allons vous présenter un jeu plateau simple et facile a fabriquer en famille. Le but est d'arriver au bout en posant les héros les plus aptes a contrer un incident climatique. 2 a 5 joueurs. Chaque tour, on tire une carte incident et on pose chacun un héro, a la fin du tour, tous les joeurs repiochent. Une partie : 10/30 minutes. Enjeux : le perdant effectue les tâches liées a l'environnement : composte, poubelle de tri...vironnement : composte, poubelle de tri...)
  • Tote bag wax2  + (tote bag:simple,belle et on peut allez partout avec)
  • Jeu en bois  + (un jeu de pavage pas si simple)
  • Desk lamp in wood and concrete  + (While leafing through decoration magazines, I came up with the idea of that simple desk lamp made of wood and concrete. Is this a good introduction to you?)
  • Desk lamp in wood and concrete  + (While leafing through decoration magazines, I came up with the idea of that simple desk lamp made of wood and concrete. Is this a good introduction to you?)
  • My Lil' Pumpkin  + (" Economic and social progress over the la" Economic and social progress over the last century has been accompanied by environmental degradation that is endangering the very systems on which our future development — indeed, our very survival — depends. Each year, an estimated one third of all food produced – equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes worth around $1 trillion – ends up rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers, or spoiling due to poor transportation and harvesting practices." - United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals Social progress has been stunted in disadvantaged communities which has contributed to the underdevelopment of the citizenstin these communities. As a human race, we can argue that environmental degradation is a result of the unethical production methods used to over-produce goods that we want but don't need. As a human race we even go as far as arguing thag we have to move towards more sustainable methods of producing goods however this "new and more sustainable" knowledge of doing things is only shared with the privileged few. The marginalized and impoverished majority of the human race is not empowered with the knowledge of how they can improve their lives and also be key players in the adoption of new and improved sustainable practices and principles that need to be adopted in order to leave the world that we live in as a better place for future generations to come. To ensure that the concept of sustainable living is adopted across all social classes; equal access to sustainable principals and practices as a knowledge base and complimentary skillsets must be available to all. Urban farming specialist, UFarm KZN Agro, and agri-education expert, The AgriCUL Institute, have paired up as the My Lil' Pumpkin team to answer the Sustainable Development Goal 12 - Sustainable Production & Consumption. We have used recycled PVC pipes, plastic bottles and disposable cups to create a Hydroponics System that can be easily recreated by the youth living in a disadvantaged communities. Having this hydroponic knowledge and skillset will empower the youth to be able to grow their own food, change their perspective of what they understand to be waste/scrap and begin to understand its potential value, understand that it is possible to grow food without harming using soil and thereby degrading our natural soil, how to grow food without using vat amounts of water as well as the importance of water harvesting as a method of water conservation. Introduction to Water Hydroponics '''WHAT:''' “Hydro” is the Greek word for water, and “ponos” means work. In hydroponic gardening, the water does the work—in this case, the work of delivering nutrients to the plant roots. Simply put, hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil. '''WHY:''' Many experts in agriculture consider hydroponic gardening to be much more than just a cool way for home gardeners to grow a few plants. They see it as the future of food production, because hydroponic gardens can be made to fit just about anywhere and allow even un-farmable areas to grow nourishing food. Because the food is dissolved in water, it goes directly to the roots. Plants grow faster and are ready for harvest sooner. You can grow more plants in the same space as you can with a soil garden, and since there’s no soil, there’s no worry about soil-borne diseases or pests – and no weeding. '''HOW:''' The water culture system is the simplest of all active hydroponic systems. The platform that holds the plants is usually made of Styrofoam and floats directly on the nutrient solution. An air pump supplies air to the air stone that bubbles the nutrient solution and supplies oxygen to the roots of the plants. Water culture is the system of choice for growing leaf lettuce, which are fast growing water loving plants, making them an ideal choice for this type of hydroponic system. Very few plants other than lettuce will do well in this type of system. This type of hydroponic system is great for the classroom and is popular with teachers. A very inexpensive system can be made out of an old aquarium or other water tight container.n old aquarium or other water tight container.)
  • 2023 Guide to Download Spotify Songs without Premium  + ("Do you have the ability to download music"Do you have the ability to download music to your computer without paying a subscription fee to Spotify?" This is a common question among Spotify users. While the Spotify Free version allows you to listen to music online, downloading songs for offline listening is limited to premium subscribers. However, there are third-party tools and methods that can help you bypass this limitation and download Spotify songs without a premium account. '''Table of Contents''' ·        Introduction ·        Is It Possible to Download Spotify Songs without Premium? ·        Download Music from Spotify without Premium on PC ·        Download Spotify Music without Premium on Android ·        Download Music on Spotify without Premium on iPhone ·        Final Thoughts ·        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)·        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
  • Analyseur d'air ambiant  + (<nowiki>Ce projet est réalisé dans lCe projet est réalisé dans le cadre de la formation hybride à la fabrication numérique et au prototypage rapide, effectuée à l'école des Mines-Télécom d'Alès.

    Au cours de cette formation, nous devons réaliser une Bentolux et choisir un dernier étage. Ce tutoriel décrit le troisième étage que j'ai choisi de fabriquer. Il s'agit d'un analyseur d'air ambiant que j'ai nommé VigiAir.

    VigiAir va analyser le taux des principaux facteurs qui influencent la qualité de l’air de nos habitations : le taux de pollution, le taux de poussières, mais également le taux d’humidité et la température.

    - Avec le capteur [ Grove-Air quality sensor V1.3] : analyse du taux de CO (monoxyde de carbone), du taux de formaldéhyde (polluant dégagé par nos produits ménagés, la peinture, meubles et autres objets de décoration)  

    - Avec le capteur [ Grove- Dust sensor] : analyse des particules fines (diesel, fumés, poussières diverses) responsables des maladies respiratoires et cardiovasculaires.

    - Avec le capteur Grove [ Temp & Humi Sensor Pro] : la température et le taux d'humidité qui jouent un rôle important sur le développement des bactéries, virus, allergies, acariens.

    Ces capteurs fiables, simples d'utilisation et à faible coût, vont nous permettre de fabriquer un analyseur d'air ambiant très complet.

    Un Arduino Uno est utilisé pour piloter l'ensemble, les informations seront affichées sur un écran tactile [ Nextion].

    Vous pouvez voir d'autres composants pour la Bentolux sur la photo comme un anneau 12 leds ([ NeoPixel Ring Adafruit]) et un [ afficheur OLED 0,96'' I2C TF052] mais ce tuto explique uniquement le troisième étage qui est VigiAir.

    Concernant le design de l'objet, il est réalisé ici dans le cadre d'une Bentolux, qui nous permet d'expérimenter l'impression 3D, la découpe laser. Mais chacun peut choisir le design qu'il souhaite, il est possible d'opter pour un design bien plus réduit pour sa VigiAir.

    d'opter pour un design bien plus réduit pour sa VigiAir. <br /><br /><br/></nowiki>)
  • Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB  + ('''<big>Bonjour à toi Maker des temp'''Bonjour à toi Maker des temps modernes !''' Tu es un peu curieux, tu aimes les objets de déco visuels et animés, et tu ne sais toujours pas construire une sculpture kinétique ? Alors ce tuto est fait pour toi :) ''Si tu veux voir ce que ça donne une fois terminé, j'ai crée une [ Playlist Youtube de vidéos de la Sculpture].'' La Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB est une sculpture qui se fixe à un mur, ou à un support. La sculpture est principalement composée de deux roues identiques tournant dans des directions opposées, ce qui provoque des interférences visuelles constructives et destructives, c'est le phénomène de [ Moiré]. Le concept purement mécanique (ressort) permet aux roues de tourner à des vitesses irrégulières mais surtout de fonctionner très longtemps(+30minutes)en autonomie totale. Après avoir remonté le mécanisme, les roues se mettent à tourner. Lorsque la pesanteur joue son rôle, la roue avant inverse son sens de rotation et vient donner un à-coup dans le mécanisme, ce qui a pour conséquence de relancer les roues dans leur rotation et ce jusqu'à ce que le ressort soit complétement déroulé par les à-coups successifs. En optimisant le mécanisme et en réduisant un maximum les frictions, on peut obtenir une autonomie de plus d'une heure pour un rembobinage complet ! Après m’être inspiré de sculptures kinétiques existantes, j'ai décidé de créer mon propre design ainsi que ma propre version du mécanisme qui est le point crucial de l'objet, sans lequel rien ne peut correctement fonctionner. Jusqu'à la veille de la date butée du challenge TROTEC, j'ai fait, défait, modifié, amélioré, refait, et finalement tout recommencé en capitalisant toutes mes tentaives précédentes et en me fiant à mon instinct : le résultat ? Une Sculpture Kinétique aboutie, simple et à moindre coût, d'une taille de mécanisme divisée par deux par rapport aux autres modèles documentés sur Internet, et en plus, qui fonctionne à merveille! Elle peut être fixée à un pied d'écran modifié ou sur un mur pour un meilleur rendu visuel. Le pied d'écran, devenue support, permet de la déplacer facilement. Le centre de gravité d’une roue est placé le plus excentré possible pour obtenir un « pendule ». Le rayon du pendule, correspondant donc au diamètre des roues, est un paramètre qui influence grandement le temps total de fonctionnement de la sculpture. C'est un montage qui peut paraître à première vue complexe car il y a beaucoup d'éléments et que l'assemblage est un peu long, mais en suivant les étapes les unes après les autres, on se rend bien compte que c'est plutôt simple. De plus, cette phase de montage est, je trouve, très instructive et très motivante car on découvre petit à petit que chaque élément vient jouer son rôle dans le bon fonctionnement de la sculpture, pour qu'au final on aboutisse à un objet presque « magique » qui fonctionne et qui donne un effet visuel tres spectaculaire. Pour finir, j'ai également rajouté un anneau de LED RGB adressables avec un circuit Arduino et un switch ON/OFF pour activer l'éclairage d'ambiance, seul élément qui nécessite une source d'énergie externe(pile). A noter qu'on peut également se suffire du mécanisme princial sans y ajouter ces lumières, c'est au goût de chacun. On pourrait également profiter du mouvement des pâles pour diffuser un parfum d'ambiance, les possibilitées sont uniquement limitées par votre imagination ! Comprendre le mécanisme...pas facile à première vue... mais c'est exactement pour ça que j'ai rédigé ce tuto et pris toutes ces photos/vidéos ! Ce qui a été un calvaire pour moi sera bien plus simple pour vous :) C'est à ça que ça sert Internet non ? le pour vous :) C'est à ça que ça sert Internet non ? )
  • Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB  + ('''<big>Bonjour à toi Maker des temp'''Bonjour à toi Maker des temps modernes !''' Tu es un peu curieux, tu aimes les objets de déco visuels et animés, et tu ne sais toujours pas construire une sculpture kinétique ? Alors ce tuto est fait pour toi :) ''Si tu veux voir ce que ça donne une fois terminé, j'ai crée une [ Playlist Youtube de vidéos de la Sculpture].'' La Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB est une sculpture qui se fixe à un mur, ou à un support. La sculpture est principalement composée de deux roues identiques tournant dans des directions opposées, ce qui provoque des interférences visuelles constructives et destructives, c'est le phénomène de [ Moiré]. Le concept purement mécanique (ressort) permet aux roues de tourner à des vitesses irrégulières mais surtout de fonctionner très longtemps(+30minutes)en autonomie totale. Après avoir remonté le mécanisme, les roues se mettent à tourner. Lorsque la pesanteur joue son rôle, la roue avant inverse son sens de rotation et vient donner un à-coup dans le mécanisme, ce qui a pour conséquence de relancer les roues dans leur rotation et ce jusqu'à ce que le ressort soit complétement déroulé par les à-coups successifs. En optimisant le mécanisme et en réduisant un maximum les frictions, on peut obtenir une autonomie de plus d'une heure pour un rembobinage complet ! Après m’être inspiré de sculptures kinétiques existantes, j'ai décidé de créer mon propre design ainsi que ma propre version du mécanisme qui est le point crucial de l'objet, sans lequel rien ne peut correctement fonctionner. Jusqu'à la veille de la date butée du challenge TROTEC, j'ai fait, défait, modifié, amélioré, refait, et finalement tout recommencé en capitalisant toutes mes tentaives précédentes et en me fiant à mon instinct : le résultat ? Une Sculpture Kinétique aboutie, simple et à moindre coût, d'une taille de mécanisme divisée par deux par rapport aux autres modèles documentés sur Internet, et en plus, qui fonctionne à merveille! Elle peut être fixée à un pied d'écran modifié ou sur un mur pour un meilleur rendu visuel. Le pied d'écran, devenue support, permet de la déplacer facilement. Le centre de gravité d’une roue est placé le plus excentré possible pour obtenir un « pendule ». Le rayon du pendule, correspondant donc au diamètre des roues, est un paramètre qui influence grandement le temps total de fonctionnement de la sculpture. C'est un montage qui peut paraître à première vue complexe car il y a beaucoup d'éléments et que l'assemblage est un peu long, mais en suivant les étapes les unes après les autres, on se rend bien compte que c'est plutôt simple. De plus, cette phase de montage est, je trouve, très instructive et très motivante car on découvre petit à petit que chaque élément vient jouer son rôle dans le bon fonctionnement de la sculpture, pour qu'au final on aboutisse à un objet presque « magique » qui fonctionne et qui donne un effet visuel tres spectaculaire. Pour finir, j'ai également rajouté un anneau de LED RGB adressables avec un circuit Arduino et un switch ON/OFF pour activer l'éclairage d'ambiance, seul élément qui nécessite une source d'énergie externe(pile). A noter qu'on peut également se suffire du mécanisme princial sans y ajouter ces lumières, c'est au goût de chacun. On pourrait également profiter du mouvement des pâles pour diffuser un parfum d'ambiance, les possibilitées sont uniquement limitées par votre imagination ! Comprendre le mécanisme...pas facile à première vue... mais c'est exactement pour ça que j'ai rédigé ce tuto et pris toutes ces photos/vidéos ! Ce qui a été un calvaire pour moi sera bien plus simple pour vous :) C'est à ça que ça sert Internet non ? le pour vous :) C'est à ça que ça sert Internet non ? )
  • Four solaire - Type boîte  + ('''CONTEXTE''' : « L’augmentation de l’ef'''CONTEXTE''' : « L’augmentation de l’effet de serre concerne toute la planète et chaque cuiseur solaire évite le dégagement de 1.5 tonnes de CO2 par an. » Bolivia Inti En effet, près de 3 milliards d’humains n’ont que le bois pour cuire leurs aliments. 1. '''Dans les pays du "Sud"''' : Dans les pays du Sud le cuiseur solaire répond à de nombreuses problématiques et présente de nombreux atouts : *Santé : évite les maladies des yeux et des poumons dues aux fumées, supprime les diarrhées en rendant l’eau potable par pasteurisation. *Environnement : freine la déforestation et la dégradation des sols. *Climat : diminue les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. *Economie : réduit les dépenses en combustible. *Humain : émancipe les femmes et les enfants libérés de la corvée de bois (15 heures par semaine, 4 fois 20 kg). 2. '''Dans les pays du "Nord"''' : En France de plus en plus de personnes souhaitent être autonome énergétiquement. David en fait partie, il se sert de l’énergie solaire. Il utilise un four solaire pour chauffer son eau, cuisiner des tartes, des gâteaux, ou autres plats à cuisson douce. 3. '''Atouts''' : Construit à partir de matériaux que l'on trouve partout : bois, contre-plaqué, papier aluminium ménager, vitre et de l'isolant (liège, laine de mouton, vermiculite, polystyrène...). Ce système est simple de fabrication et coûte peu cher. Lorsque le soleil est au rendez vous on peut atteindre des températures de l’ordre de 120° à 170° à l’intérieur avec ce système à deux oreilles. '''FONCTIONNEMENT''' : Le four solaire est une boite bien isolée thermiquement au couvercle transparent et aux faces intérieurs réfléchissantes : les rayons du soleil entrent par la vitre et se réfléchissent sur les bords de la boite jusqu’à heurter la surface sombre de la marmite. L’énergie de ces rayons est alors transformée en chaleur, chaleur qui est emprisonnée dans la boîte. Pour augmenter le flux solaire capté, deux oreillettes recouvertes d’aluminium sont fixées de part et d’autre de la boite afin de réfléchir la lumière sur la vitre qui doit être la plus perpendiculaire possible aux rayons du soleil. Sous les latitudes de la France métropolitaine, l’inclinaison du soleil par rapport à l’horizon est d’environ 60 ° l’été et de 30° l’hiver. Ainsi l’inclinaison optimale de la vitre en été sera de 30 ° et en hiver de 60°. Le four solaire ne fonctionne qu'avec le rayonnement direct du soleil : nuages, brumes, poussière réduisent donc le rayonnement et prolonge le temps de cuisson.yonnement et prolonge le temps de cuisson.)
  • Découpe laser 60w - Modèle rouge chinois  + ('''Caractéristique machine''' * Découpe o'''Caractéristique machine''' * Découpe ou gravure de matériaux organiques plan par l’action d’un laser * Dimension du plateau : 700 x 500 mm, 60 W * Découpe de carton, papier, bois, cuir, plexiglass,  mdf (épaisseur max. 3mm) * Gravure sur verre, pierre, béton, bois, etc. '''Petit rappel :''' La découpe laser est un procédé de fabrication qui consiste à découper ou à graver de la matière grâce à une grande quantité d’énergie générée par un laser, celle-ci est concentrée sur une très faible surface. Ce procédé permet une découpe précise de forme simple et complexe. Son usinage est net et rapide et offre ainsi d’infime possibilité. Cependant, elle comporte des limites notamment au niveau de l’épaisseur du matériaux, et de la composition de la matière. Les découpes laser grand public ne peuvent pas découper de métal, la machine n’est pas équipé pour cela, et certains matériaux sont interdis car ils dégagent un gaz dangereux comme le PVC, ou le Vinyle.
    * Fichiers acceptés : .ai ; .dxf et .Jpeg pour la gravure
    acceptés : .ai ; .dxf et .Jpeg pour la gravure)
  • Plante connectée  + ('''Caractéristiques:''' # Ceci est un capt'''Caractéristiques:''' # Ceci est un capteur d’humidité simple qui peut être utilisé pour détecter lorsque qu’un sol est en déficite d’eau (niveau haut) et vice versa (niveau bas). Ce module peut être utilisé pour réaliser des systèmes d’arrosage automatique. # La sensibilité de ce module est ajustable via un potentiomètre numérique (En bleu sur la photo) # Tension de fonctionnement : 3,3V-5V # Module avec 2 sorties: Une analogique et une numérique. La sortie numérique est plus précise. # Le module comprend des perçages pour faciliter la fixation. # Taille du PCB: 3cm * 1.6cm # Indicateur de tension (LED rouge) and Indicateur de sortie numérique (LED verte) # Le comparateur est basé sur un LM393 (très stable)rateur est basé sur un LM393 (très stable))
  • Plante connectée  + ('''Caractéristiques:''' # Ceci est un capt'''Caractéristiques:''' # Ceci est un capteur d’humidité simple qui peut être utilisé pour détecter lorsque qu’un sol est en déficite d’eau (niveau haut) et vice versa (niveau bas). Ce module peut être utilisé pour réaliser des systèmes d’arrosage automatique. # La sensibilité de ce module est ajustable via un potentiomètre numérique (En bleu sur la photo) # Tension de fonctionnement : 3,3V-5V # Module avec 2 sorties: Une analogique et une numérique. La sortie numérique est plus précise. # Le module comprend des perçages pour faciliter la fixation. # Taille du PCB: 3cm * 1.6cm # Indicateur de tension (LED rouge) and Indicateur de sortie numérique (LED verte) # Le comparateur est basé sur un LM393 (très stable)rateur est basé sur un LM393 (très stable))
  • L'éolienne  + ('''En Afrique, près de 600 millions de rur'''En Afrique, près de 600 millions de ruraux n’ont pas accès à l’électricité.''' CONTEXTE : L’accès à l’énergie, et plus particulièrement l’accès à l’électricité, est une condition indispensable pour le développement économique et sanitaire d’un pays. Or, si la consommation d’énergie mondiale a presque doublé depuis les années 1970, la part des pays pauvres n’a cessé d’augmenter. Aujourd’hui, on estime à 2 milliards le nombre de personnes qui ne disposent pas d’un accès à l’énergie suffisant pour vivre dans des conditions correctes, et à 1,6 milliards le nombre de personnes n’ayant pas accès à l’électricité. Ce qui a des conséquences sanitaires et environnementales dramatiques. Les énergies renouvelables, comme l’éolien pourraient être une solution : '''Une éolienne convertit l’énergie cinétique du vent en énergie électrique.''' L'EOLIENNE INDUSTRIELLE : Une éolienne industrielle d'une puissance de 2 mégawatts produit annuellement environ 4400 mégawatts/heure, soit la consommation électrique d'environ 2000 personnes. Les éoliennes industrielles sont remplies de capteurs, de pièces mobiles, de régulateurs et de pièces mécaniques en tout genre. Elles sont complexes de fabrication et leur impact environnemental à la construction est loin d'être neutre. De plus il n’est aujourd’hui pas possible de réparer ces éoliennes avec des moyens locaux. L'EOLIENNE LOW-TECH : Une éolienne low-tech à moins de 10€, très simple à fabriquer à partir de matériaux de récupération, c’est possible ! De plus faible puissance que les éoliennes industrielles elle peut être utilisée pour des applications locales : charger un téléphone, allumer des LED, actionner une petite pompe… Pour de telles applications, quelques watts seulement suffisent. Cette éolienne peut donc être très utile pour les régions reculée n’ayant pas accès à l’électricité du réseau et bénéficiant de vents favorables. Au Sénégal, par exemple, seul 40% de la population est reliée au réseau électrique en zone urbaine et seulement 10% en zone rurale. La possibilité pour les populations de pouvoir générer de l’électricité à partir d’une éolienne auto-construite serait une belle opportunité.o-construite serait une belle opportunité.)
  • L'éolienne  + ('''En Afrique, près de 600 millions de rur'''En Afrique, près de 600 millions de ruraux n’ont pas accès à l’électricité.''' CONTEXTE : L’accès à l’énergie, et plus particulièrement l’accès à l’électricité, est une condition indispensable pour le développement économique et sanitaire d’un pays. Or, si la consommation d’énergie mondiale a presque doublé depuis les années 1970, la part des pays pauvres n’a cessé d’augmenter. Aujourd’hui, on estime à 2 milliards le nombre de personnes qui ne disposent pas d’un accès à l’énergie suffisant pour vivre dans des conditions correctes, et à 1,6 milliards le nombre de personnes n’ayant pas accès à l’électricité. Ce qui a des conséquences sanitaires et environnementales dramatiques. Les énergies renouvelables, comme l’éolien pourraient être une solution : '''Une éolienne convertit l’énergie cinétique du vent en énergie électrique.''' L'EOLIENNE INDUSTRIELLE : Une éolienne industrielle d'une puissance de 2 mégawatts produit annuellement environ 4400 mégawatts/heure, soit la consommation électrique d'environ 2000 personnes. Les éoliennes industrielles sont remplies de capteurs, de pièces mobiles, de régulateurs et de pièces mécaniques en tout genre. Elles sont complexes de fabrication et leur impact environnemental à la construction est loin d'être neutre. De plus il n’est aujourd’hui pas possible de réparer ces éoliennes avec des moyens locaux. L'EOLIENNE LOW-TECH : Une éolienne low-tech à moins de 10€, très simple à fabriquer à partir de matériaux de récupération, c’est possible ! De plus faible puissance que les éoliennes industrielles elle peut être utilisée pour des applications locales : charger un téléphone, allumer des LED, actionner une petite pompe… Pour de telles applications, quelques watts seulement suffisent. Cette éolienne peut donc être très utile pour les régions reculée n’ayant pas accès à l’électricité du réseau et bénéficiant de vents favorables. Au Sénégal, par exemple, seul 40% de la population est reliée au réseau électrique en zone urbaine et seulement 10% en zone rurale. La possibilité pour les populations de pouvoir générer de l’électricité à partir d’une éolienne auto-construite serait une belle opportunité.o-construite serait une belle opportunité.)
  • HandLess - Une horloge à fabriquer  + ('''HandLess''' vous séduira par sa facilit'''HandLess''' vous séduira par sa facilité de fabrication et son prix abordable. Son concept collaboratif réside dans la lecture de l’heure la plus simple possible pour artistes et artisans ne pouvant porter de montre de par leur activité. Sa conception simple et sa grande adaptabilité permettent d’apprécier une lecture de l’heure claire sur n'importe quel objet de votre quotidien.r n'importe quel objet de votre quotidien.)
  • Imprimante 3D - Ultimaker 2  + ('''Il existe 3 techniques d’impression 3D '''Il existe 3 techniques d’impression 3D :''' *'''Dépôt de fil :''' Imprimantes du lab. un système au principe simple, qui date d’il y a 40 ans mais qui a été démocratisé il y a peu. (REPRAP) 2 ingénieurs britanniques. *La machine est composée d'une tête chauffante et d'un moteur qui permet de pousser le fil. Ces imprimantes peuvent faire des formes complexes, infaisables autrement, et des moules. *'''Stéréolithographie :''' système de rayonnement qui polymérise, et durcit la résine. Il permet de faire des objets fins et précis (25 microns/0,025mm par couche) mais la résine liquide est toxique et nécessite plus de mesures de sécurité. *'''Frittage de poudre :''' une poudre propulsée et chauffée au laser.
    :''' une poudre propulsée et chauffée au laser. <br/>)
  • ESP32 MQTT  + ('''Introduction & Goals:''' This pro'''Introduction & Goals:''' This project utilizes the Wifi module on an ESP32 along with the Publish/Subscribe (PubSub) library on the Arduino IDE to communicate with other Internet of Things (IoT) devices. In this specific tutorial, we learn how to use the ESP32 to communicate with your personal device in a bidirectional way. GOALS: #Learn what Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is #Set up esp32 dev library and pubSub along with MQTT to exchange messagesnd pubSub along with MQTT to exchange messages)
  • Making outlines for Nursing Bearing  + ('''Making outlines for Nursing Bearing''' '''Making outlines for Nursing Bearing''' For students who may be doing battling with the material or [ BSN Writing Services] feeling overwhelmed by the coursework, having someone take their web nursing class can offer a lifeline of unendingly help. Whether it's sorting out staggering contemplations, giving additional explanations, or offering changed preparing and heading, a confirmed skillful can help students with investigating the hardships of their web nursing class with sureness and clearness. Regardless, students truly should advance toward the decision to have someone take their web nursing class with ready and careful idea. While searching for assist with coursework can be useful, it's crucial for ensure that the provider is perfect, solid, and reliable. This joins checking the licenses and cutoff points of the individual or affiliation proposing to take the online nursing class, as well as affirming their commitment to enlightening faithful quality and moral lead. Also, students should be aware of the reasonable results of insightful repulsiveness and copyright encroachment related with having someone take their electronic nursing class for their advantage. Schools and universities treat educational enduring quality in a serious manner and have ridiculous frameworks and designs put in a position to see and repulse cheating and hopeless way to deal with acting. Students who are found taking part in academic wickedness could go confronting disciplinary turn of events, including attacking grades, enlightening probation, or even farewell from their program. Hence, going prior to deciding to have someone take their web nursing class, students should check the risks and benefits warily and mull over elective decisions for searching for on and on help. This could harden showing up at their instructors or educational supporters for help, molding concentrate on loads with peers, utilizing web training resources, or searching for shrewd availability and sponsorship affiliations introduced by their foundation. With everything considered, while having someone take your electronic nursing class could emanate an impression of being drawing in, it's major for students to advance toward this decision with arranged and vigilant idea. While searching for assist with coursework can offer titanic endlessly assist students with succeeding [ nurs fpx 4040 assessment 1] educationally, it's vital for ensure that the provider is strong, reliable, and zeroed in on remaining mindful of academic steadfast quality. By checking the risks and benefits and assessing elective streets for help, students can seek after informed decisions that line up with their educational targets and values.
    eir educational targets and values. <br/>)
  • Design your personal logo with Tinkercad  + ('''Objectives''' * Learn to design compoun'''Objectives''' * Learn to design compound shapes * Learn the difference between 2D and 3D design * Learn the basics of designing for 3D printing * Learn the basics of designing for laser cutting * Master the basics of Tinkercad (a simple on-line software for 3D modeling) ===== '''Background knowledge and competences''' ===== The basic Tinkercad tutorials: * [ Learning the moves] * [ Camera controls] * [ Creating holes] * [ Scale, copy, paste]ectionid=O2C1PXBIQ2KHCOD&title=Scale%2c%20Copy%20%26amp%3b%20Paste Scale, copy, paste])
  • Tejar  + ('''Online Shopping in Pakistan''' top e-co'''Online Shopping in Pakistan''' top e-commerce store that deals in genuine and reliable consumer goods belonging to numerous brands and product categories. The purpose of the online storefront is to provide users a convenient and secure online shopping experience with a wide range of options to choose from. Making quick inroads in the online retail market, we owe our success to the fact that not only are we committed to providing you premium quality products, we also ensure transparency at all times and give top priority to customer satisfaction. By understanding the needs of our audience and serving them in the best manner possible, people’s trust in our brand has strengthened over the years. Right from the moment you place an order on till it reaches you, our team of diligent professionals works tirelessly to meet your expectations. The website offers a heterogeneous mix of countless products sorted on the basis of ones that are new, gaining popularity or available on discount. If you are brand conscious, you can even shop for items within a specific brand. Furthermore, you can narrow down your search based on the products that fit your budget so that you may make your purchase decision accordingly. [ '''ipad pro 2021 price in pakistan'''] With a host of payment methods, paying for what you buy has been made very easy. No matter where you are located in Pakistan, we promise to deliver your purchased product to you within 8-12 working days. As shipping of items worth over Rs. 4,900 is free, buyers don’t have to worry about additional charges for organizing delivery of the ordered items. [ '''graphic cards price''']
    cs-cards '''graphic cards price'''] <br/>)
  • Marble Machine No 1 Motor Assembly Instructions  + ('''Please note:''' It is recommended that'''Please note:''' It is recommended that you apply varnish or sealer to the finished marble machine, especially if you live in areas with high humidity. Polyurethane varnish is a good choice. If you manage to drop some of the balls on the floor (inevitable!) then '''DO NOT''' be tempted to pick them up with a magnet. This can cause the balls to become magnetised and they will then stick together which will impair the operation of the marble machine. Before you start assembly it is a good idea to study the pictures in these instruction so you know how it goes together. You can dry assemble the lifter initially. This kit contains small parts and is not suitable for small childrenrts and is not suitable for small children)
  • Nutridome I SDG 11 I South Africa  + ('''The prototype considers SDG 11's call b'''The prototype considers SDG 11's call by the United Nations. The project speaks to being self efficient in urban environments by enabling urban living with with the ability and ease of use and use of a 'smart vegetable garden. The idea is for the user to self sustain their families through the use of a compact hybrid hydroponic greenhouse structure which produces high yields, provides nutritious foods and reduces transportation of food produce.''' '''The idea in the design was to come up with an energy efficient solution which will enable plants to grow in varied environments. The prototype is a controlled system linked to remote system, envisioned to be accessible via a smart phone application which also includes a community engagement platform.'''cludes a community engagement platform.''')
  • Maximize Your Website Ranking with Leading SEO Services in Dubai  + ('''Top SEO Agency In Dubai Providing Best '''Top SEO Agency In Dubai Providing Best SEO Services''' Our Top [ SEO Services in Dubai] provides the best solution in online business for today's digital world and because  a strong online presence is essential for businesses to thrive. With millions of websites viewing for attention, standing out from the crowd can be a daunting task. That's where JEEM Marketing Management comes in. As a leading provider of SEO Agency in Dubai, we specialize in helping businesses elevate their visibility, attract more customers, and achieve their online goals. '''Why Choose Our SEO Agency in Dubai?''' # '''Expertise''': In SEO Service with years of experience in the industry, we have honed our skills and expertise to deliver top-notch SEO solutions custom-made to your business needs. Our team of SEO Experts in Dubai stays updated with the latest trends and techniques to ensure your website stays ahead of the competition. # '''Customized Strategies''': We understand that every business is unique. That's why we take a personalized approach to SEO, creating customized strategies that align with your specific objectives and target audience. Whether you're a small local business or a multinational corporation, we have the tools and expertise to help you succeed. # '''Transparent Communication''': At JEEM Marketing Management, we believe in transparent communication every step of the way. From initial consultation to ongoing progress reports, we keep you informed and involved throughout the entire process. You'll always know exactly what we're doing to improve your website's performance. # '''Proven Results''': Our track record speaks for itself. Over the years, we have helped countless businesses in Dubai and beyond achieve significant improvements in their search engine rankings, organic traffic, and overall online visibility with our highly efficient SEO Works in Dubai. We measure our success by your success. # '''Reliability''': When you partner with JEEM Marketing Management, you can trust that you're working with a reliable and reputable agency. We take pride in delivering high-quality services and exceptional results, backed by unparalleled customer support and satisfaction. '''We Covers SEO Start to End''' At JEEM Marketing Management, we take a comprehensive approach to SEO Services that covers all aspects of your online presence. From keyword research and on-page optimization to link building and content creation, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to boost your website's visibility and drive more traffic. '''Get Started Today''' Ready to take your online presence to the next level? f course, when it comes to SEO, price matters. Luckily, there are options to fit every budget in Dubai. Whether you're a small business just starting out or a big company looking to make a splash, there's an SEO package for you. From basic plans to more comprehensive ones, you can find something that works for your needs and your wallet. For SEO Services Contact [ JEEM Marketing Management] today to learn more about our SEO services in Dubai and how we can help you achieve your business goals. Whether you're looking to increase sales, generate leads, or simply improve your brand visibility, we're here to turn your digital dreams into reality. Let's work together to unlock the full potential of your website and drive success for your business.bsite and drive success for your business.)
  • Prodotti acciaio inox professionale  + (La '''[ '''[ modellazione 3D]''' è il primo processo che il '''[ renderista]''' realizza per creare il render. La modellazione e il processo del quale con l’ ausilio del programma 3D realizziamo la scena in modo fedele alla foto di riferimento che può essere un oggetto meccanico oppure un palazzo o ponte. Più la scena la rendiamo fedele alla realtà maggiore è il realismo che avremo. Per dettagli si inseriamo nella scena più creerà emozioni. Questo è un aspetto importante al fine del lavoro perché in fase di rendering questi accorgimenti fanno la differenza. Diciamo che abbiamo fatto una panoramica in linea generale per quanto riguarda la modellazione 3d inorganica. La modellazione organica in 3d è molto complessa quando si devono realizzare personaggi, orchi, modelli organici. Perché oltre a realizzare il personaggio quindi creare braccia, mani, testa, etc , bisogna scolpire la mesh per renderlo più fedele possibile al reference. I software di modellazione 3d sono di due categorie a pagamento oppure gratuiti. Entrambi sono ottimi software quindi non ci sono differenze. Per realizzare una modellazione fedele bisogna partire da disegni 3d ben realizzati e curati. Questo termine viene utilizzato in ambito informatico e si distingue da altri tipi di modellazione tridimensionale, come ad esempio la scultura tradizionale. Le attuali tecnologie di oggi di grafica 3D e multimedia vi permetteranno di immergervi in ambientazioni ricostruite completamente o in parte al computer attraverso software 3D. L’uso della tecnologia 3D trova largo impiego nei campi dell’ingegneria, dell’architettura, dell’industrial design, pubblicità, realtà virtuale e del packaging aprendo così scenari estremamente vasti alla realizzazione grafica superando in questo modo barriere di spazio e di animazione difficilmente realizzabili nella realtà. '''[ disegno 3d]''' '''[ modello 3d]''' '''[ modelli 3d]''' '''[ modella 3d]''' modella 3d]''')
  • NOMADE l'horloge pédagogique pour les dyslexiques !  + (''NOMADE'' est une horloge pédagogique de''NOMADE'' est une horloge pédagogique destinée aux dyslexiques. Le principe est simple ! Il suffit de tourner les disques colorés pour afficher l'heure donnée par les aiguilles ! Vous pourrez ainsi apprendre à vos enfants à lire l'heure de façon ludique et amusante. Aussi, avec son cadran central fixe il est possible de s'entraîner tout au long de la journée et sans se décourager. Le petit plus de ''NOMADE'' c'est qu'elle peut être utilisée par toutes sortes de profils et ce grâce à sa facilité d'usage. Alors petits et grands, n'hésitez pas à vous amuser ensemble autour de cet outil !
    amuser ensemble autour de cet outil !<br/>)
  • Utiliser la Handibot  + (/!! Le tuto est en cours, n'hésitez pas à compléter !Une intro simple pour utiliser la Handibot : Fraiseuse à commande numérique de zBis)
  • Utiliser la Handibot  + (/!! Le tuto est en cours, n'hésitez pas à compléter !Une intro simple pour utiliser la Handibot : Fraiseuse à commande numérique de zBis)
  • Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB  + (<big>Greeting to you Maker !</bigGreeting to you Maker ! Are you curious? Do you like interior decorations that animate and create a beautiful visual show and yet you don't know how to make a Kinetic Sculpture? Then this tutorial is for you :) If you want to watch what the final result looks like: I made a [ Youtube Playlist].' This Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB is a sculpture you can fix on a wall or on a support. It is made of 2 main identical wheels that spin in opposite direction, which is creating constructive and destructive visual interferences, it is called the phenomenon of [ Moiré]. The concept is purely kinetic (spring), it allows the wheels to spin at different and irregular speeds but most importantly to run for a long time (+30minutes). After you rewind the mechanism the wheels start to spin in opposite direction. As soon as the gravity makes the front wheel reverse its spinning direction and pushes some pawls in the system, the 2 wheels are pushed and start to spin again. This is happening until the spring is fully unwinded. If properly optimised and by reducing the friction, it is possible to get a runtime of more than an hour! I got my inspiration from pre-existing kinetic sculptures, but I decided to make my own design and my own version of the mechanism which is the crucial point of the sculpture. Until the day, I tried, made, changed and improved my design and finally made a fresh new version by accumulating all my efforts and previous trials. The result is a fully working Kinetic Sculpture that costs almost nothing and more importantly: the size of the mechanism is twice smaller than other documented kinetic sculpture online! You can also fix it to a support like a mounting base of a screen which will allow you to move it around but a wall will give you a far better looking result. The center of gravity of the wheel is placed so it acts like a pendulum. The radius of the pendulum plays a major role in the total runtime of the sculpture. It can look complex on the first sight but if you look more closely at each step you will see that it is fairly easy. It is also very instructive because you start to understand that every piece plays a major role in the running of the sculpture. You end up with an almost magical piece of art that creates spectacular effects! You can complete the sculpture with an RGB LED Ring connected to an Arduino, an ON/OFF switch and a battery so it looks even more amazing. Please note that only the LEDs need an electrical source of energy. You can choose to not use the LEDs, it's up to you. You're only limited by your own imagination. Understanding the mechanism doesn't seem easy at first sight but that's exactly why I documented everything and wrote this tutorial with plenty of pictures and videos. What was a pain in the ass for me is going to be very easy for you. Isn't it why Internet exist? to be very easy for you. Isn't it why Internet exist?)
  • Exam questions  + (<br/> = '''Collection Of NABP Exam
    = '''Collection Of NABP Exam Questions (2k23) - Covering All Topics''' = == '''Introduction''' == Getting ready for the NABP exams can feel overwhelming for pharmacy graduates. It's a lot to study, and there's a lot of pressure to do well. In this article, we'll talk about why practicing [ '''NABP exam questions'''] is important and give you an overview of the FPGEE and NAPLEX. We'll also talk about exam dumps and how they can help you prepare. == '''The Importance of Exam Questions''' == Exam questions are really important when you're studying for a test. They help you see how much you know and understand about the subject. By practicing different types of questions, you can get used to the format of the exam, learn how to manage your time, and figure out what you need to study more before the real test. Using the Codes in NABP Exams: The FPGEE and NAPLEX are two distinct exams under the NABP. Let's briefly explain each exam and the importance of leveraging the provided codes: == '''1. FPGEE (Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination):''' == The FPGEE is designed for individuals who have obtained a pharmacy degree from a foreign country and wish to practice pharmacy in the United States or Canada. This exam evaluates one's knowledge of the scientific principles and practices of pharmacy. The exam consists of 250 multiple-choice questions that cover various topics, including pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacotherapy, and pharmacy practice management. By using the code "FPGEE" in your exam preparation, Buddy4Exam's exam dumps can specifically target the content relevant to this exam, helping you focus on the areas that will be tested. == '''2. NAPLEX (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination):''' == The NAPLEX is a prerequisite for licensure in all U.S. states and Canadian provinces. This comprehensive exam assesses the knowledge and skills necessary to practice pharmacy safely and effectively. With 250 multiple-choice questions, the NAPLEX covers a broad range of topics, including drug distribution, pharmaceutical calculations, and patient care. By employing the code "NAPLEX" while using Buddy4Exam's exam dumps, you can access a pool of questions specifically tailored to this exam. This targeted approach allows you to strengthen your weak areas and grasp a better understanding of the content covered in the NAPLEX. == '''Using Exam Dumps: Buddy4Exam''' == A lot of people use exam dumps to help them study for exams. Buddy4Exam is a platform that offers exam dumps for the NABP exams. These dumps have a bunch of questions that can help you practice and check your knowledge. [ '''Buddy4Exam exam dumps'''] cover all the topics you need to know for the FPGEE and NAPLEX. They have multiple-choice questions and questions that are like real-life scenarios. The questions are made by experts, so you know you're getting good-quality practice. == '''The Benefits of Using Exam Dumps''' == '''1. Get Used to the Exam Format:''' When you use exam dumps, you can see what the real exam will be like. This helps you feel more comfortable and prepared. '''2. Learn Time Management:''' Time management is really important during any exam. Exam dumps let you practice answering questions in a certain amount of time. This helps you figure out how to manage your time well before the real test. '''3. Find Out What You Need to Study:''' By doing lots of different questions, you can see what you don't know very well. This helps you know what topics you need to study more before the exam. '''4. Build Confidence:''' Feeling confident is a big part of doing well on a test. When you practice with exam dumps, you can feel more confident and less nervous about the exam. == '''Conclusion''' == Getting ready for the NABP exams takes a lot of hard work and studying. Using exam dumps, like the ones from Buddy4Exam, can be really helpful. They let you practice the exam format, manage your time better, figure out what you need to study more, and feel more confident. With a collection of NABP exam questions, you'll be ready to cover all the topics and have a better chance of doing well on these important exams.
    topics and have a better chance of doing well on these important exams.)
  • DIY Water Filter  + (<div class="icon-instructions idea-icon
    Simple, robust, low cost, local materials
    A three bucket filter for making almost any water safe to drink, using no to low cost materials and basic tools. Filmed and deployed at the Rhino refugee camp in northern Uganda, where we are training South Sudanese and Congolese refugees how to build their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.
    uild their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.)
  • DIY Water Filter  + (<div class="icon-instructions idea-icon
    Simple, robust, low cost, local materials
    A three bucket filter for making almost any water safe to drink, using no to low cost materials and basic tools. Filmed and deployed at the Rhino refugee camp in northern Uganda, where we are training South Sudanese and Congolese refugees how to build their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.
    uild their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.)
  • Robot "ABC" in wood  + (<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> You will learn to build a small robot controlled by remote control. This robot is made of wood with an electronic board (arduino uno) and a control extension for both motors. </div>)
  • Comgrow ROBO 3180 Desktop ROBO CNC Guide  + (= '''TABLE OF CONTENTS''' = '''[https://ww= '''TABLE OF CONTENTS''' = '''[ Introduction]''' '''[ Assembly]''' '''[ CNC Controller Software Installation]''' '''[ Configuration & Testing]''' '''[ Machine Operation]''' '''[ Laser Guides & Instructions]''' '''[ Troubleshooting]''' '''[ Other Software]''' '''[ Other Common Questions]''' = '''INTRODUCTION''' = This guide page is designed for customers to know about [ C'''OMGROW ROBO CNC ROUTER PRE ASSEMBLED MACHINE''']. If you need more information or want to share something with us. You can join our '''[ Facebook group]'''. Our customer service and other experienced group members can help you solve your problems. = '''ASSEMBLY''' = '''[ ROBO CNC User Manual]''': PDF version of CNC Carving Machine User Manual V1.0. More information click '''[ here]'''. (Note: If the file does not open, please click the download button to download and view it.) '''[ CNC Basic terms]''': PDF version of CNC Basic terms. It helps you understand difficult terminology and allows you to read the user manual more easily. = '''CNC CONTROLLER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION''' = [ '''GRBL software Instructions (For Windows)'''] [ '''GRBLControl/Candle 1.17 (For Windows)''']: Link downloads a .zip file containing a full copy of Candle, the software you can use to run your CNC through your computer. Must unzip entire folder to use. (Note: Please click the download button, download and install.) [ '''CH340SER Driver (For Windows)''']: If windows does not do so automatically when you connect your CNC to the computer for the first time, this downloadable file is the Driver which is needed for your computer to be able to communicate with your CNC. (Note: Please click the download button, download and install.) Software to produce Gcode for CNC engraving toolpath diagrams: fusion360, easel, ArtCAM Software for laser engraving that can be directly connected to ROBO CNC: Lightburn, Laser Grbl, easel CNC engraving software that can be directly linked with ROBO CNC: Candle Grbl, easel = '''CONFIGURATION & TESTING''' = [ '''Video on How to Set Up your Z-Probe'''] [ '''Material Test''']: Originally provided on the SD card that came with your CNC, these are pre-made test cuts users can use to try out their machine or to help troubleshoot issues with other files. [ '''ROBO CNC Beginner's Guide''']:PDF version of Beginner's Guide, you can follow it to test your Comgrow ROBO CNC machine. It suitable for beginners who need to deal with easy but common problem. [ '''ROBO CNC Configuration''']: PDF version of Configuration, Please read it carefully to avoid irreparable mistakes. [ '''ROBO CNC tool engraving parameters''']: This is about the different engraving methods of milling cutter engraving and the performance when corresponding to different materials. [ '''CNC laser engraving parameters''']: This is about the performance of laser with different parameters for different materials. = '''MACHINE OPERATION''' = [ '''How to use the Z-Probe on the CNC'''] [ '''Comgrow rotary roller installation guide for CNC router'''] [ '''Comgrow ROBO CNC Assembly and 5W/10W Laser Kit Installation'''] = '''LASER GUIDES & INSTRUCTIONS''' = [ '''Lsaer Engraver Guide For ROBO CNC'''] '''LaserGRBL Control Software:''' Originally provided on the SD card that came with your CNC, a powerful and affordable GRBL controller meant specifically for lasers. = '''TROUBLESHOOTING''' = [ '''Common error and solutions guide''']: When you encounter machine error during operation, you can check this link for error phenomena and solutions. If this guide does not help you, you can send a message to [ '''Facebook Comgrow Official account'''] or join [ '''Facebook Comgrow Official group'''] and our customer service team will provide you with a solution. (Note: If the file does not open, please click the download button to download and view it.) = '''OTHER SOFTWARE''' = [ '''LaserGRBL''']: LaserGRBL is the software currently used by Comgrow ROBO and it is installed on the SD card that comes with the CNC machine. '''[ Fusion 360]:''' The modeling logic is based on Boolean operations. Of course there are some normal uses. It works very well for horizontal and vertical things, and the Boolean operations can produce very good high models. However, it is more difficult to make curved surfaces '''[ Carveco Maker]:''' It can realize fine 3D relief design, also can calculate tool path output G-Code, output STL to 3D printing manufacturing, covering jewelry and ring design functions '''[ Easel]:''' It is infographic maker with a simple interface, easy to use, beautiful pictures, and users only need to log in to the official website to start making infographics, where you can share and find materials to your heart's content, some of which are not free, of course. = '''OTHER COMMON QUESTIONS''' = 1. Where can you find professional instructional videos? We have many instructional videos available on our Youtube Comgrow Official Account link. [ Youtube Comgrow Official Account] [ Facebook Official Account] [ Facebook Group Link] 2. How to reset ROBO CNC system? After triggering the emergency stop button or limit switch, there is no need to power off and restart. After resetting the emergency stop button, the reset and unlock buttons on the motor software can move the axis. 3. What software to use to edit images? ARTCAM software 4. Is it possible to use the M4 dynamic mode for the laser engraver? M3 and M4 modes can be used. M3 is black and white engraving and constant power output. M4 is grayscale engraving, variable power mode. 5. What is the print size of ROBO CNC? 300X180X45 mm 6. How to install a laser kit on the ROBO? A sheet metal buckle is installed on the 5W laser head kit, which is directly buckled in front of the Z-axis chuck, and then connected to the laser head prepared on the machine. Pay attention to distinguish between the power plug and the PWM plug. Wangcheng can help. 7. After installing the machine, how to start laser printing? Adjust the gear position on the control mainboard, and turn on the laser engraving mode on the software side. Enter $32=1. There are specific video operation tutorials on our social media. laser printing? Adjust the gear position on the control mainboard, and turn on the laser engraving mode on the software side. Enter $32=1. There are specific video operation tutorials on our social media.)
  • Priyasengupta  + (= Book a pretty Mumbai escorts call girl f= Book a pretty Mumbai escorts call girl for a relationship = In this industry, not many people and offices tell the truth and are trustworthy. We are one of the deeply flavored and natural escort agencies. We are pleased to offer restrictive suggestive deviation to our clients. The satisfaction and suggestions that you will get from our [ call girls] will be unique. As an adult, you will find it easy to control the real longing for her like clockwork. If he understands that his real accomplices, such as his girlfriend or his spouse, have abandoned him and ignored him, then at that time, he will not sit still. Certainly, stand out and delight yourself with our attractive '''[ Mumbai escorts]''' who are beautiful women who have mastered the satisfaction of men! In our escort agency, many girls need to have a free life. They have banded together and given the raffle an open door to bring in cash. While performing escort services, our '''[ Mumbai Call Girls]''' understand what you need from them. You can have the honor of choosing the best one for you. There is a compelling reason to continue a selfless life when you have the option to spend time with sweet girls. In some cases, married women do not get enough satisfaction from their partner and for this, they decide to work as [ '''high profile escorts in Mumbai'''] district. The ability to satisfy and attract clients of these women is superior to that of other escort agencies. Nowadays there is no more feeling of sitting idly by as new [ '''model escorts in Mumbai'''] market who need to enjoy the night party and suggestive fun. Our prepared adult entertainers go on to lead magnificent and extravagant lives. If you have a dream of dating a lovely girl, it will prove valid thanks to our amazing '''[ college call girls in Mumbai]''' who provide elegant sexual services. There are various entertainment strategies available, but when we talk about our [ Call Girl service], no one contacts the energy. We have girls with physical experience who are waiting for single and married men. We at Missmumbai [ '''escort agency in Mumbai'''] have a group of college-going girls, VIP girls, housewives and Mature girls, outstanding model escorts, hostess women, unknown call girls like Chinese escorts, Russians, Japanese escorts, etc. For our part, we guarantee quality assistance, since we seriously consider the security, mystery, and joy of our clients. [ '''Call Girls Services in Mumbai'''] at low cost anytime. Regardless of whether you are a beginner in finding the affection of these [ hot girls], it would help if you did not hold back because our girls are easy-going. She will make you feel light and safe. Our [ '''airhostess escorts in Mumbai'''] will get information about the usual level of familiarity, you like to despise and they will do things according to your guidelines. Contact us as soon as possible to reserve your complete fun! == Let the Queen of Hearts escorts in Mumbai be in your bed == Assuming you imagine that you feel desolate and pressured, all you want is someone who can deal with your feelings and you can move them immediately. It is essential to understand that our real needs and needs are regular and there is nothing left to avoid. Try not to allow such feelings to be stifled and prevent you from having extreme joy. Your life will be full of feelings and the happy moment you choose. You will have someone who will take care of you and your feelings. A quick and easy method to do this is to move towards '''[ Mumbai Escorts Services]''' wild in bed. Everyone has specific desires that are not fulfilled. If you had a suggestive experience in the past, you probably had a specific longing that was not satisfied. In some cases, you feel uncomfortable communicating your longing to the [ '''female escorts in Mumbai''']. From time to time it is also seen that you cannot communicate your desires to the Girl imagining that she will feel uncomfortable. In this way, your desires will remain unsatisfied. In any case, when you are with [ Mumbai escort call girls], you can be expressive with your cravings and dreams. Our [ '''call girls in Mumbai'''] love to explore different avenues regarding their sexual accomplices. They make sure that every sexual desire is satisfied and that you have a cheerful attitude about it. They will consider you as if you were their love and will make sure that each of your dreams comes true. Is it true that you are thinking about old memories of sexual experiences? Is it true that you will have any more tactless experiences? Our [ '''call girls services in Mumbai'''] are here to help you achieve your energy levels. Sometimes all you need is to have a pleasurable sexual experience right where you are. Maybe you also prefer to have a good time at local gatherings. The outcall service provided by the [ escort girls in Mumbai] will satisfy your needs. Outcall services are the type of service provided by our escort agency where the girl communicates with her target and provides her with an exciting service. This way, when you want to have a horny experience at your home or in a particular area, [ outcall services in Mumbai] will make it possible. Take advantage of this night! === Get home services in Mumbai for your convenience === If you choose [ '''bollywood escorts in Mumbai'''], the Missmumbai Agency will arrange a safe deposit box for you and provide you with a place where you can have a meeting and sexual experience with the Girl. The Call Services are protected because you will be provided with a location where complete safety and security will be guaranteed. Escort agencies in Mumbai surely know the importance of safety. Therefore, we ensure that no measures are taken that are uncertain and that influence your position. The [ '''Russian escorts in Mumbai'''] exceptionally feel the importance of notoriety and this is the justification why our escort office ensures the way extreme security is maintained at all times. So if you're stressed about security, you can be confident that your protection will hold up while you appreciate it with little to no problem. The moment you avail of an [ '''escort service in Mumbai'''], you will get the most enthusiastic girls in the city of Mumbai. '''Mumbai escorts''' are looking for energetic sex and are certainly decent in bed. They know the ability to shake and make the air feel. These girls love to explore different avenues with respect to their accomplices and may want to evaluate new positions on sexual experiences. You will be amazed and excited by the help provided by [ '''Vip escorts in Mumbai'''] who want to come to our agency again and again. Every time you come to the Agency you will experience [ new Girls] who are amazing. You can also arrange a sexual experience with a similar girl over and over again. In this way, with [ '''actress escorts in Mumbai'''], your pleasure and bliss are assured. You will not find the satisfaction you have experienced before. Book your night sovereign today for a heartfelt night out! Some [ '''celebrity escorts in Mumbai'''] who are disturbed and satisfied with their lives need to investigate their sexuality. What can be preferable to joining '''Call Girls in Mumbai'''? For this, they have chosen to function as [ '''escorts in Mumbai''']. They have formed their important choice according to their desire. These attractive appearances of our models in Mumbai are enough to make you frenzy. If you need endless minutes of these insidious women, you'll want to talk to us directly. Help elevate the feeling and wild activities through our reliable escort office. === Best Escort Service Available Here === Are you looking for a magnificent [ '''teenage escorts in Mumbai''']? Hello everyone, come to the Missmumbai site. Hare has everything available for your enjoyment. After 5 years, we are working on a good Mumbai call girl service in her city. Don't waste time and book our high-profile [ '''independent escorts in Mumbai'''] right now. Most Trusted Mumbai Escorts services were available on our agency. If you want a [ '''new call girl service in Mumbai''']? So guys, book our professional female escorts in Mumbai now. The highly sought after escort service in Mumbai waiting for you. We always provide you with pure and safe service in your city. This is a fantastic escort agency. So guys, book and enjoy an evening together with our [ '''foreigner escorts in Mumbai''']. ==== Lots of variety of escort girls:- ==== '''[ Muslim escorts in Mumbai], [ Punjabi escorts in Mumbai], [ Marathi escorts in Mumbai], [ Tamil escorts in Mumbai], [ Nepali escorts in Mumbai], [ Indian escorts in Mumbai], [ Kerala escorts in Mumbai], [ Mumbai hotel escorts], [ hookers in Mumbai], [ Bhojpuri escorts in Mumbai], [ bengali escorts in Mumbai], [ Blonde escorts in Mumbai], [ assamese escorts in Mumbai]'''mumbai.html assamese escorts in Mumbai]''')
  • ITIL-4-Foundation Exam Dumps Fast Your Prep Smartly  + (= Get Success in PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundat= Get Success in PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation Exam with Flying Colours = The PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam is valuable and industrial recognized credential that offers a great opportunity to beginners and experience professionals to grow their career. The ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam is designed to prove candidates skills, knowledge and experience level. With the ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam anyone can participate in ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam and learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge. By doing this successful ITIL Foundation certification exam candidates can put their career on the right track and achieve their career objectives in short time period. In addition to this, there are other several ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam advantages that you can gain after passing the ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam. To avail all these PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming ITIL Foundation exam easily. == How Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions that are the collection of past ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions and answers. With our ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions you can familiarize yourself with the upcoming ITIL Foundation exam environment, types and structure of exam questions and can enhance your PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam time management skills. All these things enable you to solve entire ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam questions successfully. These ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions are real and updated as per the latest ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam syllabus and have more than 90 per cent chance to appear in the upcoming ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam. The extensive practice of these ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions boost your confidence and you can easily solve all ITIL Foundation exam questions. The Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions are designed and approved by experience and qualified ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam trainers. They put all their efforts, expertise and experience and ensure the top standard of Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions all the time. So, you rest assured that with our ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the actual ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam with flying colours. == Type of Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation Exam Practice Test Questions Formats == The Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions are being presented into three different formats. The names of these formats are Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation web based practice test software, desktop practice test software and PDF dumps file. All these PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions contain real, valid and error free ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions that are designed to prepare you instantly for the actual ITIL Foundation exam. The Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation PDF dumps file is the collection of real PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions that are being presented in PDF format. You can download Examskit] ITIL-4-Foundation PDF real dumps on your desktop computer and laptop and start ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam preparation right now. We are quite confident that with our Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation PDF real dumps you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the challenging PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam with good scores. '''Try Latest Version'''  '''''' == Top Features of Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation Practice Test Software == Whereas the Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation desktop practice test software and web based practice test software are concerned both are the mock ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam. With the Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation desktop practice test software and web based practice test software you get an opportunity to find real PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam environment for instant and deep insight ITIL Foundation exam preparation. The Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation desktop practice test software works with all devices and operating systems. You can download our ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation desktop practice test software on desktop computer and laptop and start this exam preparation journey today. Whereas the Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation web based practice test software is concerned you can run our web based mock ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam on any web browser and start ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam preparation without wasting further time. === Download Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation Exam Dumps and Start This Journey === To learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge the earning the credential of '''[ PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam]''' is the best choice. Take the right step of your career and get registered in ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam and start ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam preparation with the real and updated Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions. The Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation PDF dumps file, desktop practice test software and web based practice test software all are ready for instant download. Just choose the best one Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam real questions format and download the same after paying an affordable ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions charges. If you want to test the quality and features of our ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam real questions than download our free ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions trail version. The demo Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions facility is being offered in all three formats. You can download any Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions format free of cost. After downloading test our Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions quality and features and if you think that our ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions can assist you any mean download our paid premium quality Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions and start this journey with confidence. Best of Luck!!!             h confidence. Best of Luck!!!             )
  • Authentic Microsoft AZ-500 Practice Questions - The Reflections of Real Exam  + (=How to Prepare Well to Pass the Microsoft=How to Prepare Well to Pass the Microsoft AZ-500 Exam on Your First Attempt?= Prepare for your Microsoft AZ-500 confidently with authentic exam questions from Examskit. Study anytime, anywhere on your laptop, smartphone, or tablet with ease. If you prefer traditional studying, print the questions in PDF format and get ready for your Microsoft AZ-500 exams. Practice with Examskit's Excel [ '''Microsoft AZ-500 Questions''']! They simulate real questions, preparing you for the exam and guiding you toward success. ==Chooses Microsoft AZ-500 the Authentic Preparation Materials: == Be careful with old exam questions from many platforms. Examskit offers current and relevant Microsoft AZ-500 exam questions. Access practice questions, dumps, and PDF formats prepared for Microsoft AZ-500 to prepare with confidence. Emphasizing the real exam questions commonly encountered in the actual exam, Examskit ensures effective preparation. =Examskit Microsoft AZ-500 Exam Questions Details= 1) '''Vendor Registration''': Microsoft 2) '''Exam Registration''' Code: AZ-500 3) '''Exam Title''': Junos, Associate Exam 4) '''Related Certification(s)''': Azure Security Engineer Associate 5) '''Number of Questions''': 404 6) '''Available Formats''': PDF, Web-Based Engine, Desktop Practice Test 7) '''Global Validity''': Valid Worldwide (All Countries) 8) '''Discount Offered:''' Yes (Limited Time) 9) '''Instant Availability''': All Formats Accessible Instantly 10) '''Free Updates''': Provided for Up to 90 Days 11) '''Customer Support''': Available 24/7 ==Examskit Microsoft AZ-500  Practice Exam Questions: == Examskit practice exam questions for AZ-500 are great for preparation by Microsoft. They are created by experts and contain real questions from previous exams. That's why many people opt for Examskit practice questions and do well. I recommend trying Microsoft AZ-500 Examskit practice questions to increase your chances of success in your journey..There is a lot of hope that if you act and work hard, you will also succeed. So, apply yourself and don't worry about preparing for the exam. '''[ Click Here & Try]''' ==Real Microsoft AZ-500 Exam Questions in PDF Format== You can get the latest Microsoft AZ-500 test questions in PDF format from ExamsKit. These are the newest, most authentic, and up-to-date questions for the AZ-500 exam. They're designed to help you pass the Microsoft Azure Security Technologies AZ-500 exam on your first try and prepare quickly for the AZ-500 exam. You can access these Azure Security Engineer Associate AZ-500 exam questions on laptops, tablets, and smartphones, so you can study on any smart device. Plus, you can download and use these Azure Security Engineer Associate AZ-500 exam questions for free whenever you want. If you prefer studying with written notes, you can print these PDF Microsoft AZ-500 exam questions. ==Use ExamsKit Desktop Software to Get Familiar with the Microsoft AZ-500 Exam Format== Check out ExamsKit's new software for Microsoft Azure Security Technologies certification! It's made to help you get ready for the exam by giving you practice questions similar to the ones you'll see on the real test. Plus, it keeps track of how you're doing so you can see your progress. This makes sure you're well-prepared for the actual exam. With this software, you can practice on your Windows computer and feel more confident about taking the test. ==Examskit’ Web-based Microsoft AZ-500 Practice Exam Features== Prepare for your Microsoft Azure Security Technologies exam with ExamsKit's online tool. Experience the real test environment, choose your questions and time, and get instant feedback on your performance. Boost your confidence for the Microsoft exam with realistic practice sessions accessible from any device or browser. Less nerves, more readiness! Final Thoughts: In conclusion, preparing for the Microsoft AZ-500 exam requires a strategic approach that emphasizes authenticity and relevance. [ '''Examskit'''] stands out as a reliable resource offering current and pertinent exam questions, ensuring that your preparation aligns closely with the actual test. With a range of accessible formats and a commitment to providing the latest updates, Examskit empowers candidates to study effectively anytime, anywhere. Whether you choose to practice on desktop software, utilize web-based tools, or opt for traditional PDF formats, Examskit caters to diverse learning preferences, fostering confidence and readiness. By investing in Examskit's comprehensive preparation materials, candidates equip themselves with the essential tools to tackle the Microsoft AZ-500 exam successfully on their first attempt.-500 exam successfully on their first attempt.)
  • Authentic Juniper JN0-636 Practice Questions - The Reflections of Real Exam  + (=How to Prepare Well to Pass the Juniper J=How to Prepare Well to Pass the Juniper JN0-636 Exam on Your First Attempt?= Prepare for your Juniper JN0-636 confidently with authentic exam questions from Examskit. Study anytime, anywhere on your laptop, smartphone, or tablet with ease. If you prefer traditional studying, print the questions in PDF format and get ready for your Juniper JN0-636 exams. Practice with Examskit's Excel [ '''Juniper JN0-636 Questions''']! They simulate real questions, preparing you for the exam and guiding you toward success. ==Chooses Juniper JN0-636 the Authentic Preparation Materials: == Be careful with old exam questions from many platforms. Examskit offers current and relevant Juniper JN0-636 exam questions. Access practice questions, dumps, and PDF formats prepared for Juniper JN0-636 to prepare with confidence. Emphasizing the real exam questions commonly encountered in the actual exam, Examskit ensures effective preparation. =Examskit Juniper JN0-636 Exam Questions Details= 1) '''Vendor Registration''': Juniper 2) '''Exam Registration''' Code: JN0-636 3) '''Exam Title''': Junos, Associate Exam 4) '''Related Certification(s)''': Juniper Junos Security Certification 5) '''Number of Questions''': 115 6) '''Available Formats''': PDF, Web-Based Engine, Desktop Practice Test 7) '''Global Validity''': Valid Worldwide (All Countries) 8) '''Discount Offered:''' Yes (Limited Time) 9) '''Instant Availability''': All Formats Accessible Instantly 10) '''Free Updates''': Provided for Up to 90 Days 11) '''Customer Support''': Available 24/7 ==Examskit Juniper JN0-636  Practice Exam Questions: == Examskit practice exam questions for JN0-636 are great for preparation by Juniper. They are created by experts and contain real questions from previous exams. That's why many people opt for Examskit practice questions and do well. I recommend trying Juniper JN0-636 Examskit practice questions to increase your chances of success in your journey..There is a lot of hope that if you act and work hard, you will also succeed. So, apply yourself and don't worry about preparing for the exam. '''[ Click Here & Try Now] ''' ==Real Juniper JN0-636 Exam Questions in PDF Format== You can get the latest Juniper JN0-636 test questions in PDF format from ExamsKit. These are the newest, most authentic, and up-to-date questions for the JN0-636 exam. They're designed to help you pass the Security, Professional JN0-636 exam on your first try and prepare quickly for the JN0-636 JNCIP-SEC exam. You can access these Juniper Junos Security Certification JN0-636 exam questions on laptops, tablets, and smartphones, so you can study on any smart device. Plus, you can download and use these Juniper Junos Security Certification JN0-636 exam questions for free whenever you want. If you prefer studying with written notes, you can print these PDF Juniper JN0-636 exam questions. ==Use ExamsKit Desktop Software to Get Familiar with the Juniper JN0-636 Exam Format== Check out ExamsKit's new software for Security, Professional certification! It's made to help you get ready for the exam by giving you practice questions similar to the ones you'll see on the real test. Plus, it keeps track of how you're doing so you can see your progress. This makes sure you're well-prepared for the actual exam. With this software, you can practice on your Windows computer and feel more confident about taking the test. ==Examskit’ Web-based Juniper JN0-636 Practice Exam Features== Prepare for your Security, Professional exam with ExamsKit's online tool. Experience the real test environment, choose your questions and time, and get instant feedback on your performance. Boost your confidence for the Juniper exam with realistic practice sessions accessible from any device or browser. Less nerves, more readiness! Final Thoughts: In conclusion, preparing for the Juniper JN0-636 exam requires a strategic approach that emphasizes authenticity and relevance. [ '''Examskit'''] stands out as a reliable resource offering current and pertinent exam questions, ensuring that your preparation aligns closely with the actual test. With a range of accessible formats and a commitment to providing the latest updates, Examskit empowers candidates to study effectively anytime, anywhere. Whether you choose to practice on desktop software, utilize web-based tools, or opt for traditional PDF formats, Examskit caters to diverse learning preferences, fostering confidence and readiness. By investing in Examskit's comprehensive preparation materials, candidates equip themselves with the essential tools to tackle the Juniper JN0-636 exam successfully on their first attempt.-636 exam successfully on their first attempt.)
  • Why Sleep Matters in Every Season: Tips for Quality Rest Throughout the Year  + (= Why Sleep Matters in Every Season: Tips = Why Sleep Matters in Every Season: Tips for Quality Rest Throughout the Year = In our fast-paced, modern world, it's easy to underestimate the importance of sleep. Yet, sleep remains a cornerstone of our health and well-being, affecting everything from our physical health to our cognitive function and emotional resilience. And while the changing seasons may bring shifts in temperature, daylight, and daily routines, one thing remains constant: the need for quality rest. As we navigate the ebb and flow of the year, it's essential to prioritize our sleep health in every season. From the warmth of summer nights to the chill of winter evenings, here are some tips to help you achieve and maintain quality rest throughout the year. == Understand Your Circadian Rhythm == Our bodies operate on a natural sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm. This internal clock regulates our sleep patterns, aligning them with the rising and setting of the sun. Understanding your circadian rhythm can help you optimize your sleep schedule in every season. During the summer months, when daylight lingers well into the evening, it's tempting to stay up later and wake up earlier. However, disrupting your natural sleep-wake cycle can lead to sleep deprivation and fatigue. Instead, aim to maintain a consistent sleep schedule year-round, going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends.
    == Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment == The environment in which you sleep plays a crucial role in the quality of your rest. In the summer, when temperatures soar, keeping your bedroom cool can promote better sleep. Consider using a fan, air conditioner, or air source heat pumps to maintain a comfortable temperature, and opt for lightweight, breathable bedding to prevent overheating. In contrast, as the temperatures drop in the winter, it's essential to keep your bedroom warm and cozy. Invest in warm, insulating bedding, such as flannel sheets and a down comforter, and consider using a space heater or an air source heat pump from trusted [ heat pump manufacturers] to maintain a comfortable temperature.
    == Practice Relaxation Techniques == Stress and anxiety can disrupt sleep in any season, so it's essential to incorporate relaxation techniques into your bedtime routine. Whether it's deep breathing exercises, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation, finding ways to unwind before bed can help prepare your body and mind for sleep. In the summer, when the days are longer and more active, it can be particularly challenging to wind down at night. Try to limit exposure to screens and stimulating activities in the hours leading up to bedtime, opting instead for calming activities such as reading or listening to soothing music. Similarly, in the winter, when the days are shorter and darkness falls earlier, it's essential to prioritize self-care and relaxation. Take time each evening to engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief, such as taking a warm bath or practicing gentle yoga. [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] == Pay Attention to Light Exposure == Light plays a crucial role in regulating our circadian rhythm, signaling to our bodies when it's time to wake up and when it's time to sleep. In the summer, natural light exposure increases, which can make it more challenging to fall asleep at night. To mitigate the effects of increased light exposure in the summer, consider using blackout curtains or blinds to block out excess light in your bedroom. Additionally, limit exposure to screens, such as smartphones and tablets, in the hours leading up to bedtime, as the blue light emitted by these devices can interfere with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. In the winter, when daylight is scarce, it's essential to maximize exposure to natural light during the day to help regulate your circadian rhythm. Spend time outdoors during daylight hours, and consider using a light therapy lamp or dawn simulator to simulate natural sunlight in the morning, helping to wake you up gently and naturally.
    == Prioritize Consistency and Routine == Consistency is key when it comes to quality sleep, regardless of the season. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule and bedtime routine can help signal to your body when it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Incorporate relaxing activities into your bedtime routine, such as reading or taking a warm bath, and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. By maintaining a consistent sleep schedule year-round, you can help regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep quality. == Nutrition and Hydration: Fueling Your Sleep == In every season, paying attention to nutrition and hydration can significantly impact sleep quality. During summer, staying hydrated is vital, especially in hot climates, to prevent dehydration which can disrupt sleep. Opt for lighter, well-balanced meals in the evening and avoid heavy, rich foods that may cause discomfort. Incorporate sleep-promoting foods like nuts, seeds, and dairy into your diet to support restful sleep. In winter, dehydration can still occur due to dry indoor air and heating systems, so it's important to stay hydrated. Warm beverages like herbal tea can be soothing before bed. Choose nourishing meals that won't disrupt sleep, and be mindful of caffeine and alcohol intake. Enjoy a light snack before bed, such as whole-grain crackers with peanut butter, to help stabilize blood sugar levels and promote restful sleep.
    == Mindful Sleep Practices: Cultivating Awareness and Gratitude == Incorporating mindful sleep practices into your bedtime routine can foster awareness, gratitude, and connection. Take time each evening to reflect on the day's events and express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Mindfulness meditation can calm the mind and reduce anxiety, promoting relaxation before sleep. Spend time outdoors in summer, connecting with nature, to reduce stress and enhance well-being. Embrace the quiet stillness of winter by enjoying simple pleasures like cozying up by the fireplace, fostering inner peace and contentment before bed. Conclusion Quality sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being, and it's important to prioritize our sleep health in every season. By understanding our circadian rhythm, creating a sleep-friendly environment, practicing relaxation techniques, paying attention to light exposure, and prioritizing consistency and routine, we can achieve and maintain quality rest throughout the year. As the seasons change and life continues to unfold, let us not forget the importance of sleep in nurturing our bodies, minds, and spirits. By embracing these tips and making sleep a priority, we can enjoy the benefits of restful nights and wake up each day feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead. When considering options to maintain a comfortable sleep environment, consulting a [ heat pump supplier] for solutions such as an energy-efficient heat pump can be particularly beneficial. These systems can efficiently regulate indoor temperatures year-round, ensuring optimal sleeping conditions regardless of external weather fluctuations. Introducing ZEALUX® [ air source heat pumps] with INVERBOOST® technology, these innovative systems have been at the forefront of the industry since 2013. Their advanced technology not only ensures optimal heating and cooling performance but also contributes significantly to environmental sustainability. By harnessing the power of ZEALUX® heat pumps, individuals can enjoy a comfortable sleep environment year-round while simultaneously reducing energy consumption and minimizing their carbon footprint. Moreover, ZEALUX® heat pumps come with the assurance of a 7-year warranty, providing peace of mind and guaranteeing reliability for years to come. As we delve into the importance of quality sleep in every season, integrating energy-efficient solutions like ZEALUX® heat pumps aligns perfectly with our commitment to prioritizing sleep health while also promoting environmental stewardship. tag: [ ashp heating] , [ swimming pool supplier europe] , [ heat pump company] ,pompe a chaleur paris, fabricant pompe à chaleur français, pompe à chaleur fabrication française, installateur pompe a chaleur paris, pompe a chaleur air eau paris, chauffe piscine france, branchement thermopompe piscine, installation chauffe eau piscine
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To avail all these Cisco 200-301 certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in CCNA 200-301 exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''200-301 exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in CCNA 200-301 exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming exam easily. == How Examskit 200-301 Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the Cisco 200-301 certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam questions that are the collection of past CCNA 200-301 exam questions and answers. With our CCNA 200-301 exam practice test questions you can familiarize yourself with the upcoming CCNA exam environment, types and structure of exam questions and can enhance your Cisco 200-301 exam time management skills. All these things enable you to solve entire Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 certification exam questions successfully. These CCNA 200-301 exam questions are real and updated as per the latest CCNA 200-301 exam syllabus and have more than 90 per cent chance to appear in the upcoming Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam. The extensive practice of these Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam questions boost your confidence and you can easily solve all exam questions. The Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions are designed and approved by experience and qualified CCNA 200-301 exam trainers. They put all their efforts, expertise and experience and ensure the top standard of Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions all the time. So, you rest assured that with our Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam practice test questions you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the actual CCNA 200-301 exam with flying colours. == Type of Examskit 200-301 Exam Practice Test Questions Formats == The Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions are being presented into three different formats. The names of these formats are Examskit 200-301 web based practice test software, desktop practice test software and PDF dumps file. All these Cisco 200-301 exam practice test questions contain real, valid and error free CCNA 200-301 exam questions that are designed to prepare you instantly for the actual exam. The Examskit 200-301 PDF dumps file is the collection of real Cisco 200-301 exam questions that are being presented in PDF format. You can download Examskit] 200-301 PDF real dumps on your desktop computer and laptop and start CCNA 200-301 exam preparation right now. We are quite confident that with our Examskit 200-301 PDF real dumps you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the challenging Cisco 200-301 exam with good scores. '''Try Latest Version'''  '''''' == Top Features of Examskit 200-301 Practice Test Software == Whereas the Examskit 200-301 desktop practice test software and web based practice test software are concerned both are the mock CCNA 200-301 exam. With the Examskit 200-301 desktop practice test software and web based practice test software you get an opportunity to find real Cisco 200-301 exam environment for instant and deep insight exam preparation. The Examskit 200-301 desktop practice test software works with all devices and operating systems. You can download our Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 desktop practice test software on desktop computer and laptop and start this exam preparation journey today. Whereas the Examskit 200-301 web based practice test software is concerned you can run our web based mock CCNA 200-301 exam on any web browser and start CCNA 200-301 exam preparation without wasting further time. === Download Examskit 200-301 Exam Dumps and Start This Journey === To learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge the earning the credential of '''[ Cisco 200-301 exam]''' is the best choice. Take the right step of your career and get registered in Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 certification exam and start CCNA 200-301 exam preparation with the real and updated Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions. The Examskit 200-301 PDF dumps file, desktop practice test software and web based practice test software all are ready for instant download. Just choose the best one Examskit 200-301 exam real questions format and download the same after paying an affordable Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam practice test questions charges. If you want to test the quality and features of our Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam real questions than download our free CCNA 200-301 exam questions trail version. The demo Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions facility is being offered in all three formats. You can download any Examskit 200-301 exam questions format free of cost. After downloading test our Examskit 200-301 exam questions quality and features and if you think that our CCNA 200-301 exam questions can assist you any mean download our paid premium quality Examskit 200-301 exam questions and start this journey with confidence. Best of Luck!!!             h confidence. Best of Luck!!!             )
  • Ensure Your Success with CKS Dumps  + (= 💻Get Success in Linux Foundation CKS Exa= 💻Get Success in Linux Foundation CKS Exam with Flying Colours = The Linux Foundation CKS certification exam is valuable and industrial recognized credential that offers a great opportunity to beginners and experience professionals to grow their career. The Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS certification exam is designed to prove candidates skills, knowledge and experience level. With the CKS certification exam anyone can participate in CKS exam and learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge. By doing this successful Kubernetes Security Specialist certification exam candidates can put their career on the right track and achieve their career objectives in short time period. In addition to this, there are other several CKS certification exam advantages that you can gain after passing the CKS exam. To avail all these Linux Foundation CKS certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in CKS exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''CKS exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in CKS exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming exam easily. == How Examskit CKS Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the Linux Foundation CKS certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam questions that are the collection of past CKS exam questions and answers. With our CKS exam practice test questions you can familiarize yourself with the upcoming Kubernetes Security Specialist exam environment, types and structure of exam questions and can enhance your Linux Foundation CKS exam time management skills. All these things enable you to solve entire Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS certification exam questions successfully. These CKS exam questions are real and updated as per the latest CKS exam syllabus and have more than 90 per cent chance to appear in the upcoming Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam. The extensive practice of these Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam questions boost your confidence and you can easily solve all exam questions. The Examskit CKS exam practice test questions are designed and approved by experience and qualified CKS exam trainers. They put all their efforts, expertise and experience and ensure the top standard of Examskit CKS exam practice test questions all the time. So, you rest assured that with our Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam practice test questions you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the actual CKS exam with flying colours. == Type of Examskit CKS Exam Practice Test Questions Formats == The Examskit CKS exam practice test questions are being presented into three different formats. The names of these formats are Examskit CKS web based practice test software, desktop practice test software and PDF dumps file. All these Linux Foundation CKS exam practice test questions contain real, valid and error free CKS exam questions that are designed to prepare you instantly for the actual exam. The Examskit CKS PDF dumps file is the collection of real Linux Foundation CKS exam questions that are being presented in PDF format. You can download Examskit] CKS PDF real dumps on your desktop computer and laptop and start CKS exam preparation right now. We are quite confident that with our Examskit CKS PDF real dumps you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the challenging Linux Foundation CKS exam with good scores. '''Try Latest Version'''  '''''' == Top Features of Examskit CKS Practice Test Software == Whereas the Examskit CKS desktop practice test software and web based practice test software are concerned both are the mock CKS exam. With the Examskit CKS desktop practice test software and web based practice test software you get an opportunity to find real Linux Foundation CKS exam environment for instant and deep insight exam preparation. The Examskit CKS desktop practice test software works with all devices and operating systems. You can download our Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS desktop practice test software on desktop computer and laptop and start this exam preparation journey today. Whereas the Examskit CKS web based practice test software is concerned you can run our web based mock CKS exam on any web browser and start CKS exam preparation without wasting further time. === Download Examskit CKS Exam Dumps and Start This Journey === To learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge the earning the credential of '''[ Linux Foundation CKS exam]''' is the best choice. Take the right step of your career and get registered in Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS certification exam and start CKS exam preparation with the real and updated Examskit CKS exam practice test questions. The Examskit CKS PDF dumps file, desktop practice test software and web based practice test software all are ready for instant download. Just choose the best one Examskit CKS exam real questions format and download the same after paying an affordable Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam practice test questions charges. If you want to test the quality and features of our Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam real questions than download our free CKS exam questions trail version. The demo Examskit CKS exam practice test questions facility is being offered in all three formats. You can download any Examskit CKS exam questions format free of cost. After downloading test our Examskit CKS exam questions quality and features and if you think that our CKS exam questions can assist you any mean download our paid premium quality Examskit CKS exam questions and start this journey with confidence. Best of Luck!!!             h confidence. Best of Luck!!!             )
  • 2V0-21.23 Dumps Preparation- Your Key to Certification  + (= 📝Get Success in VMware 2V0-21.23 Exam wi= 📝Get Success in VMware 2V0-21.23 Exam with Flying Colours = The VMware 2V0-21.23 certification exam is valuable and industrial recognized credential that offers a great opportunity to beginners and experience professionals to grow their career. The VMware vSphere 8.x Professional 2V0-21.23 certification exam is designed to prove candidates skills, knowledge and experience level. With the 2V0-21.23 certification exam anyone can participate in 2V0-21.23 exam and learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge. By doing this successful VCP-DCV certification exam candidates can put their career on the right track and achieve their career objectives in short time period. In addition to this, there are other several 2V0-21.23 certification exam advantages that you can gain after passing the 2V0-21.23 exam. To avail all these VMware 2V0-21.23 certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in 2V0-21.23 exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''2V0-21.23 exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in 2V0-21.23 exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming VCP Data Center Virtualization exam easily. == How Examskit 2V0-21.23 Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the VMware 2V0-21.23 certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated VMware vSphere 8.x Professional 2V0-21.23 exam questions that are the collection of past 2V0-21.23 exam questions and answers. 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To avail all these Microsoft MD-102 certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in MD-102 exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''MD-102 exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in MD-102 exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming Modern Desktop Administrator Associate exam easily. == How Examskit MD-102 Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the Microsoft MD-102 certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated Endpoint Administrator MD-102 exam questions that are the collection of past MD-102 exam questions and answers. 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