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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Introduction » avec la valeur « TeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) application for audio communication between users on a chat channel, much like a conference call. It is commonly used for communication in online gaming, allowing players to communicate with each other in real-time. Gamers can engage in various activities such as playing Spotify music on TeamSpeak while gaming to get an exciting vibe. If you have no idea of '''how to play Spotify music on TeamSpeak''', please look no further than this article to make it. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 101 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

  • Morse code - apprendre le morse par le son -  + (L'apprentissage du morse proposé par MorseL'apprentissage du morse proposé par Morse code est un apprentissage sensoriel, il se fait par le mouvement et le son Ce dispositif est un projet inspirer dans un premier lieu par la vidéo de [ Nelson Dellis] puis, à travers d'un stage à l'édulab de Rennes 2, nous avons augmenter ce système d'apprentissage. Lien de la vidéo :) Amusez vous bien à construire et apprendre !usez vous bien à construire et apprendre !)
  • Table à lame d'air  + (L'idée de cette table à lame d'air est le L'idée de cette table à lame d'air est le prolongement de ma réflexion sur les purificateurs d'air ( [[Purificateur d'air anti-Covid]] ). Les purificateurs d'air sont très intéressants pour éliminer les aérosols dans une classe dont les élèves portent un masque. En effet, seuls les aérosols les plus ténus passent à travers les masques et diffusent dans toute la salle, en particulier jusqu'au niveau des purificateurs d'air qui les aspirent et les traitent. Peu à peu, comme expliqué dans mon tuto sur le purificateur d'air, la concentration en virus diminue jusqu'à un niveau qui dépend du débit de traitement et du débit d'émission de la personne covidée (Compétition). Par contre, ces purificateurs d'air sont beaucoup moins efficaces dans les cantines où les personnes sont face à face et n'ont évidemment pas de masques. En effet, sans masque, des aérosols sont produits et peuvent être projetés vers la personne en face, bien avant d'avoir pu être récupérés par le purificateur.... . On trouvera des informations sur les gouttelettes et aérosols émis sur ces deux liens: [] Cependant on va voir que l'utilisation d'une lame d'air pour séparer les personnes qui se font face peut être une solution pour partager un repas sans partager des microbes.... Dans ce qui suit, on va - décrire le concept - décrire le banc de test de la lame d'air et donner les résultats expérimentaux obtenus - donner quelques pistes pour améliorer le concept, et sa réalisation - expliciter une version simplifiée qui conviendrait pour la restauration collectivenviendrait pour la restauration collective)
  • Line Follower Robot - King of Maze  + (LFR stands for Line Following Robot. The lLFR stands for Line Following Robot. The line it follows could be white, black, any other color, or even transparent. All that matters is, the robot must follow the line. Even though it sounds simple, it is a struggle for most of the 1st Year Engineering students. It is a struggle to understand, then implement, then analyze the errors, and make corrections accordingly. After a couple of days, most likely a week, an LFR is finally ready to be run on a line. This article however does not contain any code, on how to make it. We shall only share an example of the LFR robot in the form of a video.e of the LFR robot in the form of a video.)
  • SANTE TECH  + (La situation sanitaire actuelle nous faireLa situation sanitaire actuelle nous faire comprendre que la digitalisation est nécessaire dans plusieurs domaines parmi lesquels celui de la santé. Dans cette vision, notre équipe a mis en place une application mobile de pré-diagnostic une application de consultation des patients à partir des symptômes présents chez eux et d’orientation vers les centre de santé les plus proches.vers les centre de santé les plus proches.)
  • Makers game  + (Le [ [ rétro-gaming], c'est le pied ! Débarrassez la table basse de l'apéro des habituels jeux de société, et retrouvez [ Pong], [ Snake] et [ Tetris] dans une dimension inattendue.ris Tetris] dans une dimension inattendue.)
  • Makers game  + (Le [ [ rétro-gaming], c'est le pied ! Débarrassez la table basse de l'apéro des habituels jeux de société, et retrouvez [ Pong], [ Snake] et [ Tetris] dans une dimension inattendue.ris Tetris] dans une dimension inattendue.)
  • E-Club  + (Le projet a pour but de déterminer la qualLe projet a pour but de déterminer la qualité du swing du golfeur. Nous utilisons, pour cela, un accéléromètre et un gyroscope pour déterminer le mouvement. De plus un moteur vibrant sera utilisé pour permettre à l'utilisateur de connaître la qualité de son swing, en temps réel, grâce à une fréquence de vibration (une vibration le swing est bon, deux vibrations le swing est mauvais). Le produit contient des boutons ON/OFF et des leds pour pouvoir interagir avec l'utilisateur. Les données récoltés seront envoyées en Bluetooth vers une application mobile qui donnera accès aux résultats du joueur. L'enjeu est de trouver un moyen d'accroche pour qu'il puisse s'adapter aux clubs de golf et d'avoir un boitier de petite taille, qui ne soit pas trop encombrant. Ce produit est destiné aux joueurs de golf souhaitant améliorer leur swing.s de golf souhaitant améliorer leur swing.)
  • La communauté bactérienne d'un purin végétale ont elle une influence sur les communautés végétales  + (Le purin est un engrais végétale, issue d’Le purin est un engrais végétale, issue d’une fermentation anaérobie de végétaux riche en élément minéraux (ortie,consoude,prêle, peau de banane) par des bactéries. Une fois filtré, le purin est dilué puis on arrose la plante avec, il y a donc introduction dans le sol de deux éléments[ (Peterson, Jensen 1986)] : * les élément minéraux fertilisant, * la communauté bactérienne, Ils pourraient représenter une bonne alternative aux engrais chimiques.Dans un contexte d’agriculture extensive, l’utilisation des ses engrais “écologique” est elle approprié? Quelle serait l’effet d’une surexposition des communautés végétales sauvages à cet engrais; '''Quel est l’impact de la communauté bactérienne du sol sur une communauté végétale ?''' On suppose que les communauté bactérienne pourrait avoir une effet bénéfique, car étant anaérobie, elle risquerait mourir une fois à l‘air libre, fournissant ainsi des nutriment au communauté bactérienne. == Tableau de traitement : == Chaque phase sera dilué à 15%, d'après Wikipédia:
    '''Application''' '''Minérale -''' '''Minérale +'''
    '''Bactérienne -''' '''témoin négatif :''' '''eau minérale non chorée''' '''traitement:''' '''phase minérale'''
    '''Bactérienne +''' '''traitement:''' '''phase bactérienne''' '''témoin positif:''' '''purin complet'''

    == Observations prévues: == * '''témoin négati'''f : puisque le substrat est limitant, on s’attend à une plus faible biomasse de chaque de communauté, voir une mort de toute la communauté. On peut aussi prédire un fort ratio de biomasse hypogée/épigée, marquant le manque de nutriment. * '''témoin positif''' : On rétablit des conditions non limitantes: on s’attend a survie de la communauté, et un faible ratio hypogée/épigée. On peut s’attendre à la domination d’une espèce dans la communauté. * '''traitement minérale''' : On rétablit les conditions non limitante; on s’attend a avoir un résultat comparable au témoin positif. * '''traitement bactérien''' : l‘effet n’est pas prédictible, cependant plusieurs scenarii sont envisageable. Les bactéries n’ont pas d’effets significatif. Les bactéries ont un effet positif, soit elle entre dans la communauté végétale et destock l’azote inorganique du sol en métabolisant les particules; ou meurent et apporte des nutriments à la communautés. Les bactéries ont un effet délétère, en étant pathogène, ou en favorisant l’apparition de pathogène
    organique du sol en métabolisant les particules; ou meurent et apporte des nutriments à la communautés. Les bactéries ont un effet délétère, en étant pathogène, ou en favorisant l’apparition de pathogène)
  • Moteur Stirling  + (Le wiki a été transféré en aval du projet Le wiki a été transféré en aval du projet ici, car nous voulions d'abord le faire sur le site fablabsu auquel nous n'arrivons pas à nous connecter. Nous avons tenu un journal de bord provisoire dans un fichier texte tout au long du projet. Nous en profitons pour adresser un immense merci à la plateforme de physique du campus Pierre et Marie Curie de Sorbonne Université et en particulier le fablab qui nous a grandement soutenu et nourri de connaissances et de recommandations Dans le cadre de l'UE 3P024, nous avons pour devoir de mener en autonomie, par groupe de 3 à 6 personnes, un projet permettant d'exploiter les connaissances que nous avons cumulées au cours de notre cursus de Licence de Physique. Notre groupe, composé de trois étudiants (2 en double majeure Physique-Mécanique, 1 en majeure mineure Physique-Mécanique); le choix d'un projet permettant également l'exploitation de notions vues en Mécanique était évidemment intéressant. Ainsi, la réalisation du moteur Stirling fut un choix mettant tout le monde d'accord. Le moteur Stirling est un moteur à combustion externe ayant été inventé par Robert Stirling en 1816. Il fonctionne en quatre phases : #Chauffage isochore #Détente isotherme #Refroidissement isochore #Compression isotherme Un lien vers l'article que nous avons écrit, présentant notamment la théorie et les calculs de rendement se trouve dans l'onglet fichiers en dessous. trouve dans l'onglet fichiers en dessous.)
  • Moteur Stirling  + (Le wiki a été transféré en aval du projet Le wiki a été transféré en aval du projet ici, car nous voulions d'abord le faire sur le site fablabsu auquel nous n'arrivons pas à nous connecter. Nous avons tenu un journal de bord provisoire dans un fichier texte tout au long du projet. Nous en profitons pour adresser un immense merci à la plateforme de physique du campus Pierre et Marie Curie de Sorbonne Université et en particulier le fablab qui nous a grandement soutenu et nourri de connaissances et de recommandations Dans le cadre de l'UE 3P024, nous avons pour devoir de mener en autonomie, par groupe de 3 à 6 personnes, un projet permettant d'exploiter les connaissances que nous avons cumulées au cours de notre cursus de Licence de Physique. Notre groupe, composé de trois étudiants (2 en double majeure Physique-Mécanique, 1 en majeure mineure Physique-Mécanique); le choix d'un projet permettant également l'exploitation de notions vues en Mécanique était évidemment intéressant. Ainsi, la réalisation du moteur Stirling fut un choix mettant tout le monde d'accord. Le moteur Stirling est un moteur à combustion externe ayant été inventé par Robert Stirling en 1816. Il fonctionne en quatre phases : #Chauffage isochore #Détente isotherme #Refroidissement isochore #Compression isotherme Un lien vers l'article que nous avons écrit, présentant notamment la théorie et les calculs de rendement se trouve dans l'onglet fichiers en dessous. trouve dans l'onglet fichiers en dessous.)
  • Distributeur de croquettes connecte EN COURS...  + (Lors de votre départ en vacances, vos prinLors de votre départ en vacances, vos principales inquiétudes sont d’oublier quelque chose d’essentiel. Un passeport, des médicaments, des habits chauds ? Tant de choses auxquels vous avez finalement pensé. Mais, il reste un dernier grand problème que tous les possesseurs d’animaux de compagnies connaissent, qui va garder votre petit chat de seulement 2ans ? Vos proches sont aussi en vacances, personne ne peut garder votre animal. Voici la solution, un distributeur de croquettes automatique connecté ! Partez en voyage, en week-end sans vous soucier de trouver quelqu’un pour garder votre animal.rouver quelqu’un pour garder votre animal.)
  • Arrosage automatique de l'école ACJ  + (L’objectif du projet "Make XL Greatagain" L’objectif du projet "Make XL Greatagain" était de créer un système d’arrosage dans le potager de l’école Athénée Charles Janssens à Bruxelles afin de le rendre semi-automatique. On a voulu avec ce projet faciliter la vie à tout le monde et la prise en charge du potager. Pour le projet: *On a installé un capteur de luminosité et de température pour avoir des données de bases sur le potager. *On a choisi 2 bacs de plantes pour y mettre 2 capteurs d'humidité avec 2 arrivées d'eau pour automatiser l'arrosage. *On a construit une structure pour placer un réservoir d'eau (à remplir par eau de pluie ou manuellement). *On a un écran qui projette les données de bases et une clé qui récolte les données de chaque bacs.
    En introduction, vous avez la liste du matériel nécessaire et les fichiers dont vous aurez besoin (code Arduino notamment) Les étapes 1, 2 et 3 sont utiles pour la mise en place en fonction de votre contexte (étudier le terrain, tester les capteurs...), si vous savez ce que vous voulez faire, passer directement à l'étape 4 Les étapes 4, 5 et 6 constituent le cœur du projet avec la partie électronique qui récolte et envoi les données et la partie mécanique qui permet à l'eau d'arriver. L'étape 7 est déterminante, elle sert à récolter les données pour une utilisation directe ou indirecte. L'étape 8 c'est quelques conseils pour l'entretien L'étape 9 c'est quelques conseils si vous voulez allez plus loin dans le projet ;)
    Projet subventionné, "A l’initiative de Christos DOULKERIDIS, Bourgmestre et de Nevruz UNAL, échevine de la Rénovation urbaine. Avec le soutien du Conseil communal de la Commune d’Ixelles et de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale dans le cadre du Contrat de Quartier Durable Athénée" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Les jeunes participants au projet sont Gaspard (15 ans), Theo (11 ans), Basile (11 ans), Vianney (11 ans), Oscar (17 ans), Chadi (17 ans), Andrii (13 ans). Ce projet a été organisé par le Fablab Openfab et animé par Julien et Dewi.
    Ce projet a été organisé par le Fablab Openfab et animé par Julien et Dewi.</div> </div>)
  • Mosquitto MQTT - IoT Platform Series  + (MQTT stands for Message-Queue-Telemetry-TrMQTT stands for Message-Queue-Telemetry-Transport, is a '''publish/subscribe''' protocol for '''machine-to-machine''' communication. This simple protocol, is easy to implement for any client. Termed as the '''Pub''' and '''Sub,''' both are used for same purpose but with different methods.r same purpose but with different methods.)
  • How to Download Music from Spotify without Premium  + (Many Spotify users with a free subscriptioMany Spotify users with a free subscription have a similar question: how to download music from Spotify without Premium? To fix this issue once for all, here, I'd like to share my successful experience to do that. I will introduce the detailed steps on how to download Spotify songs for free. Download Music from Spotify without Premium - Required Tool There are two plans for music lovers to access Spotify's music library. One is a free tier, the other is a premium subscription. Just be one of its membership, users can browse and listen to favorite songs on multiple devices, like computers, mobile phones, etc. But free users have no right to download Spotify songs for free. Like other streaming music platforms, Spotify encrypts its all-music files. Offline listening is the privilege of Premium subscribers. Under this circumstance, it's not able to download music from Spotify for free via the Spotify app only. It's necessary to draw support from a third-party tool, called [ Spotify Music Downloader]. It's specialized in download Spotify songs as local files for both free and premium users. Also, it's a professional music converter for Spotify, which has the ability to download Spotify files to MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC, M4A, etc. In virtue of this software, you can download Spotify songs without Premium. After that, you can listen to Spotify songs, playlists, albums, podcasts, etc. offline with ads. No need to be disturbed by Shuffle Mode and you can play them with unlimited skips on Android phones and iPhone.  By the way, this tool can keep almost 100% original quality. Titles, artists, albums, year, and other parameters can be also saved well. How to Download Spotify Songs for Free - Detailed Steps Now, let's see how to use this AudFree tool to download music from Spotify for free step by step. music from Spotify for free step by step.)
  • FEZIBO standing desk  + (Many people find a [https://www.fezibo.comMany people find a [ standing desk with drawers] ensures a perfect fit for their daily tasks. That’s likely why standing desks have gained such a large share of the market. Although they’re clearly not for everyone, standing desks offer the most flexibility for your workday and – given their mobility – maximum flexibility for your office design as a whole. Find the most comfortable, efficient, and sturdy [ standing desk] that meets your needs. Make sure that it provides the right amount of surface area, and that it supports the amount of weight you usually have on your desk. Choose lockable casters if you think it would be nice to move around the room easily.ld be nice to move around the room easily.)
  • How to Make Amazon Music Louder  + (Music is a universal language that has theMusic is a universal language that has the power to evoke emotions and set the mood for any occasion. With Amazon Music, you have access to a vast library of songs, playlists, and albums at your fingertips. However, sometimes you may find that the volume of your favorite tracks isn't quite loud enough to fully immerse yourself in the music. In this article, we'll explore some simple yet effective ways to make Amazon Music louder and enhance your listening experience.der and enhance your listening experience.)
  • Servizio rendering 3d  + (Naturalmente questo tipo di produzione graNaturalmente questo tipo di produzione grafica incontra le esigenze di diverse categorie di professionisti. Dalle agenzie di comunicazione che necessitano di immagini uniche per promuovere determinati prodotti alle aziende di interior design. Con il '''rendering 3d''' è infatti possibile configurare ambienti ed elementi di arredo con eccezionale realismo. Con la nascita del '''[ rendering 3d]''' si sono sviluppati vari settori nell’industria dei servizi. uno di questi è la prototipazione che si intende la creazione di prototipi. I prototipi possono essere di varia natura, oggetti di design, autovetture avveniristiche, oggetti nel settore della gioielleria (orecchini, collane, ecc ecc), oppure costruzioni ingegneristiche (ponti, viadotti, ecc ecc), o arredamenti, o singole parti di arredamento, oppure per il lancio di un prodotto nuovo sul mercato si realizzano i rendering prima della creazione dell’oggetto reale in quanto si riducono i costi di produzione. Secondo noi la vera potenza del rendering 3D sta nel connubio risparmio di costi in quanto l’utente risparmia rispetto a creare l’oggetto reale, e soprattutto con le moderne tecnologie si realizza l’oggetto come se fosse vero, e quindi si riesce a capire e a vedere l’oggetto virtuale nella sua forma finale mostrando le criticità qualora ci fossero in fase progettuale. Questo è la vera potenza del rendering 3D. Ovviamente il rendering 3D ha questo beneficio nel momento in cui dietro all’oggetto vi è la progettazione dello stesso perché ovviamente una cosa è astrarsi per vedere l’oggetto è una cosa e vederlo reale sul monitor. Pensiamo di sottoporre '''una semplice pianta quotata e magari qualche sezione di un appartamento''' a una persona non addetta ai lavori: probabilmente riuscirà a farsi un’idea degli spazi, ma certamente non sarà in grado di avere una visione precisa dei volumi. Sarà necessario illustrargli vari aspetti e fornirgli tutta una serie di informazioni, con evidente spreco di tempo e con l’effettivo rischio di incomprensioni e disaccordi (spesso anche in fase avanzata di progetto). Cambiamo scenario e pensiamo invece di mostrare al cliente un rendering fotorealistico delle varie stanze della sua futura casa: in questo caso, infatti, il cliente avrà la possibilità di vedere concretamente gli spazi, i volumi, con tutti gli elementi che costituiranno i vani. Nulla sarà lasciato all’immaginazione! Grazie al '''[ rendering]''' anche il cliente più avverso alla tecnologia potrà '''vedere e capire le diverse fasi del progetto''', sentendosi immerso in una sorta di realtà virtuale in cui i volumi, gli arredi, gli spazi funzionali e gli accessori vengono definiti e visualizzati quando ancora non esistono. Il cliente è in grado di intervenire, proporre modifiche e partecipare attivamente al processo di progettazione: se ha dei dubbi o vuole effettuare modifiche lo dirà subito e sarà sicuramente più soddisfatto e sicuro delle decisioni prese. Tutto ciò si traduce in evidenti vantaggi per il professionista, che godrà di un notevole risparmio di tempo e vedrà svanire tutti i rischi di incomprensione. Ma i vantaggi del rendering sono davvero tanti, giovano alla progettazione architettonica e non solo: consentono il fotoinserimento, ossia la possibilità di inserire il rendering all’interno di una foto reale, operazione molto utile per la valutazione dell’impatto ambientale di un progetto. Inoltre, un’impresa di costruzioni potrà pubblicizzare il suo prossimo intervento ancor prima di realizzarlo per trovare subito nuovi clienti, oppure un’agenzia immobiliare può aumentare la propria visibilità e vendere più velocemente gli immobili sul mercato. Insomma, la possibilità di utilizzare i render fotorealistici è un’opportunità da non lasciarsi scappare. '''[ rendering significato]''' '''[ render]''' '''[ render 3d]''':// render 3d]''')
  • Node Red Controlled Neo Pixel on Raspberry Pi 4  + (NeoPixel LEDs are a popular type of addresNeoPixel LEDs are a popular type of addressable RGB LEDs that can create amazing effects and animations. They are easy to control with a microcontroller like Arduino, but what if you want to use them with a Raspberry Pi? In this article, we’ll show you how to use Node-RED, a graphical programming tool, to control NeoPixel LEDs with a Raspberry Pi.control NeoPixel LEDs with a Raspberry Pi.)
  • DIY Custom NeoPixel Rings From Scratch!  + (NeoPixel rings, and NeoPixels in general, NeoPixel rings, and NeoPixels in general, are among the most popular electronic components for makers of all types. For good reason too, with a single pin from any popular microcontroller Adafruit makes adding gorgeous LEDs and animations to any project extremely easy. Unfortunately they are rather expensive, and Adafruit only sells four sizes. What many makers don't realize is NeoPixel is simply Adafruit's branding of a few identical LED chips named WS2812, WS2811 and SK6812 respectively. All Adafruit does it take the chip and put it on a circuit board, charging a hefty premium alongside. There is nothing wrong with Adafruit doing this as it makes NeoPixels accessible to everyone, but if one were to simply make the boards themselves one could make custom shapes of any size or design for around '''15% '''of the cost of Adafruit's models (for a 24 LED ring)('''$3'''). Despite that, it doesn't seem like anyone has created a guide exactly for doing this. So, when I needed a custom compound ring for my working Samus Arm Cannon project (coming soon) I figured why not document the process. In this tutorial I'll show you exactly how I made this custom ring, and how you can make your own.ustom ring, and how you can make your own.)
  • DIY Custom NeoPixel Rings From Scratch!  + (NeoPixel rings, and NeoPixels in general, NeoPixel rings, and NeoPixels in general, are among the most popular electronic components for makers of all types. For good reason too, with a single pin from any popular microcontroller Adafruit makes adding gorgeous LEDs and animations to any project extremely easy. Unfortunately they are rather expensive, and Adafruit only sells four sizes. What many makers don't realize is NeoPixel is simply Adafruit's branding of a few identical LED chips named WS2812, WS2811 and SK6812 respectively. All Adafruit does it take the chip and put it on a circuit board, charging a hefty premium alongside. There is nothing wrong with Adafruit doing this as it makes NeoPixels accessible to everyone, but if one were to simply make the boards themselves one could make custom shapes of any size or design for around '''15% '''of the cost of Adafruit's models (for a 24 LED ring)('''$3'''). Despite that, it doesn't seem like anyone has created a guide exactly for doing this. So, when I needed a custom compound ring for my working Samus Arm Cannon project (coming soon) I figured why not document the process. In this tutorial I'll show you exactly how I made this custom ring, and how you can make your own.ustom ring, and how you can make your own.)
  • Node-Red Telegram Bot with Temperature Logger Part-1  + (Node-RED is a powerful tool for creating aNode-RED is a powerful tool for creating and connecting IoT applications with a graphical interface. It allows you to drag and drop nodes that can perform various functions, such as reading sensors, sending messages, storing data, and more. One of the nodes that Node-RED supports is the Telegram bot node, which enables you to communicate with your IoT devices using the popular messaging platform Telegram.g the popular messaging platform Telegram.)
  • Lampe bis  + (Nous avons trouvé une organisation pour teNous avons trouvé une organisation pour terminer le projet en temps et en heure, chacun assigné à des pôles différents - fabrication bois et matériaux souples ; Arduino ; découpe vinyle ; découpe laser et communication. Nous avons rencontré une difficulté de la stabilité du socle due au choix de la bascule des montants de la lampe. Cela était solutionné par le rajout de 2 pièces de carton gainé de cuir pour l'esthétisme et rappel du tapis de souris.l'esthétisme et rappel du tapis de souris.)
  • One Shot Keto reviews for Canada  + (One Shot Keto is the most popular keto supOne Shot Keto is the most popular keto supplement in the market. No other keto supplements sell as m on the level of One Shot Keto, not even close. But is One Shot Keto really that good? Are the customers satisfied? What was my experience with them? I will answer all the questions one by one. But let’s start with the basics. One Shot Keto is actually a brand more than a product. They produce a variety of ketogenic supplements about which I will review one by one. Although they produce a variety of products, the most popular and the one I will be reviewing in this post is their flagship product – Exogenous ketone base. If you are unfamiliar with exogenous ketones, please read this first. (I will call One Shot Keto’s Exogenous ketone base as just One Shot Keto from now on for simplicity.) I tried One Shot Keto because they seem to be a genuine brand as they boast stats like: More than 50,000 satisfied customers An average of 4.9 stars rating from 3000+ customers The highest customer retention rate in the market. (People buying more than one product or the same product more than once.)oduct or the same product more than once.))
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  • Voiture aluminium  + (Petit défi pour les 50 000 abonnés de la [Petit défi pour les 50 000 abonnés de la [ chaîne Youtube Chaillot Barnabé] : faire un modèle en 3D qui puisse ensuite être coulé dans une fonderie en aluminium. Gregory du [[Group:La Casemate Fab Lab|fablab La Casemate de Grenoble]] a proposé de faire de petites voitures !:La Casemate Fab Lab|fablab La Casemate de Grenoble]] a proposé de faire de petites voitures !)
  • Voiture aluminium  + (Petit défi pour les 50 000 abonnés de la [Petit défi pour les 50 000 abonnés de la [ chaîne Youtube Chaillot Barnabé] : faire un modèle en 3D qui puisse ensuite être coulé dans une fonderie en aluminium. Gregory du [[Group:La Casemate Fab Lab|fablab La Casemate de Grenoble]] a proposé de faire de petites voitures !:La Casemate Fab Lab|fablab La Casemate de Grenoble]] a proposé de faire de petites voitures !)
  • THE EVOLUTION AND BENEFITS OF GYMNASTICS AIR TRACK MATS  + (Picture a gymnastics studio bustling with Picture a gymnastics studio bustling with energy as young athletes eagerly engage in flips, tumbles, and daring routines. In the pursuit of excellence, safety becomes paramount. It was in this quest for a safer, more dynamic training environment that the gymnastics world witnessed a revolutionary tool—the [ air track mat]. In the not-so-distant past, traditional training methods often came with inherent risks. Hard landings, unforgiving surfaces, and the potential for injuries loomed over every routine. This is where the air track mat steps onto the scene, transforming the landscape of gymnastics training.ming the landscape of gymnastics training.)
  • Utilisation de l'application Plantnet dans le cadre du maraîchage  + (PlantNet est un projet de sciences participatif accessible sous forme d’application qui vous aide à identifier des plantes à partir de vos photos mais son application peut aller au-delà et s'appliquer au domaine du maraîchage.)
  • Plug and Make  + (Plug and Make c’est « connecte et fabriquePlug and Make c’est « connecte et fabrique ». C’est un mobilier en perpétuel évolution, qui veut s’adapter à l’habitat. Son principe est simple car il est pensé comme un plateau de jeux : une plaque de “Lego“ ou on vient y connecter et y fabriquer son propre univers. La seule différence, c’est qu’ici la plaque est une planche de contreplaqué et les briques sont des pièces imprimées en 3D ou des ronds de pin, le tout s’insérant dans des percements de différentes formes. Différentes applications s’offrent déjà à lui, organiseur de bureau, organiseur d’entrée, bout de canapé, table basse.eur d’entrée, bout de canapé, table basse.)
  • Plug and Make  + (Plug and Make c’est « connecte et fabriquePlug and Make c’est « connecte et fabrique ». C’est un mobilier en perpétuel évolution, qui veut s’adapter à l’habitat. Son principe est simple car il est pensé comme un plateau de jeux : une plaque de “Lego“ ou on vient y connecter et y fabriquer son propre univers. La seule différence, c’est qu’ici la plaque est une planche de contreplaqué et les briques sont des pièces imprimées en 3D ou des ronds de pin, le tout s’insérant dans des percements de différentes formes. Différentes applications s’offrent déjà à lui, organiseur de bureau, organiseur d’entrée, bout de canapé, table basse.eur d’entrée, bout de canapé, table basse.)
  • Créer un film en stop motion avec des objets de récupération  + (Pour valoriser l'importance de la récupéraPour valoriser l'importance de la récupération des déchets, nous vous proposons de mettre en mouvement des objets voués à être jetés. Vous aurez besoin de l'application gratuite Stop Motion Studio disponible sous Androïd. Vous aurez aussi besoin d'un ordinateur sous Windows. De 6 à 99 ansun ordinateur sous Windows. De 6 à 99 ans)
  • Composing Basics for Hopeful Attendants  + (Pursuing nursing significance, had a go atPursuing nursing significance, had a go at nursing making affiliations going solid locale for likely for serious for as that push clinical controllers past the [ nursing writing services]  of standard learning. Meandering into the wide spaces of making, clinical watchmen set out on a sharp trip that further makes how they could relax most recent things as well as outfits them with guaranteeing based encounters beast for nuanced dynamic in the drive clinical environment. This illuminating examination fills in as the bedrock whereupon goes with produce their succeeding, allowing them to confine the frustrating scene of clinical benefits with sureness and sharpness. As clinical specialists lower themselves in the space of attempts, speculative plans emerge as sorting out compasses that shape their assessment and thought concerning amazing clinical idea conditions. Going from serious nursing hypotheses to additional major clinical benefits models, these sensible plans give an arranged perspective for figuring out loosening up the complexities of patient thought. Flawlessly joining speculative perspectives into their undertakings, clinical bosses transcend the speculative space, attracting a beast data that enlightens their experience as well as adds to strong regions for fundamental for serious for serious for key for the of nursing data. In the dynamic and dependably making field of nursing, endeavors expect a central part in drawing in unequivocal thinking and supporting key assessments. Whether getting into making frames, seeing hypothetical plans, or taking a gander at ensured beast evaluations, specialists partake in a staggering cycle that reestablishes their ability to give quality thought. In the evaluation of epic piece, clinical supervisors research a surge of appraisal, mixing openings to enlighten their status. This legendary step makes how they could relax most recent things as well as outfits them with really look at based bits of information that shape their dynamic in clinical settings. It is inside this wise scene that clinical supervisors draw strong locale for fundamental for in for a, spreading out the gatekeeper for their undertakings. Hypothetical plans give a picked spot of mixing through which clinical guards research and loosen up complex clinical benefits conditions. These plans, going from nursing speculations to extra key clinical benefits models, offer a coordinated improvement for figuring out figuring out the intricacies of patient thought. By get-together theoretical perspectives into their undertakings, [ nurs fpx 4010 assessment 4] beats any issues between enlightening data and objective application, helping a wide impression of their calling. The relationship of key assessments or models further plans with the chance for progress for clinical controllers. These solid conditions do plainly as standing labs where theoretical data is attempted and refined. Through the evaluation of results and depictions drawn from these cases, clinical specialists gain monster encounters into the nuances of patient thought. This mix of speculation and practice gets them worked to zero in on the striking surprises of clinical idea with a nuanced and informed approach. As nursing endeavors unwind, the part on demand based practice ends up being constantly given. Clinical guardians are drawn nearer to address, plan, and heading the latest assessment openings into their undertakings, talking with a culture solid region for of. This report on request not simply ensures the advancement of astounding thought right at this point other than positions clinical escorts as huge extra things of the strong improvement of clinical benefits practices.mprovement of clinical benefits practices.)
  • Infinity Gauntlet Salad Tongs  + (Recently, my wife asked for a nice set of Recently, my wife asked for a nice set of wooden salad tongs. That seemed easy enough, but as I tend to do, I went a little overboard. The movie, Avengers: Infinity War came out recently, so I’m sure you’ve seen images of the Infinity Gauntlet, the powerful glove that Thanos wears in hopes of controlling the universe. Josh and I decided that not only should we make a simple set of salad tongs with traditional tools ([[Salad tongs|see the tutorial]]), we should totally geek out and make a silly pair of Infinity Gauntlet Tongs on the laser cutter.finity Gauntlet Tongs on the laser cutter.)
  • Infinity Gauntlet Salad Tongs  + (Recently, my wife asked for a nice set of Recently, my wife asked for a nice set of wooden salad tongs. That seemed easy enough, but as I tend to do, I went a little overboard. The movie, Avengers: Infinity War came out recently, so I’m sure you’ve seen images of the Infinity Gauntlet, the powerful glove that Thanos wears in hopes of controlling the universe. Josh and I decided that not only should we make a simple set of salad tongs with traditional tools ([[Salad tongs|see the tutorial]]), we should totally geek out and make a silly pair of Infinity Gauntlet Tongs on the laser cutter.finity Gauntlet Tongs on the laser cutter.)
  • COREMO TRAILER - Community Repair Mobile  +
  • How to Play Spotify While Playing Roblox  + (Roblox has become a popular platform for gRoblox has become a popular platform for gamers to connect and explore virtual worlds. However, one feature that has been missing is the ability to play music seamlessly while gaming. With the Spotify Insand available on Roblox, could you [ listen to Spotify while playing Roblox]? Yes! This article will introduce some ways to achieve this goal. Let's move on. ways to achieve this goal. Let's move on.)
  • Arduino to ThingSpeak via SIM800 No Wi-Fi  + (Sending data from an Arduino microcontrollSending data from an Arduino microcontroller to the ThingSpeak platform using a GPRS module is not a novel project concept. While it may appear outdated in numerous regions, owing to the rapid evolution of communication technologies such as 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and the potential for 6G, this is not the case in my country. In India, 2G technologies remain prevalent, and major network operators have confirmed their intent to sustain 2G services.irmed their intent to sustain 2G services.)
  • SITU SLOT GAME 999 TERPERCAYA ONLINE 24 JAM NON STOP  + (Slot 999 merupakan daftar situs judi slot Slot 999 merupakan daftar situs judi slot online yang sangat booming dan di minati sekali oleh banyak orang. Saat ini sangatlah mudah bagi anda untuk menemukan permainan judi online 24 jam menggunakan deposit minimal 10.000 Demi bisa mendapatkan permainan terbaik di dalam bermain judi slot maka pilihan yang tepat untuk anda adalah [ '''''Situs Slot 999'''''] online terbaik 2023. Cara melakukan pendaftaran sebagai member baru sangat mudah dan cepat. Setelah memiliki akun judi slot online maka anda bisa bermain semua permainan game di dalam nya.bermain semua permainan game di dalam nya.)
  • How to Download Spotify to MP3 in 320kbps High Quality  + (Spotify Premium subscribers have the opporSpotify Premium subscribers have the opportunity to download their favorite Spotify songs in 320kbps very high quality for offline playback. However, the downloads are stored in scattered caches in the special OGG Vorbis format. That means users can only listen to those downloaded tracks offline on limited Spotify-enabled devices. Also, when the Spotify subscription expires, users cannot play those downloaded content offline unless they renew the Spotify Premium plan. Therefore, many Spotify users are seeking an all-in-one solution that can download Spotify to commonly used MP3 in 320kbps. And this is what this post will introduce. Without further ado, let's read on.oduce. Without further ado, let's read on.)
  • How to Download Spotify Song without Premium  + (Spotify has an extremely high limit on howSpotify has an extremely high limit on how many songs they can download for Premium users. Spotify allows Premium users to download 10,000 songs on each of up to 5 different devices. You will be able to use downloaded music files only inside Spotify’s app. If you want to play Spotify songs on any device and keep them permanently, you can opt for '''AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter'''. This software allows you to grab the tracks by making them DRM-free and converting them to popular audio formats. Now you can try AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter to [ '''download Spotify songs'''] as local files without Premium. With AMusicSoft, you can now own a lot of music files and have them on your desired device.iles and have them on your desired device.)
  • How to Play Spotify on iPod Touch  + (Spotify is one of the most popular music sSpotify is one of the most popular music streaming services in the world that are popular among people who are musically inclined. Spotify has over 100 million tracks that you can listen to, in addition to over 5 million podcasts and audiobooks. Also, as the years go by, Spotify is getting readily available to install on any device like Android devices, and even iOS for this matter, plus it also works in a web browser. So, what about if you have an iPod Touch, would you be able to '''''[ play Spotify on iPod Touch]'''''? Nowadays, iPod is favored by users for playing music because it's more convenient than carrying around a giant smartphone. Can you use Spotify on an iPod touch? The method of how to do it will depend on the generation of your iPod Touch. Don’t worry because you will find out more about it as we go along in this post. And here, you will learn about installing Spotify on iPod Touch, troubleshooting if you encountered a Spotify compatibility issue, and listening to your favorite music even if you are offline. So, without further ado, let’s get started. Spotify is available across a range of devices, including computers, phones, tablets, speakers, TVs, and cars, and you can easily transition from one to another with Spotify Connect. But can you play Spotify on iPod Touch/Classic/Shuffle/Nano? According to the latest system requirements which Spotify posted on their official website in 2023, users can only download and run Spotify App on the Apple device with iOS 14 or above version. Specific versions of the iPod, include the iPod Touch, iPod Classic, iPod Mini, iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle. We believe that many music lovers still use the iPod products. The good news for iPod users is that the seventh-generation iPod touch supports iOS 13 through iOS 15. iPod users whose devices are the 7th generation with iOS 15 running, where the Spotify Music app can be directly installed. However, Apple officially discontinued the iPod line on May 10, 2022, which means the iPod Touch lineup can not get software support and update from Apple. Since the differences in compatibility between Spotify and iPod Touch, how to play Spotify on iPod Touch is getting harder and harder. Is Spotify music Available on iPod now? The answer is still yes, there is another method for that which I will further explain in the latter part of this post including the steps on how to do so. post including the steps on how to do so.)
  • How to Play Spotify on Squeezebox  + (Squeezebox is a family of network music plSqueezebox is a family of network music players, which launched by Slim Devices. Many people still use it. Some users are wondering how to use Spotify on Squeezebox. That’s what we will talk about today. Let me introduce the best way to enjoy Spotify on Squeezebox. TunesKit [ Spotify Music Converter] is a professional and wonderful Spotify converter, with which all Spotify users can download and convert all songs, playlists, albums, and artists from Spotify to Squeezebox supported audio formats like MP3, AAC, WAV, and more lossless at the 5X speed. The following is the detailed step-by-step guide that shows you how to download and convert Spotify music to MP3 or other common audio formats. Before launching TunesKit Spotify Music Converter, you should make sure that you have installed this software on your personal computer which can be Windows or Mac.on your personal computer which can be Windows or Mac.)
  • Swimming Safety 101: Tips for Safe Swimming  + (Swimming is a refreshing and enjoyable actSwimming is a refreshing and enjoyable activity, whether you're taking a dip in a pool, lake, or ocean. However, it's crucial to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and ensure a pleasant experience for everyone involved. Whether you're a seasoned swimmer or just dipping your toes in the water, these tips will help you stay safe and confident in any aquatic environment.
    == 1. Learn to Swim == The first and most important step in swimming safety is learning how to swim proficiently. Enroll yourself and your children in swimming lessons taught by certified instructors. These lessons not only teach essential swimming skills but also cover water safety techniques such as floating, treading water, and recognizing dangerous situations.
    == 2. Supervise Constantly == Never swim alone, and always supervise children near water, even if they know how to swim. Designate a responsible adult to keep watch at all times, especially in crowded pools or open water settings where visibility might be limited. Avoid distractions like phones or reading materials while supervising, as every second counts in an emergency.
    == 3. Know Your Limits == Understanding your swimming abilities and physical limitations is crucial for staying safe in the water. Don't attempt to swim beyond your skill level or endurance capacity, and never engage in breath-holding contests or other risky activities that can lead to shallow water blackout or drowning.
    == 4. Respect Water Conditions == Be aware of the current water conditions before entering any body of water. Check for signs warning of dangerous currents, rip tides, or hazardous marine life. If swimming in open water, such as the ocean or a lake, familiarize yourself with the area's topography and potential hazards before diving in.
    == 5. Wear Appropriate Gear == Always wear appropriate swimwear when swimming, avoiding loose clothing that can impede movement or become entangled in underwater obstacles. Additionally, consider wearing a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket, especially if you're not a strong swimmer or if swimming in open water where currents can be unpredictable.
    == 6. Practice Sun Safety == Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying waterproof sunscreen with a high SPF before swimming, even on cloudy days. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if swimming for extended periods. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses can also provide additional sun protection. [ pool heat pump] == 7. Stay Hydrated == Swimming can be deceptively strenuous, leading to dehydration if not properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after swimming to maintain optimal hydration levels. Avoid alcoholic beverages, as they can impair judgment and increase the risk of accidents in the water.
    == 8. Be Cautious Around Pool Drains == Pool drains and suction outlets can pose a serious safety hazard, especially for young children. Teach children to stay away from pool drains and never to play or swim near them. Additionally, ensure that pools are equipped with proper drain covers and safety mechanisms to prevent entrapment incidents.
    == 9. Know Emergency Procedures == Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and rescue techniques, such as CPR and basic first aid. Keep a phone or other communication device nearby in case of emergencies, and know how to quickly and accurately relay your location to emergency responders if needed.
    == 10. Follow Pool Rules and Signs == Whether swimming in a public pool, private pool, or natural body of water, always adhere to posted rules and signs. These regulations are in place to protect swimmers and ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for everyone. Ignoring posted warnings or rules can lead to accidents or injuries.
    == 11. Buddy System == Swimming with a buddy is an effective way to enhance safety in the water. Choose a swimming partner who is at a similar skill level and agrees to keep an eye on each other throughout the swimming session. The buddy system ensures that help is readily available in case of an emergency, and it provides an extra layer of support and encouragement during swims.
    == 12. Check Weather Conditions == Before heading out for a swim, check the weather forecast to ensure safe swimming conditions. Avoid swimming during thunderstorms, as lightning poses a significant risk of electrocution and injury. Pay attention to wind speed and direction, as strong winds can create hazardous waves and currents, especially in open water environments. If inclement weather is forecasted, consider postponing your swim or choosing a safer location for aquatic activities.
    == 13. Be Mindful of Exhaustion == Swimming can be physically demanding, especially for inexperienced swimmers or those swimming in challenging conditions. Watch out for signs of fatigue or exhaustion, such as muscle cramps, heavy breathing, or difficulty staying afloat. Take regular breaks to rest and hydrate, and listen to your body's signals to avoid overexertion. If you feel tired or unwell while swimming, exit the water immediately and seek assistance if necessary.
    == 14. Utilizing Swimming Pool Heat Pumps: == In the realm of swimming safety, maintaining appropriate water temperature is crucial for comfort and enjoyment. [ Swimming pool heat pump] offers a reliable solution for regulating water temperature, ensuring that swimmers can enjoy safe and comfortable swimming conditions year-round. By utilizing ambient air temperature, these devices provide consistent heating without relying on fossil fuels or direct sunlight, promoting energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Proper installation and maintenance of swimming pool heat pumps are essential aspects of ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming experience, complementing other safety measures such as supervision, knowledge of swimming techniques, and adherence to pool rules and regulations. If you are interested in a pool heat pump, feel free to contact Zealux [ Heat Pump Supplier] for expert guidance and reliable products that prioritize both safety and efficiency. By incorporating swimming pool heat pumps into your pool maintenance routine, you can enhance swimming safety while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing comfort for all swimmers. Conclusion By incorporating swimming pool heat pumps and following these additional safety measures into your swimming routine, you can further minimize the risk of accidents and injuries while enjoying the water. Remember that swimming safety is a collective responsibility, and everyone in the swimming community, including [ heat pump manufacturers], plays a role in promoting a culture of awareness and preparedness. With proper planning, supervision, and mindfulness, swimming can remain a safe and enjoyable activity for people of all ages and abilities. tag: [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] , [ air to water heat pump system] , [ air to water heating system] , wärmepumpen hersteller vergleich, schwedische wärmepumpen hersteller, wärmepumpe anbieter vergleich, großwärmepumpen hersteller, wärmepumpe schweizer hersteller, wärmepumpen hersteller weltweit, marktführer wärmepumpen, wärmepumpen vergleich hersteller, wärmepumpe marktführer
    ller, wärmepumpen hersteller weltweit, marktführer wärmepumpen, wärmepumpen vergleich hersteller, wärmepumpe marktführer)
  • 5 Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Vaping Journey  + (Switching from traditional cigarettes to vSwitching from traditional cigarettes to vaping is indeed a healthy move. However for the best experience you need to be a little cautious when choosing the perfect vaping device and liquid. As a beginner you may need a little help in starting your vaping journey so here is a guide on 5 things you need to know before buying your first vaping device. At [ Ecchoice], you will find an extensive range of '''electronic cigarettes '''and e-liquids designed to deliver the ultimate vaping experience. Their quality products, seamless customer service and competitive pricing, are what makes them Australia’s best vape brand to [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide''']'''.'''
    == 5 Things to Consider Before You Start Vaping == The vaping experience that you will have depends largely on the devices and vape juice that you choose. Along with the right equipment, here is a list of the top 5 most important since every smoker should know before buying e-cigs and [ '''e-juice in Adelaide''']'''.''' === 1. Selecting the Right E-liquid === The experience you have with your vaping device is majorly influenced by the type of liquid that you choose. You can go for a regular e-liquid or ditch a liquid and go for a wax. The type of filling you use will influence the texture, flavour and strength of the smoke generated by the coil. It is always recommended that beginners go for low strength that does not deliver harsh hits. Once you get the hang of it, you can slowly level up. === 2. Choosing the Correct Tank Type === When choosing the perfect device for your vaping journey, there are many choices.  Disposable or reusable vaping devices are not the only choice you can make. Vaping devices are available with two different sizes of vape tanks. The smaller tanks are found in vape pens which are known for their slim and discrete style. These e-cigarettes only start vaporising the liquid when you press and hold the button. They are perfect for occasional smokers who want to keep their vaping interests under wraps. On the other hand, larger vape tanks are found in bigger vaping devices like a box mod. Since these tanks have a much higher capacity, they produce thicker clouds of smoke. Some of the devices also come with adjustable settings and long battery life for continuous service. === 3. Portability & Discretion === Most vaping devices are portable. However you might be looking for something more discreet, especially when you’re using it in public. In this case vape pens are the best choice for a few puffs on the go.  If you are looking for something stronger that you can use at home, go for a vape kit. Some smokers simply cannot get over the aesthetics and slim build of a regular cigarette. If you are one of them, then go for cig-a-likes. These devices look exactly like a traditional cigarette and come with a slim, tiny battery to keep them running for hours. === 4. Budget === Before you [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide'''], you should chalk out your budget. After all, a tight budget will narrow down your options. The cost of disposable vaping devices can range from anywhere between $10 to $40, depending on the brand. And the cost of reusable vaping devices can range from $25 to $100. However based on your usage, disposable waves can last a few days or a week at max, while a reusable e-cig can be used for at least 6 to 7 months which makes it a much more cost-effective investment in the long term. 5. Warranty & Support It's always nice to know that the brand has your back in case anything goes wrong with your product. Along with choosing the right product type, you also need to choose a reliable brand for the ultimate experience. Make sure you look for a brand with substantial industry experience, a dedicated customer support wing and warranty coverage to tackle unexpected product-related issues. == Final Thoughts == The switch from traditional cigarettes to vaping may seem daunting but choosing the right device and e-liquids will ease your journey and make it more enjoyable. The one thing that remains constant at every stage of your vaping journey is quality. Whether it's the device, the e-liquid or the customer service provided by the brand, quality should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.
    lity should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.)
  • Node-Red Telegram Bot with Temperature Logger Part-2  + (Telegram is a popular messaging app that oTelegram is a popular messaging app that offers end-to-end encryption, cloud-based storage, and a variety of features for communication. One of these features is the ability to create and interact with bots, which are automated programs that can perform tasks or provide information. In this blog post, I will show you how to use Telegram bots to control your home automation system with Node-RED, a visual programming tool that allows you to connect and orchestrate devices, services, and APIs.d orchestrate devices, services, and APIs.)
  • Implementing Web Server on ESP32  + (The ESP32, a low-cost microcontroller withThe ESP32, a low-cost microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, has become a popular choice for IoT applications due to its power and affordability. One intriguing application is the creation of a web server. This blog post will provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement a web server on the ESP32.ow to implement a web server on the ESP32.)
  • OpenKnit: digital fabrication tool to create your own clothes  + (The OpenKnit machine is an open-source, loThe OpenKnit machine is an open-source, low cost, digital fabrication tool. The machine affords the user the opportunity to create his own clothing from digital files. Designing, producing and wearing clothes can now happen in the very same place, allowing the user to make decisions regarding creativity and responsibility. This wikifab has been developed for the OpenKnit machine workshop organized by Gerard Rubio, Waag Society and TU/E within the CRISP Smart Textile Services project. We would like to thank the people at WeMake maker space for reviewing and adjusting this instructable. All additional comments and suggestions on both the design of the machine and the Instructable are very welcome!ine and the Instructable are very welcome!)
  • Showerloop - Guide 5: UV Assembly  + (The UV lamp comes with it's own 'ice-creamThe UV lamp comes with it's own 'ice-cream' cone shaped hose connectors, but generally they are for 1" or larger hoses and it extends out too far to look cool so it's nicer to make a custom cap which reduces the form factor. You should have laser cut the cap from the previous step. It can be seen in the picture on the right, next to the lock nut and brass union.
    The cap should actually be made from something that's UVC resistant as Acrylic will allow for the transmission of harmful UV rays. PTFE is one option and the same material that the teflon tape is made from as is PVC (but you shouldn't vaporize it/laser cut it because it's harmful to your health to breathe and so don't let it into the environment either). A very simple solution would just be to coat it in several layers of white paint containing titanium dioxide which is basically where the pigment comes from. Do this for both the inner and out layer to ensure good protection. Machining this component into rustproof steel like alumnium or die casting may be the best solution in the long run. Remember the UVC is on a non visible spectrum so be practical whenever dealing with UV light.
    More information and links on the bottom of the page.
    UV light.</div> </div> More information and links on the bottom of the page.)
  • Showerloop - Guide 5: UV Assembly  + (The UV lamp comes with it's own 'ice-creamThe UV lamp comes with it's own 'ice-cream' cone shaped hose connectors, but generally they are for 1" or larger hoses and it extends out too far to look cool so it's nicer to make a custom cap which reduces the form factor. You should have laser cut the cap from the previous step. It can be seen in the picture on the right, next to the lock nut and brass union.
    The cap should actually be made from something that's UVC resistant as Acrylic will allow for the transmission of harmful UV rays. PTFE is one option and the same material that the teflon tape is made from as is PVC (but you shouldn't vaporize it/laser cut it because it's harmful to your health to breathe and so don't let it into the environment either). A very simple solution would just be to coat it in several layers of white paint containing titanium dioxide which is basically where the pigment comes from. Do this for both the inner and out layer to ensure good protection. Machining this component into rustproof steel like alumnium or die casting may be the best solution in the long run. Remember the UVC is on a non visible spectrum so be practical whenever dealing with UV light.
    More information and links on the bottom of the page.
    UV light.</div> </div> More information and links on the bottom of the page.)
  • Basic Multi-Modular Frames for Cargo Bikes - Stackable watertight laser cut boxes by Velo M2  + (The basic multi-modular frames for cargo bThe basic multi-modular frames for cargo bikes is the first building block in our open source platform Vélo M², an ecosystem where we provide the electricity by solar & pedal power and the plans to build modules to your imagination that make use of this renewable energy. We want to make use of cargo bike by adding mobile fablabs, open air cinema, foodbikes, … . If you want a nice-looking stackable watertight laser cut box just to transport all kind of things or to give a place for your module idea or to immediately start building our self sustainable energy module, you first have to go through this building part. In this documentation you will find everything to make a 450 by 650 mm base with different heights (150, 300 or 450 mm). The realisation of the content of the module itself will follow. If you want to find more about how the inside frame works and how you can arrange all kind of modules, you will find our two examples in the near future: A raspberry-pi based open air cinéma & a mobile open-source fablab open air cinéma & a mobile open-source fablab)
  • Mobile renewable energy platform on a cargo bike  + (The cargo bike is a great alternative for The cargo bike is a great alternative for the car in congested cities; with our stackable modules we give sustainable initiatives endless possibilities. Vélo M² (pronounced Vélo em carree) is a multi modular capsule system fitting on cargo bikes. With our energy module supplied by solar and pedal power you can have the electricity on location to power an open-air cinema, a mobile fablab and much more on top. We bring all these plans to an open source platform and community where anybody can contribute. Cargo Bikes can be used for more then only transport, with Vélo M² we give the tools to rethink how we interact, move and use energy. We will guide you through the conception of the "energy module". The energy module is an electrical module build into the wooden [ basic module]. It has : - input : DC power for 5 generation bikes (check [ this video] to get an idea of pedal power) - output AC : power for an open-air cinéma, projector and active speakers - output DC : power for a 3D printer - buffer : DC supercapacitor ([ which is more eco-friendly than a battery]) There are different ways for putting the module together. We will describe how we made the first prototype. We are working on an next version which will be ready for version which will be ready for 2018.)
  • Water probe 9-11 activities  + (The conductivity meter is a relatively simThe conductivity meter is a relatively simple device. Its workings rely upon the fact that pure water does not actually carry an electric charge very well. So what we’re really doing with this device is assessing the concentration of conductive particles that are floating in the (mostly nonconductive) water. Water is very seldom just the sum of its basic chemical formula: two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Typically, water is a mixture that also includes other substances that have dissolved into it, including minerals, metals, and salts. In chemistry, water is the solvent, the other substances the solutes, and combined they make a solution. Solutes create ions: atoms that carry an electric charge. These ions are what actually move electricity through water. That’s why measuring conductivity is a good way to learn how pure (really, how impure) a water sample may be: the more stuff that’s dissolved in the watery solution, the faster electricity will move through it.e faster electricity will move through it.)
  • Water probe 12+ activities  + (The conductivity meter is a relatively simThe conductivity meter is a relatively simple device. Its workings rely upon the fact that pure water does not actually carry an electric charge very well. So what we’re really doing with this device is assessing the concentration of conductive particles that are floating in the (mostly nonconductive) water. Water is very seldom just the sum of its basic chemical formula: two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Typically, water is a mixture that also includes other substances that have dissolved into it, including minerals, metals, and salts. In chemistry, water is the solvent, the other substances the solutes, and combined they make a solution. Solutes create ions: atoms that carry an electric charge. These ions are what actually move electricity through water. That’s why measuring conductivity is a good way to learn how pure (really, how impure) a water sample may be: the more stuff that’s dissolved in the watery solution, the faster electricity will move through it.e faster electricity will move through it.)
  • Plastic Extrusion Machine  + (The extrusion machine has quite a specificThe extrusion machine has quite a specific output, a line. This is well suited to make new granulate and 3D printer filament. However use your creativity and you will find other applications for it as well. Change the nozzle for different shapes and sizes, turn it around a mold to make lamps or a handle for a knife. The extrusion machine consists in 6 different elements: the hopper, the barrel, the nozzle, the barrel holder, the framework and the electronics.holder, the framework and the electronics.)
  • Plastic Extrusion Machine  + (The extrusion machine has quite a specificThe extrusion machine has quite a specific output, a line. This is well suited to make new granulate and 3D printer filament. However use your creativity and you will find other applications for it as well. Change the nozzle for different shapes and sizes, turn it around a mold to make lamps or a handle for a knife. The extrusion machine consists in 6 different elements: the hopper, the barrel, the nozzle, the barrel holder, the framework and the electronics.holder, the framework and the electronics.)
  • No-Sew Sock Snowman with Rice in Minutes  + (The most important part of this Sock SnowmThe most important part of this Sock Snowman with Rice is that it’s so easy to make and no sewing or special skills required. That also means that these are great DIY projects to work on with kids. We Need: * white-colored sock * Rice * Ribbon or fabric * Wool thread * Buttons * Round Beads * pom pom * Scissors * Glue
    d Beads * pom pom * Scissors * Glue <br/>)
  • How to Save Spotify Music Tracks without a Premium  + (The music on Spotify is secured to make unThe music on Spotify is secured to make unlawful use impossible. For example, once a user has subscribed to Spotify, they can download music for offline listening, but the songs can only be heard within the Spotify app; MP3 files cannot be removed for burning on CDs or playing on MP3 players. But what can we do if we want to save Spotify Music tracks legally and savely without a premium account? Utilize TunePat Spotify Music Converter's remarkable power to maximize your musical experience. It is a magical utility that enables 10X faster and 100% lossless Spotify Music conversion to MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, and ALAC formats. Here is a comprehensive instruction on how to download Spotify music for offline listening without a membership.or offline listening without a membership.)
  • Plastic Shredder Machine  + (The output of the shredder isn’t super sexThe output of the shredder isn’t super sexy just some chopped plastic flakes. You can change the size of these flakes by changing the sieve. Different sizes of flakes will give a different pattern, smaller flakes melt easier but take longer to shred. Play around and see what works the best for you!round and see what works the best for you!)
  • Plastic Shredder Machine  + (The output of the shredder isn’t super sexThe output of the shredder isn’t super sexy just some chopped plastic flakes. You can change the size of these flakes by changing the sieve. Different sizes of flakes will give a different pattern, smaller flakes melt easier but take longer to shred. Play around and see what works the best for you!round and see what works the best for you!)
  • People pedal powered computer charger  + (The project Vélo M2 plays with PPP (peopleThe project Vélo M2 plays with PPP (people pedal power) applications. In Brussels we're having PPP open-air cinéma projections, PPP mobile fablab workshops and PPP music scenes and DJ sets. [[]] This projects takes people pedal power to a smaller scale. We will be charging a computer or phone. In order to demonstrate the accessibility, we're construction the device in a remote town in Sweden, Torsby.device in a remote town in Sweden, Torsby.)
  • Water probe  + (The water probe is a relatively simple devThe water probe is a relatively simple device. Its workings rely upon the fact that pure water does not actually carry an electric charge very well. So what we’re really doing with this device is assessing the concentration of conductive particles that are floating in the (mostly nonconductive) water. Water is very seldom just the sum of its basic chemical formula: two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Typically, water is a mixture that also includes other substances that have dissolved into it, including minerals, metals, and salts. In chemistry, water is the solvent, the other substances the solutes, and combined they make a solution. Solutes create ions: atoms that carry an electric charge. These ions are what actually move electricity through water. That’s why measuring conductivity is a good way to learn how pure (really, how impure) a water sample may be: the more stuff that’s dissolved in the watery solution, the faster electricity will move through it.e faster electricity will move through it.)
  • How to Delete Tidal Account Permanently without Subscription  + (There could be a few reasons why people maThere could be a few reasons why people may want to delete their Tidal account, for example, they are disappointed with Tidal music services or they move to another music service from Tidal. However, many people respond that they fail to find a Delete Account option on their Tidal app. If you have the same problem, please don't fret but read this article to find 3 ways to close your Tidal account alongside a way to keep your Tidal music collections after account deletion. See Also: [ How to Cancel Tidal Subscription]ion.html How to Cancel Tidal Subscription])
  • E-Textile Monster  + (This activity can be used to introduce theThis activity can be used to introduce the theory of simple circuits to young participants and with the inclusion of a home made switch it can demonstrate the importance of a closed circuit. It can be used to talk about specific components such as LEDs and their requirements when being built into a circuit. More sophisticated iterations of the activity could include a programmable board (Arduino or ESP32). There could be further stages for participants to also make the e-textile monster controllable remotely via a smartphone. Objectives and Learning Outcomes of this activity: - To create something which integrates electronic components with textiles - Allows for creativity and design - To think about how the design can effect the function (including a switch) - To learn about simple circuitry - To learn about basic circuit components - To use basic sewing skills - To give an introduction to combining two different disciplines for the creation of something new === Supplies: === For simple circuit E-textile monster: - Felt - Thread and needle - Conductive thread - Stuffing - LEDs (or other simple electrical components) - Battery pack and batteries - Material for switch (tin foil or other metallic material such as copper strips)foil or other metallic material such as copper strips))
  • Brightness control activity v12  + (This activity is designed for children oveThis activity is designed for children over the age of 9, who are able to read and understand the indicative brightness measurements and the information that appears on the displays. The use of electricity in the home is called "domestic consumption". Energy efficiency is the ability to make intelligent use of resources, minimizing waste as much as possible. For example, a room that is not frequented by anyone may not need air conditioning or artificial light. Adapting the ignition or adjusting the intensity of the users of this environment allows for a more intelligent use of resources, therefore a more efficient use in which waste is reduced to a minimum. The lower the energy loss to achieve a specific purpose, the higher the degree of energy efficiency. Energy demand is on the rise worldwide. The situation on the energy market is heating up and energy prices are rising. There is a strong correlation between energy demand and social tensions in the world. Furthermore, there is also a strong correlation between the massive use of mineral resources, pollution, the increase in particular of diseases, desertification and global warming. Many of the world's most important problems are related to the use of energy. A reduction in energy demand would lead to a confusion of many global problems. So how can we achieve energy efficiency in our living environment? Many small steps can be taken to get better use of consumption. The purpose of this activity is to make the user learn the main problems related to the domestic world and learn to adopt all the solutions to prevent the inefficient use of energy. to prevent the inefficient use of energy.)
  • Thermostat control activity v12  + (This activity is designed for children oveThis activity is designed for children over the age of 9, who are able to read and understand the indicative temperature numbers and the information that appears on the displays. The use of electricity in the home is called "domestic consumption". Energy efficiency is the ability to make intelligent use of resources, minimizing waste as much as possible. For example, a room that is not frequented by anyone may not need air conditioning or artificial light. Adapting the ignition or adjusting the intensity of the users of this environment allows for a more intelligent use of resources, therefore a more efficient use in which waste is reduced to a minimum. The lower the energy loss to achieve a specific purpose, the higher the degree of energy efficiency. Energy demand is on the rise worldwide. The situation on the energy market is heating up and energy prices are rising. There is a strong correlation between energy demand and social tensions in the world. Furthermore, there is also a strong correlation between the massive use of mineral resources, pollution, the increase in particular of diseases, desertification and global warming. Many of the world's most important problems are related to the use of energy. A reduction in energy demand would lead to a confusion of many global problems. So how can we achieve energy efficiency in our living environment? Many small steps can be taken to get better use of consumption. The purpose of this activity is to make the user learn the main problems related to the domestic world and learn to adopt all the solutions to prevent the inefficient use of energy. to prevent the inefficient use of energy.)
  • Play Apple Music on Serato DJ  + (This solution is to convert Apple Music soThis solution is to convert Apple Music songs, which are in protected M4P format, to MP3 format so that you can directly import Apple Music to Serato DJ. Here you will need TunesKit Apple Music Converter. This is a powerful [ Apple Music Converter free] that supports converting Apple Music, iTunes audiobooks, and Audible Apple Music, iTunes audiobooks, and Audible books.)
  • Best Method to Upload Apple Music to Dropbox  + (This tutorial introduce the method to upload Apple Music to Dropbox for backup or listening. This method needs TunesKit Audio Converter.)
  • 2D Drawing to 3D Print  + (This will involve drawing on paper and traThis will involve drawing on paper and transferring the image onto the computer. The activity will involve editing and transferring the image to a file that can successfully read by a printer. The 3D printed drawings can then be used for further activities such as stencils, stamps or creating keyrings. This activity is a great way of introducing 3D printing and Design for Manufacturing. It is accessible to all ages and abilities by not requiring participants to design something on the computer. It allows participants to be less restricted with their creativity as well as showing them how to transfer an image into a file that can be understood by a printer. AGES: 6 to 17 years TIME: 1 to 2 hours Activities Aims and Learning Objectives - Exciting way of bringing creative designs to life - Integration of different disciplines (free hand drawing and 3D printing) - Using a computer to transfer the 2D design into a 3D printable design - To be given an introduction to 3D printers and what files they can understand - To learn about vectorisation of an image - To gain experience using drawing software such as Inkscape - To learn about Design for Manufacture and creating a design that is printable - To gain experience using a 3D printer === Supplies: === - 3D printer - Computer with InkScape software downloaded - Phone with CamScanner downloaded - Paper - Black felt tip marker pens - USB stick or SD card (depending on your 3D printer) - USB stick or SD card (depending on your 3D printer))
  • Tips to choose the right photo tripod  + (To find out which tripod will best suit yoTo find out which tripod will best suit your needs, you should consider the following characteristics:

    === The size ===
    You need to consider the size of the tripod, not just when it's fully collapsed, but also when it's extended. The volume of the tripod in its folded form will help you judge whether it is easy and convenient to carry around when traveling or on the go.

    The size of the tripod deployed will determine its maximum height, when the legs and center column are fully extended. The best thing would be to choose a [ photo tripod] that gives you the greatest possible working comfort, in other words neither too small so that you don't have to spend the whole day leaning forward, nor too big so you don't have to spend more or encumber yourself if you don't. is not necessary.

    You need to consider the stability it will provide once your camera is installed. The one that will guarantee the safety of your equipment and the sharpness of your camera. The stability of the tripod with a camera mounted on it is one of the most important things to consider.

    Depending on their material  of manufacture, we will find more or less heavy tripods. Lightweight tripods are easy and convenient to transport but are also susceptible to movement and vibration, while tripods are heavy and provide stability and load capacity but are therefore also generally bulkier and more difficult to transport.

    === The material ===
    You can choose between plastic, aluminum and carbon fiber. Plastic tripods are the most economical but also the least durable, while aluminum tripods are the most common since they can support a large load capacity but they are also very heavy. A relatively new material is carbon fiber, which makes tripods lightweight, versatile and durable but, it must be said, also very expensive.

    === Charge capacity ===
    Do not confuse the weight of the tripod with the weight it can support. A tripod's load capacity refers to the maximum weight the tripod can work with, so you'll want to make sure that the camera and any accessories you'll be installing (lens, flash, mic, etc.) not exceed this weight limit. Learn more on [].

    Don't venture to assemble a camera heavier than your tripod can support because you risk breaking it and damaging your camera as well.

    === Ball joint ===
    This is probably the least considered aspect and yet one of the most important because it is the element that supports the camera. It is absolutely necessary to pay attention to the maximum weight that the ball head can support and choose one, if the tripod does not have one, which is balanced by the weight of the tripod legs.

    The ball head will allow you to choose from several axes of movement and degrees of inclination. Most tripods include a fixed ball head, while higher end tripods allow you to change it.

    === The budget ===
    Finally -and this is not the least important-, you have to take into account the budget, unless your wallet is filled like a mille-feuille. The economic aspect is practically the one that will largely determine the purchase of a new photo tripod. This will be the first filter to pass, so you will have to find the perfect balance between what we have, what we want and what we can. You'll find a wide variety of tripods (and monopods too) on Photo24, so you might just find the one you're looking for. Browse the section dedicated to this accessory on our site.

  • Home Assistance on Raspberry Pi  + (To use most smart home devices, you need tTo use most smart home devices, you need to download an app, create an account, and link them to an online cloud server. This makes them easy to control, but it also means that your usage data, such as when, where, or how you operate your devices, is stored online and may not be private. If you care about privacy, you can try Home Assistant, a software that lets you manage your smart IoT devices and automate your smart home locally —without any cloud connection or integration.thout any cloud connection or integration.)
  • How to Play Spotify through VLC Media Player  + (Tool required: AudFree [https://www.audfreTool required: AudFree [ Spotify Music Converter] Step 1: Add Spotify music to AudFree Step 2: Customize Spotify output parameters for VLC Step 3: Convert Spotify music for VLC Step 4: [ Play Spotify music on VLC]sic-on-vlc.html Play Spotify music on VLC])
  • Sandale en pneu Michelin  + (Un abonné à [ abonné à [ ma chaine Youtube] m'a envoyé par la poste une sandale dont la semelle avait été découpé dans un pneu. Une sandale, juste une, le pied gauche en l’occurrence ! A moi de compléter la paire. Voilà comment je m'y suis pris. Après une première version reproduit à l'identique, j'ai cherché à améliorer l'attache en ajoutant deux trous et en revoyant le système de nœuds. trous et en revoyant le système de nœuds.)
  • Sandale en pneu Michelin  + (Un abonné à [ abonné à [ ma chaine Youtube] m'a envoyé par la poste une sandale dont la semelle avait été découpé dans un pneu. Une sandale, juste une, le pied gauche en l’occurrence ! A moi de compléter la paire. Voilà comment je m'y suis pris. Après une première version reproduit à l'identique, j'ai cherché à améliorer l'attache en ajoutant deux trous et en revoyant le système de nœuds. trous et en revoyant le système de nœuds.)
  • Le Chat de Geluck - figurine  + (Une flûte à bec pas comme les autres : avec un oiseau au bout d'une branche tenue par un chat. Saura-t-il résister à la tentation de croquer son instrument du musique ?)
  • Mood Box, Sons et Lumières/fr  + (Vous trouverez dans ce paragraphe le projeVous trouverez dans ce paragraphe le projet décrit un peu plus en détail. === Préambule === Ce projet est un projet de groupe (FaB team) réalisé dans le cadre de la formation hybride "Fabrication Numérique", promotion juillet 2018. Ce projet de fin de parcours met en œuvre une partie des savoir-faire acquis au cours de celle-ci et scelle la formation. Il vient donc en complément du projet "bentolux" qui sera bientôt documenté et référencé sur . Les instructions de base étaient les suivantes : * concevoir un nouvel étage sur une boîte existante conçue au fil de la formation (3 étages possibles à disposition : 1 socle, 1 en plexiglas, 1 pour l'écran LCD) ; * utiliser pour ce nouvel étage les connaissances acquises : impression 3D, découpe laser, etc ; * programmer via Arduino au moins une interaction avec l'utilisateur (à nous de choisir cette dernière). === Spécifications générales === Après réflexion, notre groupe a décidé de créer l'étage musical "Mood Box" qui viendrait compléter la station météo déjà prévue avec l'étage socle et l'étage écran LCD. Le comportement prévu est décrit dans les paragraphes ci-dessous. ==== Démarrage de la boîte ==== Une fois le bloc d'alimentation correctement branché, le démarrage de la boîte est réalisé par le biais de l'interrupteur en façade. Ce démarrage déclenche les événements suivants : * la figurine au sommet de la boîte tourne sur son support ; * cette "danse" est agrémentée d'une animation lumineuse via l'anneau de LEDs situé sous le support de la figurine ; * l'écran LCD affiche un message de bienvenue. S'il n'y a aucune autre action dans la foulée, la boîte passe en mode "veille". Dans ce mode, l'écran LCD affiche la température et le taux d'humidité accompagnés d'un message. Ces messages comme la couleur appliquée à l'anneau de Leds et au fond de l'écran LCD dépendent de la température détectée, à savoir : * la couleur (LCD/Led-ring) varie du bleu au rouge proportionnellement à la température ; * le led-ring scintille à une fréquence aléatoire pour donner de l'animation ; * un message variable par tranche est affiché sur l'écran LCD. ==== Activation de la Mood Box et comportement ==== La Mood Box est activée lorsque l'utilisateur appuie sur la barre de laiton située au sommet de la boîte (cette barre est une extension de la touche capacitive installée à l'intérieur de la boîte). Cette activation est accompagnée d'une animation conjointe de la figurine, de l'anneau de LEDs et de l'écran LCD.
    Si aucun autre appui n'est effectué sur la barre dans les 5 secondes suivant l'activation, la Mood Box est désactivée et le mode veille reprend.
    Un nouvel appui déclenche le mode lecture.
    Pour faciliter l'utilisation de la barre, un affichage itératif de leds permet un comptage visuel direct des "clics" effectués.
    La première fois, la lecture de la musique démarre au tout début de la liste de lecture. Le bouton du potentiomètre est alors actif et permet de régler le volume de la musique jouée. La barre reste quant à elle disponible pour agir sur la musique jouée. Pendant la lecture, si la barre est touchée : *  1 fois : "pause/play", i.e. la musique est mise en pause ou en lecture suivant l'état précédent, avec un affichage spécifique sur l'écran LCD ; *  2 fois : "next", i.e. la lecture passe au titre suivant de la liste de lecture ; *  3 fois : "previous", i.e. la lecture repasse au titre précédent de la liste de lecture ; *  4 fois ou plus : retour au mode "veille", avec une animation conjointe de l'anneau de LEDs, de la figurine et de l'écran LCD. Remarque : chacune des actions pause/play/next/previous génère un changement de rotation de la figurine. Pendant la lecture, l'anneau de LEDs est en mode "arc-en-ciel" et la figurine tourne sur elle-même. ==== Désactivation de la Mood Box ==== Après activation de la Mood Box ou après l'arrêt volontaire de la musique, si aucun appui n'est effectué dans les 5 secondes, le mode veille reprend et la Mood Box est désactivée. Il est à noter que si l'on relance la lecture depuis le mode "veille", celle-ci va reprendre exactement là où on l'avait interrompue.
    ée. Il est à noter que si l'on relance la lecture depuis le mode "veille", celle-ci va reprendre exactement là où on l'avait interrompue.)
  • How to Use Spotify as an Alarm on iPhone, Android, and Smart Speakers  + (Waking up to your favorite songs from SpotWaking up to your favorite songs from Spotify can be a great way to start your day. Whether you're using an iPhone, Android device, or smart speaker, there are multiple methods available to set Spotify as an alarm. In this article, we will explore the steps to use Spotify as an alarm on different platforms and devices. alarm on different platforms and devices.)
  • Slot88 Slot Gacor Situs Judi Online Resmi Mudah Maxwin Setiap Hari  + (Waktu ini kemodernan teknologi sudah membeWaktu ini kemodernan teknologi sudah memberikannya dampak bagus untuk semuanya sisi yang mana memudahkan si penggunanya. Salah satunya sebagai berpengaruh ke dunia judi slot online yang lebih canggih dan memberikannya keuntungan bukti besar. Anda bisa masuk pada[ situs Slot88] slot gacor online yang sudah bersertikat resmi dan asli ini. Agar bisa merasakan sensasi dan keuntungan bukti.
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  • AWS IoT Core IoT Platform Series - 6  + (What is AWS IoT Cloud? The '''AWS IoT''' What is AWS IoT Cloud? The '''AWS IoT''' is a cloud platform ☁ that provides services and solutions to connect and manage billions of devices. Since it is a part of '''Amazon Web Services''', we can pipeline it with other products and services which will open more possibilities - Collect, Store, and Analyze IoT data for industrial, consumer, commercial, and automotive devices 🚡. To manage and support these IoT devices in the real-world, AWS I'''oT Core suppo'''rts below protocols - * [ MQTT (Message Queuing and Telemetry Transport)] * [ MQTT over WSS (WebSockets Secure)] * [ HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Secure)] * [ LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network)]
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  • The Benefits of Romaine Lettuce for Cats  + (When it comes to your cat's diet, providinWhen it comes to your cat's diet, providing a balanced and nutritious meal is essential for their overall health and well-being. While cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their diet primarily consists of meat, they can also benefit from certain fruits and vegetables in moderation. Romaine lettuce, with its crisp texture and mild flavor, is one such vegetable that can offer some nutritional benefits to your feline friend when incorporated into their diet appropriately. In this article, we'll explore [ can cats eat romaine lettuce] and the potential benefits of romaine lettuce for cats and how you can safely incorporate it into their meals. === Nutritional Content of Romaine Lettuce === Romaine lettuce is a leafy green vegetable that is low in calories and rich in essential nutrients. It is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion and help prevent constipation in cats. Additionally, romaine lettuce contains vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate and manganese, all of which play vital roles in supporting your cat's overall health. === Hydration and Digestive Health === One of the benefits of incorporating romaine lettuce into your cat's diet is its high water content. Feeding your cat romaine lettuce can help increase their overall hydration levels, especially if they are not drinking enough water from their water bowl. Adequate hydration is essential for maintaining healthy kidney function and preventing urinary tract issues in cats. Additionally, the fiber content in romaine lettuce can promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movements, reducing the risk of constipation and other digestive problems. === Weight Management === Another potential benefit of feeding romaine lettuce to your cat is its low-calorie content. As obesity is a common issue among cats, especially those that lead a sedentary lifestyle, incorporating low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods like romaine lettuce into their diet can help with weight management. By replacing high-calorie treats with small amounts of romaine lettuce, you can provide your cat with a satisfying snack without contributing to excess weight gain. === Dental Health === Feeding your cat crunchy vegetables like romaine lettuce can also have benefits for their dental health. Chewing on fibrous vegetables helps promote healthy teeth and gums by reducing plaque buildup and preventing dental issues such as tartar accumulation and gum disease. However, it's essential to ensure that the romaine lettuce is cut into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking hazards and make it easier for your cat to chew and digest. === Incorporating Romaine Lettuce Into Your Cat's Diet === While romaine lettuce can offer some nutritional benefits to your cat, it's essential to introduce it into their diet gradually and in moderation. Start by offering small pieces of washed and thoroughly dried romaine lettuce as a treat or as part of their regular meals. Monitor your cat's response and digestion, and adjust the amount accordingly based on their individual preferences and tolerance. === Precautions and Considerations === While romaine lettuce is generally safe for cats to consume, there are some precautions and considerations to keep in mind: * '''Avoid Seasonings and Dressings:''' When feeding romaine lettuce to your cat, ensure that it is plain and free from any seasonings, dressings, or toppings. Cats have sensitive digestive systems and may not tolerate added ingredients well. * '''Monitor for Allergies:''' Some cats may have food sensitivities or allergies to certain vegetables, including romaine lettuce. Monitor your cat for any signs of allergic reactions, such as itching, vomiting, or diarrhea, and discontinue feeding if any adverse reactions occur. * '''Consult Your Veterinarian:''' If you have any concerns about incorporating romaine lettuce or any other new food into your cat's diet, consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice and recommendations based on your cat's individual health needs. === Conclusion === Incorporating romaine lettuce into your cat's diet can provide some nutritional benefits, including hydration, digestive health, weight management, and dental health. However, it's essential to introduce romaine lettuce gradually and in moderation, monitor your cat's response, and consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns. With proper care and attention, romaine lettuce can be a healthy and tasty addition to your cat's diet, offering a crunchy and refreshing treat that they're sure to enjoy.You can check more details [ from here] from here].)
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  • How to Play Spotify to Yoto Player without Premium  + (Yoto Players including Yoto Mini are smartYoto Players including Yoto Mini are smart speakers without screens designed for children aged 3 and over. It works to tell stories, play music and audiobooks, and more educational content safely with a clock and alarm function. Besides, via its companion Yoto app or physical Yoto cards, you can upload audio or music from its free Yoto app or local folders. However, Spotify, offering over 100 million tracks, doesn't work with Yoto. But don't worry! We will help you nail down how to '''play Spotify on Yoto''' for your children. Please read on!Yoto''' for your children. Please read on!)
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  • Easy Way to Add Tidal Music to iTunes Library  + (iTunes allows users to not only access striTunes allows users to not only access streaming music, buy favorite tunes but also upload local files from other sources. It gives users one place to collect and listen to all music – including playlists, podcasts, streaming radio stations, local files, and more. These days, I'm attracted by Tidal songs with HiFi quality. And I have subscribed to its HiFi subscription at 19.99 per month. But to my surprise, I failed to '''download music from Tidal to iTunes'''. Based on this situation, I have done some researches and found the reasons and the solution to achieve this goal. To avoid you encountering the same confusion, I will share with you my successful experience of transferring Tidal music to iTunes library.
    = Why You Can’t Download Music from Tidal to iTunes = Tidal provides over 70 million tracks with standard sound quality and HiFi sound quality for subscribers to enjoy music. Tidal is famous for its lossless audio quality. With a Tidal HiFi account, it's able to get lossless CD-quality and High-Res quality audio files. It could be a charming option for audiophiles. But like other streaming music services, Tidal has its own limitations. Users with any subscription can only play Tidal music on authorized players and its own player, the Tidal app, or Web Player. Because Tidal playlists can be downloaded as local files on mobile devices. (There is no Download option for Mac and Windows computers.) And there is no way to transfer Tidal songs to other players without authorization. Thus, if you'd like to download Tidal music to iTunes, a professional Tidal Music Downloader is necessary. It can not only download Tidal music to a computer but also convert Tidal songs to iTunes supported files. = Tool Required: AudFree Tidal Music Downloader = The tool I found is [ AudFree Tidal Music Downloader], which hits on No.1 place in this field. It can download and export Tidal songs to common audio files, like MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC. And it supports a Lossless output setting to encode Tidal songs losslessly. It can preserve the 100% lossless sound quality with ID3 tags. Now, let's see how to use it to download music from Tidal to iTunes library.
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  • How to Play Spotify Music on TeamSpeak  + (TeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-InteTeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) application for audio communication between users on a chat channel, much like a conference call. It is commonly used for communication in online gaming, allowing players to communicate with each other in real-time. Gamers can engage in various activities such as playing Spotify music on TeamSpeak while gaming to get an exciting vibe. If you have no idea of '''how to play Spotify music on TeamSpeak''', please look no further than this article to make it.k no further than this article to make it.)
  • My Lil' Pumpkin  + (" Economic and social progress over the la" Economic and social progress over the last century has been accompanied by environmental degradation that is endangering the very systems on which our future development — indeed, our very survival — depends. Each year, an estimated one third of all food produced – equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes worth around $1 trillion – ends up rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers, or spoiling due to poor transportation and harvesting practices." - United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals Social progress has been stunted in disadvantaged communities which has contributed to the underdevelopment of the citizenstin these communities. As a human race, we can argue that environmental degradation is a result of the unethical production methods used to over-produce goods that we want but don't need. As a human race we even go as far as arguing thag we have to move towards more sustainable methods of producing goods however this "new and more sustainable" knowledge of doing things is only shared with the privileged few. The marginalized and impoverished majority of the human race is not empowered with the knowledge of how they can improve their lives and also be key players in the adoption of new and improved sustainable practices and principles that need to be adopted in order to leave the world that we live in as a better place for future generations to come. To ensure that the concept of sustainable living is adopted across all social classes; equal access to sustainable principals and practices as a knowledge base and complimentary skillsets must be available to all. Urban farming specialist, UFarm KZN Agro, and agri-education expert, The AgriCUL Institute, have paired up as the My Lil' Pumpkin team to answer the Sustainable Development Goal 12 - Sustainable Production & Consumption. We have used recycled PVC pipes, plastic bottles and disposable cups to create a Hydroponics System that can be easily recreated by the youth living in a disadvantaged communities. Having this hydroponic knowledge and skillset will empower the youth to be able to grow their own food, change their perspective of what they understand to be waste/scrap and begin to understand its potential value, understand that it is possible to grow food without harming using soil and thereby degrading our natural soil, how to grow food without using vat amounts of water as well as the importance of water harvesting as a method of water conservation. Introduction to Water Hydroponics '''WHAT:''' “Hydro” is the Greek word for water, and “ponos” means work. In hydroponic gardening, the water does the work—in this case, the work of delivering nutrients to the plant roots. Simply put, hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil. '''WHY:''' Many experts in agriculture consider hydroponic gardening to be much more than just a cool way for home gardeners to grow a few plants. They see it as the future of food production, because hydroponic gardens can be made to fit just about anywhere and allow even un-farmable areas to grow nourishing food. Because the food is dissolved in water, it goes directly to the roots. Plants grow faster and are ready for harvest sooner. You can grow more plants in the same space as you can with a soil garden, and since there’s no soil, there’s no worry about soil-borne diseases or pests – and no weeding. '''HOW:''' The water culture system is the simplest of all active hydroponic systems. The platform that holds the plants is usually made of Styrofoam and floats directly on the nutrient solution. An air pump supplies air to the air stone that bubbles the nutrient solution and supplies oxygen to the roots of the plants. Water culture is the system of choice for growing leaf lettuce, which are fast growing water loving plants, making them an ideal choice for this type of hydroponic system. Very few plants other than lettuce will do well in this type of system. This type of hydroponic system is great for the classroom and is popular with teachers. A very inexpensive system can be made out of an old aquarium or other water tight container.n old aquarium or other water tight container.)
  • 2023 Guide to Download Spotify Songs without Premium  + ("Do you have the ability to download music"Do you have the ability to download music to your computer without paying a subscription fee to Spotify?" This is a common question among Spotify users. While the Spotify Free version allows you to listen to music online, downloading songs for offline listening is limited to premium subscribers. However, there are third-party tools and methods that can help you bypass this limitation and download Spotify songs without a premium account. '''Table of Contents''' ·        Introduction ·        Is It Possible to Download Spotify Songs without Premium? ·        Download Music from Spotify without Premium on PC ·        Download Spotify Music without Premium on Android ·        Download Music on Spotify without Premium on iPhone ·        Final Thoughts ·        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)·        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
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  • Advance Your Cloud Career with the Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam  + ('''Are you prepared to advance your knowle'''Are you prepared to advance your knowledge about cloud computing?''' As a Cloud Engineer Associate, you will be working with the GCP environment in deploying applications and overseeing the day-to-day activities of your client's operations. It's a versatile function where one must have a deep knowledge of cloud technologies and the know-how to use both Google-managed and self-managed services wisely. Below is a comprehensive overview of what it takes to be an effective associate cloud engineer on Google Cloud. '''Google Associate Cloud Engineer  Exam Overview:''' The Associate Cloud Engineer certification test assesses your expertise in various elements of cloud solution management. In the course, you will learn how to set up a cloud environment, and also to ensure its correct and smooth operation, which is the key to success in this kind of role. The exam paper comprises approximately 50-60 multiple-choice and multiple-select questions, with a duration of 2 hours. '''The certification exam for Associate Cloud Engineer evaluates candidates across five key domains:''' * Umgestaltung einer Cloud Solution Environment (17,5 %) * Planning and Configuring a Cloud Solution -17.5%. * Adopting and adhering to a Cloud Suite (25%) * Making sure the operating reliability of a cloud technology is (20%). * Configuring accessibility and security (20%). '''Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Prerequisites and Recommended Experience:''' Contrary to other certifications, the Associate Cloud Engineer certification requires no prior knowledge. On the other hand, it is suggested that applicants have 6 months of experience working in tact with the google cloud tools and products. It is a solid ground to get the student to acquire the skills for encountering the hurdles in the exam. '''Google Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Renewal:''' Those who get certified as Associate Cloud Engineers must recertify every three years to keep their status. This would be to take the course again and earn a passing grade. Recertification can be done at least sixty days prior to the expiry date of the current certification. '''Ready to Get Started?''' The attainment of credentials as a Certified Google Associate Cloud Engineer is equivalent to having a passport to the vast ocean of possibilities in the swimmily growing industry of cloud computing. Numerous may be the reasons but the ones that strike a cord are building your career or getting a jump-start in your profession through holding this certification. Take the steps specified earlier as guidelines for your personal learning pathway on cloud expertise with Google Cloud. Check for the Cloud Engineer Learning Path today, and join the release of a [ '''certified training program''']. If you will listen to my advice, You will get a great mark by checking the [ '''Google certified associate cloud engineer practice test download'''] on your study4exam website (for free) for your preparation. '''Conclusion:''' The certification as a Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer shows your ability to function proficiently by means of deploying, securing and managing the cloud solutions on Google Cloud platform. You will be well armed for the actual implementation of solutions and the contribution to the cloud-based initiatives after knowing and applying all the areas of expertise we have studied in this study guide. The cloud computing industry is dynamic and comes with a ton of growing opportunities. Begin your journey today by taking up exciting realms of cloud computing.our journey today by taking up exciting realms of cloud computing.)
  • What is Bonus Shares  + ('''Bonus shares''' are free additional sha'''Bonus shares''' are free additional shares that are issued to existing shareholders based on the amount of shares they own. Rather than being given as dividends, the company's cumulative earnings are turned into free shares. For instance, if a firm offers one bonus share for two shares, an existing shareholder will receive one more shares for two existing share. Let’s assume that a shareholder owns 1,000 shares in the company. He will receive 500 bonus shares when the firm releases bonus shares, i.e. (1000 * 1/2 = 500). The terms '''"record date"''' and '''"ex-date"''' are used when the corporation issues bonus shares to its shareholders. Let's look at what the terms "record date" and "ex-date" mean: == What is the record date of bonus shares? == The record date is the cut-off date set by the corporation for bonus shares eligibility. The corporation will issue bonus shares to all shareholders who have shares in their '''Demat account''' on the record date. == What is Ex-Date of bonus shares? == The record date is one day prior than the ex-date. To be eligible for bonus shares, an investor must purchase the shares at least one day before the ex-date. == The following are the two different types of bonus shares: == 1) Bonus shares that are fully paid 2) Bonus shares that are partly paid === Bonus Shares that are fully paid === Fully paid bonus shares are those that are distributed at no additional expense in proportion to the amount of stock held by investors. Bonus shares of this type can be obtained from the following sources: 1)      Profit and loss account 2)      Security Premium Account 3)      Capital Reserves 4)      Capital redemption reserves === Bonus Shares that are paid partly === Let's start with a definition of a partly-paid share before moving on to party-paid up bonus shares. A partly paid share is one that has only been partially paid in comparison to the full issue price. It means that an investor can purchase partially paid shares without having to pay the entire issue price. However, when the corporation makes calls, the remaining sum for partially paid shares can be paid in installments. When a bonus is applied to partly-paid shares and changed into fully paid shares without calling out the uncalled amount through profit capitalization, partially-paid up bonus shares are generated. Partly paid-up bonus shares, on the other hand, cannot be issued through a capital redemption reserve account or a security account, unlike fully paid-up bonus shares. == Advantages of Bonus Shares == '''From the viewpoint of the Investor's''' 1) When investors receive bonus shares from the corporation, they are not required to pay any taxes. 2) Bonus shares are useful to long-term shareholders who want to increase the value of their investment. 3) Bonus shares are issued by the company at no cost to shareholders, increasing the number of outstanding shares of an investment in the company and increasing the stock's liquidity. 4) Bonus shares contribute to an investor's trust in the firm's business and operations by allowing the investor to participate in the company and receive capital in return. Find [ India's Best Stock Broker] because its one of the major part for successful [ algo trading]. '''From the viewpoint of the company''' 1) The issuance of bonus shares boosts the company's worth and improves its market position and image, earning the trust of existing shareholders and attracting a number of small investors to the '''stock market'''. 2) With the issuance of bonus shares on the market, the companies have more free-floating shares. 3) The issuance of bonus shares helps corporations get out of situations where they are unable or unwilling to pay cash dividends to their shareholders. === How to Invest in Equities & Commodities === Find the best commodity and '''[ best equity broker in india]''' Both '''commodity''' and '''equity markets''' are different ways for investors to make money and get a decent return on their investments. The method by which these asset groups are exchanged, however, is different. Commodity contracts are often used by traders or speculators to make fast gains because they only allow one to take positions and do not grant any ownership in the underlying. '''Open demat account Online''' and use [ '''best share trading app in india'''] for start your trading journey with the best full-service providing brokerage firm in Central India.
    oviding brokerage firm in Central India. <br/>)
  • Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)  + ('''Context''' This solar roaster was devel'''Context''' This solar roaster was developed with GRUPO PUCP : "Grupo de apoyo al sector rural, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru". This research group, supporting the rural sector, has developed technologies for rural sector for almost 20 years. After transfiguring the technology of the Scheffler concentrator in 2010, a first solar roaster was developed in 2012. The start-up Compadre improved the technology in order to reach a more ergonomic in 2014. This model is used today by the Peruvian coffee growers : it allows them to roast by themselves the coffee with solar energy. By selling their coffee with the entire added value, the coffee growers have a more valuable job. Their economical situation is getting better, because thei income is tripled. To know more about the positive social and environmental impacts of the start-up Compadre, [ you can visit]. End of 2015, a roaster adapted to France (version having a different height of the focal point, due to the latitude difference) was designed (photo 6328). The building tutorial was written for this version, that was build from February 15 to 22, 2016. '''Let's go!''' [ The 3D modeling of the roaster, including the solar concentrator, is available online on OnShape.] The current version --so far (contribution welcomed ;) )-- corresponds to the geometry suited for Peru (13° latitude). In comparison to the version proposed in this tutorial, there are some slight differences: inclination and height of the focal point, especially. But the drum size and many other elements remain unchanged. If you do not have a Scheffler concentrator, you will find the building tutorial online. (1000€ of materials and 15 days work). [ The Scheffler concentrator manual is available here online.] '''Perspectives''' We hope this roaster will help you in a positive way and we are looking forward to sharing feedbacks and contributions to make the most of this opensource technology everywhere it is useful!source technology everywhere it is useful!)
  • Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)  + ('''Context''' This solar roaster was devel'''Context''' This solar roaster was developed with GRUPO PUCP : "Grupo de apoyo al sector rural, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru". This research group, supporting the rural sector, has developed technologies for rural sector for almost 20 years. After transfiguring the technology of the Scheffler concentrator in 2010, a first solar roaster was developed in 2012. The start-up Compadre improved the technology in order to reach a more ergonomic in 2014. This model is used today by the Peruvian coffee growers : it allows them to roast by themselves the coffee with solar energy. By selling their coffee with the entire added value, the coffee growers have a more valuable job. Their economical situation is getting better, because thei income is tripled. To know more about the positive social and environmental impacts of the start-up Compadre, [ you can visit]. End of 2015, a roaster adapted to France (version having a different height of the focal point, due to the latitude difference) was designed (photo 6328). The building tutorial was written for this version, that was build from February 15 to 22, 2016. '''Let's go!''' [ The 3D modeling of the roaster, including the solar concentrator, is available online on OnShape.] The current version --so far (contribution welcomed ;) )-- corresponds to the geometry suited for Peru (13° latitude). In comparison to the version proposed in this tutorial, there are some slight differences: inclination and height of the focal point, especially. But the drum size and many other elements remain unchanged. If you do not have a Scheffler concentrator, you will find the building tutorial online. (1000€ of materials and 15 days work). [ The Scheffler concentrator manual is available here online.] '''Perspectives''' We hope this roaster will help you in a positive way and we are looking forward to sharing feedbacks and contributions to make the most of this opensource technology everywhere it is useful!source technology everywhere it is useful!)
  • Crayon collaboratif - 12 joueurs  + ('''En tenant autant de ficelles qu’il y a '''En tenant autant de ficelles qu’il y a de mains le crayon collaboratif permet à un groupe de dessiner à plusieurs. Communication et travail d’équipe seront donc les maîtres-mots pour mener à bien une production finale.''' Crayon collaboratif créé dans le cadre de l'AIPU 2022 (Association International de Pédagogie Universitaire) cette année à Rennes. Ce crayon est inspiré du projet [[Crayon collaboratif]] de "Katia et Cyrille". Cette version du crayon apporte deux joueurs supplémentaires possible ainsi qu'un design compact et proposant un autre système de fixation du crayon central, pour que le tout puisse se faire sans colle ! Les fichiers sont sous licence CC-BY-SA, il vous est donc possible de le recréer pour vous et vos activités, mais aussi de le remixer selon vos envies ou vos besoins. La documentation à été réalisé par Maxime Chort, Gaétan Chartain et Tony Vanpoucke. Chort, Gaétan Chartain et Tony Vanpoucke.)
  • Making outlines for Nursing Bearing  + ('''Making outlines for Nursing Bearing''' '''Making outlines for Nursing Bearing''' For students who may be doing battling with the material or [ BSN Writing Services] feeling overwhelmed by the coursework, having someone take their web nursing class can offer a lifeline of unendingly help. Whether it's sorting out staggering contemplations, giving additional explanations, or offering changed preparing and heading, a confirmed skillful can help students with investigating the hardships of their web nursing class with sureness and clearness. Regardless, students truly should advance toward the decision to have someone take their web nursing class with ready and careful idea. While searching for assist with coursework can be useful, it's crucial for ensure that the provider is perfect, solid, and reliable. This joins checking the licenses and cutoff points of the individual or affiliation proposing to take the online nursing class, as well as affirming their commitment to enlightening faithful quality and moral lead. Also, students should be aware of the reasonable results of insightful repulsiveness and copyright encroachment related with having someone take their electronic nursing class for their advantage. Schools and universities treat educational enduring quality in a serious manner and have ridiculous frameworks and designs put in a position to see and repulse cheating and hopeless way to deal with acting. Students who are found taking part in academic wickedness could go confronting disciplinary turn of events, including attacking grades, enlightening probation, or even farewell from their program. Hence, going prior to deciding to have someone take their web nursing class, students should check the risks and benefits warily and mull over elective decisions for searching for on and on help. This could harden showing up at their instructors or educational supporters for help, molding concentrate on loads with peers, utilizing web training resources, or searching for shrewd availability and sponsorship affiliations introduced by their foundation. With everything considered, while having someone take your electronic nursing class could emanate an impression of being drawing in, it's major for students to advance toward this decision with arranged and vigilant idea. While searching for assist with coursework can offer titanic endlessly assist students with succeeding [ nurs fpx 4040 assessment 1] educationally, it's vital for ensure that the provider is strong, reliable, and zeroed in on remaining mindful of academic steadfast quality. By checking the risks and benefits and assessing elective streets for help, students can seek after informed decisions that line up with their educational targets and values.
    eir educational targets and values. <br/>)
  • Mobi-doc  + ('''Mobi-doc est une station de documentati'''Mobi-doc est une station de documentation facile d'usage et ergonomique.''' Un des grands avantages du Mobi-doc est d'être '''un''' '''"lieu" dédié à la documentation identifiable par le public''' Ainsi, que ce soit en fablab ou à l'école, nul besoin de sortir appareil photo, des éclairage ou un micro pour agencer les briques de ses document : tout est déjà installé sur mobi.doc. Mobi.doc utilise l'application [ do·doc]. : Cette application permet de capturer des "documentations" que l'on peut présenter sous forme de vidéo, stop-motion, . Mobi-doc permet également à chaque utilisateur·ice d'utiliser son propre dispositif de capture et de compiler un fichier directement sur son périphérique USB. '''Notre Mobi-doc réalisé en découpe laser, à la particularité d'avoir été pensée pour être transportable facilement tout en conservant tout ses atouts.''' Elle peut fonctionner en autonomie via une Raspberry-pi 4 et dispose des entrées et sorties suivante : - une fente pour la prise d'alimentation - 5 prises USB en entrées - Une prise USB en sortie - un emplacement pour insérer une souris et/ou un clavier - un emplacement pour insérer le dispositif - 2 emplacements pour insérer les pinces. - 6 emplacements pour un rangement à feutres Les fichiers vectoriels sont disponibles en vectoriels sont disponibles en annexe.)
  • Mobi-doc  + ('''Mobi-doc est une station de documentati'''Mobi-doc est une station de documentation facile d'usage et ergonomique.''' Un des grands avantages du Mobi-doc est d'être '''un''' '''"lieu" dédié à la documentation identifiable par le public''' Ainsi, que ce soit en fablab ou à l'école, nul besoin de sortir appareil photo, des éclairage ou un micro pour agencer les briques de ses document : tout est déjà installé sur mobi.doc. Mobi.doc utilise l'application [ do·doc]. : Cette application permet de capturer des "documentations" que l'on peut présenter sous forme de vidéo, stop-motion, . Mobi-doc permet également à chaque utilisateur·ice d'utiliser son propre dispositif de capture et de compiler un fichier directement sur son périphérique USB. '''Notre Mobi-doc réalisé en découpe laser, à la particularité d'avoir été pensée pour être transportable facilement tout en conservant tout ses atouts.''' Elle peut fonctionner en autonomie via une Raspberry-pi 4 et dispose des entrées et sorties suivante : - une fente pour la prise d'alimentation - 5 prises USB en entrées - Une prise USB en sortie - un emplacement pour insérer une souris et/ou un clavier - un emplacement pour insérer le dispositif - 2 emplacements pour insérer les pinces. - 6 emplacements pour un rangement à feutres Les fichiers vectoriels sont disponibles en vectoriels sont disponibles en annexe.)
  • Tejar  + ('''Online Shopping in Pakistan''' top e-co'''Online Shopping in Pakistan''' top e-commerce store that deals in genuine and reliable consumer goods belonging to numerous brands and product categories. The purpose of the online storefront is to provide users a convenient and secure online shopping experience with a wide range of options to choose from. Making quick inroads in the online retail market, we owe our success to the fact that not only are we committed to providing you premium quality products, we also ensure transparency at all times and give top priority to customer satisfaction. By understanding the needs of our audience and serving them in the best manner possible, people’s trust in our brand has strengthened over the years. Right from the moment you place an order on till it reaches you, our team of diligent professionals works tirelessly to meet your expectations. The website offers a heterogeneous mix of countless products sorted on the basis of ones that are new, gaining popularity or available on discount. If you are brand conscious, you can even shop for items within a specific brand. Furthermore, you can narrow down your search based on the products that fit your budget so that you may make your purchase decision accordingly. [ '''ipad pro 2021 price in pakistan'''] With a host of payment methods, paying for what you buy has been made very easy. No matter where you are located in Pakistan, we promise to deliver your purchased product to you within 8-12 working days. As shipping of items worth over Rs. 4,900 is free, buyers don’t have to worry about additional charges for organizing delivery of the ordered items. [ '''graphic cards price''']
    cs-cards '''graphic cards price'''] <br/>)
  • Marble Machine No 1 Motor Assembly Instructions  + ('''Please note:''' It is recommended that'''Please note:''' It is recommended that you apply varnish or sealer to the finished marble machine, especially if you live in areas with high humidity. Polyurethane varnish is a good choice. If you manage to drop some of the balls on the floor (inevitable!) then '''DO NOT''' be tempted to pick them up with a magnet. This can cause the balls to become magnetised and they will then stick together which will impair the operation of the marble machine. Before you start assembly it is a good idea to study the pictures in these instruction so you know how it goes together. You can dry assemble the lifter initially. This kit contains small parts and is not suitable for small childrenrts and is not suitable for small children)
  • Ultimate Guide to Fix Tidal Not Playing Songs  + ('''Q:''' '''''Tidal not playing songs.''' '''Q:''' '''''Tidal not playing songs.''' It either acts like it’s loading songs but doesn’t play them or it looks like it’s playing the song but it won’t. Spotify and other apps and websites sound are working perfectly and I’ve tried restarting and clearing the'' Tidal cache, but ''none of them worked. Any device?'' Tidal is a popular digital music streaming platform that allows us to stream over 90 million soundtracks. And it is also the first company to provide high-fidelity sound with lower tiers. We have to admit that it is indeed a great app to stream music, but it’s also possible to come across some problems like the case I shared in the article start. Are you in the same boat? If you keep encountering '''Tidal not playing songs''' problem, don’t worry, we have your back! In the next parts, I’m going to discuss the potential reasons why Tidal music not playing on your device and walk you through some feasible methods to fix it.u through some feasible methods to fix it.)
  • Nutridome I SDG 11 I South Africa  + ('''The prototype considers SDG 11's call b'''The prototype considers SDG 11's call by the United Nations. The project speaks to being self efficient in urban environments by enabling urban living with with the ability and ease of use and use of a 'smart vegetable garden. The idea is for the user to self sustain their families through the use of a compact hybrid hydroponic greenhouse structure which produces high yields, provides nutritious foods and reduces transportation of food produce.''' '''The idea in the design was to come up with an energy efficient solution which will enable plants to grow in varied environments. The prototype is a controlled system linked to remote system, envisioned to be accessible via a smart phone application which also includes a community engagement platform.'''cludes a community engagement platform.''')
  • Vai thun cotton 4 chieu  + ('''Thái Bảo là đơn vị chuyên sản xuất và cung cấp sản phẩm Vải thun cotton 4 chiều, bền đẹp với giá cạnh tranh trên thị trường. Hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi để được tư vấn miễn phí và đặt mua sản phẩm ưu đãi, chất lượng cao.''')
  • Maximize Your Website Ranking with Leading SEO Services in Dubai  + ('''Top SEO Agency In Dubai Providing Best '''Top SEO Agency In Dubai Providing Best SEO Services''' Our Top [ SEO Services in Dubai] provides the best solution in online business for today's digital world and because  a strong online presence is essential for businesses to thrive. With millions of websites viewing for attention, standing out from the crowd can be a daunting task. That's where JEEM Marketing Management comes in. As a leading provider of SEO Agency in Dubai, we specialize in helping businesses elevate their visibility, attract more customers, and achieve their online goals. '''Why Choose Our SEO Agency in Dubai?''' # '''Expertise''': In SEO Service with years of experience in the industry, we have honed our skills and expertise to deliver top-notch SEO solutions custom-made to your business needs. Our team of SEO Experts in Dubai stays updated with the latest trends and techniques to ensure your website stays ahead of the competition. # '''Customized Strategies''': We understand that every business is unique. That's why we take a personalized approach to SEO, creating customized strategies that align with your specific objectives and target audience. Whether you're a small local business or a multinational corporation, we have the tools and expertise to help you succeed. # '''Transparent Communication''': At JEEM Marketing Management, we believe in transparent communication every step of the way. From initial consultation to ongoing progress reports, we keep you informed and involved throughout the entire process. You'll always know exactly what we're doing to improve your website's performance. # '''Proven Results''': Our track record speaks for itself. Over the years, we have helped countless businesses in Dubai and beyond achieve significant improvements in their search engine rankings, organic traffic, and overall online visibility with our highly efficient SEO Works in Dubai. We measure our success by your success. # '''Reliability''': When you partner with JEEM Marketing Management, you can trust that you're working with a reliable and reputable agency. We take pride in delivering high-quality services and exceptional results, backed by unparalleled customer support and satisfaction. '''We Covers SEO Start to End''' At JEEM Marketing Management, we take a comprehensive approach to SEO Services that covers all aspects of your online presence. From keyword research and on-page optimization to link building and content creation, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to boost your website's visibility and drive more traffic. '''Get Started Today''' Ready to take your online presence to the next level? f course, when it comes to SEO, price matters. Luckily, there are options to fit every budget in Dubai. Whether you're a small business just starting out or a big company looking to make a splash, there's an SEO package for you. From basic plans to more comprehensive ones, you can find something that works for your needs and your wallet. For SEO Services Contact [ JEEM Marketing Management] today to learn more about our SEO services in Dubai and how we can help you achieve your business goals. Whether you're looking to increase sales, generate leads, or simply improve your brand visibility, we're here to turn your digital dreams into reality. Let's work together to unlock the full potential of your website and drive success for your business.bsite and drive success for your business.)
  • Trandinhvn  + ('''[ Trần Đình]''' đượ'''[ Trần Đình]''' được đi vào hoạt động từ năm 2019 là sự kết hợp của rất nhiều nhân sự có nhiều kinh nghiệm và tài năng. Hình thức kinh doanh chủ đạo là thương mại điện tử, giúp khách hàng có 1 kênh mua sắm rất tiện lợi và dễ dàng từ việc mua hàng online 100% từ website Là đại diện của nhiều thương hiệu uy tín và lớn nhất của toàn quốc, nên giúp bạn có thể mua được hàng với giá tận gốc Hình thức bán hàng là chuyển hàng từ kho giao và lắp đặt trực tiếp cho khách hàng nên sản phẩm của chúng tôi có giá thành rẻ nhất so với thị trường Ngoài ra việc không cần mặt bằng, tối ưu bộ máy quản lý giúp giá sản phẩm chúng tôi luôn đảm bảo cạnh tranh nhất. Chúng tôi xác định trở thành một trong những trung tâm mua sắm lớn. Vì thế chúng tôi có rất đa dạng sản phẩm. Với nền tảng là ngành hàng điện máy hiện chúng tôi cung cấp các mặt hàng như các siêu thị điện máy lớn trên toàn quốc bao gồm: [ tivi], [ máy giặt], [ tủ lạnh], điều hoà. Ngoài ra đón trước được xu hướng phát triển của thị trường chúng tôi, hiện đang là nhà cung cấp thiết bị khoá cửa thông minh như [ khoá vân tay], khoá điện tử, khoá wifi... Hiện chúng tôi cũng là một trong những đơn vị nhập khẩu thiết bị bếp hàng đầu, cung cấp gần như tất cả các mặt hàng liên quan đến căn bếp của bạn như: [ bếp điện từ], hút mùi, máy rửa bát.... Ngoài ra lãnh đạo công ty chúng tôi cũng đã và đang định hướng sự phát triển của công ty chúng tôi có thể cung cấp các thiết bị thông minh cho ngôi nhà thông minh của bạn.hông minh cho ngôi nhà thông minh của bạn.)
  • Peindre un plafond  + ( * Afin d'éviter les éclaboussures, utilis * Afin d'éviter les éclaboussures, utilisez des rouleaux anti-gouttes. Pour une application plus facile, munissez-vous d'un manche télescopique.
    * Si vous voulez peindre les plafonds et les murs, commencez toujours par les plafonds. Vous éviterez ainsi de tacher les murs. * Avant tout travail de peinture, lessivez, rebouchez et posez une sous-couche. Il est beaucoup mieux pour la longévité de votre peinture de travailler sur des murs sains. * Pour peindre dans les meilleures conditions, la pièce doit être ventilée et à une température d'environ 18°.
    la pièce doit être ventilée et à une température d'environ 18°. </div> </div> )
  • Décaper un meuble  + ( * Lors de l'application du décapant, mieux vaut travailler dans une pièce aérée. * Certains bois ne doivent pas être mis en contact avec l'eau. Pensez à vérifier l'essence du bois avant de le mouiller. )
  • Décaper un meuble  + ( * Lors de l'application du décapant, mieux vaut travailler dans une pièce aérée. * Certains bois ne doivent pas être mis en contact avec l'eau. Pensez à vérifier l'essence du bois avant de le mouiller. )
  • Adjustable Temperature Control Cheap T12 Soldering Iron  + (1. Plastic Enclosure This project box onl1. Plastic Enclosure This project box only 3.- USD and its very useful structure for lab bench application. [ link] 2. Power Supply I've used old notebook power suppy 20V 3.25A. [ link] I recommended tou you swap-meet(FleaMarket) or your personal scrap-box ;) 3.Power Plug Standart IEC14 Chasis Mount. 4. Rocker Power Switch w/light. 5. Standart 16x2(16Charx2Row) [ datasheet] 6. Double Sided PCB GERBER + BOM LIST + Arduino Software [ link] 7. Plastic Knob or print its up to U. 8. 3D Printed Front and Back Panel on Thingiverse [ link] 9. Encoder EC-11 10. GX12-5 MIC Avionics] 9. Encoder EC-11 10. GX12-5 MIC Avionics Connector.)
    == '''Navigating the Unmarried Certificate Process in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide''' == In Pakistan, obtaining an unmarried certificate is a crucial step for individuals who are single and wish to formalize their status for various purposes, such as applying for a visa, pursuing higher education abroad, or securing employment opportunities. This document serves as an official declaration of an individual's unmarried status and is often required by governmental and non-governmental entities alike. Here's a detailed look at the process, format, fees, requirements, and application procedure for acquiring an [ '''unmarried certificate in Pakistan.'''] == '''Unmarried Certificate Format in Pakistan:''' == The format of an unmarried certificate in Pakistan typically includes essential details about the individual, such as their full name, date of birth, CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number, residential address, and a declaration stating their unmarried status. The certificate is usually issued on official letterhead paper, bearing the stamp and signature of the issuing authority, which is often the Union Council or the local municipal office. === '''Unmarried Certificate Fees in Pakistan:''' === The fees for obtaining an unmarried certificate in Pakistan may vary depending on the issuing authority and administrative policies. Generally, the cost is nominal, ranging from PKR 100 to PKR 500. It's advisable to inquire about the exact fee structure from the relevant office before initiating the application process. === '''Unmarried Certificate Requirements:''' === To apply for an unmarried certificate in Pakistan, certain requirements must be met. These typically include: # '''Proof of Identity:''' Applicants are required to submit a copy of their CNIC or B-Form (for individuals under 18 years of age) as proof of identity. # '''Residential Address:''' A proof of residential address, such as a utility bill or rental agreement, may be required. # '''Affidavit:''' In some cases, applicants may need to submit an affidavit attesting to their unmarried status. This affidavit is a sworn statement made before a judicial officer or notary public. Our Services: [ '''International Documents Attestation in Pakistan'''] === '''Unmarried Certificate Application:''' === The application process for obtaining an unmarried certificate in Pakistan usually involves the following steps: # '''Visit the Relevant Authority:''' Applicants must visit the Union Council or municipal office in the area where they are registered as residents. # '''Request an Application Form:''' Request an application form for an unmarried certificate from the designated office. # '''Fill Out the Form:''' Complete the application form accurately, providing all necessary details and attaching required documents. # '''Submit the Application:''' Submit the filled-out application form along with the required documents to the designated officer. # '''Payment of Fees:''' Pay the prescribed fee for processing the application, if applicable. # '''Verification Process:''' The issuing authority will verify the information provided in the application and may conduct inquiries if necessary. # '''Issuance of Certificate:''' Upon successful verification, the unmarried certificate will be issued to the applicant. === '''Conclusion:''' === Obtaining an unmarried certificate in Pakistan is a straightforward process that requires fulfilling certain requirements and submitting the necessary documentation to the appropriate authority. This document plays a vital role in various official transactions and is an essential piece of documentation for individuals wishing to assert their unmarried status for legal or administrative purposes. By following the outlined steps and procedures, applicants can navigate the process smoothly and obtain their unmarried certificate efficiently. [ '''Apostille in Pakistan''']
    stille-in-pakistan/ '''Apostille in Pakistan'''])
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    uild their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.)
  • DIY Water Filter  + (<div class="icon-instructions idea-icon
    Simple, robust, low cost, local materials
    A three bucket filter for making almost any water safe to drink, using no to low cost materials and basic tools. Filmed and deployed at the Rhino refugee camp in northern Uganda, where we are training South Sudanese and Congolese refugees how to build their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.
    uild their own low tech alternative infrastructure from recycled and repurposed materials.)
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  • Are you prepared to start your path toward certification as a Google Cloud Digital Leader  + (= '''Are you prepared to start your path t= '''Are you prepared to start your path toward certification as a Google Cloud Digital Leader?''' = Organizations are always looking for methods to remain ahead of the curve, improve operational efficiency, and spur innovation in the ever changing digital world of today. In this process, Google Cloud has become a key actor by providing a range of robust goods and services that are designed to satisfy the various requirements of contemporary businesses. Those who want to take use of Google Cloud's revolutionary capabilities can set out on a certification path to become certified Cloud Digital Leaders. '''Understanding the Role of a Cloud Digital Leader''' A Cloud Digital Leader is a resource of information and experience who is skilled at explaining the features of Google Cloud's main goods and services. This entails having a thorough grasp of how these services convert into real advantages for businesses in a range of sectors. Cloud Digital Leaders are able to bring about significant change in their businesses via the use of data insights, process optimization, and improved security measures. '''The Path to Certification''' The Cloud Digital Leader certification is intended for those who are keen to demonstrate their mastery of the principles of cloud computing and their capacity to leverage Google Cloud products. The certification test assesses applicants in a number of important areas, such as: '''Digital Transformation:''' Acknowledging how Google Cloud can spur digital transformation efforts, enabling businesses to adjust and prosper in the fast-paced commercial world of today. '''Data Transformation:''' Analyzing how Google Cloud's advanced analytics, machine learning, and data management technologies enable companies to harness the full power of their data. '''Artificial Intelligence:''' Examining the field of artificial intelligence, candidates discover how Google Cloud's AI capabilities may spur creativity, mechanize workflows, and provide fresh chances for expansion. '''Infrastructure Modernization:''' Gaining knowledge about serverless computing, microservices architecture, containerization, and other modernizing concepts for applications and infrastructure using Google Cloud. '''Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam Preparation and Training Resources''' Preparing for the Cloud Digital Leader exam involves a structured approach that combines comprehensive training with hands-on experience. Google Cloud offers a dedicated learning path tailored to the exam's requirements, providing access to [ '''online training modules and resources''']'''.''' Additionally, think about making use of Study4Exams [ '''Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam Questions PDF'''], which covers every topic covered in the real exam. These resources are priceless for improving comprehension and test-taking preparedness. '''Renewing Certifications''' Those who get their Cloud Digital Leader certification join a forward-thinking professional community prepared to drive innovation and transformation inside their organizations. It's important to bear in mind that you have to renew your certification every three years to maintain your position as a Cloud Digital Leader. This means retaking the test and passing it in order to ensure that certified professionals keep up to date with Google Cloud technology. '''In summary''' The path to becoming a Cloud Digital Leader is fulfilling and transformational. People may become valuable assets in their businesses and promote innovation, success, and sustainable growth in the digital age by learning and mastering the skills necessary to use Google Cloud.y learning and mastering the skills necessary to use Google Cloud.)
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  • Plastic-Waste Pavement  + (= Acknowledgements = In Homa Bay, Kenya, a= Acknowledgements = In Homa Bay, Kenya, as in most place we have been in Africa, there is no proper waste management solution accessible to local communities. As a result, we see litter -especially plastic waste- everywhere. The most commonly-adopted alternative is to burn the plastic waste. But burning releases toxic chemicals in the atmosphere and are, thus, a danger for the people doing it (not talking about the harm for soil, water, air, fauna, flora…). Thus, around the garden, we find a lot of plastic waste (plastic bags, pieces of recipients, worn out shoes, milk packs…). We also find a lot of empty cement bags and dirt due to recent construction work on the permaculture school and site latrines. Moreover, during the rainy season, the garden here gets muddy and it becomes difficult to move and work in the garden. = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Recycle the plastic waste into pavement blocks to: *Move and work in the garden during the rainy season, *Remove trash from the nature, *Reduce the burning of plastics and, *Raise awareness about the waste issue and hope to influence the local communities toward a wasteless communities toward a wasteless future.)
  • Plastic-Waste Pavement  + (= Acknowledgements = In Homa Bay, Kenya, a= Acknowledgements = In Homa Bay, Kenya, as in most place we have been in Africa, there is no proper waste management solution accessible to local communities. As a result, we see litter -especially plastic waste- everywhere. The most commonly-adopted alternative is to burn the plastic waste. But burning releases toxic chemicals in the atmosphere and are, thus, a danger for the people doing it (not talking about the harm for soil, water, air, fauna, flora…). Thus, around the garden, we find a lot of plastic waste (plastic bags, pieces of recipients, worn out shoes, milk packs…). We also find a lot of empty cement bags and dirt due to recent construction work on the permaculture school and site latrines. Moreover, during the rainy season, the garden here gets muddy and it becomes difficult to move and work in the garden. = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Recycle the plastic waste into pavement blocks to: *Move and work in the garden during the rainy season, *Remove trash from the nature, *Reduce the burning of plastics and, *Raise awareness about the waste issue and hope to influence the local communities toward a wasteless communities toward a wasteless future.)
  • Tree planting (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (= Acknowledgements = Trees are so importan= Acknowledgements = Trees are so important for so many reasons. They play an active role in the water cycle, in protecting and building soils, in hosting and enhancing biodiversity, in sequestering carbon, in providing biomass and so much more. The impacts of deforestation are well-documented: erosion, soil salination, soil acidification, desertification… which lead to water scarcity, famine, conflicts, migrations… Even though most of the permanent cultures and tribes revered trees as brothers and sisters “modernity” and “progress” encouraged and keeps on supporting forest clearing (facts not debated here). = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Plant trees to: *Rejuvenate soils, *Harvest water, *Develop life-friendly microclimates, *Allow agroforestry and increase yields, *Enhance biodiversity, *Etc.rease yields, *Enhance biodiversity, *Etc.)
  • Tree planting (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (= Acknowledgements = Trees are so importan= Acknowledgements = Trees are so important for so many reasons. They play an active role in the water cycle, in protecting and building soils, in hosting and enhancing biodiversity, in sequestering carbon, in providing biomass and so much more. The impacts of deforestation are well-documented: erosion, soil salination, soil acidification, desertification… which lead to water scarcity, famine, conflicts, migrations… Even though most of the permanent cultures and tribes revered trees as brothers and sisters “modernity” and “progress” encouraged and keeps on supporting forest clearing (facts not debated here). = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Plant trees to: *Rejuvenate soils, *Harvest water, *Develop life-friendly microclimates, *Allow agroforestry and increase yields, *Enhance biodiversity, *Etc.rease yields, *Enhance biodiversity, *Etc.)
  • Clay-pot-irrigation system (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (= Acknowledgements = Young trees need care= Acknowledgements = Young trees need care such as protection (e.g. fencing), nutrition and watering! Lack of proper care lead to high death rate in young trees. I visited some projects with 80 to 90% death rate in young trees because of lack of water… Water is precious and human action has often lead to and keeps on aggravating water scarcity issues. During our journey through Africa and India, we acknowledged how severe the issue is and truly understood the value of water… Some irrigation solutions use a lot of water and, in dry climates, evaporation make those systems inefficient. Some irrigation solutions are costly and require technology that are not accessible to some communities in dry areas. On the other hand, protracted thoughtful landscape work and adapted irrigation solution can improve the situation and, with the rehabilitation of the degraded area, lead to solving the water scarcity issues. Many examples of “greening the desert” are available and documented. = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Use a clay pot berried in the ground and low-tech to irrigate young trees to: *Improve irrigation efficiency, *Improve young tree survival rate, *Rehabilitate degraded areas. Rehabilitation of the forest offers many other benefits such as soil rejuvenation, life-friendly microclimate development, biodiversity enhancement, water retention and so much more. ''"If we could only understand what a tree does for us, how beneficial it is to life on earth, we would (as many tribes have done) revere all trees as brothers and sisters."'' (B. Mollison) as brothers and sisters."'' (B. Mollison))
  • Clay-pot-irrigation system (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (= Acknowledgements = Young trees need care= Acknowledgements = Young trees need care such as protection (e.g. fencing), nutrition and watering! Lack of proper care lead to high death rate in young trees. I visited some projects with 80 to 90% death rate in young trees because of lack of water… Water is precious and human action has often lead to and keeps on aggravating water scarcity issues. During our journey through Africa and India, we acknowledged how severe the issue is and truly understood the value of water… Some irrigation solutions use a lot of water and, in dry climates, evaporation make those systems inefficient. Some irrigation solutions are costly and require technology that are not accessible to some communities in dry areas. On the other hand, protracted thoughtful landscape work and adapted irrigation solution can improve the situation and, with the rehabilitation of the degraded area, lead to solving the water scarcity issues. Many examples of “greening the desert” are available and documented. = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Use a clay pot berried in the ground and low-tech to irrigate young trees to: *Improve irrigation efficiency, *Improve young tree survival rate, *Rehabilitate degraded areas. Rehabilitation of the forest offers many other benefits such as soil rejuvenation, life-friendly microclimate development, biodiversity enhancement, water retention and so much more. ''"If we could only understand what a tree does for us, how beneficial it is to life on earth, we would (as many tribes have done) revere all trees as brothers and sisters."'' (B. Mollison) as brothers and sisters."'' (B. Mollison))
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  • CCSK Certification  + (== '''About CCSK Certification:''' == '''C== '''About CCSK Certification:''' == '''Certified Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)''' is a generally recognized expertise standard that was launched in 2010 by the '''Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)'''. The CCSK is the industry-leading standard for measuring cloud security skills. Recently, the CCSK has been proposed as the most valuable IT certification. CSA provides the best possible guidance to its members and the information security community at large. It is intended to demonstrate the changing landscape of cloud computing security. This course includes the latest version of CCSK i.e. 4.0. This course will introduce participants to different modules compared to cloud security and knowledge security from a governmental, legal, and compliance perspective. Associates will learn the technical details of implementing security. This CCSK course will also make it easier for participants to prepare for the [ '''CCSK certification exam''']. == '''About the Cloud Security Alliance:''' == Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is the main worldwide association focused on recognizing and bringing issues to light of best practices to guarantee a protected distributed computing climate. CSA provides the subject matter expertise of industry professionals, associations, governments, and their corporate and individual members to enable research, education, certifications, events, and specific cloud security products. CSA's activities, knowledge, and exceptional network benefit the entire cloud affected community, from vendors and customers to governments, business, and the insurance industry, and provide a forum in which multiple people can work together to create and maintain a committed cloud environment. == '''How is the CCSK certification different from other IT certifications?''' == CCSK is one of the few certifications that focus specifically on cloud security. Many other IT degrees take a general approach to security topics or have a deep level of position in another area in the field of information security, digital forensics, reverse engineering, etc. Instead, the CCSK is designed to assess knowledge of applying cloud security tools, techniques, and methods to cloud computing. Due attention is given to drawing attention to the points where cloud computing needs a different form of security. CCSK isn't the only cloud-focused certification available. Cloud service providers and other certification organizations have developed many other certifications to assess candidates' knowledge of cloud computing concepts and technology. However, CCSK focus on cloud security helps set it apart from these other certifications. == '''Should I take a CCSK exam?''' == The CCSK is designed to allow cloud security professionals to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in this specific area. Roughly speaking, the test content focuses on cloud computing, theory, and the tools and techniques required to successfully secure it. The CCSK exam experience requirements mean that it is not an excellent option for those just out of college looking to major in cloud computing. The five-year IT terms show that the test is intended for intermediate-level security professionals, not beginners. On the other hand, if you need to get into the realm of cloud security, this test might be for you. If you have the experience except for a cloud security background, consider looking for [ Certified Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)]. This allows you to let go of the need to try CCSK cloud security and use certification to make it easier for you to get a job in the field. Hence, we see that everyone new to Cloud Security can choose CCSK, and for all IT professionals who are already working in the field, CCSK is a golden opportunity. You could do much worse than focus on cloud security as your primary direction of career development and enhancement. Willingness to leap mainly depends on meeting reasonable expectations that cloud computing should be safe and secure. Providing the expertise and knowledge to meet those expectations cannot fail to be a great hook on which to suspend the future of IT. === '''Conclusion''' === Having a CSA certification is not a guarantee of employment or job security, but companies prefer certified knowledge that resources possess when they join their company. Seller neutral testimonials tend to make sense because they open up a more inclusive market rather than specific seller markets. But this depends on your condition. People with less experience should start with the basic certification and obtain other, more advanced, and specific degrees. Eligible candidates can seek specialization as their expertise can help them add more value to cloud security.elp them add more value to cloud security.)
  • How To Get a Birth Certificate NADRA-Pakistan  + (== '''Birth Certificate NADRA: A Comprehen== '''Birth Certificate NADRA: A Comprehensive Guide''' == ==== '''Birth Certificate NADRA:''' ==== A birth certificate is a vital document that serves as an official record of a person's birth. In Pakistan, the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) is responsible for issuing birth certificates. This document is essential for various legal and administrative purposes, including school admissions, passport applications, and more. Obtaining a [ '''Birth Certificate in Nadra-Pakistan'''] is crucial for establishing legal identity and eligibility for various services and benefits. ==== '''Birth Certificate Form:''' ==== To obtain a birth certificate, you need to fill out a specific form provided by NADRA. The birth certificate form requires detailed information about the newborn, including the name, date of birth, place of birth, and parent’s details. It's important to ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete to avoid any delays in processing. === '''Birth Certificate in Pakistan:''' === The process of obtaining a birth certificate in Pakistan involves several steps. Initially, the birth must be registered with the local Union Council. This registration is crucial as it forms the basis for the issuance of the birth certificate by NADRA. Parents or guardians must submit the completed birth certificate form along with supporting documents, such as the parents' CNICs (Computerized National Identity Cards) and proof of birth. == '''Birth Certificate Online:''' == For added convenience, NADRA offers an online service for obtaining birth certificates. This service allows parents to apply for their child's birth certificate from the comfort of their home. The online process involves filling out the birth certificate form on NADRA's official website, uploading the required documents, and making the necessary payment. Once the application is submitted, NADRA processes the request, and the birth certificate is delivered to the applicant's address. === '''Apostille in Pakistan:''' === For individuals who require their birth certificate to be used internationally, obtaining an [ '''apostille in pakistan'''] may be necessary. An apostille is a certification that verifies the authenticity of a document for use in countries that are parties to the Hague Convention. In Pakistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for issuing apostilles for documents, including birth certificates, to be used abroad. === '''Birth Certificate Union Council:''' === The initial step in obtaining a birth certificate involves registering the birth at the local Union Council. The Union Council plays a critical role in verifying the birth details and issuing a preliminary registration document. This document is then used to apply for the official birth certificate from NADRA. It is important to visit the Union Council in the area where the birth took place to complete this registration. === '''Court Marriage in Pakistan:''' === In addition to birth certificates, legal documentation is also crucial for marriages in Pakistan. Court marriage in Pakistan is a legal option for couples who wish to marry without the traditional ceremonies. This process is straightforward and involves appearing before a magistrate with the necessary documents and witnesses. Like birth certificates, court marriage ensures that the union is legally recognized and recorded. === '''Conclusion:''' === Obtaining a birth certificate in Pakistan is a crucial process that involves multiple steps, from initial registration at the Union Council to the final issuance by NADRA. Whether applying online or in person, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the birth certificate form is essential. Legal experts and resources are available to assist in navigating this process smoothly. For couples looking to formalize their union, court marriage in Pakistan is a convenient and legally recognized option. Both processes culminate in the issuance of important legal documents, such as the [ '''Marriage Certificate in Pakistan'''], which are essential for various legal and administrative purposes.various legal and administrative purposes.)
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  • Health  + (== '''Introduction''' == Effective pain ma== '''Introduction''' == Effective pain management is crucial for maintaining an active and fulfilling life. '''Aspadol''', available in 50mg and 100mg dosages, provides tailored pain relief solutions for individuals suffering from various pain levels. This comprehensive guide explores the uses, benefits, and considerations for Aspadol 50mg and 100mg, helping you make informed decisions about your pain management strategy. == '''What is Aspadol?''' == === '''Mechanism of Action''' === Aspadol, with the active ingredient Tapentadol, offers pain relief through a dual mechanism. As an '''opioid receptor agonist''', it binds to mu-opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, altering the perception of pain. Additionally, it acts as a '''norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor''', enhancing the body's natural pain-suppressing pathways. This dual action makes Aspadol effective for both nociceptive and neuropathic pain. === '''Indications''' === Aspadol is prescribed for the treatment of '''moderate to severe acute pain''' and certain chronic pain conditions, including: * '''Postoperative pain''' * '''Injury-related pain''' * '''Neuropathic pain''' * '''Chronic musculoskeletal pain''' * '''Osteoarthritis''' * '''Rheumatoid arthritis''' == '''Aspadol 50mg: Relief for Moderate Pain''' == === '''Benefits''' === '''[ Aspadol 50mg]''' is formulated to provide rapid relief from '''moderate pain'''. It begins to work within '''30 minutes to an hour''' after administration, allowing patients to quickly resume daily activities with reduced discomfort. === '''Dosage and Administration''' === * '''Starting Dose''': One tablet every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain relief. * '''Administration''': The tablet can be taken with or without food and should be swallowed whole with a full glass of water. === '''Ideal Use Cases''' === Aspadol 50mg is suitable for individuals experiencing moderate pain, such as those recovering from minor surgeries, mild to moderate injury pain, or chronic conditions that are less severe. === '''Effectiveness''' === Aspadol 50mg provides effective pain relief, helping patients manage moderate pain and improve their overall quality of life. == '''Aspadol 100mg: Comprehensive Relief for Severe Pain''' == === '''Benefits''' === '''[ Aspadol 100mg]''' offers a higher concentration of Tapentadol, making it ideal for '''severe pain''' management. It provides potent pain relief, ensuring that individuals with intense pain conditions can achieve significant comfort. === '''Dosage and Administration''' === * '''Starting Dose''': One tablet every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain relief, under the supervision of a healthcare professional. * '''Administration''': The tablet can be taken with or without food and should be swallowed whole with a full glass of water. === '''Ideal Use Cases''' === Aspadol 100mg is recommended for individuals dealing with severe pain, such as those recovering from major surgeries, experiencing severe injury pain, or managing chronic conditions that require stronger pain control. === '''Effectiveness''' === Aspadol 100mg delivers comprehensive pain control, enabling individuals with severe pain to regain comfort and functionality. == '''Comparing Aspadol 50mg and 100mg''' == === '''Effectiveness''' === Both Aspadol 50mg and 100mg are effective for pain relief, but the appropriate dosage depends on the severity of the pain. Aspadol 50mg is suitable for moderate pain, while Aspadol 100mg is intended for severe pain. === '''Onset of Action''' === Both dosages provide rapid pain relief within 30 minutes to an hour. However, Aspadol 100mg offers a stronger effect due to its higher Tapentadol concentration. === '''Side Effects''' === Common side effects of Aspadol include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, constipation, and headache. These side effects are generally mild to moderate and transient. It is important to use the medication as prescribed to minimize the risk of dependency and other adverse effects. === '''Dependency Risk''' === As an opioid medication, both dosages of Aspadol carry a risk of dependency if misused. It is crucial to adhere to the prescribed dosage and duration of treatment to avoid potential dependency issues. == '''Safety Considerations''' == === '''General Guidelines''' === * Follow the prescribed dosage and administration instructions closely. * Avoid consuming alcohol while taking Aspadol, as it can increase the risk of serious side effects. * Inform your healthcare provider about any other medications you are taking to avoid potential drug interactions. === '''Contraindications''' === Aspadol should not be used in individuals with a known allergy to Tapentadol or any of its components. It is also contraindicated in patients with severe respiratory depression, gastrointestinal obstruction, or certain other medical conditions. == '''Conclusion''' == Aspadol 50mg and 100mg offer tailored solutions for managing moderate to severe pain, providing a pathway to pain-free living. 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  • What is The Fees of Nikahnama Registration in Pakistan  + (== '''Navigating Nikahnama Registration in== '''Navigating Nikahnama Registration in Pakistan''' == ==== '''Nikahnama Registration in Pakistan:''' ==== The Nikahnama, or marriage contract, holds significant importance in Pakistani culture and legal system. It serves as the official document recording the terms and conditions of a marriage. [ '''Nikahnama registration in Pakistan'''] is a crucial step in formalizing a marriage and ensuring its legal recognition. === '''Navigating Nikahnama Registration:''' === The process of Nikahnama registration in Pakistan involves several steps: # '''Consultation with Legal Counsel:''' Couples often seek guidance from legal experts to understand the legal requirements and procedures for Nikahnama registration. This step ensures that they are well-informed and prepared for the process ahead. # '''Preparation of Nikahnama:''' The Nikahnama is prepared either by the parties themselves or with the assistance of a religious scholar or legal expert. It includes details such as the names of the spouses, their consent to marriage, and any agreed-upon terms and conditions. # '''Appointment at the Union Council:''' The completed Nikahnama is submitted to the local Union Council for registration. Both spouses, along with witnesses, must be present during the appointment. The Union Council verifies the details and registers the marriage accordingly. # '''Issuance of Marriage Certificate:''' After successful registration, the Union Council issues a marriage certificate, officially recognizing the marriage. This certificate serves as proof of the marital union and is essential for various legal and administrative purposes. === '''Court Marriage in Pakistan:''' === For couples seeking a legally recognized union without elaborate ceremonies, [ '''court marriage in Pakistan'''] provides a straightforward option. This process involves appearing before a magistrate with witnesses and necessary documentation to solemnize the marriage. The court ensures that all legal formalities are met, and issues a marriage certificate upon completion of the process. === '''Importance of Nikahnama Registration:''' === Nikahnama registration in Pakistan holds legal significance, as it establishes the marital status of the spouses under the law. A registered Nikahnama provides legal protection and rights to both parties in case of any disputes or issues arising in the future. ==== '''Online Marriage in Pakistan:''' ==== In recent years, online marriage in Pakistan has emerged as a convenient option for couples. This method allows couples to complete the marriage process remotely, without the need for physical presence at a court or Union Council. [ '''Online marriage in Pakistan'''] follows similar legal procedures as traditional marriages but offers added convenience and accessibility. === '''Conclusion:''' === Navigating Nikahnama registration in Pakistan is essential for couples wishing to formalize their marital union. Whether opting for court marriage or exploring online marriage options, understanding the legal requirements and procedures ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience. Nikahnama registration not only provides legal recognition to the marriage but also establishes the rights and responsibilities of the spouses under the law.onsibilities of the spouses under the law.)
  • Procedure of Online Marriage in Pakistan  + (== '''Online Marriage in Pakistan: A Compr== '''Online Marriage in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide''' == ==== '''Online Marriage in Pakistan:''' ==== [ '''Online marriage in Pakistan'''] is an increasingly popular option for couples who wish to formalize their union without the need for physical presence. This modern approach is particularly beneficial for couples separated by geographical distances or those who prefer a more convenient method of getting married. == '''Procedure of Online Marriage in Pakistan:''' == The procedure for online marriage in Pakistan involves several key steps to ensure that the marriage is legally recognized. Here is a step-by-step guide to understanding the process: # '''Consultation with a Legal Expert:''' The first step is to consult a legal expert who specializes in family law. This helps in understanding the legal requirements and procedures for an online marriage in Pakistan. # '''Preparation of Documents:''' The necessary documents must be prepared. These typically include the CNICs (Computerized National Identity Cards) or passports of both parties, along with any other relevant documents such as birth certificates and proof of residence. # '''Nikah Nama Preparation:''' The Nikah Nama, or marriage contract, must be prepared. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the marriage and must be signed by both parties. # '''Appointment of Representatives:''' Since the marriage is conducted online, both parties need to appoint representatives (Wakil) to act on their behalf during the Nikah (marriage ceremony). # '''Online Nikah Ceremony:''' The Nikah ceremony is conducted online, with the presence of the appointed representatives, witnesses, and a qualified Nikah Khwan (marriage officiant). The ceremony is conducted following Islamic traditions and Pakistani legal requirements. This approach is similar to [ '''Court Marriage in Pakistan'''], where legal protocols and formalities are strictly adhered to ensure the validity of the marriage. '''Issuance of Nikah Nama:''' Once the ceremony is completed, the Nikah Nama is signed by all parties and witnesses, and the marriage is officially registered. == '''Online Marriage Procedure in Pakistan:''' == The online marriage procedure in Pakistan involves coordinating with a legal expert to ensure all steps are followed correctly. Legal advice is crucial to navigate any complexities and ensure the marriage is legally binding. '''Online Marriage Registration in Pakistan:''' After the online Nikah ceremony, the next step is to register the marriage with the relevant authorities. Online marriage registration in Pakistan involves submitting the signed Nikah Nama to the local Union Council or marriage registrar’s office. == '''Procedure of Online Marriage Registration:''' == # '''Submission of Documents:''' The signed Nikah Nama and other necessary documents are submitted to the Union Council or marriage registrar. # '''Verification:''' The authorities verify the documents to ensure all legal requirements are met. # '''Issuance of Marriage Certificate:''' Once verified, an official marriage certificate is issued, confirming the legality of the marriage. == '''Conclusion:''' == Online marriage in Pakistan provides a convenient and legally recognized way for couples to get married. By understanding the procedure of online marriage and following the required steps, couples can ensure their marriage is valid and properly registered. Legal experts play a crucial role in guiding couples through this process, ensuring all legal formalities are met for a smooth and hassle-free experience. Once all steps are completed, the couple receives a [ '''Marriage Certificate in Pakistan'''], officially recognizing their union.n'''], officially recognizing their union.)
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  • How to Install a Pool Heat Pump in 2024: Expert Tips  + (After installing a [ installing a [ pool heat pump], regardless of seasonal changes, you can turn your pool into a comfortable leisure spot, extending the swimming season. These innovative devices effectively utilize heat from the air to maintain ideal water temperatures, ensuring a comfortable swimming experience year-round. However, the cost of hiring a professional for installation can be high, so many homeowners opt for a DIY approach to cut expenses. With the right tools and techniques, installing a pool heater becomes a breeze, offering long-term cost savings while allowing control over the pool's comfort. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing a pool heat pump so you can take charge of your pool's comfort and enjoyment.
    == What to Consider Before a Swimming Pool Heat Pump Installation? == Before diving into a heat pump installation for your pool, several key factors should be carefully considered to ensure optimal performance and efficiency: * Pool Size and Usage: Evaluate the size of your pool and how frequently it is used. Larger pools or those used more often may require a more powerful heat pump to maintain desired temperatures. Additionally, consider factors such as whether you have a mini pool heater, as this can affect the heating capacity needed for efficient temperature maintenance. * Climate and Seasonal Variations: Consider the climate in your area and how temperature fluctuations throughout the year may impact heat pump performance. Heat pumps work most efficiently in moderate climates with relatively stable temperatures. For example, in Europe, regions like the Mediterranean coast experience milder winters and warmer summers, making them ideal for heat pump operation. * Available Space: Assess the available space for installing the heat pump unit. Ensure there is adequate clearance around the unit for airflow and maintenance access. * Electrical Requirements: Determine if your pool's electrical system can support the power demands of the heat pump. You may need to upgrade the electrical infrastructure to accommodate the new equipment. * Installation Location: Select a suitable location for installing the heat pump, taking into account factors such as accessibility, airflow, and noise levels. Ideally, the installation site should be level and stable. * Local Regulations and Codes: Familiarize yourself with any local regulations or building codes that may govern the installation of pool heat pumps. Ensure compliance with all applicable guidelines to avoid any legal issues. Additionally, research any local incentives or rebates offered for installing energy-efficient heating systems such as heat pumps, as these can provide financial benefits and further incentivize the installation process. * Budget Considerations: Assess both the initial investment required for purchasing and installing a heat pump, as well as the potential long-term savings in energy costs. Compare various options to identify the most economical solution that aligns with your budgetary constraints. Although the upfront cost of installing a pool heat pump may seem significant, the enduring benefits in terms of reduced energy expenses and extended pool usage can outweigh this initial expenditure. * Warranty and Maintenance: Review the warranty offered by the heat pump manufacturer and consider any ongoing maintenance requirements. Regular maintenance is essential for ensuring optimal performance and extending the lifespan of the equipment. For example, Zealux pool heat pumps offer a generous 7-year warranty, providing peace of mind and protection against unforeseen issues. Additionally, adhering to recommended maintenance schedules, such as cleaning filters and inspecting electrical components, can help maximize the efficiency and longevity of your heat pump investment. Related Article: [ Maximizing Efficiency: The Science Behind Choosing the Right Location for Your Pool Heat Pump]
    == What Materials and Equipment are Required for Installing a Pool Heat Pump? == To install a pool heat pump, you'll need a variety of materials and equipment to ensure a successful installation. Here's a list of the essential items you'll need: Heat Pump Unit: The heat pump itself is, of course, the main component. Ensure that you have selected the appropriate size and model for your pool. Electrical Wiring and Conduit: You'll need wiring and conduit to connect the heat pump to your pool's electrical system. Make sure the wiring is suitable for outdoor use and meets local electrical codes. PVC Piping and Fittings: PVC piping and fittings will be used to connect the heat pump to your pool's plumbing system. Ensure that you have the correct diameter and length of piping, as well as the necessary fittings for a watertight connection. Wrench Set: A wrench set will be essential for tightening bolts and fittings during the installation process. Make sure you have a range of sizes to accommodate different connections. Waterproof Sealant: Waterproof sealant, such as silicone caulk, will be needed to seal any joints or connections to prevent leaks. Make sure you choose a sealant that is compatible with PVC piping and suitable for outdoor use. Level: A level will be needed to ensure that the heat pump unit is installed on a flat and level surface. This will help prevent any issues with the unit's operation and performance. Concrete Pad or Base: If the installation site does not have a suitable surface, you may need to pour a concrete pad or lay a stable base for the heat pump to sit on. Ensure that the pad or base is level and properly cured before installing the heat pump of the pool. Safety Equipment: Safety equipment such as gloves and safety glasses should be worn during the installation process to protect against injury. Instruction Manual: Make sure to have the instruction manual provided by the manufacturer on hand. This will guide you through the installation process and provide important safety information. Installation Tools: Drill Wrench Saw Tape measure Marker Scissors Before starting the installation, make sure you have all the necessary tools and equipment. This will ensure that the installation process goes as smoothly as possible.
    == Step-by-Step Pool Heat Pump Installation Guide: == Let's break down the installation process into manageable steps:
    === Step 1: Choose the Installation Site: === Select a level area near the pool equipment where the heat pump can be installed securely. Ensure there is ample space around the unit for airflow and maintenance access.
    === Step 2: Prepare the Foundation: === If necessary, construct a stable base or concrete pad for the heat pump to sit on. Ensure the foundation is level and capable of supporting the weight of the unit.
    === Step 3: Electrical Connections: === Follow the manufacturer's guidelines to connect the electrical wiring and conduit to the heat pump. Ensure the wiring is properly sized and rated for the voltage and amperage requirements of the unit.
    === Step 4: Plumbing Installation: === Install PVC piping and fittings to connect the heat pump's inlet and outlet ports to the pool's circulation system. Use appropriate sealants and ensure all connections are watertight.
    === Step 5: Testing and Commissioning: === After completing the installation, thoroughly inspect the system for any leaks or issues. Power up the heat pump and test its operation to verify that it is heating the pool water effectively.
    == Some Other Essential Knowledge About Efficient Pool Heating == === Efficient Operation and Maintenance === Maintaining optimal water temperature is crucial for maximizing the efficiency of your pool heat pump. Utilize a pool thermometer to regularly monitor the water temperature and ensure it remains within the desired range. Adjusting the temperature is easily done through the temperature control panel of the pool heater. Set the temperature to a comfortable level, avoiding excessive heating that can lead to unnecessary energy consumption and increased expenses.
    === Energy Conservation === To promote energy savings and reduce operational costs, it's essential to use your [ air to water heat pump] efficiently. Adjusting the flow rate of water is one effective method. Higher flow rates result in faster water movement through the heater, potentially compromising energy efficiency. Opting for a lower flow rate enhances the heater's efficiency. Another impactful strategy for energy conservation is investing in a pool cover. A cover helps minimize heat loss and maintains stable water temperature levels. Additionally, it mitigates debris entry into the pool, consequently reducing the frequency of maintenance tasks.
    === Regular Maintenance === Consistent maintenance practices are pivotal for sustaining the optimal performance of your pool heat pump. Regularly cleaning or replacing the filter ensures unimpeded water flow and prevents blockages. It's equally important to conduct routine inspections and upkeep of the pool pump to guarantee seamless operation. Furthermore, proper insulation plays a significant role in minimizing heat loss and enhancing energy efficiency. Regularly inspect the insulation for any signs of damage or leakage, promptly addressing any issues that arise. Adhering to proper temperature control, employing energy-saving techniques, and conducting routine maintenance are essential for maximizing the efficiency and longevity of your pool heat pump. By following these guidelines, you can relish your pool while simultaneously conserving energy and reducing costs. Related Article: [ The Ultimate Guide to Residential Pool Construction in 2024: What You Need to Know] In conclusion, installing a pool heat pump is a significant step towards achieving efficient pool heating and extending the swimming season. By considering important factors before installation, such as pool size, climate, and electrical requirements, homeowners can make informed decisions that optimize performance and energy savings. Equipping oneself with the necessary materials and equipment, following a step-by-step installation guide, and understanding essential knowledge about pool heat pumps further ensures a successful installation process. With proper planning and execution, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of a comfortable and inviting pool environment throughout the year. Whether you're seeking expert pool heating installation services, quality heating products, or comprehensive assistance with other pool equipment needs, ZEALUX [ pool heat pump supplier] is committed to providing assistance.
    l equipment needs, ZEALUX [ pool heat pump supplier] is committed to providing assistance.)
  • Commission based jobs  + (Agenter is the best place for anyone who wAgenter is the best place for anyone who wants to earn more money online. Here you can make money in the form of commission by working for the business offers or referring them to the right individuals. You can also help others to make money online by referring to the leads. To know more [ commission based work]:// commission based work])
  • How to Transfer Spotify Playlists to Apple Music  + (Although Apple Music allows you to create Although Apple Music allows you to create a new music playlist and import your local files to it as you like, Spotify doesn't let you achieve Spotify to Apple music directly. That's because all Spotify songs are limited by their format. In this case, a Spotify music converter can be your help. That's why you meet TunesKit Music Converter for Spotify here. As a powerful Music Converter for Spotify, TunesKit [ Spotify to MP3 downloader] can easily and completely convert all Spotify songs and playlists to MP3, AAC, FLAC, or WAV which are supported by Apple Music. When Spotify music is successfully converted to these common audio formats, you can freely transfer songs from Spotify to Apple Music. Now you are suggested to download the free trial version of this smart Spotify converter before following the tutorial below.Spotify converter before following the tutorial below.)
  • Amazon Music Autoplay - A Seamless Listening Experience  + (Amazon Music has become a go-to platform fAmazon Music has become a go-to platform for music enthusiasts, offering a vast library of songs, playlists, and podcasts. One of its handy features is autoplay, which ensures your music never stops. In this article, we'll delve into what Amazon Music autoplay is, how it works, and how to use it effectively to keep your tunes flowing seamlessly.ely to keep your tunes flowing seamlessly.)
  • Properfocus  + (An aperture is an opening within a camera An aperture is an opening within a camera lens where the light passes through to get to the camera. Its controls the light entering the camera. The zoom shot pro lens possesses a broad range of aperture options, allowing more light to get to the camera, consequently producing brighter pictures.
    ttps:// <br/>)
  • Le projet Shift pour lutter contre la sédentarité  + (Arête de déplacer ta souris, et transfert Arête de déplacer ta souris, et transfert ton corps à l'extérieur. Shift, tu a pensé qu'il s'agissait de la touche Maj de ton ordinateur! En réalité, Shift est un objet qui prend a contre-pied le monde d'aujourd'hui, toujours plus connecté, toujours plus dans le travail. Ces pratiques de notre monde actuel s'intensifie et fait accroître le stationnement corporel des individus. Il n'est plus rare, de passer deux, trois, voire quatre heure fléchit sur un siège à son ordinateur. Cependant, cette sédentarité accrue amène à des problème de santé physique comme mentale: le mal de dos, les fourmis dans les jambes, le mal de tête, ou encore l'isolement. Le concept Shift va t'aider à réduire ces points néfastes aux quotidiens. Premièrement, parce que cette objet est disponible via l'espace publique Wikifab, le site collaboratif de création d'objet en tout genre disponible a tous. Tu pourras y retrouver toutes les informations nécessaire pour réaliser toi même cette objet (Make it! By you! For you!). Tiu va donc avoir premièrement une activité manuel qui égaillera une partie de ta journée. De plus, tu va également devoir sortir, pour rencontrer de nouveau lieu et de nouvelles personnes (renseigne toi sur le fablab le plus proche de chez toi) pour la réalisation de Shift. Mais c'est surtout, et avant tout, pendant l'utilisation de ton objet que tu va réellement pouvoir bénéficier de tout ces avantages. Lorsque tu commenceras à t’ asseoir, tu alignera la petite tête (sur le disque) avec le corps du personnage (sur le cadran). Après une heure de travail, d'ordinateur, de stagnation dans le canapé ou le fauteuil, elle t’ indiquera qu’il est temps de te lever et d’aller faire un tour dehors. Et oui! fini de regarder des séries sur un temps illimité, tu pourras maintenant te rendre compte du temps que tu fait passer à ton corps a rester immobile, grâce à ce minuteur. Mais ce n'est pas tout, puisque après dix à douze minutes, la tête plus ample te notifiera que ton moment de déambulation a été suffisant. Tu seras donc en meilleur santé et avec plus de vitalité. Shift va te faire bouger par petite répétition tout au long de ta journée et dans le lieu que tu souhaiteras grâce à son format réduit et à sa lanière qui le rend nomade. En plus, si tu casse une de ces pièces, ou que l'une d'entre elle viens à s'usé tu pourras toujours la remplacer et l'assembler de nouveau en reprenant les étapes de fabrication directement disponible par le QR-code au dos. Tu pourras donc aussi partager se tutoriel a tes amis de façon très simple, pour que eux aussi, viennent à le réaliser et l'amé, viennent à le réaliser et l'améliorer.)
  • How to Create Spotify Codes for Sharing with Others  + (As one of my habits or lifestyles, streamiAs one of my habits or lifestyles, streaming and sharing great tunes becomes a way of arranging and living my life well. As a Chinese proverb goes, gifts of roses have a lingering fragrance. Sharing is happiness. In this article, I’d like to share a special way to enable you to share what you want from Spotify to others with ease. That is sharing by Spotify ease. That is sharing by Spotify codes.)
  • How to Share Spotify Song on Snapchat  + (As one of the most popular social medias, As one of the most popular social medias, Snapchat is seeing a fast growing numbers of users over the world . And Spotify, as well, is booming in the music streaming industry. Now users of Snapchat can share songs from Spotify through a snap which has long been expecetd by the users of both two apps. As explained by Spotify: ''"We’re excited to announce our newest integration, which allows for seamless and instantaneous sharing between Spotify and Snapchat. You’ll be able to enjoy the two seamlessly and share what you’re listening to in a Snap"'' In this passage, we're going to tell you how to share Spotify music to Snapchat and a bonus trick to play these songs directly on Snapchat. to play these songs directly on Snapchat.)
  • How to Listen to Apple Music on Garmin Forerunner Watch  + (As we may know, Garmin Forerunner doesn't As we may know, Garmin Forerunner doesn't support to stream Apple Music since all Apple Music songs are protected in an M4P format. Even if you download Apple Music to Garmin watch, they are still unplayable. So, what should we do to fix this? This tutorial will show you how to stream Apple Music songs to Garmin Watch for listening while running. Tool you'll Need: [ TunesKit Apple Music Converter]converter/ TunesKit Apple Music Converter])
  • How to draw a cat  + (At this stage we’re going to create a “catAt this stage we’re going to create a “cat skeleton” drawing, a simple sketch that helps define the pose and proportions before going into details. Make sure to draw these lines lightly, to be able to erase them later, or to make them less visible once you add the final lines.less visible once you add the final lines.)
  • Best Amazon Music Converter in 2021 Is Here  + (AudFree Software, the top-rated streaming AudFree Software, the top-rated streaming music solution provider, announced the new release of [ Amazon Music Converter] all around the world based on users’ appeals and needs. It’s specially designed for Amazon Music users to listen to music better and easier even without the network connection. AudFree Amazon Music Converter is available for Windows and Mac computers. It has the ability to not only download music from Amazon Music Unlimited, Amazon Prime Music, Amazon Music Free, as well as Amazon Music HD but also convert them to pure MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC, M4A and M4B for offline playback on more portable devices and players. Different from other streaming music converter tools, it features a Lossless output option, which aims to keep lossless Amazon Music files. aims to keep lossless Amazon Music files.)
  • Borne d'arcade  + (Ayant grandi dans les années 80-90, avec sAyant grandi dans les années 80-90, avec souvent "la tête dans les nuages", j'ai eu envie de réaliser un vieux rêve, posséder ma propre borne d'arcade . Et faire découvrir le retrogaming à mes enfants. Grâce aux ordinateurs miniatures comme le Raspberry, aux solutions d'émulation performantes et aux outils mis à disposition dans le Fablab de ma ville (big up à La Forge), ça allait pouvoir se faire. Il ne me restait plus qu'à me lancer. Ce projet est assez complet : travail du bois et du plexi, peinture, électronique et électricité, graphisme et création de stickers pour la déco, utilisation de logiciels divers, impression 3D pour certaines petites pièces... Plein d'autres personnes se sont lancés dans ce projet, on a donc déjà une bonne quantité de tutos, de vidéos, de forums sur le sujet. Je les remercie tous chaleureusement ! J'apporte juste modestement une petite pierre à l'édifice (longue vie au retrogaming !). Ça m'a pris beaucoup de temps (quasiment tout le premier confinement de 2020), mais on doit pouvoir y arriver plus rapidement... À noter qu'il existe des sites qui vendent des kits tout prêts à monter (comme les très bons Vosgiens de PM88), mais c'est beaucoup moins fun et moins gratifiant ! Pour la somme dépensée, tout va dépendre de ce dont vous disposez déjà (chutes de bois, vieil écran 4/3, Raspberry qui traîne...). Petit lexique de la borne d'arcade : - bartop : la partie haute de la borne, qu'on peut poser sur un bar (ou une table ou où on veut) - control panel : la planche sur laquelle on fixe les joysticks et les boutons - marquee : au dessus de l'écran, élément décoratif, souvent illuminé. On y trouvait le nom du jeu pour choisir sa borne dans les salles d'arcade - bezel : partie qui entoure l'écran et masque les vides sur les bords de celui-ci - T-molding : bande de finition (il existe plein de couleurs disponibles) à insérer sur les tranches de la bornes - ROM : copie d'un jeu tiré de l'extraction des données de celui-ci Outils utilisés : - perceuse - visseuse - marteau - scie sauteuse - scie circulaire - ponceuse - fer à souder - défonceuse - pinceaux / rouleaux Matériel - panneaux de MDF - tasseaux de pin - charnières piano - aimants - vis et clous - colle à bois - équipement électronique (écran, Raspberry, HP, alim, disque dur ou clé USB, carte micro-SD, câbles, ruban LED, ampli audio) - 2 joysticks et une vingtaine de boutons - 2 joysticks et une vingtaine de boutons)
  • CNC machining aluminum mounting brackets  + (CNC milling of extruded aluminum mounting CNC milling of extruded aluminum mounting brackets. This bracket is used to hang up large electric window blinds. To make this product we have to machine two sides. We do that on two different machines. Our CNC milling centers move fast in 3 directions. The cutting tools rotate at a high speed and we have 24 tools in the tool chamber with rapid tool change. After the machining of the product there is a quality inspection and measuring of the important dimensions. At the end, the brackets are anodized or powder coated. Next, we assemble the stainless steel plate and cover plate.the stainless steel plate and cover plate.)
  • AttendSyS : Système de pointage connecté  + (Ce boîtier a été utilisé dans le cadre d'uCe boîtier a été utilisé dans le cadre d'un projet à l'ISEN Toulon, le but était de créer un objet connecté qui permettrait d'automatiser les listes de présence en milieu scolaire ou en industrie. Dès qu'un étudiant ou un employé arrive dans l'établissement, il devra présenter sa carte RFID au système puis le microcontrôleur est capable de comparer le code émis par la carte avec tous les codes stockés dans l'eprom au préalable. Une fois avoir reconnu l'utilisateur qui s'est badgé, son identifiant, l'heure d'arrivée et la minute d'arrivée est stockés également dans une eprom. Puis un professeur dans le cadre scolaire où chef d'équipe en industrie peut se connecter au système via une application Android ou un logiciel sur PC puis valider si les personnes signalées comme présente le sont bien. Une fois la liste validé, le système renvoie toutes les données vers une base de données distante via Wi-Fi et l'administration pourra récupérer les listes sur une application WEB.upérer les listes sur une application WEB.)
  • AttendSyS : Système de pointage connecté  + (Ce boîtier a été utilisé dans le cadre d'uCe boîtier a été utilisé dans le cadre d'un projet à l'ISEN Toulon, le but était de créer un objet connecté qui permettrait d'automatiser les listes de présence en milieu scolaire ou en industrie. Dès qu'un étudiant ou un employé arrive dans l'établissement, il devra présenter sa carte RFID au système puis le microcontrôleur est capable de comparer le code émis par la carte avec tous les codes stockés dans l'eprom au préalable. Une fois avoir reconnu l'utilisateur qui s'est badgé, son identifiant, l'heure d'arrivée et la minute d'arrivée est stockés également dans une eprom. Puis un professeur dans le cadre scolaire où chef d'équipe en industrie peut se connecter au système via une application Android ou un logiciel sur PC puis valider si les personnes signalées comme présente le sont bien. Une fois la liste validé, le système renvoie toutes les données vers une base de données distante via Wi-Fi et l'administration pourra récupérer les listes sur une application WEB.upérer les listes sur une application WEB.)