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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Introduction » avec la valeur « Cet atelier consiste à dessiner un motif selon le style “Pixel Art” sur ordinateur - en virtuel - puis de le reproduire - dans le réel - avec la technique de la mosaïque. Il s’agit donc de rendre hommage à des artistes profondément liés à la Pop Culture, à l’exemple du street artist Invader. Le style “Pixel Art” est facile à adopter en raison de sa simplicité (ce sont souvent des personnages schématisés) et convoque l’univers du jeu vidéo rétro. '''Objectifs :''' - Initier les participants au dessin numérique sur ordinateur dans le style “Pixel Art” - Initier les participants à la technique plastique de la mosaïque sur filet - Développer leur créativité et leur imagination. - Ramener chez soi une œuvre personnelle. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 101 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

  • La bob yak - remorque vélo monoroue  + (L'idée est de construire une remorque à vélo monoroue de type Bob Yak. La récupération est le maître mot, la simplicité une religion.)
  • Animatronic Interactif : Le Live  + (L'objet de cette page est de collecter lesL'objet de cette page est de collecter les avancées d'un projet toujours en cours, afin de permettre à tout visiteur d'en reproduire les étapes, voire, de les améliorer. En Février 2022, des quatre coins de Rennes et de l'Hexagone, une équipe de Makers se réunit à la Ferme de la Harpe, à l'occasion de la 1"ème édition du Festival l'Art et la Main. Leur intention : Tenter la réalisation d'un personnage animé et interactif en 48h, à partir des compétences présentes et le matériel collecté pour l'évènement. L'intégralité de la performance est retransmis en vidéo sur Internet, la documentation du projet, commencée en temps réel et une restitution publique du résultat du Hackathon à lieu le second jour du hackathon. Revivez l'ambiance en consultant les deux liens ci-dessous et surtout, inspirez-vous de la documentation suivante pour remixer le projet et enrichir cette expérience typiquement "OpenSource" [ Lien vers l'album Photos] [ Lien du stream vidéo]/hackathonartalamain Lien du stream vidéo])
  • Éoliphone - Machine à vent  + (L'éoliphone est une machine qui permet de reproduire le son du vent par frottement d'un tissu sur des lattes en bois.)
  • Line Follower Robot - King of Maze  + (LFR stands for Line Following Robot. The lLFR stands for Line Following Robot. The line it follows could be white, black, any other color, or even transparent. All that matters is, the robot must follow the line. Even though it sounds simple, it is a struggle for most of the 1st Year Engineering students. It is a struggle to understand, then implement, then analyze the errors, and make corrections accordingly. After a couple of days, most likely a week, an LFR is finally ready to be run on a line. This article however does not contain any code, on how to make it. We shall only share an example of the LFR robot in the form of a video.e of the LFR robot in the form of a video.)
  • Animazione 3d  + (La W & E srl è una agenzia di grafica La W & E srl è una agenzia di grafica 3d. Si è specializzata in questi anni nella realizzazione di animazioni 3d. Per noi è molto importante questo mezzo di comunicazione perché possiamo esprimere la nostra creatività e metterla al servizio dei nostri clienti. ''L’ animazione 3d è non è altro che un modo di comunicare un qualcosa mediante l’uso del computer.'' Per realizzare un’'''[ animazione 3d]''' ci sono delle tappe fondamentali: Abbiamo bisogno della modellazione, inserimento di texture e materiali e illuminazione realistica e poi i tempi di rendering cioè l’elaborazione e la post-produzione. Noi della w & e srl creiamo filmati 3d fotorealistici in modo da rendere il video 3d fluido e dinamico. Questi sono alcuni dei settori dove ci è stata richiesto di realizzare video 3d: * '''[ Animazione 3d Medicale]''' * '''[ Video 3D Industriale]''' * '''[ Video Rendering 3d Corporate]''' * '''[ Video Animazione 3d Prodotti]''' * '''[ Video Grafica 3d Architettonico]''' * '''[ Spot Pubblicitario 3d]''' La nostra azienda è molto attenta alle necessità del cliente mettendo il massimo impegno e passione nella realizzazione del video rendering 3d. Realizzare 3d animazioni vi è dietro un processo lungo e laborioso e soprattutto per noi è fondamentale creare animazioni fotorealistiche. La nostra azienda è molto attenta alle necessità del cliente mettendo il massimo impegno e passione nella realizzazione del video rendering 3d.ssione nella realizzazione del video rendering 3d.)
  • Lombricomposteur connecté  + (La [[Conception_Mécanique_Assistée_par_Ordinateur_(CMAO)|modélisation 3D]] esLa [[Conception_Mécanique_Assistée_par_Ordinateur_(CMAO)|modélisation 3D]] est en cours de finalisation. Vous pouvez suivre son avancement en suivant [ ce lien]. Les étapes de fabrication seront documentées bientôt ici même. Vous retrouverez toutefois le fonctionnement ci-dessous.ez toutefois le fonctionnement ci-dessous.)
  • Boisson Kombucha  + (La [ [ '''Kombucha'''] est un mélange de bactéries et de levures vivant en symbiose, à l'instar de la "mère"  du vinaigre ou du levain qui sert à fabriquer le pain. La Kombucha, qui se nourrit de thé sucré, se transmet de génération en génération depuis plus de 2 000 ans'''.''' Ses premiers usages connus datent de la Chine antique. Elle serait parvenue en Europe au XXe siècle, par l'intermédiaire des Russes, qui en sont de grands consommateurs. La Kombucha au thé noir a une saveur de cidre doux agrémenté d'épices. Celle au thé vert est légèrement citronnée. La Kombucha au thé noir a une saveur de cidre doux agrémenté d'épices. Celle au thé vert est légèrement citronnée. C'est donc une très bonne alternative aux sodas, saine et moins sucrée.ernative aux sodas, saine et moins sucrée.)
  • Boisson Kombucha  + (La [ [ '''Kombucha'''] est un mélange de bactéries et de levures vivant en symbiose, à l'instar de la "mère"  du vinaigre ou du levain qui sert à fabriquer le pain. La Kombucha, qui se nourrit de thé sucré, se transmet de génération en génération depuis plus de 2 000 ans'''.''' Ses premiers usages connus datent de la Chine antique. Elle serait parvenue en Europe au XXe siècle, par l'intermédiaire des Russes, qui en sont de grands consommateurs. La Kombucha au thé noir a une saveur de cidre doux agrémenté d'épices. Celle au thé vert est légèrement citronnée. La Kombucha au thé noir a une saveur de cidre doux agrémenté d'épices. Celle au thé vert est légèrement citronnée. C'est donc une très bonne alternative aux sodas, saine et moins sucrée.ernative aux sodas, saine et moins sucrée.)
  • Bentolux - Ruines au clair de lune  + (La bentolux est un projet fil rouge réalisLa bentolux est un projet fil rouge réalisé lors de la formation "Fabrication hybride numérique" donné par l'IMT d'Albi. Elle permet de mettre en pratique les éléments appris lors de la formation. Le derniers étage est entièrement dédié à un projet personnel. Etant maquettiste de métier j'ai eu envie de réaliser un petit décors où seraient mis en scène des vestiges de construction humaine où la nature reprendrait ses droits.maine où la nature reprendrait ses droits.)
  • Broyeur plastique à entraînement manuel  + (La broyeuse consiste à mécaniser des mâchoLa broyeuse consiste à mécaniser des mâchoires en métal pour hacher les déchets en plastiques et faire de petits copeaux. Ces copeaux classés en famille de plastique serviront pour les autres machines. En le chauffant le plastique pourra être retransformé. Certains éléments sont difficiles à trouver ou trop cher : le moteur, le coupleur, la barre hexagonale, la découpe de pièces en acier inoxydable. Si vous avez d'autres idées/solutions/fournisseurs, nous voulons bien des retours…urnisseurs, nous voulons bien des retours…)
  • Broyeur plastique à entraînement manuel  + (La broyeuse consiste à mécaniser des mâchoLa broyeuse consiste à mécaniser des mâchoires en métal pour hacher les déchets en plastiques et faire de petits copeaux. Ces copeaux classés en famille de plastique serviront pour les autres machines. En le chauffant le plastique pourra être retransformé. Certains éléments sont difficiles à trouver ou trop cher : le moteur, le coupleur, la barre hexagonale, la découpe de pièces en acier inoxydable. Si vous avez d'autres idées/solutions/fournisseurs, nous voulons bien des retours…urnisseurs, nous voulons bien des retours…)
  • Hôtel à insectes  + (La destruction  de l’environnement, des liLa destruction  de l’environnement, des lieux de biodiversité entraîne la disparition des abris des insectes que sont les bois morts, les troncs et leurs écorces, les branches, les souches, y compris les petites branches mortes sur les arbres sains. Ces bois morts sont aussi source de nourriture pour les insectes. Ils sont pour eux la chambre à coucher, le couvain, la crèche et la cuisine selon les espèces. Cet [ hôtel à insectes] vient apporter un peu de biodiversité au jardin !pporter un peu de biodiversité au jardin !)
  • Hôtel à insectes  + (La destruction  de l’environnement, des liLa destruction  de l’environnement, des lieux de biodiversité entraîne la disparition des abris des insectes que sont les bois morts, les troncs et leurs écorces, les branches, les souches, y compris les petites branches mortes sur les arbres sains. Ces bois morts sont aussi source de nourriture pour les insectes. Ils sont pour eux la chambre à coucher, le couvain, la crèche et la cuisine selon les espèces. Cet [ hôtel à insectes] vient apporter un peu de biodiversité au jardin !pporter un peu de biodiversité au jardin !)
  • Système de gestion de parking intelligent  + (La question du stationnement des vehiculesLa question du stationnement des vehicules automobiles conditionne fortement l’accessibilite et le fonctionnement de la ville. Les voitures se remplissent de jour en jour, tandis que l'espace urbain devient de plus en plus petit. Pour répondre, trouver des solutions et éliminer les problèmes de stationnement doit être fourni, organisé et contrôlé pour s'assurer qu'il est adéquat Rotation. Le parking automatique est une alternative au garage classique, offrant une bonne vue d'ensemble de l'espace disponible. Le système de stationnement automatique est la solution idéale pour Automatisez le processus d'entrée et de sortie et un bon stationnement sans encombrement. Gestion et amélioration automatique des parkings ce projet peut être mis en œuvre en le subdivisant de la sorte : au momment où un véhicule est détecté à l'aide d'un capteur infrarouge L'aile est soit ouverte ou fermée tout en tenant compte de l'état actuel du parking,le L.C.D affiche le nombre de places Disponible tout en bloquant l'accès si le parking est plein... Pour les améliorations, la barrière automatique contrôle l'accès au parking.e automatique contrôle l'accès au parking.)
  • Sérigraphie avec un pochoir de vinyle  + (La sérigraphie est une technique d'impressLa sérigraphie est une technique d'impression, qui utilise un écran, et qui permet l'impression en série. On peut utiliser une grande variété d'encre, et on peut imprimer sur toutes sortes de surfaces comme le papier, carton, bois, tissu, etc. L'utilisation d'un pochoir de vinyle est idéal pour gagner du temps si votre image est simple. Si votre image est plus complexe, il est recommandé d'utiliser la technique d'émulsion photographique, qui sera plus professionnelle et précise, mais aussi plus longue et complexe.écise, mais aussi plus longue et complexe.)
  • Lampe méduse  + (Lampe de table inspirée de la méduse, réalLampe de table inspirée de la méduse, réalisée en plaques de plexiglas et feuilles de polypropylène découpées au laser et assemblée par emboitements et pliages. A la croisée du biomorphisme et de l'univers de Tim Burton - ''Attention ! Mars attaque !'' - cette lampe méduse est astucieusement assemblée par plis et emboitements.sement assemblée par plis et emboitements.)
  • Lampe méduse  + (Lampe de table inspirée de la méduse, réalLampe de table inspirée de la méduse, réalisée en plaques de plexiglas et feuilles de polypropylène découpées au laser et assemblée par emboitements et pliages. A la croisée du biomorphisme et de l'univers de Tim Burton - ''Attention ! Mars attaque !'' - cette lampe méduse est astucieusement assemblée par plis et emboitements.sement assemblée par plis et emboitements.)
  • Boîte Noire  + (Le but de ce projet est de créer des objetLe but de ce projet est de créer des objets, nos boîtes noirs, qui enferment des circuits électriques inconnus et que l'on demande de caractériser. Ils sont donc à but purement pédagogique, pour que des étudiants cherchent à identifier la construction du circuit à travers l'étude comparée du signal de sorti par rapport à celui d'entrée. La réponse la plus simple à cette exercice étant d'étudier la réponse du système à une impulsion.ier la réponse du système à une impulsion.)
  • Enseigne lumineuse  + (Le but de ce projet était de promouvoir noLe but de ce projet était de promouvoir nos réseaux sociaux lors de nos déplacements. Pour cela, nous souhaitions quelque chose de simple à fabriquer à la fois léger et moderne. Notre choix s'est donc orienté vers une boîte lumineuse, simple à faire et peu coûteuse.lumineuse, simple à faire et peu coûteuse.)
  • Enseigne lumineuse  + (Le but de ce projet était de promouvoir noLe but de ce projet était de promouvoir nos réseaux sociaux lors de nos déplacements. Pour cela, nous souhaitions quelque chose de simple à fabriquer à la fois léger et moderne. Notre choix s'est donc orienté vers une boîte lumineuse, simple à faire et peu coûteuse.lumineuse, simple à faire et peu coûteuse.)
  • Poser une étagère à crémaillère  + (Le rangement ergonomique ! Parfait pour mLe rangement ergonomique ! Parfait pour multiplier les rangements en tous genres, facile à monter et modulable c'est LA solution bricolage pour mettre en place vos espaces de rangements ! Au niveau de la création et de l'optimisation de votre espace, les possibilités sont infinies. En effet, vous pouvez varier les couleurs et les matériaux.uvez varier les couleurs et les matériaux.)
  • Plateau et pièces d'échec en médium 3mm  + (Les parties dédiées aux pièces et à la boite sont séparées. Si vous voulez mener les deux simultanément reportez vous aux étapes au bon moment. Les fichiers sont ici:
  • Envoyer un message sur discord  + (Les serveurs discords ont un système qui pLes serveurs discords ont un système qui permet d'envoyer des messages automatiquement sur un salon. Ce système utilise les webhook, ce qui permet d'envoyer une requête web à une URL afin que le message soit écrit sur le salon sélectionné Grâce à ça, on peut faire pas mal de choses, par exemple: *Créer un badgeur RFID qui envoie un message quand quelqu'un vient à votre FabLab. *Afficher la température d'une pièce toutes les heures.température d'une pièce toutes les heures.)
  • Envoyer un message sur discord  + (Les serveurs discords ont un système qui pLes serveurs discords ont un système qui permet d'envoyer des messages automatiquement sur un salon. Ce système utilise les webhook, ce qui permet d'envoyer une requête web à une URL afin que le message soit écrit sur le salon sélectionné Grâce à ça, on peut faire pas mal de choses, par exemple: *Créer un badgeur RFID qui envoie un message quand quelqu'un vient à votre FabLab. *Afficher la température d'une pièce toutes les heures.température d'une pièce toutes les heures.)
  • Little UMBRELLA  + (Little UMBRELLA est un parapluie connecté Little UMBRELLA est un parapluie connecté qui collecte les données météorologiques et qui réagit en conséquence en s'ouvrant ou s'en refermant en fonction du temps qu'il fera. le but étant d'utiliser la surface du parapluie ouvert en y insérant une publicité adéquate, comme par exemple une pub pour une marque de manteaux, de K-Way etc...ur une marque de manteaux, de K-Way etc...)
  • Storeopinioncancom  + (Loblaws is offering customers the opportunLoblaws is offering customers the opportunity to provide feedback through a survey that is available on their official survey page, [ StoreOpinion.Ca]. This survey allows customers to share their opinions and experiences with the store. As an incentive, Loblaws is offering participants the chance to win a $1000 Optimum Pc gift card. This prize is a great way for Loblaws to show appreciation for customer feedback and encourage participation in the survey. Customers can take advantage of this opportunity to voice their thoughts and potentially win a generous reward for their time and input. Take the survey for a chance to win and help Loblaws continue to improve its services. Hashtags: #StoreOpinionCa #StoreOpinion.Ca #StoreOpinionSurvey #StoreOpinion.CaSurvey #StoreOpinion.CaNoFrillsSurvey Address. 134 Peter Street, Suite 1601. Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H2 Ph No: 1 (416) 971-6252
    , M5V 2H2 Ph No: 1 (416) 971-6252 <br/>)
  • Distributeur de croquettes connecte EN COURS...  + (Lors de votre départ en vacances, vos prinLors de votre départ en vacances, vos principales inquiétudes sont d’oublier quelque chose d’essentiel. Un passeport, des médicaments, des habits chauds ? Tant de choses auxquels vous avez finalement pensé. Mais, il reste un dernier grand problème que tous les possesseurs d’animaux de compagnies connaissent, qui va garder votre petit chat de seulement 2ans ? Vos proches sont aussi en vacances, personne ne peut garder votre animal. Voici la solution, un distributeur de croquettes automatique connecté ! Partez en voyage, en week-end sans vous soucier de trouver quelqu’un pour garder votre animal.rouver quelqu’un pour garder votre animal.)
  • What is machine vision  + (Machine vision is a technology in the fielMachine vision is a technology in the field of artificial intelligence aimed at obtaining and analyzing images through the use of specialized cameras and equipment in an industrial environment. The data obtained can be used to solve a wide range of work tasks, machine vision technologies allow us to abandon less efficient human labor. Machine vision technology allows industrial equipment to "see" and interact with objects, which in turn helps to improve the quality of manufactured products, reduce production costs, and simplify tasks. == Benefits of Machine Vision == Machine vision improves company efficiency, productivity and saves money. The introduction of machine vision systems in production significantly increases its competitiveness, which is due to a number of obvious advantages of robotic labor: # Computer vision is ideal for routine, repetitive tasks where a person can easily lose focus and make mistakes; # In areas that require high precision, such as pharmaceuticals and mechanical engineering, machine vision guarantees the absolute accuracy of tasks; # A significant advantage of machine vision over human labor is the ability of a computer to detect millions of shades and gradations of colors in images that are inaccessible to the human eye; # [ Machine vision] is able to simultaneously perceive a huge variety of objects, which not only reduces the time to complete tasks, but also expands the functionality of the possibilities. == Machine vision tasks == Typical tasks that are solved using machine vision systems: # compliance with product quality; # detection and search of objects, measurement of sizes; # tool management (machine, robot, etc.); # testing and calibration; # management of production processes in real time; # collection, recognition and identification of information, comparison with a given template; # equipment monitoring; # image recovery; # barcode reading; # sorting/counting objects; # Color analysis. Before turning to practical examples, let's define the most important components. Typically, vision systems are divided into two independent subsystems: # Acquisition of images; # Image processing. Each of them, in turn, includes a different set of components depending on the requirements of a particular application. == Components of a machine vision system == With image processing, everything is more or less clear: # calculator (one or another processor, graphics coprocessor, DSP or FPGA); # mathematical algorithms that work on this calculator. In practice, certain platforms and software are used “as is”, and rarely anything changes in the algorithms themselves. The task of the developer is to choose the types of algorithms and their sequence. And here a tool that allows you to easily and conveniently operate with images becomes of great importance. And here the most important thing begins. But for this they (images) must first be obtained. An image, an array of pixel values, or a cloud of points, in the case of multidimensional representations, can be obtained in various ways, and the developer plays a decisive role in this: # video camera; # thermal imaging camera; # laser 3D scanner; # TOF camera; # and many others. And in each case, the choice is not limited to one type of device. A video camera can be a matrix camera, or it can be linear, color or monochrome, with different resolutions and matrix sizes. Sometimes you have to sacrifice resolution in favor of pixel size, and sometimes a small pixel is preferable (for observing small objects). Depending on the type of camera and the object being examined, you may also need: # Input-output equipment; # Lighting system; # Camera lenses. It is equally useless to use a good, expensive camera with a mediocre, cheap lens, and vice versa. The lens can be ordinary, or it can be telecentric or special for "peeping" into the pipe or, conversely, coverage of 360 °. The light can be shadow, direct, angled, coaxial, white or monochromatic, pulsed or structured. Of course, various combinations of all of the above options are possible. == Selection of machine vision components == The choice of the wrong technical solution for obtaining an image is very difficult to compensate with the most complex mathematical algorithms. Unfortunately, our own experience plays an important role in making a mistake: it is not difficult for a person to receive (see) and process a picture without all these "wisdom". This happens, as it seems to us, instantly and requires much less effort than solving a quadratic equation, with which the computer copes faster than us. From which we draw a simple but incorrect conclusion: obtaining and processing images for a computer is not a very difficult task, because it is so “smart”. But that's not the case at all. Despite the obvious progress in computing power, digital cameras and algorithms, modern machine vision systems are not able to “easily” solve tasks that seem trifling to a person. We tend to underestimate the capabilities of our brain and vision. This is the source of a number of failures and disappointments from attempts to use machine vision systems in industrial applications. Equipment manufacturers often fail to draw the attention of their consumers to the fact that even the most advanced camera with the latest software is a necessary but not sufficient component of success. A perfect camera has not made anyone a professional photographer overnight. Despite a number of "helpers" (auto exposure, auto focus), knowledge and considerable experience are needed to choose the time and point of shooting, lighting, aperture and focus point to get a good picture. In this case, as a rule, the goal is not to obtain a repeatable picture of an object with detail, regardless of its color, external illumination or rotation, to avoid shadows, uneven lighting, hide or emphasize defects in shape or surface - i.e. facilitate subsequent processing as much as possible, increase the reliability and reliability of the algorithms. But these are only a small fraction of the issues without which the operation of machine vision systems will not be effective. From the foregoing, a disappointing conclusion follows: for all the seeming triviality of the task of visual control, the construction of a working machine vision system requires the involvement of professionals at the earliest stages, from the selection of equipment to its installation, training of algorithms and subsequent maintenance. Do not trust sellers who convince you that this "wonder camera" will solve all your problems. Practical experience and knowledge gained in the creation of vision systems that work in production are important as in no other applied engineering field due to the initial high degree of uncertainty of the conditions and the object of study. Corresponding to this (literally and figuratively) is the value of both engineers and companies with such experience. Is this not a reason for young professionals to think about the area of application of their efforts? == Application of machine vision: examples == Even in seemingly simple issues of visual control of juice jars on a conveyor or medicine ampoules, a number of issues may arise that require a systematic approach and certain experience. For example, it is genuinely surprising that the control of an excise stamp glued vertically and horizontally on a round bottle requires different technical solutions. For a more detailed illustration, let's consider the problem a little more complicated. For example, the integration of technical vision into the system of electrical testing of film capacitors in their mass production. The test subject is selected from our practice, but can be easily replaced with smaller or larger items from any production area, be it the food industry or the automotive industry. So, # Visual control of the surface, shape; # Control of machines and feed mechanisms, in this project these are industrial robots; # Accounting (identification, sorting, marking, etc.) In the example under consideration, capacitors are rectangular objects with face sizes from 3 to 20 mm of two types: output - and a surface-mounted version, i.e. without legs - conclusions. The hatcher, in turn, is divided into two types of body: in fact, corpus and pupated. The corpus one has strictly orthogonal parallelepiped shapes, the pupated one has a certain rounded shape, similar to a rectangular lollipop with oval edges. All of them differ in the size of the case, its color, and the output ones also differ in diameter, length of the outputs and the distance between them. In addition, the conclusions can be located on different sides or on one side. The supply of capacitors for testing is carried out in bulk, i.e. bunch out of the box. The list of object manipulations looks like this: # Take an object from the "heap"; # Check its type (in form and marking); # Assess the condition of the case for visible damage, scratches, chips; # Move to electrical testing station; # Carry out electrical tests; # Move from the electrical test station to the appropriate tray depending on the test result (Rejection and sorting by rating). The installation should work with all types of capacitors without significant readjustment, and preferably without it at all. Let's consider the most complex variant with pupated capacitors (that is, having a body shape other than rectangular in two sections). To capture the capacitor from the “heap”, a picture is used from a camera located above the “luminous” section of the vibrating table that feeds. The algorithm selects a “free” capacitor in the image and passes its coordinates to a robot equipped with a pneumatic suction cup for capture. In the absence of a free capacitor, a “shake” command is sent to the feed table controller, after which a new picture is analyzed. The procedure is repeated until the object to be captured appears in the field of view. The robot moves the captured object to the first control zone, where, in addition to evaluating the shape of the body, length and location of the leads, its compliance with the type specified by the program is determined. Pneumatic grip allows you to manipulate objects of different shapes and sizes, but this results in a large spread in the actual position of the product in the grip. In addition, the terminals of the capacitor can be shifted in one direction or another. To determine the positioning error, a machine vision system is used that evaluates the actual position of the product in the grip in the coordinates of the robot. To estimate displacements in the third dimension, the triangulation principle is used with additional laser illumination. Thus, in the next operation, the required accuracy of element placement in the mechanical grip is achieved. In some cases, a decision is made that it is impossible to manipulate this sample, and it is sent to marriage or to a container for "manual" processing. A mechanical gripper with a pneumatic drive aligns the leads for subsequent placement of the device in the connector of the electrical testing station and transfers the product for subsequent manipulations to the second robot. Identical bolts are located at different distances from the camera. The detail on the left is a cylinder extended along the axis of the lens. To increase the reliability of the control of a rounded case, telecentric lenses are used, which allow not only to more accurately estimate the geometric dimensions, but also to increase the depth of field of the image, which makes it possible to work with objects of different sizes. To obtain certain characteristics, various types of LED illumination are used: background, diffuse direct light, laser triangulation. The motion system works in close cooperation with the test station and machine vision subsystems. The electrical testing process is the longest stage - therefore, in order to increase the productivity of the installation, it is important that only products that successfully pass all other tests arrive here. At all stages of control, rejection of the product is provided. Depending on the test results, capacitors can be sorted by rating or other performance characteristics. == The choice of equipment and tools for the development of machine vision systems == The installation consists of several subsystems from different manufacturers: # Feeder, vibrating table Anyfeed (Switzerland), controlled via serial link; # Image capture systems are equipped with ace digital cameras (Basler AG, Germany) with different lenses depending on the selected resolution and subject. An Ethernet interface with built-in power circuits (PoE) provides the required flexibility - cameras are connected via a single cable using a network hub; # Telecentric lenses ([ DZOptics], China) are used at several control posts, in other cases - ordinary lenses of the middle price range; # General synchronization and control of mechanisms and robots is carried out using a set of discrete sensors and an industrial controller cRIO (National Instruments Corp., USA); # The electrical testing station was built on the basis of the PXI industrial measuring platform and modular instruments from National Instruments Corp., USA. A single tool for developing machine vision systems allows not only to reduce the cost of creation (one team of developers works or several - they “speak” the same language), but also significantly increases the reliability of the application software, since it does not require the integration of several different programs, developed in different languages. == Machine Vision Development: Conclusions == The successful development and implementation of machine vision in the production process is a rather complex engineering task, despite its apparent simplicity. But this should not become an obstacle to the development of modern technologies, because. The relevance of machine vision is growing rapidly. If you decide to build a vision system yourself, then be prepared for the fact that success will not come immediately. It is generally an iterative process consisting of numerous experiments with cameras, lights, and image processing algorithms. There are a large number of development tools on the market that allow you to solve typical problems without programming, but they all take time to master. In addition, each object of study needs its own, individual approach to finding the optimal technical solution. The easiest way to reduce the number of problems at the initial stage is to describe your task to the supplier of the components of the future system. Professional advice will help you avoid obvious mistakes. If you are offered a “wonder camera” that easily solves any problem, ask to demonstrate it on your sample and make sure that it is really “easy and simple”. If you are not confident in your abilities or if you have more important things to do, entrust the solution to people who have practical experience in working with vision systems and their integration into machines and production processes. #into machines and production processes. #)
  • Marvin  + (Marvin est un robot issu de la série de liMarvin est un robot issu de la série de livres Le Guide du voyageur galactique écrits par Douglas Adams. Marvin est doté du PPA (Profil de personnalité authentique), ce qui le rend capable d'avoir des émotions plus humaines. C'est ce qui lui cause beaucoup de problèmes, le rendant dépressif voire paranoïaque. Si Radiohead a contribué à la célébrité de Marvin par le titre de la chanson Paranoid Android ([ écouter]), la plateforme 3d Hub en a fait le symbole du mouvement de l'impression 3D. Voici donc un fork de Marvin version [[Group:Makers' lab|Makers' lab]] de emlyon business school !' lab|Makers' lab]] de emlyon business school !)
  • Marvin  + (Marvin est un robot issu de la série de liMarvin est un robot issu de la série de livres Le Guide du voyageur galactique écrits par Douglas Adams. Marvin est doté du PPA (Profil de personnalité authentique), ce qui le rend capable d'avoir des émotions plus humaines. C'est ce qui lui cause beaucoup de problèmes, le rendant dépressif voire paranoïaque. Si Radiohead a contribué à la célébrité de Marvin par le titre de la chanson Paranoid Android ([ écouter]), la plateforme 3d Hub en a fait le symbole du mouvement de l'impression 3D. Voici donc un fork de Marvin version [[Group:Makers' lab|Makers' lab]] de emlyon business school !' lab|Makers' lab]] de emlyon business school !)
  • Support pour ordinateur portable  + (Matériel : *1 planche de contreplaqué 8mm d'environ 34cm x 24cm Outils : *Découpeuse laser *Marteau Les plans sont disponibles sous la licence CC BY-SA, Arthur Chalard.)
  • Poulailler en palettes  + (Nos poules sont arrivées plus tôt que prévu, urgence... ... ou pas, quelques palettes trainent au fond du jardin, Scie, marteau et clous suffiront. .)
  • Escape game  + (Nous allons vous décrire, les étapes de fNous allons vous décrire, les étapes de fabrication pour que vous puissiez réaliser votre jeu, pour pas cher et sans trop de difficultés. Du bois, du carton, des matériaux qui viennent de chez vous que vous pouvez recycler, vous permettrons de manipuler les matériaux facilement et vous amusez rien qu'en démarrant la fabrication et le montage.n démarrant la fabrication et le montage.)
  • Quiz éléctronique I2D  + (Nous avons réalisé ce Quiz car nous voulioNous avons réalisé ce Quiz car nous voulions créer un jeux simple de construction et de pratique. Pour cela nous avons utilisé des matériaux disponible sur le pôle technique ( plastique, polystyrène ) pour incorporer une dimension de recyclage à notre projet. Suite aux calier des charges , qui nous imposé des questions sur des thèmes étudier en classes. Nous avons décidé de créer 4 jeux de cartes autour de 4 thèmes différents (logique combinatoire, énergie, actions mécanique, électricité). Pour la partie électronique de notre projet, nous avons fait le choix de d'incorporer une partie comptage des points qui est capable d'identifier une mauvaise raiponces lorsque le courant n'est pas établie entre deux connections. A l'inverse de comptabiliser une bonne raiponce lorsque le courant est établie. Par un système appart nous pouvons établir un classement.appart nous pouvons établir un classement.)
  • Logos Greta  + (Nous somme venus pour une formation Greta pour apprendre avoir une compétences au niveau de la créativité et de la conception et l'impression 3D)
  • Paracock  + (Nous sponsorisons le festival extérieur RoNous sponsorisons le festival extérieur Rock Breton et avons décidé d'intégrer ce parapluie au projet pour sensibiliser la population à la cause des sans-abris. Ainsi chaque personne ayant payé sa place recevra un Paracock(tail) et 15% du prix du ticket sera reversé à l'association Un toit pour tous. Les Paracock(tail) sont montés par les étudiants de l'[[Group:Edulab Rennes 2|Université Rennes 2]] qui recevront ensuite des offres de réductions pour les évènements à venir. Ouvert il va pleuvoir, fermé il ne pleuvra pas.t il va pleuvoir, fermé il ne pleuvra pas.)
  • Paracock  + (Nous sponsorisons le festival extérieur RoNous sponsorisons le festival extérieur Rock Breton et avons décidé d'intégrer ce parapluie au projet pour sensibiliser la population à la cause des sans-abris. Ainsi chaque personne ayant payé sa place recevra un Paracock(tail) et 15% du prix du ticket sera reversé à l'association Un toit pour tous. Les Paracock(tail) sont montés par les étudiants de l'[[Group:Edulab Rennes 2|Université Rennes 2]] qui recevront ensuite des offres de réductions pour les évènements à venir. Ouvert il va pleuvoir, fermé il ne pleuvra pas.t il va pleuvoir, fermé il ne pleuvra pas.)
  • Cartographie à la découpe laser  + (Nous voulons à travers ce projet, démontreNous voulons à travers ce projet, démontrer qu’il y a une certaine évolution du paysage en 58 années seulement (ce qui est très faible à l’échelle de la planète). La population étant de plus en plus nombreuse, il faut alors adapter un nouveau mode de vie et donc un nouveau paysage. Les routes sont donc l’emblème même du changement permettant ainsi d’avoir une ville plus connectée au reste du de la ville, du pays voire de l’international, c’est le cas de la ville de Cergy. Cergy-Pontoise fut marqué par de nombreuses évolutions au cours du temps, notamment suite à la construction de la ville nouvelle à partir des années 1970. Toutefois cette ville a conservé son caractère patrimonial grâce au maintien du Village de Cergy implanté au sud-est de Cergy, le reste de la commune n’était que champs ou bois. Ainsi c’est à travers notre projet que nous avons voulu mettre en avant l’évolution et l’importance du développement de la desserte en réseau routier de 1960 et 2018.esserte en réseau routier de 1960 et 2018.)
  • How to enhance Multiple Intelligences  + (People who achieve good academic results aPeople who achieve good academic results are commonly called intelligent and work at [ EssayMap]. But if they don't stand out, aren't they smart? Do you think you are? The approach of multiple intelligences of psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner postulates the existence of  8 different types of intelligence , which are intertwined working in a complex way in our mind. Were you good at language in school but not math? You didn't like studying but you were good at sports? With this theory of multiple intelligences we find the answer because ...  There are many ways to be intelligent! Gardner says that all people possess all types of intelligence and can develop them to acquire new levels of competencies. Some of us have more developed intelligence than others, but what is clear is that not all of them are reflected in the school's grades. We all have skills and talents, but sometimes they are not taken into account. Do you have children and do you want them to develop their potential? Are you a teacher and you want your students to perform better in their learning? == How to empower and strengthen the different types of intelligences == '''1. Linguistic-verbal intelligence''' . It is the ability to think in words and to use language to understand, express, and appreciate complex meanings. A good example for this case is the poet and writer William Shakespeare. How to strengthen and develop it : with reading books, different [ writing materials], newspapers and magazines, crosswords and voice recorders. '''2. Logical-mathematical intelligence.''' This ability includes calculations, number thinking, problem solving, application of logic, understanding of abstract concepts, and reasoning and understanding of relationships. A very good example of this intelligence is the well-known scientist Albert Einstein. How to strengthen and develop it : with the use of logic games, money management games, calculators, clocks, abacuses, games with mathematical signs, rules and compass. '''3. Visual-spatial intelligence.''' It includes skills such as the recognition and elaboration of visual images, creation and management of mental images and reasoning about space. A good architect is a clear example of this intelligence. How to strengthen and develop it : with puzzles, compasses, maps, Lego sets, templates to make letters or designs, photo and video cameras, microscope, telescope and mazes. '''4. Body-kinetic or kinesthetic intelligence.''' It stands out for the performance of motor actions and it is the ability to use our own body. The sportsman Michael Jordan or a circus acrobat are good examples. How to strengthen and develop it : with handicraft tools, modeling pastes, throwing objects, puppets or using gymnastic or dance equipment. '''5. Musical intelligence .''' Understand the ability to communicate through music in terms of compositions and performance. Clear examples are musicians like the great composers Mozart or Beethoven. How to strengthen and develop it : with musical instruments, recordings, radio, singing or whistling. '''6. Naturalistic intelligence.''' Competence to perceive the relationships that exist between various species or groups of objects and people. Biologists or astronomers are examples for this case. How to strengthen and develop it : with the use of terrariums, aquariums, magnifying glass, microscope, taking care of pets or using garden equipment. '''7. Interpersonal intelligence.''' It allows us to understand others, based on empathy and the ability to manage relationships. Clear examples of this intelligence are Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Mahatma Gandhi. How to strengthen and develop it : actively interacting with others, sharing toys and games, as a participant in community activities or working in a group. '''8. Intrapersonal intelligence.''' Ability to understand ourselves and other people. Physicist and scientist Stephen Hawking is often an example of this kind of intelligence. How to strengthen and develop it : analyzing your own strengths and weaknesses, working and studying alone, allowing yourself to advance at your own pace or expressing our ideas decisively. '''9. Emotional intelligence.''' Ability to correctly perceive and express emotions, adapting and facilitating thinking and regulating emotions in oneself and in others. But weren't there 8 intelligences? The [ psychologist Daniel Goleman] proposed the existence of this ninth intelligence that serves us so much in daily life, since  these emotional and social skills are responsible for our emotional and mental stability . This theory of multiple intelligences is nothing new, since it was proposed for the first time in 1983. Today the lines of research on the subject strengthen it, and even new types of intelligence are postulated in addition to the initial ones, which are the ones we have already seen above. But, although more than 30 years have passed since these beginnings, we still have a lot to learn! Traditionally, schools have emphasized the development of logical-mathematical and verbal-linguistic intelligence, with reading and writing as the central axis, without taking into account other areas in which the child can excel. Also, tests to determine IQ have focused mostly on these two intelligences. The level of intelligence should not be evaluated solely on the basis of that, since we know that a person's development encompasses much more. Multiple intelligences are related to each other  and, as we have seen, their development is found in the activities of daily life, so by  promoting the appropriate environments and situations,  several of them can be enhanced , even all at the same time. . Realizing what our children's abilities are and empowering them can be the key to their success.ring them can be the key to their success.)
  • Dôme Géodésique Fréquence 2 paramétrable  + (Pour ce tutoriel, je me suis inspiré de l’Pour ce tutoriel, je me suis inspiré de l’excellent tutoriel Wikifab réalisé par Noae : [[Dôme Géodésique Icosahedron V4|]], portant sur la fabrication d’un dôme géodésique de fréquence 4. Les différentes formules de calculs sont issues du site : <br/>)
  • Dôme Géodésique Fréquence 2 paramétrable  + (Pour ce tutoriel, je me suis inspiré de l’Pour ce tutoriel, je me suis inspiré de l’excellent tutoriel Wikifab réalisé par Noae : [[Dôme Géodésique Icosahedron V4|]], portant sur la fabrication d’un dôme géodésique de fréquence 4. Les différentes formules de calculs sont issues du site : <br/>)
  • Circuit de bille  + (Pour construire ce circuit il faut les matPour construire ce circuit il faut les matériaux suivant : pour le circuit : * 7 rouleaux de papier toilettes * 11 bouteilles en plastique * 2 cartons Electronique : * 1 servo moteur * 1 carte ESP 32 * 3 câbles à double entré * un ordinateur * un câble USB Outils : * pistolets à colle * scotche à double face
    ets à colle * scotche à double face <br/>)
  • Bateau à hélice  + (Pour un amusant moment aquatique, réalisezPour un amusant moment aquatique, réalisez en famille ce bateau à hélice. Grâce aux courbes de la coque adoucies et à sa simplicité de montage, les moussaillons peuvent très rapidement et sans danger construire le jouet et partir à l'aventure ! La coque est également conçue pour accueillir les petits personnages préférés des jeunes aventuriers. Le système d'élastique entraînant l'hélice permet au jouet de voguer en mer, ou simplement d'un bout à l'autre de la baignoire.
    '''Matériel et outils nécessaires:''' - Une imprimante 3D - Du fil PLA - Un élastique (périmètre d'environ 18cm) - Un trombone (d'environ 9cm une fois déplié) - De la colle forte - Une pince coupante - Une pince plate
    e forte - Une pince coupante - Une pince plate)
  • Créer un film en stop motion avec des objets de récupération  + (Pour valoriser l'importance de la récupéraPour valoriser l'importance de la récupération des déchets, nous vous proposons de mettre en mouvement des objets voués à être jetés. Vous aurez besoin de l'application gratuite Stop Motion Studio disponible sous Androïd. Vous aurez aussi besoin d'un ordinateur sous Windows. De 6 à 99 ansun ordinateur sous Windows. De 6 à 99 ans)
  • Domoticz sur raspberry et arduino - commandes en 433Mhz  + (Principe général : Domoticz est installéPrincipe général : Domoticz est installé sur le raspberry, cela permet d'avoir un interface de gestion et de visualisation des données, accessible via WIFI, sur son téléphone ou son PC (le raspberry étant connecté par cable réseau à la box internet de la maison. L'arduino est connecté au raspberry via un cable usb, cela permet l'alimentation de l'arduino, ainsi que l'échange des données entre le raspberry et l'arduino. L'arduino est connecté à un capteur de température et d'humidité pour collecter les données. Il est aussi connecté à un emetteur et un récepteur radio 433Mh pour pouvoir commander des modules à distance. Enfin, j'ai utilisé des prises commandés via une télécommande 433Mhz, ces prise peuvent donc aussi être commandé par l'arduino, en utilisant l'interface Domoticz et me permette de commander des lumières, mais on pourrai aussi y mettre d'autre choses, comme des radiateurs electriques. choses, comme des radiateurs electriques.)
  • Composing Basics for Hopeful Attendants  + (Pursuing nursing significance, had a go atPursuing nursing significance, had a go at nursing making affiliations going solid locale for likely for serious for as that push clinical controllers past the [ nursing writing services]  of standard learning. Meandering into the wide spaces of making, clinical watchmen set out on a sharp trip that further makes how they could relax most recent things as well as outfits them with guaranteeing based encounters beast for nuanced dynamic in the drive clinical environment. This illuminating examination fills in as the bedrock whereupon goes with produce their succeeding, allowing them to confine the frustrating scene of clinical benefits with sureness and sharpness. As clinical specialists lower themselves in the space of attempts, speculative plans emerge as sorting out compasses that shape their assessment and thought concerning amazing clinical idea conditions. Going from serious nursing hypotheses to additional major clinical benefits models, these sensible plans give an arranged perspective for figuring out loosening up the complexities of patient thought. Flawlessly joining speculative perspectives into their undertakings, clinical bosses transcend the speculative space, attracting a beast data that enlightens their experience as well as adds to strong regions for fundamental for serious for serious for key for the of nursing data. In the dynamic and dependably making field of nursing, endeavors expect a central part in drawing in unequivocal thinking and supporting key assessments. Whether getting into making frames, seeing hypothetical plans, or taking a gander at ensured beast evaluations, specialists partake in a staggering cycle that reestablishes their ability to give quality thought. In the evaluation of epic piece, clinical supervisors research a surge of appraisal, mixing openings to enlighten their status. This legendary step makes how they could relax most recent things as well as outfits them with really look at based bits of information that shape their dynamic in clinical settings. It is inside this wise scene that clinical supervisors draw strong locale for fundamental for in for a, spreading out the gatekeeper for their undertakings. Hypothetical plans give a picked spot of mixing through which clinical guards research and loosen up complex clinical benefits conditions. These plans, going from nursing speculations to extra key clinical benefits models, offer a coordinated improvement for figuring out figuring out the intricacies of patient thought. By get-together theoretical perspectives into their undertakings, [ nurs fpx 4010 assessment 4] beats any issues between enlightening data and objective application, helping a wide impression of their calling. The relationship of key assessments or models further plans with the chance for progress for clinical controllers. These solid conditions do plainly as standing labs where theoretical data is attempted and refined. Through the evaluation of results and depictions drawn from these cases, clinical specialists gain monster encounters into the nuances of patient thought. This mix of speculation and practice gets them worked to zero in on the striking surprises of clinical idea with a nuanced and informed approach. As nursing endeavors unwind, the part on demand based practice ends up being constantly given. Clinical guardians are drawn nearer to address, plan, and heading the latest assessment openings into their undertakings, talking with a culture solid region for of. This report on request not simply ensures the advancement of astounding thought right at this point other than positions clinical escorts as huge extra things of the strong improvement of clinical benefits practices.mprovement of clinical benefits practices.)
  • How to Combine MOV Files with Zero Loss  + (Quick guide on how this MOV joiner [https:Quick guide on how this MOV joiner [ combines MOV files] losslessly. Step 1: Download, install, run the program Step 2: Choose a mode and output format Step 3: Cut MOV files Step 4: Edit MOV files (optional) Step 5: Export MOV videofiles (optional) Step 5: Export MOV video)
  • Formule 1 en bois à partir d'un vieux patin à roulettes  + (Recyclage d'un patin à roulette transforméRecyclage d'un patin à roulette transformé en jouet "formule 1" en bois *** Attention pour les découpes et le ponçage... beaucoup de patience pour obtenir un super résultat! *** bien vérifier l'assemblage avant de laisser place à votre créativité! La formule 1 est constituée de 3 couches de bois : base, corps de du dessous, corps du dessus (+ support aileron) (+ aileron.)u dessus (+ support aileron) (+ aileron.))
  • Formule 1 en bois à partir d'un vieux patin à roulettes  + (Recyclage d'un patin à roulette transforméRecyclage d'un patin à roulette transformé en jouet "formule 1" en bois *** Attention pour les découpes et le ponçage... beaucoup de patience pour obtenir un super résultat! *** bien vérifier l'assemblage avant de laisser place à votre créativité! La formule 1 est constituée de 3 couches de bois : base, corps de du dessous, corps du dessus (+ support aileron) (+ aileron.)u dessus (+ support aileron) (+ aileron.))
  • Academic Integrity and Nursing Paper Writing Services  + (Research dissemination is facilitated throResearch dissemination is facilitated through     [ nurs fpx 6210 assessment 1]     . Advocacy is facilitated through nursing writing services. Providers assist clients with preparing policy briefs, advocacy statements, and public health campaigns, enabling nurses to advocate for positive change within their communities and healthcare systems. Nursing writing services promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Writers and consultants may collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, including nursing, medicine, public health, and social sciences, to produce comprehensive and impactful documents. Providers assist clients with preparing manuscripts for publication in academic journals, presentations at conferences, and submissions to grant funding agencies. This support enhances the visibility and impact of your research. For research projects, nursing writing services provide valuable assistance. Experienced writers are able to offer assistance with data analysis, literature synthesis, and manuscript preparation whether you are carrying out original research or reviewing previously published works. The research process is streamlined and the quality of your findings is improved by this support. Nursing writing services are characterized by their accessibility and ease of use. Online platforms or virtual consultations are offered by a lot of providers, making it simple to get support from anywhere and at any time. Students' and healthcare professionals' busy schedules are accommodated by this flexibility. Nursing writing services place a high priority on quality assurance. In order to guarantee that all work is of the highest quality and meets client expectations, providers adhere to stringent standards of excellence. Every detail is carefully considered, including content and structure as well as grammar and formatting. Nursing writing services facilitate ongoing professional development. You can advance your career, contribute to scholarly discourse, and make significant contributions to the healthcare industry by improving your writing skills. Nurses can now communicate confidently and effectively in a variety of settings thanks to these services. A culture of continuous improvement is fostered by nursing writing services. In order to help clients improve their writing abilities over time, providers provide clients with constructive feedback and direction. Lifelong learning and professional development are aided by this ongoing support. In nursing practice, effective communication is essential. Services for nursing writing provide nurses with the resources and tools they need to communicate effectively, succinctly, and professionally. These services improve your ability to effectively communicate information, whether you're writing patient care plans, policy briefs, or research proposals. In          [ nursing paper writing services]      , ethical considerations are of the utmost importance. Consultants and writers uphold academic integrity and ethical standards by ensuring that all work is original and properly cited. Clients gain confidence and confidence in you as a result of this commitment to ethics and professionalism. Nursing writing services facilitate professional networking opportunities. In order to foster meaningful relationships and collaborations, providers frequently connect clients with experts, collaborators, and resources within the healthcare community. Writing services for nurses encourage collaboration across disciplines. To create documents that are comprehensive and have an impact, consultants and writers can work with professionals from a variety of fields, such as nursing, medicine, public health, and the social sciences. Nursing writing services facilitate the dissemination of research. Clients receive assistance from providers with the preparation of manuscripts for submission to grant funding agencies, presentations at conferences, and publication in academic journals. Your research's visibility and impact are enhanced by this support. Nursing writing services are known for providing individual assistance. Services are tailored to meet the needs, preferences, and learning styles of each client. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a novice writer, you will receive the support you need to succeed with individualized guidance. A fundamental value of nursing writing services is empowerment. These services give you the ability to share your knowledge, insights, and experiences with a wider audience by improving your writing skills. This empowerment encourages professional development and advances nursing practice. Services for nursing writing facilitate advocacy. Clients receive assistance from providers with the preparation of public health campaigns, advocacy statements, and policy briefs, allowing nurses to advocate for positive change in their communities and healthcare systems. Writing services for nurses encourage collaboration across disciplines. To create documents that are comprehensive and have an impact, consultants and writers can work with professionals from a variety of fields, such as nursing, medicine, public health, and the social sciences. Nursing writing services facilitate the dissemination of research. Clients receive assistance from providers with the preparation of manuscripts for submission to grant funding agencies, presentations at conferences, and publication in academic journals. Your research's visibility and impact are enhanced by this support. Nursing writing services foster a culture of continuous improvement. Providers offer constructive feedback and guidance to help clients strengthen their writing skills over time. This ongoing support promotes lifelong learning and professional growth. Effective communication is essential in nursing practice. Nursing writing services equip nurses with the tools and resources needed to communicate clearly, concisely, and professionally. Whether you're writing patient care plans, policy briefs, or research proposals, these services enhance your ability to convey information effectively. Ethical considerations are paramount in nursing writing services. Writers and consultants uphold ethical standards and academic integrity, ensuring that all work is original and properly cited. This commitment to ethics and professionalism builds trust and credibility with clients. Professional networking opportunities are facilitated through nursing writing services. Providers often connect clients with experts, collaborators, and resources within the healthcare community, fostering meaningful relationships and collaborations. Nursing writing services promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Writers and consultants may collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, including nursing, medicine, public health, and social sciences, to produce comprehensive and impactful documents. Research dissemination is facilitated through nursing writing services. Providers assist clients with preparing manuscripts for publication in academic journals, presentations at conferences, and submissions to grant funding agencies. This support enhances the visibility and impact of your research. Personalized support is a hallmark of nursing writing services. Providers tailor their services to meet individual needs, preferences, and learning styles. Whether you're a novice writer or an experienced researcher, personalized guidance ensures that you receive the support you need to succeed. Empowerment is a core value of nursing writing services. By enhancing your writing skills, these services empower you to share your knowledge, insights, and experiences with a wider audience. This empowerment fosters professional growth and contributes to the advancement of nursing practice. In nursing writing, attention to detail is absolutely necessary. These services put accuracy and clarity first in every part of your writing, making sure that your papers are up to academic and professional standards. Efficient editing and proofreading ensure that your writing is polished and professional, regardless of whether it is for publication or presentation. [ nurs fpx 6212 assessment 4]       rely heavily on teamwork. Consultants and writers collaborate closely with clients to learn about their objectives, needs, and expectations. By working together, you can be sure that the finished product will be in line with academic or professional requirements while still reflecting your individual voice and point of view.g your individual voice and point of view.)
  • Robots Ricochets  + (Robots Ricochets est inspiré du jeu de société du même nom. Le principe est de programmer des robots afin qu'ils se déplacent vers leur objectif en leur donnant une succession d'instructions. Une première introduction à la programmation. <br/>)
  • Advantages of stretch jeans  + (Stretch jeans such as [https://www.gingttoStretch jeans such as [ men's stretch jeans] have revolutionized the denim industry by offering a perfect blend of comfort, style, and versatility. Unlike traditional denim jeans, stretch jeans incorporate a small percentage of elastane or spandex into their fabric composition, providing enhanced flexibility and a snug fit. This article explores the advantages of stretch jeans, highlighting why they have become a wardrobe staple for fashion-forward individuals of all ages. '''Comfortable Fit:''' One of the primary advantages of stretch jeans is their exceptional comfort. The addition of elastane or spandex fibers allows the fabric to stretch and move with the body, offering a comfortable and unrestricted feel throughout the day. Whether sitting, standing, or engaging in physical activities, stretch jeans provide a flexible fit that molds to the body's contours without feeling constricting or restrictive. '''Enhanced Mobility:''' Stretch jeans offer improved mobility and freedom of movement compared to traditional denim jeans. The elasticity of the fabric allows for greater flexibility, making it easier to bend, squat, or reach without feeling restricted. This advantage is particularly beneficial for individuals with active lifestyles who require clothing that can keep up with their movements, whether running errands, attending social events, or engaging in outdoor activities. '''Flattering Silhouette:''' Another notable advantage of stretch jeans is their ability to create a flattering silhouette for various body types. The stretchy fabric gently hugs the curves and contours of the body, providing a sleek and streamlined appearance. Stretch jeans can help smooth out any lumps or bumps, creating a more polished and flattering look. Additionally, the flexibility of the fabric ensures that the jeans maintain their shape and fit snugly without sagging or bagging over time. '''Versatile Style Options:''' Stretch jeans come in a wide range of styles, washes, and finishes, offering versatile options to suit different preferences and occasions. From skinny jeans and bootcut jeans to high-rise and boyfriend jeans, there is a style of stretch jeans to complement every wardrobe. Whether dressing up for a night out or keeping it casual for a weekend brunch, stretch jeans provide endless styling possibilities that can effortlessly transition from day to night. '''Easy Care and Maintenance:''' Stretch jeans are known for their durability and easy care requirements, making them a practical choice for everyday wear. Most stretch jeans can be machine washed and dried without losing their shape or elasticity. Additionally, the stretchy fabric is resistant to wrinkles and creases, ensuring that the jeans maintain a crisp and polished appearance with minimal effort. This convenience makes stretch jeans a go-to option for individuals with busy lifestyles who value low-maintenance clothing options. '''Long-lasting Performance:''' Despite their stretchy nature, stretch jeans are designed to withstand regular wear and maintain their shape and integrity over time. The combination of high-quality denim and elastane or spandex fibers ensures long-lasting durability and performance. Stretch jeans are less prone to stretching out or becoming misshapen, even after multiple washes and wears, providing excellent value for money in the long run. '''Conclusion:''' In conclusion, the advantages of stretch jeans are undeniable, offering a winning combination of comfort, style, and versatility. Whether you're seeking a pair of jeans for everyday wear or special occasions, stretch jeans provide the perfect balance of form and function. With their comfortable fit, enhanced mobility, flattering silhouette, versatile style options, easy care and maintenance, and long-lasting performance, stretch jeans have rightfully earned their place as a wardrobe essential for fashion-conscious individuals seeking both style and comfort.ndividuals seeking both style and comfort.)
  • Support ergonomique laptop  + (Support de pc portable pour réhausser la vSupport de pc portable pour réhausser la vue et augmenter le confort ergonomique. L'ensemble est composé de : - 1 plateau de bois d'environ 400x400mm, ou de la taille de votre choix - 2 x 3 éléments imprimés 3D à assembler et à fixer sur le plateau et sur lesquels vient se placer l'ordinateur portable.els vient se placer l'ordinateur portable.)
  • Swimming Safety 101: Tips for Safe Swimming  + (Swimming is a refreshing and enjoyable actSwimming is a refreshing and enjoyable activity, whether you're taking a dip in a pool, lake, or ocean. However, it's crucial to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and ensure a pleasant experience for everyone involved. Whether you're a seasoned swimmer or just dipping your toes in the water, these tips will help you stay safe and confident in any aquatic environment.
    == 1. Learn to Swim == The first and most important step in swimming safety is learning how to swim proficiently. Enroll yourself and your children in swimming lessons taught by certified instructors. These lessons not only teach essential swimming skills but also cover water safety techniques such as floating, treading water, and recognizing dangerous situations.
    == 2. Supervise Constantly == Never swim alone, and always supervise children near water, even if they know how to swim. Designate a responsible adult to keep watch at all times, especially in crowded pools or open water settings where visibility might be limited. Avoid distractions like phones or reading materials while supervising, as every second counts in an emergency.
    == 3. Know Your Limits == Understanding your swimming abilities and physical limitations is crucial for staying safe in the water. Don't attempt to swim beyond your skill level or endurance capacity, and never engage in breath-holding contests or other risky activities that can lead to shallow water blackout or drowning.
    == 4. Respect Water Conditions == Be aware of the current water conditions before entering any body of water. Check for signs warning of dangerous currents, rip tides, or hazardous marine life. If swimming in open water, such as the ocean or a lake, familiarize yourself with the area's topography and potential hazards before diving in.
    == 5. Wear Appropriate Gear == Always wear appropriate swimwear when swimming, avoiding loose clothing that can impede movement or become entangled in underwater obstacles. Additionally, consider wearing a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket, especially if you're not a strong swimmer or if swimming in open water where currents can be unpredictable.
    == 6. Practice Sun Safety == Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying waterproof sunscreen with a high SPF before swimming, even on cloudy days. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if swimming for extended periods. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses can also provide additional sun protection. [ pool heat pump] == 7. Stay Hydrated == Swimming can be deceptively strenuous, leading to dehydration if not properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after swimming to maintain optimal hydration levels. Avoid alcoholic beverages, as they can impair judgment and increase the risk of accidents in the water.
    == 8. Be Cautious Around Pool Drains == Pool drains and suction outlets can pose a serious safety hazard, especially for young children. Teach children to stay away from pool drains and never to play or swim near them. Additionally, ensure that pools are equipped with proper drain covers and safety mechanisms to prevent entrapment incidents.
    == 9. Know Emergency Procedures == Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and rescue techniques, such as CPR and basic first aid. Keep a phone or other communication device nearby in case of emergencies, and know how to quickly and accurately relay your location to emergency responders if needed.
    == 10. Follow Pool Rules and Signs == Whether swimming in a public pool, private pool, or natural body of water, always adhere to posted rules and signs. These regulations are in place to protect swimmers and ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for everyone. Ignoring posted warnings or rules can lead to accidents or injuries.
    == 11. Buddy System == Swimming with a buddy is an effective way to enhance safety in the water. Choose a swimming partner who is at a similar skill level and agrees to keep an eye on each other throughout the swimming session. The buddy system ensures that help is readily available in case of an emergency, and it provides an extra layer of support and encouragement during swims.
    == 12. Check Weather Conditions == Before heading out for a swim, check the weather forecast to ensure safe swimming conditions. Avoid swimming during thunderstorms, as lightning poses a significant risk of electrocution and injury. Pay attention to wind speed and direction, as strong winds can create hazardous waves and currents, especially in open water environments. If inclement weather is forecasted, consider postponing your swim or choosing a safer location for aquatic activities.
    == 13. Be Mindful of Exhaustion == Swimming can be physically demanding, especially for inexperienced swimmers or those swimming in challenging conditions. Watch out for signs of fatigue or exhaustion, such as muscle cramps, heavy breathing, or difficulty staying afloat. Take regular breaks to rest and hydrate, and listen to your body's signals to avoid overexertion. If you feel tired or unwell while swimming, exit the water immediately and seek assistance if necessary.
    == 14. Utilizing Swimming Pool Heat Pumps: == In the realm of swimming safety, maintaining appropriate water temperature is crucial for comfort and enjoyment. [ Swimming pool heat pump] offers a reliable solution for regulating water temperature, ensuring that swimmers can enjoy safe and comfortable swimming conditions year-round. By utilizing ambient air temperature, these devices provide consistent heating without relying on fossil fuels or direct sunlight, promoting energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Proper installation and maintenance of swimming pool heat pumps are essential aspects of ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming experience, complementing other safety measures such as supervision, knowledge of swimming techniques, and adherence to pool rules and regulations. If you are interested in a pool heat pump, feel free to contact Zealux [ Heat Pump Supplier] for expert guidance and reliable products that prioritize both safety and efficiency. By incorporating swimming pool heat pumps into your pool maintenance routine, you can enhance swimming safety while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing comfort for all swimmers. Conclusion By incorporating swimming pool heat pumps and following these additional safety measures into your swimming routine, you can further minimize the risk of accidents and injuries while enjoying the water. Remember that swimming safety is a collective responsibility, and everyone in the swimming community, including [ heat pump manufacturers], plays a role in promoting a culture of awareness and preparedness. With proper planning, supervision, and mindfulness, swimming can remain a safe and enjoyable activity for people of all ages and abilities. tag: [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] , [ air to water heat pump system] , [ air to water heating system] , wärmepumpen hersteller vergleich, schwedische wärmepumpen hersteller, wärmepumpe anbieter vergleich, großwärmepumpen hersteller, wärmepumpe schweizer hersteller, wärmepumpen hersteller weltweit, marktführer wärmepumpen, wärmepumpen vergleich hersteller, wärmepumpe marktführer
    ller, wärmepumpen hersteller weltweit, marktführer wärmepumpen, wärmepumpen vergleich hersteller, wärmepumpe marktführer)
  • 5 Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Vaping Journey  + (Switching from traditional cigarettes to vSwitching from traditional cigarettes to vaping is indeed a healthy move. However for the best experience you need to be a little cautious when choosing the perfect vaping device and liquid. As a beginner you may need a little help in starting your vaping journey so here is a guide on 5 things you need to know before buying your first vaping device. At [ Ecchoice], you will find an extensive range of '''electronic cigarettes '''and e-liquids designed to deliver the ultimate vaping experience. Their quality products, seamless customer service and competitive pricing, are what makes them Australia’s best vape brand to [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide''']'''.'''
    == 5 Things to Consider Before You Start Vaping == The vaping experience that you will have depends largely on the devices and vape juice that you choose. Along with the right equipment, here is a list of the top 5 most important since every smoker should know before buying e-cigs and [ '''e-juice in Adelaide''']'''.''' === 1. Selecting the Right E-liquid === The experience you have with your vaping device is majorly influenced by the type of liquid that you choose. You can go for a regular e-liquid or ditch a liquid and go for a wax. The type of filling you use will influence the texture, flavour and strength of the smoke generated by the coil. It is always recommended that beginners go for low strength that does not deliver harsh hits. Once you get the hang of it, you can slowly level up. === 2. Choosing the Correct Tank Type === When choosing the perfect device for your vaping journey, there are many choices.  Disposable or reusable vaping devices are not the only choice you can make. Vaping devices are available with two different sizes of vape tanks. The smaller tanks are found in vape pens which are known for their slim and discrete style. These e-cigarettes only start vaporising the liquid when you press and hold the button. They are perfect for occasional smokers who want to keep their vaping interests under wraps. On the other hand, larger vape tanks are found in bigger vaping devices like a box mod. Since these tanks have a much higher capacity, they produce thicker clouds of smoke. Some of the devices also come with adjustable settings and long battery life for continuous service. === 3. Portability & Discretion === Most vaping devices are portable. However you might be looking for something more discreet, especially when you’re using it in public. In this case vape pens are the best choice for a few puffs on the go.  If you are looking for something stronger that you can use at home, go for a vape kit. Some smokers simply cannot get over the aesthetics and slim build of a regular cigarette. If you are one of them, then go for cig-a-likes. These devices look exactly like a traditional cigarette and come with a slim, tiny battery to keep them running for hours. === 4. Budget === Before you [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide'''], you should chalk out your budget. After all, a tight budget will narrow down your options. The cost of disposable vaping devices can range from anywhere between $10 to $40, depending on the brand. And the cost of reusable vaping devices can range from $25 to $100. However based on your usage, disposable waves can last a few days or a week at max, while a reusable e-cig can be used for at least 6 to 7 months which makes it a much more cost-effective investment in the long term. 5. Warranty & Support It's always nice to know that the brand has your back in case anything goes wrong with your product. Along with choosing the right product type, you also need to choose a reliable brand for the ultimate experience. Make sure you look for a brand with substantial industry experience, a dedicated customer support wing and warranty coverage to tackle unexpected product-related issues. == Final Thoughts == The switch from traditional cigarettes to vaping may seem daunting but choosing the right device and e-liquids will ease your journey and make it more enjoyable. The one thing that remains constant at every stage of your vaping journey is quality. Whether it's the device, the e-liquid or the customer service provided by the brand, quality should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.
    lity should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.)
  • Tactus, Horloge pour malvoyant, aveugle  + (Tactus est un objet tactile qui rend sensiTactus est un objet tactile qui rend sensible la perception du temps. Elle est une réponse à la lisibilité de l’heure pour malvoyants et aveugles de manière autonome. Cette horloge peut être fabriquée au sein de lieux d’entraide comme les fablab par exemple. Le design simple de Tactus permet rien qu’en la touchant de connaitre l’heure. Elle se compose de deux disques, un disque servant d’aiguille pour les heures ainsi qu’un disque servant de cadran écrit en Braille.disque servant de cadran écrit en Braille.)
  • Lissage ABS  + (Technique simple permettant de lisser quelque défauts sur une pièce en ABS et qui permet de la rendre brillante.)
  • ZExpermiment - Gravure de croquis à la laser  + (Tester les différents traitement pré-produTester les différents traitement pré-production et les algorithmes de gravure pour optimiser le rendu d'une gravure d'un crayonné sur stratifié. J'ai voulu réaliser un marque-page, sur la base d'un crayonné réalisé par Katherine Delacroix... Mais mes premiers essai se sont heurtés à plusieurs problèmes : Matériau trop friable, traitement de l'image avant gravure non optimum, choix de l’algorithme de tramage de la trotec... Voici un compte rendu de mes tâtonnements pour obtenir le rendu de gravure le plus satisfaisant possible. de gravure le plus satisfaisant possible.)
  • ZExpermiment - Gravure de croquis à la laser  + (Tester les différents traitement pré-produTester les différents traitement pré-production et les algorithmes de gravure pour optimiser le rendu d'une gravure d'un crayonné sur stratifié. J'ai voulu réaliser un marque-page, sur la base d'un crayonné réalisé par Katherine Delacroix... Mais mes premiers essai se sont heurtés à plusieurs problèmes : Matériau trop friable, traitement de l'image avant gravure non optimum, choix de l’algorithme de tramage de la trotec... Voici un compte rendu de mes tâtonnements pour obtenir le rendu de gravure le plus satisfaisant possible. de gravure le plus satisfaisant possible.)
  • Basic Multi-Modular Frames for Cargo Bikes - Stackable watertight laser cut boxes by Velo M2  + (The basic multi-modular frames for cargo bThe basic multi-modular frames for cargo bikes is the first building block in our open source platform Vélo M², an ecosystem where we provide the electricity by solar & pedal power and the plans to build modules to your imagination that make use of this renewable energy. We want to make use of cargo bike by adding mobile fablabs, open air cinema, foodbikes, … . If you want a nice-looking stackable watertight laser cut box just to transport all kind of things or to give a place for your module idea or to immediately start building our self sustainable energy module, you first have to go through this building part. In this documentation you will find everything to make a 450 by 650 mm base with different heights (150, 300 or 450 mm). The realisation of the content of the module itself will follow. If you want to find more about how the inside frame works and how you can arrange all kind of modules, you will find our two examples in the near future: A raspberry-pi based open air cinéma & a mobile open-source fablab open air cinéma & a mobile open-source fablab)
  • Mobile renewable energy platform on a cargo bike  + (The cargo bike is a great alternative for The cargo bike is a great alternative for the car in congested cities; with our stackable modules we give sustainable initiatives endless possibilities. Vélo M² (pronounced Vélo em carree) is a multi modular capsule system fitting on cargo bikes. With our energy module supplied by solar and pedal power you can have the electricity on location to power an open-air cinema, a mobile fablab and much more on top. We bring all these plans to an open source platform and community where anybody can contribute. Cargo Bikes can be used for more then only transport, with Vélo M² we give the tools to rethink how we interact, move and use energy. We will guide you through the conception of the "energy module". The energy module is an electrical module build into the wooden [ basic module]. It has : - input : DC power for 5 generation bikes (check [ this video] to get an idea of pedal power) - output AC : power for an open-air cinéma, projector and active speakers - output DC : power for a 3D printer - buffer : DC supercapacitor ([ which is more eco-friendly than a battery]) There are different ways for putting the module together. We will describe how we made the first prototype. We are working on an next version which will be ready for version which will be ready for 2018.)
  • Mighty maker level belt  + (There are two options to this activity wheThere are two options to this activity where the belt can either the mountable by creating a 3D printed component to support it or creating a holder and physical belt out of fabric. This activity allows participants to create something to help them record what they have achieved whilst at the Makerspace. The idea behind the level belt is that the participants are able to code the belt to be a particular colour depending on what level they have reached. Each colour corresponds to improvements in skills that can be developed in the Makerspace environment. This is a project with a slightly higher level of difficulty, where the participant will have to face some problem solving situations and learn how to integrate different components so that they create a finished working product. AGES: 11 to 18 years TIME: 4 to 5 hours (including 3D printing time) Activity's Aims and Learning Objectives: - To create something that they value - To help aid self-evaluation - To encourage a reward system and enable facilitators to provide positive feedback and encouragement - To enable conversations about how makers can improve and encourage self-motivation - To create something that combines different skills, materials and techniques from multiple disciplines. - To allow flexibility in design and encourage personalisation - Build confidence with electronic prototyping - Learn and practise soldering - Experiment with 3D printing and designing for 3D printing - Opportunity to develop Computer Aided Design skills using TinkerCAD - Develop sewing and fabrication skills using more traditional materials - Combining different materials, disciplines and techniques - To learn about different circuit components - Gain confidence with Arduino programming and having the opportunity to experiment - Making something that is meant to be longer lasting - Learn about electronic prototyping - Experiment with electronic soldering - Experiment with 3D printing - Experiment with 3D modeling - Experiment with programming with Arduino === Supplies: === For the programmed RGB strip - Computer with Arduino installed - Arduino Uno board or equivalent - RGB LED strips - 3 x [100 to 220 ohm resistors] - 3 x [NPN transistors such as TIP120] - Multiple male to male solderless breadboard jumper cables - Breadboard - Wire - Wire strippers - Soldering iron - Solder - 9V battery - 9V battery strap - Small prototyping printed circuit board (PCB) - Header pins (breakaway male) - Switch (in this example we use a slide switch) - Heat shrink wrapping tubes (not necessary but are advised!) - Glue gun - Small stickers/tape you can write on to use as labels Creating fabric belt - Thread - Felt - Velcro and/or buttons - Stanley knife For 3D printed mount - 3D printer - Computer with access to TinkerCADknife For 3D printed mount - 3D printer - Computer with access to TinkerCAD)
  • E-Textile Monster  + (This activity can be used to introduce theThis activity can be used to introduce the theory of simple circuits to young participants and with the inclusion of a home made switch it can demonstrate the importance of a closed circuit. It can be used to talk about specific components such as LEDs and their requirements when being built into a circuit. More sophisticated iterations of the activity could include a programmable board (Arduino or ESP32). There could be further stages for participants to also make the e-textile monster controllable remotely via a smartphone. Objectives and Learning Outcomes of this activity: - To create something which integrates electronic components with textiles - Allows for creativity and design - To think about how the design can effect the function (including a switch) - To learn about simple circuitry - To learn about basic circuit components - To use basic sewing skills - To give an introduction to combining two different disciplines for the creation of something new === Supplies: === For simple circuit E-textile monster: - Felt - Thread and needle - Conductive thread - Stuffing - LEDs (or other simple electrical components) - Battery pack and batteries - Material for switch (tin foil or other metallic material such as copper strips)foil or other metallic material such as copper strips))
  • Buzzing Bee Circuit  + (This is a good activity for participants tThis is a good activity for participants to experiment with CAD and 3D printing for the first time, as well as being adaptable and giving more experienced participants the opportunity to develop their CAD skills. AGES: 7 to 13 years old TIME: 1 to 2 hours+ 3D printing time Activity's Aims and Learning Objectives - Using multiple skills, techniques and materials, to create something physical - To be able to link previous knowledge of circuits to the simple circuit used in the activity - Building confidence around creating and experimenting, on and off the computer - To create a simple, working circuit that includes multiple components. - To gain experience with 3D printing and transferring a CAD design to the printer - To experiment with 3D printing - To experiment Computer Aided Design software such as TinkerCAD === Supplies: === - Computer with access to TinkerCAD - 3D printer - Circular battery (lithium coin cell) - Mountable slide switch - Vibrating motoroin cell) - Mountable slide switch - Vibrating motor)
  • MoodBoxByFaBteam  + (This modular box is a 3-tier set. Once on,This modular box is a 3-tier set. Once on, it provides basic weather station information (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure) but becomes a "Mood box", here a jukebox actually, when properly activated. === Preamble === This project is a group project (FaB team) carried out during a French hybrid training program called "Fabrication numérique" (CNC machining and fabrication) - class of 2018, July. This final group project involves some of the know-how acquired during the training program and seals the deal. It is complementary with the "Bentolux" project which should be documented and referenced soon on Instructions for the project were: * create a new tier to the box designed and developed during the course of the training program (3 available tiers: 1 base, 1 in Plexiglas, 1 for LCD screen); * use newly acquired knowledge for this new tier: 3D printing, laser cutting, etc.; * program with Arduino at least one user interaction (free choice). === Overall specifications === After some thought our group decided to create a musical tier - we called it "Mood box" - to complement the weather station using the base-tier and the LCD-tier. Expected behavior is described here below. ==== Starting the box ==== When properly plugged in, the box can be started by using the switch on the front. Starting the box triggers the following events: * figurine set on top spins on its stand; * LED-ring light effect shows through the figurine's translucent stand; * LCD screen displays a welcome message. If no other action is made right away, the box goes in "sleep mode". In "sleep mode", temperature and humidity are displayed with a custom message on LCD screen. These custom messages as well as the color set for both the LED-ring and LCD screen depend on current temperature: * LCD and LED-ring color varies from blue to red when temperature rises; * LED-ring sparkles at a random frequency to add some animation; * custom message is displayed on LCD screen according to the temperature range currently reading.o the temperature range currently reading.)
  • MoodBoxByFaBteam  + (This modular box is a 3-tier set. Once on,This modular box is a 3-tier set. Once on, it provides basic weather station information (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure) but becomes a "Mood box", here a jukebox actually, when properly activated. === Preamble === This project is a group project (FaB team) carried out during a French hybrid training program called "Fabrication numérique" (CNC machining and fabrication) - class of 2018, July. This final group project involves some of the know-how acquired during the training program and seals the deal. It is complementary with the "Bentolux" project which should be documented and referenced soon on Instructions for the project were: * create a new tier to the box designed and developed during the course of the training program (3 available tiers: 1 base, 1 in Plexiglas, 1 for LCD screen); * use newly acquired knowledge for this new tier: 3D printing, laser cutting, etc.; * program with Arduino at least one user interaction (free choice). === Overall specifications === After some thought our group decided to create a musical tier - we called it "Mood box" - to complement the weather station using the base-tier and the LCD-tier. Expected behavior is described here below. ==== Starting the box ==== When properly plugged in, the box can be started by using the switch on the front. Starting the box triggers the following events: * figurine set on top spins on its stand; * LED-ring light effect shows through the figurine's translucent stand; * LCD screen displays a welcome message. If no other action is made right away, the box goes in "sleep mode". In "sleep mode", temperature and humidity are displayed with a custom message on LCD screen. These custom messages as well as the color set for both the LED-ring and LCD screen depend on current temperature: * LCD and LED-ring color varies from blue to red when temperature rises; * LED-ring sparkles at a random frequency to add some animation; * custom message is displayed on LCD screen according to the temperature range currently reading.o the temperature range currently reading.)
  • ASKotec Tutorials - DIY Simple analog synth  + (This simple diy analog synth is part of anThis simple diy analog synth is part of an upcoming series of little projects, that can be used to learn about basic electronics, while having fun with the result. As the synth has a chip socket, you will be able to change the pitch range of the sound through different capacitors. Just change it on the fly, or keep it and build several of these synths. You can use sound effect software like Check out the video! There will be build-up tutorials in the future. Have fun!
  • ASKotec Tutorials - DIY Simple analog synth  + (This simple diy analog synth is part of anThis simple diy analog synth is part of an upcoming series of little projects, that can be used to learn about basic electronics, while having fun with the result. As the synth has a chip socket, you will be able to change the pitch range of the sound through different capacitors. Just change it on the fly, or keep it and build several of these synths. You can use sound effect software like Check out the video! There will be build-up tutorials in the future. Have fun!
  • 2D Drawing to 3D Print  + (This will involve drawing on paper and traThis will involve drawing on paper and transferring the image onto the computer. The activity will involve editing and transferring the image to a file that can successfully read by a printer. The 3D printed drawings can then be used for further activities such as stencils, stamps or creating keyrings. This activity is a great way of introducing 3D printing and Design for Manufacturing. It is accessible to all ages and abilities by not requiring participants to design something on the computer. It allows participants to be less restricted with their creativity as well as showing them how to transfer an image into a file that can be understood by a printer. AGES: 6 to 17 years TIME: 1 to 2 hours Activities Aims and Learning Objectives - Exciting way of bringing creative designs to life - Integration of different disciplines (free hand drawing and 3D printing) - Using a computer to transfer the 2D design into a 3D printable design - To be given an introduction to 3D printers and what files they can understand - To learn about vectorisation of an image - To gain experience using drawing software such as Inkscape - To learn about Design for Manufacture and creating a design that is printable - To gain experience using a 3D printer === Supplies: === - 3D printer - Computer with InkScape software downloaded - Phone with CamScanner downloaded - Paper - Black felt tip marker pens - USB stick or SD card (depending on your 3D printer) - USB stick or SD card (depending on your 3D printer))
  • How to Edit TikTok Video After Posting  + (TikTok is one of the best platforms to uplTikTok is one of the best platforms to upload your short videos and share them to the world. It’s also a good place to edit your video in TikTok with many groovy features. But once you successfully shared the video on TikTok, you won’t be able to edit it anymore. So it’d be better to double-check your video before uploading it. There are times that you want to add a caption or correct a typo after the upload, can you edit a TikTok video after posting it? Yes, there’re workarounds even though TikTok won’t allow you to edit your post after posting. In the following parts, you’re going to learn '''how to edit a TikTok video after posting it'''.o edit a TikTok video after posting it'''.)
  • Tinkercad - Visite guidée  + (Tinkercad est un outil de modélisation 3D Tinkercad est un outil de modélisation 3D en ligne utilisable directement à partir d’un simple navigateur Internet. Il est conçu pour être facile à apprendre et à utiliser. Tinkercad fait partie d'Autodesk. La création d'un compte est gratuite. Vous générez ensuite un fichier STL exportable vers les imprimantes 3D. '''Ressources :''' ● Ordinateur connecté à Internet ● Navigateur Internet
    é à Internet ● Navigateur Internet <br/>)
  • Lampe articulée en bois  + (Toutes ces lampes articulées en bois que lToutes ces lampes articulées en bois que l’on peut voir sur Pinterest, Maison du monde et d’autres sites internet… elles sont sympas mais parfois tellement chères ! Vous vous dites : "Pourtant ça n’a pas l’air si compliqué ! 3 bouts de bois, un peu d’assemblage et le tour est joué, non ?" Et vous avez raison si vous vous dites ça. Ce n’est vraiment pas compliqué et pas si cher ! On vous dit tout.mpliqué et pas si cher ! On vous dit tout.)
  • Lampe articulée en bois  + (Toutes ces lampes articulées en bois que lToutes ces lampes articulées en bois que l’on peut voir sur Pinterest, Maison du monde et d’autres sites internet… elles sont sympas mais parfois tellement chères ! Vous vous dites : "Pourtant ça n’a pas l’air si compliqué ! 3 bouts de bois, un peu d’assemblage et le tour est joué, non ?" Et vous avez raison si vous vous dites ça. Ce n’est vraiment pas compliqué et pas si cher ! On vous dit tout.mpliqué et pas si cher ! On vous dit tout.)
  • ZExperiment 5 Couper une corne de gnou au laser  + (Trouver une corne de gnou n'est pas facile, si vous avez un copain forgeron, ou coutellier, ou bien chasseur ça peut aider.)
  • ZExperiment 5 Couper une corne de gnou au laser  + (Trouver une corne de gnou n'est pas facile, si vous avez un copain forgeron, ou coutellier, ou bien chasseur ça peut aider.)
  • Tour de Fröbel  + (Un jeu en bois coopératif géant . Tous sonUn jeu en bois coopératif géant . Tous sont unis pour constituer la tour sans la faire basculer. Les enfants ou les adultes découvrent ainsi un jeu collectif où chacun trouve facilement sa place. ''« Jouer : Le jeu est l'étape la plus importante du développement de l'enfant. » Friedrich Fröbel'' '''But du jeu''' : Tous les joueurs devront coopérer afin de placer tous les blocs de bois pour recréer la les blocs de bois pour recréer la tour.)
  • Box d'ambiance lumineuse qui se cale sur un seuil de temperature  + (Un objet connecté pour mesurer l'ambiance barométrique d'une pièce qu'il restitue en ambiance colorée (écran et luminaire) selon un seuil de température, le tout piloté par un contrôleur Arduino UNO.)
  • Box d'ambiance lumineuse qui se cale sur un seuil de temperature  + (Un objet connecté pour mesurer l'ambiance barométrique d'une pièce qu'il restitue en ambiance colorée (écran et luminaire) selon un seuil de température, le tout piloté par un contrôleur Arduino UNO.)
  • Portemanteau planche de skate  + (Un porte-manteau fabriqué à partir d'une planche de skate entièrement personnalisable des roues à la planche en passant par les supports. 2 niveaux disponibles pour les Pressés ou les Warrior. Toutes les parties du Tuto sont indépendantes.)
  • Porte-Manteau en planche de skate/fr  + (Un porte-manteau fabriqué à partir d'une planche de skate entièrement personnalisable des roues à la planche en passant par les supports. 2 niveaux disponibles pour les Pressés ou les Warrior. Toutes les parties du Tuto sont indépendantes.)
  • Portemanteau planche de skate  + (Un porte-manteau fabriqué à partir d'une planche de skate entièrement personnalisable des roues à la planche en passant par les supports. 2 niveaux disponibles pour les Pressés ou les Warrior. Toutes les parties du Tuto sont indépendantes.)
  • Lampe Triangulaire, Bois et Calque  + (Une lampe style naturel et minimaliste. Très simple à réaliser, elle ne nécessite qu'une planche de contreplaqué 5mm, un ruban à LEDs RGB et du papier calque.)
  • Boîte à CNC miniature  + (Une machine CNC est une machine-outil à commande numérique : ''computer numerical control.'')
  • Boîte à CNC miniature  + (Une machine CNC est une machine-outil à commande numérique : ''computer numerical control.'')
  • Maillet Plastique Recycle  + (Une technique pour créer un maillet à partir de plastique que vous auriez jeté sinon)
  • Applique Abat-Jour Mural Volcano  + (Une vilaine ampoule sortait du mur chez moUne vilaine ampoule sortait du mur chez moi, je l'ai dissimulée sous un '''abat-jour en contreplaqué''' que j'ai conçu et fabriqué. On m'a dit qu'il ressemblait à un volcan, je l'ai donc appelé "'''Volcano'''". Ce tutoriel vous permet de '''fabriquer le même abat-jour.''' Je proposerai également un autre tutoriel pour vous permettre de '''concevoir un abat-jour du même style.''' Cet objet a été conçu et fabriqué pour la première fois en Septembre 2020 grâce au '''[ Fablab La Verrière à Montreuil (93100)]''' ====Dimensions==== Hors tout *Longueur : 420 mm *Largeur : 280,5 mm *Épaisseur : 172 mm *Poids : environ 400 g ====Matériaux==== *2 planches de '''contreplaqué peuplier''' de '''5 mm''' d'épaisseur, format '''70 x50 cm''' *'''2 clous de 2 cm''', pour suspendre l'abat-jour au mur *Caractéristiques de l''''ampoule "LED"''' **Format E27 **Puissance 8.3W **Intensité 47mA **Luminosité 806lm **Température de couleur 2700K ====Outils==== *Découpeuse Laser (celle que j'ai utilisée : EngravLaser A-7050, contrôleur TL-3120, logiciel de pilotage : LaserCad)
    Fixer cet abat-jour sur une ampoule LED. Ne pas fixer cet abat-jour sur une ampoule à incandescence "traditionnelle"
    Licence CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 (pas d'utilisation commerciale, modification autorisée, citation obligatoire)
    ns-text">Licence CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 (pas d'utilisation commerciale, modification autorisée, citation obligatoire)</div> </div>)
  • KIT studio de jardin à monter soi-même  + (Vous recevez, chez vous , un kit complet où rien ne manque pour, en deux jours, un montage complet d'un module bois de 12, 15 ou 18 m²)
  • KIT studio de jardin à monter soi-même  + (Vous recevez, chez vous , un kit complet où rien ne manque pour, en deux jours, un montage complet d'un module bois de 12, 15 ou 18 m²)
  • Création de tréteaux  + (Vous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble dVous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble des plans nécessaires afin de réaliser des tréteaux, parfaits pour un espace de coworking. Leur dimension esthétique simple et moderne est associée à une grande robustesse. Ils peuvent par exemple être utilisés pour maintenir une table de travail. Ils nécessiteront l'utilisation d'une fraiseuse CNC et d'une découpeuse laser pour un rendu optimal. Mobilier réalisé à la Fabrique Artistique et Numérique, conçu par le collectif InDialog.umérique, conçu par le collectif InDialog.)
  • Création d'une table individuelle  + (Vous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble dVous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble des plans nécessaires afin de réaliser une table individuelle, idéale pour un espace de coworking. Elle peut se mettre sur des tréteaux ou bien être fixée en hauteur, à l'exemple de la rambarde présente à la Fabrique Artistique et Numérique. Elle nécessitera l'utilisation d'une fraiseuse CNC pour un rendu optimal. Mobilier réalisé à la Fabrique Artistique et Numérique, conçu par le collectif InDialog.umérique, conçu par le collectif InDialog.)
  • Création d'une table couteau suisse  + (Vous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble dVous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble des plans nécessaires afin de réaliser une table couteau suisse, idéale pour un espace de coworking. Le côté intérieur des panneaux de la table permettent de travailler en groupe, assis. Les côtés extérieurs des panneaux sont constitués de tableaux Velléda, afin d'organiser des sessions de brainstorming. Elle est placée sur des roulettes afin de la déplacer plus facilement. Elle nécessitera l'utilisation d'une fraiseuse CNC pour un rendu optimal. Mobilier réalisé à la Fabrique Artistique et Numérique, conçu par le collectif InDialog.umérique, conçu par le collectif InDialog.)
  • Conductive paint + Makey Makey  + (Watch [ [ this] video to understand how the product works. Une version de ce tutoriel en français est disponible [ ici]2_Zlks29S6l7mZBCPLmlonC3/view?usp=sharing ici])
  • Conductive paint + Makey Makey  + (Watch [ [ this] video to understand how the product works. Une version de ce tutoriel en français est disponible [ ici]2_Zlks29S6l7mZBCPLmlonC3/view?usp=sharing ici])
  • 8bits & Chocolate - decorative candy dispenser  + (You like peanuts covered with chocolate anYou like peanuts covered with chocolate and retro video games? You've got a desperatly empty wall and would like to pay tribute to the most famous plumber ? Then here is a tutorial which will help you building a candy dispenser (for candies starting with M and ending with M) inspired by Mario's first appearance in a video game when he faced a certain Donkey Kong. It's a completely customizable project, you'll be able to build the level of your dreams for your candies. Indeed the course you will create is made of modules that you can assemble as you want in almost any order as in a building game. This project is made using only laser cutting (well, there's a few bolts and some glue and paint involved in the process...) I hope you'll get the feeling of my project and create new modules, or imagine other themes for the decorations. It's up to you !emes for the decorations. It's up to you !)
  • Build a Longboard from Scratch in Your Own Home  + (You'll love customizing your board with grYou'll love customizing your board with grip tape, choosing your favorite colorful wheels, and assembling the skateboard truck, which can be a bit challenging but is definitely doable! This longboard measures 13" wide, 34" long, and 6" high. Further details can be found in the free 3D design. For a professional look, consider painting the skateboard truck, or simply leave it with the handmade look, which also looks incredible! Recommended for ages 14 and up, make sure to wear protective gear, especially if you're new to skateboarding. Get ready to embark on this exciting DIY adventure that will have you cruising in style! Let's roll! '''A note before starting -''' Please note that the diagrams below are carefully crafted to assist you in navigating the build process. However, we do not provide specific recommendations for tools, hardware, or products to use. These designs are truly intended for DIY enthusiasts. As such, a significant part of the building process will be left to your discretion. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to assemble any of our designs! If you need to deviate from the instructions or make adjustments along the way, please feel free to do so. The only request we have is for your safety: please use goggles and gloves while building. Additionally, don't hesitate to ask an expert for assistance or seek guidance from local professionals at any point. Above all, enjoy the process! any point. Above all, enjoy the process!)
  • 1Z0-1114-24 Exam Dumps To acquire Good results In One particular Shot  + ([[ '''Original 1Z0-1114-24 Exam Dumps'''] are excellent to acquire ready for the Oracle Redwood Application certification. You may pick the substantial 1Z0-1114-24 dumps pdf questions offered by OracleDumpsFree to productively strategy. Should you have no involvement in taking the Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate confirmation exam then, at that point, do not be stressed, the 1Z0-1114-24 pdf dumps approved your readiness. These 1Z0 1114 certification dumps assist to approve your organizing, you'll be able to get the most recent reports around the 1Z0-1114-24 braindumps. == '''Refreshest Methods To Prepare With Authentic 1Z0-1114-24 Exam Dumps''' == Via the original 1Z0-1114-24 exam dumps arrangement get unbelievable Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate preparation material from OracleDumpsFree. Oracle 1Z0-1114-24 pdf dumps require to concentrate on material composed from the most recent updates, so it is possible to setup your Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate questions using the freshest methods for organizing. The 1Z0-1114-24 certification dumps are with exact responses, so it furnishes you using the good groundwork for the 1Z0 1114 test. They are wonderful to strategy in case you have any wish to obtain prepared for the Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate dumps pdf. You may advance more regarding the Oracle Redwood Application affirmation test in the actual 1Z0-1114-24 exam dumps. == '''1Z0-1114-24 Certification Dumps - Quickly Opened in PCs & Cell Phones''' == This big number of given subtleties as 1Z0-1114-24 certification dumps records, so you may undoubtedly open them in your PCs and cell phones. It is possible to devoid of substantially of a stretch get ready and breeze by way of your Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate exam questions alongside the help in the given 1Z0 1114 pdf dumps. Get essentially the most recent updates around the authentic 1Z0-1114-24 exam dumps and pass your Oracle Redwood Application exam with the very best assistance so you can get the good results. == '''Confirm Your Skills With Exceptionally Beneficial 1Z0 1114 PDF Dumps''' == Practice for the Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate exam questions with the great 1Z0 1114 pdf dumps questions, you can skillfully get ready for Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate exam with these practices. These practices comply with the actual 1Z0-1114-24 exam dumps questions style. Confirm your skills and validate your arrangement with 1Z0-1114-24 certification dumps and get a thought in regards to the quantity to have prepared. Also, the level of cash you possess signifies you need to get something else ready for the Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate exam. These exceptionally helpful 1Z0-1114-24 dumps pdf will make your preparation precise. === '''Get Now:''' === == '''Get 1Z0-1114-24 Dumps PDF - One Hundred Percent Exam Progress''' == Plan as well, and come by the fantastic outcomes by the 1Z0-1114-24 dumps pdf. It is possible to get the one hundred % progress inside the Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate certificate exam by the enable of Oracle 1Z0-1114-24 pdf dumps, and be an expert Oracle guaranteed. You'll be able to get many information for the Oracle Redwood Application 2024 Developer Associate exam preparation, this can make your planning strong. So very easily prepare by acquiring each of the authentic 1Z0-1114-24 exam dumps provided by OracleDumpsFree inside discount.s provided by OracleDumpsFree inside discount.)
  • E-waste lights  + (e-waste lights: Reusing recycled material e-waste lights: Reusing recycled material to 3D print products With the current shortage of landfills, and crime during electricity cuts, the team came with a solution to produce 3D printed solar powered street lights using recyclable material. In addition, the solution can be implemented in households and co-operate spaces to produce products that can be 3D printed.o produce products that can be 3D printed.)
  • Réalisation d'un photophore en bois  + (il s'agit de réaliser un photophore qui poil s'agit de réaliser un photophore qui pourra servir de décoration de table, que ce soit en intérieur ou en extérieur et pour créer une ambiance lumineuse Pour cette réalisation nous aurons besoin : plaque de bois 3mm, d'une découpeuse laser, de vernis ou de peinture (optionel), d'un pinceau (optionnel), d'un cutter, de colle à bois.tionnel), d'un cutter, de colle à bois.)
  • Jeu plateau Mathis, J.S, Ethan et Roman  + (nous allons vous présenter un jeu plateau nous allons vous présenter un jeu plateau simple et facile a fabriquer en famille. Le but est d'arriver au bout en posant les héros les plus aptes a contrer un incident climatique. 2 a 5 joueurs. Chaque tour, on tire une carte incident et on pose chacun un héro, a la fin du tour, tous les joeurs repiochent. Une partie : 10/30 minutes. Enjeux : le perdant effectue les tâches liées a l'environnement : composte, poubelle de tri...vironnement : composte, poubelle de tri...)
  • Petit robot porte clé  + (voila je suis un miniaturiste (warhammer) voila je suis un miniaturiste (warhammer) et pour apprendre a maîtriser les logiciels 3D qui sont nouveau pour moi je me suis "amusé" a créer une petite tète porte clé (photo a mettre). pour me mettre au défi mon fab manager ma proposer de lui faire un corps articulé. donc voila je vous pressente mon robot porte clé.ila je vous pressente mon robot porte clé.)
  • Dessine et fabrique une mosaïque en Pixel Art  + (Cet atelier consiste à dessiner un motif sCet atelier consiste à dessiner un motif selon le style “Pixel Art” sur ordinateur - en virtuel - puis de le reproduire - dans le réel - avec la technique de la mosaïque. Il s’agit donc de rendre hommage à des artistes profondément liés à la Pop Culture, à l’exemple du street artist Invader. Le style “Pixel Art” est facile à adopter en raison de sa simplicité (ce sont souvent des personnages schématisés) et convoque l’univers du jeu vidéo rétro. '''Objectifs :''' - Initier les participants au dessin numérique sur ordinateur dans le style “Pixel Art” - Initier les participants à la technique plastique de la mosaïque sur filet - Développer leur créativité et leur imagination. - Ramener chez soi une œuvre personnelle. - Ramener chez soi une œuvre personnelle.)
  • My Lil' Pumpkin  + (" Economic and social progress over the la" Economic and social progress over the last century has been accompanied by environmental degradation that is endangering the very systems on which our future development — indeed, our very survival — depends. Each year, an estimated one third of all food produced – equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes worth around $1 trillion – ends up rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers, or spoiling due to poor transportation and harvesting practices." - United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals Social progress has been stunted in disadvantaged communities which has contributed to the underdevelopment of the citizenstin these communities. As a human race, we can argue that environmental degradation is a result of the unethical production methods used to over-produce goods that we want but don't need. As a human race we even go as far as arguing thag we have to move towards more sustainable methods of producing goods however this "new and more sustainable" knowledge of doing things is only shared with the privileged few. The marginalized and impoverished majority of the human race is not empowered with the knowledge of how they can improve their lives and also be key players in the adoption of new and improved sustainable practices and principles that need to be adopted in order to leave the world that we live in as a better place for future generations to come. To ensure that the concept of sustainable living is adopted across all social classes; equal access to sustainable principals and practices as a knowledge base and complimentary skillsets must be available to all. Urban farming specialist, UFarm KZN Agro, and agri-education expert, The AgriCUL Institute, have paired up as the My Lil' Pumpkin team to answer the Sustainable Development Goal 12 - Sustainable Production & Consumption. We have used recycled PVC pipes, plastic bottles and disposable cups to create a Hydroponics System that can be easily recreated by the youth living in a disadvantaged communities. Having this hydroponic knowledge and skillset will empower the youth to be able to grow their own food, change their perspective of what they understand to be waste/scrap and begin to understand its potential value, understand that it is possible to grow food without harming using soil and thereby degrading our natural soil, how to grow food without using vat amounts of water as well as the importance of water harvesting as a method of water conservation. Introduction to Water Hydroponics '''WHAT:''' “Hydro” is the Greek word for water, and “ponos” means work. In hydroponic gardening, the water does the work—in this case, the work of delivering nutrients to the plant roots. Simply put, hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil. '''WHY:''' Many experts in agriculture consider hydroponic gardening to be much more than just a cool way for home gardeners to grow a few plants. They see it as the future of food production, because hydroponic gardens can be made to fit just about anywhere and allow even un-farmable areas to grow nourishing food. Because the food is dissolved in water, it goes directly to the roots. Plants grow faster and are ready for harvest sooner. You can grow more plants in the same space as you can with a soil garden, and since there’s no soil, there’s no worry about soil-borne diseases or pests – and no weeding. '''HOW:''' The water culture system is the simplest of all active hydroponic systems. The platform that holds the plants is usually made of Styrofoam and floats directly on the nutrient solution. An air pump supplies air to the air stone that bubbles the nutrient solution and supplies oxygen to the roots of the plants. Water culture is the system of choice for growing leaf lettuce, which are fast growing water loving plants, making them an ideal choice for this type of hydroponic system. Very few plants other than lettuce will do well in this type of system. This type of hydroponic system is great for the classroom and is popular with teachers. A very inexpensive system can be made out of an old aquarium or other water tight container.n old aquarium or other water tight container.)
  • The best air conditioner for large institutions ever  + ('''من الأمور المهمة والتي تهتم بها كبرى ال'''من الأمور المهمة والتي تهتم بها كبرى الشركات و التي تساعدها على النهوض أكثر و النجاح ،هي خلق بيئة عمل ناجحة و مريحة للعاملين بها ، و لذلك عند ارتفاع درجات الحرارة تسعى الشركات و المؤسسات الكبيرة الى شراء المكيفات المناسبة و الفعالة لبيئة العمل من قوة تبريد عالية و هدوء في التشغيل ، تعددت و تنوعت المكيفات ومنها مكيفات سبليت ، و مكيفات مركزية ، و مكيفات سقفي ارضي وسوف نوضح لك في مقالنا عنها .''' '''مكيفات سبليت :''' '''مكيفات سبليت تعتبر من أكثر المكيفات الشائعة و التي يفضلها الكثير بسبب التكنولوجيا المتقدمة التي تتميز بها ،و هو عبارة عن وحدتين تركب بشكل منفصل ، وحدة خارجية تركب في خارج المبنى ، و وحدة اخرى داخلية توفر لك بيئة هادئة تركب داخل المبنى .''' '''مميزات مكيفات سبليت :''' * '''تتميز بقدرة تبريد قوية و فعالة تناسب المساحات الواسعة مثل الشركات الكبيرة و غيرها .''' * '''توزيع مثالي للهواء في جميع النواحي و الاتجاهات .''' * '''خاصية ضبط درجات الحرارة بدقة و سهولة .''' * '''تأتي بتصميمات عصرية تضيف لمسة حديثة و جذابة للمكان .''' '''كيف تختار مكيف سبليت''' # '''تحديد الحجم المناسب للمكيف الذي تحتاجه .''' # '''تأكد من القدرة التبريدية للمكيف بحيث تتناسب مع المساحة لديك .''' # '''اختر نوع مكيف موفر للطاقة به خواص كفاءة الطاقة بحيث يستهلك كهرباء أقل .''' # '''تحقق من مستوى الضوضاء الخاص بالمكيف فمن الافضل اختيار مكيف ذو صوت ضجيج هادئ.''' '''تصفح موقعنا تكييف الالكتروني و احصل على أفضل [ عروض مكيفات سبليت مع التركيب] و التي تتميز بأجهزة و عروض و خدمات لن تجد مثلها عند أي متجر أخر  .''' '''مكيفات مركزية:''' '''تعتبر المكيفات المركزية من أكثر المكيفات انتشارا و استخداما في المؤسسات الكبيرة لما لها من مميزات متعددة و كثيرة :''' * '''قدرة تبريد متزنة و فعالة تمكنك من تبريد جميع الاتجاهات بشكل ممتاز.''' * '''يساعد على خلق بيئة مريحة للعمل مما يزيد من الانتاجية  .''' * '''تنقية الهواء من الشوائب ومنح أفضل تجربة تبريد و هواء نقي .''' * '''يساعدك في التوفير من المساحة المطلوبة حيث لن تكون بحاجة لتركيب أكثر من وحدة .''' '''مكيفات سقفي ارضي''' '''مكيفات سقفي ارضي تعتبر من أنواع المكيفات و التي تتميز بالبساطة في التصميم ، مما تعطيك إمكانية التحكم السهل في المكيف بكل سهولة ،و يساعد المكيف على توزيع الهواء بشكل أفضل ، ذو مستوى ضجيج هادئ و مريح و غير مزعج  على الاطلاق للأفراد في المكان ،و بالتالي فانه اختيار مثالي لمن يحتاجون بيئة هادئة و ساكنة .''' '''وبعد انتهاء مقالنا و ذكر مميزات كل مكيف و ما يناسبك بشكل أفضل منهم ، سوف نقوم بترشيح افضل متجر بإمكانك الشراء من خلاله ، حتى  نوفر عليكم عناء البحث  ، فإن متجر تكييف الإلكتروني من أكثر المتاجر المتخصصة و أكثرها تفردا في مجال الأجهزة الإلكترونية ، و يمكنك العثور عبر تصفحك للموقع على أفضل عروض مكيفات سبليت مع التركيب ، و يمكنك أيضا أن تحصل على أفضل مكيفات مركزية بمختلف العلامات التجارية التي ترغب بها و بأفضل الاسعار الحصرية ، بالإضافة إلى هذا فإن متجر تكييف يقدم لك [ مكيفات سقفي ارضي] بأفضل الخدمات التي قد تحصل عليها .'''رضي] بأفضل الخدمات التي قد تحصل عليها .''')
  • Répar-Café Mode d'emploi  + (<nowiki>Durant le Répar-Café mensuelDurant le Répar-Café mensuel on aide à réparer les appareils. Voici quelques exemples de réparations classiques.
    Le créneau du Répar Café est limité en temps et il faut s'occuper de tout le monde. Si le temps manque ou si des équipements non-présents sont nécessaires, on peut garder l'appareil au fablab pour une analyse plus poussée.
    Les réparateurs bénévoles sont les bienvenues: venez nous voir aussi pour donner un coup de main.

    Plus d'info sur le site du fablab:
    ;Plus d'info sur le site du fablab:</nowiki>)
  • Remorque Atelier Atelier mobile de créativité collective  + (<nowiki>Faciliter des ateliers coopéFaciliter des ateliers coopératifs en tous lieux, étendre les buts des Fab Lab et autres ateliers coopératifs, pouvoir se déployer hors les mures, pour toucher d’autres publics, animer des lieux de passages. Tel est l’objectif de cette petite remorque.

    Ma conception est voulu comme open source, je documente mes travaux, mes idées, mes conceptions. Que vous souhaitiez reproduire cet outil à l’identique ou simplement vous en inspirer, vous trouverez ici je l’éspère un maximum d’informations pour vous lancer.

    Toute la documentation est lisible ici :

    Elle provient d'un github qui est ici :

    En cas de besoin n’hésitez pas à me contacter. Vous trouverez mes coordonnées ici :
    as à me contacter. Vous trouverez mes coordonnées ici :</nowiki>)
  • MANGEOIRE à oiseaux en bois de PALETTES, sans clous ni vis !  + (<nowiki>Merci à « Potager AutofertilMerci à « Potager Autofertile » pour ce concept et la vidéo où il explique pas à pas la construction.

    Son défi (très astucieux) est de réaliser la construction sans rajouter de fixations pour l’assemblage en s’arrangeant de coincer les planches. Nous avons suivi ses instructions et sommes arrivés facilement à un résultat enchantant.
    vés facilement à un résultat enchantant.</nowiki>)
  • Introduction à la fraiseuse numérique  + (<nowiki>Une fraiseuse est une machinUne fraiseuse est une machine-outil qui usine par enlèvement de matière, à l'aide d'un outil tournant (fraise).

    La méthode d’usinage est dite soustractive, à l’inverse la méthode d’usinage d’une imprimante 3D est dite additive (ajout de matière).

    Le FaBLab est équipé d’une fraiseuse numérique "Signstech 6090DS "personalisée, d’une surface de travail de 1*1 m. et d'une puissance de 1.5kw.

    C'est une fraiseuse 3 axes, c'est à dire que la fraise (l’outil de coupe) se déplace sur 3 axes qui sont X, Y et Z.:

    ●   Axe X => Gauche-droite (Axe horizontal)

    ●   Axe Y => Avant-arrière (Axe de profondeur)

    ●   Axe Z => Haut-bas (Axe vertical)

    '''Pourquoi choisir la fraiseuse au lieu de la découpeuse laser ?'''

    ●   Avantages :

    -La fraiseuse permet d'usiner des matériaux plus épais, et sans contrainte de composants tels que le chlore ou la colle. Le PVC ne s’usine que sur la fraiseuse ('''jamais''' laser)

    -Il n’y a pas de zone affectée thermiquement

    -La fraiseuse numérique permet de produire des pièces en 2.5D (en volume), alors qu’une découpeuse laser ne permet de découper qu’en 2D (contours).

    ●   Inconvénients :

    -La fraiseuse est moins précise qu’une découpeuse laser

    -Les fraises étant des outils cylindriques , les coins intérieurs sont forcément arrondis.

    -La complexité de la machine ainsi que les règles de sécurité qui lui sont liées rendent la machine plus complexe à prendre en main que les autres CNC, et donc un temps plus long avant d'être autonome sur celle-ci.
    dis. <br /><br />-La complexité de la machine ainsi que les règles de sécurité qui lui sont liées rendent la machine plus complexe à prendre en main que les autres CNC, et donc un temps plus long avant d'être autonome sur celle-ci.</nowiki>)
  • Animation minecraft 3D  + ('''Age :''' 11 - 14 ans '''Matériel :''' Imprimante 3D, Ordinateur, micro/smartphone, picpac ou stopmotion studio)
  • Créer un sticker amusant  + ('''Age :'''A partir de 10 ans '''Matériel :'''découpeuse vinyl, Ordinateur, vinyl, logiciel inkscape,)
  • Découpe laser 60w - Modèle rouge chinois  + ('''Caractéristique machine''' * Découpe o'''Caractéristique machine''' * Découpe ou gravure de matériaux organiques plan par l’action d’un laser * Dimension du plateau : 700 x 500 mm, 60 W * Découpe de carton, papier, bois, cuir, plexiglass,  mdf (épaisseur max. 3mm) * Gravure sur verre, pierre, béton, bois, etc. '''Petit rappel :''' La découpe laser est un procédé de fabrication qui consiste à découper ou à graver de la matière grâce à une grande quantité d’énergie générée par un laser, celle-ci est concentrée sur une très faible surface. Ce procédé permet une découpe précise de forme simple et complexe. Son usinage est net et rapide et offre ainsi d’infime possibilité. Cependant, elle comporte des limites notamment au niveau de l’épaisseur du matériaux, et de la composition de la matière. Les découpes laser grand public ne peuvent pas découper de métal, la machine n’est pas équipé pour cela, et certains matériaux sont interdis car ils dégagent un gaz dangereux comme le PVC, ou le Vinyle.
    * Fichiers acceptés : .ai ; .dxf et .Jpeg pour la gravure
    acceptés : .ai ; .dxf et .Jpeg pour la gravure)
  • Presse à chaud  + ('''Caractéristiques machines : ''' *Machine de presse à chaud de double affichage numérique à haute pression de chaleur * Dimension du plateau : 380 x 380 mm)
  • Poser un carrelage sol  + ('''Conseils :''' * Travaillez sur un sol lisse et dépoussiéré. * Commencez toujours la pose du côté opposé à la porte pour ne pas vous retrouver coincé * Selon la nature des carreaux, faites-les tremper environ dix minutes avant la découpe)
  • Education  + ('''Cross-reading''' The solid yards of c'''Cross-reading''' The solid yards of collected, copied, and borrowed material can quickly become daunting as you begin your material review. The following tips can help you stay on top of things and get through the work without getting lost in the details: Get a first impression of the relevance of the work by looking at the table [ paper writer] of contents, the bibliography, and possibly the biographical information about the author: does it really deal with your topic? What is the author's scientific background and orientation? Is he/she a specialist in the field or new to the field? When cross-reading, always keep your question for the text in mind and critically examine whether and for what you can and would like to use the text. Have the "courage to leave gaps": When you first read the text, leave out chapters or passages that lead you too far away from your question! Note down ideas, associations and cross-references already during the first reading: Even if you are sure that this or that thought is obvious - it often does not come a second time ... Various institutions offer courses in speed reading, which train you to quickly grasp the content of texts without reading word for word. If you are interested in this: Acquire this technique in advance so that you are prepared for the emergency! '''Structuring the material''' Reading and editing your sources in a structuring way is a necessary endeavor, and it also has many benefits: It makes the content of the text clearer; books don't have to be read repeatedly; you create "material" for yourself that you can work with further without problems. With the systematic reading, editing and excerpting of readings, you create material for yourself with which you can continue to work in a well-founded manner. The excerpted material is a first text form that you have created in keywords. The next step is the first formulation of your keywords in complete sentences. The resulting text represents the skeleton of a rough draft, which will be edited again in later work phases, supplemented by further excerpts and quotations, evaluated, etc. '''Excerpting''' Excerpting means to grasp the content of a text, to filter out the core elements and to summarize them in one's own words in as short and concise a form as possible. If such an excerpt contains directly (1:1) adopted passages (quotations), these must be recorded with the correct source citation and indicated in quotation marks in case of a later adoption. Excerpting is a very important skill that you need from the beginning. In order to [ write my lab report] be able to take any useful notes at all on the particular articles you read, it is essential to read and summarize texts correctly in your own words. This activity will accompany you during your whole working process around the creation of the scientific paper. Very important: The page count of the excerpted text should always be significantly shorter than the original! '''More information:''' [ Each chapter begins on a new page] [ Methodological guidelines for developing and completing a thesis.] [ Write essay]/ Write essay])
  • How to celebrate the birthday of children in isolation  + ('''Does your child's birthday fall at this'''Does your child's birthday fall at this very time when all the children are at home in isolation? And you child asking [ how old am I today]. Here are some ideas to make the day full of joy and celebrate at home.''' Having a child who celebrates their '''birthday''' during this quarantine period due to the '''pandemic''' can be incredibly challenging. This year it will not be possible to '''organise a''' full-fledged '''birthday party''' , full of friends and family of your little one, but it needs to be celebrated as your child has been counting [ days until birthday] but as the new arrangements put in place obviously make it impossible to invite friends over. After all, let us remember that your family's safety is the most important thing. Besides, that doesn't mean you can't '''celebrate a birthday at home''' that is still fun for the kids. We have therefore collected some [ creative ideas] to organise a '''memorable birthday party''' , even in isolation. == '''1. Organise a virtual birthday party with friends and family''' == Although our desire would be to be able to physically celebrate with the people we care about, you can '''call your child's friends and family through FaceTime, Whatsapp or Skype''' ! You can get in touch with grandparents and friends to sing "Happy Birthday" and cut the cake! == '''2. Have a family garden party''' == For example, you can '''set up a tent in your backyard''' - weather permitting, of course! Or set up an indoor curtain in the living room to play together, see a movie or a cartoon, complete with popcorn, stories and gifts! == '''3. Organise a virtual sleepover''' == With your smartphone or tablet, organize a video call between your child and a few friends for a virtual '''sleepover''' . Watch a movie all together and make the evening unique and fun. == '''4. Decorate the courtyard or garden''' == Decorate the garden with lots of creative ideas with '''colourful balloons, chalks or DIY crafts''' , to make your child's birthday special. Take photos and videos of these moments. == '''5. Set up a flash mob from the balcony''' == To surprise your child, send messages to the neighborhood and '''organize a choreography''' with songs and dances from the balconies with which to amaze the birthday boy . == '''6. Spend an afternoon with Disney attractions''' == Thanks to YouTube, families can visit some of Disney's most famous attractions right from the sofa! == '''7. Organize a treasure hunt''' == Children will have fun '''looking for little treasures around the house''' ! Hide some small birthday presents and prepare clues for the children to find them. == '''8. Plan a wellness day''' == Take all your face and body creams and do '''mini massages''' to make your baby's birthday even more special. A few cucumber slices can make all the difference! == '''9. Make a special cake''' == If your child wants a classic '''birthday cake''' or a special dessert, surprise him or bake a cake together! == '''10. Open and read the greeting cards together''' == Ask relatives and friends to send the '''birthday card''' a series of '''birthday cards''' , which you will then open one by one.ies of '''birthday cards''' , which you will then open one by one.)
  • Sérigraphie sans chimie  + ('''La Sérigraphie''' Le mot sérigraphie v'''La Sérigraphie''' Le mot sérigraphie vient du grecque serikos, la soie, et de graphein, écrire. La sérigraphie est une technique d’imprimerie qui utilise des pochoirs, appelés écrans, interposés entre l’encre et le support. Le support peut être une feuille de papier, du tissus, bois, verre, PMMA…e de papier, du tissus, bois, verre, PMMA…)
  • Mobi-doc  + ('''Mobi-doc est une station de documentati'''Mobi-doc est une station de documentation facile d'usage et ergonomique.''' Un des grands avantages du Mobi-doc est d'être '''un''' '''"lieu" dédié à la documentation identifiable par le public''' Ainsi, que ce soit en fablab ou à l'école, nul besoin de sortir appareil photo, des éclairage ou un micro pour agencer les briques de ses document : tout est déjà installé sur mobi.doc. Mobi.doc utilise l'application [ do·doc]. : Cette application permet de capturer des "documentations" que l'on peut présenter sous forme de vidéo, stop-motion, . Mobi-doc permet également à chaque utilisateur·ice d'utiliser son propre dispositif de capture et de compiler un fichier directement sur son périphérique USB. '''Notre Mobi-doc réalisé en découpe laser, à la particularité d'avoir été pensée pour être transportable facilement tout en conservant tout ses atouts.''' Elle peut fonctionner en autonomie via une Raspberry-pi 4 et dispose des entrées et sorties suivante : - une fente pour la prise d'alimentation - 5 prises USB en entrées - Une prise USB en sortie - un emplacement pour insérer une souris et/ou un clavier - un emplacement pour insérer le dispositif - 2 emplacements pour insérer les pinces. - 6 emplacements pour un rangement à feutres Les fichiers vectoriels sont disponibles en vectoriels sont disponibles en annexe.)
  • Mobi-doc  + ('''Mobi-doc est une station de documentati'''Mobi-doc est une station de documentation facile d'usage et ergonomique.''' Un des grands avantages du Mobi-doc est d'être '''un''' '''"lieu" dédié à la documentation identifiable par le public''' Ainsi, que ce soit en fablab ou à l'école, nul besoin de sortir appareil photo, des éclairage ou un micro pour agencer les briques de ses document : tout est déjà installé sur mobi.doc. Mobi.doc utilise l'application [ do·doc]. : Cette application permet de capturer des "documentations" que l'on peut présenter sous forme de vidéo, stop-motion, . Mobi-doc permet également à chaque utilisateur·ice d'utiliser son propre dispositif de capture et de compiler un fichier directement sur son périphérique USB. '''Notre Mobi-doc réalisé en découpe laser, à la particularité d'avoir été pensée pour être transportable facilement tout en conservant tout ses atouts.''' Elle peut fonctionner en autonomie via une Raspberry-pi 4 et dispose des entrées et sorties suivante : - une fente pour la prise d'alimentation - 5 prises USB en entrées - Une prise USB en sortie - un emplacement pour insérer une souris et/ou un clavier - un emplacement pour insérer le dispositif - 2 emplacements pour insérer les pinces. - 6 emplacements pour un rangement à feutres Les fichiers vectoriels sont disponibles en vectoriels sont disponibles en annexe.)
  • Circuit de billes  + ('''Pour ce circuit nous avons utiliser dif'''Pour ce circuit nous avons utiliser différrent matériaux.''' '''Les voici :''' '''Recyclage :''' - 7 rouleau de pq (pour le circuit) - 11 bouteille en plastique (pour le circuit) - 1 bouteille de lait (pour faire une petite piscine) - 2 cartons (pour surélever le circuit) '''Electronique :''' - 1 Cerveau moteur - 1 Carte esp 32 - 1 Cable double entrée '''Autre :''' - Scotche double face - Pistolet à colle
    e double face - Pistolet à colle <br/>)
  • Che cos'è la CGI e perché la utilizziamo sempre più spesso  + ('''[ CG'''[ CGI]''' è l' acronimo di (Computer genereted imagery) cioè letteralmente immagini generate al computer,  che è un'applicazione nel campo della computer grafica, o più specificatamente, nel campo della '''[ computer grafica 3D]''' per la resa degli effetti speciali digitali nei film, in televisione, negli '''[ spot commerciali 3d],''' nei videogiochi di simulazione e in tutte le applicazioni di grafica visiva. La cgi è importante in quanto noi possiamo generare al computer sia immagini statiche(rendering 3d) che immagini animate (animazioni 3d), ed entrambi, in diversi settori ed usi sono importanti per la rappresentazione virtuale della scena o per esempio per realizzare effetti visivi o creare un film in 3d. Con l' avvento della computer grafica 3d ci è stato uno sviluppo esponenziale in diversi settori merceologici con vantaggi economici ed vantaggi concreti in diversi arti il primo fra tutti l' intrattenimento ed i media in generali che sono (spot, tv, cinema, film). Piano piano vediamo tutte le aree che la Cgi ha influenzato nel corso di questi anni. '''[ cgi significato]''' '''[ video cgi]''' '''[ 3d cgi]''' '''[ cgi animazione]''' '''[ cgi film]''' '''[ cgi cos'è]'''/ cgi cos'è]''')
  • Utilisation Basique du laser trotec Speedy 400  + ( * Ce tutoriel ne remplace pas une formati * Ce tutoriel ne remplace pas une formation par un utilisateur expérimenté * Il introduit mais ne détaille pas l’utilisation de l’outil de dessin des pièces à découper * Il se propose d’être un guide concernant les principales actions pour réaliser une découpe ou gravure laser pour réaliser une découpe ou gravure laser )
  • Poser du lambris  + ( * Déballez le lambris chez vous, 48h avan * Déballez le lambris chez vous, 48h avant la pose. Il pourra ainsi se dilater et donc s'accommoder à la température de la pièce concernée. * Éviter de le poser à même le sol. Posez-le plutôt sur les tasseaux. * Tout traitement du lambris devra être effectué avant la pose. * Si vous ne traitez pas votre lambris, attention aux débordements de colle. Invisible à l’œil nu, elle pourrait empêcher la fixation d'un verni futur, et parfois même, faire des tâches. * N'utilisez pas les lames arquées. * Ôtez les boites électriques et les éléments qui pourraient gêner la pose. * Coupez le courant avant toute intervention électrique. ourant avant toute intervention électrique. )
  • Installer une cabine de douche  + ( * Une cabine de douche se pose sur un sol plan, stable et étanche. * Chaque cabine a ses particularités. Pour installer la vôtre, référez-vous à la notice. * Les parois de verre sont assez lourdes, vous aurez besoin d'aide pour les manipuler. )
  • Utiliser la Handibot  + (/!! Le tuto est en cours, n'hésitez pas à compléter !Une intro simple pour utiliser la Handibot : Fraiseuse à commande numérique de zBis)
  • Utiliser la Handibot  + (/!! Le tuto est en cours, n'hésitez pas à compléter !Une intro simple pour utiliser la Handibot : Fraiseuse à commande numérique de zBis)
  • Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB  + (<big>Greeting to you Maker !</bigGreeting to you Maker ! Are you curious? Do you like interior decorations that animate and create a beautiful visual show and yet you don't know how to make a Kinetic Sculpture? Then this tutorial is for you :) If you want to watch what the final result looks like: I made a [ Youtube Playlist].' This Spinning Kinetic Sculpture RGB is a sculpture you can fix on a wall or on a support. It is made of 2 main identical wheels that spin in opposite direction, which is creating constructive and destructive visual interferences, it is called the phenomenon of [ Moiré]. The concept is purely kinetic (spring), it allows the wheels to spin at different and irregular speeds but most importantly to run for a long time (+30minutes). After you rewind the mechanism the wheels start to spin in opposite direction. As soon as the gravity makes the front wheel reverse its spinning direction and pushes some pawls in the system, the 2 wheels are pushed and start to spin again. This is happening until the spring is fully unwinded. If properly optimised and by reducing the friction, it is possible to get a runtime of more than an hour! I got my inspiration from pre-existing kinetic sculptures, but I decided to make my own design and my own version of the mechanism which is the crucial point of the sculpture. Until the day, I tried, made, changed and improved my design and finally made a fresh new version by accumulating all my efforts and previous trials. The result is a fully working Kinetic Sculpture that costs almost nothing and more importantly: the size of the mechanism is twice smaller than other documented kinetic sculpture online! You can also fix it to a support like a mounting base of a screen which will allow you to move it around but a wall will give you a far better looking result. The center of gravity of the wheel is placed so it acts like a pendulum. The radius of the pendulum plays a major role in the total runtime of the sculpture. It can look complex on the first sight but if you look more closely at each step you will see that it is fairly easy. It is also very instructive because you start to understand that every piece plays a major role in the running of the sculpture. You end up with an almost magical piece of art that creates spectacular effects! You can complete the sculpture with an RGB LED Ring connected to an Arduino, an ON/OFF switch and a battery so it looks even more amazing. Please note that only the LEDs need an electrical source of energy. You can choose to not use the LEDs, it's up to you. You're only limited by your own imagination. Understanding the mechanism doesn't seem easy at first sight but that's exactly why I documented everything and wrote this tutorial with plenty of pictures and videos. What was a pain in the ass for me is going to be very easy for you. Isn't it why Internet exist? to be very easy for you. Isn't it why Internet exist?)
  • Poser des dalles en vinyle  + (<div class="icon-instructions info-icon
    * Il est nécessaire de stocker les dalles à température ambiante, 24 heures avant leur mise en œuvre. * Lors de la pose, la température de la pièce doit être supérieure à 10°. * Les dalles doivent être issues du même lot.
    supérieure à 10°. * Les dalles doivent être issues du même lot. </div> </div>)
  • Tab2Lux  + (<u>'''Matériel :'''</u> <'''Matériel :''' Table (€) : - Pieds pour la table ([ 14€]) , quantité = 1 - Lot de tourillons ([ 1.81€]), quantité = 1 - Écrou à enfoncer ([ 1.70€]), quantité = 1 - Pin brut([ 10.70€]), quantité = 2 - huile de protection ([ 15,95€]), quantité = 1 - Roulette 50mm en option ([ 4,70€]), quantité = 4 - bouton rotatif([ 8.44€]), quantité = 1 - Verre 500x300([ 22,99€]) Partie Hydroponie (€) : - ESP32 TTGO (25€ sur Amazon) - Le bac ([ 6.99€]) - Capteur niveau eau ([ 11,45€]) , quantité = 2 - LEDs ([ 15,90€]) - Relais lumière + pompe ([ 5,99€]) - Pots (1.43€ sur Aliexpress) , quantité = 2 - Mousses (2,47€ sur Aliexpress), quantité = 1 Partie audio (162€) : - un Raspberry, une carte SD et une alimentation ([ 70€]) - un DAC ( [ 27€] en option, la sortie jack du Raspberry peut-être utilisée) - un ampli audio ([ 17€] ou [ 27€]) + une alim 12V ( à choisir en fonction de la puissance , 10-15€) - une paire de haut-parleur 170mm ([ 30€]) - une clé WIPI ([ 8€] si bug du Raspberry) - des câbles Machines - découpeuse laser - imprimante 3D - Scie plongeante - Défonceuse - Scie radiale - Scie sauteuse - Perceuse/visseuse Autres outils - fer à souder - Pistolet à colle - pince coupante - pince à dénuder - pied à coulisse - colle à bois - Serre joint Logiciels - Inkscape (conception 2D) - Cura (trancheur pour impression 3D) - Arduino (programmation de la carte Arduino) - Bloc note :) - pince à dénuder - pied à coulisse - colle à bois - Serre joint <u>Logiciels</u> - Inkscape (conception 2D) - Cura (trancheur pour impression 3D) - Arduino (programmation de la carte Arduino) - Bloc note :))
  • Comgrow ROBO 3180 Desktop ROBO CNC Guide  + (= '''TABLE OF CONTENTS''' = '''[https://ww= '''TABLE OF CONTENTS''' = '''[ Introduction]''' '''[ Assembly]''' '''[ CNC Controller Software Installation]''' '''[ Configuration & Testing]''' '''[ Machine Operation]''' '''[ Laser Guides & Instructions]''' '''[ Troubleshooting]''' '''[ Other Software]''' '''[ Other Common Questions]''' = '''INTRODUCTION''' = This guide page is designed for customers to know about [ C'''OMGROW ROBO CNC ROUTER PRE ASSEMBLED MACHINE''']. If you need more information or want to share something with us. You can join our '''[ Facebook group]'''. Our customer service and other experienced group members can help you solve your problems. = '''ASSEMBLY''' = '''[ ROBO CNC User Manual]''': PDF version of CNC Carving Machine User Manual V1.0. More information click '''[ here]'''. (Note: If the file does not open, please click the download button to download and view it.) '''[ CNC Basic terms]''': PDF version of CNC Basic terms. It helps you understand difficult terminology and allows you to read the user manual more easily. = '''CNC CONTROLLER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION''' = [ '''GRBL software Instructions (For Windows)'''] [ '''GRBLControl/Candle 1.17 (For Windows)''']: Link downloads a .zip file containing a full copy of Candle, the software you can use to run your CNC through your computer. Must unzip entire folder to use. (Note: Please click the download button, download and install.) [ '''CH340SER Driver (For Windows)''']: If windows does not do so automatically when you connect your CNC to the computer for the first time, this downloadable file is the Driver which is needed for your computer to be able to communicate with your CNC. (Note: Please click the download button, download and install.) Software to produce Gcode for CNC engraving toolpath diagrams: fusion360, easel, ArtCAM Software for laser engraving that can be directly connected to ROBO CNC: Lightburn, Laser Grbl, easel CNC engraving software that can be directly linked with ROBO CNC: Candle Grbl, easel = '''CONFIGURATION & TESTING''' = [ '''Video on How to Set Up your Z-Probe'''] [ '''Material Test''']: Originally provided on the SD card that came with your CNC, these are pre-made test cuts users can use to try out their machine or to help troubleshoot issues with other files. [ '''ROBO CNC Beginner's Guide''']:PDF version of Beginner's Guide, you can follow it to test your Comgrow ROBO CNC machine. It suitable for beginners who need to deal with easy but common problem. [ '''ROBO CNC Configuration''']: PDF version of Configuration, Please read it carefully to avoid irreparable mistakes. [ '''ROBO CNC tool engraving parameters''']: This is about the different engraving methods of milling cutter engraving and the performance when corresponding to different materials. [ '''CNC laser engraving parameters''']: This is about the performance of laser with different parameters for different materials. = '''MACHINE OPERATION''' = [ '''How to use the Z-Probe on the CNC'''] [ '''Comgrow rotary roller installation guide for CNC router'''] [ '''Comgrow ROBO CNC Assembly and 5W/10W Laser Kit Installation'''] = '''LASER GUIDES & INSTRUCTIONS''' = [ '''Lsaer Engraver Guide For ROBO CNC'''] '''LaserGRBL Control Software:''' Originally provided on the SD card that came with your CNC, a powerful and affordable GRBL controller meant specifically for lasers. = '''TROUBLESHOOTING''' = [ '''Common error and solutions guide''']: When you encounter machine error during operation, you can check this link for error phenomena and solutions. If this guide does not help you, you can send a message to [ '''Facebook Comgrow Official account'''] or join [ '''Facebook Comgrow Official group'''] and our customer service team will provide you with a solution. (Note: If the file does not open, please click the download button to download and view it.) = '''OTHER SOFTWARE''' = [ '''LaserGRBL''']: LaserGRBL is the software currently used by Comgrow ROBO and it is installed on the SD card that comes with the CNC machine. '''[ Fusion 360]:''' The modeling logic is based on Boolean operations. Of course there are some normal uses. It works very well for horizontal and vertical things, and the Boolean operations can produce very good high models. However, it is more difficult to make curved surfaces '''[ Carveco Maker]:''' It can realize fine 3D relief design, also can calculate tool path output G-Code, output STL to 3D printing manufacturing, covering jewelry and ring design functions '''[ Easel]:''' It is infographic maker with a simple interface, easy to use, beautiful pictures, and users only need to log in to the official website to start making infographics, where you can share and find materials to your heart's content, some of which are not free, of course. = '''OTHER COMMON QUESTIONS''' = 1. Where can you find professional instructional videos? We have many instructional videos available on our Youtube Comgrow Official Account link. [ Youtube Comgrow Official Account] [ Facebook Official Account] [ Facebook Group Link] 2. How to reset ROBO CNC system? After triggering the emergency stop button or limit switch, there is no need to power off and restart. After resetting the emergency stop button, the reset and unlock buttons on the motor software can move the axis. 3. What software to use to edit images? ARTCAM software 4. Is it possible to use the M4 dynamic mode for the laser engraver? M3 and M4 modes can be used. M3 is black and white engraving and constant power output. M4 is grayscale engraving, variable power mode. 5. What is the print size of ROBO CNC? 300X180X45 mm 6. How to install a laser kit on the ROBO? A sheet metal buckle is installed on the 5W laser head kit, which is directly buckled in front of the Z-axis chuck, and then connected to the laser head prepared on the machine. Pay attention to distinguish between the power plug and the PWM plug. Wangcheng can help. 7. After installing the machine, how to start laser printing? Adjust the gear position on the control mainboard, and turn on the laser engraving mode on the software side. Enter $32=1. There are specific video operation tutorials on our social media. laser printing? Adjust the gear position on the control mainboard, and turn on the laser engraving mode on the software side. Enter $32=1. There are specific video operation tutorials on our social media.)
  • Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)  + (= Acknowledgements = The seek for timber a= Acknowledgements = The seek for timber and firewood, fights between British and French colonial troops and some government incentive for cash crops for Europe in the early 20th century depleted the native Dry Evergreen Tropical Forest in the region of Pondicherry. Less vegetation coverage combined with heavy rain episodes lead to massive topsoil erosion and transformed the luxuriant ecosystem of the plateau into a dry savannah. This severe degradation of the ecosystem impacted the biodiversity, reduced the water underground levels, reduced fertility, increased surface temperature, degraded the livelihoods and eroded the culture of nature stewardship of the local communities. = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Recycle material and use low-tech techniques to plant trees to: *Improve irrigation efficiency, *Improve young tree survival rate in harsh environment, *Rehabilitate the Dry Evergreen Tropical Forest (in this case near Auroville, India). Rehabilitation of the forest offers many other benefits such as soil rejuvenation, life-friendly microclimate development, biodiversity enhancement, water retention and so much more. "If we could only understand what a tree does for us, how beneficial it is to life on earth, we would (as many tribes have done) revere all trees as brothers and sisters." (B. Mollison)rees as brothers and sisters."</i> (B. Mollison))
  • Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)  + (= Acknowledgements = The seek for timber a= Acknowledgements = The seek for timber and firewood, fights between British and French colonial troops and some government incentive for cash crops for Europe in the early 20th century depleted the native Dry Evergreen Tropical Forest in the region of Pondicherry. Less vegetation coverage combined with heavy rain episodes lead to massive topsoil erosion and transformed the luxuriant ecosystem of the plateau into a dry savannah. This severe degradation of the ecosystem impacted the biodiversity, reduced the water underground levels, reduced fertility, increased surface temperature, degraded the livelihoods and eroded the culture of nature stewardship of the local communities. = Our solution and its expectable benefits = Recycle material and use low-tech techniques to plant trees to: *Improve irrigation efficiency, *Improve young tree survival rate in harsh environment, *Rehabilitate the Dry Evergreen Tropical Forest (in this case near Auroville, India). Rehabilitation of the forest offers many other benefits such as soil rejuvenation, life-friendly microclimate development, biodiversity enhancement, water retention and so much more. "If we could only understand what a tree does for us, how beneficial it is to life on earth, we would (as many tribes have done) revere all trees as brothers and sisters." (B. Mollison)rees as brothers and sisters."</i> (B. Mollison))
  • How to create a 3D sculpture  + (= Activity Plan = * The tutor shows a 3D m= Activity Plan = * The tutor shows a 3D model previously printed or shows it on a screen using a 3D visualizer. [The use of static screenshots images or paper prints is not recommended, as this way of visualizing give no perception of the physical model.] * Lasercut pieces are scattered on a table. The pieces are etched with a number, but the solution it’s not sequential! The tutor will be provided of the final solution sequence of random numbers.wi * Set the vertical dowel with the first layer from the bottom * Ask the participants to build the object === Hints to solve the puzzle: === As the tutor is provided with the solution of the sliced puzzle, he should place the first pieces in order to encourage and give a clue to kids. The numbers and symbols engraved on the pieces should always face up. Parts of similar dimensions will go together. As the slices are regular, there won’t be large differences from one slice to the next one. Kids have to look with attention to 3d model and understand when the model goes from large to narrow and the opposite. A suggestion is to start from easy, recognizable parts and then connect the parts together with the remaining slices. Just like is common to solve a jigsaw puzzle, when you start from the corners and/or from a clear area of the image.ers and/or from a clear area of the image.)
  • How to create a 3D sculpture  + (= Activity Plan = * The tutor shows a 3D m= Activity Plan = * The tutor shows a 3D model previously printed or shows it on a screen using a 3D visualizer. [The use of static screenshots images or paper prints is not recommended, as this way of visualizing give no perception of the physical model.] * Lasercut pieces are scattered on a table. The pieces are etched with a number, but the solution it’s not sequential! The tutor will be provided of the final solution sequence of random numbers.wi * Set the vertical dowel with the first layer from the bottom * Ask the participants to build the object === Hints to solve the puzzle: === As the tutor is provided with the solution of the sliced puzzle, he should place the first pieces in order to encourage and give a clue to kids. The numbers and symbols engraved on the pieces should always face up. Parts of similar dimensions will go together. As the slices are regular, there won’t be large differences from one slice to the next one. Kids have to look with attention to 3d model and understand when the model goes from large to narrow and the opposite. A suggestion is to start from easy, recognizable parts and then connect the parts together with the remaining slices. Just like is common to solve a jigsaw puzzle, when you start from the corners and/or from a clear area of the image.ers and/or from a clear area of the image.)
  • How to Design and Build Your Own Spa Experience at Home in 2024  + (= How to Design and Build Your Own Spa Exp= How to Design and Build Your Own Spa Experience at Home in 2024? = In today's fast-paced world, finding time for self-care and relaxation is more crucial than ever. While visiting a spa can be a luxurious treat, creating your own spa experience at home offers convenience, flexibility, and the opportunity to personalize every detail to suit your preferences. Whether you're seeking a tranquil escape from the daily grind or aiming to elevate your self-care routine, designing and building your own spa experience at home is within reach. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the essential steps and considerations to transform your space into a haven of relaxation and rejuvenation in 2024.
    == Setting the Mood: Creating a Relaxing Atmosphere == The foundation of any spa experience lies in its ambiance. Begin by decluttering your space and eliminating distractions to cultivate a serene environment. Soft, diffused lighting can instantly enhance relaxation, so consider incorporating candles, Himalayan salt lamps, or dimmable fixtures to create a soothing atmosphere. To further enhance the ambiance, infuse your space with calming scents using essential oil diffusers or aromatic candles. Popular scents such as lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus are known for their stress-relieving properties and can help induce a state of tranquility. [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] == DIY Spa Treatments: Elevating Your Self-Care Routine == One of the perks of designing your own spa experience is the ability to customize treatments to address your specific needs. Stock up on essential ingredients for DIY spa treatments such as face masks, body scrubs, and bath soaks. Natural ingredients like oatmeal, honey, coconut oil, and sea salt can be combined to create luxurious and effective skincare products. Consider incorporating herbal steam facials using a blend of fresh herbs like mint, rosemary, and lavender for a rejuvenating experience that promotes healthy skin and deep relaxation.
    == Spa Decor and Design: Creating a Tranquil Retreat == Transforming your space into a spa-worthy sanctuary requires thoughtful decor and design choices. Choose calming colors like soft blues, greens, and neutrals to evoke a sense of serenity and relaxation. Incorporate plush towels, robes, and cushions to add comfort and luxury to your spa experience. To enhance the natural ambiance, consider adding indoor plants like ferns, peace lilies, or snake plants, which not only purify the air but also bring a touch of nature indoors. Invest in storage solutions to keep your spa essentials organized and easily accessible, ensuring a clutter-free environment conducive to relaxation.
    == Relaxation Techniques: Unwinding the Mind and Body == Incorporating relaxation techniques into your spa experience can amplify its benefits and promote overall well-being. Practice deep breathing exercises to calm the mind and reduce stress levels. Mindfulness meditation can help cultivate present-moment awareness and promote inner peace. Consider integrating gentle yoga or stretching routines to release tension and improve flexibility. Create a dedicated relaxation corner equipped with cozy seating, soothing music, and inspirational reading materials to encourage moments of reflection and rejuvenation.
    == Pampering Products: Investing in Quality and Sustainability == When curating products for your home spa, prioritize quality, and sustainability. Opt for natural and organic skincare products free from harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances. Explore eco-friendly alternatives such as bamboo towels, reusable facial rounds, and biodegradable bath bombs to minimize your environmental footprint. Invest in high-quality spa tools like facial rollers, gua sha stones, and body brushes to enhance your skincare routine and promote circulation and lymphatic drainage.
    == Creating Spa Experiences: Tailoring Your Self-Care Rituals == Designing your own spa experience allows you to tailor every aspect to suit your preferences and needs. Experiment with different treatments, rituals, and rituals to discover what brings you the greatest joy and relaxation. Schedule regular spa days or evenings to prioritize self-care and rejuvenation. Consider inviting friends or loved ones to join you for a spa day at home, creating opportunities for bonding and connection while indulging in self-care.
    == Budget-Friendly Tips: Making Spa Luxury Accessible == Creating a spa experience at home doesn't have to break the bank. Get creative with budget-friendly alternatives and DIY solutions to achieve spa-like luxury on a budget. Repurpose household items like mason jars, glass containers, and kitchen utensils for DIY skincare treatments and storage solutions. Explore online tutorials and resources for homemade spa recipes and beauty hacks that utilize affordable and readily available ingredients. Shop smart by taking advantage of sales, promotions, and discounts on spa essentials and skincare products.
    == Maintaining Your Spa: Cultivating a Sustainable Self-Care Routine == Once you've designed and built your home spa, maintaining it becomes essential to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Establish a regular cleaning and maintenance routine to keep your spa space tidy and hygienic. Refresh your space with new decor accents, fresh flowers, or seasonal scents to invigorate your senses and enhance the ambiance. Continuously evaluate and adjust your self-care rituals and practices to align with your evolving needs and preferences, fostering a sustainable and fulfilling spa experience at home.
    == Incorporating Spa Rituals into Daily Life: Cultivating Mindful Living == While indulging in spa experiences at home is a treat, incorporating spa rituals into your daily life can promote a deeper sense of well-being and mindfulness. Integrate small moments of self-care and relaxation into your routine, such as enjoying a cup of herbal tea, taking a leisurely bath, or practicing gratitude journaling. Embrace simplicity and mindfulness in everyday activities, savoring each moment and finding joy in the present. By prioritizing self-care and mindfulness, you can cultivate a spa-like experience in every aspect of your life, promoting balance, harmony, and inner peace.
    == Innovative Heating Solutions: Harnessing the Power of Heat Pumps == For those seeking sustainable heating solutions to complement their home spa experience, [ air source heat pumps] offer a compelling option. The Zealux heat pump, renowned for its efficiency and reliability, utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide consistent and energy-efficient heating for spa pools, hot tubs, and saunas. By harnessing the natural heat from the surrounding air or water, heat pumps efficiently transfer warmth to your spa, ensuring optimal comfort and relaxation without compromising on environmental sustainability. With features such as intelligent temperature control and quiet operation, the Zealux [ heat pump supplier] seamlessly integrates into your spa environment, enhancing the overall experience while minimizing energy consumption and operating costs. Incorporating a heat pump into your home spa setup not only ensures a luxurious and comfortable experience but also aligns with sustainable living practices, allowing you to indulge in relaxation guilt-free.
    == Conclusion: Elevating Your Self-Care Journey == Designing and building your own spa experience at home in 2024 offers a unique opportunity to prioritize self-care, relaxation, and well-being on your terms. By creating a tranquil oasis tailored to your preferences and needs, you can indulge in luxurious spa treatments, unwind the mind and body, and cultivate a sustainable self-care routine that nourishes and rejuvenates. Whether you're seeking solace from the stresses of daily life or aiming to elevate your self-care journey, your home spa awaits, ready to envelop you in a cocoon of tranquility and rejuvenation. With innovative heating solutions like heat pumps, such as those from industry leading [ heat pump manufacturers] like Zealux, you can ensure optimal comfort and efficiency while minimizing environmental impact, further enhancing your home spa experience. tag: [ pool heat pump] , [ swimming pool heat pump] , [ swimming pool heat pump supplier]
    ttps:// swimming pool heat pump supplier] <br/>)
  • The Green Revolution: How Sustainable HVAC Practices Are Shaping the Future  + (= The Green Revolution: How Sustainable HV= The Green Revolution: How Sustainable HVAC Practices Are Shaping the Future = In today's world, the call for sustainability echoes louder than ever before. As industries seek to reduce their environmental footprint, the field of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) emerges as a crucial player in this global quest for sustainability. With buildings accounting for a significant portion of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable HVAC practices have become instrumental in shaping a greener future. This article explores the innovative approaches and technologies driving this green revolution in HVAC, paving the way for a more sustainable built environment. == The Environmental Imperative == Before delving into the advancements in sustainable HVAC practices, it's essential to understand the environmental imperative driving this shift. Traditional HVAC systems, reliant on fossil fuels and refrigerants with high Global Warming Potential (GWP), contribute significantly to carbon emissions and exacerbate climate change. Moreover, inefficient HVAC systems strain energy resources and escalate operational costs for building owners and occupants alike.
    == The Rise of Sustainable HVAC Technologies == In response to these challenges, the HVAC industry has undergone a transformative evolution towards sustainability. One of the key drivers of this transformation is the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. High-efficiency [ air source heat pumps], for instance, leverage renewable energy sources such as air, water, or geothermal heat to provide heating and cooling, significantly reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Another notable advancement is the proliferation of smart HVAC systems equipped with sophisticated controls and sensors. These systems optimize energy usage by adjusting temperature and airflow based on occupancy patterns, outdoor conditions, and internal load requirements. By leveraging real-time data and predictive algorithms, smart HVAC systems enhance comfort while minimizing energy waste. In response to these challenges, the HVAC industry has undergone a transformative evolution towards sustainability. One of the key drivers of this transformation is the adoption of energy-efficient technologies. High-efficiency heat pumps, for instance, such as the Zealux heat pump, exemplify this trend by leveraging renewable energy sources such as air, water, or geothermal heat to provide heating and cooling. With its commitment to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, the Zealux [ heat pump supplier] embodies the ethos of Zealux - 365 Days Green Home, a slogan that encapsulates a holistic approach to sustainable living. By integrating innovative HVAC technologies like the Zealux heat pump, buildings can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and minimize their environmental footprint, paving the way for a greener future.
    == Harnessing Renewable Energy Sources == In addition to energy-efficient technologies, sustainable HVAC practices increasingly embrace renewable energy sources to power heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. Solar thermal systems, for example, utilize sunlight to heat water or air for space heating or domestic hot water, offering a renewable alternative to traditional heating methods. Furthermore, the integration of photovoltaic (PV) panels into HVAC systems enables buildings to generate electricity on-site, offsetting energy consumption and reducing reliance on the grid. Through innovative design and engineering, buildings can become net-zero or even net-positive energy contributors, demonstrating the potential for sustainable HVAC practices to drive significant environmental impact.
    == Rethinking Building Design and Operation == Beyond technological innovations, sustainable HVAC practices necessitate a holistic approach to building design and operation. Passive design strategies, such as natural ventilation, daylighting, and thermal mass, work in tandem with HVAC systems to minimize energy demand and enhance indoor comfort. Moreover, building automation and commissioning play a vital role in optimizing HVAC performance over the building's lifecycle. Continuous monitoring, proactive maintenance, and retro-commissioning ensure that HVAC systems operate at peak efficiency, mitigating energy waste and prolonging equipment lifespan.
    == The Role of Policy and Regulation == While technological advancements and industry initiatives drive the adoption of sustainable HVAC practices, policy and regulation also play a crucial role in accelerating this transition. Building codes and standards increasingly prioritize energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and environmental sustainability, setting the benchmark for HVAC system design and performance. Furthermore, incentives and rebates incentivize building owners to invest in energy-efficient HVAC upgrades and renewable energy systems, making sustainable solutions more accessible and cost-effective. By aligning economic incentives with environmental objectives, policymakers can catalyze the widespread adoption of sustainable HVAC practices across diverse sectors. [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] == The Path Forward == As the urgency of climate action intensifies, the momentum behind sustainable HVAC practices continues to build. From innovative technologies to holistic design approaches, the HVAC industry is at the forefront of shaping a greener, more sustainable future for the built environment. However, realizing this vision requires collective action and collaboration among stakeholders, including policymakers, industry professionals, building owners, and occupants. By embracing sustainable HVAC practices, we not only mitigate climate change and reduce environmental impact but also create healthier, more comfortable indoor environments for generations to come.
    == Embracing Circular Economy Principles == In the pursuit of sustainability, the HVAC industry is increasingly embracing circular economy principles to minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency. Through strategies such as refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling, end-of-life HVAC equipment can be repurposed or regenerated, reducing the demand for raw materials and mitigating environmental impact. Furthermore, the concept of product stewardship encourages manufacturers to take responsibility for the entire lifecycle of their products, from design and production to end-of-life management. By designing HVAC equipment for durability, modularity, and ease of disassembly, manufacturers can facilitate the reuse and recycling of components, closing the loop on resource consumption and waste generation.
    == Building Resilience through Climate-Responsive Design == As the impacts of climate change become increasingly pronounced, building resilience is emerging as a critical consideration in HVAC design and operation. Climate-responsive design strategies aim to future-proof buildings against extreme weather events, temperature fluctuations, and shifting environmental conditions. For example, passive survivability measures ensure that buildings remain habitable during power outages or natural disasters, leveraging passive heating and cooling techniques to maintain indoor comfort without relying on active HVAC systems. Additionally, resilient HVAC infrastructure, such as decentralized energy systems and microgrids, enhances the reliability and redundancy of critical building systems, safeguarding occupants and assets in the face of adversity.
    == Fostering a Culture of Sustainability == Ultimately, the adoption of sustainable HVAC practices requires a cultural shift within the industry and among building stakeholders. Education and awareness-building initiatives play a crucial role in fostering a culture of sustainability, empowering professionals to make informed decisions and implement best practices. Training programs, certifications, and professional development opportunities equip HVAC technicians, engineers, and designers with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate sustainability into their work. Moreover, collaboration platforms and industry networks facilitate knowledge sharing, innovation, and collective action, driving continuous improvement and evolution towards more sustainable practices. By nurturing a culture of sustainability within the HVAC industry and among building occupants, we can cultivate a shared commitment to environmental stewardship and create a ripple effect of positive change across the built environment. Conclusion In conclusion, sustainable HVAC practices are not only reshaping the future of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning but also contributing to broader efforts to mitigate climate change, enhance resilience, and foster a culture of sustainability. From technological innovations to circular economy principles, climate-responsive design, and education initiatives, the green revolution in HVAC encompasses a multifaceted approach to building a greener, more sustainable world. As we continue to confront the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, the imperative to embrace sustainable HVAC practices grows ever more pressing. By leveraging innovation, collaboration, and collective action, we can harness the power of HVAC systems, including heat pumps, and [ heat pump manufacturers] like Zealux, to create buildings that are not only energy-efficient and environmentally friendly but also resilient, healthy, and comfortable for all who inhabit them. Together, let us embark on this journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future. tag: [ above ground pool heat pump] , [ electric heat pool pump] , [ heat pump companies]
    at-pump/ electric heat pool pump] , [ heat pump companies] <br/>)
  • CCSK Certification  + (== '''About CCSK Certification:''' == '''C== '''About CCSK Certification:''' == '''Certified Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)''' is a generally recognized expertise standard that was launched in 2010 by the '''Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)'''. The CCSK is the industry-leading standard for measuring cloud security skills. Recently, the CCSK has been proposed as the most valuable IT certification. CSA provides the best possible guidance to its members and the information security community at large. It is intended to demonstrate the changing landscape of cloud computing security. This course includes the latest version of CCSK i.e. 4.0. This course will introduce participants to different modules compared to cloud security and knowledge security from a governmental, legal, and compliance perspective. Associates will learn the technical details of implementing security. This CCSK course will also make it easier for participants to prepare for the [ '''CCSK certification exam''']. == '''About the Cloud Security Alliance:''' == Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is the main worldwide association focused on recognizing and bringing issues to light of best practices to guarantee a protected distributed computing climate. CSA provides the subject matter expertise of industry professionals, associations, governments, and their corporate and individual members to enable research, education, certifications, events, and specific cloud security products. CSA's activities, knowledge, and exceptional network benefit the entire cloud affected community, from vendors and customers to governments, business, and the insurance industry, and provide a forum in which multiple people can work together to create and maintain a committed cloud environment. == '''How is the CCSK certification different from other IT certifications?''' == CCSK is one of the few certifications that focus specifically on cloud security. Many other IT degrees take a general approach to security topics or have a deep level of position in another area in the field of information security, digital forensics, reverse engineering, etc. Instead, the CCSK is designed to assess knowledge of applying cloud security tools, techniques, and methods to cloud computing. Due attention is given to drawing attention to the points where cloud computing needs a different form of security. CCSK isn't the only cloud-focused certification available. Cloud service providers and other certification organizations have developed many other certifications to assess candidates' knowledge of cloud computing concepts and technology. However, CCSK focus on cloud security helps set it apart from these other certifications. == '''Should I take a CCSK exam?''' == The CCSK is designed to allow cloud security professionals to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in this specific area. Roughly speaking, the test content focuses on cloud computing, theory, and the tools and techniques required to successfully secure it. The CCSK exam experience requirements mean that it is not an excellent option for those just out of college looking to major in cloud computing. The five-year IT terms show that the test is intended for intermediate-level security professionals, not beginners. On the other hand, if you need to get into the realm of cloud security, this test might be for you. If you have the experience except for a cloud security background, consider looking for [ Certified Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)]. This allows you to let go of the need to try CCSK cloud security and use certification to make it easier for you to get a job in the field. Hence, we see that everyone new to Cloud Security can choose CCSK, and for all IT professionals who are already working in the field, CCSK is a golden opportunity. You could do much worse than focus on cloud security as your primary direction of career development and enhancement. Willingness to leap mainly depends on meeting reasonable expectations that cloud computing should be safe and secure. Providing the expertise and knowledge to meet those expectations cannot fail to be a great hook on which to suspend the future of IT. === '''Conclusion''' === Having a CSA certification is not a guarantee of employment or job security, but companies prefer certified knowledge that resources possess when they join their company. Seller neutral testimonials tend to make sense because they open up a more inclusive market rather than specific seller markets. But this depends on your condition. People with less experience should start with the basic certification and obtain other, more advanced, and specific degrees. Eligible candidates can seek specialization as their expertise can help them add more value to cloud security.elp them add more value to cloud security.)
  • What is The Fees of Nikahnama Registration in Pakistan  + (== '''Navigating Nikahnama Registration in== '''Navigating Nikahnama Registration in Pakistan''' == ==== '''Nikahnama Registration in Pakistan:''' ==== The Nikahnama, or marriage contract, holds significant importance in Pakistani culture and legal system. It serves as the official document recording the terms and conditions of a marriage. [ '''Nikahnama registration in Pakistan'''] is a crucial step in formalizing a marriage and ensuring its legal recognition. === '''Navigating Nikahnama Registration:''' === The process of Nikahnama registration in Pakistan involves several steps: # '''Consultation with Legal Counsel:''' Couples often seek guidance from legal experts to understand the legal requirements and procedures for Nikahnama registration. This step ensures that they are well-informed and prepared for the process ahead. # '''Preparation of Nikahnama:''' The Nikahnama is prepared either by the parties themselves or with the assistance of a religious scholar or legal expert. It includes details such as the names of the spouses, their consent to marriage, and any agreed-upon terms and conditions. # '''Appointment at the Union Council:''' The completed Nikahnama is submitted to the local Union Council for registration. Both spouses, along with witnesses, must be present during the appointment. The Union Council verifies the details and registers the marriage accordingly. # '''Issuance of Marriage Certificate:''' After successful registration, the Union Council issues a marriage certificate, officially recognizing the marriage. This certificate serves as proof of the marital union and is essential for various legal and administrative purposes. === '''Court Marriage in Pakistan:''' === For couples seeking a legally recognized union without elaborate ceremonies, [ '''court marriage in Pakistan'''] provides a straightforward option. This process involves appearing before a magistrate with witnesses and necessary documentation to solemnize the marriage. The court ensures that all legal formalities are met, and issues a marriage certificate upon completion of the process. === '''Importance of Nikahnama Registration:''' === Nikahnama registration in Pakistan holds legal significance, as it establishes the marital status of the spouses under the law. A registered Nikahnama provides legal protection and rights to both parties in case of any disputes or issues arising in the future. ==== '''Online Marriage in Pakistan:''' ==== In recent years, online marriage in Pakistan has emerged as a convenient option for couples. This method allows couples to complete the marriage process remotely, without the need for physical presence at a court or Union Council. [ '''Online marriage in Pakistan'''] follows similar legal procedures as traditional marriages but offers added convenience and accessibility. === '''Conclusion:''' === Navigating Nikahnama registration in Pakistan is essential for couples wishing to formalize their marital union. Whether opting for court marriage or exploring online marriage options, understanding the legal requirements and procedures ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience. Nikahnama registration not only provides legal recognition to the marriage but also establishes the rights and responsibilities of the spouses under the law.onsibilities of the spouses under the law.)
  • Cisco 500-701 PDF Exam Questions - Valid 500-701 PDF Questions For Prep  + (== Looking for a appropriate job? Then def== Looking for a appropriate job? Then definitely go for Cisco 500-701 Exam == Candidates searching for a job within the field of Systems Engineer must choose the '''[ Cisco 500-701 exam]'''. The 500-701 exam is amongst the major trending exams these days. If you are finding failed in getting a handsome job, then the time has come for you personally to take the Cisco 500-701 new questions. Cisco Video Infrastructure Design certified pros in your resume will catch the eyeball of the recruiters and surely you'll be provided preference more than the other candidates. Cisco Video Infrastructure Design exam assists you advance in your Systems Engineer profession to an extent for the long-term. New 500-701 test questions with verified answers that have been provided by the Cisco is often a vital certification exam in such a way that it doesn't bound to a specific technologies, by acing the Cisco 500-701 exam questions you’ll have the ability to study new factors. Your problem-solving ability will likely be improved together with the help of Systems Engineer Cisco 500-701 test dumps. == Passing Cisco Video Infrastructure Design Exam Dumps Questions is among the Hectic Jobs == About now in case you had created up your mind of taking the Systems Engineer 500-701 PDF Dumps then pardon me, passing the 500-701 test is one of the hectic jobs. Initially, you’ll must make a full determination of going by means of the Cisco 500-701 new questions. Then by far the most crucial step you'll want to do is look for the latest Systems Engineer 500-701 dumps. Valid and updated 500-701 dumps pdf is very important in advancing your career as an Cisco Video Infrastructure Design certified experienced. The question right here is “where to have the most recent 500 701 exam dumps?” for this, you do not need to be concerned as CertsQuestions is here to help you. == Get most current Cisco 500-701 Dumps with CertsQuestions == CertsQuestions gives you the newest and valid 500-701 dumps pdf that include 500-701 practice tests. The Business professionals have verified these 500-701 exam dumps. 500 701 practice test is really a customizable practice test application that may be obtained in desktop and mobile versions. '''[ Systems Engineer]''' 500-701 practice test also can be utilized as a self-assessment tool for the preparation with the Cisco Video Infrastructure Design pdf exam questions. Cisco 500-701 practice test gives you the feeling from the true 500-701 exam. Cisco 500-701 exam dumps also can be obtained within the PDF dumps. 500-701 exam dumps questions would be the most updated supply of preparation for the 500-701 new questions. == Do not forget to check the testimonials of Cisco 500-701 Dumps == For now, when you had made up your thoughts of taking the Cisco 500-701 dumps then it is actually to be advised to verify the 500-701 testimonials. In 500 701 testimonials CertsQuestions valuable customers had provided their sincere review about the 500-701 dumps. You can also get the 100% passing guarantee with the Systems Engineer 500-701 exam dumps. You may also get the 24/7 consumer care service with all the 500-701 pdf dumps, have any question? Get in touch with our Systems Engineer specialist group and get your trouble solved. In brief get Our Cisco 500-701 pdf exam dumps questions and grow to be Cisco Video Infrastructure Design certified inside the first attempt.Design certified inside the first attempt.)
  • Dive into Knowledge: 500-710 Exam Dumps Guide  + (== Seeking a suitable job? Then definitely== Seeking a suitable job? Then definitely opt for Cisco 500-710 Exam == Candidates in search of a job inside the field of Cisco Specialist ought to opt for the '''[ Cisco 500-710 exam]'''. The Field Engineer VII 500-710 exam is amongst the top trending exams today. When you are getting failed in acquiring a handsome job, then the time has come for you personally to take the Cisco 500-710 new questions. Video Infrastructure Implementation certified pros on your resume will catch the eyeball with the recruiters and certainly you'll be given preference over the other candidates. Video Infrastructure Implementation exam assists you advance in your Cisco Specialist profession to an extent for the long term. New 500-710 test questions with verified answers that have been supplied by the Cisco is usually a crucial certification exam in such a way that it doesn't bound to a specific technologies, by acing the Cisco 500-710 exam questions you will have the ability to understand new things. Your problem-solving capability will probably be enhanced together with the support of Cisco Specialist Cisco 500-710 test dumps. == Passing Video Infrastructure Implementation Exam Dumps Questions is amongst the Hectic Jobs == About now for those who had created up your mind of taking the Cisco Specialist 500-710 PDF Dumps then pardon me, passing the 500-710 test is among the hectic jobs. Initially, you’ll have to make a full determination of going by means of the Cisco 500-710 new questions. Then probably the most important step you need to do is appear for the most recent Cisco Specialist 500-710 dumps. Valid and updated 500-710 dumps pdf is important in advancing your profession as an Video Infrastructure Implementation certified specialist. The question right here is “where to acquire the newest 500 710 exam dumps?” for this, you do not must be concerned as CertsQuestions is right here to aid you. == Get newest Cisco 500-710 Dumps with CertsQuestions == CertsQuestions presents you the most recent and valid 500-710 dumps pdf that include 500-710 practice tests. The Market professionals have verified these 500-710 exam dumps. 500 710 practice test is a customizable practice test software program that can be obtained in desktop and mobile versions. '''[ Cisco Specialist]''' 500-710 practice test can also be utilized as a self-assessment tool for the preparation on the Video Infrastructure Implementation pdf exam questions. Cisco 500-710 practice test gives you the feeling of your real 500-710 exam. Cisco 500-710 exam dumps can also be obtained in the PDF dumps. 500-710 exam dumps questions are the most updated source of preparation for the 500-710 new questions. == Don’t forget to check the testimonials of Cisco 500-710 Dumps == For now, for those who had made up your mind of taking the Cisco 500-710 dumps then it truly is to become advised to verify the 500-710 testimonials. In 500 710 testimonials CertsQuestions valuable clients had offered their sincere overview regarding the 500-710 dumps. You may also get the 100% passing guarantee with all the Cisco Specialist 500-710 exam dumps. You may also get the 24/7 consumer care service together with the 500-710 pdf dumps, have any question? Get in touch with our Cisco Specialist expert team and get your challenge solved. In brief get Our Cisco 500-710 pdf exam dumps questions and grow to be Video Infrastructure Implementation certified in the very first attempt.ation certified in the very first attempt.)
  • What is Gua Sha Therapy  + (=What is Gua Sha Therapy? [A Simple Guide]=What is Gua Sha Therapy? [A Simple Guide]= In traditional Chinese Medicine, beauty is found in health. The skin should be smooth and glossy, the eyes bright and full of life. When a person has a certain glow or blooming look, they are said to have good qi – their qi is flowing smoothly, healthily. The same principle applies to facial skin – smooth skin is a sign of wellness. The secret to achieving this in Chinese Medicine is in the use of gua sha , or in modern terms-Gua Sha Therapy. Gua Sha is an ancient technique that helps to minimize the appearance of blemishes and smooth fine lines.It uses gentle pressure to massage the skin, promote blood flow and lymph drainage. It takes advantage of the body's natural healing ability by concentrating blood flow to the skin and helps to remove toxins from the pores. After a treatment your skin will look healthier and feel softer. Learn the Gua Sha technique in this guide, you dont need to go to spa treatment, you can do Gua Sha at home and save a lot of money. No need to search the internet for "[ Gua Sha therapy near me]" to spend so much wronged money. This is the most effective method for treating increased amounts of toxins in your body, and it's better than any spa treatment you can buy. Continued use of the technique helps to detoxify your body, and deliver nutrients to muscles and skin cells faster than normal. You will see results very soon. You honestly won't believe how much better you feel after only a few minutes! How to Gua Sha? The first thing you need to know about Gua Sha treatment is that simply rubbing the skin vigorously with a smooth, rounded object such as a bowl, the back of a spoon or an egg, will not work. Massaging can be used to stimulate the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid in the affected tissue. It also works on any other part of your body that's sore or tense. Guasha is used for massage on face and all parts of the body to promote blood circulation and healthy tissue, while also easing muscle aches and pains, improving lymphatic drainage, and relieving stress.
    hatic drainage, and relieving stress.<br/>)
  • Temperature Control Neo Pixels with Arduino Nano  + (A NeoPixel ring controlled by a DHT11 sensA NeoPixel ring controlled by a DHT11 sensor and an Arduino Nano can be a fascinating project that combines temperature sensing with visual feedback. This article will guide you through the process of building such a system. === Materials Needed === * Arduino Nano * DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor * Neo Pixel Ring * Jumper Wiresity Sensor * Neo Pixel Ring * Jumper Wires)
  • M5Stick C Captive Portal  + (A Wi-Fi honeypot is a fake wireless networA Wi-Fi honeypot is a fake wireless network that is set up to lure unsuspecting users and collect their data or infect their devices with malware. It is a common technique used by hackers and cybercriminals to exploit the public’s demand for free Wi-Fi access. In this tutorial, will guide you to build a Wi-Fi honeypot with M5Stick C. to build a Wi-Fi honeypot with M5Stick C.)
  • Lithophanie 3D  + (A la base,une '''lithophanie''' est une œuvre gravée ou moulée en porcelaine très fine et translucide qui ne peut être vue clairement que rétroéclairée par une source de lumière. Nous allons reproduire ce type de gravure grâce à l'impression 3D.)
  • Bentolux jeux de bille  + (A la fin de ce wiki-fab vous aurez en mainA la fin de ce wiki-fab vous aurez en main toutes les informations nécessaires à la construction de ce jeu de bille. La lecture du schéma de construction s'effectue en 9 étapes. Toutes les instructions sont notées sur la première image, les suivantes seront une modélisation 3D du résultat attendu à la suite des explications de chaque étape. Ainsi vous pourrez vous aider d'un support écrit et visuel pour vous rapprocher le plus possible du résultat attendu voire l'améliorer.
    résultat attendu voire l'améliorer. <br/>)
  • Conception Mécanique Assistée par Ordinateur (CMAO)  + (Afin de dimensionner correctement chaque éAfin de dimensionner correctement chaque élément d'un système, de visualiser chaque détail, chaque interaction entre les pièces d'un assemblage, de définir exhaustivement les caractéristiques d'un ensemble, il peut être nécessaire de générer une maquette numérique en [[3D]] à partir d'un logiciel de CMAO. La plupart de ces logiciels sont composés d’ateliers : * Un atelier d’esquisse qui permet de dessiner en 2D pour modéliser un profil, un contour. * Un atelier de pièce qui s’appuie sur les esquisses modélisées précédemment pour créer un volume, une cavité, une révolution. * Un atelier d’assemblage qui relie plusieurs pièces par des contraintes cinématiques. * Les logiciels les plus poussés permettent des études de simulations (Résistance Des Matériaux (RDM), mécanique des fluides, etc.) afin de valider les précédents choix de conception. * Et enfin, un atelier de mise en plans permet de générer des plans 2D à partir des 3D (pièce ou assemblage) générés précédemment afin de définir précisément chaque dimension des pièces, leur tolérance et tout autre indication nécessaire à la réalisation de la pièce.n nécessaire à la réalisation de la pièce.)
  • Clamps serrage rapide pour fraiseuse à commande numérique  + (Afin de gagner du temps lors de la fabrication en série sur une fraiseuse à commande numérique, il est intéressant d'avoir un système de serrage rapide permettant de maintenir en position le brut. Nous nous sommes inspirés de la vidéo ci-dessous.)
  • Martyr pour fraiseuse à commande numérique  + (Afin de pouvoir mettre en place un système de clamps à serrage rapide sur notre fraiseuse à commande numérique, ce martyr a été usiné sur mesure à la CNC.)
  • 8 Trendy Hair Colours for Summer 2021  + (After the dark colours of winter and fall,After the dark colours of winter and fall, it's time to step out of the cold hues and try your hands on bright, summer-ready shades. With the global pandemic finally subsiding, this summer will be extra special. So to get yourself ready for a fun and exciting summer, check out these trending hair colours for this summer. If you are looking to [ '''buy hair styling products Perth'''], [ Contact Hair Services] is your ultimate destination. Made in Italy hair colouring products in Perth, quick delivery, and flawless customer service will make your journey to the perfect hair colour of summer a smooth ride. [ '''Buy vibrant hair colouring products Perth'''] now!
    == Trending Hair Colours for summer == Here are the top 8 hair colours you need to rock in summer 2021:
    === 1. Soft Blond === Summer hair colours are not complete without mentioning blond shades. But, instead of a flashy blonde, go for a soft blond this summer. This shade has a slight platinum tinge to it and goes well with light skin. On your salon visit, ask for a warm, platinum blonde to get this shade. Also, make sure you instruct your stylist not to make it look too faded. The colour should be considerably warm without seeming too flashy.
    === 2. Mix & Match Shades === If one shade sounds too boring for a fun summer, experiment with the colours and opt for a dual shade. One of the current summer trends for dual shade is to blend platinum blonde roots into brown strands. You are free to choose the length you want to allot to each shade. Since Australia experiences humid summers, you will probably prefer to avoid curls, especially if you have loose curls.
    === 3. Soft Ombre === If you are looking for a chic hair colour change that makes you stand out without forcing your hair through a significant makeover, then a soft ombre is great. The smooth transition will give your hair a dreamy appeal. Since the sunlight in summers is already too bright, soft hair colour will suit you better. Soft ombre is perfect for brunettes too. They can enjoy a warm hair colour without going all blonde.
    === 4. Blush Pink === The pandemic suddenly pushed the popularity of pink hair dyes to a whole new level. With workplaces opening back, you can still enjoy pink hair without standing out like a college rockstar. Instead of a full-fledged, dark pink dye, opt for a blush shade. The colour can slightly vary from rose to coral, but the aim is to create a subtle hint of pink throughout your tresses. This colour will look best on blonde hair. If you want to try pink dye on brown hair, you should try getting pink baby lights.
    === 5. Classy Golden Locks === If you want to enjoy a classic summer hair colour, golden blonde will always be the number choice. Opt for bright golden blonde tresses that match the golden hue of sunlight in summers. You can also jazz it up a little by mixing it with dark roots that smoothly transitions into the bright and warm golden locks. Style your freshly dyed golden locks into loose beach waves to turn on the carefree summer vibe a notch high.
    === 6. Dazzling Copper === If you are planning to turn a few heads as you walk down the streets, you need to stand out from the countless blondes with a bright and dazzling copper hairstyle. Reds have been trending for quite some time now, and each variation and shade of red will be a huge hit in 2021. It looks good on every skin tone that has a yellow undertone. You can also get your hair glazed post dye to retain the colour longer. After all, shades of red are known to fade away quickly.
    === 7. Warm Babylights for Curls === Dying curls is quite a challenge. Since each of the curl strands exists in clumps, transitioning the shades across the entire length is difficult, Hence if you want to jazz up your voluminous curls without being too obvious about it, then go for warm tone babylights. This includes variations of blondes, copper and even platinum. These shades will add a new dimension to your hairstyle without blurring the natural texture of curls.
    ades will add a new dimension to your hairstyle without blurring the natural texture of curls.)
  • Distributeur de croquette chat arduino  + (Attention ceci est un projet purement personnelle il faudra légèrement modifier certain fichier 3D pour l'adapteur a vôtres matériels.)
  • Minion  + (Au [[Group:FAB14|FAB14 Fablab Festival]]Au [[Group:FAB14|FAB14 Fablab Festival]] à Toulouse nous avons animé un atelier de construction de Minions en 3D à partir de planches de carton prédécoupées sur notre découpeuse laser. Sacré voyage pour les apporter depuis notre [[Group:Fablab Leuven|FabLab de Leuven]], au nord de Bruxelles en Belgique flamande !Fablab Leuven|FabLab de Leuven]], au nord de Bruxelles en Belgique flamande !)
  • Minion  + (Au [[Group:FAB14|FAB14 Fablab Festival]]Au [[Group:FAB14|FAB14 Fablab Festival]] à Toulouse nous avons animé un atelier de construction de Minions en 3D à partir de planches de carton prédécoupées sur notre découpeuse laser. Sacré voyage pour les apporter depuis notre [[Group:Fablab Leuven|FabLab de Leuven]], au nord de Bruxelles en Belgique flamande !Fablab Leuven|FabLab de Leuven]], au nord de Bruxelles en Belgique flamande !)
  • Jerry DIT : ordinateur fabriqué avec des composants de réemploi  + (Au delà de l’objet, Jerry DIT est une assoAu delà de l’objet, Jerry DIT est une association qui rassemble une communauté d’auteurs / utilisateurs, le JerryClan. Le JerryClan permet à toutes sortes de publics de découvrir le fonctionnement d’un ordinateur, et anime la construction collaborative des Jerrys. Travailler à plusieurs permet d’apporter une réponse aux questions trop complexes à traiter seul. C’est en se basant sur les principes du Peer2Peer, que la communauté grandit, apprend et partage pour améliorer en continu Jerry et son processus de conception.tinu Jerry et son processus de conception.)
  • Jerry DIT : ordinateur fabriqué avec des composants de réemploi  + (Au delà de l’objet, Jerry DIT est une assoAu delà de l’objet, Jerry DIT est une association qui rassemble une communauté d’auteurs / utilisateurs, le JerryClan. Le JerryClan permet à toutes sortes de publics de découvrir le fonctionnement d’un ordinateur, et anime la construction collaborative des Jerrys. Travailler à plusieurs permet d’apporter une réponse aux questions trop complexes à traiter seul. C’est en se basant sur les principes du Peer2Peer, que la communauté grandit, apprend et partage pour améliorer en continu Jerry et son processus de conception.tinu Jerry et son processus de conception.)
  • Eolienne à axe vertical (type Darrieus)  + (Baptisée «la Georgette» en hommage à son gBaptisée «la Georgette» en hommage à son génial inventeur, l’ingénieur français Georges Darrieus, qui la breveta en 1931, sa conception sur le principe de l’axe vertical, fait qu’elle est toujours au top ! Grâce à un astucieux système de régulation automatique, elle adopte une rotation à peu près constante quelle que soit la vitesse du vent et de plus, se bloque automatiquement en cas de forte tempête.e automatiquement en cas de forte tempête.)
  • Eolienne à axe vertical (type Darrieus)  + (Baptisée «la Georgette» en hommage à son gBaptisée «la Georgette» en hommage à son génial inventeur, l’ingénieur français Georges Darrieus, qui la breveta en 1931, sa conception sur le principe de l’axe vertical, fait qu’elle est toujours au top ! Grâce à un astucieux système de régulation automatique, elle adopte une rotation à peu près constante quelle que soit la vitesse du vent et de plus, se bloque automatiquement en cas de forte tempête.e automatiquement en cas de forte tempête.)
  • Arduino Uno - arrosage automatique  + (Beaucoup de personnes ont des plantes maisBeaucoup de personnes ont des plantes mais oublie régulièrement des les arroser, ou doivent partir pendant quelque jours mais n'ont personne pour venir les arroser. Ce système va donc permettre d'éviter de retrouver une de vos plante morte après un moment d'absence ou d'oublie. Mon système est composés d'un capteur d'humidité, d'une batterie de smartphone portatif et d'une pompe. Vous pouvez rajouter tous les capteurs que vous avez envie, mon système est juste une base de plusieurs variante. L'ordre de mes étapes ne sont pas subjectifs.rdre de mes étapes ne sont pas subjectifs.)
  • Banc de ponçage  + (Bonjour Je vous présente mon banc de ponçage. Malheureusement je n'ai pas de photo pour chaque étape, mais l'ensemble est plutôt facile. C'est la première fois que je fais ce genre de tutoriel : soyez tolérant et si besoin posez des questions !)
  • Borne arcade manifact  + (Bonjour ! Je vous présente aujourd'hui une création pour le fab lab de saint laurent du maroni : Manifact . Il s'agit d'une borne Arcade)
  • Avion en plexiglas  + (Bonjour, j'ai choisis de faire ce tutorielBonjour, j'ai choisis de faire ce tutoriel car ça me parait facile à faire et à réaliser. Ce projet a été déjà réaliser avant moi par l'association de MANIFACT qui se situe à St Laurent du Maroni (Guyane). Vous pouvez retrouver leur projet sur ce site.w.w
    rouver leur projet sur ce site.w.w <br/>)
  • Wyox Sports  + (Boxing is a sport that demands precision, Boxing is a sport that demands precision, speed, and power. To achieve these attributes, boxers need to engage in rigorous training that hones their skills. Among the various tools and equipment used in boxing training, one stands out as particularly essential: Boxing Focus Pads. These pads play a crucial role in enhancing a boxer's technique, speed, and overall performance. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of Boxing Focus Pads, their benefits, how to choose the right ones, and effective training drills. Let’s get started! == Introduction == Boxing Focus Pads, also known as focus mitts or punch mitts, are handheld pads used by trainers to catch punches from the boxer. They are an integral part of any boxing training regimen, offering a dynamic way to practice punches, combinations, and defensive maneuvers. The trainer wears the pads and calls out combinations for the boxer to throw, providing immediate feedback and the opportunity for correction. This interactive and responsive training tool helps boxers develop their timing, accuracy, and power in a controlled and safe environment. == Benefits of Boxing Focus Pads == === 1. Improving Accuracy and Precision === Boxing Focus Pads are designed to help boxers aim their punches more accurately. The pads provide a small target for the boxer to hit, which trains the boxer to be precise with their strikes. Over time, this accuracy translates to better performance in the ring, where precise punches can make the difference between winning and losing. === 2. Enhancing Speed and Reflexes === Training with Boxing Focus Pads requires quick reactions from both the boxer and the trainer. The fast-paced nature of pad work helps boxers develop their hand speed and improve their reflexes. This increased speed is crucial for both offensive and defensive maneuvers in boxing. === 3. Building Power and Endurance === [ '''Boxing Focus Pads'''] allow boxers to throw full-power punches repeatedly, helping to build their punching power. Additionally, the continuous movement and combinations during pad work sessions enhance cardiovascular endurance, making boxers more resilient and better prepared for the physical demands of a match. == Choosing the Right Boxing Focus Pads == When selecting Boxing Focus Pads, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure you get the most out of your training sessions. Here are some tips to help you choose the right pads: === 1. Material and Durability === The material of the pads plays a significant role in their durability and comfort. Leather pads are generally more durable and offer better padding than synthetic alternatives. Look for pads with high-quality stitching and materials that can withstand repeated impact. === 2. Size and Shape === Boxing Focus Pads come in various sizes and shapes. Smaller pads are more challenging to hit and are great for improving accuracy, while larger pads offer more surface area and can be easier for beginners. Curved pads are designed to catch punches more naturally, reducing the strain on the trainer's wrists. === 3. Padding and Comfort === Adequate padding is essential to protect both the trainer and the boxer. Pads with thick, high-density foam provide better shock absorption, reducing the impact on the trainer’s hands and wrists. Additionally, look for pads with comfortable grips and wrist support to prevent injuries during intense training sessions. One brand that stands out in providing high-quality Boxing Focus Pads is Wyox Sports. Known for their durable and well-designed products, Wyox Sports offers a range of focus pads that cater to both beginners and professional boxers. == Effective Training Drills with Boxing Focus Pads == Incorporating Boxing Focus Pads into your training routine can greatly enhance your skills. Here are a few effective drills to get started: === 1. Basic Combinations === Start with simple combinations such as jab-cross (1-2) or jab-cross-hook (1-2-3). These basic combinations help boxers get used to throwing multiple punches in succession and improve their coordination. === 2. Defensive Maneuvers === Incorporate defensive movements like slips, rolls, and parries between punch combinations. This helps boxers practice their defense while maintaining offensive pressure. === 3. Speed Drills === Focus on speed by having the boxer throw rapid punches with minimal power. Speed drills help improve hand speed and reaction time, making the boxer quicker in the ring. === 4. Power Punches === Have the boxer throw powerful punches at the pads, focusing on technique and full extension. Power drills build strength and improve punching power. === 5. Footwork and Movement === Combine pad work with footwork drills to simulate real fight scenarios. Moving around while throwing punches helps boxers develop their footwork and learn to punch effectively from different angles. == Conclusion == Boxing Focus Pads are an indispensable tool in any boxer’s training arsenal. They offer numerous benefits, from improving accuracy and speed to building power and endurance. When choosing focus pads, consider factors like material, size, and padding to ensure you get the best quality for your training needs. Brands like Wyox Sports provide excellent options for both beginners and seasoned boxers. Incorporating [ '''effective Boxing Focus Pads'''] can significantly enhance your skills and prepare you for the challenges of the ring. Have you used Boxing Focus Pads in your training? What are your favorite drills? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you.omments below! We’d love to hear from you.)
  • Gabarit ruche  + (C'est l'été, mes abeilles sont en forme et je dois ajouter des hausses à mes ruches. Pour éviter d'avoir à mesurer à chaque fois que je découpe mes planches et réalise la feuillure en haut des deux extrémités, j'ai imaginé un gabarit.)
  • Gabarit ruche  + (C'est l'été, mes abeilles sont en forme et je dois ajouter des hausses à mes ruches. Pour éviter d'avoir à mesurer à chaque fois que je découpe mes planches et réalise la feuillure en haut des deux extrémités, j'ai imaginé un gabarit.)
  • Table bar à vin en tubes de cuivre  + (Ce bar à vin est fabriqué à partir de tuyaCe bar à vin est fabriqué à partir de tuyaux en cuivre et d'un carreau de marbre de 30x60 cm. Toutes les pièces ont été achetées en grande surface de bricolage. Ce meuble peut être agencé de différentes façons pour inclure davantage de bouteilles de vin par exemple.avantage de bouteilles de vin par exemple.)
  • Table bar à vin en tubes de cuivre  + (Ce bar à vin est fabriqué à partir de tuyaCe bar à vin est fabriqué à partir de tuyaux en cuivre et d'un carreau de marbre de 30x60 cm. Toutes les pièces ont été achetées en grande surface de bricolage. Ce meuble peut être agencé de différentes façons pour inclure davantage de bouteilles de vin par exemple.avantage de bouteilles de vin par exemple.)
  • Buste à facettes Lopoli  + (Ce buste est réalisé à partir d'un modèle Ce buste est réalisé à partir d'un modèle réalisé par un logiciel libre de création de personnage de jeux vidéo. Il s'agit d'u objet de décoration, d'une sculpture, qui peut aussi servir à exposer des vêtements ou des bijoux. Toutes les étapes de la modélisation et de la fabrication utilisent des logiciels libres. Un logiciel maison permet de faire la mise en plan et d'obtenir un puzzle en trois dimensions partir du fichier 3D.en trois dimensions partir du fichier 3D.)
  • Buste à facettes Lopoli  + (Ce buste est réalisé à partir d'un modèle Ce buste est réalisé à partir d'un modèle réalisé par un logiciel libre de création de personnage de jeux vidéo. Il s'agit d'u objet de décoration, d'une sculpture, qui peut aussi servir à exposer des vêtements ou des bijoux. Toutes les étapes de la modélisation et de la fabrication utilisent des logiciels libres. Un logiciel maison permet de faire la mise en plan et d'obtenir un puzzle en trois dimensions partir du fichier 3D.en trois dimensions partir du fichier 3D.)
  • Boîte de sérigraphie mobile  + (Ce kit est prévu pour transporter des cadrCe kit est prévu pour transporter des cadres de sérigraphie format A3, quelques chiffons, les raclettes, ainsi que des pots d'encre d'1kg (format du fournisseur Sebek). La plus grande des boîtes sert de table d'impression tandis que la plus petite peut permettre aux enfants de grimper dessus pour imprimer. '''Matériel''' * Contreplaqué 10mm d'épaisseur * Contreplaqué 15mm d'épaisseur * Vis à tête plâte * Charnières plates * 2 loquets de fermeture * 2 charnières de sérigraphie (les nôtres ont été achetées chez Speedball) '''Outils''' * Scie circulaire + rail * Équerre * Scie à métaux * Ponceuse ou papier de verre + cale à poncer * Tournevis ou visseuse * Vernis * Pinceau* Tournevis ou visseuse * Vernis * Pinceau)
  • Chapeau de marin en denim recyclé  + (Ce projet est réalisable si vous avez une Ce projet est réalisable si vous avez une petite base en couture, ou quelqu'un pour vous épauler, car je considère que l'utilisation d'une machine à coudre est une habileté déjà acquise pour ceux qui lisent ce logiciel. Ce projet est inspiré de plusieurs autres, mais il existe principalement pour encourager le grand publique à fabriquer des objets et à faire du upcycling. Les vieux vêtements sont des ressources qui sont difficilement recyclables, donc je vous encourage à les conserver et à laisser aller votre créativité! Qui aurait cru qu'un projet de recyclage aurait pu être si tendance? :) Le patron de chapeau viens d'une autre passionnée de couture qui a documenté chaque étape de la réalisation de cet accessoire. en cas de difficulté, je vous invite à aller faire un tour sur sa page web.
  • Capteur de CO2 connecté  + (Ce tuto a pour but d'expliquer toute la déCe tuto a pour but d'expliquer toute la démarche qui permet de construire et installer un capteur de CO2 communiquant. Pour rester le plus simple possible, il n'est pas prévu d'afficher les mesures sur le capteur. Les mesures effectuées seront donc envoyées vers une plateforme web sur Internet afin de les traiter. En fonction des possibilités de la plateforme, les données pourront être enregistrées, affichées, agrégées, retraitées ou tout simplement ignorées.s, retraitées ou tout simplement ignorées.)
  • Réalisation d'une pièce en 2D avec la cnc  + (Ce tuto traite de la réalisation d’une pièCe tuto traite de la réalisation d’une pièce en 2D (contournage et poches) à l’aide de la fraiseuse CNC. La procédure est la suivante : nous allons nous procurer (ou concevoir) un fichier .DXF, qui définit les contours de la pièce à réaliser, nous allons ensuite le traiter à l’aide du logiciel Inkscape afin de le rendre utilisable pour la troisième étape, qui est la génération du g-code grâce à l’application en ligne en ligne
  • Réalisation d'une pièce en 2D avec la cnc  + (Ce tuto traite de la réalisation d’une pièCe tuto traite de la réalisation d’une pièce en 2D (contournage et poches) à l’aide de la fraiseuse CNC. La procédure est la suivante : nous allons nous procurer (ou concevoir) un fichier .DXF, qui définit les contours de la pièce à réaliser, nous allons ensuite le traiter à l’aide du logiciel Inkscape afin de le rendre utilisable pour la troisième étape, qui est la génération du g-code grâce à l’application en ligne en ligne
  • Trophée de chasse  + (Ce tutoriel explique comment réaliser un tCe tutoriel explique comment réaliser un trophée "Lapin" en papier. Les 3 feuilles de papier épais en couleur utilisées sont découpées au laser, et les pliages à effectuer en "montagne", en "vallée" sont également marqués. Chaque élément est ensuite collé en suivant les repères fournis.uite collé en suivant les repères fournis.)
  • Trophée de chasse  + (Ce tutoriel explique comment réaliser un tCe tutoriel explique comment réaliser un trophée "Lapin" en papier. Les 3 feuilles de papier épais en couleur utilisées sont découpées au laser, et les pliages à effectuer en "montagne", en "vallée" sont également marqués. Chaque élément est ensuite collé en suivant les repères fournis.uite collé en suivant les repères fournis.)
  • Miroir Arboré  + (Ce tutoriel vous montrera comment réaliserCe tutoriel vous montrera comment réaliser un superbe miroir alliant le verre et le bois. Des feuilles sont gravées sur le miroir, deux masques en forme d'arbre le décore, et un placage masque la tranche. Résumé des étapes : * Découpe du fond et du tour * Découpe du masque inférieur * Optionnel: Placage du masque supérieure * Découpe du masque supérieure * Gravure du miroir * Optionnel: Découpe de la bande périphérique * Assemblage finale la bande périphérique * Assemblage final)
  • Miroir Arboré  + (Ce tutoriel vous montrera comment réaliserCe tutoriel vous montrera comment réaliser un superbe miroir alliant le verre et le bois. Des feuilles sont gravées sur le miroir, deux masques en forme d'arbre le décore, et un placage masque la tranche. Résumé des étapes : * Découpe du fond et du tour * Découpe du masque inférieur * Optionnel: Placage du masque supérieure * Découpe du masque supérieure * Gravure du miroir * Optionnel: Découpe de la bande périphérique * Assemblage finale la bande périphérique * Assemblage final)
  • Thermomètre infrarouge microbit  + (Ceci est une traduction et ré-interprétatiCeci est une traduction et ré-interprétation du thermomètre infrarouge micro:bit développé par [ C-LAB] . Il est documenté sur leur [ git-hub] et partagé en licence libre CC0 domaine publicartagé en licence libre CC0 domaine public)
  • Banc de test  + (Cet appareil permet de tester la charge des cellules 18650. Les cellules venant des batteries d'ordinateur portable peuvent être réutilisées pour de nouveaux projet de batteries.)
  • Planche d'équilibre  + (Cette Planche d'équilibre fonctionne mais Cette Planche d'équilibre fonctionne mais elle est très (très) difficile à utiliser. Même un bon skateboarder a du mal à tenir en équilibre dessus plus de 10 secondes. Chez Mifactori, nous l'utilisons autour d'une table de réunion et la table nous permet de trouver l'équilibre plus facilement. Si vous avez des idées pour la rendre plus stable, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part !able, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part !)
  • Planche d'équilibre  + (Cette Planche d'équilibre fonctionne mais Cette Planche d'équilibre fonctionne mais elle est très (très) difficile à utiliser. Même un bon skateboarder a du mal à tenir en équilibre dessus plus de 10 secondes. Chez Mifactori, nous l'utilisons autour d'une table de réunion et la table nous permet de trouver l'équilibre plus facilement. Si vous avez des idées pour la rendre plus stable, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part !able, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part !)
  • Lampe “Loulou”  + (Cette lampe articulée au style “steampunk” fait la démonstration de ce qu’il est possible de fabriquer au sein d’un fablab équipé en machines d’impression 3D et de découpe laser.)
  • Lampe “Loulou”  + (Cette lampe articulée au style “steampunk” fait la démonstration de ce qu’il est possible de fabriquer au sein d’un fablab équipé en machines d’impression 3D et de découpe laser.)
  • Lampe de bureau en tasseau de bois et en ciment  + (Cette lampe de bureau ou de salon, facile à réaliser, est faite d'un tasseau de bois et de béton. J'aime le côté épuré apporté par les matériaux et le résultat final pour un si petit budget.)
  • Lampe de bureau en tasseau de bois et en ciment  + (Cette lampe de bureau ou de salon, facile à réaliser, est faite d'un tasseau de bois et de béton. J'aime le côté épuré apporté par les matériaux et le résultat final pour un si petit budget.)
  • Colons de Catane  + (Cette version des ''Colons de Catane'' a été réalisée au [[Group:Makers' lab|Makers' lab]] de l'emlyon. Vous pourrez personnaliser votre version à l'aide d'une découpeuse laser, d'une imprimante 3D et d'un peu de créativité !)
  • Colons de Catane  + (Cette version des ''Colons de Catane'' a été réalisée au [[Group:Makers' lab|Makers' lab]] de l'emlyon. Vous pourrez personnaliser votre version à l'aide d'une découpeuse laser, d'une imprimante 3D et d'un peu de créativité !)
  • Batterie Ordinateur Portable Originale  + (Dell 0H754V DXGH8 G8VCF batterie ordinateuDell 0H754V DXGH8 G8VCF batterie ordinateur portable originale 7.6V 6500mAh 52Wh pour PC portable Dell XPS 13-9370, XPS 13 9370 vous permet de prolonger la durée de vie de votre ordinateur pour profiter au maximum de ses performances en toute sécurité. Notre batterie ordinateur portable Dell 0H754V DXGH8 G8VCF est 100% neuf et 100% originale. Ses spécifications répondent en tous points aux normes du constructeur d'origine. Cette Dell 0H754V DXGH8 G8VCF batterie originale est votre premier choix si vous désirez changer une batterie ordinateur portable. [ Consulter plus des infos sur batterie PC portable Dell 0H754V DXGH8 G8VCF]
    C portable Dell 0H754V DXGH8 G8VCF] <br/>)
  • Ice  + (Elegir un Casino En Linea Peru Hay muchasElegir un Casino En Linea Peru Hay muchas razones por las que Perú es uno de los lugares más populares para jugar al casino en línea. La razón principal es que el país cuenta con un gran número de casinos, y la mayoría de ellos ofrecen una amplia variedad de juegos diferentes. Además, en estos prestigiosos establecimientos también podrá disfrutar de grandes promociones y bonos. Al elegir un casino, querrá asegurarse de que el sitio es legal y seguro. Afortunadamente, hay muchos casinos en línea en Perú que tienen licencia y ofrecen excelentes medidas de seguridad para proteger a los jugadores de los estafadores. De hecho, el gobierno ha creado varios organismos reguladores para ayudar a proteger a los jugadores del fraude y el robo de identidad. Antes de elegir un casino, siempre debe leer los términos y condiciones de cada sitio. Esto le ayudará a saber qué tipo de juegos permiten y cuáles son sus restricciones. También debe buscar un sistema de asistencia excelente, así como la opción de chatear con un agente de atención al cliente. Un buen punto de partida es revisar la estructura de bonos del casino. Esto le dará una idea de cuánto dinero puede ganar y cómo maximizar sus posibilidades de ganar a lo grande. También debe comprobar si el casino ofrece tiradas gratuitas y cuál es su apuesta máxima. Otro aspecto importante es si el casino acepta o no tarjetas de crédito. Esto es especialmente útil si está planeando hacer un depósito grande, ya que será más fácil procesar la transacción si puede pagar con su tarjeta de débito en lugar de usar efectivo. También debe fijarse en el grado de seguridad del sitio web y si ofrece una conexión segura. Asegúrese también de que el sitio utiliza encriptación SSL, ya que así evitará que los piratas informáticos accedan a su información y la roben. También es una buena idea comprobar si las opciones bancarias del casino son seguras, ya que así evitará que le roben su dinero. De hecho, algunos de los mejores sitios de ofrecen varios métodos bancarios diferentes para que usted elija, así que asegúrese de compararlos antes de tomar su decisión final. El software del casino también es una consideración muy importante, ya que afectará a su forma de jugar. Un buen casino podrá ofrecerle una experiencia rápida y sin problemas, y también debería tener una buena variedad de juegos. Algunos de los juegos de casino más populares en Perú son las máquinas tragaperras, el keno y el bingo. También puede encontrar video póquer y una gran variedad de juegos de casino, como la ruleta y el blackjack. Además, algunos casinos ofrecen bacará y juegos de mesa en vivo. Hay varios tipos de juegos a los que puede jugar en un casino en línea, y debe tener en cuenta que las reglas pueden diferir de las de su localidad. Esto es especialmente cierto para los que juegan a los juegos con crupier en vivo del casino, ya que pueden resultar muy confusos si no se está acostumbrado a ellos.nfusos si no se está acostumbrado a ellos.)
  • Cours onshape pour grille de hauts parleurs  + (En Janvier 2020 j'ai donné un cours de 3D En Janvier 2020 j'ai donné un cours de 3D à 7 collégiens pour qu'ils réalisent les grilles qui iront sur les hauts parleurs fabriqués en cours de travaux manuels. Ils sont d'abord venus une première fois visiter le fablab, voir l'imprimante 3D et la découpe laser. Ils se sont ensuite mis à dessiner des idées de grilles qu'ils souhaitaient réaliser. Avant de se retrouver la semaine suivante pour commencer le cours de 3D ils ont pris les mesures de leurs haut parleur et se sont créé un compte Onshape-education. Nous avons donc passer deux séances d'1h30 à modéliser les grilles pour arriver au résultat présenté ci-dessous.
    er au résultat présenté ci-dessous. <br/>)
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 9 - Calibrar desfase de las boquillas para Dual  + (En este tutorial vamos a calibrar el desfaEn este tutorial vamos a calibrar el desfase entre las boquillas en los ejes X e Y de nuestra impresora P3Steel Dual. Pieza para calibrar desfases entre boquillas (descargada de thingiverse, editada por nosotros) : Thingiverse (original): [] Archivos stl editados/Edited stl files: Gcode (ABS, nozzle 0.4mm): Gcode (PLA, nozzle 0.4mm): (códigos recomendados sólo para nuestra impresora dual/gcodes only recommended for our Dual 3D printer) []]
  • Montaje de P3steel por HTA3D - Tutorial 9 - Calibrar desfase de las boquillas para Dual  + (En este tutorial vamos a calibrar el desfaEn este tutorial vamos a calibrar el desfase entre las boquillas en los ejes X e Y de nuestra impresora P3Steel Dual. Pieza para calibrar desfases entre boquillas (descargada de thingiverse, editada por nosotros) : Thingiverse (original): [] Archivos stl editados/Edited stl files: Gcode (ABS, nozzle 0.4mm): Gcode (PLA, nozzle 0.4mm): (códigos recomendados sólo para nuestra impresora dual/gcodes only recommended for our Dual 3D printer) []]
  • Grown your own fabric with bacteria  + (FAQ, we have the answers! • Which tea shoFAQ, we have the answers! • Which tea should I use? Green, black, red, white, rainbow, flavoured or not, any tea you like. • What is “The Starter”? It’s the liquid of culture in which you grow your Scoby. When you start a new culture you can add some starter in your new liquid of culture to grow your Scoby faster. • The Scoby produces gas? It’s a sign of a good fermentation! If you leave the bubbles your Baby Scoby will be deformed when growing. Don’t forget to gently spread the baby. • What is the best temperature to cultivate? The ideal temperature is 25°C. Under this temperature the growth will be a bit slower. Avoid a temperature under 17°C, it will take too long. • What is the best drying temperature? The ideal temperature is 25°C. Under this temperature, drying will be slower. A good ventilation is the second condition to an effective drying. • Should we grow under sterile conditions? Not necessarily, but you should wash your hands and all tools before you start. • What size should the culture tank be? A container sized 17x20x6 minimum depth for a 220 cl preparation....Suzanne Lee said it! Under bed plastic trays (56 x 77 x 17 cm) are ideal for 8 to 10 liter preparations. • Is culture feels? This is a fermentation process. A faint smell of vinegar emerges, after all depends on the sensitivity of each! Find more informations about Open BioFabrics and the biotextiles, on [ Facebook ] [ Instagram ] [ Twitter ] [ Github ] To see clothes from SCOBY: type "scoby clothing" in image search engine.e "scoby clothing" in image search engine.)
  • Boite à bijoux  + (Fabrication d'une petite boite en bois pour y ranger bijoux ou petits objets, en matériaux de récupération essentiellement. Selon ce que vous possédez ou avez à disposition, elle peux vous coûter entre 0 et 10€!)
  • Table à manger en bois  + (Fabrication d'une table à manger pour 6 peFabrication d'une table à manger pour 6 personnes en bois local : plateau en gonfolo, structure en angélique, pied en bois cathédrale. Matériel nécessaires : - 2 planche de gonfolo 300*20*2cm non raboté : 16€ - chute de chevron en angélique : gratuit à la scierie. Il faut 2x150cm, 2x80cm et 2x70cm. J'ai pris des chutes de 7-8cm de large que j'ai couper en deux à la scie sur table pour doubler leur nombre - 4 petites planches de 20*20cm : gratuit à la scierie (chute) - pied en bois cathédrale : trouvé en forêt déjà à terre (vieux chablis). 3m en tout nécessaire - consommable : * Vis : plusieurs longueurs nécessaire selon vos besoins et l'épaisseur de vos bois. Il faut compter 66 vis en tout dont 12 de grande taille pour les pieds. Comptez 20€ maximum. * Rondelle : 5€ maximum * Forêt, embout de visseuse, lame de rabot... : 10€ * Disque à poncer (40, 80, 120, 240) : 5€ * Vernis satin chêne foncé pour mobilier : 14€ le pot (mais pas besoin de tout le bois donc réutilisable pour autre chose) + pinceaux (2€) Outils (disponible au FABLAB) : - scie égoine - scie circulaire - scie sur table - scie sauteuse - ponceuse excentrique - défonceuse - rabot - perceuse/visseuse - mètre - équerre de menuisier et crayon gris - tasseau et serre joint
    ayon gris - tasseau et serre joint <br/>)
  • Ventilateur USB  + (Faire-Savoir est un projet porté par [[Utilisateur:Faire-Savoir|Tom]],Faire-Savoir est un projet porté par [[Utilisateur:Faire-Savoir|Tom]], designer de produits. Tout a commencé par une question : Peut-on concevoir des objets qui permettent aux utilisateurs de comprendre et de pouvoir agir sur ceux-ci? Pourquoi ? La raison est diverse. Réparer, personnaliser, simplement comprendre ou bien détourner pour un autre usage. La proposition : concevoir des objets qui laissent voir la technique et la conception de produits. Qui la racontent. Les récits prennent la forme d'exploration convoquant autant des savoirs technique que des recettes de cuisine ou des histoires. La démarche : Concevoir un bon produit, fonctionnel, durable, accessible, compréhensible. À long terme : Formuler une gamme d'électroménager pertinente à un niveau industriel.ménager pertinente à un niveau industriel.)
  • Ventilateur USB  + (Faire-Savoir est un projet porté par [[Utilisateur:Faire-Savoir|Tom]],Faire-Savoir est un projet porté par [[Utilisateur:Faire-Savoir|Tom]], designer de produits. Tout a commencé par une question : Peut-on concevoir des objets qui permettent aux utilisateurs de comprendre et de pouvoir agir sur ceux-ci? Pourquoi ? La raison est diverse. Réparer, personnaliser, simplement comprendre ou bien détourner pour un autre usage. La proposition : concevoir des objets qui laissent voir la technique et la conception de produits. Qui la racontent. Les récits prennent la forme d'exploration convoquant autant des savoirs technique que des recettes de cuisine ou des histoires. La démarche : Concevoir un bon produit, fonctionnel, durable, accessible, compréhensible. À long terme : Formuler une gamme d'électroménager pertinente à un niveau industriel.ménager pertinente à un niveau industriel.)
  • Générateur - Cadran solaire vertical meridionnal  + (Habitants de communes situées sur le méridHabitants de communes situées sur le méridien de Greenwich (Argentan, Urou-et-Crennes, Say, Villers-sur-Mer, Hiersac, Parnay ...) vous pouvez dés maintenant bénéficiez d'un générateur de tracé de cadran solaire vertical, méridien orienté plein sud (si ce n'est pas le cas, un calage horizontal peut être pratiqué). Vous pouvez programmer ce dessin selon votre latitude. Ce projet a été initié et réalisé par Michel, accompagné par l'équipe du Fablab d'Argentan. Vous pouvez relever les coordonnées des extrémités des heures (et demi-heures) sur le tracé. Le fichier généré peut être exploité sur une découpeuse laser mais peut aussi être reproduit sur un support de votre choix (pierre, ardoise etc...). Le style doit être perpendiculaire au plan du cadran. Son angle doit être celui indiqué sur le plan du cadran (90° - latitude). Il pourra être matérialisé par une plaque métallique ou une tige d'acier.
    e métallique ou une tige d'acier. <br/>)
  • Horloge  + (Horloge bois luminaire, contemporaine par Horloge bois luminaire, contemporaine par ses formes et rustique par ses matériaux. Il y a trois intensités de lumière puisque l'on peut débrancher une à une les bandes lumineuses afin d'obtenir une lumière tamisée, douce ou plus soutenue offrant trois ambiances différentes. Elle est composée de 9 couches (bois et plexiglas). Les couches de plexiglas gravées sont mises en valeur dés que les LEDS sont allumées. Proposition ici du thème sur l'astral, les fichiers vous permettront de graver à votre guise le thème de votre choix. Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point ! Plus d'excuses., il faut partir à point ! Plus d'excuses.)
  • Horloge  + (Horloge bois luminaire, contemporaine par Horloge bois luminaire, contemporaine par ses formes et rustique par ses matériaux. Il y a trois intensités de lumière puisque l'on peut débrancher une à une les bandes lumineuses afin d'obtenir une lumière tamisée, douce ou plus soutenue offrant trois ambiances différentes. Elle est composée de 9 couches (bois et plexiglas). Les couches de plexiglas gravées sont mises en valeur dés que les LEDS sont allumées. Proposition ici du thème sur l'astral, les fichiers vous permettront de graver à votre guise le thème de votre choix. Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point ! Plus d'excuses., il faut partir à point ! Plus d'excuses.)
  • Neo Pixels Ring with Arduino Nano  + (If you are looking for a way to add some cIf you are looking for a way to add some colorful and dynamic lighting effects to your Arduino projects, you might want to try using neo-pixel rings. Neo-pixel rings are circular arrays of RGB LEDs that can be controlled individually by a single data line. They are easy to use and can create amazing patterns and animations with Arduino code. In this article, I will show you how to integrate a pixel ring with Arduino Nano, a small and cheap microcontroller board that can be programmed to interact with various sensors and devices. You will learn how to wire the neo-pixel ring to the Arduino Nano, how to install and use the Adafruit Neo Pixel library, and how to code some basic lighting effects using the neo-pixel ring. By the end of this article, you can create your custom lighting effects using a neo-pixel ring and Arduino Nano. You will also be able to modify and customize the code according to your preferences and needs. Let’s get started! preferences and needs. Let’s get started!)
  • 1Z0-1069-24 Exam Dumps The Ultimate Help Guide Pass Exam  + (If you are preparing to take the 1Z0 1069 If you are preparing to take the 1Z0 1069 exam questions but are worried concerning the preparation in the certificate. Get the [ '''Authentic 1Z0-1069-24 Exam Dumps'''] and make your preparation advance for the Oracle Recruiting Cloud 2024 Implementation Professional exam. Oracle 1Z0-1069-24 pdf dumps provided to you in PDF format by OracleDumpsFree. with correct learning so it is possible to easily achieve each of the specifications in the passing 1Z0-1069-24 exam with all the help from the specialists. Further, you get the constant updates cost-free of expense and easily attain the 100% marks in the Oracle Recruiting Cloud 2024 Implementation Professional exam at the same time. The Oracle 1Z0-1069-24 dumps pdf questions are an extremely reputable technique to prepare and pass the Oracle Recruiting Cloud 2024 Implementation Professional certification exam inside the 1st attempt. == '''Authentic 1Z0-1069-24 Exam Dumps - Substantial Prep Material For Certification Exam''' == We present the latest info on the real 1Z0-1069-24 exam dumps and receive excellent updates without paying any extra price. The offered 1Z0-1069-24 pdf dumps are correct and substantial for the preparation of Oracle Recruiting Cloud 2024 Implementation Professional exam. So you can receive the top leads to your certification. That's an incredibly accurate path of preparation you can effortlessly prepare by deciding on the 1Z0-1069-24 dumps pdf questions and enhancing your knowledge. Your self-evolution might be doable by means of the Oracle 1Z0-1069-24 certification dumps and practice your certification by taking the exam questions that are successfully offered you the latest updates and quickest preparation. Lastly, you may have the top source authentic 1Z0-1069-24 exam dumps to become a prosperous certified individual within a really short time with as much as 90% plus remarks. == '''Take A Great Deal of Facilities By Taking 1Z0 1069 Dumps PDF Questions''' == Oracle 1Z0-1069-24 dumps pdf questions are developed by the highly seasoned authorized and developed by means of the analytical process. So you may easily proceed with your information of Oracle Recruiting Cloud 2024 Implementation Professional exam questions and prepare well by taking all these authorized queries and escalating your info. We try our ideal to facilitate our customers and get efficient preparation by taking the original 1Z0-1069-24 exam dumps and using it comfortably anywhere on your smartphones too as your PCs. Our experts attempt to boost the worth with the preparation material and make the most effective top quality Oracle 1Z0 1069 pdf dumps so the candidates get prepared effectively. '''Download Free Demo: ''''''' == '''Receive a High Accomplishment Score with 1Z0-1069-24 PDF Dumps''' == Use the Oracle 1Z0 1069 pdf dumps and pass your Oracle Recruiting Cloud 2024 Implementation Professional exam questions in the very first try. This is the charming chance to develop into a successor so concerned together with the authorities resolving any kind of issue and obtaining their help 24/7 hour on the dumps pdf questions. Acquire the latest Oracle Recruiting Cloud exam preparation material from OracleDumpsFree and get the discount gives which are offered to you in the bundle pack acquire. Smoothly prepare and pass the 1Z0 1069 exam together with your busy life and effectively increase your profession. Further, OracleDumpsFree offers a guaranteed refund policy so it is possible to buy actual 1Z0-1069-24 exam dumps devoid of any doubt.Z0-1069-24 exam dumps devoid of any doubt.)
  • Utiliser un bouton poussoir avec un Arduino  + (Il existe 2 types de boutons : * Les interIl existe 2 types de boutons : * Les interrupteurs qui maintiennent leur état. C’est-à-dire que l’on est pas obligé d’appuyer dessus pour qu’il reste ON ou OFF. * Les boutons poussoirs qui reviennent automatiquement à leur état de base si l’on arrête d’appuyer dessus.t de base si l’on arrête d’appuyer dessus.)