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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « Send DHT22 temperature and humidity values to a google sheet through ESP32 and Webhooks ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 49 résultats à partir du n°1.

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Liste de résultats

    • ESP32 DHT22 IFTTT  + (Send DHT22 temperature and humidity values to a google sheet through ESP32 and Webhooks)
    • ZipStich Chair with plywood pieces and zip ties  + (2 chairs out of a single 4’ by 8’ sheet of plywood.)
    • ZipStich Chair with plywood pieces and zip ties  + (2 chairs out of a single 4’ by 8’ sheet of plywood.)
    • CCD-or CMOS-lab-on-a-chip based on discrete converters of different physical and chemical parameters of samples into the optical signals with positional sensitivity for morphometry of non-optical patterns  + (A novel ultra-compact analytical system foA novel ultra-compact analytical system for simultaneous analysis of a variety of physical and chemical parameters of different biological samples (medical or veterinary analytes, food, soil microbiota, hydrobiological water probes etc.) both in the field and laboratory conditions has been developed on the basis of a single multiparametric microchip with a set of replaceable cartridges / converters, which allows to perform a complex diagnostic procedure of the analyte. The prototypes of automatic microfluidic devices for multiparametric mapping of biochemical and synthetic analytes using planar converters-visualizers have been designed. We propose to use a lab-on-a-chip with a number of replaceable cartridges-converters of various physical parameters / variables to optical signals, which can be detected using CMOS or CCD, as a single analytic and microelectronic platform for mapping and visualization of different physical and chemical parameters. The above system allows to perform a simultaneous mapping, detection and visualization of a number of the sample characteristics, such as: magnetic field (using magnetic film indicators and flux-detectors); electrochemical parameters (potentiometric indicators); laser beam transmission outside the visible spectral range (using the doped solid matrices); distribution of the emitting regions in autoradiography (using the scintillation detectors with different quenching factors or "position-sensitive spinthariscopes"); polarization characteristics and the angular fluorescence polarization (using polaroid films with the rotation angles changed by the stepper motors); the local biothermogenesis temperature of the sample at different points on a chip (according to the NIR-HDRI thermography principles), etc.he NIR-HDRI thermography principles), etc.)
    • Are you prepared to start your path toward certification as a Google Cloud Digital Leader  + (Additionally, think about making use of Study4Exams Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam Questions PDF, which covers every topic covered in the real exam. These resources are priceless for improving comprehension and test-taking preparedness.)
    • Bentolux, Bentozik  + (Bentozic, la Bentolux Ghetto Blaster: station météo qui joue de la musique en fonction des données de température, pression et humidité.)
    • Weather Station  + (Ce projet permet de mesurer la températureCe projet permet de mesurer la température, l'humidité et la pression atmosphérique par un capteur de pression, température et humidité BME280. Les valeurs sont affichées sur un écran Grove LCD I2C RGB Backlight v4.0. Une LED ring est allumée en différentes couleurs en fonction de la valeur de température. La luminosité de la LED est contrôlée par un potentiomètre. Les valeurs de la température, l'humidité et la pression atmosphérique sont affichées sur le Serial monitorrique sont affichées sur le Serial monitor)
    • Mood Box, Sons et Lumières/fr  + (Cette boîte modulaire est composée de 3 étages. Une fois allumée, elle fournit par les informations d'une mini-station météo (température/humidité/pression atmosphérique) mais se transforme en une "Mood box", à savoir en juke box, à la demande.)
    • Greenhouse Project  + (Création d'un micro-écosysteme réglable par le Jardinier en question, qui va comprendre un système de regulation de temperature, de luminosité et d'hydratation autonome.)
    • Greenhouse Project  + (Création d'un micro-écosysteme réglable par le Jardinier en question, qui va comprendre un système de regulation de temperature, de luminosité et d'hydratation autonome.)
    • Domoticz sur raspberry et arduino - commandes en 433Mhz  + (Création d'une box domotique, avec un raspberry et un arduino. Ce projet permet d'avoir une interface, accessible via pc ou smartphone, pour commander des lampes, ou lire les données de température.)
    • How to Play Amazon Music on Google Home  + (Due to the rivalry between Google and AmazDue to the rivalry between Google and Amazon, Google Home is not compatible with the Amazon Music streaming service. So you have no direct way to play Amazon Music on Google Home. However, there is a professional tool known as AudFree Amazon Music Converter that can help you to locally download Amazon Music so as for offline playback on Google as for offline playback on Google Home.)
    • Advance Your Cloud Career with the Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam  + (If you will listen to my advice, You will get a great mark by checking the Google certified associate cloud engineer practice test download on your study4exam website (for free) for your preparation.)
    • Affichage de la température sur un afficheur LCD et sur un appareil Android  + (Il s'agit de mesurer une température et d'envoyer l'info vers un afficheur LCD ou un téléphone Android.)
    • Affichage de la température sur un afficheur LCD et sur un appareil Android  + (Il s'agit de mesurer une température et d'envoyer l'info vers un afficheur LCD ou un téléphone Android.)
    • Snap circuits activities for 12+  + (In this activity kids will learn how IoT cIn this activity kids will learn how IoT can contribute to energy efficiency of a house. They will be setting up a miniature house using snap circuits, and will program the different appliances via ESP32, notably to: monitor environmental parameters (temperature humidity) in real time control appliances remotely via Blynktime control appliances remotely via Blynk)
    • Connected weather station 12+ activities  + (In this activity, participants will set upIn this activity, participants will set up their weather station, sent it up in the air, and monitor the recordings (light, temperature, humidity) in real time via the Blynk app. On top of all this, you will learn how to publish the values recorded by your weather station on a shared online map.ur weather station on a shared online map.)
    • Connected weather station 9-11 activities  + (In this activity, participants will set up their weather station, sent it up in the air, and monitor the recordings (light, temperature, humidity) in real time via the Blynk app.)
    • Connected house publishes sensor data on-line  + (In this tutorial we will create a connected house using the ESP32 board, that publishes the values recorded by a photoresistor and an internal temperature sensor online, specifically on
    • Connected house publishes sensor data on-line  + (In this tutorial we will create a connected house using the ESP32 board, that publishes the values recorded by a photoresistor and an internal temperature sensor online, specifically on
    • IoT with ESP32 board  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to connect your ESP32 board to the internet and send live values recorded by a light sensor attached to the board, on-line on
    • Water probe 12+ activities  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to buiIn this tutorial you will learn how to build your own DIY water probe. You will be able to use this item to analyse water sample and determine their degree of purity. Follow this tutorial and you ll also learn how to take readings with your water probe and how the probe works. In the last section, you ll learn how to plot the values recorded by your water probe on a shared online map, and launch a citizen science project on to communicate about your findings as well as to engage other people in your research.s to engage other people in your research.)
    • 3D scanning with Qlone  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to 3D In this tutorial you will learn how to 3D scan objects using Qlone, an application for android and iphone. Beware that Qlone requires you to pay for each export. Alternatively you can purchase a subscription that grants you unlimited exports over a limited period of time. Unfortunately, at the moment, it is the best 3D scanning solution for smartphone we have found. Download Qlone on your smartphone Scan your object First, you will need to download the Qlone mat. Download it here: Then simply launch the application and follow the instructions.e application and follow the instructions.)
    • 3D scanning with Qlone  + (In this tutorial you will learn how to 3D In this tutorial you will learn how to 3D scan objects using Qlone, an application for android and iphone. Beware that Qlone requires you to pay for each export. Alternatively you can purchase a subscription that grants you unlimited exports over a limited period of time. Unfortunately, at the moment, it is the best 3D scanning solution for smartphone we have found. Download Qlone on your smartphone Scan your object First, you will need to download the Qlone mat. Download it here: Then simply launch the application and follow the instructions.e application and follow the instructions.)
    • Temperature display on LCD and Android device  + (It's all about measuring a temperature and sending the data to an LCD display or an Android device)
    • Comment créer sa Bentolux  + (La Bentolux est une boîte de station météo qui joue de la musique en fonction des données de température, de la pression et humidité.)
    • Bentolux musicale  + (La Bentolux musicale est une station météorologique permettant notamment d'écouter des sons sélectionnés en fonction de trois variables : température, humidité de l'air et pression atmosphérique. Ces données météo sont aussi affichées sur un écran LCD.)
    • Régulation de Température par Arduino  + (Notre projet consiste à réaliser un système de refroidissement , par régulation de température en utilisant Arduino.)
    • B.E.N. Tool 1- Thermostat  + (Premier Outils d'une longue série j'espèrePremier Outils d'une longue série j'espère! le Basic Elementary Necessary Tool numéro 1 est un thermostat! Les B.E.N Tools vous aideront à avoir accès à tout les outils domotiques nécessaires ! BBBRRRRRHHHH! Il fait froid! vous lancez le chauffage à fond pour vous réchauffer. Le lendemain, IL FAIT CHAUD! J'ai oublié de coupé le chauffage! Avec ce petit outil, vous n'aurez plus ce problème! installez le sur votre radiateur, fixez la température que vous voulez avoir et c'est parti! Fini le gâchis d'énergie et les courant d'air frais la nuit!nergie et les courant d'air frais la nuit!)
    • Régulation de température grâce à un pont en H L298N  + (Régulation de température grâce à un microcontrôleur Arduino et un pont en H L298N)
    • ESP32 DHT22 IFTTT  +
    • Posters et Cheat Sheet Arduino en Français  + (Suite de deux posters et d'une Cheat-Sheet (feuille de triche) en français pour mieux cerner et apprendre Arduino.)
    • Posters et Cheat Sheet Arduino en Français  + (Suite de deux posters et d'une Cheat-Sheet (feuille de triche) en français pour mieux cerner et apprendre Arduino.)
    • PP Sheetpress  + (The following guide documents the build of the Precious Plastic Sheet Press as supplied and designed by Citizen Scientific Workshop.)
    • Geiger Counter - Radiation Sensor Board for Arduino  + (The main finality of the Radiation Sensor The main finality of the Radiation Sensor Board for Arduino and Raspberry Pi is to help people in Japan to measure the levels of radiation in their everyday life after the unfortunate earthquake and tsunami struck Japan in March 2011 and cause the nuclear radiation leakages in Fukushima. We want to give the chance to measure by themselves this levels instead of trusting in the general advises which are being broadcasted. The usage of this sensor board along with the affordable and easy to use Arduino platform helps people to get radiation values from specific places.get radiation values from specific places.)
    • Geiger Counter - Radiation Sensor Board for Arduino  + (The main finality of the Radiation Sensor The main finality of the Radiation Sensor Board for Arduino and Raspberry Pi is to help people in Japan to measure the levels of radiation in their everyday life after the unfortunate earthquake and tsunami struck Japan in March 2011 and cause the nuclear radiation leakages in Fukushima. We want to give the chance to measure by themselves this levels instead of trusting in the general advises which are being broadcasted. The usage of this sensor board along with the affordable and easy to use Arduino platform helps people to get radiation values from specific places.get radiation values from specific places.)
    • Thermostat control activity v12  + (The purpose of this activity is to increase the patient's sensitivity to energy consumption for temperature control.)
    • ESP32 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic IFTTT  + (This project will take data from an ultrasonic sensor, pass it through a Webhook, and publish the data in a Google Sheet.)
    • Fibonacci Clock  + (This strange clock use the Fibonacci sequeThis strange clock use the Fibonacci sequence to display time. Each square represents a value of the sequence. We must add the square's values to get the hour and the minutes. Hours are red squares, minutes are green squares and blue squares count for hour and minutes.d blue squares count for hour and minutes.)
    • The Things Network Arduino MKR WAN 1300  + (Un capteur de température et d'humidité Si7021 connecté à un Arduino MKR WAN 1300.)
    • The Things Network Arduino MKR WAN 1300  + (Un capteur de température et d'humidité Si7021 connecté à un Arduino MKR WAN 1300.)
    • Humanure Dry Toilets, low-tech tricks  + (Use locally-available material, simple tecUse locally-available material, simple technics and tools to build Humanure Dry Toilets to collect human refuses (urine and feces) without insect nor bad smell, mitigate sanitation issues related to black water and human excreta, reduce soil pollution, reduce water pollution, reduce waterborne diseases, generate potent fertilizers for the garden, reduce (if not eradicate) use of chemicals (fertilizer, biocides, chemical soaps…), raise awareness about the human nutrient cycle and the ecosystemic logic of Nature. In this Technical Sheet we only focus on how to build the Humanure Dry Toilets. One should also consider User Manuals and Compost Procedures as essential complements!mpost Procedures as essential complements!)
    • Humanure Dry Toilets, low-tech tricks  + (Use locally-available material, simple tecUse locally-available material, simple technics and tools to build Humanure Dry Toilets to collect human refuses (urine and feces) without insect nor bad smell, mitigate sanitation issues related to black water and human excreta, reduce soil pollution, reduce water pollution, reduce waterborne diseases, generate potent fertilizers for the garden, reduce (if not eradicate) use of chemicals (fertilizer, biocides, chemical soaps…), raise awareness about the human nutrient cycle and the ecosystemic logic of Nature. In this Technical Sheet we only focus on how to build the Humanure Dry Toilets. One should also consider User Manuals and Compost Procedures as essential complements!mpost Procedures as essential complements!)
    • Node-Red Telegram Bot with Temperature Logger Part-1  + (Will guide you to node-red integration with telegram bot to send temperature data.)
    • Node-Red Telegram Bot with Temperature Logger Part-2  + (Will guide you to node-red integration with a telegram bot to send temperature data.)
    • Self-learning connected thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of buildings  + ([WORK IN PROGRESS] This smart thermostat i[WORK IN PROGRESS] This smart thermostat is an electronic, programmable, and self-learning Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of homes and businesses to conserve energy. It is based on a machine learning algorithm: for the first weeks users have to regulate the thermostat in order to provide the reference data set. The thermostat can then learn people's schedule, at which temperature they are used to and when. Using built-in sensors and phones' locations it can shift into energy saving mode when it realizes nobody is at home.g mode when it realizes nobody is at home.)
    • Self-learning connected thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of buildings  + ([WORK IN PROGRESS] This smart thermostat i[WORK IN PROGRESS] This smart thermostat is an electronic, programmable, and self-learning Wi-Fi-enabled thermostat that optimizes heating and cooling of homes and businesses to conserve energy. It is based on a machine learning algorithm: for the first weeks users have to regulate the thermostat in order to provide the reference data set. The thermostat can then learn people's schedule, at which temperature they are used to and when. Using built-in sensors and phones' locations it can shift into energy saving mode when it realizes nobody is at home.g mode when it realizes nobody is at home.)
    • Box boîte a musique  + (boite qui produit de la lumière en fonction de la température extérieur)
    • Thermomètre infrarouge microbit  + (fabrication d'un thermomètre infrarouge avec micro:bit permet de prendre la température d'une personne sans rentrer en contact avec celle-ci)