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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Notes » avec la valeur « =List of parts= 1x ESP32 weather station 1x helium bottle 1x nylon wire bobbin several inflatable balloons. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 23 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

    • 6ème Sens  + (<nowiki>/*<br /><br /> */*

       *Qualité de l’air avec arduino et capteur Grove v1.3

       *Le capteur doit être branché quelques heures avant la première utilisation

       *La calibration se fait par laisser le capteur a l’extérieur pendant au moins 20 min



      // Inclusion des librairies pour OLED






      //Declaration des variables


      #define redLed 13

      #define greenLed 8

      #define orangeLed 7

      #define capteur A0

      #define OLED_RESET 4

      int valeurCapteur = 0;

      String qualite = "";

      int volt;

      // on déclare notre LCD.

      Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET);

      void setup() {

        Serial.begin(9600);// initialise la communication avec l'ordinateur

        display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);  // // initialisation de l'ecran OLED


        display.clearDisplay();   // Netoie l’ecran

        pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT);// indique que la broche redLed est une sortie :

        pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);// indique que la broche greenLed est une sortie :

        pinMode(orangeLed, OUTPUT);// indique que la broche orangeLed est une sortie :

        pinMode(capteur, INPUT);// indique que la broche du capteur de la qualité de l'air redLed est une entrée :

        display.setCursor(0,0);// On place le curseur en 0,0

        display.setTextSize(2);// On définie la taille du texte

        display.setTextColor(WHITE);// On définie la couleur du texte



        // display.println("ATTENDRE");





      void loop() {

        // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

      valeurCapteur = analogRead(capteur);

      //volt = (valeurCapteur*5)/1024;

      int grafX = 0;

      if (valeurCapteur<=45) {

          //digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);

          qualite = "Tout va bien";








          grafX = map(valeurCapteur, 0, 135, 0, 127);

          display.fillRect(0, 20,grafX, 5, WHITE);



          digitalWrite(13, LOW);


          else if (valeurCapteur>45&& valeurCapteur<=70){

              //digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);

              qualite = "Situation tolerable ";






              display.println("AH AH");


              grafX = map(valeurCapteur, 0, 135, 0, 127);

              display.fillRect(0, 20,grafX, 5, WHITE);



              digitalWrite(13, LOW);


             else if (valeurCapteur>70&& valeurCapteur<=100){

             //digitalWrite(orangeLed, HIGH);

              qualite = "Etat mauvais";






              display.println("Ca chauffe");


              grafX = map(valeurCapteur, 0, 135, 0, 127);

              display.fillRect(0, 20,grafX, 5, WHITE);



              digitalWrite(13, LOW);


             else if (valeurCapteur>100&& valeurCapteur<=135){

              //digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);

              qualite = "Ouvrir la fenetre";








              grafX = map(valeurCapteur, 0, 135, 0, 127);

              display.fillRect(0, 20,grafX, 5, WHITE);



              digitalWrite(13, LOW);


             else if (valeurCapteur>135){

              //digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);

              qualite = "Sortez";








              grafX = map(valeurCapteur, 0, 135, 0, 127);

              display.fillRect(0, 20,grafX, 5, WHITE);



              digitalWrite(13, HIGH);


      /><br />        display.setTextColor(WHITE);<br /><br />        display.println("Ouvrez");<br /><br />        display.println(valeurCapteur);<br /><br />        grafX = map(valeurCapteur, 0, 135, 0, 127);<br /><br />        display.fillRect(0, 20,grafX, 5, WHITE);<br /><br />        display.display();<br /><br />        display.clearDisplay();<br /><br />        digitalWrite(13, LOW);<br /><br />      }<br /><br />       else if (valeurCapteur>135){<br /><br />        //digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH);<br /><br />        qualite = "Sortez";<br /><br />        Serial.println(qualite);<br /><br />        delay(1000);<br /><br />        display.setCursor(0,0);<br /><br />        display.setTextSize(1);<br /><br />        display.setTextColor(WHITE);<br /><br />        display.println("Sortez");<br /><br />        display.println(valeurCapteur);<br /><br />        grafX = map(valeurCapteur, 0, 135, 0, 127);<br /><br />        display.fillRect(0, 20,grafX, 5, WHITE);<br /><br />        display.display();<br /><br />        display.clearDisplay();<br /><br />        digitalWrite(13, HIGH);<br /><br />      }<br /><br />}</nowiki>)
    • PiKon telescope  + ( * Mirrors and parts can be obtained from our shop: )
    • Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)  + (= FAQ & Troubleshooting? = == This pro= FAQ & Troubleshooting? = == This procedure seems so simple! Is it applicable? == There are as many tree planting procedures as tree planters… What I understand is that sometimes, some people over-complicate procedures and stick to tricky standards without really understanding the reason behind those standards. What we learned during our PDC is to observe and interact with nature. As Narsanna Ji told us: “no one teaches a seed how to grow.”, same goes for trees! Trees grow in forest without engineered standards to support their growth. No need to overcomplicate things here. Nevertheless, your environment might be severely degraded and not friendly to your young tree… You might want to consider succession and pioneers: what can grow first in your harsh environment and benefit to other species later? Feel free to read our blogpost about the beautiful reforestation effort at Pebble Garden in Auroville, India to acknowledge how the grow soil and transformed a desert in a tropical evergreen forest without any external input, with nature observation. If your environment is severely degraded, you might want to prepare the tree planting zone. Feel free to refer to the procedure that Sadhana Forest recommends for severely degraded areas in Dry Tropical climates . == What about watering? == We recommend bottle irrigation or clay pot irrigation. Refer to the procedure about clay pot irrigation system for more information about this solution. Refer to the “Tree Planting Preparation (Sadhana Forest method)” procedure for more information about bottle-irrigation system. == Transplantation == Bear in mind that not all trees can be transplanted. Ask you local tree lover / tree expert for advice. In the nursery, we recommend you plant a lot of seeds in beds to select the best saplings for transplantation in pockets. This should allow you to increase the survival rate of young trees and, this should allow you to (re)use less pockets. = Go further… = Please share with us with your remarks, comments, improvements, achievements, etc. "Reforesting the earth is one of the few tasks left to us to express our humanity." (D. Holmgren) DIY tutorial “Tree planting (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)” procedure: DIY tutorial “Clay pot irrigation system (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)”: Blogpost about Pebble Garden: Blogpost about the Permaculture Design Course at Aranaya Farm: Learn more about our projects: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our newsletter: Subscribe to our newsletter:
    • Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)  + (= FAQ & Troubleshooting? = == This pro= FAQ & Troubleshooting? = == This procedure seems so simple! Is it applicable? == There are as many tree planting procedures as tree planters… What I understand is that sometimes, some people over-complicate procedures and stick to tricky standards without really understanding the reason behind those standards. What we learned during our PDC is to observe and interact with nature. As Narsanna Ji told us: “no one teaches a seed how to grow.”, same goes for trees! Trees grow in forest without engineered standards to support their growth. No need to overcomplicate things here. Nevertheless, your environment might be severely degraded and not friendly to your young tree… You might want to consider succession and pioneers: what can grow first in your harsh environment and benefit to other species later? Feel free to read our blogpost about the beautiful reforestation effort at Pebble Garden in Auroville, India to acknowledge how the grow soil and transformed a desert in a tropical evergreen forest without any external input, with nature observation. If your environment is severely degraded, you might want to prepare the tree planting zone. Feel free to refer to the procedure that Sadhana Forest recommends for severely degraded areas in Dry Tropical climates . == What about watering? == We recommend bottle irrigation or clay pot irrigation. Refer to the procedure about clay pot irrigation system for more information about this solution. Refer to the “Tree Planting Preparation (Sadhana Forest method)” procedure for more information about bottle-irrigation system. == Transplantation == Bear in mind that not all trees can be transplanted. Ask you local tree lover / tree expert for advice. In the nursery, we recommend you plant a lot of seeds in beds to select the best saplings for transplantation in pockets. This should allow you to increase the survival rate of young trees and, this should allow you to (re)use less pockets. = Go further… = Please share with us with your remarks, comments, improvements, achievements, etc. "Reforesting the earth is one of the few tasks left to us to express our humanity." (D. Holmgren) DIY tutorial “Tree planting (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)” procedure: DIY tutorial “Clay pot irrigation system (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)”: Blogpost about Pebble Garden: Blogpost about the Permaculture Design Course at Aranaya Farm: Learn more about our projects: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our newsletter: Subscribe to our newsletter:
    • Tree planting (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (= FAQ & Troubleshooting? = == This pro= FAQ & Troubleshooting? = == This procedure seems so simple! Is it applicable? == There are as many tree planting procedures as tree planters… What I understand is that sometimes, some people over-complicate procedures and stick to tricky standards without really understanding the reason behind those standards. What we learned during our PDC is to observe and interact with nature. As Narsanna Ji told us: “no one teaches a seed how to grow.”, same goes for trees! Trees grow in forest without engineered standards to support their growth. No need to overcomplicate things here. Nevertheless, your environment might be severely degraded and not friendly to your young tree… You might want to consider succession and pioneers: what can grow first in your harsh environment and benefit to other species later? Feel free to read our blogpost about the beautiful reforestation effort at Pebble Garden in Auroville, India to acknowledge how the grow soil and transformed a desert in a tropical evergreen forest without any external input, with nature observation. If your environment is severely degraded, you might want to prepare the tree planting zone. Feel free to refer to the procedure that Sadhana Forest recommends for severely degraded areas in Dry Tropical climates . == What about watering? == We recommend bottle irrigation or clay pot irrigation. Refer to the procedure about clay pot irrigation system for more information about this solution. Refer to the “Tree Planting Preparation (Sadhana Forest method)” procedure for more information about bottle-irrigation system. == Transplantation == Bear in mind that not all trees can be transplanted. Ask you local tree lover / tree expert for advice. In the nursery, we recommend you plant a lot of seeds in beds to select the best saplings for transplantation in pockets. This should allow you to increase the survival rate of young trees and, this should allow you to (re)use less pockets. = Go further… = Please share with us with your remarks, comments, improvements, achievements, etc. ''"Reforesting the earth is one of the few tasks left to us to express our humanity."'' (D. Holmgren) DIY tutorial “Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)” procedure: [[Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)]] DIY tutorial “Clay pot irrigation system (Aranya method)”: [[Clay-pot-irrigation system (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)]] Blogpost about Pebble Garden: Blogpost about the Permaculture Design Course at Aranaya Farm: Learn more about our projects: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our newsletter: to our newsletter:
    • Tree planting (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)  + (= FAQ & Troubleshooting? = == This pro= FAQ & Troubleshooting? = == This procedure seems so simple! Is it applicable? == There are as many tree planting procedures as tree planters… What I understand is that sometimes, some people over-complicate procedures and stick to tricky standards without really understanding the reason behind those standards. What we learned during our PDC is to observe and interact with nature. As Narsanna Ji told us: “no one teaches a seed how to grow.”, same goes for trees! Trees grow in forest without engineered standards to support their growth. No need to overcomplicate things here. Nevertheless, your environment might be severely degraded and not friendly to your young tree… You might want to consider succession and pioneers: what can grow first in your harsh environment and benefit to other species later? Feel free to read our blogpost about the beautiful reforestation effort at Pebble Garden in Auroville, India to acknowledge how the grow soil and transformed a desert in a tropical evergreen forest without any external input, with nature observation. If your environment is severely degraded, you might want to prepare the tree planting zone. Feel free to refer to the procedure that Sadhana Forest recommends for severely degraded areas in Dry Tropical climates . == What about watering? == We recommend bottle irrigation or clay pot irrigation. Refer to the procedure about clay pot irrigation system for more information about this solution. Refer to the “Tree Planting Preparation (Sadhana Forest method)” procedure for more information about bottle-irrigation system. == Transplantation == Bear in mind that not all trees can be transplanted. Ask you local tree lover / tree expert for advice. In the nursery, we recommend you plant a lot of seeds in beds to select the best saplings for transplantation in pockets. This should allow you to increase the survival rate of young trees and, this should allow you to (re)use less pockets. = Go further… = Please share with us with your remarks, comments, improvements, achievements, etc. ''"Reforesting the earth is one of the few tasks left to us to express our humanity."'' (D. Holmgren) DIY tutorial “Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)” procedure: [[Tree planting preparation (Sadhana Forest method)]] DIY tutorial “Clay pot irrigation system (Aranya method)”: [[Clay-pot-irrigation system (Aranya Agricultural Alternatives method)]] Blogpost about Pebble Garden: Blogpost about the Permaculture Design Course at Aranaya Farm: Learn more about our projects: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our newsletter: to our newsletter:
    • Connected weather station 12+ activities  + (= List of parts = 1x ESP32 weather station= List of parts = 1x ESP32 weather station [ 1x helium bottle] 1x nylon wire bobbinCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= <u>1x helium bottle</u>] 1x nylon wire bobbin)
    • EMI probe  + (== List of parts == * 1x Arduino uno or a== List of parts == * 1x Arduino uno or arduino nano + USB cable * 1x 1MOhm resistor * some single core hook up wire * 1x 4x6cm PCB * a few arduino male headers * 1x piezo speaker * [ link] to the digital design of a case for your EMI detector (suitable if you are using an arduino nano)I detector (suitable if you are using an arduino nano))
    • Connected weather station  + (== List of parts == 1x ESP32 board + usb p== List of parts == 1x ESP32 board + usb power cable 1x DHT11 sensor 1x light sensor 1x 10 Kohm resistor 1x CJMCU CCS811 sensor several jumper wires a number of breadboards or a PCB (if you decide to do some soldering) female headers (if you decide to do the soldering).aders (if you decide to do the soldering).)
    • Snap circuits tutorial  + (== List of parts == 1x [ List of parts == 1x [ 3D printed snap support] 1x electronic component (ex. Led, buzzer, mini vibrating motor) 2x [ 12x6mm magnets]?rmmds=myorder&cur_warehouse=CN <u>12x6mm magnets</u>])
    • Water probe 12+ activities  + (== List of parts == 1x arduino Uno board == List of parts == 1x arduino Uno board 1x 40x60mm PCB electric wire 1x chassis mount dual female binding post 1x 10Kohm resistor 1 male pin header strip for arduino Begin by soldering the male pin header strip onto the PCB board. You need to cover at least 10 points of the PCB (see figure below).t 10 points of the PCB (see figure below).)
    • EMI probe 12+ activities  + (== List of parts: == 1x 8ohm speaker 1x arduino uno board 1x 40x60 PCB 1x 1Mohm resistor single core electric wire male pin header strip for arduino 1x arduino uno or nano board)
    • Water probe  + (==List of parts== 1x Arduino Uno board 1x 5x7cm PCB 1x chassis mount binding post Solid core wire 1x 10kOhm resistor male headers strips for arduino)
    • Connected weather station 9-11 activities  +
    • Geiger counter 12+  + (Description: Name:Radiation Detector systDescription: Name:Radiation Detector system Geiger tube parameters: Technical parameters diameter:Φ10±0.5mm Total length: 90±2mm Starting voltage: < 350V Recommended operating voltage: 380V Minimum plateau length: 80V Maximum plateau slope: 10%/80V Extreme operating voltage: 550V The maximum count rate: 25 times / min Life: > 1 x 10^9 pulse Medium temperature: -40 ~ 55 ℃ Size:108x63x20mm Infos: Features: 1) 5V power supply, or 1.5V 3x battery; 1.2V 4x battery, current: 30mA - 12mA 2) for the detection of 20mR/h ~ 120mR/h of gamma rays and 100 ~ 1800 off variables / points / cm 2 of the soft beta ray. 3) sound and light alarm 4) interrupt the output interface, through this interface can be connected to the microcontroller and then displayed on the LCD. 5) Ardunio compatible 6) supports most of the Geiger tube: M4011, STS-5, SBM20, J305, etc. (the 330~600V operating voltage of the Geiger tube can be supported). 7) support the computer (PC) data acquisition, Matlab analysis and processing Detection of nuclear radiation work (copy the following link to the browser to watch): [ Http://] Customers using our Geiger counter to record the video: [ Http://] Compatible with Arduino: (recommended UNO R3 Arduino, or any other arbitrary with 5V and external interrupt INT) Internet can be downloaded: SPI example for Radiation Logger Arduino Logger Radiation can be used as the host computer software to build radiation monitoring station. Package included: 1 x Assembled Radiation Detector system 1 x GM Tube 1 x Power supply cable 1 x Battery Holder (without batteries) 3 x Jumper Wires 4 x Nuts 1 x Acrylic cover Tube 1 x Power supply cable 1 x Battery Holder (without batteries) 3 x Jumper Wires 4 x Nuts 1 x Acrylic cover)
    • Geiger counter  + (Description: Name:Radiation Detector systDescription: Name:Radiation Detector system Geiger tube parameters: Technical parameters diameter:Φ10±0.5mm Total length: 90±2mm Starting voltage: < 350V Recommended operating voltage: 380V Minimum plateau length: 80V Maximum plateau slope: 10%/80V Extreme operating voltage: 550V The maximum count rate: 25 times / min Life: > 1 x 10^9 pulse Medium temperature: -40 ~ 55 ℃ Size:108x63x20mm Infos: Features: 1) 5V power supply, or 1.5V 3x battery; 1.2V 4x battery, current: 30mA - 12mA 2) for the detection of 20mR/h ~ 120mR/h of gamma rays and 100 ~ 1800 off variables / points / cm 2 of the soft beta ray. 3) sound and light alarm 4) interrupt the output interface, through this interface can be connected to the microcontroller and then displayed on the LCD. 5) Ardunio compatible 6) supports most of the Geiger tube: M4011, STS-5, SBM20, J305, etc. (the 330~600V operating voltage of the Geiger tube can be supported). 7) support the computer (PC) data acquisition, Matlab analysis and processing Detection of nuclear radiation work (copy the following link to the browser to watch): [ Http://] Customers using our Geiger counter to record the video: [ Http://] Compatible with Arduino: (recommended UNO R3 Arduino, or any other arbitrary with 5V and external interrupt INT) Internet can be downloaded: SPI example for Radiation Logger Arduino Logger Radiation can be used as the host computer software to build radiation monitoring station. Package included: 1 x Assembled Radiation Detector system 1 x GM Tube 1 x Power supply cable 1 x Battery Holder (without batteries) 3 x Jumper Wires 4 x Nuts 1 x Acrylic cover Tube 1 x Power supply cable 1 x Battery Holder (without batteries) 3 x Jumper Wires 4 x Nuts 1 x Acrylic cover)
    • Adjustable Temperature Control Cheap T12 Soldering Iron  + (Hi! Can I have the princely scheme of the soldering station!)
    • Fablab + Lakehub  + (J!PIM3 aka Jipime is a swahili word meaninJ!PIM3 aka Jipime is a swahili word meaning self-testing List of parts : '''1. Tools''' - Hot glue gun - Soldering Iron - Computer - 3D Printer -Scrapper '''2. Material''' - Sticky notes - Marker pens - Glue Stick - Solder wire - Filament '''3. Electronics components''' - Battery - Wires - breadboard ( proof of concept) - Arduino UNO (to be replaced by a smaller version) - LCD Screen (4x16) (to be replaced by a smaller version) - Temperature sensor (Potentiometer) - Heart rate sensor - Variable resistor - Jumper wire ( to be replaced by other wires) - Power supply ( to be replaced by a lithium coin cell) '''Other resources''' - Internet cell) '''Other resources''' - Internet)
    • Blindspot Alert  + (List of parts : 1.Features - Wall -SolaList of parts : 1.Features - Wall -Solar panel Altrasonic Sensor -Speaker/Buzzer -Car - Battery -Arduino Nano 2. Tools - Hot glue gun - Soldering Iron -Ruler 3. Material - Cradboard - Super Glue - Glue Stick - Spray paint 4. Electronics - Battery - Wires - Solar Panel - Buzzer - LED - Battery Holder - Geared Motor - LED - Battery Holder - Geared Motor)
    • COREMO TRAILER - Community Repair Mobile  +
    • Remplacer une prise électrique  + (matériel électrique utilisé : [http://www.matériel électrique utilisé : [ prise de courant Schneider Odace blanche S520059] avec [ plaque de finition Schneider Odace Styl blanche S520702] outil utilisé : [ tournevis cruciforme isolé Klauke] vidéo de référence pour ce tutoriel : [ Remplacer une prise électrique par 123elecTV]=wikifab-tutoriel-remplacer-prise-electrique Remplacer une prise électrique par 123elecTV])
    • Remplacer une prise électrique  + (matériel électrique utilisé : [http://www.matériel électrique utilisé : [ prise de courant Schneider Odace blanche S520059] avec [ plaque de finition Schneider Odace Styl blanche S520702] outil utilisé : [ tournevis cruciforme isolé Klauke] vidéo de référence pour ce tutoriel : [ Remplacer une prise électrique par 123elecTV]=wikifab-tutoriel-remplacer-prise-electrique Remplacer une prise électrique par 123elecTV])