A challenge to find solutions to reach Sustainable Developpement Goals. // Un challenge pour trouver des solutions pour atteindre les Objectifs de Développement Durable.
Iconic of the artist's work is her use of negative space, how the beings depicted are grounded, and her vibrant use of textures and colours across disciplines. Her work queries preconceived world views and highlights the consequence of the butterfly effect. In doing so, Jess seeks to bring awareness to our generational perspectives, thought patterns, and our collective impact in the world.
Jess's work resides in corporate and private collections, both locally and internationally. In February 2020, Jess was delighted to showcase with AVA Gallery at Investec Cape Town Art Fair. The artist's work has featured in Sasol New Signatures, Thami Mnyele, and Absa L'Ateliers Art Awards finalist selections. Currently, Jess is working towards a body of work in bronze titled the Senses, which will showcase in 2021. Aside from her art practice, Jess is actively involved in projects and arts initiatives.
In teams, you will have 48 hours to find an open-source solution to one of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Dans le cadre de la Saison Africa2020, la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, le Carrefour numérique² et 12 FabLabs africains vous proposent de participer à un hackathon : Challenge Objectifs du Développement Durable pour Africa2020, qui se déroulera en même temps dans 8 pays africains et à distance pour les personnes résidents sur le sol français (confinement).
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