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The Government of Victoria (Australia) launched a program in 2009 named VEET (Victorian Energy Efficiency Target). The VEET was renamed on August 01, 2017, and since then it is known as the Victorian Energy Upgrades program (VEU). The program helps Victorian people to save their money on energy consumption and reducing carbon gas emissions.
The Government of Victoria (Australia) launched a program in 2009 named VEET (Victorian Energy Efficiency Target). The VEET was renamed on August 01, 2017, and since then it is known as the Victorian Energy Upgrades program (VEU). The program helps Victorian people to save their money on energy consumption and reducing carbon gas emissions.
VEU program, Victorian Energy Upgrades porgram, VEU program, free energy products, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, LED lights, carbon footprintVictorian_Energy_Upgrades_Program_VEU_image.jpgBusiness
The Victorian Energy Upgrades program formerly known as VEET helps you to save money on your power bills, reduce energy and cost and to the environment as well. The program functions under the Government and its accredited partners; they get in touch with people to ensure that they have upgraded their energy products. You need to be a permanent resident of Victoria and show you own a house, if somebody is not a resident of the state, you cannot apply for the scheme. If you replace traditional lighting bulbs with LED bulbs, chances are you will save up 80% on your energy cost as LED lights are more energy-efficient than the old bulbs. Not only that, LED bulbs are also environmentally friendly and they do not deliver any harmful glare towards you. Generally, LED bulbs last much longer than any old school bulb, and LED bulbs can have 4 times longer lifespan than a halogen bulb. There are so many products and options that you can apply for free under the VEU program.
The installation process will start with your enquiry where an appointment will be booked to visit your place.
Étape 2 - Assessment
The representative will visit the site to assess products you are currently using and suggest lights/products to reduce energy consumption.
Étape 3 - Installation
Grade - A professional electricians visit will remove old lights and install new products following all the COVID protocols.
Étape 4 - Dispose old bulbs
Old bulbs are removed and sent to the disposal unit, because they contain toxic elements which can be harmful.
Étape 5 - Start Saving
Once you're done with all the installation process, you will notice a drastic drop in your energy consumption which definitely will help you to save money.
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