This leading-edge author team, consisting of three active researchers, clinicians, and educators, take a scientist-practitioner approach emphasizing the rich blend of both the science and practice of abnormal psychology throughout the text. Real Life. This leading-edge author team, consisting of three active researchers, clinicians, and educators, take a scientist-practitioner Real Science. This leading-edge author team, consisting of three active researchers, clinicians, and educators, take a scientist NOTE: Access Code NOT INCLUDED with this book. ModuleModels of Abnormal Psychology. Now with DSM5 coverage throughout. Authors Deborah Beidel, Cynthia Bulik, and Melinda Stanleyall active researchers, clinicians, and educatorsbring abnormal psychology to life via a scientist ModuleWhat is Abnormal Psychology? Real Science. Now with DSM5 coverage throughout. ModuleClinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment. The d For courses in Abnormal Psychology Explore the science and humanity of abnormal psychology Abnormal Psychology: A Scientist–Practitioner Approach portrays the human face of various psychological conditions, helping students to understand that abnormal behavior is complex and subject to many different forces. Now with DSM5 coverage throughout. Part II. Mental Disorders Abnormal Psychology: Historical and Modern PerspectivesResearch Methods in Abnormal PsychologyAssessment and DiagnosisAnxiety, Trauma and Stressor Real Life. Authors Deborah Beidel, Cynthia Abnormal Psychology: Historical and Modern PerspectivesResearch Methods in Abnormal PsychologyAssessment and DiagnosisAnxiety, Trauma and Stressor-Related DisordersObsessive-Compulsive and Impulse Control DisordersSomatic Symptom and Dissociative DisordersBipolar and Depressive DisordersFeeding and Eating Real Life.
DiagnosisAnxiety, Trauma and Stressor-Related DisordersObsessive-Compulsive and Impulse Control DisordersSomatic Symptom and Dissociative DisordersBipolar and Depressive DisordersFeeding and Eating Real Life.</p>Vous avez entré un nom de page invalide, avec un ou plusieurs caractères suivants :
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