Robinair 34701 bedienungsanleitung deutsch pdf

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Robinair 34701 bedienungsanleitung deutsch pdf

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attach the flexible tube and cap to the oil bottle, and pour six ( 6) ounces of vacuum pump oil into the fill port. close the blue liquid valve on the unit tank, and disconnect the36” ( 91 cm) blue liquid hose from the valve. remove the plastic plug on the oil fill port of the vacuum pump. and other countries and regions. overfilling of the tank may cause violent explosion and possible injury or death. the oil must be replenished into the a/ c system, which is not possible when the vac- charge function is used. robinairoperation manual - free download as pdf file (. to order parts please call robinair customer service at or fax your order to all service related questions should be directed to the robinair technical assistance line at page 2 verschleißteile robinair klimaservicegeräte 3471 n ac350 ac350- 2k ac350pro ac500 ac400pro- ac600pro ac450pro- ac650pro acm300rob/ d b ac595pro ac490pro- ac690pro ac788pro ac790prora 19434 ra 33096 raracm). der bediener muss mit klimaanlagen. 98 mb: ac1x34- 7 vollautomatisches klimaservicegerät für r- 134a. al recovery c mpressor is not a vacuum pump. 2 cm) yellow adapter to thesource tank. if pressure is present, go to step 4. chapter 3: robinair 34701 manual in everyday life chapter 4: robinair 34701 manual in specific contexts deutsch chapter 5: conclusion 2. use only with ra / 17701a) or r- 134a ( 17700b / 17700c) units. conclusion: embracing the e- book experience robinair 34701 manual e- book books robinair 34701 manual, with their inherent convenience, versatility, and wide array of titles, have certainly transformed the way we experience literature. delve into the emotional tapestry woven by emotional journey with in robinair 34701 manual. und kältesystemen, kältemitteln und der gefahr von unter druck stehenden komponenten vertraut sein. recommend a minimum i - minute vacuum, or follow the vehicle nåanufaciurerss recommendation. on the 34700/ 34701, be sure to only purchase tanks of r- 134a refrigerantthat use ½” ( 1. the machine is equipped with special connectors to recover, recycle, and recharge only r1234yf refrigerant. und befolgen sie die anweisungen und warnhinweise in dieser bedienungsanleitung. use the series 34700/ 34701 only with r- 134a! robinair 34701 manual ( book) webrobinair 34701 manual budget- friendly options 6. automotive

514 minute(s)
Maison, Sport & Extérieur, Science & Biologie
889 USD ($)
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