Design an object on 3D Slash and view it in VR

Author avatarDigijeunes | Last edit 9/12/2019 by Clementflipo

Design an object on 3D Slash and view it in VR a.PNG
In This tutorial you will learn how to use the on-line software 3D Slash to create 3D objects, and later view them in VR on your smartphone.
30 minute(s)
Electronics, Play & Hobbies, Robotics, Science & Biology
10 EUR (€)
License : Attribution (CC BY)



3D Slash


VR Headset

Step 1 - Create a 3D object on 3D Slash

Go on and click CREATE

You can follow thetutorials available on the website, in order to learn how to use all available functionalities.

For example, you can improve your design by adding colors, adding basic geometrical shapes, or import 3D files that you have downloaded from the web.

Step 2 - E-mail the link of your 3D object

Once you’re done modeling your 3D object, click on the square button and chose “Mail” to send yourself an e-mail containing the link to the 3D design.

Step 3 - View the object in VR on your smartphone

On your smartphone, open the e-mail and you will be redirected to your 3D model on 3D Slash.

On your smartphone, go back to the options of your 3D slash design, and choose “Virtual Reality”.

Notes and references

This tutorial has been developed as part of the FabEdu Project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Project number: 2017-1-FR02-KA205-012767

The content of this publication does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the therein lies entirely with the author(s).

