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CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD>>>https://tds11111.com/7M89Mc?keyword=carrier+concealed+air+conditioner+catalogue+pdf
The CarrierCLY horizontal furred-in Fan. &RLOV DUH TXLHW FRPSDFW DQG ÀH[LEOH 1RPLQDO DLU TXDQWLW\ World's NoAir Conditioning Expert -W Series Chilled Water Fan Coil Unit Ceiling ConcealedDuct Type Nominal: CFM. Furred-in ceiling CONCEAL DUCTED CONCEAL DUCTED,, BTU/H CONCEAL DUCTED,, BTU/H R Carrier reserves the right to make Listen to the sound of the drain pump. The CarrierCLY horizontal furred-in Fan. &RLOV DUH TXLHW FRPSDFW DQG ÀH[LEOH 1RPLQDO DLU TXDQWLW\ UDQJH IURP FIP WR FIP. piping connections.,QႋDOOHG ZLWK GLUHFW GULYHQ IRUZDUG FXUYHG FHQWULIXJDO IDQ DQG VSHHG KLJK HI¿FLHQW PRWRU 0LQLPXP SRZHU UHTXLUHPHQW IRU VLJQL¿FDQW PRQH\ Superior air distribution performance: Three fan speeds with external static pressure up to Pa to satisfy air flow and static pressure requirements to suit various applications. Economizer is an Ultra Low Leak design that includes return and outside air damper leakage that meets Califor-nia Titlesection require-ments. Controller meets California With Carrier’sCET &DC Standard Cooling/CED &DCD District Cooling Chilled Water Fan Coil Units, furred-in with capacities from to cfm. Stop the air conditioner, turn off the power, and reset the test cover to its original position the blend of outdoor air and room air to achieve comfort levels. Efficient Air Management System (AMS) leading to maximum air flow with minimum turbulence for minimum air resistance, smooth airflow and efficient operation Check whether the water is discharger well (a lag of 1min is allowed before discharging, according to the length of the drain pipe), and check whether water leaks from the joints. Units are ideal for installations in residential, hotels, motels, apartments, offices, hospitals, schools and other multi-room buildings. Carrier room fan coil terminals provide unsurpassed The Compact and PracticalCLY Fan Coil Units. Catalog excerpts. COOL YOUR HOME WITH A CARRIER AIR CONDITIONER Carrier offers real choices for efficient and reliable home comfort The Compact and PracticalCLY Fan Coil Units. When the out-side air is suitable, outside air dampers can fully open to provide “free” cooling. Air Supply Air Evaporator Unit Max. height of air supply is m The longest distance of air supply ism Induct Some Fresh Air Ducted evaporator unit is equipped with flange CARRIER AIR CONDITIONER.
Auteur Shcc5uxa8ac | Dernière modification 1/12/2024 par Shcc5uxa8ac
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Rating: 4.4 / 5 (1483 votes)
Downloads: 5223
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD>>>https://tds11111.com/7M89Mc?keyword=carrier+concealed+air+conditioner+catalogue+pdf
The CarrierCLY horizontal furred-in Fan. &RLOV DUH TXLHW FRPSDFW DQG ÀH[LEOH 1RPLQDO DLU TXDQWLW\ World's NoAir Conditioning Expert -W Series Chilled Water Fan Coil Unit Ceiling ConcealedDuct Type Nominal: CFM. Furred-in ceiling CONCEAL DUCTED CONCEAL DUCTED,, BTU/H CONCEAL DUCTED,, BTU/H R Carrier reserves the right to make Listen to the sound of the drain pump. The CarrierCLY horizontal furred-in Fan. &RLOV DUH TXLHW FRPSDFW DQG ÀH[LEOH 1RPLQDO DLU TXDQWLW\ UDQJH IURP FIP WR FIP. piping connections.,QႋDOOHG ZLWK GLUHFW GULYHQ IRUZDUG FXUYHG FHQWULIXJDO IDQ DQG VSHHG KLJK HI¿FLHQW PRWRU 0LQLPXP SRZHU UHTXLUHPHQW IRU VLJQL¿FDQW PRQH\ Superior air distribution performance: Three fan speeds with external static pressure up to Pa to satisfy air flow and static pressure requirements to suit various applications. Economizer is an Ultra Low Leak design that includes return and outside air damper leakage that meets Califor-nia Titlesection require-ments. Controller meets California With Carrier’sCET &DC Standard Cooling/CED &DCD District Cooling Chilled Water Fan Coil Units, furred-in with capacities from to cfm. Stop the air conditioner, turn off the power, and reset the test cover to its original position the blend of outdoor air and room air to achieve comfort levels. Efficient Air Management System (AMS) leading to maximum air flow with minimum turbulence for minimum air resistance, smooth airflow and efficient operation Check whether the water is discharger well (a lag of 1min is allowed before discharging, according to the length of the drain pipe), and check whether water leaks from the joints. Units are ideal for installations in residential, hotels, motels, apartments, offices, hospitals, schools and other multi-room buildings. Carrier room fan coil terminals provide unsurpassed The Compact and PracticalCLY Fan Coil Units. Catalog excerpts. COOL YOUR HOME WITH A CARRIER AIR CONDITIONER Carrier offers real choices for efficient and reliable home comfort The Compact and PracticalCLY Fan Coil Units. When the out-side air is suitable, outside air dampers can fully open to provide “free” cooling. Air Supply Air Evaporator Unit Max. height of air supply is m The longest distance of air supply ism Induct Some Fresh Air Ducted evaporator unit is equipped with flange CARRIER AIR CONDITIONER.
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