Writing in the sciences stanford pdf

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Writing in the sciences stanford pdf
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Improve your writing skills, speed, and confidence inweeks Improve your writing skills, speed, and confidence inweeks Writing in the Sciences. Years The course teaches principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, and issues in publication and peer review Training sessions for young researchers and students of various universities on scientific writing. How to communicate your research and science fearlessly/effectively as a non-native We draw from cross-disciplinary conversations to identify four facets of “good” STEM writing: (1) connecting to the big picture; (2) explaining science; (3) adhering to genre conventions; and Learn to write effectively in the sciences with Stanford University. ModuleIntroductionWhat makes a good writer?. Training sessions for young researchers and students of various universities on scientific writing. Writing in the Sciences. UnitIntroduction; principles of effective writing. Inborn talent?. How to communicate your research and science fearlessly/effectively as a The course teaches principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, and issues in publication and peer review The book treats the major genres of writing in science and research: scientific research reports, grant proposals, conference papers and other professional presentations, and Learn to write effectively in the sciences with Stanford University.

815 heure(s)
Vêtement & Accessoire, Électronique, Alimentation & Agriculture, Robotique, Science & Biologie
587 EUR (€)
Licence : Attribution (CC BY)



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