Repair cafe intends to repair broken electronic appliances of the public, these appliances may range from phones, radios, television and solar pannels
Auteur Romeoplat | Dernière modification 28/07/2020 par Flow talk page manager
Électronique, Machines & Outils, Science & Biologie
Repair cafe intends to repair broken electronic appliances of the public, these appliances may range from phones, radios, television and solar pannels
Électronique, Machines & Outils, Science & Biologie
metal, wires., elctricity, hands
This event shall involve hands on use of tools on repairing the broken appliances, the ASKotec materials and tools shall come handy in this event, the people who have their appliances broken shall see the repair process and this intended to teach them with the skill of self repairing their gadgets next time, and finally a documentation of the event on Wikifab.
Étape 1 - Team setup
information/mobilization team
reapir/experts team
documentation team
reception team
tools and security
social media team
Étape 2 - Space setup(Repiar/maker space)
arrange the space according to their positions
Reception team near the door /entry
documentation team far away in the corner
repair team in the centre and edges of the room
place stickers on the desks for identification
Étape 3 - Registration Process
registering devices under the owners name
tagging devices with sticky notes and numbers
sorting of devices that can be repaired and that cant be repaired
Étape 4 - repair process
devices are repaired in individual locations
phones, TVs and radios are all repaired in different tables as per the technician available
Étape 5 - education
people are taught how to repair their own appliances
participants are used in co developing solutions to the problems of their broken devices
Étape 6 - Documentation
Camera, success stories or feed backs.
Github , Wikifab and Fill up photos
Summary of the day (Data collection).
Number of the devices repaired (33)
Number of the devices repaired successfully (22)
Number of the devices failed to succeed(11)
Total Category
Torch/ Lamp
By the end of the day around 67% were repaired.
Étape 7 - Social Media
This runs around the whole training but at last the updates of the day need to go different platforms.
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might be ready for an update