How to enhance Multiple Intelligences

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How to enhance Multiple Intelligences?
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People who achieve good academic results are commonly called intelligent and work at EssayMap. But if they don't stand out, aren't they smart? Do you think you are?

The approach of multiple intelligences of psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner postulates the existence of  8 different types of intelligence , which are intertwined working in a complex way in our mind.

Were you good at language in school but not math? You didn't like studying but you were good at sports? With this theory of multiple intelligences we find the answer because ...  There are many ways to be intelligent!

Gardner says that all people possess all types of intelligence and can develop them to acquire new levels of competencies. Some of us have more developed intelligence than others, but what is clear is that not all of them are reflected in the school's grades. We all have skills and talents, but sometimes they are not taken into account.

Do you have children and do you want them to develop their potential? Are you a teacher and you want your students to perform better in their learning?

How to empower and strengthen the different types of intelligences

1. Linguistic-verbal intelligence . It is the ability to think in words and to use language to understand, express, and appreciate complex meanings. A good example for this case is the poet and writer William Shakespeare.

How to strengthen and develop it : with reading books, different writing materials, newspapers and magazines, crosswords and voice recorders.

2. Logical-mathematical intelligence. This ability includes calculations, number thinking, problem solving, application of logic, understanding of abstract concepts, and reasoning and understanding of relationships. A very good example of this intelligence is the well-known scientist Albert Einstein.

How to strengthen and develop it : with the use of logic games, money management games, calculators, clocks, abacuses, games with mathematical signs, rules and compass.

3. Visual-spatial intelligence. It includes skills such as the recognition and elaboration of visual images, creation and management of mental images and reasoning about space. A good architect is a clear example of this intelligence.

How to strengthen and develop it : with puzzles, compasses, maps, Lego sets, templates to make letters or designs, photo and video cameras, microscope, telescope and mazes.

4. Body-kinetic or kinesthetic intelligence. It stands out for the performance of motor actions and it is the ability to use our own body. The sportsman Michael Jordan or a circus acrobat are good examples.

How to strengthen and develop it : with handicraft tools, modeling pastes, throwing objects, puppets or using gymnastic or dance equipment.

5. Musical intelligence . Understand the ability to communicate through music in terms of compositions and performance. Clear examples are musicians like the great composers Mozart or Beethoven.

How to strengthen and develop it : with musical instruments, recordings, radio, singing or whistling.

6. Naturalistic intelligence. Competence to perceive the relationships that exist between various species or groups of objects and people. Biologists or astronomers are examples for this case.

How to strengthen and develop it : with the use of terrariums, aquariums, magnifying glass, microscope, taking care of pets or using garden equipment.

7. Interpersonal intelligence. It allows us to understand others, based on empathy and the ability to manage relationships. Clear examples of this intelligence are Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Mahatma Gandhi.

How to strengthen and develop it : actively interacting with others, sharing toys and games, as a participant in community activities or working in a group.

8. Intrapersonal intelligence. Ability to understand ourselves and other people. Physicist and scientist Stephen Hawking is often an example of this kind of intelligence.

How to strengthen and develop it : analyzing your own strengths and weaknesses, working and studying alone, allowing yourself to advance at your own pace or expressing our ideas decisively.

9. Emotional intelligence. Ability to correctly perceive and express emotions, adapting and facilitating thinking and regulating emotions in oneself and in others.

But weren't there 8 intelligences? The psychologist Daniel Goleman proposed the existence of this ninth intelligence that serves us so much in daily life, since  these emotional and social skills are responsible for our emotional and mental stability .

This theory of multiple intelligences is nothing new, since it was proposed for the first time in 1983. Today the lines of research on the subject strengthen it, and even new types of intelligence are postulated in addition to the initial ones, which are the ones we have already seen above. But, although more than 30 years have passed since these beginnings, we still have a lot to learn!

Traditionally, schools have emphasized the development of logical-mathematical and verbal-linguistic intelligence, with reading and writing as the central axis, without taking into account other areas in which the child can excel.

Also, tests to determine IQ have focused mostly on these two intelligences. The level of intelligence should not be evaluated solely on the basis of that, since we know that a person's development encompasses much more.

Multiple intelligences are related to each other  and, as we have seen, their development is found in the activities of daily life, so by  promoting the appropriate environments and situations,  several of them can be enhanced , even all at the same time. .

Realizing what our children's abilities are and empowering them can be the key to their success.



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