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THE TRIMMED LAMP. Publication datePublisher. CONTENTS. It was, as Bill afterward expressed it, “during a moment of temporary mental appa-rition”; but we didn’t find that out till later Two men kidnap a mischievous boy and request a large ransom for his return Bill and I had about six hundred dollars O. HENRY * The Ransom of Red Chief It looked like a good thing: but wait till I tell you. It looked like a good thing: but wait till I tell you. It was, as Bill after ward expressed it, “during a moment of temporary mental apparition”; but we didn’t find that out till later The Ransom of Red Chief. But wait till I tell you. You can also print the text of “The Ransom of Red Chief” by. By O Henry. And Other Stories Of The Four Million. We were down South, in Alabama—Bill Driscoll and myself—when this kidnapping idea Download the book for free in PDF, FB2, EPUb, DOC and TXT. Download the free e-book by O. Henry, «The Ransom of Red Chief», in English. It looked like a good thing. O. HENRY. O. Henry. By O Henry. By O. Henry The Ransom of Red Chief. There was a town down there, as flat as a pancake, and called Summit. But wait till I tell you. We were down South, in Alabama—Bill Driscoll and myself— when this kidnapping idea struck us. by. * The Ransom of Red Chief. Hawthorn. internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled The Ransom of Red Chief. It looked like a good thing. Collection. We were down south, in Alabama – Bill Driscoll and myself – when this kidnapping idea struck us. We were down South, in Alabama—Bill Driscoll and myself—when this kidnapping idea struck us. We were down south, in Alabama – Bill Driscoll and myself – when this kidnapping idea Two men kidnap a mischievous boy and request a large ransom for his return "Complete and unabridged." O. HENRY. It looked like a good thing: but wait till I tell you.

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