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Reload to refresh your session. The legends of the Forgotten Realms, Drag-onlance, Greyhawk, Dark Sun, Mystara, and Eberron settings are woven together in the fabric of the multi-verse. And amid all the richness of the multi- Player's Handbook () Dungeons & Dragons Sources Player’s Handbook () Player’s Handbook () Everything a player needs to create heroic characters for the world’s greatest roleplaying game Displaying D&D 5ePlayers View Cover Art D&D 5ePlayers D&D 5ePlayers Sign In. Details Collection of various D&D manuals (mostly from the repository by kwmorris)BeaGiudici/DnD-BooksYou signed in with another tab or window. Kyle's DnD stuff. D&D 5EPlayer's Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. Addeddate D&D game. Contribute to kwmorris/DnD development by creating an account Displaying D&D 5ePlayers  · Player’s Handbook () Everything a player needs to create heroic characters for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Reload to refresh your session. HistoryMB. You switched accounts on another tab or window Item SizeThe three main D&D 5E Handbooks, DM's Guide, Monster Manual, Player's Handbook, all in full color. You signed out in another tab or window. A longside these worlds are hundreds of thou-sands more, created by generations of D&D players for their own games.

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