Group:Life Tree World

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Life Tree World Entreprise

Recognizing the negative impact of modern lifestyles on both mental and physical well-being, Lifetree was founded in 2013 as an ISO 9001:2008 certified company

Industrial Area,Sonipat, Haryana Pin Code-131001

Life Tree World

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Recognizing the negative impact of modern lifestyles on both mental and physical well-being, Lifetree was founded in 2013 as an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. Lifetree is built on the concept of promoting healthy living by offering solutions to today’s lifestyle challenges, with the natural goodness of Ayurveda. Supported by extensive research, Lifetree's Ayurvedic health supplements are designed to meet the needs of a healthy body and mind. With over a decade of experience in the health supplement industry, Lifetree has earned a reputation for delivering exceptional quality and effectiveness. Our mission is to help people live stress-free lives and find inner peace amidst the chaos of modern life.

