Author CETECH11 | Last edit 23/12/2023 by CETECH11
Seeed Studio, Nordic Semiconductor, Thingspeak API, Amazon Web Service, The Things Network Wio_WM1110-_Quick_Start_Guide_for_Seamless_Integration_1.JPG Creation
Hardware Components:-
Software Components:-
This guide explains the steps to seamlessly integrate the WM1110 sensor module with The Things Network (TTN) and ThingSpeak for data transmission and visualization.
The seeed studio Wio-WM1110 Dev Kit is based on the Wio-WM1110 Wireless Module, which integrates both a Semtech LoRa® transceiver and a multi-purpose radio front-end for geolocation functionalities. The LoRa® transceiver enables low-power, high-sensitivity network coverage, while GNSS (GPS/BeiDou) and Wi-Fi scanning work together to offer comprehensive location coverage. Additionally, the Dev Kit provides connectivity options for a variety of peripherals, making it a versatile platform for developing diverse IoT applications.
The Wio-WM1110 is a powerful fusion positioning module designed for developing low-power, long-range IoT applications. It combines the capabilities of the Semtech LR1110 LoRa transceiver and the Nordic nRF52840 microcontroller, offering a comprehensive solution for building connected devices with the following features:
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The Seeed Studio Wio-WM1110 is not just a blend of the Semtech LR1110 and Nordic nRF52840, it's a powerful fusion of these two technologies, creating a development platform with exceptional capabilities for building low-power, long-range IoT applications.
LR1110 Block diagram
Low-Power, High-Sensitivity LoRa®/(G)FSK Half-Duplex RF Transceiver
Multi-Purpose Radio Front-End for Geolocation Applications
Cryptographic Engine: Securing Your LoRaWAN Applications
The Wio-WM1110 integrates a powerful cryptographic engine to safeguard your LoRaWAN applications. Here's a breakdown of its key features:
Hardware-Accelerated Encryption/Decryption:
Device Parameter Management:
Enhanced Security:
Overall, the cryptographic engine plays a crucial role in safeguarding the security and reliability of your LoRaWAN applications. It provides comprehensive protection for sensitive data and facilitates secure communication within the network.
The NRF52840 is a powerful and versatile Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) SoC from Nordic Semiconductor, offering a wide range of features for various IoT applications. Here's a breakdown of its key highlights:
NRF52840 Block Diagram
CPU and Memory:
Wireless Connectivity:
Peripherals and Interfaces:
Power Management:
Other Features:
Open-source platform:
Overall, the NRF52840 is a powerful and feature-rich SoC that empowers developers to build innovative and efficient IoT solutions with low power consumption and robust capabilities.
Before we begin developing, we will need the following tools to complete this Getting Started Guide.
Power on the Wio-WM1110 Dev Board and connect the J-Link Debug Programmer to the board as follows:
3V3 (Wio-WM1110 Dev Board) -> VTG (J-Link Debug Programmer nrf52dk)CLK (Wio-WM1110 Dev Board) -> SWCLK (J-Link Debug Programmer nrf52dk)DIO (Wio-WM1110 Dev Board) -> SWDIO (J-Link Debug Programmer nrf52dk)GND (Wio-WM1110 Dev Board) -> GND (J-Link Debug Programmer nrf52dk)
Programming Software:
A variety of programming software options exist for developing firmware on the WM1110. I have tested the module using Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, Keil uVision, Visual Studio Code, SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES), and Mbed Studio. From my experience, Mbed Studio and SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES) offer the most user-friendly experience for firmware development. This Getting Started guide will utilize SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES) for developing the firmware.
SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES) is a comprehensive and user-friendly IDE for managing, building, testing, and deploying embedded applications. This translates to smooth and efficient development operations thanks to its extensive feature set.
Installing SEGGER Embedded Studio :
The software can be downloaded from this link: It's recommended to use the 5.68 version.
Download the nRF5 SDK and place it in the same directory where SEGGER Embedded Studio is installed.
The nRF5 SDK provides a comprehensive development environment for nRF5 Series devices. It includes a broad selection of drivers, libraries, examples for peripherals, SoftDevices, and proprietary radio protocols. All code examples within the SDK are specifically designed to compile and run on the Wio-WM1110 Dev Kit, streamlining your development process.
The software can be downloaded from this link: nRF5 SDK-Download
Download the Seeed Example Package and place it in the same directory where the nRF5 SDK is installed.
The Seeed Example Package can be downloaded from this link:Seeed Example-Download
Seeed Studio provides an example project to jumpstart developers' progress. This project encompasses LoRaWAN communication, positioning information acquisition, onboard sensor data acquisition, and more.
Add Seeed Example file to nRF5 SDK
Copy the Seeed Example file to the following path of nRF5 SDK: .../nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/examples/peripheral/
The Blinky Example code is readily available within the "Example" folder. Access the code by navigating to the "Open solution" tab.
Compiling the test application
Select "Build" > "Compile project_target".
Programming the test application
After compiling the application, you can program it to the Dev board.
Click "Target" -- "Connect J-Link"
Click "Build" -- "Build and Run" to build the blinky project.
You will see "Download successful" when it has been completed.
Then the 2 LEDs on the board will blink as follows.
In this project, the onboard temperature and humidity sensors of the WM1110 development kit are used to collect data. This sensor data is sent to ThingSpeak for data transmission and visualization, utilizing TTN webhooks integration.
Before diving straight into LoRaWAN integration, we need to learn the LR1110's instructions to integrate it with the code. Otherwise, it won't be easy to understand the code.
First, learn about LoRaWAN from the Semtech Learning Center. Here is the link to the courses:
Next, go through the LoRa Basics™ Modem User Manual for comprehensive instructions on handling the LoRaWAN protocol.
Wio-WM1110 DK allows users to set the DevEUI, AppEUI, and AppKey, so you can set up our parameters in the 'lorawan_key_config.h' file
Based on the operating region, you must specify the LORAWAN_REGION
. The AppEUI
key is user-defined and requires manual entry during registration.
In the current example project, I have manually entered the AppEUI key.
Device Registering on LoRaWAN® Network Server(TTN)
To begin, register for an account with The Things Industries or The Things Network.
Step 1: Create an application
Navigate to the Applications page, and click "+Create application".
Enter an application ID in lowercase letters and numbers only. You may also use the hyphen (-) symbol. Click Create Application to save your changes.
Step 2: Register the Device
Click "Register end device".
Set the following parameters:
Frequency Plan: Select the appropriate Frequency plan for the target region
LoRaWAN version:LoRaWAN Specification 1.0.3
The remaining keys, DevEUI and AppKey, can be generated using automated tools.
Here are the actual settings that I specifically configured for the current example project.
For a better understanding of how to integrate the whole process, please follow the video provided below.
#include "main_lorawan.h"
#include "lorawan_key_config.h"
#include "smtc_board.h"
#include "smtc_hal.h"
#include "apps_modem_common.h"
#include "apps_modem_event.h"
#include "smtc_modem_api.h"
#include "device_management_defs.h"
#include "smtc_board_ralf.h"
#include "apps_utilities.h"
#include "smtc_modem_utilities.h"
float temp = 0, humi = 0;
#define xstr( a ) str( a )
#define str( a ) #a
static uint8_t stack_id = 0;
static uint8_t app_data_buffer[LORAWAN_APP_DATA_MAX_SIZE];
static void send_frame( const uint8_t* buffer, const uint8_t length, const bool confirmed );
static void parse_downlink_frame( uint8_t port, const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size );
static void on_modem_reset( uint16_t reset_count );
static void on_modem_network_joined( void );
static void on_modem_alarm( void );
static void on_modem_tx_done( smtc_modem_event_txdone_status_t status );
static void on_modem_down_data( int8_t rssi, int8_t snr, smtc_modem_event_downdata_window_t rx_window, uint8_t port,
const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size );
int main( void )
hal_debug_init( );
hal_i2c_master_init( );
hal_gpio_init_out( SENSOR_POWER, HAL_GPIO_SET );
hal_mcu_wait_ms( 10 ); // wait power on
SHT41Init( );
static apps_modem_event_callback_t smtc_event_callback = {
.adr_mobile_to_static = NULL,
.alarm = on_modem_alarm,
.almanac_update = NULL,
.down_data = on_modem_down_data,
.join_fail = NULL,
.joined = on_modem_network_joined,
.link_status = NULL,
.mute = NULL,
.new_link_adr = NULL,
.reset = on_modem_reset,
.set_conf = NULL,
.stream_done = NULL,
.time_updated_alc_sync = NULL,
.tx_done = on_modem_tx_done,
.upload_done = NULL,
/* Initialise the ralf_t object corresponding to the board */
ralf_t* modem_radio = smtc_board_initialise_and_get_ralf( );
/* Disable IRQ to avoid unwanted behaviour during init */
hal_mcu_disable_irq( );
/* Init board and peripherals */
hal_mcu_init( );
smtc_board_init_periph( );
/* Init the Lora Basics Modem event callbacks */
apps_modem_event_init( &smtc_event_callback );
/* Init the modem and use apps_modem_event_process as event callback, please note that the callback will be called
* immediately after the first call to modem_run_engine because of the reset detection */
smtc_modem_init( modem_radio, &apps_modem_event_process );
/* Re-enable IRQ */
hal_mcu_enable_irq( );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "###### ===== LoRa Basics Modem LoRaWAN Class A/C demo application ==== ######\n\n" );
/* LoRa Basics Modem Version */
apps_modem_common_display_lbm_version( );
/* Configure the partial low power mode */
hal_mcu_partial_sleep_enable( APP_PARTIAL_SLEEP );
while( 1 )
/* Execute modem runtime, this function must be called again in sleep_time_ms milliseconds or sooner. */
uint32_t sleep_time_ms = smtc_modem_run_engine( );
SHT41GetTempAndHumi( &temp, &humi );
//HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "temp = %.1f, humi = %.1f\r\n", temp, humi );
hal_mcu_set_sleep_for_ms( sleep_time_ms );
static void on_modem_reset( uint16_t reset_count )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Application parameters:\n" );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - LoRaWAN uplink Fport = %d\n", LORAWAN_APP_PORT );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - DM report interval = %d\n", APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - Confirmed uplink = %s\n", ( LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON == true ) ? "Yes" : "No" );
apps_modem_common_configure_lorawan_params( stack_id );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_join_network( stack_id ) );
static void on_modem_network_joined( void )
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_alarm_start_timer( APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE ) );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_adr_set_profile( stack_id, LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE, adr_custom_list ) );
static void on_modem_alarm( void )
smtc_modem_status_mask_t modem_status;
uint32_t charge = 0;
uint8_t app_data_size = 0;
/* Schedule next packet transmission */
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_alarm_start_timer( APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE ) );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_PRINTF( "smtc_modem_alarm_start_timer: %d s\n\n", APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_get_status( stack_id, &modem_status ) );
modem_status_to_string( modem_status );
app_data_buffer[app_data_size++] = temp;
app_data_buffer[app_data_size++] = humi;
send_frame( app_data_buffer, app_data_size, LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON );
static void on_modem_tx_done( smtc_modem_event_txdone_status_t status )
static uint32_t uplink_count = 0;
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Uplink count: %d\n", ++uplink_count );
static void on_modem_down_data( int8_t rssi, int8_t snr, smtc_modem_event_downdata_window_t rx_window, uint8_t port,
const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Downlink received:\n" );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - LoRaWAN Fport = %d\n", port );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - Payload size = %d\n", size );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - RSSI = %d dBm\n", rssi - 64 );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - SNR = %d dB\n", snr >> 2 );
switch( rx_window )
if( size != 0 )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_ARRAY( "Payload", payload, size );
static void send_frame( const uint8_t* buffer, const uint8_t length, bool tx_confirmed )
uint8_t tx_max_payload;
int32_t duty_cycle;
/* Check if duty cycle is available */
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_get_duty_cycle_status( &duty_cycle ) );
if( duty_cycle < 0 )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_WARNING( "Duty-cycle limitation - next possible uplink in %d ms \n\n", duty_cycle );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_get_next_tx_max_payload( stack_id, &tx_max_payload ) );
if( length > tx_max_payload )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_WARNING( "Not enough space in buffer - send empty uplink to flush MAC commands \n" );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_request_empty_uplink( stack_id, true, LORAWAN_APP_PORT, tx_confirmed ) );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Request uplink\n" );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_request_uplink( stack_id, LORAWAN_APP_PORT, tx_confirmed, buffer, length ) );
/* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Before we begin developing, we will need the following tools to complete this Getting Started Guide.
Power on the Wio-WM1110 Dev Board and connect the J-Link Debug Programmer to the board as follows:
3V3 (Wio-WM1110 Dev Board) -> VTG (J-Link Debug Programmer nrf52dk)CLK (Wio-WM1110 Dev Board) -> SWCLK (J-Link Debug Programmer nrf52dk)DIO (Wio-WM1110 Dev Board) -> SWDIO (J-Link Debug Programmer nrf52dk)GND (Wio-WM1110 Dev Board) -> GND (J-Link Debug Programmer nrf52dk)
Programming Software:
A variety of programming software options exist for developing firmware on the WM1110. I have tested the module using Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, Keil uVision, Visual Studio Code, SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES), and Mbed Studio. From my experience, Mbed Studio and SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES) offer the most user-friendly experience for firmware development. This Getting Started guide will utilize SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES) for developing the firmware.
SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES) is a comprehensive and user-friendly IDE for managing, building, testing, and deploying embedded applications. This translates to smooth and efficient development operations thanks to its extensive feature set.
Installing SEGGER Embedded Studio :
The software can be downloaded from this link: It's recommended to use the 5.68 version.
Download the nRF5 SDK and place it in the same directory where SEGGER Embedded Studio is installed.
The nRF5 SDK provides a comprehensive development environment for nRF5 Series devices. It includes a broad selection of drivers, libraries, examples for peripherals, SoftDevices, and proprietary radio protocols. All code examples within the SDK are specifically designed to compile and run on the Wio-WM1110 Dev Kit, streamlining your development process.
The software can be downloaded from this link: nRF5 SDK-Download
Download the Seeed Example Package and place it in the same directory where the nRF5 SDK is installed.
The Seeed Example Package can be downloaded from this link:Seeed Example-Download
Seeed Studio provides an example project to jumpstart developers' progress. This project encompasses LoRaWAN communication, positioning information acquisition, onboard sensor data acquisition, and more.
Add Seeed Example file to nRF5 SDK
Copy the Seeed Example file to the following path of nRF5 SDK: .../nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/examples/peripheral/
The Blinky Example code is readily available within the "Example" folder. Access the code by navigating to the "Open solution" tab.
Compiling the test application
Select "Build" > "Compile project_target".
Programming the test application
After compiling the application, you can program it to the Dev board.
Click "Target" -- "Connect J-Link"
Click "Build" -- "Build and Run" to build the blinky project.
You will see "Download successful" when it has been completed.
Then the 2 LEDs on the board will blink as follows.
In this project, the onboard temperature and humidity sensors of the WM1110 development kit are used to collect data. This sensor data is sent to ThingSpeak for data transmission and visualization, utilizing TTN webhooks integration.
Before diving straight into LoRaWAN integration, we need to learn the LR1110's instructions to integrate it with the code. Otherwise, it won't be easy to understand the code.
First, learn about LoRaWAN from the Semtech Learning Center. Here is the link to the courses:
Next, go through the LoRa Basics™ Modem User Manual for comprehensive instructions on handling the LoRaWAN protocol.
Wio-WM1110 DK allows users to set the DevEUI, AppEUI, and AppKey, so you can set up our parameters in the 'lorawan_key_config.h' file
Based on the operating region, you must specify the LORAWAN_REGION
. The AppEUI
key is user-defined and requires manual entry during registration.
In the current example project, I have manually entered the AppEUI key.
Device Registering on LoRaWAN® Network Server(TTN)
To begin, register for an account with The Things Industries or The Things Network.
Step 1: Create an application
Navigate to the Applications page, and click "+Create application".
Enter an application ID in lowercase letters and numbers only. You may also use the hyphen (-) symbol. Click Create Application to save your changes.
Step 2: Register the Device
Click "Register end device".
Set the following parameters:
Frequency Plan: Select the appropriate Frequency plan for the target region
LoRaWAN version:LoRaWAN Specification 1.0.3
The remaining keys, DevEUI and AppKey, can be generated using automated tools.
Here are the actual settings that I specifically configured for the current example project.
For a better understanding of how to integrate the whole process, please follow the video provided below.
#include "main_lorawan.h"
#include "lorawan_key_config.h"
#include "smtc_board.h"
#include "smtc_hal.h"
#include "apps_modem_common.h"
#include "apps_modem_event.h"
#include "smtc_modem_api.h"
#include "device_management_defs.h"
#include "smtc_board_ralf.h"
#include "apps_utilities.h"
#include "smtc_modem_utilities.h"
float temp = 0, humi = 0;
#define xstr( a ) str( a )
#define str( a ) #a
static uint8_t stack_id = 0;
static uint8_t app_data_buffer[LORAWAN_APP_DATA_MAX_SIZE];
static void send_frame( const uint8_t* buffer, const uint8_t length, const bool confirmed );
static void parse_downlink_frame( uint8_t port, const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size );
static void on_modem_reset( uint16_t reset_count );
static void on_modem_network_joined( void );
static void on_modem_alarm( void );
static void on_modem_tx_done( smtc_modem_event_txdone_status_t status );
static void on_modem_down_data( int8_t rssi, int8_t snr, smtc_modem_event_downdata_window_t rx_window, uint8_t port,
const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size );
int main( void )
hal_debug_init( );
hal_i2c_master_init( );
hal_gpio_init_out( SENSOR_POWER, HAL_GPIO_SET );
hal_mcu_wait_ms( 10 ); // wait power on
SHT41Init( );
static apps_modem_event_callback_t smtc_event_callback = {
.adr_mobile_to_static = NULL,
.alarm = on_modem_alarm,
.almanac_update = NULL,
.down_data = on_modem_down_data,
.join_fail = NULL,
.joined = on_modem_network_joined,
.link_status = NULL,
.mute = NULL,
.new_link_adr = NULL,
.reset = on_modem_reset,
.set_conf = NULL,
.stream_done = NULL,
.time_updated_alc_sync = NULL,
.tx_done = on_modem_tx_done,
.upload_done = NULL,
/* Initialise the ralf_t object corresponding to the board */
ralf_t* modem_radio = smtc_board_initialise_and_get_ralf( );
/* Disable IRQ to avoid unwanted behaviour during init */
hal_mcu_disable_irq( );
/* Init board and peripherals */
hal_mcu_init( );
smtc_board_init_periph( );
/* Init the Lora Basics Modem event callbacks */
apps_modem_event_init( &smtc_event_callback );
/* Init the modem and use apps_modem_event_process as event callback, please note that the callback will be called
* immediately after the first call to modem_run_engine because of the reset detection */
smtc_modem_init( modem_radio, &apps_modem_event_process );
/* Re-enable IRQ */
hal_mcu_enable_irq( );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "###### ===== LoRa Basics Modem LoRaWAN Class A/C demo application ==== ######\n\n" );
/* LoRa Basics Modem Version */
apps_modem_common_display_lbm_version( );
/* Configure the partial low power mode */
hal_mcu_partial_sleep_enable( APP_PARTIAL_SLEEP );
while( 1 )
/* Execute modem runtime, this function must be called again in sleep_time_ms milliseconds or sooner. */
uint32_t sleep_time_ms = smtc_modem_run_engine( );
SHT41GetTempAndHumi( &temp, &humi );
//HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "temp = %.1f, humi = %.1f\r\n", temp, humi );
hal_mcu_set_sleep_for_ms( sleep_time_ms );
static void on_modem_reset( uint16_t reset_count )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Application parameters:\n" );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - LoRaWAN uplink Fport = %d\n", LORAWAN_APP_PORT );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - DM report interval = %d\n", APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - Confirmed uplink = %s\n", ( LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON == true ) ? "Yes" : "No" );
apps_modem_common_configure_lorawan_params( stack_id );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_join_network( stack_id ) );
static void on_modem_network_joined( void )
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_alarm_start_timer( APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE ) );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_adr_set_profile( stack_id, LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE, adr_custom_list ) );
static void on_modem_alarm( void )
smtc_modem_status_mask_t modem_status;
uint32_t charge = 0;
uint8_t app_data_size = 0;
/* Schedule next packet transmission */
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_alarm_start_timer( APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE ) );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_PRINTF( "smtc_modem_alarm_start_timer: %d s\n\n", APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_get_status( stack_id, &modem_status ) );
modem_status_to_string( modem_status );
app_data_buffer[app_data_size++] = temp;
app_data_buffer[app_data_size++] = humi;
send_frame( app_data_buffer, app_data_size, LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON );
static void on_modem_tx_done( smtc_modem_event_txdone_status_t status )
static uint32_t uplink_count = 0;
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Uplink count: %d\n", ++uplink_count );
static void on_modem_down_data( int8_t rssi, int8_t snr, smtc_modem_event_downdata_window_t rx_window, uint8_t port,
const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Downlink received:\n" );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - LoRaWAN Fport = %d\n", port );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - Payload size = %d\n", size );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - RSSI = %d dBm\n", rssi - 64 );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( " - SNR = %d dB\n", snr >> 2 );
switch( rx_window )
if( size != 0 )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_ARRAY( "Payload", payload, size );
static void send_frame( const uint8_t* buffer, const uint8_t length, bool tx_confirmed )
uint8_t tx_max_payload;
int32_t duty_cycle;
/* Check if duty cycle is available */
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_get_duty_cycle_status( &duty_cycle ) );
if( duty_cycle < 0 )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_WARNING( "Duty-cycle limitation - next possible uplink in %d ms \n\n", duty_cycle );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_get_next_tx_max_payload( stack_id, &tx_max_payload ) );
if( length > tx_max_payload )
HAL_DBG_TRACE_WARNING( "Not enough space in buffer - send empty uplink to flush MAC commands \n" );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_request_empty_uplink( stack_id, true, LORAWAN_APP_PORT, tx_confirmed ) );
HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Request uplink\n" );
ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_request_uplink( stack_id, LORAWAN_APP_PORT, tx_confirmed, buffer, length ) );
/* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
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