The walls manual of emergency airway management pdf

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The walls manual of emergency airway management pdf
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p ChapterIdentification of the Anatomically Difficult Airway. p ChapterThe Physiologically Difficult Airway. Timely, effective airway management in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death, or between ability and Airway management is often administered by emergency physicians who provide definitive resuscitative care to patients, regardless of the complexity or severity of their The Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management is the world’s most trusted reference on emergency airway management, and is the foundation text in the nationally recognized The New chapters on the Physiologically Difficult Airway, Human Factors in Emergency Airway Management, Intubating the Highly Infections Patient, and the Massively Soiled Airway. p ChapterIdentification of the Anatomically Difficult Airway. Section I: Principles of Airway Management. Emphasis on practicality with step-by-step instructions, mnemonics, easy-to-follow algorithms and rich illustrations • Includes new chapters on Physiologically Difficult Airway; Human Factors in Emergency Airway Management; Intubating the Highly Infectious Patient (including COVID considerations); and the Massively Soiled Airway Emphasizes practicality with step-by-step instructions, mnemonics, easy-to-follow algorithms, and rich illustrations Section I: Principles of Airway Management. p ChapterThe ision to Intubate. Ron M. Walls. p ChapterIdentification of the Failed Airway Comprehensive evidence-based information has been added to all chapters throughout the manual, specifically pertaining to rapid sequence intubation, prehospital management, the hemodynamically unstable patient, and safe extubation of the at-risk patient p ChapterThe • Includes new chapters on Physiologically Difficult Airway; Human Factors in Emergency Airway Management; Intubating the Highly Infectious Patient (including COVID Efficiently overcome any challenge in airway management with the aid of step-by-step instructions, mnemonics, easy-to-follow algorithms, and rich illustrations The ision to Intubate. p ChapterThe ision to Intubate.

153 jour(s)
Art, Vêtement & Accessoire, Énergie, Alimentation & Agriculture, Science & Biologie
873 USD ($)
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