Translations:Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)/64/en

It about the flat of 25x4 'for strapping the drum'. Take the shape of the internal drum with the help of a rigid cable (photo 203417). Use the model to give the right shape to the strapping photo 211815, or rather 211823). See the place to fold on the electrical cable, afterward, realize the folding by keeping the flat in the vice and by using the hammer (photo 213601). Control the angle with the goniometer (photo 213744) and after, on the cable that serves as a pattern. Put the strapping on the drum, adjust its shape if necessary. Mark next to the last folding in order to close the strapping so that it keeps correctly the drum ; as well, it should be possible to insert and take away the strapping, without difficulty (photo 214719). Fold at 45°. Keep the strapping in a closed position and weld it (photo 215129).