Translations:Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)/117/en

Thank you to the contributors :

  • Florent Dupont for :
    • the training courses to construct the Scheffler concentrator and other open-source technologies ; his work allowed Damien to transfer the Scheffler technologie and it developped the working skills of François to build up the roaster.
    • the welcoming of 'Sun and Wind workshop' (in French, L'atelier du soleil et du vent), structure managed by Florent ; the drum presented in this tutorial was constructed here.
  • Manfred Amoureux: for the contact between GRUPO PUCP, Damien and François.
  • Damien Puigserver: for transferring the Scheffler technology to GRUPO PUCP
  • Miguel Hadzich for its long lasting engagement in the management of GRUPO PUCP and for its support for the solar roasting project.
  • Juan Pablo Perez Panduro :
    • for his involvement and its motivation in this project, very useful to the people from the rural areas of Peru.
    • for the 3D modeling of the Scheffler concentrator and Compadre's solar roaster!
  • team of the Intikallana projet (Juan Pablo Perez Panduro, Luis Miguel Hadzich, Sandra Vergara, Julien Delcol et François Veynandt) that developped the first prototype of coffee solar roasting in 2012.
  • team of Compadre startup (Juan Pablo Perez Panduro, François Veynandt, Fiorella Belli, Jose Uechi???, puis Felix Escalantes ???...) for the re-design of the solar roasting prototype, ergonomical version in 2014-2015. The presented model from this tutorial is adapted to higher latitudes (0° à 50°, ok in France). The model used in Peru is working perfectly for latitudes close to equator (0° à 40°).
  • Donato for his expertise in metal work and his involvement in the roaster prototypes construction, especially during the development step
  • UTEC University, Andrés Benavides and Gonzalo Villaran, for their support while developing the Compadre start-up
  • Armenia Siladi for
    • her moral support, her help for the building tutorial and chte construction of the French roaster version
    • the translation from French to English of this building tutorial!
  • Johann, Arnaud, Armenia Siladi, Jean-Baptiste Brette, Jean Vincent, Florent Dupont for their help and their advices for building the roaster.
  • François Veynandt for :
    • adapting the roaster plans to correspond to a Scheffler concentrator in France
    • funding of the described roaster and the material logistics
    • constructing the roaster and writing the building tutorial
  • Open Source Ecologie France for its support to Compadre and the project and Compadre coffee presentation during the Fête d'OSE from January 2016.
  • Charles Morat for his support to the Compadre project in France.
  • WikiFab for constructing this platform to allow exchanges on open-source technologies!
  • ...

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