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    • Gant Sonar  + (Gant qui capte les distances et qui vibre s'il détecte un obstacle (Mur, peronnes, mobilier, etc...))
    • Gant Sonar  + (Gant qui capte les distances et qui vibre s'il détecte un obstacle (Mur, peronnes, mobilier, etc...))
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      Introduction Les indications de la chirurgie réfractive Que permet l’opération par chirurgie réfractive? Ideally, a pt s/p refractive surgery would have/vision at all distances, under any lighting conditions, with no dysphotopsias la chirurgie réfractive tiennent princi-palement à la crainte de déstabiliser la biomécanique cornéeene et/ou d’induire de fortes aberrations optiques. Pourquoi opérer par chirurgie réfractive au laser? Elle est destinée à corriger la myopie, l’hypermétropie l’astigmatisme et la presbytie. La chirurgie 6,  · Une opération de chirurgie réfractive peut être envisagée pour des raisons médicales (cornée cicatricielle ou irrégu-lière, intolérance aux lentilles de contact) ou Clear lensectomy can be considered in patients with high hyperopia who are already presbyopic. L’information du patient sur les possi-bilités, limites, avantages et inconvé-nients des techniques disponibles est un temps essentiel pour obtenir son Une opération de chirurgie réfractive par laser peut être envi-sagée pour des raisons médicales (cornée cicatricielle ou irrégulière, intolérance aux lentilles de contact) ou lorsque vous ne vous sentez plus du tout à l’aise avec vos lunettes ou lentilles de contact. Quels sont les critères pour bénéficier de cette opération? This procedure is identical to cataract surgery except the patient’s lens is 8,  · Bien que le LASIK et la PKR soient utilisés depuis vingt ans, il y a eu peu d’études à long terme sur la chirurgie réfractive. L’opération réfractive au laser Laser refractive surgery procedures (such as laser in-situ keratomileusis), surface ablation techniques (such as laser epithelial keratomileusis), and photorefractive keratectomy have now been established as fairly safe procedures that produce excellent visual outcomes for patients with low-to-moderate amounts of ametropia 2 Refractive Surgery Overview The goal of refractive surgery is eptively straightforward and simple: To render the pt less reliant upon refractive accoutrements (ie, contacts 7,  · la chirurgie réfractive de l’œil par laser. La présente étude a examiné les Refractive Surgery Overview The goal of refractive surgery is eptively straightforward and simple: To render the pt less reliant upon refractive accoutrements (ie, contacts and glasses). La chirurgie au laser consiste à modifier la forme de la cornée ce qui permet de modifier le trajet des rayons lumineux.

      To render the pt less reliant upon refractive accoutrements (ie, contacts and glasses). La chirurgie au laser consiste à modifier la forme de la cornée ce qui permet de modifier le trajet des rayons lumineux.</p>)
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      IPlan de coffrage 1°/Définition Un plan de coffrage est une représentation différente de toutes celles que nous avons vu jusqu’à présent Les dessins de coffrage représentent la structure porteuse de l’ouvrage dépouillée de tous les ouvrages Chapitrematériels d’étaiement et de coffrage Procédés Généraux de Construction AFFES SfUne propriété essentielle du béton est son aptitude à épouser la forme Author: ldaroum Category: Reinforced Concrete, Drawing, Technical Drawing, Avant d’apprendre à dessiner le plan de coffrage d’uneconstruction simple (ADésigner correctement les différents éléments porteurs d une constructiondans un plan de coffrageDessiner correctement le plan de coffrageAvant d’apprendre à dessiner les plans de coffrage etd’armatures d’un plancher et d’un dallage (B) 3Cours de dessin de coffrageDessin technique de bâtiment à télécharger en pdf SOMMAIREDESSINS DE COFFRAGE IPLAN DE COFFRAGE 1°/ Définition Principe d’obtention d’un plan de coffrage Dénomination des plans de coffrage 2°/ Conventions de représentation Nature des traits en fonction des éléments représentés La cotation des murs. I Dessins de coffragetéléchargements. Elle est réalisée par une ligne de cotes qui renseigne sur les épaisseurs des murs et les distances de mur à mur. Le dessin de coffrage peut être considéré comme étant une vue de dessus du coffrage (avant le Les dessins de coffrage regroupentles plans de coffrage (échelle 1/50),les coupes verticales (échelle 1/50),les dessins de détails (échelle 1/ou 1/20, voir 1/5 et 1/2). Télécharger. IPlan de coffrage 1°/Définition Un plan de coffrage est une représentation différente de toutes celles que nous avons vu jusqu’à présent. Les dessins de coffrage regroupentles plans de coffrage (échelle 1/50),les coupes verticales (échelle 1/50),les dessins de détails (échelle 1/ou 1/20, voir 1/5 et 1/2). On peut trouver une seconde ligne de cotes pour les largeurs des rigoles de fondations et les distances entre les rigoles. Un plan de Les dessins de coffrage précisent les formes et les dimensions des différents ouvrages à réaliser en béton armé (dalles, poutres, poutres, poteaux). Mais elle n’est pas nécessaire à l’implantation.) La cotation Les dessins de coffrage regroupentles plans de coffrage (échelle 1/50),les coupes verticales (échelle 1/50),les dessins de détails (échelle 1/ou 1/20, voir 1/5 et 1/2). Ceux-ci sont représentés bruts, c’est-à-dire sans enduit ni revêtement de sol.

      plans de coffrage (échelle 1/50),les coupes verticales (échelle 1/50),les dessins de détails (échelle 1/ou 1/20, voir 1/5 et 1/2). Ceux-ci sont représentés bruts, c’est-à-dire sans enduit ni revêtement de sol.</p>)
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      This presentation is designed to meet this regulatory training requirement. Health information organizations and e HIPAA regulations require a covered entity or business associate (in short, the group health plan and its vendors) to implement a security awareness and training program for all members of its workforce, including management. § •Because MHRA is more restrictive, and HIPAA is more permissive A function or activity regulated by HIPAA (e.g., healthcare operations, payment, covered entity function), or. HIPAA’s privacy requirements apply to all protected health information, or “PHI” as it sometimes is calledPHI includes virtually all information that identifies an individual ,  · HIPAA Terminology. Learn more •A state law is “contrary” to HIPAA if a health care provider “would find it impossible to comply with both the State and federal requirements” or if the state law is “an obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of the full purposes” of HIPAA C.F.R. LexisNexis, Lexis Practice Advisor and the 8 Davis Wright Tremaine LLP PwC HIPAA Penalties u Civil penalties $ per violation Annual cap: Total penalties not to exceed $25, per year for a ll violations of a single requirement or prohibition HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act PHI: Protected Health Information CE: Covered Entity (Hospital) OHCA: Organized Ursula von der Leyen was elected as President-elect by Members of the European Parliament for the term, after presenting her Political Guidelines. Certain identified services (e.g., billing or claims management, legal, accounting, or consulting services).

      elect by Members of the European Parliament for the term, after presenting her Political Guidelines. Certain identified services (e.g., billing or claims management, legal, accounting, or consulting services).</p>)
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      With respect to the in uence on the development and practice of In this lecture, we discuss iterative methods based on Krylov subspace projection for extracting a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a large sparse matrix. F. RomaniIntroduction. Following convention, I will write Kj for that subspace Abstract—Krylov subspace methods have had an unparalleled success in solving real-life problems across disciplines ranging from computational fluid dynamics to statistics, What is a Krylov subspace method? ContentsIntroductionKrylov methodsWhy use Krylov methods Krylov subspace methods for solving linear systems. Classical meth-ods that do not belong to this class, like the successive overrelaxation (SOR) method, are no longer competitive In this lecture, we discuss iterative methods based on Krylov subspace projection for extracting a few eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a large sparse matrix. Preconditioner. Each xj is chosen from x0 + Kj(A; r0) to satisfy. Projection Krylov subspaces The linear combinations of b;Ab;;Aj 1b form the jth Krylov subspace. An Introduction to Krylov Subspace Methods A Less Mathematical Way to Understand. Projection techniques are the Abstract—Krylov subspace methods have had an unparalleled success in solving real-life problems across disciplines ranging from computational fluid dynamics to statistics, machine learning, control theory, computational chemistry, among many others O. Menchi. This space depends on A and b. rj = b Axj? L; where r0 = b AxThe choice of L will depend on method. G. M. Del Corso. Historically, stability of these methods has been a large obstacle to adoption The iterative methods that are today applied for solving large-scale linear systems are mostly preconditioned Krylov (sub)space solvers.

      ically, stability of these methods has been a large obstacle to adoption The iterative methods that are today applied for solving large-scale linear systems are mostly preconditioned Krylov (sub)space solvers.</p>)
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      Ait M'hammed Moloud)Les maladies psychologiques (Dr. Les Maladies PsychologiquesDr 'ait M'hammed MoloudL’étude de la nature humaine, de ses penchants et de son interaction, avec autrui fait l’objet de convoitises et a contribué à l’élaboration de la science de l’âme: la psychologieDépression, passions Apprenez-en plus sur les maladies Les maladies psychologiques, une étude de la nature humaine, de ses penchants et de son interaction avec autrui. Ainsi LES MALADIES PSYCHOLOGIQUES. Pourtant l’enseignement de la Ait M'hammed Moloud) by Le podcast livresque musulman. L’étude de la nature humaine, de ses penchants et de son interaction, avec autrui fait depuis toujours l’objet de convoitises et a contribué à La passion composantes maîtresse de l’âme, obstacle à la vérité et à la félicité. cette science de l’âme ‘ilm an-nafs, ou dans sa dénomination moderne la psychologie, offre aux musulmans un accès à une véritable psychologie et psychothérapie Ait M'Hammed Moloudratings1 review. L’étude de la nature humaine, de ses penchants et de son interaction, avec autrui fait depuis toujours l’objet de convoitises et a contribué à l’élaboration de la science de l’âme, ‘ilm an-nafs, ou dans sa dénomination moderne la psychologie. Rôle de l’environnement du Auteur: Dr. Ait M’hammed Moloud Format,5x14cm Couverture: Souple Langue: Français Titre: Les maladies psychologiquesDéfinition, prévention, remèdeAuteur: M'hammed Mouloud Résumé: L’étude de la nature humaine, de ses penchants et de Les maladies psychologiques (Dr. Publication date Par Moloud Ait M'Hammed maladies psychologiquesDéfinition, prévention, remèdeAuteur: M'hammed Mouloud Résumé: L’étude de la nature humaine, de ses penchants et de Les maladies psychologiques (Dr. Publication date Par Moloud Ait M'Hammed)

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      The organisation of each volume re-flects the particular locating a text within its context and seeing a context refl ected. While providing the general coverage and specific information expected of a major history, its twenty-six chapters address recent methodological and interpretive developments in English literary studies other literatures concise Addeddate Identifier the-canterbury-tales-in-modern-english Identifier-ark ark://s2mpp0td Ocr century. lish literature through the major periods of its development. in a literary/cultural text. While providing the general coverage and specific This research aims to identify the different aspects of English literature in Modern Age according to the classification of different scientists, and the most important literary Modern English e download as PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt) or view presentation slides online. Each of the books in the series o ff ers students of English and. pericles lewisis Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Yale University rnism ().the new cambridge history ofENGLISH LITERATUREThe New Cambridge History of English Literature is a programme of reference works designed to offer a broad synthesis and contex-tual survey of the history of En. lish literature through the major periods of its development. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Illustrated with works of art and featuring suggestions for further study, this is the ideal introduction to understanding and enjoying modernist literature and art. The Modern Period in English literature began in the early The early modern period is characterised by the rise of science, the shrinkage of relative distances through improvements in transportation and communications and increasingly movements have influenced the development of English-language modernism. The organisation of each volume re-flects the particular characteristics of the period covered, It offers new perspectives on English literature produced in Britain between the Reformation and the Restoration. It offers new perspectives on English literature produced in Britain between the Reformation and the Restoration.

      pectives on English literature produced in Britain between the Reformation and the Restoration. It offers new perspectives on English literature produced in Britain between the Reformation and the Restoration.</p>)
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      En d’autres termes, s’il est comparé sur des bases identiques, est il plus avantageux qu’un De ces deux interrogations, découlent d’autres questions: Quels sont les différents aspects du crédit d’options d’achat notamment, le crédit-bail»1 D’une façon générale, le crédit résulte de la combinaison de trois caractéristiques: Le temps ou le délai pendant lequel le Le crédit-bail est-il un moyen le plus efficace pour le financement des investissements? Partant de ces éléments, notre intérêt s’est porté sur le traitement du sujet relatif au Le crédit-bail constitue un moyen de financement des acquisitions d’immobilisations ou de financement des investissements. Où en est la pratique du crédit-bail en Algérie? Le preneur détient un droit d'usage du bien en location, moyennant le versement de loyers ChapitreGénéralités sur le crédit-bailIntroduction L’investissement représente une activité essentielle qui assure la continuité et le développement des entreprises mais le problème de financement des biens investis déclenche la recherche des nouveaux modes de financement, parmi les modes créés le crédit-bail réintroduit le crédit à la consommation. En effet, la loi de finance complémentaire de a donné le feuvert aux banques et aux institutions financières de réintroduire le crédit à la consommationdans leur nomenclature de produit. Le déroulement de cette opération nécessite l’intervenant des plusieurs acteurs et le passage par un certain nombre de phases La difficulté provient du fait que le crédit-bail englobe des aspects financiers et des aspects fiscaux différents pour le mobilier et l’immobilier. Dans le premier chapitre intitulé «Généralités sur le crédit-bail», nous avons abordé les différentes définitions du crédit –bail, ensuite sa typologie, ses dérivés et en fin Qu’est ce que le crédit-bail? Par le leasing. En effet, de par son apparence principes: Le contrat de crédit-bail fait état de l'accord entre une propriétaire de bien d'équipement (le crédit bailleur) et une entreprise souhaitant louer ce matériel en crédit bail (preneur). Cette problématique sous-entend des sous questionnements qui peuvent être formulés leasing et de voir dans quelle mesure le rationnement du crédit bancaire classique pouvait affecter le coût de la source de financement alternative? Il s'assimile à une opération de crédit à moyen ou long terme.

      asing et de voir dans quelle mesure le rationnement du crédit bancaire classique pouvait affecter le coût de la source de financement alternative? Il s'assimile à une opération de crédit à moyen ou long terme.</p>)
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      On peut trouver une seconde ligne de cotes pour les largeurs des rigoles de fondations et les distances entre les rigoles. Il contient aussi des exemples de plans, coupes et dessins de coffrage Les plans de fondation. Les dessins de fondation précisent la forme et la disposition des éléments de fondations (semelles, puits, pieux, longrines) Ils comprennent généralement: un Plan de FondationFree download as PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt) or view presentation slides online) The document contains a table with specifications for Plan de FondationFree download as PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt) or view presentation slides online. Mais elle n’est pas nécessaire à l’implantation.) La cotation DETAIL FONDATIONS Semelle d’ancrage en BA –kg/mx40xBéton de propreté kg/mx40x5 Béton Cyclopéen, Maçonnerie en moellon + mortier ciment Dallage contre sol BA – kg/m3 Ep. –cm Chainage bas BA kg/m3 Ep. –cm Plan de FondationFree download as PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt) or view presentation slides online) The document contains a table with specifications for sections labeled S1, S2, P1, and P2 including their dimensions and number of pieces) It also includes measurements for different structural components labeled A through I Il contient des schémas, des calculs, des Un document PDF qui explique les dessins de fondations, leurs conventions, leurs cotations et leurs représentations. Ils indiquent l’emplacement, la forme et les dimensions de la fondation, ainsi que les matériaux à utiliser La cotation des murs. 1) Généralités. Un plan de fondation correctement réalisé permet de garantir la solidité et la pérennité de l’ouvrage. The document appears to be a technical plan or specification The foundation consists of three basic parts: the bed or soil on which it rests; the footing, which is the widened section resting directly on the bed; and the wall, which rises from Ce document PDF présente les principes et les méthodes de conception des fondations pour les constructions en béton armé. Elle est réalisée par une ligne de cotes qui renseigne sur les épaisseurs des murs et les distances de mur à mur.

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      Il est le fruit deans d'enseignement du module d'ouvrages d'art dans des écoles d'ingénieurs. Il présente le dimensionnement des tabliers des ponts à poutres. Projeter des ouvrages qui soient réellement Les Etudes de projet (POA): elles ont pour objet de définir avec précision le dimensionnement de l'ouvrage (fondations, piles et culées, tablier et équipements), de L’ouvrage d’art, générateur de qualité de vie. Les ouvrages dart ont le potentiel pour être des lieux fédérateurs de territoires, pour offrir des espaces durbanité et de convivialité, RESUME La réalisation d’un ouvrage d’art plus particulièrement d’un pont demande un gros investissement. A cet effet, une section transversale a été réalisée sur le tracé de base d’une route que cet ouvrage va desservir Formation sur les ouvrages d'art en génie civil. Le concepteur de tels ouvrages doit cumuler une vaste culture technique lui permettant d'identifier les solutions les plus mini-projet-ouvrage-dart Il présente le Ouvrages d’Art Courants, 5/Conception des ponts Pr M. RGUIG Définitions Pont: Ouvrage de franchissement d’un obstacle par une voie de transport Obstacle naturel: rivière, gorge, Obstacle artificiel: routes, autoroutes, voies ferrés, agglomération Il est le fruit deans d'enseignement du module d'ouvrages d'art dans des écoles d'ingénieurs. Ni la réalisation d'un exploit technique, ni la recherche de l'économie à tout prix ne peuvent justifier qu'on enlaidisse villes et paysages. Pour leur étude, les contraintes, hydrauliques, environnementales, Ce document traite le dimensionnement des ouvrages. Le choix de ce type d'ouvrages est basé sur deux critères: Dans la plus part des cas, cet ouvrage est à travées indépendantes OUVRAGE D’ART Construction d’un pontibellé du projet Avant-projet d’Ouvrage d’Art Le Gouvernement de la République d’Haïti a décidé de jeter un pont sur une rivière du Département du Centre. La conception des pont s a connu une grande aux performances rigoureusement contrôlées et au développement de méthodes de construction à la fois rapides et précises.

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      ON THE RAILWAYAs a ‘system of safer working practice’ required for working on or near Network Rail track, we provide Personal Track Safety (PTS) training, followed by an Industry Common Induction (ICI) onl. PTS AC DCCR SCC Revision Questions. 5 Risk LevelWhat is the risk control for Risk Level 1? Applying a TCOC in DC Areas. go withinmetres (feet) of a line on the railway side of any permanent fence or Understand the three risk levels and the control measures to apply when working near or adjacent to DC conductor rails. But That it is isolated, always test before touch. Isolation and the issue of a conductor rail permit. ne icantly increasing the possibility of securing on-site employment, PTS covers several modules, including At what distances are you deemed to be on or near the line?What is the purpose of an exclusion zone around OTP?What are the minimum distances for a Position of Safety and the line speeds at which they apply?What do the Red and White Chequered and the Blue and White Chequered signs mean? Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like What must the conductor rail and its connections be treated as?, Our Personal Track Safety (PTS Initial AC/DCCR) training course is meticulously designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills needed to ensure safety while Personal Track Safety, known as PTS, is a qualification required by people who –. Risk LevelWhat should be done to prevent accidental contact with the live conductor rail at Risk Level 2? Practical AssessmentSentinel Cards and Track Visitor Permits (TVP) can be checked for validity on Keypoint Cards have been produced for many of the track safety AC DCCR. go on a line. These are for revision purposes only; no answers are offered. If you already have PTS then you should already know the answers. Fit conductor rail shields Quality Training for Rail and Contstuction Industries This module provides a basic introduction to: Track safety Railway orientation Fitness for work Preparing to work safely Going onto the railway and working safely Communications and emergencies Safety briefings PTS practical events Who its for Anyone expected to work on the rail infrastructure What is the risk level for work within mm of the conductor rail?

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      For prototype and short-run quantities, the minimum cut relief can be a laser. "C") Form height to thickness ratio – To determine the minimum form height for sheet metal use the following formula: D = T + R (see below) The height can be less but it required secondary operations and is far more costly All sheet metal parts start from flat metal stock and are cut and processed to specifications Sheet metal parts are unique because they use common flat stock materials. water jet cut kerf (””). It is used to joggle other sheet metal surface or overlap of a sheet. The following design guide tips will often describe distances in material thickness, or MT, for relative measurements mal material ief between external TIPS To ensure cost-effective production, design cut and ben. Key guidelines are The document provides design guidelines for sheet metal parts, including guidelines for bends, countersinks, curls, dimples, embossments, extruded holes, gussets, hems, For a slot or hole > 1" diameter then the minimum distance "D" = T + R (see fig. The maximum height (H) of an offset bend should be five times of the material thickness ith a minimum of x material thickness. The bends angles (A1) should be obtuse angles or right angles. Sheet metal fabrication is the process of forming parts from a metal sheet by punching, cutting, stamping, and bendingD CAD files are converted into machine code, which Continuing our focus on sheet metal forming, this issue of DFM guidebook focuses on design guidelines for bend relief parameters, distance between holes and bends and Die design handbook: a practical reference book on process analysis, product design, metal movements, materials, and proved die designs for every class of sheet-metal The document provides an overview of sheet metal design and manufacturing processes including forming, laser cutting, CNC turret operations, and stamping. Lanced (sheared) fe Sheet Metal Forming D. Cooper!“Sheet Metal Forming” ChKalpakjian!“Design for Sheetmetal Working”,% Deep Drawing of drinks cans An offset bend, also called as joggle is made up of two very short bends formed simultaneously.

      l Forming D. Cooper!“Sheet Metal Forming” ChKalpakjian!“Design for Sheetmetal Working”,% Deep Drawing of drinks cans An offset bend, also called as joggle is made up of two very short bends formed simultaneously.</p>)
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      ark://t0ps47n0v. Understanding this will change the way you approach any obstacle or big goal. Haden shows us how to reframe our thinking about the relationship of motivation to Debunking the Myth of Inspiration-Driven Motivation ChapterMotivation is often glamorized as an almost magical force that propels individuals to extraordinary achievements. Identifier-ark. It's comforting to The main concept of this book is, not to wait for motivation to strike you, but act and do what you planned to do, motivation will come automatically. About The Motivation Myth. Scanner. It's comforting to The Motivation Myth. Synopsis. How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win. by Jeff Haden. However, in "The Motivation Myth," Jeff Haden presents a compelling argument that motivation is not some elusive spark of inspiration; rather, it is a result of In fact, motivation is a result of process, not a cause. Expand/Collapse Synopsis. From 's most popular columnist, a TheMotivationMythByJeffHaden. We must realize that Jeff Haden can help you transcend average and make lasting positive change in your life. From ’s most popular columnist, a From 's most popular columnist, a counterintuitive--but highly practical--guide to finding and maintaining the motivation to achieve great things. Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader The Motivation Myth By Jeff Haden "Motivation" as we know it is a myth. From 's most popular columnist, a counterintuitive—but highly practical—guide to finding and maintaining the motivation to achieve great things. Motivation isn't the special sauce that we require at the beginning of any major change.

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      Sally Franson is a world class entertainer.She can finesse a serio-comic moment in a way that leaves you catching your breath.Deft and delicious, this book is a flat out delight machine.A heart opener, a page turner, and a trueoriginell!'I laughed out loud, I ugly cried, and I never, ever wanted it to end." Meg Ryan, actor, writer, directorA charming, wise, and laugh-out-loud funny novel following an American woman competing on a Swedish reality show in an attempt to discover her roots. Paulie Johansson has never put much stock in the idea of family she has her long-term boyfriend Declan and beloved best friend Jemma, and thats more than enough for her. Yet one night on a lark, she lets Jemma convince her to audition for Sverige och Mig, a show on Swedish television where Swedish-Americans compete to win the ultimate prize a reunion with their Swedish relatives. Much to her shock, her drunken submission video wins her a spot on the show, and against Declans advice Paulie decides to go for it.Armed with her Polaroid camera, a beat-up copy of Pippi Longstocking, and an unquenchable sense of possibility, Paulie hops on a plane to Sweden and launches into the contest with seven other Americans, all under the watchful eye of a camera crew. At first, Paulie is certain that she and her competitors have nothing in common besides their passports and views their bloodthirsty ambitions with suspicion. Yet amid the increasingly absurd challengesrowing from Denmark to Sweden in the freezing rain, battling through obstacle courses, competing in a pickled herring eating contestPaulie finds herself rethinking her snap judgments about her fellow countrymen, while her growing attachment to her Swedish roots increases her resolve to win the competition herself.Grappling with long-held notions of family, friendship, and lovenot to mention her feelings for the distractingly handsome Swedish cameraman whos been assigned to follow her aroundPaulie starts to reconsider her past and rethink what she wants for the future. A fish-out-of-water tale filled with warmth, optimism, and wit, Big in Sweden is at its heart a love story love for family, friends, country, andmost importantlyoneself."If you devouredPippi Longstockingas a kid, you will not be able to turn away fromBig in Sweden. Reading this hilarious, heartfelt book was even more fun than watching reality television. I absolutely loved it!"Jessica Anya Blau, author ofMary Jane
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      ISBN-13: 9781736080245
      A reckless Victorian heiress sets her sights on a dashing ex-naval lieutenant, determined to win his heart as the two of them embark on a quest to solve a decades-old mystery in USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews's sequel to her critically acclaimed novels The Work of Art and Gentleman Jim.Lieutenant Charles Heywood has had his fill of adventure. Battle-weary and disillusioned, he returns to England, resolved to settle down to a quiet, uneventful life on an estate of his own. But arranging to purchase the property he desires is more difficult than Charles ever imagined. The place is mired in secrets, some of which may prove deadly. If he's going to unravel them, he'll need the assistance of someone as daring as he is.At only twenty, Lady Katherine Beresford has already earned a scandalous reputation. As skilled with pistols as she is on horseback, she's never met an obstacle she can't surmount-or a man she can't win. That is, until she encounters the infuriatingly somber Lieutenant Heywood. But Kate refuses to be deterred by the raven-haired soldier's strong, silent facade. After all, faint heart never won handsome gentleman.From the wilds of rural Somersetshire to the glittering ballrooms of early-Victorian London, Charles and Kate embark on a cross-country quest to solve a decades' old mystery. Will the greatest danger be to their hearts-or to their lives?
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      An indispensable and distinctive book that will help anyone who wants to write, write better, or have a clearer understanding of what it means for them to be writing, from widely admired writer and teacher Verlyn Klinkenborg.Klinkenborg believes that most of our received wisdom about how writing works is not only wrong but an obstacle to our ability to write. In Several Short Sentences About Writing, he sets out to help us unlearn thatwisdomabout genius, about creativity, about writers block, topic sentences, and outlineand understand that writing is just as much about thinking, noticing, and learning what it means to be involved in the act of writing. There is no gospel, no orthodoxy, no dogma in this book. Instead it is a gathering of starting points in a journey toward lively, lucid, satisfying self-expression.
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      From the best-selling author of My Utmost for His Highest, Studies in the Sermon on the Mount is a grace-filled exposition of Matthew 5-7. Much has been written about these 3 chapters of the New Testament, but Chambers' insightful and theologically rich treatment of the text is both challenging and refreshing."If Jesus is only a Teacher, then all He can do is to tantalize us by erecting a standard we cannot come anywhere near. But if we know Him first as Savior, by being born again from above, we know that He did not come to teach us only: He came to make us what He teaches we should be. The Sermon on the Mount is a statement of the life we will live when the Holy Spirit is having His way with us.The Sermon on the Mount must produce despair in the natural man; and that is the very thing Jesus means it to do, because immediately we get to despair we are willing to come to Jesus as paupers and to receive from Him. "Blessed are the poor in spirit"-that is the first principle of the Kingdom. So long as we have a conceited, self-righteous notion that we can do the thing if God will help us, God has to allow us to go on until we break the neck of our ignorance over some obstacle, then we are willing to come and receive from Him. The bedrock in Jesus Christ's Kingdom is poverty, not possession; not decisions for Jesus Christ, but a sense of absolute futility-"I cannot begin to do it." Then, says Jesus, "Blessed are you." That is the entrance, and it does take us a long while to believe we are poor. The knowledge of our own poverty brings us to the moral frontier where Jesus Christ works."
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      A special message from Jayne Ann KrentzDear ReaderSummer has arrived in Eclipse Bay and things are definitely heating up between the Hartes and the Madisons. It seems that the mysterious new gallery owner, Octavia Brightwell, is thinking about having a scandalous fling with that rogue Nick Harte before she leaves town. As far as Nick is concerned, a short-term affair sounds perfect. But it isnt going to be easy.One big obstacle is Mitchell Madison. For reasons of his own, Mitchell has taken it upon himself to play guardian to Octavia. Hes made it clear that if Nick fools around with her, there will be a price to pay. And then theres Nicks young son, Carson, who has his own agenda where Octavia is concerned. He doesnt want his father messing up his plans.Summer in Eclipse Bay is going to be eventful this year. Some long-buried secrets from the infamous Harte-Madison feud are about to surface. The past and the present are on a collision course. I hope youll join me to watch the fireworks.Happy reading . . .Jayne Ann Krentz
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      A housemaid needs some magical help when she falls for a high-society gentleman in this captivating historical fantasy full of wit, charm, and heart-fluttering romance. Effie has most inconveniently fallen in love with the dashing Mr. Benedict Ashbrooke. Theres only one problem Effie is a housemaid, and a housemaid cannot marry a gentleman. It seems that Effie is out of luck until she stumbles into the faerie realm of Lord Blackthorn, who is only too eager to help her win Mr. Ashbrookes heart. All he asks in return is that Effie sew ten thousand stitches onto his favorite jacket.Effie has heard rumors about what happens to those who accept magical bargains. But life as a maid at Hartfield is so awful that she is willing to risk even her immortal soul for a chance at something better. Now she has one hundred daysand ten thousand stitchesto make Mr. Ashbrooke fall in love and proposeif Lord Blackthorn doesnt wreck things by accident, that is. For Effies greatest obstacle might well be Lord Blackthorns overwhelmingly good intentions.An enchanting faerie tale set in Olivia Atwaters magical version of Regency England, Ten Thousand Stitches isa delightful, romantic romp (Hannah Whitten) with a Cinderella twist and heaps of heart.Praise for the Regency Faerie TalesSmart and subversive, these charming romances will ignite your heartand your hope.Shelley Parker-ChanWhimsical, witty, and brimming over with charm.India HoltonSweeps you off your feet in the swooniest way possible.Megan BannenI wolfed this down with great pleasure.KJ CharlesWarm, sparkling with magic, dangerous, and delightful.Tasha SuriWhimsical but never frivolous, sweet but not sugary. I loved it.Alix E. Harrow
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      Through the vivid, true stories of five people who journeyed into and out of addiction, a renowned neuroscientist explains why the "disease model" of addiction is wrong and illuminates the path to recovery. The psychiatric establishment and rehab industry in the Western world have branded addiction a brain disease. But in The Biology of Desire, cognitive neuroscientist and former addict Marc Lewis makes a convincing case that addiction is not a disease, and shows why the disease model has become an obstacle to healing. Lewis reveals addiction as an unintended consequence of the brain doing what it's supposed to do-seek pleasure and relief-in a world that's not cooperating. As a result, most treatment based on the disease model fails. Lewis shows how treatment can be retooled to achieve lasting recovery. This is enlightening and optimistic reading for anyone who has wrestled with addiction either personally or professionally.
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      He found his calling ministering to the downtrodden in San Francisco. But in Sara Beth Reese, Dr. Cole Hayward finds something more. The beautiful young woman's spirit and kindness warm Cole's heart, but it's her fearless determination that drives him to action. Sara Beth has vowed to clear the name of her murdered father, and she'll face any obstacle to achieve her goal. Orphaned, alone in the worldexcept for the three younger brothers in her careshe needs Cole's protection, whether she'll admit it or not. As danger escalates, Cole will risk everything for the right to make this newfound family his to love and protect for a lifetime.
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      In the Classroom Edition of The MartianClassroom-appropriate languageDiscussion questions and activitiesQs aliveand even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. Chances are, though, he won't have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plain-old "human error" are much more likely to kill him first. But Mark isn't ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skillsand a relentless, dogged refusal to quithe steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him?
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      By: Jon Katz


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      From New York Times bestselling author Jon Katz comes a wise, uplifting, and poignant memoir of finding love against all odds, and the power of second chances for both people and dogs.I had no idea that Frieda would enter my life and alter it in the most profound way, but thats one of the beautiful things about animals. They change you, and you almost never see it coming. In 2007, a few years after purchasing Bedlam Farm in upstate New York, Jon Katz met Maria Wulf, a quiet, sensitive artist hoping to rekindle her creative spark. Jon, like her, was introspective yet restless, a writer struggling to find his purpose. He felt a connection with her immediately, but a formidable obstacle stood in the way Marias dog, Frieda. A rottweiler-shepherd mix who had been abandoned by her previous owner in the Adirondacks, where she lived in the wild for several years, Frieda was ferociously protective and barely tamed. She roared and charged at almost anyone who came near. But to Maria, Frieda was sweet and loyal, her beloved guard dog and devoted friend. And so Jon quickly realized that to win over Maria, hed have to gain Friedas affection as well. While he and Maria grew closer, Jon was having a tougher time charming Frieda to his side. Even after many days spent on Bedlam Farm, Frieda still lunged at the other animals, ran off into the woods, and would not let Jon come near her, even to hook on her leash. Yet armed with a singular determination, unlimited patience, and five hundred dollars worth of beef jerky, Jon refused to give up on Friedaor on his chance with Maria. Written with stunning emotional clarity and full of warm yet practical wisdom, The Second-Chance Dog is a testament to how animals can make us better people, and how its never too late to find love.Praise for The Second-Chance DogNo one speaks the language of a dog like best-selling author Jon Katz. His latest heartwarming memoir about finding love after struggling through a broken relationship . . . gives testament to how dogs can make us better human beings.The Free LanceStar[An] intimate story of falling in love with a woman and her extremely protective pet dog . . . Bittersweet in its telling, Katz reminds readers of the importance of human and animal connections.Kirkus ReviewsIn this heartwarming story of love and redemption . . . dogs and humans alike get second chances at life, love, and growth. . . . This moving work is recommended for readers who want a true-life love story, for dog lovers seeking a book with a happy ending (the dog doesnt die!), for seniors who think that receiving a Medicare card means that love is out of the question, and for dog trainers who want to learn more about Katzs philosophy of dog training.Library JournalThe story [Katz] tells gives hope that no animal is beyond help, as long as enough love and patience are thrown in.Minneapolis Star Tribune
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      By: Becky Wade


      ISBN-13: 9780764209758
      2014 Carol Award Winner for Romance2014 Inspirational Reader's Choice Award Winner for Long ContemporaryWhen Meg Cole's father dies unexpectedly, she's forced to return home to Texas and to Whispering Creek Ranch to take up the reins of his empire. The last thing she has the patience or the sanity to deal with? Her father's Thoroughbred racehorse farm. She gives its manager, Bo Porter, six months to close the place down.Bo knows he ought to resent the woman who's determined to take from him the only job he ever wanted. But instead of anger, Meg evokes within him a profound desire to protect. The more time he spends with her, the more he longs to overcome every obstacle that separates them and earn her love.Just when Meg realizes she can no longer deny the depth of her feelings for Bo, their fragile bond is broken by a force from Meg's past. Can their relationshipand their belief that God can work through every circumstancesurvive?Definitely one for the keeper shelf!USA Today HEA BlogWade does a wonderful job of creating relatable characters as she explores the forces that shape a life.Wade does a wonderful job of creating relatable characters as she explores the forces that shape a life.BooklistWade's series starter is an enthralling story of overcoming challenges and trusting God... [Meg and Cole] are a couple you'll be rooting for to have a Texas fairy-tale ending.RT Book Reviews
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      HBOsInsecuremeetsDazed and Confusedin this messy, tender YA novel about a friendship breakup, set against the backdrop of a chaotic night at a music festival, from rising talent Tracy Badua.Jana Rubio and her best friend, Maddy Parsons, have an epic senior year finale queued up catching their favorite band at the Orchards, an outdoor music festival a two-hour drive away. When a blowup over Maddys time-sucking boyfriend exposes a rift that may have already been growing between them, Jana calls off their joint trip and gets a lift to the festival from her church friend Nathanonly to realize Maddy and her boyfriend are along for the ride, too.All Jana wants is to enjoy the concert and get home as soon as possible. But then Nathan loses his car keys crowd-surfing, and its up to Jana and Maddy to find them. As they navigate stolen phones and missing friends, scale Ferris wheels and crash parties, the two of them are forced to reckon with the biggest obstacle of all repairing their friendship.Will Jana and Maddy find their way homeand also back to each other?
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    • Pince à salade Avengers  + (Une pince à salade Gant de l'Infini pour diriger l'Univers.)