During the practical part of the training, this group came up with an idea of building a bottle water fan from scratch. Before we started, the team list the materials and tools needed to complete the project, and where collected in one place.
Take your time to pass through all the processes as documented belowAuthor Michael Ghai Tong | Last edit 9/12/2019 by Clementflipo
During the practical part of the training, this group came up with an idea of building a bottle water fan from scratch. Before we started, the team list the materials and tools needed to complete the project, and where collected in one place.
Take your time to pass through all the processes as documented belowbottle, upcycling, fan, DIY Water_Bottle_fan_final-product.jpg en none Creation 0
An empty bottle of water (500ml)
Super glue
Seal tape
Marker pen
Soldering wires
Soldering gun
Before we started, the team list the materials and tools needed to complete the project, and where collected in one place.
One for erecting the fan and other for making the propeller and switch holder
A hole was cut on a bottle with some water inside to place the mortar on it.
There was an idea to put a switch on the fan.
For switching on and off the fan
One more bottle was cut and attached with a switch
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