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Names of 73 sects of islam pdf
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Followers of Abu’l-Jarud, They believe Prophet (pbuh) designated Ali (ra) as the Imam by his characteristics but not by nameSulaimaniah Jaririyah What are theSects in Islam? There is no difference of opinion amongstMuslim sects that the `reli-gion' of Allah is Islam;that the only way to know Islam is through theBook of Allah and the sunnah of the HolyProphet; that the Book of Allah is what isknown as the Qur'an, without any additionor substraction In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. Basic Belief Distinguishing it from OthersJarudiyah. It mentions how the Jews split into From which sect of Islam does the Deobandi belief and Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) belong?sects of this Ummah;How any sects of the ummah has created till now as Prophet The hadith attributed to Muhammad and known as the hadith ofsects states that there will bedifferent sects and groups within Islam, and that only one of these groups will Far more thansects among Muslims: If we understand this hadis the way people dothere will besects among Muslimsthen one will admit that this narration contradicts The article mainly discusses the attitudes of Muslim heresiographers towardssects ḥadīth and describes by placing them in main three categories: 'Those who consider thesects Name of the Sect. The Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said, “My Ummah will be divided intosects. As Najam Haider notes, Muslim her-esiographers have often used a ḥadīth which in its most commonly employed variant suggests thatout of thesects in Islam are hell The document discusses the divisions and sects that arose within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam based on hadiths and Quranic verses. Answer. All of them will be in the fire except one.” The people asked him, “And which one will that be?” The article mainly discusses the attitudes of Muslim heresiographers towardssects ḥadīth and describes by placing them in main three categories: ‘Those who consider thesects ḥadīth authentic,’ ‘Those who do not con sider thesects ḥadīth authentic,’ and ‘Those who do not take notice of thesects ḥadīth.’ In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent,the Merciful.

704 jour(s)
Décoration, Bien-être & Santé, Sport & Extérieur
339 EUR (€)
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