Recherche par propriété

Cette page fournit une simple interface de navigation pour trouver des entités décrites par une propriété et une valeur nommée. D’autres interfaces de recherche disponibles comprennent la page recherche de propriété, et le constructeur de requêtes ask.

Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Group-long-description » avec la valeur « '''[ Albury-Wodonga's photo booth]''' rental services provide a fun and engaging experience for a range of events, including weddings, celebrations, corporate events, and more. A variety of packages from snazzysnaps are available to suit various event requirements. Customized picture templates, backdrops, props, digital downloads of the images, and even on-site attendants to help manage the booth are some of the choices that may be included in these packages. It is a good idea to get in touch with several providers to compare their offerings and prices because prices and package prices can differ. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 18 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (50 précédentes | 50 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

    • Group:Snazzysnaps  + ('''[ Albury-Wod'''[ Albury-Wodonga's photo booth]''' rental services provide a fun and engaging experience for a range of events, including weddings, celebrations, corporate events, and more. A variety of packages from snazzysnaps are available to suit various event requirements. Customized picture templates, backdrops, props, digital downloads of the images, and even on-site attendants to help manage the booth are some of the choices that may be included in these packages. It is a good idea to get in touch with several providers to compare their offerings and prices because prices and package prices can differ.ause prices and package prices can differ.)
    • Group:La Machinerie  + (Comme beaucoup d’aventures, celle-ci commeComme beaucoup d’aventures, celle-ci commence par hasard. C’est pour éviter de faire quotidiennement la route seul jusqu’à Compiègne que Jean-Baptiste (informaticien) propose à Sébastien (ingénieur et docteur en acoustique) de faire du covoiturage… En quelques semaines, le courant est passé et à force d’échanger des idées durant les trajets, la volonté de construire ensemble un projet émerge… Tous deux passionnés d’informatique et de nouvelles technologies, ils se lancent un défi : construire un robot permettant de mesurer les sons. N’étant pas des experts, les premières tentatives sont rudes. Mais après beaucoup de bricolages et quelques nuits blanches, le robot voit le jour ! Ils prennent alors conscience que les outils de fabrication numérique (scanner et imprimante 3D, découpeuse laser…) permettent aujourd’hui à quiconque de réaliser des projets technologiques ! Ce premier succès leur donne l’envie de partager leur découverte et d’ouvrir leur atelier au grand public pour permettre à chacun d’accéder à ces outils. C’est chose faite à partir de septembre 2012 : pendant 1 an et demi, le « prototype de FabLab » a accueilli plus de dix personnes tous les samedis matins au sein de ses 18m2 d’innovation ! C’est durant ces sessions que les fondateurs rencontrent Adrien (mécatronicien et roboticien à ses heures) qui a créé, en moins d’un mois, un robot 100% imprimé en 3D pour participer à la coupe de France de Robotique 2013. Son équipe terminera 32ème sur 173 participants. Fiers de leurs réalisations et encouragés par le succès de cette expérience, les trois compères commencent à réfléchir à la création d’un grand FabLab amiènois permettant à chacun de concrétiser ses projets grâce aux outils de fabrication numérique… Un tcho pas de côté En parallèle, un petit groupe d’amis (Benjamin, Mathilde et Marie) se lance un autre défi : sillonner la France en vélo pendant 6 mois. Leur objectif ? Rencontrer ces hommes et ces femmes qui apportent des réponses concrètes aux crises actuelles et expérimentent une transition vers un autre modèle de société ! D’avril à septembre 2013, ils parcourront 2600 km et découvriront une soixantaine d’initiatives innovantes ! Pour conclure ce tour, ils organisent en novembre 2013 l’événement « le tcho pas de côté » : un après-midi de bidouilles, d’échanges de pratiques et d’expériences, orchestré avec une dizaine d’associations amiénoises dont le Fablab. Le public est au rendez-vous : plus de 200 personnes déambuleront à la Briqueterie en quelques-heures ! Devant l’enthousiasme rencontré, ils décident d’animer à l’année un collectif de personnes, d’associations et de coopératives souhaitant expérimenter quelques unes des solutions ramenées de ce périple… Le retour à Amiens et la rencontre des deux initiatives permet l’émergence d’un projet commun, aujourd’hui réuni sous la forme d’une association : La Machinerie ! forme d’une association : La Machinerie !)
    • Group:Kohlsfeedback-page  + (Hey there! As the Manager of Kohl's FeedbaHey there! As the Manager of Kohl's Feedback store, I'm excited to let you know about an excellent opportunity for our customers. We've created a survey at [ KohlsFeedback Com Survey], and we're giving you the chance to win a $1000 Gift Coupon just by participating. We value your feedback and want to make sure we're constantly improving to meet your needs. So go ahead, take a few minutes to answer our survey questions, and you could be the lucky winner of the fantastic $1000 Gift Coupon! Take advantage of this excellent chance to treat yourself or your loved ones with a shopping spree at Kohl's. Good luck!ith a shopping spree at Kohl's. Good luck!)
    • Group:Salesforce  + (Salesforce development is a fast-growing ISalesforce development is a fast-growing IT career with a significant potential for high salary and industry recognition. It also enables a person to put their abilities to the test and demonstrate them, ensuring professional satisfaction. According to some statistics, Salesforce engineers make an average yearly package of roughly 0.5 million, with annual packages of 1 million not unusual when working with top recruiters. If you want to become a well-known salesforce developer, this book will assist you in determining the best path to take to reach your goals. You'll learn about the profession, the skills and best practises you'll need to know, and the possibilities available. [ Salesforce Course In Pune]7975630b?shared Salesforce Course In Pune])
    • Group:Mastering the CompTIA CS0-002 Exam with CertsOut's Expert Answers  + (The syllabus is the roadmap to your succesThe syllabus is the roadmap to your success in the [ CompTIA] CS0-002 exam. It encompasses domains such as Threat Management, Vulnerability Management, Cyber Incident Response, Security Architecture and Tool Sets, and Compliance and Assessment. Each domain demands an in-depth understanding of the subject matter and hands-on experience to tackle the complexities of modern cybersecurity threats.plexities of modern cybersecurity threats.)
    • Group:Omnia Bookkeeping  + (When you choose Omnia’s Bookkeeping servicWhen you choose Omnia’s Bookkeeping service in Sydney, you don’t just get one bookkeeper but a team of specialised and qualified professionals. Our team of accountants has worked in commercial, audit, retail, and financial organizations for many years, so whatever stage your business is at, you’ll get correct advice based on years of helping businesses like yours succeed. Bookkeeping isn’t just data entry; it takes the right people to understand your business, interpret your situation and work with you to get the results you need. Passion is at the forefront of what we do at Omnia Bookkeeping. We don’t just process the numbers; we are a reliable partner in the smooth running and success of your business. All records are reviewed by our internal CPA Qualified Accountant to ensure you get the best service available. If we don’t think it’s done right, you’re the first to know. If you want to improve your business performance through finance, bookkeeping, and technology, get in touch with us today You can find our Sydney bookkeeping firms in Castle Hill and Parramatta. Visit our Website: [ bookkeeper Castle Hill] [ bookkeeping sydney] bookkeeping sydney])
    • Group:Laptop  + ([ '''classy[ '''classypricebd'''] is an online largest the ultimate latest resource community for Mobile, Camera, Laptop, Motorcycle in Bangladesh that offers a wide range of products at competitive prices. The website has a user-friendly interface and collect all update prices, we have got you covered. We write all the latest models of, mobile, laptop and Bikes from the top brands in the industry. We also cover a wide variety of accessories prices and reviews to your ride. Visit today our website and know more details.t today our website and know more details.)
    • Group:Online Pharmacy Pakistan  + (emeds Pharmacy is a rapidly growing only remeds Pharmacy is a rapidly growing only retail online pharmacy that carries ISO certification in Pakistan. You can order medicines through the website or visit any of the stores. emeds ensures that you receive quality medication to your home regardless of the time, location and weather. It offers free consultation services with highly qualified healthcare specialists with an extensive range of products with attractive discounted offers.roducts with attractive discounted offers.)
    • Group:Digital Belgium  + (“Digital Belgium” est le plan d’action qui“Digital Belgium” est le plan d’action qui ébauche la vision numérique à long terme de notre pays. Nous voulons améliorer la position de la Belgique dans le domaine du numérique. “Digital Belgium” is het actieplan dat de digitale langetermijnvisie voor ons land schetst en vertaalt in duidelijke ambities. Willen we de positie van België op de digitale kaart België op de digitale kaart versterken.)
    • Group:Xtorso  + ('''Introduction:'''<br /><br />'''Introduction:'''

      Sex dolls have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering individuals a unique and customizable outlet for sexual gratification, companionship, and exploration. Among the various types of sex dolls available, torso models have gained attention for their compact size, versatility, and realistic features. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the possibilities and potential uses of a sex torso, from intimate encounters to creative exploration.

      From: [ Tantaly Sex Doll]

      == Understanding Sex Doll Torsos ==
      '''1. Definition and Features:'''

      A sex doll torso is a partial sex doll that typically includes the upper body, including the chest, abdomen, and arms, but may not include the lower body or legs.

      Torsos are often made from materials such as silicone or TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) and feature realistic details such as breasts, nipples, and genitalia.

      '''2. Compact Size and Portability:'''

      One of the main advantages of a sex doll torso is its compact size, making it easier to store, transport, and conceal compared to full-size sex dolls.

      Torsos are ideal for individuals with limited space or privacy concerns who still want to enjoy the benefits of a sex doll.

      Shop by type: [ Sex Doll Legs] , [ Sex Doll Head] , [ Sex Doll Hips] , [ Oral Sex Doll]

      == Exploring Intimate Uses ==
      '''1. Solo Play:'''

      Torsos sex dolls are designed for solo play, allowing individuals to fulfill their sexual desires and fantasies in a safe and consensual manner.

      Users can engage in a variety of intimate activities with their torso, including masturbation, oral sex, and penetrative intercourse.

      '''2. Couple Play:'''

      Sex torso dolls can also be incorporated into couples' play as a way to spice up their sex life and explore new sensations together.

      Couples can use the torso for mutual masturbation, role-playing, or as a visual aid during foreplay and intercourse.

      Shop by brand: [ Climax Dolls]

      === Enhancing Sensations and Stimulation ===
      '''1. Customizable Features:'''

      Many sex doll torsos come with customizable features such as removable or interchangeable genitalia, allowing users to experiment with different sensations and preferences.

      Users can choose from various sizes, shapes, and textures to enhance stimulation and pleasure.

      '''2. Texture and Realism:'''

      Sex torsos are designed to mimic the look and feel of real human skin, with soft and supple materials that provide a lifelike tactile experience.

      Textured interiors, such as ribbed or ridged tunnels, can enhance stimulation and arousal during use.

      From: [ Fire Doll]

      === Creative Exploration and Role-Playing ===
      '''1. Fantasy Fulfillment:'''

      Sex doll torsos offer a versatile canvas for creative exploration and fantasy fulfillment, allowing users to indulge in their wildest desires and scenarios.

      Whether it's a specific role-play scenario, fetish exploration, or BDSM play, the torso can adapt to a wide range of fantasies and preferences.

      '''2. Photography and Artistic Expression:'''

      Some users may choose to use their torso sex doll as a subject for photography, artistic projects, or modeling.

      The lifelike features and customizable options of the torso make it a versatile and visually appealing prop for creative expression.

      === Maintenance and Care ===
      '''1. Cleaning and Hygiene:'''

      Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for preserving the lifespan and hygiene of a sex doll torso.

      Users should follow manufacturer guidelines for cleaning, using mild soap and water or specialized cleansers, and ensure thorough drying and storage after each use.

      '''2. Storage and Discretion:'''

      Sex doll torsos should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to prevent damage.

      Discretion is also important, especially for users who share living spaces or have privacy concerns. Torsos can be stored in discreet containers or storage bags for added privacy.


      A sex doll torso offers a wide range of possibilities for sexual exploration, intimacy, and creative expression. Whether used for solo play, couples' play, or artistic endeavors, the torso provides a versatile and customizable outlet for fulfilling desires and fantasies. With proper care and maintenance, a sex torso can provide years of pleasure and satisfaction for users seeking a safe and consensual outlet for sexual expression.
      rovide years of pleasure and satisfaction for users seeking a safe and consensual outlet for sexual expression.<br /><br />
    • Discussion:Gutter Installation Guide  +
    •  + (Chick-fil-A values the feedback of its cusChick-fil-A values the feedback of its customers and provides a survey platform at [ MyCfaVisit.Com]. By completing the survey, customers have the opportunity to win a free sandwich. It is important to note that this offer is exclusive to United States residents and loyal Chick-fil-A customers. The survey allows customers to share their experiences and provide valuable insights that can contribute to enhancing the overall dining experience. Your input is highly appreciated and will help Chick-fil-A in understanding customer preferences and needs. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to share your feedback and be entered for a chance to enjoy a complimentary sandwich. Thank you for your continued support. Hashtags: #MyCfaVisit #MyCfaVisit.Com #Www.MyCFAVisit.Com #MyCfaVisitSurvey #Www.MyCFAVisit.ComSurvey #Chick-fil-ACustomerSurvey #MyCFAVisit.ComSurvey Address: 5200 Buffington Road, Atlanta, GA 30349 Ph No: (404) 765-8000 Atlanta, GA 30349 Ph No: (404) 765-8000)
    • Group:Exam 4 Future  + (Exam 4 Future's Exam Dumps have gained immExam 4 Future's Exam Dumps have gained immense popularity among students and professionals looking to enhance their career prospects. With the increasing demand for certifications in various industries, these exam dumps have become a go-to resource for exam preparation. One of the reasons behind the popularity of [ Exam 4 Future]'s Exam Dumps is their comprehensive coverage of exam topics. These dumps are meticulously curated by experts who understand the intricacies of certification exams. They ensure that all relevant concepts and learning objectives are included in the dumps, giving candidates a solid foundation to tackle any question that may come their way. Another factor contributing to their popularity is the convenience they offer. Gone are the days when you had to spend hours scouring through textbooks and online resources to gather study materials. With Exam 4 Future's Exam Dumps, everything you need is neatly compiled in one place. You can access them anytime, anywhere, making it easier than ever to fit exam preparation into your busy schedule. In addition, using Exam 4 Future's Exam Dumps saves you valuable time and effort. Instead of wasting hours trying to figure out which topics require more attention or struggling with complex concepts, these dumps provide a structured approach to studying. They highlight key areas that are likely to be tested on the exam and help you focus your efforts where they matter most. matter most.
    • Group:Discover the Most Popular Cricket Betting Competitions at IPLT Casino  + (IPLT Casino (IPL Tata Casino) is more thanIPLT Casino (IPL Tata Casino) is more than just a betting platform – it’s a community, a gathering place for enthusiasts who share a love for the game and a passion for the thrill of victory.. Whether you’re captivated by the thrill of casino games or the adrenaline rush of sports betting, we offer a wide array of options to suit every taste and preference. From classic favorites like poker and roulette to the pulsating action of live IPL matches, we’ve got it all covered.  The excitement never stops. Bet with excitement, bet with IPLT. What truly sets IPLT (IPL Tata) apart is our unwavering commitment to fairness, transparency, and security, embodying the essence of Indian values. Fully licensed and regulated, we provide a haven of trust and reliability, ensuring every bettor can engage with confidence. Our platform is not just user-friendly; it’s a seamless journey into the heart of excitement and possibility. With a dedicated customer support team at your beck and call, assistance is never far away, enhancing the sense of belonging within our vibrant community. Step into our world, where every spin of the roulette wheel and every strategic bet on the IPL resonates with the pulse of the nation, promising thrilling victories and unforgettable moments that capture the very spirit of India’s passion for betting and sportsmanship. Bet with trust, bet with Bet with trust, bet with
    • Group:Excel In GAQM ISO27-13-001 Exam with Buddy4exam's Updated Exam Questions  + (Pour exceller à l'examen GAQM ISO27-13-001Pour exceller à l'examen GAQM ISO27-13-001, il est crucial de posséder une compréhension approfondie de ISO 27001: 2013 et de maîtrise des pratiques d'auditeur principale certifiées. Cette certification est conçue pour les professionnels activement impliqués dans des rôles d'audit et de sécurité, nécessitant non seulement des connaissances théoriques mais aussi une expérience pratique. L'examen met fortement l'accent sur l'application pratique, exigeant une compréhension approfondie des normes ISO et des procédures d'audit. '''Préparation du GAQM ISO27-13-001:''' Pour une préparation optimale, accédez au dernier [ GAQM ISO27-13-001 Examen Questionv]. Ces ressources servent à améliorer la préparation de votre examen en fournissant des questions à jour et pertinentes, s'alignant sur les exigences de la certification. En utilisant ces questions d'examen, les candidats peuvent fortifier leurs connaissances, assurant une performance confiante le jour de l'évaluation finale. '''Matériel d'étude authentique:''' La plate-forme Buddy4Exam est recommandée pour obtenir des documents d'étude authentiques, en particulier pour l'examen GAQM ISO27-13-001. Connu pour sa crédibilité, Buddy4Exam propose un contenu fiable et intègre les derniers examens ISO dans ses documents d'étude. Plus précisément, les questions d'examen ISO27-13-001 fournies par Buddy4Exam offrent aux candidats un avantage stratégique lors de leur première tentative de certification. '''Simulation de l'environnement d'examen réel:''' Ces questions d'examen sur Buddy4Exam sont livrées avec divers formats de test de pratique, y compris les versions sur le Web et le bureau. En utilisant ces ressources, les candidats peuvent s'engager dans divers scénarios de pratique, se familiariser avec l'environnement d'examen et évaluer leur préparation à la certification ISO27-13-001. Les documents d'étude fournis par Buddy4Exam comprennent des tests de pratique récents, une collection de questions reflétant le contenu de l'examen et des examens simulés qui simulent les conditions de test réelles. Cette approche globale aide les candidats à comprendre les subtilités et les nuances de l'examen ISO27-13-001, s'assurant qu'ils sont bien préparés au succès le jour de l'examen. '''Conclusion:''' En résumé, les questions d'examen GAQM ISO27-13-001 fournies par Buddy4Exam sont des ressources inestimables pour évaluer votre préparation à la certification. En travaillant activement à ces questions d'examen, vous évaluez non seulement votre préparation, mais vous approfondissez également votre compréhension des normes ISO. Cet engagement avec les questions de l'examen joue un rôle crucial dans la confiance de la confiance, en vous assurant de vous approcher la journée d'examen réelle avec une compréhension accrue du sujet. Les [ questions d'examen ISO27-13-001 de Buddy4Exam] agissent comme un outil stratégique, équipant des candidats des connaissances et de la confiance nécessaires pour naviguer avec succès et exceller dans l'examen de certification.
      ler dans l'examen de certification. <br/>)
    •  + (The Family Dollar store, one of the largesThe Family Dollar store, one of the largest retail chains in the United States, values customer feedback and offers a survey for customers to share their opinions. Participants in the survey had the opportunity to enter a drawing to win a $100 gift card from Family Dollar. The survey can be accessed at []. By taking the survey, customers can provide valuable feedback on their shopping experience, including the quality of products, cleanliness of the store, and customer service. This feedback helps Family Dollar understand customer preferences and improve their overall shopping experience. Customers are encouraged to participate and share their thoughts. Hashtags: #Ratefd.comSweepstakes #RatefdcomsurveyCom #WwwRatefdcomsurveyCom Address:  10401 Old Monroe Road, Matthews, North Carolina, 28105 Ph No: +1 (813) 813-2347 Carolina, 28105 Ph No: +1 (813) 813-2347)
    •  + (Tim Hortons, a well-known restaurant in CaTim Hortons, a well-known restaurant in Canada, has updated its customer feedback survey website from to Customers can now participate in the survey at [ Telltims Official Website]. By sharing their feedback, customers have the opportunity to win an Iced coffee with French Vanilla for only $1. This survey allows Tim Hortons to gather valuable insights from its customers and make improvements to enhance the overall customer experience. We encourage all our customers to take a few minutes to provide their feedback and be entered for a chance to enjoy a delicious iced coffee at a great price. Thank you for your continued support! Hashtags: #Telltims #Telltims.Ca #Telltims.CaSurvey #TelltimsOfficialWebsite #TelltimsCa #Telltimssurvey Address: ''200 Laurier Ave W, 4th Floor, Ottawa, ON K1P 6M7, Canada''. Ph No: +1 (813) 813-6578 6M7, Canada''. Ph No: +1 (813) 813-6578)
    • Group:Homedepotcomsurveyco  + (We are excited to announce that Home DepotWe are excited to announce that Home Depot is offering a great opportunity to our loyal customers. After completing the Home Depot official survey at [], customers will have the chance to win a $5000 gift card. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we want to show our appreciation by giving you the opportunity to win this fantastic prize. We are committed to providing the best possible customer experience, and your input helps us continue to improve. We encourage all of our customers to take advantage of this opportunity and share their honest feedback with us. Thank you for choosing Home Depot for all of your home improvement needs. Hashtags: #HomeDepotSurvey #HomedepotSurvey #Homedepot.Com #$5,000HomeDepotGiftCard Address: 2455 Paces Ferry Road Northwest, Atlanta Ph No: +1 (813) 813-7678thwest, Atlanta Ph No: +1 (813) 813-7678)