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Przeczytaj recenzję The Nakano Thrift Shop. But like those staff and customers, they hold many secrets. Objects for sale at the Nakano Thrift Shop appear as commonplace as the staff and customers that handle them. Each piece carries its own story of love and lossor so it seems to Hitomi, when she takes a job there working behind the till. There's the store's owner, Mr Nakano The objects for sale at the Nakano Thrift Shop appear as commonplace as the staff and customers who handle them. Nor are her fellow employees any less curious or weatherworn than the items they sell. But like those staff and customers, they hold many secretsMissing: pdf Featuring a delightfully offbeat cast of characters, The Nakano Thrift Shop is a generous-hearted portrayal of human relationships by one of Japan's most beloved authorsMissing: pdf From the author of Strange Weather in Tokyo comes this funny, heartwarming story about love, life, and human relationships that features a delightfully offbeat cast of Książka The Nakano Thrift Shop autorstwa Kawakami Hiromi, dostępna w Sklepie w cenie,zł. Not much happens really. But I enjoyed this little sliceFeaturing a delightfully offbeat cast of characters, The Nakano Thrift Shop is a generous-hearted portrayal of human relationships by one of Japan's most beloved authors. Zamów dostawę do dowolnego salonu i zapłać przy odbiorze! If examined carefully, they show the signs of innumerable extravagances, of immeasurable pleasure and pain, and of the deep mysteries Among the jumble of paperweights, plates, typewriters and general bric-a-brac in Mr Nakano's thrift store, there are treasures to be found. She tells the story of her day to day life in the shop, conversations, lunches, her waxing and waning interest in coworker Takeo. Hitomi works in a second hand shop for Mr Nakano. The objects for sale at the Nakano Thrift Shop appear as commonplace as the staff and customers who handle them. But like those same customers and staff, they hold many secrets This follows a young Japanese woman as she yearns for the love of a reluctant coworker. Also Mr. Nakano’s sister Masayo and her romance and Mr Nakano’s latest romance with an antiques dealer.

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