Simone Ferrecchia DIGIJEUNES
Toulouse, France
October 12th
Vos dernières discussions
- 15:02, 21 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (-53) . . Financial literacy with Makey Makey
- 14:58, 21 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+205) . . Financial literacy with Makey Makey
- 14:56, 21 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+3,739) . . N Financial literacy with Makey Makey (Page créée avec « {{ {{tntn|Tuto Details}} |SourceLanguage=none |Language=en |IsTranslation=0 |Licences=Attribution (CC BY) |Description=In this tutorial you will learn how to set up an act... »)
- 22:03, 20 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+6,930) . . N Create a wooden pet that connects with Facebook (Page créée avec « {{ {{tntn|Tuto Details}} |SourceLanguage=none |Language=en |IsTranslation=0 |Main_Picture=Create_a_wooden_pet_that_connects_with_Facebook_24.PNG |Licences=Attribution (CC... »)
- 20:06, 20 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+5,544) . . N Electronic textile bag (Page créée avec « {{ {{tntn|Tuto Details}} |SourceLanguage=none |Language=en |IsTranslation=0 |Main_Picture=Electronic_textile_bag_1.PNG |Licences=Attribution (CC BY) |Description=In this t... »)
- 14:26, 20 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+170) . . IoT with ESP32 board
- 14:24, 20 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+470) . . IoT with ESP32 board
- 14:21, 20 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+3,986) . . N IoT with ESP32 board (Page créée avec « {{ {{tntn|Tuto Details}} |SourceLanguage=none |Language=en |IsTranslation=0 |Main_Picture=IoT_with_ESP32_board_connectedhouse_intro.PNG |Licences=Attribution (CC BY) |Desc... »)
- 13:02, 20 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+596) . . DIY Makey Makey with Arduino Leonardo
- 19:59, 19 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+171) . . DIY Makey Makey with Arduino Leonardo
- 19:18, 19 August 2018 (diff | hist) . . (+3,680) . . N DIY Makey Makey with Arduino Leonardo (Page créée avec « {{ {{tntn|Tuto Details}} |SourceLanguage=none |Language=en |IsTranslation=0 |Licences=Attribution (CC BY) |Description=In this tutorial you will learn how to create a make... »)