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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Introduction » avec la valeur « Sommaire : ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 26 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (50 précédentes | 50 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

  • Lampe de bureau  + (Réalisation d'une lampe de bureau afin de lui donner une forme humaine, conçue avec des tuyaux en cuivre que l'on peut façonner en fonction de ses envies.)
  • Épée pirate 3D  + (Réalisation d'une épée de pirate pour ma fille.)
  • Épée pirate 3D  + (Réalisation d'une épée de pirate pour ma fille.)
  • Compteur de points  + (Réalisé avec du contreplaqué de boulot de 3mm et une découpeuse laser, il permet de noter les points en tournant les tambours face aux repères de comptage. Chaque position est rendue stable par une sorte de clic qui est assuré par des aimants néodymes.)
  • Compteur de points  + (Réalisé avec du contreplaqué de boulot de 3mm et une découpeuse laser, il permet de noter les points en tournant les tambours face aux repères de comptage. Chaque position est rendue stable par une sorte de clic qui est assuré par des aimants néodymes.)
  • Pince à salade Avengers  + (Récemment, ma femme m'a demandé si je pouvRécemment, ma femme m'a demandé si je pouvais faire une pince à salade en bois. Plutôt simple a priori, mais comme à d'habitude j'ai vu les choses un peu en grand. Le dernier film des Avengers : "Infinity War" est sorti le mois dernier, et je suis sûr que vous avez vu les images du Gant de l'Infini, ce gant surpuissant que porte Thanos dans le but de contrôler l'Univers. On s'est dit qu'on ne pouvait décidément pas se contenter d'une bête paire de couverts à salade bricolée nos machines habituelles ([[Salad tongs/fr|voir ce tutoriel]]), et qu'on devait délirer un peu et faire la pince à salade du Gant de l'Infini avec la découpeuse laser.Gant de l'Infini avec la découpeuse laser.)
  • PP Sheetpress  + (STILL IN PROCESS)
  • Surf en bois (hollow)  + (Salut! Je suis en pleine fabrication d'unSalut! Je suis en pleine fabrication d'un surf mini-malibu en contreplaqué. Pour se faire je me suis largement inspiré des idées trouvées sur ainsi que d'autres sites (en référence plus bas) un grand merci à toute la communauté de shapers :) Pour les différentes étapes j'ai suivi (plus ou moins) pas à pas la méthode expliquée [ ici]. Je ne vais donc pas faire un copier-coller de leur site mais vous montrer ma fabrication en images avec des commentaires succins. Bonne lecture !es commentaires succins. Bonne lecture !)
  • Tuto Atelier Inkscape  + (Salut! Si tu es là c'est que tu dois vouloir faire ton propre porte clé à la laser! Avec ce tutoriel, rien de plus simple!)
  • Gufa mama  + (Scroll below if you would like to build up one for your office and home use. This is the step by step guide. Let’s save our planet 🌍 and recycle ♻️ .)
  • Mölkky  + (Se pratiquant en plein air, l'objectif du Se pratiquant en plein air, l'objectif du Mölkky est de marquer exactement cinquante points en renversant des quilles numérotées de 1 à 12 avec un bâton de bois (le ''Mölkky'', en finlandais). Après avoir joué à plusieurs reprises au Mölkky, nous avions envie d’en avoir un pour profiter des journées ensoleillées avec nos amis. Alors plutôt que de l’acheter, nous nous sommes demandés si nous ne pouvions pas le faire nous-mêmes avec les moyens du bord !faire nous-mêmes avec les moyens du bord !)
  • Étage distributeur de bonbons de la Bento Box  + (Selon la couleur lue par le capteur de couSelon la couleur lue par le capteur de couleurs, une trappe laisse tomber plus ou moins (ou pas du tout) de bonbon(s) dans le tiroir de réception. Le concept général suit le principe de la modularité totale, ainsi toutes les pièces ont été conçues pour être interchangeables et personnalisable en matériau ou en décoration. Le système mécanique d'ouverture et fermeture de trappe a été conçu comme un bloc indépendant et solidaire afin d'améliorer la solidité et la fiabilité des pièces en mouvement. Ce mécanisme peut ainsi s'insérer dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.r dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.)
  • Étage distributeur de bonbons de la Bento Box  + (Selon la couleur lue par le capteur de couSelon la couleur lue par le capteur de couleurs, une trappe laisse tomber plus ou moins (ou pas du tout) de bonbon(s) dans le tiroir de réception. Le concept général suit le principe de la modularité totale, ainsi toutes les pièces ont été conçues pour être interchangeables et personnalisable en matériau ou en décoration. Le système mécanique d'ouverture et fermeture de trappe a été conçu comme un bloc indépendant et solidaire afin d'améliorer la solidité et la fiabilité des pièces en mouvement. Ce mécanisme peut ainsi s'insérer dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.r dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.)
  • Arduino to ThingSpeak via SIM800 No Wi-Fi  + (Sending data from an Arduino microcontrollSending data from an Arduino microcontroller to the ThingSpeak platform using a GPRS module is not a novel project concept. While it may appear outdated in numerous regions, owing to the rapid evolution of communication technologies such as 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and the potential for 6G, this is not the case in my country. In India, 2G technologies remain prevalent, and major network operators have confirmed their intent to sustain 2G services.irmed their intent to sustain 2G services.)
  • Jeu de dames et d'échecs - v2  + (Septembre 2018 ma fille Katia et moi CyrilSeptembre 2018 ma fille Katia et moi Cyrille nous inscrivons au Fablab de Fontenay/Bois : La Forge... Octobre 2018, une initiation à la découpe laser plus tard (complétée d'une formation à Inkscape), on se lance dans notre premier "vrai" projet : créer un jeu de dames... Le but étant de nous familiariser avec les machines (Trotec) et aussi avec la modélisation sous Inkscape (donc pas question de récupérer un modèle "clef en main") Au milieu de la modélisation, nous avons décidé de rendre le plateau réversible pour créer un échiquier ! ''Attention quand j'écris en italique, ce sont mes réflexions personnelles, si vous voulez uniquement la partie tuto, yaka pas lire...'' ''Spoiler, passez à la suite si voulez conserver un peu de suspens !'''''A l'heure actuelle (27/11/2018) :'''- le tuto est en cours de rédaction (donc est en retard sur la réalisation)... - les pions d'échecs sont en cours de découpe ''(il ne manque plus que 2 socles, mais on avait oublié une chute à la maison, du coup, il ne restait rien de notre planche, et on veut avoir tout le bois provenant de la même planche...)'' - les plaques de PMMA sont arrivées pour les pions de dames - reste à vernir les plateauxns de dames - reste à vernir les plateaux)
  • Test v3  + (Septembre 2018 ma fille Katia et moi CyrilSeptembre 2018 ma fille Katia et moi Cyrille nous inscrivons au Fablab de Fontenay/Bois : La Forge... Octobre 2018, une initiation à la découpe laser plus tard (complétée d'une formation à Inkscape), on se lance dans notre premier "vrai" projet : créer un jeu de dames... Le but étant de nous familiariser avec les machines (Trotec) et aussi avec la modélisation sous Inkscape (donc pas question de récupérer un modèle "clef en main") Au milieu de la modélisation, nous avons décidé de rendre le plateau réversible pour créer un échiquier ! ''Attention quand j'écris en italique, ce sont mes réflexions personnelles, si vous voulez uniquement la partie tuto, yaka pas lire...'' ''Spoiler, passez à la suite si voulez conserver un peu de suspens !'' '''A l'heure actuelle (27/11/2018) :''' - le tuto est en cours de rédaction (donc est en retard sur la réalisation)... - les pions d'échecs sont en cours de découpe ''(il ne manque plus que 2 socles, mais on avait oublié une chute à la maison, du coup, il ne restait rien de notre planche, et on veut avoir tout le bois provenant de la même planche...)'' - les plaques de PMMA sont arrivées pour les pions de dames - reste à vernir les plateauxns de dames - reste à vernir les plateaux)
  • Jeu de dames et d'échecs  + (Septembre 2018, ma fille Katia et moi CyriSeptembre 2018, ma fille Katia et moi Cyrille nous inscrivons au Fablab de Fontenay/Bois : La Forge... Octobre 2018, une initiation à la découpe laser plus tard (complétée d'une formation à Inkscape), on se lance dans notre premier "vrai" projet : créer un jeu de dames... Le but étant de nous familiariser avec les machines (Trotec) et aussi avec la modélisation sous Inkscape (donc pas question de récupérer un modèle "clef en main") Au milieu de la modélisation, nous avons décidé de rendre le plateau réversible pour créer un échiquier ! ''Attention quand j'écris en italique, ce sont mes réflexions personnelles, si vous voulez uniquement la partie tuto, yaka pas lire...'' ''Attention spoiler : passez à la suite si voulez conserver un peu de suspens !'' '''A l'heure actuelle (02/01/2019) :''' - le tuto est de nouveau en cours de rédaction ''(après une bonne galère due à une étape trop longue ?!?)'' - reste à vernir les plateauxngue ?!?)'' - reste à vernir les plateaux)
  • Jeu de dames et d'échecs  + (Septembre 2018, ma fille Katia et moi CyriSeptembre 2018, ma fille Katia et moi Cyrille nous inscrivons au Fablab de Fontenay/Bois : La Forge... Octobre 2018, une initiation à la découpe laser plus tard (complétée d'une formation à Inkscape), on se lance dans notre premier "vrai" projet : créer un jeu de dames... Le but étant de nous familiariser avec les machines (Trotec) et aussi avec la modélisation sous Inkscape (donc pas question de récupérer un modèle "clef en main") Au milieu de la modélisation, nous avons décidé de rendre le plateau réversible pour créer un échiquier ! ''Attention quand j'écris en italique, ce sont mes réflexions personnelles, si vous voulez uniquement la partie tuto, yaka pas lire...'' ''Attention spoiler : passez à la suite si voulez conserver un peu de suspens !'' '''A l'heure actuelle (02/01/2019) :''' - le tuto est de nouveau en cours de rédaction ''(après une bonne galère due à une étape trop longue ?!?)'' - reste à vernir les plateauxngue ?!?)'' - reste à vernir les plateaux)
  • Reformers  + (Sequel to our findings the characteristicsSequel to our findings the characteristics of the solid waste generated across popular and economically significant cities of Africa, namely Cairo (Egypt), Lagos (Nigeria), Johannesburg (South Africa) and Nairobi (Kenya), and therefore the projected potential income generation for waste investors were carried out. With dense population that stands at 9.12, 8, 4.4 and 3.1 millions in Cairo, Lagos, Johannesburg and Nairobi, respectively, organic/putrescible/biodegradable waste generated is approximately 60% of the entire waste stream, with the smallest amount recorded in Johannesburg (approx. 35%). Reformers is proffering an innovative solution to problem like Climate Change, Pollution and Clogged waterways. Our solutions involve three major areas namely; collection of waste, sorting of waste with our smart bins into different components like plastics, metals and all. We then recycle and upcycle the waste to new materials to fit into industries like Construction and Transportation, Fashion and Kitchen Items, and Agriculture.ashion and Kitchen Items, and Agriculture.)
  • Egypt - Shandaweel Village Water Filter - Sanivation Team  + (Shandaweel Village has long suffered from Shandaweel Village has long suffered from the pollution of their only source of clean drinking water, causing high rates of kidney failure, diseases & viruses, and eventually mortality. In a poor & underprivileged village, people constantly suffer from that, with temporary and unsustainable solutions only scarring their wounds more deeper, this was the time to intervene. Focusing on solving the problem in a sustainable way, using ecofriendly materials that are organic, available, accessible and affordable to the locals, we came up with the idea of creating a simple filtration system that can save a lot of pain, and lives. Using a very basic & proven way to clean polluted water. See CDC report on slow sand filter: [ Slow Sand Filtrationand-filtration.html#effectiveness Slow Sand Filtration)
  • Attache lampe blinder Knog  + (Si comme moi vous avez perdu votre attache de lampe, je vous propose un fichier à imprimer qui fait bien l'affaire.)
  • Vikart : kart électrique pas cher, performant et facile à construire  + (Si vous avez l’âme d’un Michael Schumacher, que l’idée d’une course en kart entre amis vous émoustille au plus haut point et que vous aimez fabriquer des choses de vos mains, alors vous êtes au bon endroit !)
  • Vikart : kart électrique pas cher, performant et facile à construire  + (Si vous avez l’âme d’un Michael Schumacher, que l’idée d’une course en kart entre amis vous émoustille au plus haut point et que vous aimez fabriquer des choses de vos mains, alors vous êtes au bon endroit !)
  • SITU SLOT GAME 999 TERPERCAYA ONLINE 24 JAM NON STOP  + (Slot 999 merupakan daftar situs judi slot Slot 999 merupakan daftar situs judi slot online yang sangat booming dan di minati sekali oleh banyak orang. Saat ini sangatlah mudah bagi anda untuk menemukan permainan judi online 24 jam menggunakan deposit minimal 10.000 Demi bisa mendapatkan permainan terbaik di dalam bermain judi slot maka pilihan yang tepat untuk anda adalah [ '''''Situs Slot 999'''''] online terbaik 2023. Cara melakukan pendaftaran sebagai member baru sangat mudah dan cepat. Setelah memiliki akun judi slot online maka anda bisa bermain semua permainan game di dalam nya.bermain semua permainan game di dalam nya.)
  • Soi-keo-cuoc-xien-va-keo-1x2-keo-nao-de-an-hon-cho-bet-thu  + (Soi kèo cược xiên luôn được biết đến là hìSoi kèo cược xiên luôn được biết đến là hình thức mang lại siêu lợi nhuận nếu bắt được những đơn cược lẻ sáng nước. Bên cạnh đó chắc hẳn bạn cũng đã nghe đến kèo 1×2 với hệ số thưởng hấp dẫn không kém khi nhận định bóng đá. Vậy trong 2 loại cá cược này, kèo nào dễ ăn hơn và sinh lời tốt hơn? Hãy cùng [ Xoilac tv] phân tích về [ soi kèo cược xiên và kèo 1×2] để phục vụ chiến lược soi kèo bóng đá hôm nay. == Soi kèo cược xiên là gì? == Cược xiên còn được biết đến với các tên chơi xâu, là hình thức gom nhiều mã lẻ vào chung một kèo duy nhất. Để thắng cược hoặc ít nhất không thua, anh em phải đảm bảo yêu cầu không có bất cứ đơn cược thành phần nào thua 100%. Hệ số thưởng của cược xiên tất nhiên cao hơn hẳn so với việc chơi từng mã lẻ theo nguyên tắc xiên càng cao, tiền thưởng dự kiến càng lớn. Soi kèo cược xiên sẽ giúp bạn xác định được những trận đấu đang đầu tư nhất để ghép xâu trong ngày. Bản chất của hình thức này là ghép nhiều trận lại để đặt cược chung nên tối thiểu cần chọn 2 kèo (không cùng trận đấu) để tạo lập. Cách tính kèo xiên sẽ liên quan đến tỷ lệ trả thưởng của từng mã con theo công thức: tiền thực nhận = tiền cược x (1+tỷ lệ thưởng 1)(1+tỷ lệ thưởng 2)….(1+tỷ lệ thưởng n) -100. == So sánh soi kèo cược xiên và 1×2 chi tiết == Rất nhiều người phân vân nên chọn kèo xiên hay kèo châu Âu để soi kèo bóng đá hôm nay. Sau đây sẽ là phân tích của chuyên gia Xoilac tv để làm rõ vấn đề trên. === Về xác suất thắng === Đầu tiên hãy cùng thảo luận về tỷ lệ thắng trước khi [ nhận định bóng đá] hôm nay. * Kèo 1×2 có 3 cửa đặt, tức khả năng giành chiến thắng là 33,3% trong điều kiện lý tưởng. * Khi soi kèo cược xiên, bạn phải đưa ra 2/4 lựa chọn ở 2 trận khác nhau với tỷ lệ tương ứng là 50% x 50% = 25%. Càng nhiều xiên, xác suất thắng càng thấp (xiên 10 có xác suất dưới 0,1%).
    ấp (xiên 10 có xác suất dưới 0,1%). <br/>)
  • Sèti - Mobilier multifonction  + (Son coût est indicatif, il correspond enviSon coût est indicatif, il correspond environ au prix d'une plaque de médium de 244 x 122 cm en épaisseur 18mm. A ce coût faudra ajouter le temps machine + opérateur du Fablab (environ 180€). La durée de 2,5h est aussi indicative, elle inclue le temps de découpe à la commande numérique et le temps de montage. Pour la découpe, vous devrez utiliser le fichier "[ fb0010_a_plat_neutre].ai", fichier récupérable dans l'onglet Fichier ci-dessous.upérable dans l'onglet Fichier ci-dessous.)
  • Sèti - Mobilier multifonction  + (Son coût est indicatif, il correspond enviSon coût est indicatif, il correspond environ au prix d'une plaque de médium de 244 x 122 cm en épaisseur 18mm. A ce coût faudra ajouter le temps machine + opérateur du Fablab (environ 180€). La durée de 2,5h est aussi indicative, elle inclue le temps de découpe à la commande numérique et le temps de montage. Pour la découpe, vous devrez utiliser le fichier "[ fb0010_a_plat_neutre].ai", fichier récupérable dans l'onglet Fichier ci-dessous.upérable dans l'onglet Fichier ci-dessous.)
  • Transfert sur bois à la manière d'Antoine  + (Souvent lorsqu'on veut apposer les logos dSouvent lorsqu'on veut apposer les logos de partenaires sur des découpes laser, on s'aperçoit en simulant la gravure que certains logos posent problème : il faut 4 heures pour marquer une seule plaque de bois ! Sur 10 plaques, cela peut monter à 40 heures et exploser votre rétro-planning de production. Dans un fablab par exemple, on partage les machines et ce type de problème devient très lourd. Avec l'astuce d'Antoine Tabet, de la Fabrique de la Roche Aux Fées, vous pouvez gagner des dizaines d'heures et en qualité.agner des dizaines d'heures et en qualité.)
  • How to Download Spotify to MP3 in 320kbps High Quality  + (Spotify Premium subscribers have the opporSpotify Premium subscribers have the opportunity to download their favorite Spotify songs in 320kbps very high quality for offline playback. However, the downloads are stored in scattered caches in the special OGG Vorbis format. That means users can only listen to those downloaded tracks offline on limited Spotify-enabled devices. Also, when the Spotify subscription expires, users cannot play those downloaded content offline unless they renew the Spotify Premium plan. Therefore, many Spotify users are seeking an all-in-one solution that can download Spotify to commonly used MP3 in 320kbps. And this is what this post will introduce. Without further ado, let's read on.oduce. Without further ado, let's read on.)
  • How to Download Spotify Song without Premium  + (Spotify has an extremely high limit on howSpotify has an extremely high limit on how many songs they can download for Premium users. Spotify allows Premium users to download 10,000 songs on each of up to 5 different devices. You will be able to use downloaded music files only inside Spotify’s app. If you want to play Spotify songs on any device and keep them permanently, you can opt for '''AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter'''. This software allows you to grab the tracks by making them DRM-free and converting them to popular audio formats. Now you can try AMusicSoft Spotify Music Converter to [ '''download Spotify songs'''] as local files without Premium. With AMusicSoft, you can now own a lot of music files and have them on your desired device.iles and have them on your desired device.)
  • How to Play Spotify on iPod Touch  + (Spotify is one of the most popular music sSpotify is one of the most popular music streaming services in the world that are popular among people who are musically inclined. Spotify has over 100 million tracks that you can listen to, in addition to over 5 million podcasts and audiobooks. Also, as the years go by, Spotify is getting readily available to install on any device like Android devices, and even iOS for this matter, plus it also works in a web browser. So, what about if you have an iPod Touch, would you be able to '''''[ play Spotify on iPod Touch]'''''? Nowadays, iPod is favored by users for playing music because it's more convenient than carrying around a giant smartphone. Can you use Spotify on an iPod touch? The method of how to do it will depend on the generation of your iPod Touch. Don’t worry because you will find out more about it as we go along in this post. And here, you will learn about installing Spotify on iPod Touch, troubleshooting if you encountered a Spotify compatibility issue, and listening to your favorite music even if you are offline. So, without further ado, let’s get started. Spotify is available across a range of devices, including computers, phones, tablets, speakers, TVs, and cars, and you can easily transition from one to another with Spotify Connect. But can you play Spotify on iPod Touch/Classic/Shuffle/Nano? According to the latest system requirements which Spotify posted on their official website in 2023, users can only download and run Spotify App on the Apple device with iOS 14 or above version. Specific versions of the iPod, include the iPod Touch, iPod Classic, iPod Mini, iPod Nano, and iPod Shuffle. We believe that many music lovers still use the iPod products. The good news for iPod users is that the seventh-generation iPod touch supports iOS 13 through iOS 15. iPod users whose devices are the 7th generation with iOS 15 running, where the Spotify Music app can be directly installed. However, Apple officially discontinued the iPod line on May 10, 2022, which means the iPod Touch lineup can not get software support and update from Apple. Since the differences in compatibility between Spotify and iPod Touch, how to play Spotify on iPod Touch is getting harder and harder. Is Spotify music Available on iPod now? The answer is still yes, there is another method for that which I will further explain in the latter part of this post including the steps on how to do so. post including the steps on how to do so.)
  • Spotify Music Tips  + (Spotify offers both an ad-supported free vSpotify offers both an ad-supported free version and a premium subscription (US$9.99 monthly) with unlimited streaming of its 82 million-plus songs. '''However, for Spotify users with Spotify Free accounts, they will run into trouble if they’re not connected to the Internet'''. They can’t download/save songs to a local computer or play it on their music player, not to mention saving Spotify music to an SD card. '''With Spotify Premium''', although Spotify allows you to sync songs to a recognized SD card, '''for some reason it downloads to the Internal Storage instead of an external SD card'''. How to stop the above annoying things to save Spotify music to the external SD card for listening to music in smartphones or your car stereo? You're lucky. [ '''Sidify Music Converter'''] will certainly help you achieve that.'''] will certainly help you achieve that.)
  • 7 Plants That Will Keep Pests Out of Your Garden, and 7 Plants That Will Attract Pollinators  + (Spring is the time to plant and seed. If ySpring is the time to plant and seed. If you usually pick plants and flowers for your garden intuitively or by color, shape and size, perhaps this year you can try to change your approach a bit. This time, pick your plants based on whether or not they can repel pests or attract pollinators. This way of gardening will help you solve 2 problems at once, keeping nasty bugs out of your garden and harvesting more crops thanks to pollinators. We’ve made a short guide on the types of plants that repel pests and the kinds that attract “good” insects and birds to your garden. ===Plants that repel pests=== ===1. Mint=== Mint prefers well-drained but moist ground, tolerates shade, and needs minimal care. Mint is the plant that we love thanks to its strong fragrance. But some animals and bugs just can’t stand the smell of mint, and we can use this feature to our advantage. '''It can repel''' ants, mosquitoes, slugs, snails, and mice. ===2. Petunia=== Petunias can grow in partial shade and need to be protected from the wind. Make sure these plants have a 1-foot distance between each other. Petunias are among the most popular garden flowers — they’re beautiful and bright, and also have a nice bonus feature: they can repel nasty bugs. ===='''It can repel''' leafhoppers, aphids, tomato hornworms, and asparagus beetles. '''[ CLICK TO CONTINUE READING]'''====2 <u>CLICK TO CONTINUE READING</u>]'''====)
  • MAINPAGE  + (Spring is the time to plant and seed. If ySpring is the time to plant and seed. If you usually pick plants and flowers for your garden intuitively or by color, shape and size, perhaps this year you can try to change your approach a bit. This time, pick your plants based on whether or not they can repel pests or attract pollinators. This way of gardening will help you solve 2 problems at once, keeping nasty bugs out of your garden and harvesting more crops thanks to pollinators. We’ve made a short guide on the types of plants that repel pests and the kinds that attract “good” insects and birds to your garden. === Plants that repel pests === === 1. Mint === Mint prefers well-drained but moist ground, tolerates shade, and needs minimal care. Mint is the plant that we love thanks to its strong fragrance. But some animals and bugs just can’t stand the smell of mint, and we can use this feature to our advantage. '''It can repel''' ants, mosquitoes, slugs, snails, and mice. === 2. Petunia === Petunias can grow in partial shade and need to be protected from the wind. Make sure these plants have a 1-foot distance between each other. Petunias are among the most popular garden flowers — they’re beautiful and bright, and also have a nice bonus feature: they can repel nasty bugs. ==== '''It can repel''' leafhoppers, aphids, tomato hornworms, and asparagus beetles. '''[ CLICK TO CONTINUE READING]''' ==== <u>CLICK TO CONTINUE READING</u>]''' ====)
  • How to Play Spotify on Squeezebox  + (Squeezebox is a family of network music plSqueezebox is a family of network music players, which launched by Slim Devices. Many people still use it. Some users are wondering how to use Spotify on Squeezebox. That’s what we will talk about today. Let me introduce the best way to enjoy Spotify on Squeezebox. TunesKit [ Spotify Music Converter] is a professional and wonderful Spotify converter, with which all Spotify users can download and convert all songs, playlists, albums, and artists from Spotify to Squeezebox supported audio formats like MP3, AAC, WAV, and more lossless at the 5X speed. The following is the detailed step-by-step guide that shows you how to download and convert Spotify music to MP3 or other common audio formats. Before launching TunesKit Spotify Music Converter, you should make sure that you have installed this software on your personal computer which can be Windows or Mac.on your personal computer which can be Windows or Mac.)
  • Advantages of stretch jeans  + (Stretch jeans such as [https://www.gingttoStretch jeans such as [ men's stretch jeans] have revolutionized the denim industry by offering a perfect blend of comfort, style, and versatility. Unlike traditional denim jeans, stretch jeans incorporate a small percentage of elastane or spandex into their fabric composition, providing enhanced flexibility and a snug fit. This article explores the advantages of stretch jeans, highlighting why they have become a wardrobe staple for fashion-forward individuals of all ages. '''Comfortable Fit:''' One of the primary advantages of stretch jeans is their exceptional comfort. The addition of elastane or spandex fibers allows the fabric to stretch and move with the body, offering a comfortable and unrestricted feel throughout the day. Whether sitting, standing, or engaging in physical activities, stretch jeans provide a flexible fit that molds to the body's contours without feeling constricting or restrictive. '''Enhanced Mobility:''' Stretch jeans offer improved mobility and freedom of movement compared to traditional denim jeans. The elasticity of the fabric allows for greater flexibility, making it easier to bend, squat, or reach without feeling restricted. This advantage is particularly beneficial for individuals with active lifestyles who require clothing that can keep up with their movements, whether running errands, attending social events, or engaging in outdoor activities. '''Flattering Silhouette:''' Another notable advantage of stretch jeans is their ability to create a flattering silhouette for various body types. The stretchy fabric gently hugs the curves and contours of the body, providing a sleek and streamlined appearance. Stretch jeans can help smooth out any lumps or bumps, creating a more polished and flattering look. Additionally, the flexibility of the fabric ensures that the jeans maintain their shape and fit snugly without sagging or bagging over time. '''Versatile Style Options:''' Stretch jeans come in a wide range of styles, washes, and finishes, offering versatile options to suit different preferences and occasions. From skinny jeans and bootcut jeans to high-rise and boyfriend jeans, there is a style of stretch jeans to complement every wardrobe. Whether dressing up for a night out or keeping it casual for a weekend brunch, stretch jeans provide endless styling possibilities that can effortlessly transition from day to night. '''Easy Care and Maintenance:''' Stretch jeans are known for their durability and easy care requirements, making them a practical choice for everyday wear. Most stretch jeans can be machine washed and dried without losing their shape or elasticity. Additionally, the stretchy fabric is resistant to wrinkles and creases, ensuring that the jeans maintain a crisp and polished appearance with minimal effort. This convenience makes stretch jeans a go-to option for individuals with busy lifestyles who value low-maintenance clothing options. '''Long-lasting Performance:''' Despite their stretchy nature, stretch jeans are designed to withstand regular wear and maintain their shape and integrity over time. The combination of high-quality denim and elastane or spandex fibers ensures long-lasting durability and performance. Stretch jeans are less prone to stretching out or becoming misshapen, even after multiple washes and wears, providing excellent value for money in the long run. '''Conclusion:''' In conclusion, the advantages of stretch jeans are undeniable, offering a winning combination of comfort, style, and versatility. Whether you're seeking a pair of jeans for everyday wear or special occasions, stretch jeans provide the perfect balance of form and function. With their comfortable fit, enhanced mobility, flattering silhouette, versatile style options, easy care and maintenance, and long-lasting performance, stretch jeans have rightfully earned their place as a wardrobe essential for fashion-conscious individuals seeking both style and comfort.ndividuals seeking both style and comfort.)
  • Pense-pas-Bête  + (Suite à ma formation IMT Fabnum 2022, voici le descriptif de l'étage 3 de ma Bentolux en liaison avec ma proposition entrepreneuriale d'un nouvel appareil le "Pense pas bête" de la future société "Retrait'Aide limited".)
  • 5 Tips to Get the Fastest Cooling from Your Car's Air Conditioner This Summer  + (Summer is about to hit Perth, it’s high tiSummer is about to hit Perth, it’s high time that you prepare yourself and your car to deal with our scorching West Australian summer heat. The air conditioner (AC) in your car is the only saviour that protects us from the blazing sun while we commute to work or run errands.  Our expert mechanics in Canning Vale have put down their favourite tips that will help you get the most of your car’s AC to achieve its maximum cooling. Remember before you head out with your car this summer make sure you get its seasonal service done for a smooth run throughout the season. AME Automotive offers an extensive range of [ '''car air conditioning services'''] including a car aircon regas service. With their trained experts and industry experience, AME Automotive is the best mechanics in Canning Vale for car AC repair and maintenance. == 5 Ways to Get the Maximum Cooling from Your Car AC == It's perfectly fine if your car’s AC is working well but in Perth when it’s not we soon knows and complains about it fast! Air Conditioning has become the Perth way of life, so how can we maximise getting the most out of the Air Conditioner in our car? Read on we have the top 5 tips to get better and faster cooling from your car’s AC. === 1. Partially Open the Windows === In summer when you start the car and your journey it's better to leave a hot car’s windows partially open.  This is so the hot air can escape out of the vehicle. The Perth summer season is notoriously known for heating the insides of your car and filling it up with warm air. When you sit in the car to go on your journey and switch on the Aircon it will have to work on releasing a huge amount of heat before it even begins to cool down. However if you open the windows while the AC is switched on, hot air will escape through the gap. This makes the cooling much faster and reduces the work AC has to do. === 2. Use the Recirculating Mode === When you switch on the car’s AC and after the car begins to cool down, always remember to use the recirculation mode too. Initially the recirculation mode will help the warm air escape faster. Warm air tends to rise with increasing temperature and escape through the vents. The recirculation mode will accelerate the process. Once you have gotten rid of the warm air the same re circulating mode will circulate the cool air throughout the car.  The science is cool air being heavy settles on the floor. An external force that recirculates it will facilitate a uniform distribution and enable effective cooling. === 3. Keep a Track on the Refrigerant Level === Sometimes you could be doing everything right and still your car Air Conditioner will fail to cool the temperature inside. This might be a sign of reduced refrigerant. These refrigerants cool the air coming out from the car aircon. If you are testing the air conditioner on full heat (or cold) and the air coming out is still untreated (e.g. Lukewarm this could be a sign that your car AC needs repair or a [ '''Car aircon regas service''']. Bring your car into AME Automotive and we can check for you. Get the refrigerant refilled on time and grab your car aircon regas service before the summer hits.  In a Car Aircon regas service we will also inspect all your car’s Air Conditioner equipment and refrigerant pipes. Damaged or leaky pipes can cause the refrigerant to drip out and disrupt the AC’s cooling even after getting the refrigerant refilled. === 4. Clean the AC &Air Filters === When your car’s AC sits idle throughout the winter, spring or even when driving the car air filters and the AC collects a lot of dust. Make sure during any service these are pulled out and replaced (or at a minimum cleaned). A clogged filter will be disrupt the flow of cool air and substantially reduce its speed. With the reduced airflow rate it will take a lot longer for the air conditioner to cool the car. Also, since old and dirty filters force your aircon to work harder and push out the cool air, it will lead to a sharp increase in fuel consumption. To avoid this always get your trusted mechanic to inspect and replace the filters. === 5. Park Smart! === So simple but the easiest way to make the most of your car’s Aircon is to park under shade.  It always sounds easier than it is as Parking around Perth and in the suburbs can be at a premium sometimes.  Most our mechanics would pick a steaming hot car if they can get a fast and easy parking spot without waiting. Aiming for shade (where possible) and avoiding unnecessary heat will keep the temperature of your car low and the air conditioner working less to cool the air faster. '''Pro Tip''' - How to take you’re parking to the next level.  If you have to park your car in the sun, can you park near shade and consider if it will cover your car if the sun moves in the right direction??  Remember if you don't get a shaded parking spot, keep the windows of your parked car just cracked (but not accessible) to enable air circulation (again providing you feel parking is secure and low threat) – Now is a good time to remind you NEVER to leave valuables in the car and ESPECIALLY in plain sight if you don’t want it broken into. == Wrapping Up == Driving around in the Perth Summer in a stinking hot car is ridiculously uncomfortable. Aa unserviced and slow Air Conditioner will only make matters worse. If you focus on even a couple of these top tips you will improve the performance of your car’s AC and ensure comfortable car rides even though this Perth summer.table car rides even though this Perth summer.)
  • Support ergonomique laptop  + (Support de pc portable pour réhausser la vSupport de pc portable pour réhausser la vue et augmenter le confort ergonomique. L'ensemble est composé de : - 1 plateau de bois d'environ 400x400mm, ou de la taille de votre choix - 2 x 3 éléments imprimés 3D à assembler et à fixer sur le plateau et sur lesquels vient se placer l'ordinateur portable.els vient se placer l'ordinateur portable.)
  • Swimming Safety 101: Tips for Safe Swimming  + (Swimming is a refreshing and enjoyable actSwimming is a refreshing and enjoyable activity, whether you're taking a dip in a pool, lake, or ocean. However, it's crucial to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and ensure a pleasant experience for everyone involved. Whether you're a seasoned swimmer or just dipping your toes in the water, these tips will help you stay safe and confident in any aquatic environment.
    == 1. Learn to Swim == The first and most important step in swimming safety is learning how to swim proficiently. Enroll yourself and your children in swimming lessons taught by certified instructors. These lessons not only teach essential swimming skills but also cover water safety techniques such as floating, treading water, and recognizing dangerous situations.
    == 2. Supervise Constantly == Never swim alone, and always supervise children near water, even if they know how to swim. Designate a responsible adult to keep watch at all times, especially in crowded pools or open water settings where visibility might be limited. Avoid distractions like phones or reading materials while supervising, as every second counts in an emergency.
    == 3. Know Your Limits == Understanding your swimming abilities and physical limitations is crucial for staying safe in the water. Don't attempt to swim beyond your skill level or endurance capacity, and never engage in breath-holding contests or other risky activities that can lead to shallow water blackout or drowning.
    == 4. Respect Water Conditions == Be aware of the current water conditions before entering any body of water. Check for signs warning of dangerous currents, rip tides, or hazardous marine life. If swimming in open water, such as the ocean or a lake, familiarize yourself with the area's topography and potential hazards before diving in.
    == 5. Wear Appropriate Gear == Always wear appropriate swimwear when swimming, avoiding loose clothing that can impede movement or become entangled in underwater obstacles. Additionally, consider wearing a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket, especially if you're not a strong swimmer or if swimming in open water where currents can be unpredictable.
    == 6. Practice Sun Safety == Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying waterproof sunscreen with a high SPF before swimming, even on cloudy days. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if swimming for extended periods. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses can also provide additional sun protection. [ pool heat pump] == 7. Stay Hydrated == Swimming can be deceptively strenuous, leading to dehydration if not properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after swimming to maintain optimal hydration levels. Avoid alcoholic beverages, as they can impair judgment and increase the risk of accidents in the water.
    == 8. Be Cautious Around Pool Drains == Pool drains and suction outlets can pose a serious safety hazard, especially for young children. Teach children to stay away from pool drains and never to play or swim near them. Additionally, ensure that pools are equipped with proper drain covers and safety mechanisms to prevent entrapment incidents.
    == 9. Know Emergency Procedures == Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and rescue techniques, such as CPR and basic first aid. Keep a phone or other communication device nearby in case of emergencies, and know how to quickly and accurately relay your location to emergency responders if needed.
    == 10. Follow Pool Rules and Signs == Whether swimming in a public pool, private pool, or natural body of water, always adhere to posted rules and signs. These regulations are in place to protect swimmers and ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for everyone. Ignoring posted warnings or rules can lead to accidents or injuries.
    == 11. Buddy System == Swimming with a buddy is an effective way to enhance safety in the water. Choose a swimming partner who is at a similar skill level and agrees to keep an eye on each other throughout the swimming session. The buddy system ensures that help is readily available in case of an emergency, and it provides an extra layer of support and encouragement during swims.
    == 12. Check Weather Conditions == Before heading out for a swim, check the weather forecast to ensure safe swimming conditions. Avoid swimming during thunderstorms, as lightning poses a significant risk of electrocution and injury. Pay attention to wind speed and direction, as strong winds can create hazardous waves and currents, especially in open water environments. If inclement weather is forecasted, consider postponing your swim or choosing a safer location for aquatic activities.
    == 13. Be Mindful of Exhaustion == Swimming can be physically demanding, especially for inexperienced swimmers or those swimming in challenging conditions. Watch out for signs of fatigue or exhaustion, such as muscle cramps, heavy breathing, or difficulty staying afloat. Take regular breaks to rest and hydrate, and listen to your body's signals to avoid overexertion. If you feel tired or unwell while swimming, exit the water immediately and seek assistance if necessary.
    == 14. Utilizing Swimming Pool Heat Pumps: == In the realm of swimming safety, maintaining appropriate water temperature is crucial for comfort and enjoyment. [ Swimming pool heat pump] offers a reliable solution for regulating water temperature, ensuring that swimmers can enjoy safe and comfortable swimming conditions year-round. By utilizing ambient air temperature, these devices provide consistent heating without relying on fossil fuels or direct sunlight, promoting energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Proper installation and maintenance of swimming pool heat pumps are essential aspects of ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming experience, complementing other safety measures such as supervision, knowledge of swimming techniques, and adherence to pool rules and regulations. If you are interested in a pool heat pump, feel free to contact Zealux [ Heat Pump Supplier] for expert guidance and reliable products that prioritize both safety and efficiency. By incorporating swimming pool heat pumps into your pool maintenance routine, you can enhance swimming safety while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing comfort for all swimmers. Conclusion By incorporating swimming pool heat pumps and following these additional safety measures into your swimming routine, you can further minimize the risk of accidents and injuries while enjoying the water. Remember that swimming safety is a collective responsibility, and everyone in the swimming community, including [ heat pump manufacturers], plays a role in promoting a culture of awareness and preparedness. With proper planning, supervision, and mindfulness, swimming can remain a safe and enjoyable activity for people of all ages and abilities. tag: [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] , [ air to water heat pump system] , [ air to water heating system] , wärmepumpen hersteller vergleich, schwedische wärmepumpen hersteller, wärmepumpe anbieter vergleich, großwärmepumpen hersteller, wärmepumpe schweizer hersteller, wärmepumpen hersteller weltweit, marktführer wärmepumpen, wärmepumpen vergleich hersteller, wärmepumpe marktführer
    ller, wärmepumpen hersteller weltweit, marktführer wärmepumpen, wärmepumpen vergleich hersteller, wärmepumpe marktführer)
  • Swingo  + (Swingo est basé sur le jeu de pétanque. AuSwingo est basé sur le jeu de pétanque. Au début de la partie, le plus jeune lance la balle à la distance qu'il souhaite. Ensuite, les joueurs tirent leurs hélices volantes et essayent de les faire atterrir le plus proche possible de la balle. Celui qui a son Swingo le plus proche gagne. A vos jouets ! Vous pouvez imprimer une hélice et un pignon par joueur et vous passer la poignée de lancement. '''Matériel''' - Boule de ping pong pour le cochonnet - Crayon - Filament plastique pour impression 3d '''Outils''' - Lime, pour élargir le passage de la crémaillère dans la poignée si nécessaire - Pinceaux '''Machines''' - Imprimante 3D Pinceaux '''Machines''' - Imprimante 3D)
  • 5 Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Vaping Journey  + (Switching from traditional cigarettes to vSwitching from traditional cigarettes to vaping is indeed a healthy move. However for the best experience you need to be a little cautious when choosing the perfect vaping device and liquid. As a beginner you may need a little help in starting your vaping journey so here is a guide on 5 things you need to know before buying your first vaping device. At [ Ecchoice], you will find an extensive range of '''electronic cigarettes '''and e-liquids designed to deliver the ultimate vaping experience. Their quality products, seamless customer service and competitive pricing, are what makes them Australia’s best vape brand to [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide''']'''.'''
    == 5 Things to Consider Before You Start Vaping == The vaping experience that you will have depends largely on the devices and vape juice that you choose. Along with the right equipment, here is a list of the top 5 most important since every smoker should know before buying e-cigs and [ '''e-juice in Adelaide''']'''.''' === 1. Selecting the Right E-liquid === The experience you have with your vaping device is majorly influenced by the type of liquid that you choose. You can go for a regular e-liquid or ditch a liquid and go for a wax. The type of filling you use will influence the texture, flavour and strength of the smoke generated by the coil. It is always recommended that beginners go for low strength that does not deliver harsh hits. Once you get the hang of it, you can slowly level up. === 2. Choosing the Correct Tank Type === When choosing the perfect device for your vaping journey, there are many choices.  Disposable or reusable vaping devices are not the only choice you can make. Vaping devices are available with two different sizes of vape tanks. The smaller tanks are found in vape pens which are known for their slim and discrete style. These e-cigarettes only start vaporising the liquid when you press and hold the button. They are perfect for occasional smokers who want to keep their vaping interests under wraps. On the other hand, larger vape tanks are found in bigger vaping devices like a box mod. Since these tanks have a much higher capacity, they produce thicker clouds of smoke. Some of the devices also come with adjustable settings and long battery life for continuous service. === 3. Portability & Discretion === Most vaping devices are portable. However you might be looking for something more discreet, especially when you’re using it in public. In this case vape pens are the best choice for a few puffs on the go.  If you are looking for something stronger that you can use at home, go for a vape kit. Some smokers simply cannot get over the aesthetics and slim build of a regular cigarette. If you are one of them, then go for cig-a-likes. These devices look exactly like a traditional cigarette and come with a slim, tiny battery to keep them running for hours. === 4. Budget === Before you [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide'''], you should chalk out your budget. After all, a tight budget will narrow down your options. The cost of disposable vaping devices can range from anywhere between $10 to $40, depending on the brand. And the cost of reusable vaping devices can range from $25 to $100. However based on your usage, disposable waves can last a few days or a week at max, while a reusable e-cig can be used for at least 6 to 7 months which makes it a much more cost-effective investment in the long term. 5. Warranty & Support It's always nice to know that the brand has your back in case anything goes wrong with your product. Along with choosing the right product type, you also need to choose a reliable brand for the ultimate experience. Make sure you look for a brand with substantial industry experience, a dedicated customer support wing and warranty coverage to tackle unexpected product-related issues. == Final Thoughts == The switch from traditional cigarettes to vaping may seem daunting but choosing the right device and e-liquids will ease your journey and make it more enjoyable. The one thing that remains constant at every stage of your vaping journey is quality. Whether it's the device, the e-liquid or the customer service provided by the brand, quality should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.
    lity should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.)
  • T-Shirt É-CLA-TÉ  + (T-Shirt_É-CLA-TÉ)
  • T-Shirt É-CLA-TÉ  + (T-Shirt_É-CLA-TÉ)
  • Auto-challenge - 1h de design - 1 jeu + 1 tuto  + (TOP DEPART : 21h58 (et premier enregistrement à 22:03))
  • Auto-challenge - 1h de design - 1 jeu + 1 tuto  + (TOP DEPART : 21h58 (et premier enregistrement à 22:03))
  • Tabouret sablier  + (Tabouret sablier, pour le retour au calme des enfants ou simplement pour décorer. Original avec ses formes de pyramide, alliant différents matériaux (bois, plexiglass et métal) pour un style moderne et design. Réalisé en découpe laser. )
  • Tabouret sablier  + (Tabouret sablier, pour le retour au calme des enfants ou simplement pour décorer. Original avec ses formes de pyramide, alliant différents matériaux (bois, plexiglass et métal) pour un style moderne et design. Réalisé en découpe laser. )
  • Tactus, Horloge pour malvoyant, aveugle  + (Tactus est un objet tactile qui rend sensiTactus est un objet tactile qui rend sensible la perception du temps. Elle est une réponse à la lisibilité de l’heure pour malvoyants et aveugles de manière autonome. Cette horloge peut être fabriquée au sein de lieux d’entraide comme les fablab par exemple. Le design simple de Tactus permet rien qu’en la touchant de connaitre l’heure. Elle se compose de deux disques, un disque servant d’aiguille pour les heures ainsi qu’un disque servant de cadran écrit en Braille.disque servant de cadran écrit en Braille.)
  • How to Play Spotify Music on TeamSpeak  + (TeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-InteTeamSpeak is a proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) application for audio communication between users on a chat channel, much like a conference call. It is commonly used for communication in online gaming, allowing players to communicate with each other in real-time. Gamers can engage in various activities such as playing Spotify music on TeamSpeak while gaming to get an exciting vibe. If you have no idea of '''how to play Spotify music on TeamSpeak''', please look no further than this article to make it.k no further than this article to make it.)