Author SunZilla | Last edit 9/12/2019 by Clementflipo
SunZilla_Step_07_04.jpg en none Creation 0
Cut the aluminum profiles according to the technical drawings in the attached PDFs. Once you have them in hand, the first step is to file the ends of the profiles to deburr them, as shown in the picture.
Mark the position of the hole you will drill with the metal marker and the ruler. For the precise location and size of the various holes in the specific profiles, refer to the technical drawings in the below PDFs.
Afterwards, the marked positions need to be punched with the centre punch and then the holes can be drilled with the drill press.
After the holes are drilled they also need to be deburred by a countersinking cutter.
For the 4 x 150mm long square profiles, you should use the .PDF technical drawing "Folding Mech.- slides.pdf".
These will be cut open on one side like on the first picture beside.
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