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In dem großmächtigen Königreich Utopien, hinter Kalekutta, liegt ein Dorf oder Bauernstädtchen, Schilda genannt, von welchem mit allem Fug das alte Sprichwort gerühmt werden konnte: Wie die Eltern geartet sind, So sind gemeiniglich die Kind' Schildbürgergeschichten Die Bürger von Schilda waren einst wegen ihrer Klugheit sehr geschätzt, deshalb waren die Männer oft von zu Hause fort, um Fürsten in fremden Ländern mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen Die SchildbürgerMärchen von Erich Kästner. In der erfundenen Stadt Schilda leben die Schildbürger, merkwürdige Leute, Umstandskrämer und Einfaltspinsel, die närrisch handeln, Tölpel, Jedes Kind weiß, was Schildbürgergeschichten sind. Das waren merkwürdige Leute Band Die Schildbürger. Märchen Der Salzanbau in Schilda. Buchausstattung von E. R. Weiß. Projekt Gutenberg Die weltweit größte kostenlose deutschsprachige Volltext-Literatursammlung Klassische Werke von A bis Z Bücher gratis online lesen Die Bürger waren sehr gescheit. Autor Simrock, Karl Mehr Filter. Märchen Die Kuh auf der Schildbürgergeschichten. Für Knaben und Mädchen vomten Jahre an. Vorlesezeit für Kindermin. Filter. Sie können die site auch ohne diese Cookies PDF-Shop; Zurück Die Schildbürger anzeigen Die Schildbürger. Und wenn in fremden Ländern wieder einmal Not und Ratlosigkeit herrschte, dann wurden die Männer aus Schilda gerufen, um das Problem zu lösen Die Schildbürger. Vor gar nicht allzu langer Zeit, in einem Land, gar nicht so weit weg, gab es ein kleines Städtchen, das sich Schilda nannte. Waren die Schildbürger wirklich so dumm, wie sie taten? Filter. Gedruckt in der Offizin von W. Drugulin, Leipzig. Im Mittelalter, damals, als man das Schießpulver noch nicht erfunden hatte, lag mitten in Deutschland eine Stadt, die Schilda hieß, und ihre Einwohner nannte man deshalb die Schildbürger. Viel weniger bekannt ist, daß weitaus die meisten dieser Geschichten auf ein Büchlein zurückgehen, das zuerst im Ein Jahr nachdem in Straßburg das Lalebuch erschien, kam in Frankfurt dessen erweiterte Fassung "Die Schildbürger", ein Spottbuch auf das Städtebürgertum, in die Die Bürger von Schilda. Auf unserer seite werden neben den technisch erforderlichen Cookies noch Cookies zur statistischen Auswertung gesetzt.

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Sie gewähr-leistet eine Kontinuität in der wissen-schaftlichen Langzeituntersuchung jugendlicher Lebenswelten, die in Deutschland und weit darüber hinaus ihresgleichen sucht. Die Shell Jugendstudie stützt sich auf eine repräsentativ zusammengesetzte Stichprobe von Jugendlichen im Alter vonbisJahren aus den alten und Die Shell Jugendstudie unterscheidet traditionell seit fünf soziale Schich-ten, die über den familiären Bildungs-hintergrund der Jugendlichen und die verfügbaren Die Shell-Jugendstudie. Mit% PDF On 3,, Mathias Albert and others published Die Shell Jugendstudie – Eine Generation meldet sich zu Wort Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Info-Flyer zur Shell Jugendstudie (PDF) Als Langzeitberichterstattung ermöglicht die Shell Jugendstudie es, Entscheidern eine Grundlage für gesellschaftliches und politisches Handeln bereitzustellen Sie wünschen sich Shell Jugendstudie untersucht, wie die Generation der bis Jährigen heute in Deutschland aufwächst: Welche Rolle spielen Familie und Freunde, Schule und Beruf, Info-Flyer zur Shell Jugendstudie (PDF) Als Langzeitberichterstattung ermöglicht die Shell Jugendstudie es, Entscheidern eine Grundlage für gesellschaftliches und politisches Die Shell Jugendstudie stützt sich auf eine repräsentativ zusammengesetzte Stichprobe von Jugendlichen im Alter vonbisJahren aus den alten und neuen Bundesländern, die von geschulten TNS-Infratest-Interviewern zu ihrer Lebenssituation und zu ihren Einstellungen und Orientierungen persönlich befragt wurden Shell Jugendstudie setzen wir die jahrzehntelange Tradition des Unter-nehmens Shell fort, die Jugendforschung in Deutschland zu fördern. von Dr. Viola Neu. vom Die Shell-Jugendstudie (1) beschreibt die Jugendlichen als pragmatisch und leistungsbereit. Die aktuelle Shell Jugendstudie Die Shell Jugendstudie unterscheidet traditionell seit fünf soziale Schich-ten, die über den familiären Bildungs-hintergrund der Jugendlichen und die verfügbaren materiellen Ressourcen de-finiert werden% der Jugendlichen ge-hören demnach zur oberen Schicht und% zur oberen Mittelschicht.

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Manual formador de formadores pdf
Rating: 4.5 / 5 (1518 votes)
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Esta metodología llamada self-study, la definen Ritter y Bullock () como “una metodología importante a través de la cual los formadores de docentes en todas las etapas de sus carreras construyen el conocimiento profesional de la práctica” Se basa en los fundamentos establecidos en el Módulo 1, Cooperación en el lugar de trabajo y tiene el objetivo de actividades. INSTRUCTIVO NoPROGRAMA DE FORMADOR DE FORMADORESCon el ánimo contar con una herramienta de formación y de asistencia técnica en el nivel territorial, para fortalecer la promoción y la gestión de la Organización de Acción Comunal con herramientas conceptuales y metodológicas que le mación de docentes llevada a cabo por sus protagonistas, los formadores de formadores. Bogotá: OIT/ Programa SCORE Colombia,p. Ellos no son miembros del personal, pero deben acatar el Código de Conducta. ♦ Identificar los elementos necesarios en una programación didáctica y sus características INSTRUCTIVO NoPROGRAMA DE FORMADOR DE FORMADORES. de Formador de Formadores, con la aplicación de herramientas modernas de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación – TICs, mediante Formación a Distancia, en dos En la detección de necesidades de formación, se hace necesario realizar un formulario, especifica qué aspectos han de tratarseFormador de Formadores ♦ El Proceso de UNFPA Guatemala Formadores de formadores, descubriendo la propia voz a través del self-studyprofesor. La formación inicial requiere pensar de una manera diferente tanto los contenidos, como El Módulobrinda formación sobre segu-ridad y salud. Seguridad en el trabajo, salud en el trabajo, productividad, participación de los trabajadores, comunicación en el trabajo, manual para formadores, trabajo en equipo, organización del trabajo, estrategia empresarial, empresa(impreso) La Figura del FormadorFormador de Formadores Programación de la Formación ♦ Detección de Necesidades ♦ La Programación Didáctica I ♦ La Programación Didáctica II ♦ Descubrir la importancia de detectar necesidades formativas. Definición de Formador: El término de formador se refiere al personal encargado de capacitar a instructores, cuidadores y profesores (Módulo I). Definición de Participantes: El término participantes se refiere a aquellos quienes reciben capacitación Manual del formador.

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Unorganized workers engaged as home-based workers, street The details of funds allocated and utilized under the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan (PM-SYM) scheme during each of the last three years and the current year is as A pension scheme for unorganised workers namely Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) to ensure old age protection for Unorganised Workers. The unorganised workers mostly engaged as home based workers, street vendors, mid-day meal workers, head loaders, brick kiln workers, cobblers, rag pickers, domestic workers, washer men, rickshaw Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan is a voluntary and contributory Pension Scheme for Unorganized Workers for entry age oftoyears with monthly income of Rs Later, facility will be provided where the UW can also visit the PM-SYM portal or can download the mobile app and self-register using Aadhar number/ savings bank account/ han Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM)1 to ensure old age protection for Unorganized Workers. Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan is a voluntary and contributory Pension Scheme for Unorganized Workers for entry age oftoyears with monthly income of Rs or less A pension scheme for unorganised workers namely Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) to ensure old age protection for Unorganised Workers. Open. The unorganised It helps members understand their rights, procedures, and how to navigate EPFO services efficiently. Open Maandhan.

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Ces fiches permettent de résumer simplement de nombreuses oeuvres abordées durant l'année de Nos fiches de lecture 6ème sont en lien avec ces thèmes. Ils aident les élèves à mieux comprendre les livres étudiés en fournissant des résumés détaillés et des analyses Vous trouverez ici toutes les fiches de lecture étudiées en Français 6ème. Une fiche de lecture se prépare en lisant le livre Cette fiche de lecture de 6ème, adopte une approche concise et claire pour analyser le livre lu. Ces fiches permettent de résumer simplement de nombreuses oeuvres abordées durant l'année de 6ème Voici un exemple de fiche de lecture que vous pouvez télécharger en PDF et imprimer gratuitement (cliquez-ici). Grâce à ces ressources disponibles en téléchargement, les élèves peuvent s’entraîner au travers d’un parcours Une fiche de lecture sert à conserver en mémoire les informations utiles tirées de la lecture d’un livre, d’un recueil, ou d’un article. Dans cette fiche de lecture, nous plongeons dans l'univers épique de l'Odyssée d'Homère, un incontournable de la littérature antique, adapté pour les élèves de 6ème. Elle se compose de plusieurs sections essentielles: Analyse du livre Vous trouverez ici toutes les fiches de lecture étudiées en Français 6ème. Découvrons ensemble les aventures palpitantes d'Ulysse à travers les mers, les épreuves qu'il affronte, ainsi que les thèmes et les leçons intemporels que cette Une fiche de lecture sert à conserver en mémoire les informations utiles tirées de la lecture d’un livre, d’un recueil, ou d’un article. Bonne lecture! Une fiche de lecture se prépare en lisant Mon cahier de lecture et d'écriture(Édition) –parcours conçus comme des itinéraires de découverte, ludiques et variés, pour mettre en œuvre les compétences du Les exemples de fiches de lecture en PDF pour le collège sont de précieux outils d’apprentissage.

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Bayesian statistics the fun way pdf

Bayesian statistics the fun way pdf
Rating: 4.3 / 5 (3403 votes)
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Probability and statistics are increasingly important in a huge range of professions. Fun guide to learning Bayesian statistics and probability through unusual and illustrative examples Fun guide to learning Bayesian statistics and probability through unusual and illustrative examples. Fun guide Fun guide to learning Bayesian statistics and probability through unusual and illustrative examples. This book will give you a complete understanding of Bayesian statistics through simple explanations and un-boring examples. But many people use data in ways they don't even understand, meaning they aren't getting the most from it. This book covers probability, Bayes' theorem, prior probabilities, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, and more Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way will change that. Bayesian statistics, on the other hand, is When doing Bayesian statistics, we’re just trying to accurately describe what we believe about the world given the information we have. Download PDFBayesian Statistics The Fun Way: Understanding Statistics And Probability With Star Wars, Lego, And Rubber Ducks [EPUB] [srvha0pp7k40]. Frequentist statistics is founded on the idea that probability represents the frequency with which something happens. One particularly nice thing about Bayesian statistics is that, because we can view it simply as reasoning about uncertain things, all of the tools and techniques of Bayesian statistics make intuitive sense Download PDFBayesian Statistics The Fun Way: Understanding Statistics And Probability With Star Wars, Lego, And Rubber Ducks [EPUB] [srvha0pp7k40]. And you'll learn real skills, like how toHow to measure your own level of Introduction. Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way will change that Learn Bayesian statistics through simple explanations and un-boring examples, such as UFOs, Han Solo, and conspiracy theories. Find out the probability of UFOs landing in your garden, how likely Han Solo is to survive a flight through an asteroid shower, how to win an argument about conspiracy Probability and statistics are increasingly important in a huge range of Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way gets you understanding the theory behind data analysis without making you slog through a load of dry concepts firstwith no programming By using these off-the-beaten-track examples, the author actually makes learning statistics fun.

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Vocabulario en ingles y pronunciacion

Vocabulario en ingles y pronunciacion
Rating: 4.6 / 5 (1474 votes)
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Abajo hay listas de palabras clasificadas por temas que te ayudarán a mejorar tu vocabulario inglés. ciclomotor. train. tram. rows · Las palabras más usadas en el inglés hablado y escrito con ellas Listas de vocabulario en inglés con pronunciación para escuchar y los mejores tips para memorizarlo y no olvidarlo jamás Get pronunciations of thousands of words in British and American English from the Cambridge English Dictionary with phonetic transcriptions and audio of the words Vocabulario en inglés. truck (lorry UK) camión. Sección donde encontrarás listas de vocabulario organizado por temas en inglés-español con imágenes y pronunciación tren. Vocabulario en inglés ordenado entemas Obtén definiciones claras y escucha la pronunciación de palabras y expresiones en inglés británico y americano de los tres diccionarios de inglés más populares de Cambridge: el Técnica de asociación visual: Esta técnica puedes emplearla de distintas maneras: Puedes empezar poniendo el nombre en inglés de cada cosa que te rodea, con un sticker donde apuntes su nombre y su pronunciación es suficiente recuerda que las palabras más importantes para ti, son aquellas que usarás en el contexto donde te desenvuelves Las palabras más usadas en inglés Vocabulario con pronunciación y traducción Descarga los vocabularios en archivo PDF: Índice scooter. tranvía.

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Escribe los verbos en su forma continua (estar + gerundio)Mis amigos y yo (escuchar) el nuevo disco de Vicente AmigoJuan siempre (discutir) con cualquier persona(yo/oír) como van llegando los motoristas a la ciudadMientras (vosotros/escribir) la lista, yo ordeno la estantería(yo/ir) de camino a Estar + Gerundio en Español – Ejercicios en PDF. ¡Hola! a. Estoy cocinando. b. (Indica que en este momento estoy en el proceso de comer). ,  · ESTAR + GERUNDIO. Escribe la forma correcta de estar + gerundioNo salgas ahora,(llover) demasiado(yo, ,  · Estar + gerundio describen una acción en proceso, en desarrollo. Rafael estudia español desde haceaños. la cena La imagen que creamos en la mente de nuestro interlocutor no es estática, no está quieta, ,  · School subject: Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) () Main content: Estar + gerundio () 2,  · LLEVAR ESTAR + GERUNDIOSustituye el verbo por estar o llevar + GERUNDIO. (Muestra que alguien está estudiando en este momento). Ahora leo un libro porque  · La construcción estar + gerundio en español es una perífrasis verbal que expresa una acción que se encuentra en curso en el momento del habla y que tiene una Todo tipo de verbos. Se utiliza para indicar que una acción está ocurriendo en el momento presente. Gracias por utilizar nuestros recursos para practicar español. Por ejemplo: Estoy comiendo. Está estudiando. El gerundio se forma cambiando las terminaciones -AR/-ER-IR por -ANDO/-IENDO, “Yo estoy cocinando ahorita.”Completa el cuadro a la izquierda y luego usa seis verbos en Verbo Gerundio gerundio para completar las oraciones ESTAR + GERUNDIO Escribe la forma correcta de estar + gerundioNo salgas ahora,(llover) demasiado.2 Acciones en progreso: Esta es la función principal del “estar + gerundio”. Esta hoja de trabajo fue diseñada para ayudarte a practicar las reglas gramaticales sobre las perífrasis durativas con el verbo ESTAR + gerundio en español, una estructura muy útil en las conversaciones cotidianas para La estructura ESTAR + gerundio se utiliza para hablar de acciones en progreso, es ir, perífrasis durativas.

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The main points will be covered in one chapter. It was originally published by The reader emerges with a thorough grasp of how to choose strategy, how to execute dual-purpose attacks, how to defend with contact plays, how to force his opponent into 8,  · Elementary Go SeriesVolAttack and Defense (by Akira Ishida and James Davies)Free download as PDF File.pdf) or view presentation slides online Download PDFGrandmaster Preparation: Attack And Defence [PDF] [7mlm1l3j0jp0]. king is located. It takes four moves to capture one stone, even in the efficient shape shown in Dia SET STRONG VERBAL BOUNDARIES. The superiority is fleeting in nature and sw This will require less space. (ADRP pg) ll provide ing chess is conceptually quite simple: the idea is that an advantage in a small area of the board can be more important than a breakdown on the rest of the board, if that small part of the board is where the. ISBNpp. Good verbal skills are an effective self-defense tool, one you’re likely to use more frequently and successfully than any physical technique. By In this tutorial, we provide a comprehensive overview on the frontiers and advances of adversarial attacks and their countermeasures. To see why, consider the simplest possible case, the attack and defense of an isolated stone. The fifth volume in the Elementary Go Series, Attack and Defense is written by Ishida Akira and James Davies. Learn how, when, where, and why to attack and defend in the game of Go When a predator engages you in conversation, he’s actually “interviewing” you to see if you’ll make a good victim attack and defense by akira ishida and james daviesFree download as PDF File.pdf) or view presentation slides online. (ADRP pg) CENTER OF GRAVITY(COG)That characteristic, capability or locality from which a force derives its freedom of action, strength or will to act. One reason for this is that defense is intrinsically easier than attack. In particular, we give a detailed ATTACK An attack is an offensive operation that destroys or defeats an enemy force, seizes and secures terrain and or both. Jacob Aagaard presents the main properties of how to attack and defend in chess.

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Manzana para dos pdf
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Los autores de Pijama para dos han tenido acceso al archivo secreto de la serpiente y ponen al descubierto su estrategia, burlando la censura de quien, por encima de todo, desea pasar desapercibido. Al ángel caído le dio un ataque de envidium tremens cuando vio que el matrimonio era una Sí, puedes acceder a Manzana para dos de Teresa Díez, Alfonso Basallo en formato PDF o ePUB, así como a otros libros populares de Theology & Religion y Christianity. Aquí te damos la posibilidad de adquirir el libro MANZANA PARA DOS en varias opciones de formato: formato audible, ePub y PDF Manzana para dos habla de cosas muy serias pero con un enfoque «condenadamente» original y «endiabladamente» irónico. Manzana para dos, de Alfonso Basallo y Teresa Díez. Contenido extra Elegir formato: eBook (Epub 2) €. Los autores de la exitosa Pijama para dos reivindican el matrimonio como soporte imprescindible para sobrellevar los Start reading 📖 Manzana para dos for free online and get access to an unlimited library of academic and non-fiction books on Perlego Resumen del libro MANZANA PARA DOS. trabajo de divulgación de Alfonso Basallo Y teresa díezdedicado a exponer en términos de difusión el significado cristiano del amor PlanetadeLibros Resumen y sinopsis de Manzana para dos de Alfonso J. Basallo y Teresa Díez. Leer fragmento. Con MANZANA PARA DOS en PDF, ePUB ó Audio. Autores. Opiniones. Estás buscando el libro MANZANA PARA DOS, llegaste al lugar a uado. Leer más. Tenemos más de un millón de libros disponibles en nuestro catálogo para que explores Manzana para dos ebook ∣ La historia de Adán, Eva y el matrimonio contada por la serpiente · Planeta Testimonio By Alfonso Basallo Manzana para dos revela que muchos de los problemas de la vida en pareja tienen que ver con las trampas que el ángel caído tiende a la mujer. Ficha Técnica.

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Manual de patronaje masculino-pdf

Parachute games pdf
Rating: 4.9 / 5 (3679 votes)
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Ball Roll Looking for more interesting parachute games for your kids to play? Children holding those numbers immediately release their grip on the chute and run towards the next vacated place. Parachute activities are among the most memorable physical education experiences of a young child’s life. Shake to make them pop up like "popcorn". They involve touching the soft parachute fabric, moving beneath it or over it, lying beneath the parachute, watching it rise and fall or even being lifted in it or wrapped upSee more List of Parachute Games & Activities. Call out all odd or even numbers (). Purpose. Children will learn cognitive concepts and will enjoy playing the game Have children around the chute count off by hours. Special Contributions:Deedi Brown Design:Jennifer Truong. At their heart, all parachute games are sensory. Ball Roll: Have the children try to roll the balls into the hole in the middle of the parachute parachute games are sensory. The purpose of the Parachute Play lesson is for children to demonstrate mastery of fundamental skills for a lifetime of sport and recreational activities. Parachute Games Parachute activities are among the Parachute gamesCollaboration EXPLANATION: Games that involve the use of a parachute develop a range of children’s skills and attributes. Popcorn: Place a number of beanbags, small balls, or cottonballs onto the parachute. They involve touching the soft parachute fabric, moving beneath it or over it, lying beneath the parachute, watching it rise and fall or even being lifted in it or wrapped Written by:Lisa Kushner, Amanda Welch, Nick Kline & Aaron Hart. Start them running lightly in a circular fashion holding the chute in one hand. Most importantly, parachute List of Parachute Games & Activities. Check out our article for a comprehensive list of the best ones to try! Popcorn: Place a number of beanbags, small balls, or cottonballs onto the parachute. Special Contributions:Deedi Brown Design:Jennifer Truong. Written by:Lisa Kushner, Amanda Welch, Nick Kline & Aaron Hart. Just seeing the ‘chute creates excitement and joy for most students Parachute Play: Physical Activity Lesson. Shake to make them pop up like "popcorn".

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A Stranger in Town Rockton Series 6 by Kelley Armstrong
A Stranger in Town (Rockton Series #6)

By: Kelley Armstrong

ISBN-13: 9781250801227
“As with the very best series in any genre, the real joy is revisiting people whose lives are still unfolding for us, in a place that feels remarkably real, yet not like anywhere we know….this is a series that covers all the bases.” — St. Louis Post Dispatch Detective Casey Duncan has noticed fewer and fewer residents coming in to the hidden town of Rockton, and no extensions being granted. Her boyfriend, Sheriff Eric Dalton, presumes it’s the natural flux of things, but Casey’s not so sure. It seems like something bigger is happening in the small town they call home. When an injured hiker stumbles from the woods, someone who seems to have come to the Yukon for a wilderness vacation but instead is now fighting for her life, it’s all hands on deck. What – or who – attacked this woman, and why? With the woman unconscious, and no leads, Casey and Eric don’t know where the threat is coming from. Plus, the residents of their deeply secretive town are uneasy with this stranger in their midst. Everyone in Rockton wants this mystery solved – and fast. In the next riveting thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong, the paranoia increases – along with the stakes – as the town of Rockton tries to solve the latest mystery at their door in A Stranger in Town .
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A Murder for the Sages by Amy Lillard
A Murder for the Sages

By: Amy Lillard

ISBN-13: 9781496733498
Twenty-something advice columnist and amateur sleuth Sissy Yoder loves helping out at her Aunt Bethel’s Sunflower Café in Yoder, Kansas. It connects her to family, to the close-knit community—and to the suspicious events that always seem to bubble beneath small-town life . . . The unusual death of local herb farmer, Ginger Reed, is the talk of Yoder. Naturally, Sissy is intrigued. The official report classifies Ginger’s demise as an accident, concluding that she ran herself over with a tractor. But Sissy’s cousin, Naomi, a friend and longtime employee of Ginger’s, insists that’s impossible. When she asks for Sissy’s help in unearthing the truth, Sissy’s on the case—accompanied as ever by her loyal Yorkie companion, Duke . . . The deeper Sissy digs, the longer the list of suspects grows—and none of them are Ginger. Near the top is Ginger’s resentful sister-in-law, Mallory. Next is Naomi’s brother, Lloyd, who’s bitter about the oil derrick presumably pumping black gold from Ginger’s land—land that once belonged to his family. Naomi herself could be a suspect—it’s her tractor, after all. But the investigation stalls when Naomi makes a shocking turnaround in her story. Is she lying? And if so, why? Then a missing dog, a desperate lawyer, and a teenage con artist are added to the mix, and the puzzle becomes hopelessly complicated. If Sissy doesn’t solve it quickly, she’ll be lost in the weeds as a killer reaps a deadly harvest . . .
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A Sleight of Shadows by Kat Howard
A Sleight of Shadows

By: Kat Howard

ISBN-13: 9781534426825
Return to Kat Howard’s Alex Award­–winning world begun in An Unkindness of Magicians as Sydney struggles with the reality of losing her powers—and the lengths she’ll go to get her magic back. After taking down the source of corruption of the Unseen World, Sydney is left with almost no magical ability. Feeling estranged from herself, she is determined to find a way back to her status as one of the world’s most dangerous magicians. Unfortunately, she needs to do this quickly: the House of Shadows, the hell on earth that shaped her into who she was, the place she sacrificed everything to destroy, is rebuilding itself. “ The House of Shadows sits on Bones. All of the sacrifices, all of the magicians who died in Shadows, they’re buried beneath the foundations. Bones hold magic .” The magic of the Unseen World is acting strangely, faltering, bleeding out from the edges. Determined to keep the House of Shadows from returning to power and to defeat the magicians who want nothing more than to have it back, Sydney turns to extremes in a desperate attempt to regain her sacrificed magic. She is forced to decide what she will give up and what she will lose and whether what must be destroyed is not on the House of Shadows, but the Unseen World itself. World Fantasy Award finalist Kat Howard has written a sequel that asks how you have a happily ever after in a world that doesn’t want it, where the cost of that happiness may be too much to bear.
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Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

By: Judith Viorst

ISBN-13: 9780689711732
A Latino-centric movie adaptation is coming soon to Disney+! From children’s book legend Judith Viorst comes the perennially popular tale of Alexander’s worst day. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day is a story that belongs on every child’s bookshelf. Alexander could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. He went to sleep with gum in his mouth and woke up with gum in his hair. When he got out of bed, he tripped over his skateboard and by mistake dropped his sweater in the sink while the water was running. He could tell it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Nothing at all was right. Everything went wrong, right down to lima beans for supper and kissing on TV. What do you do on a day like that? Well, you may think about going to Australia. You may also be glad to find that some days are like that for other people too.
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A Whisper in the Walls by Scott Reintgen
A Whisper in the Walls

By: Scott Reintgen

ISBN-13: 9781665930468
In this sequel to the New York Times bestselling, “pulse-pounding” ( Publishers Weekly ) A Door in the Dark , Ren’s intellect and cunning are stretched to the limit in her quest to take down the system that stole her father’s life. Ren Monroe is one step closer to avenging her father's death. Bonding with Theo Brood has allowed her to infiltrate one of the oldest houses in Kathor. But Theo’s father is playing his own game. He exiles Theo, isolating Ren in an attempt to break the unwelcome grasp she has on his son. Ren might possess more resources than she ever imagined growing up, but her plans of revenge will vanish without allies. Enter House Tin Vori. Years ago, the Broods led an unprecedented raid to destroy one of the other ancient houses. Their only mistake was not finishing the job. A few of the Tin Vori siblings survived, and they haven’t forgotten the crimes committed against their family that fateful night. Quietly, they’ve plotted their own revenge, waiting for just the right moment to strike. And Ren Monroe might be their best chance. Like fire, the Tin’Vori siblings are as dangerous as they are useful, both gifted in rare magics. Ren must decide how to unleash them against House Brood without hurting Theo in the process. Her feelings for Theo are growing past the boundaries of their bond, and Ren finds herself balanced on a knife’s edge, a breath away from immense power or utter ruin.
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Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
Angels and Demons

By: Dan Brown

ISBN-13: 9780743493468
The explosive Robert Langdon thriller from Dan Brown, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Da Vinci Code and Inferno —now a major film directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks and Felicity Jones. An ancient secret brotherhood. A devastating new weapon of destruction. An unthinkable target. When world-renowned Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned to his first assignment to a Swiss research facility to analyze a mysterious symbol—seared into the chest of a murdered physicist—he discovers evidence of the unimaginable: the resurgence of an ancient secret brotherhood known as the Illuminati...the most powerful underground organization ever to walk the earth. The Illuminati has now surfaced to carry out the final phase of its legendary vendetta against its most hated enemy—the Catholic Church. Langdon’s worst fears are confirmed on the eve of the Vatican’s holy conclave, when a messenger of the Illuminati announces they have hidden an unstoppable time bomb at the very heart of Vatican City. With the countdown under way, Langdon jets to Rome to join forces with Vittoria Vetra, a beautiful and mysterious Italian scientist, to assist the Vatican in a desperate bid for survival. Embarking on a frantic hunt through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, deserted cathedrals, and the most secretive vault on earth, Langdon and Vetra follow a 400-year-old trail of ancient symbols that snakes across Rome toward the long-forgotten Illuminati lair...a clandestine location that contains the only hope for Vatican salvation. Critics have praised the exhilarating blend of relentless adventure, scholarly intrigue, and cutting wit found in Brown’s remarkable thrillers featuring Robert Langdon. An explosive international suspense, Angels & Demons marks this hero’s first adventure as it careens from enlightening epiphanies to dark truths as the battle between science and religion turns to war.
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A Nol Killing Provenal Mystery 8 by M. L. Longworth
A Noël Killing (Provençal Mystery #8)

By: M. L. Longworth

ISBN-13: 9780143134060
Christmastime in the south of France is as beautiful as ever, but when a shady local businessman drops dead in the middle of the festivities, Verlaque and Bonnet must solve the case while keeping the holiday spirit alive. Provençal Mystery Series #8 Watch the series! Murder in Provence is now on Britbox. Antoine Verlaque, examining magistrate for the beautiful town of Aix-en-Provence, doesn't like Christmas. The decorations appear in the shops far too early, festive tourists swarm the streets, and his beloved Cours Mirabeau is lined with chalets selling what he regards as tacky trinkets. But his wife and partner Marine Bonnet is determined to make this a Christmas they can both enjoy, beginning with the carol sing at the Cathedral Saint Sauveur, a beautiful service in a packed church. Just as the holiday cheer is in full swing, a man is poisoned, sending the community into a tailspin. The list of suspects, Verlaque and Bonnet quickly discover, almost fills the church itself, from the visiting vendors at the Christmas fair to the victim’s unhappy wife and his disgruntled business partner. In A Noël Killing , with the help of an ever-watchful young woman named France, the pair must solve the murder while the spirit of the season attempts to warm Verlaque’s stubborn heart. “Full of gourmet meals, silky wines, and sumptuous homes, these cozy mysteries transport you to the south of France . . . Perfect for the gourmands or Francophiles in your life.” — Slate
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A Great Reckoning Chief Inspector Gamache Series 12 by Louise Penny
A Great Reckoning (Chief Inspector Gamache Series #12)

By: Louise Penny

ISBN-13: 9781250022110
Instant New York Times bestseller: #1 in Hardcover Fiction #1 in E-book Fiction #1 in Combined Print and E-book Fiction "Deep and grand and altogether extraordinary....Miraculous." — The Washington Post "Artful...Powerful...Magical." - The New York Times Book Review "Superb" - People “ A Great Reckoning succeeds on every level." — St. Louis Post-Dispatch #1 New York Times bestselling author Louise Penny pulls back the layers to reveal a brilliant and emotionally powerful truth in her latest spellbinding novel. When an intricate old map is found stuffed into the walls of the bistro in Three Pines, it at first seems no more than a curiosity. But the closer the villagers look, the stranger it becomes. Given to Armand Gamache as a gift the first day of his new job, the map eventually leads him to shattering secrets. To an old friend and older adversary. It leads the former Chief of Homicide for the Sûreté du Québec to places even he is afraid to go. But must. And there he finds four young cadets in the Sûreté academy, and a dead professor. And, with the body, a copy of the old, odd map. Everywhere Gamache turns, he sees Amelia Choquet, one of the cadets. Tattooed and pierced. Guarded and angry. Amelia is more likely to be found on the other side of a police line-up. And yet she is in the academy. A protégée of the murdered professor. The focus of the investigation soon turns to Gamache himself and his mysterious relationship with Amelia, and his possible involvement in the crime. The frantic search for answers takes the investigators back to Three Pines and a stained glass window with its own horrific secrets. For both Amelia Choquet and Armand Gamache, the time has come for a great reckoning.
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A Lonely Death Inspector Ian Rutledge Series 13 by Charles Todd
A Lonely Death (Inspector Ian Rutledge Series #13)

By: Charles Todd

ISBN-13: 9780061726200
Scotland Yard detective Ian Rutledge returns to solve his most exciting and shocking case yet in this latest entry in the bestselling series hailed as "outstanding" by the New York Times Book Review A breathtaking blend of psychological complexity, haunting atmosphere, compelling twists, and impressive detail, the novels in the Ian Rutledge mystery series have garnered their author widespread acclaim and numerous honors and awards. At the heart of the series is the compelling Scotland Yard detective inspector Ian Rutledge, a veteran of the Great War who understands all too well the darkness that lies within men's souls. Now three men have been murdered in a Sussex village, and Scotland Yard has been called in. It's a baffling case. The victims are soldiers who survived the horrors of World War I only to meet a ghastly end in the quiet English countryside two years later. Each had been garroted, with small ID discs left in their mouths. But even Scotland Yard's presence doesn't deter this vicious and clever killer. Shortly after Inspector Ian Rutledge arrives, a fourth soldier is found dead. With few clues to go on and the pressure building, Rutledge must gamble everything—his job, his reputation, and even his life—to find answers.
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A Year Full of Pots Container Flowers for All Seasons by Sarah Raven
A Year Full of Pots: Container Flowers for All Seasons

By: Sarah Raven

ISBN-13: 9781526667472
Master the art of growing flowers in pots year round with inspiration from stunning full-color images and expert advice from the Sunday Times bestselling author of A Year Full of Flowers . Growing flowers in pots is a charming and accessible way to enhance any space, from large gardens to small city apartments. Get the pots right, and your garden will take on a cheerful energy of its own. They are the bubbles in the champagne, the cherries on the cake, the final flourish that brings a beautiful garden to life. And with pots, there is one iron rule: more is more. Discover practical design tips that will enhance your containers. Use ingenious tricks when combining flower colors such as choosing a BRIDE (the star of the show), a BRIDESMAID (similar to the bride but smaller and less conspicuous), and a GATECRASHER (the color contrast, which brings the whole thing to life). Learn all about the types of forms and plant structures-THRILLER, FILLER, PILLAR, and SPILLER-and how to put them to best use. And even consider simple concepts with newfound importance, like mounting flower pots onto a wall or elevating them to the table so you see more of them, for instant impact. Following the seasons, A Year Full of Pots shows you how to make your own evolving tapestry of color through long-lasting container combinations.
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A Morbid Taste for Bones Brother Cadfael Series 1 by Ellis Peters
A Morbid Taste for Bones (Brother Cadfael Series #1)

By: Ellis Peters

ISBN-13: 9781497671058
The “irresistible” and “compelling” first novel in the historical mystery series featuring a Welsh Benedictine monk in the twelfth century ( The Washington Post ). A Welsh Benedictine monk living at Shrewsbury Abbey in western England, Brother Cadfael spends much of his time tending the herbs and vegetables in the garden—but now there’s a more pressing matter. Cadfael is to serve as translator for a group of monks heading to the town of Gwytherin in Wales. The team’s goal is to collect the holy remains of Saint Winifred, which Prior Robert hopes will boost the abbey’s reputation, as well as his own. But when the monks arrive in Gwytherin, the town is divided over the request. When the leading opponent to disturbing the grave is found shot dead with a mysterious arrow, some believe Saint Winifred herself delivered the deadly blow. Brother Cadfael knows an earthly hand did the deed, but his plan to root out a murderer may dig up more than he can handle. Before CSI and Law & Order , there was Brother Cadfael, “wily veteran of the Crusades” ( Los Angeles Times ). His knowledge of herbalism, picked up in the Holy Land, and his skillful observance of human nature are blessings in dire situations, and earned Ellis Peters a Crime Writers’ Association Silver Dagger Award. A Morbid Taste for Bones kicks off a long-running and much-loved series that went on to be adapted for stage, radio, and television.
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100 Sight Words Kindergarten Workbook Ages 46 A Whimsical Learn to Read Write Adventure Activity Book for Kids with Unicorns Mermaids More Includes Flash Cards by Big Dreams Art Supplies
100 Sight Words Kindergarten Workbook Ages 4-6: A Whimsical Learn to Read & Write Adventure Activity Book for Kids with Unicorns, Mermaids, & More: Includes Flash Cards!

By: Big Dreams Art Supplies!

ISBN-13: 9781945056956
Sight Word Learning Made FUN! This adorable 125 page workbook for preschool and kindergarten kids is full of fun illustrations to keep each child engaged and interested in learning the most high frequency sight words. It also includes pages of flash cards of all 100 sight words for extra practice and a cute certificate of achievement upon completion. Here's a preview of what you'll get from this great sight words practice book: 100 pages of the most important sight words for beginning readers Adorable and cute illustrations Bonus! 100 flash cards for further practice Top quality 60lb paper that prevents crayons, markers, or colored pencils from bleeding through. This book is the perfect size at 8.5 x 11 inches with plenty of room for small hands. Each page is simply lots of fun and keeps your child busy with mind stimulating exercises. Each page was crafted specifically for children with big dreams. Learning sight words can be fun, but of course it also develops brain power! This book also helps parents have a little time to themselves while your child is engrossed in learning fun. Get your copy today if you know a child who loves to learn! It makes a wonderfully fun gift!
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A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand
A Haunting on the Hill

By: Elizabeth Hand

ISBN-13: 9780316527323
From award-winning author Elizabeth Hand comes the first-ever novel authorized to return to the world of Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House — a "scary and beautifully written" (Neil Gaiman) new story of isolation and longing perfect for our present time. **Named a Best Book of the Year by The New Yorker, The Washington Post, and Harper's Bazaar ** Open the door . . . .    Holly Sherwin has been a struggling playwright for years, but now, after receiving a grant to develop her play Witching Night , she may finally be close to her big break. All she needs is time and space to bring her vision to life. When she stumbles across Hill House on a weekend getaway upstate, she is immediately taken in by the mansion, nearly hidden outside a remote village. It’s enormous, old, and ever-so eerie—the perfect place to develop and rehearse her play.   Despite her own hesitations, Holly’s girlfriend, Nisa, agrees to join Holly in renting the house for a month, and soon a troupe of actors, each with ghosts of their own, arrive. Yet as they settle in, the house’s peculiarities are made known: strange creatures stalk the grounds, disturbing sounds echo throughout the halls, and time itself seems to shift.  All too soon, Holly and her friends find themselves at odds not just with one another, but with the house itself. It seems something has been waiting in Hill House all these years, and it no longer intends to walk alone . . . "A fitting—and frightening—homage." — New York Times Book Review "It’s thrilling to find this is a true hybrid of these two ingenious women’s work—a novel with all the chills of Jackson that also highlights the contemporary flavor and evocative writing of Hand." — Washington Post "Only the brilliant Elizabeth Hand could so expertly honor Jackson's rage, wit, and vision." —Paul Tremblay "Eerily beautiful, strangely seductive, and genuinely upsetting." —Alix E. Harrow
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417 More Games Puzzles Trivia Challenges Specially Designed to Keep Your Brain Young by Nancy Linde
417 More Games, Puzzles & Trivia Challenges Specially Designed to Keep Your Brain Young

By: Nancy Linde

ISBN-13: 9780761187400
It’s never too late to improve your brain. Achieving and maintaining a higher level of mental fitness can be surprisingly fun—and to your brain, it’s healthy exercise. In this follow-up volume to her bestselling 399 Games, Puzzle & Trivia Challenges Designed to Keep Your Brain Young , Nancy Linde offers a brand-new collection of puzzles, trivia challenges, brainteasers, and word games that are not only great fun to do but are specifically designed to give your brain the kind of workout that stimulates neurogenesis, the process that allows the brain to grow new cells. Cross-train your brain by targeting 6 key cognitive functions: Long-term memory, working memory, executive functioning, attention to detail, multitasking, and processing speed. This is the kind of exercise you’ll want to do, and all it takes is 10 to 15 minutes a day for a full workout.
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A Duke Love Sunshine by Tabetha Waite
A Duke, Love & Sunshine

By: Tabetha Waite

ISBN-13: 9783985361847
In this enchanting Regency romance by multi-award-winning author Tabetha Waite, a spirited landscape architect clashes with an enigmatic Duke, igniting a dance of wit and desire that will leave you breathless. An independent woman hoping to fulfill a dream. A duke who can't seem to ignore his attraction to the lady. Together they uncover their heart's desire. With a spirit that knows no bounds, Miss Iona Richards sets her sights on independence and greatness as a landscape architect in Burnham-On-Sea. However, her ambitious dream encounters an unexpected roadblock in the form of the enigmatic Duke of Rosewood. Thorpe Covington, the Duke of Rosewood, is deeply skeptical of Iona's abilities, yet undeniably drawn to her spirited nature. As she seeks to transform his cottage retreat, a captivating dance of wit and longing ensues between the two. Soon, the duke's stoic façade crumbles under Iona's charm, entwining their hearts in a journey of self-discovery and desire. In the enchanting realm of Burnham-On-Sea, passion, and ambition intertwine, and the Duke of Rosewood finds himself yearning for a love that surpasses society's expectations. In this heartwarming tale, Miss Iona Richards and the Duke of Rosewood uncover a love more vibrant and beautiful than any masterpiece they could have imagined. The Seaside Society of Spinster Series #1 A Duke, Love & Sunshine #2 Between a Rogue and the Deep Blue Sea #3 Drawing Hearts in the Sand
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A Killer in Kings Cove Lane Winslow Series 1 by Iona Whishaw
A Killer in King's Cove (Lane Winslow Series #1)

By: Iona Whishaw

ISBN-13: 9781771511988
A smart and enchanting postwar mystery that will appeal to fans of the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear It is 1946, and war-weary young ex-intelligence officer Lane Winslow leaves London to look for a fresh start. When she finds herself happily settled in King's Cove, a sleepy hamlet nestled in the idyllic interior of British Columbia surrounded by a suitably eclectic cast of small-town characters she feels like she may finally be able to put her past to rest. But then a body is discovered, the victim of murder, and although she works alongside the town’s inspectors Darling and Ames to discover who might possibly have motivation to kill, she casts doubt on herself. As the investigation reveals facts that she has desperately tried to keep a secret, it threatens to pull her into a vortex of even greater losses than the ones she has already endured. A clever postwar mystery that will appeal to fan of historical mysteries with women sleuths like the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear or the Bess Crawford series by Charles Todd.
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2024 Rand McNally Road Atlas National Park Guide by Rand McNally
2024 Rand McNally Road Atlas & National Park Guide

By: Rand McNally

ISBN-13: 9780528027178
Showcasing this country's astonishing beauty, the Rand McNally Road Atlas & National Park Guide is packed with hundreds of photos, essential visitor information, and insightful travel tips for all 63 of America's national parks. And, celebrating its centennial anniversary, a complete 2024 Rand McNally Road Atlas is included to make navigating a breeze! Features: A four-color, 132-page National Park Guide details the best of the best in each park—from trails, drives, and natural wonders to programs, museums, and lodges. Hundreds of photos capture the essence of each park. Park inset maps highlight key points-of-interest. A 100th Anniversary Edition of the Rand McNally Road Atlas for planning and mapping out your trip. Additional Features: Updated maps of every U.S. state, Canadian province, and an overview map of Mexico. Inset maps of over 350 cities and 63 U.S. national parks. Road construction and conditions contact information for every state conveniently located above the maps. Mileage chart showing distances between 90 North American cities and national parks along with a driving times map. Tell Rand! As much as we work to keep our atlases up to date, conditions change quickly and new construction projects begin frequently. If you know of something we haven't captured in our atlas, let us know at Tourism websites and phone numbers for every U.S. state and Canadian province on map pages.
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16th Seduction Womens Murder Club Series 16 by James Patterson
16th Seduction (Women's Murder Club Series #16)

By: James Patterson

ISBN-13: 9781455542666
Still recovering from her husband's betrayal, Detective Lindsay Boxer faces a series of heart-stopping crimes and a deadly conspiracy that threatens to destroy San Francisco. Fifteen months ago, Detective Lindsay Boxer's life was perfect. She had a beautiful child and a doting husband, Joe, who helped her catch a criminal who'd brazenly detonated a bomb in downtown San Francisco, killing twenty-five people. But Joe wasn't everything that Lindsay thought he was, and she's still reeling from his betrayal as a wave of mysterious and possibly unnatural heart attacks claims seemingly unrelated victims across San Francisco. As if that weren't enough, the bomber she and Joe captured is about to go on trial, and his defense raises damning questions about Lindsay and Joe's investigation. Not knowing whom to trust, and struggling to accept the truth about the man she thought she knew, Lindsay must connect the dots of a deadly conspiracy before a brilliant criminal puts her on trial. Filled with the suspense and emotion that have made James Patterson the world's #1 bestselling writer, 16th Seduction is the Women's Murder Club's toughest case yet-and an exhilarating thrill ride from start to finish.
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A Rivalry of Hearts by Tessonja Odette
A Rivalry of Hearts

By: Tessonja Odette

ISBN-13: 9781955960274
Two rival writers. One prestigious publishing contract. A bargain of hearts and seduction. They say never bargain with the fae. They also say don't get drunk on fae wine. Yet romance author Edwina Danforth has managed a blunder with both on her first visit to the infamous faelands. Now she's trapped in a magic-fueled bet she barely remembers with a man she'd be happier to forget. The terms? Whoever can bed the most lovers during their month-long dueling book tour wins a coveted publishing contract. The win should be easy for Edwina. She's known for penning scintillating tales of whirlwind romance. There's just one problem: her imagination vastly exceeds her bedroom experience. But when failure means plummeting her career back into obscurity, losing isn't an option. Her handsome fae rival, William Haywood, poses an even greater challenge. Not only are his looks as aggravatingly perfect as his track record behind closed doors, but he has his own reasons for playing to win, and he won't go down without a fight. Unless, of course, it's a different kind of going down. In that case, he's fair game. Edwina and William clash in a rivalry of romance. But what happens when their objects of desire...turn out to be each other? A Rivalry of Hearts is a spicy standalone adult fantasy romcom in the Fae Flings and Corset Strings series. Every book in this interconnected series is a complete story and ends with a HEA. If you like academic rivals, enemies to lovers, and quirky heroines, then you'll love this sizzling tale. The Fae Flings and Corset Strings series is set in the same world as The Fair Isle Trilogy and Entangled with Fae . Journey back to this beloved fae world or fall in love for the first time.
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15 Minute Meals Truly Quick Recipes that Dont Taste like Shortcuts Quick Easy Cooking Methods Fast Meals NoPrep Vegetables by Ali Rosen
15 Minute Meals: Truly Quick Recipes that Don't Taste like Shortcuts (Quick & Easy Cooking Methods, Fast Meals, No-Prep Vegetables)

By: Ali Rosen

ISBN-13: 9781684812578
Efficient, Delicious, Lazy Dinner Ideas “… 15 Minute Meals is an absolute game-changer for parents who strive to nourish their kids without compromising on taste or quality.” ― Leah Cohen , professional chef, tv host, and cookbook author #1 Best Seller in Budget Cooking, Cookbooks Food & Wine, Quick & Easy Cooking, Natural Food Cooking, and Gourmet Cooking Discover the ultimate time-saving solution with 15 Minute Meals . This indispensable guide to fast, flavorful, and healthy family recipes by James Beard, IACP, and Emmy-Nominated Ali Rosen features step-by-step instructions for super quick dinner ideas—actually ready in 15 minutes—to satisfy the busiest person. The ultimate convenience. Full of flavorful dishes packed with no-prep vegetables, this quick meals cookbook provides step-by-step instructions for fast meals without sacrificing taste or quality. Whether you're a busy mom in need of last minute dinner ideas or are seeking easy, fast recipes for dinner, this collection of healthy quick meals transforms your everyday cooking experience. Goodbye stress, hello delicious simplicity. Designed for effortless, satisfying meals, this cookbook presents a variety of quick ideas for dinner that require minimal time and effort. Embrace the convenience of frozen vegetables meals and discover the secrets of healthy, lazy dinner ideas. 15 Minute Meals is your ticket to stress-free, flavorful meals in no time. Inside find: Time-saving tips for preparing meals with no-prep vegetables Step-by-step speedy cooking, perfect for busy individuals and families A must-have resource for those seeking flavorful, healthy family recipes on busy days If you liked Cooking in Real Life , Quick Prep Paleo , or Flavcity's 5 Ingredient Meals , you’ll love 15 Minute Meals .
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A Novel Summer A Novel by Jamie Brenner
A Novel Summer: A Novel

By: Jamie Brenner

ISBN-13: 9780778310846
"The perfect summer beach read! Rival bookshops, second chance romance, friend drama, it was the perfect book to curl up and escape to the Cape.” —Pamela Kelley, bestselling author of Bookshop by the Bay A bestselling author finds love and second chances in the stacks of a quaint beach town bookshop Author Shelby Archer found inspiration for her first novel while living on the picturesque shores of Provincetown on Cape Cod. When she comes to the town to celebrate her new bestseller, she is expecting a warm homecoming. But instead she is confronted with the cold shoulders of friends and neighbors who feel exposed and betrayed.Heartbroken, Shelby tries to move on and focus on her next novel. But then an unexpected call comes: her dear friend who owns the beloved Land's End bookshop needs help for the summer. Shelby reluctantly returns to the Cape to manage the store.Back at the beach, Shelby sets her focus on the tiny seaside shop, getting lost in the shelves of steamy romance novels and dusty classics and trying to right the wrongs of her past. With every page turned and every customer served, Shelby comes closer to gaining back the trust of those she hurt. But as her manuscript deadline nears, she is again forced to choose between her own success and a second chance at love and belonging.
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